Category Archives: Agent/principal

VAT: Financial Services – Flowchart

By   30 June 2022
Financial Services (FS) is a complex area of VAT and the legislation and case law add to that complexity. For ease, I have made a flowchart which I hope may help.

The supply of FS intermediary services may be exempt from VAT, but other types of supplies relating to FS are standard rated (advice, marketing, providing information etc).

With new technology advancing all the time, this adds more difficulties in establishing the correct VAT treatment.

VAT: Exempt insurance intermediation. The Staysure case

By   8 June 2022

Latest from the courts

In the Staysure.Co.UK Limited First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case the issue was whether services of service of generating insurance leads for the appellant fell within the insurance exemption or whether the reverse charge (please see guide below) should be applied.


Staysure is an FCA regulated insurance broker based in the UK which provided travel insurance for people aged 50 or over, home insurance, cover for holiday homes and motor vehicles. It received services from an associated company belonging in Gibraltar.

The services amounted to:

  • the provision of insurance leads online and offline
  • placing targeted advertising in the press, television and online
  • owning and operating the domain and related website:
  • providing insurance quotations via a bespoke quote engine which employed complex algorithms to produce a personalised price for each customer and resulted in an offer which was competitive from the customer’s perspective while also maximising profit for Staysure, the underwriter, and the service provider
  •  reporting on where prospective customers were falling out of the quotation and lead selection process, and in so doing demonstrate opportunities for further product development

If the services were not covered by the relevant exemption, they would be subject to a reverse charge via The Value Added Taxes Act 1994 section 8 by Staysure. As the recipient was not fully taxable, this would create an actual cost when the charge was applied. HMRC considered the service taxable and:

  • registered Staysure on the strength of the deemed self-supply
  • assessed for the input tax which was created by the reverse charge.

The assessment was circa £8 million, penalties of over £1 million plus interest. This was on the basis that HMRC concluded that the supply was taxable marketing rather than exempt intermediary services.


The court decided that the marketing and technology was used to find clients and introduce them to the insurer. The supplier was not supplying advertising, but qualified leads produced by that advertising. The quote engine was not merely technical assistance, but a sophisticated technology which assessed the conditions on which customers might be offered insurance. Consequently, these services were exempt as the supplies of an insurance intermediary (The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 2, item 4) and Staysure was not required to account for UK VAT under the reverse charge.

The appeal was allowed. The services were within the insurance exemption, essentially because they were linked to essential aspects of the work carried out by Staysure, namely the finding of prospective clients and their introduction to the insurer with a view to the conclusion of insurance contracts. 


This is another case on the application of the reverse charge. I looked at a previous case here

However, the judge helpfully summarised the following principles on insurance intermediation after considering previous case law.

  • whether a person is an insurance broker or an insurance agent depends on what they do. How they choose to describe themselves or their activities is not determinative
  • it is not necessary for a person to be carrying out all the functions of an insurance agent or broker for the exemption to be satisfied        
  • it is essential that the person has a relationship with both the insurer and the insured party, but this does not need to be a contractual relationship. The requirement that the person has a relationship with the insurer is satisfied where the person is the subcontractor of a broker, which in turn has a relationship with the insurer
  • where the person is a subcontractor of a broker, the exemption is satisfied:
    • where the relationship with the customer is indirect or where the subcontractor is one of a chain of persons bringing together an insurance company and a potential insured, but;
    • the subcontractor’s services must be linked to the essential aspects of the work of an insurance broker or agent, namely the finding of prospective clients and their introduction to the insurer with a view to the conclusion of insurance contracts


Care should always be taken when outsourcing/offshoring services or in fact, when any business restructuring takes place. The VAT impact of doing so could provide costly. In this case, the distinction between intermediary and marketing services was considered. It went in the taxpayer’s favour, but slightly different arrangements could have created a large VAT hit.


Reverse charge on services received from overseas
Normally, the supplier of a service is the person who must account to the tax authorities for any VAT due on the supply.  However, in certain situations, the position is reversed and it is the customer who must account for any VAT due.  This is known as the ‘Reverse Charge’ procedure.  Generally, the Reverse Charge must be applied to services which are received by a business in the UK VAT free from overseas. 
Accounting for VAT and recovery of input tax.
Where the Reverse Charge procedure applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services.
Value of supply
The value of the deemed supply is to be taken to be the consideration in money for which the services were in fact supplied or, where the consideration did not consist or not wholly consist of money, such amount in money as is equivalent to that consideration.  The consideration payable to the overseas supplier for the services excludes UK VAT but includes any taxes levied abroad.
Time of supply.
The time of supply of such services is the date the supplies are paid for or, if the consideration is not in money, the last day of the VAT period in which the services are performed.
The outcome
The effect of the provisions is that the Reverse Charge has no net cost to the recipient if he can attribute the input tax to taxable supplies and can therefore reclaim it in full. If he cannot, the effect is to put him in the same position as if had received the supply from a UK supplier rather than from one outside the UK. Thus the charge aims to avoid cross border VAT rate shopping. It is not possible to attribute the input tax created directly to the deemed (taxable) supply. 

VAT: Place of belonging. The Berlin Chemie A Menarini case

By   13 April 2022

Latest from the courts

The place of belonging of a business or other person is an important tenet of the tax. I have considered this issue at length here and recent case law here.

A recent CJEU case involved a situation where a business had a registered office in one country and, potentially (hence the appeal) a fixed establishment in another.


“Berlin” used a “third party” to receive certain services. Does this entry represent a fixed establishment for Berlin if it has a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of technical and human resources? If yes, is it is necessary for those human and technical resources to belong to the company receiving the services or whether it is sufficient for that company to have immediate and permanent access to such resources through a related company, of which it is major shareholder?


The wording of Article 44 of the VAT Directive and Article 11(1) of Implementing Regulation No 282/2011 do not provide any details as to whether human and technical resources must belong to the company that receives the services.


The CEUJ ruled that, simple control or ownership, of another entity is insufficient to create a fixed establishment for VAT purposes. Consequently, a third party location does not inevitably represent a fixed establishment by dint of control/ownership.

Having made that comment, the court impressed that the decision should be made “in the context of the economic and commercial reality”.

The analysis of the place of belonging should recognise that it is not necessary for the fixed establishment to own the resources, but there should be control over these resources in the same way as an “owner”.  A fixed establishment is characterised by a suitable structure which enables a business to receive and use services supplied to them for their own needs and not by the decision power of a certain structure that businesses have put in place.


Although an EU case, it could impact UK businesses who make supplies to EU recipients and particularly, if there is a “network” of offices or business locations in various EU Member States. Overseas suppliers to (potentially) UK business with various business premises and structures will need to recognise this ruling in order to establish the place of supply (and hence what country’s VAT and at what rate to apply).

This decision provides some helpful clarity, which may be summarised as: In principle, a subsidiary does not always create a fixed establishment.

VAT – Overseas holiday lets: A warning

By   8 April 2022

Do you, or your clients, own property overseas which you let to third parties when you are not using it yourself?

It is important to understand the VAT consequences of owning property overseas.

The position of UK Holiday Lets

It may not be commonly known that the UK has the highest VAT threshold in the EC. This means that for many ‘sideline’ businesses such as; the rental of second or holiday properties in the UK, the owners, whether they are; individuals, businesses, or pension schemes, only have to consider VAT if income in relation to the property exceeds £85,000 pa, and this is only likely if a number of properties are owned.

It should be noted that, unlike other types of rental of homes, holiday lettings are always taxable for VAT purposes.

Overseas Holiday Lets

EU Member States have nil thresholds for foreign entrepreneurs.  This means that if any rental income is received, VAT registration is likely to be compulsory. Consequently, a property owner that rents out a property abroad will probably have a liability to register for VAT in the country that the property is located.  Failure to comply with the domestic legislation of the relevant Member State may mean; payment of back VAT and interest and fines being levied. VAT registration however, does mean that a property owner can recover input tax on expenditure in connection with the property, eg; agent’s fees, repair and maintenance and other professional costs.  This may be restricted if the home is used for periodical own use.

Given that every country has differing rules and/or procedures to the UK, it is crucial to check all the consequences of letting property overseas. Additionally, if any other services are supplied, eg; transport, this gives rise to a whole new (and significantly more complex) set of VAT rules.

A final word of warning; I quite often hear the comment “I’m not going to bother – how will they ever find out?”

If an overseas property owner based in the UK is in competition with local letting businesses, those businesses generally do not have any compulsion in notifying the local authorities. In addition, I have heard of authorities carrying out very simple initiatives to see if owners are VAT registered. In many resorts, income from tourism is vital and this is a very important revenue stream for them so it is well policed.

Please contact us if you are affected by this matter; we have the resources to advise and act on a worldwide basis.

New Form 64-8 agent authorisation

By   29 March 2022

New 64-8 agent authorisation form

HMRC has issued a notice which states that, from 31 March 2022, businesses taking on new clients will need them to complete a new form 64-8 to give authorisation for them to deal with HMRC on their client’s behalf.

Existing clients do not need to re-authorise their current relationship.


The new form will be available from 31 March 2022 and may be downloaded by searching for “Tax agents and advisers; authorising your agent” on GOV.UK. There is no direct link yet.

The new form is said to improve data protection and allows taxpayers to state which tax regime they want you to access. The form also includes new guidance for taxpayers and what data they are agreeing to share with their agent.

Crime doesn’t pay……..VAT. Is there tax on illegal activities?

By   14 March 2022

A number of people have been surprised to find that crime does pay tax, thank you very much. It seems bad enough that the police should chase and catch you, put you in the dock and send you to prison, without finding that your first visitor is HMRC…. Let’s look at some examples:

Dodgy perfume?

Goodwin & Unstead were in business selling counterfeit perfume. They were also up-front about what they were doing. Unstead claimed that “Everything I can carry in my vehicle, everything I trade in and sell, is a complete copy of the real thing. I do not sell goods as the real thing. In fact I sell my goods for a quarter of the original price. I am not out to defraud or con the public. I only appeal to the poseurs in life.”

The real manufacturers might have sued these men for passing off the product of their chemistry experiments in trademarked bottles, but it was HMRC who sent them to jail – for failing to register and pay VAT on their sales. The amount they should have collected was estimated at £750,000, which shows that they must have appealed to a great many poseurs.

If they had paid the VAT, Customs would have had no problem with them. Their customers must have been reasonably satisfied – if your counterfeit perfume smells something like the real thing, why worry?
They tried to get out of jail with an ingenious argument – if the sale of the perfume was illegal, surely there shouldn’t be VAT on it. It wasn’t legitimate business activity, so it wasn’t something that ought to be taxable. The European Court had no time for this. They pointed out that it would give lawbreakers an advantage over lawful businesses; they wouldn’t have to charge VAT. The judges suggested that maybe people would even deliberately break the law so they could get out of tax; in this case, the only thing that made the trade illegal was treading on someone’s trademark rights, and that was something that might happen at any time in legitimate businesses. The judges said that VAT would apply to any trade which competed in a legal marketplace, even if the particular sales broke the law for some reason. Counterfeit perfume is VATable because real perfume is too. Of course, Customs have traditionally had two main roles – looking for drug smugglers, and dealing with VAT-registered traders. They have generally treated both with much the same suspicion, but the ECJ made it clear in this case that the two sets of customers are completely separate.

“Personal” services?

Customers paid the escort £130, of which £30 was paid to the agency. VAT on £130 or VAT on £30?

The first hearing before the Tribunal went something like this (this may be using artistic licence, but the published summary implies it was so):

HMRC: “We think the VAT should be on £130 because the escorts are acting as agents of the escort business.”
Trader: “No, it’s just £30, the £100 belongs to the escort and is nothing to do with me.”
Tribunal chairman: “All right, tell me a bit about how the business operates.”
Customs: “No.”
Tribunal chairman: “What?”
Customs: “You don’t want to know.”
Tribunal chairman: “How can I decide whether the escorts are acting as agent or principals without knowing how the business operates?”
Customs: “Don’t go there, just give us a decision.”
Tribunal chairman: “Trader, you tell me how the business operates.”
Trader: “I agree with him, you don’t want to know.”
The Tribunal seems to have been a bit baffled by this. They were aware that Customs had a great deal more evidence which had been collected during the course of a thorough investigation, and they asked the parties to go away and decide whether they might let the Tribunal see a bit more of it so they could make a judgement rather than a guess.

What about drugs then?

It’s well-known that you are allowed to smoke dope in some establishments in Amsterdam, although the Dutch authorities are thinking about restricting this to Netherlands’ residents. They may find that such a rule contravenes the European Law on freedom of movement – under the EU treaty, you can’t be meaner to foreigners than you are to your own people just because they are foreign. That’s a nice idea, but individuals and governments keep trying it on. Anyway, the Coffeeshop Siberie rented space to drug dealers who would sell cannabis at tables for people to take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere. Presumably they are preparing to examine passports or local utility bills before making the sale, if only the Dutch are to be allowed to get stoned. Anyway, the Dutch authorities asked the coffee shop’s owners for VAT on the rent paid by the dealers, and the owners appealed to the ECJ. This time, surely, it was sufficiently illegal. Although the consumption of drugs was tolerated, it was still against the law, and it must therefore be not VATable.
The judges pointed out that the coffee shop was not actually selling drugs. They were just providing the space for other people to sell drugs. Although selling drugs was completely illegal, and there was no legitimate market in cannabis, renting space was a normal business activity. Renting space to someone who did something illegal with it was in the same category as the dodgy perfume sales in Goodwin & Unstead: it was a bit illegal, but not illegal enough. The VAT was still due.


In a German case, the ECJ ruled that the importation of counterfeit money was outside the scope of VAT. The Advocate-General observed that a line must be drawn between, on the one hand, transactions that lie so clearly outside the sphere of legitimate economic activity that, instead of being taxed, they can only be the subject of criminal prosecution, and, on the other hand, transactions which though unlawful must nonetheless be taxed, if only for ensuring in the name of fiscal neutrality, that the criminal is not treated more favourably than the legitimate trader’.

So, there you have it, if you are of a criminal disposition, and you want to avoid VAT, funny money is the way to go.  Please note, this does not constitute advice…..

VAT: Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme registered businesses list

By   16 February 2022

HMRC has issued updated guidance for businesses which need to check whether an entity which stores goods in the UK on its behalf is registered with the Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme (FHDDS).

The published list is alphabetical order by company name.

The list should be used if you are a business that is not established in the EU to see if the business that stores your goods in the UK is registered with the FHDDS.

If your business is outsourcing or considering outsourcing its fulfilment operations, then the fulfilment house you are using or intending to use of must be legally accredited by HMRC to do so.

Businesses that must be registered

Businesses are required to be registered if it stores any goods where all of the following apply:

  • the goods were imported from a country outside the EU
  • the goods are owned by, or stored on behalf of, someone established outside the EU
  • the goods are being offered for sale and have not been sold in the UK before

It is illegal to operate outside of the scheme and any fulfilment company found doing so will be prevented operating a fulfilment business and may be subject to a £10,000 penalty and a criminal conviction.

Uber to charge VAT

By   7 December 2021

Latest from the courts

Further to my article on the Supreme Court case, Uber went to the High Court seeking to challenge this decision, but the High Court has now upheld it.

This means it is very likely that Uber will be required to charge VAT on its supplies as the court found that taxi firms make contracts directly with their customers because Uber drivers should be treated as workers not contractors. This means that Uber make to supply of taxi services to the fare and not the individual drivers.

The High Court agreed with the Supreme Court and stated that: “… in order to operate lawfully under the Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998 a licensed operator who accepts a booking from a passenger is required to enter as principal into a contractual obligation with the passenger to provide the journey which is the subject of the booking.”

A spokesperson for Uber said: “Every private hire operator in London will be impacted by this decision, and should comply with the verdict in full.”

Although not a VAT case itself, this decision is the latest in a long list of VAT agent/principal cases, the most important being:

Secret Hotels 2 Ltd Ltd

Low Cost Holidays Ltd


All Answers Limited

It is crucial that businesses review their position if there is any doubt at all whether agent status applies to their business model.

VAT: HMRC – Customs changes from 1 January and 1 July 2022

By   6 December 2021

Further to my article on new procedures, HMRC has issued a reminder of customs changes that come into effect on 1 January 2022.

It is now less than a month until full controls are introduced.

The Changes

  • Customs declarations

Businesses will no longer be able to delay making import customs declarations under the Staged Customs Controls Most importers will have to make declarations and pay relevant tariffs at the point of import.

  • Border controls

Ports and other border locations will be required to control goods moving Great Britain and the EU. This means that unless goods have a valid declaration and have received customs clearance, they will not be able to be released into circulation, and in most cases will not be able to leave the port. From 1 January 2022, goods may be directed to an Inland Border Facility for documentary or physical checks if these checks cannot be done at the border.

  • Rules of origin for imports and exports

The UK’s deal called the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), means that the goods imported or exported may benefit from a reduced rate of Customs Duty (tariff preference). To use this a business will need proof that goods which are:

. imported from the EU originate there

. exported to the EU originate in the UK

  • Commodity codes

Commodity codes are used worldwide to classify goods that are imported and exported. They are standardised up to six digits and reviewed by the World Customs Organisation every five years. Following the end of the latest review, the UK codes will be changing on 1 January 2022. HMRC guidance is available on finding commodity codes for imports into or exports out of the UK which includes information on using the ‘Trade Tariff Tool’ to find the correct commodity codes.

  • Postponed VAT Accounting

A VAT registered importer is able to continue to use Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA) on all customs declarations that are liable to import VAT (including supplementary declarations).

Further changes from 1 July 2022

The following changes will be introduced from July 2022:

  • requirements for full safety and security declarations for all imports
  • new requirements for Export Health Certificates
  • requirements for Phytosanitary Certificates
  • physical checks on sanitary and phytosanitary goods at Border Control Posts

Businesses must be prepared for these changes and I recommend that an experienced representative is used.

VAT: New One Stop Shop (OSS) rules from 1 July 2021

By   15 June 2021

All you need to know about the new One Stop Shop (OSS)

New VAT rules will be introduced on 1 July 2021, and it is important that businesses and advisers are aware of the impact on transactions from this date. These changes have been introduced to increase the control of tax revenues as it is an area where a significant amount of tax is lost – creating an unfairness for businesses that correctly pay tax. They also aim to provide simplification for suppliers and consumers.  

Who will be affected?

The new rules will impact all businesses that sell products online to consumers (B2C) in the EU, known as: distance sales. It will also affect suppliers of certain designated services and electronic interfaces.

UK online sellers not established anywhere in the EU can use the “Non-Union” version of OSS.

How OSS works

The current position

The current EU VAT rules state that cross-border sales of goods are subject to VAT in the EU Member State (MS) of dispatch. However, there are thresholds; once these sales reach a threshold in the MS of sale, a business is required to VAT register in that MS and ensure compliance and payment of VAT there.

The new rules

All sales will be subject to VAT in the MS of arrival of the goods. The existing thresholds for distance sales of goods (where the supplier is responsible for the transport of the products) within the EU will be replaced by a new EU threshold of €10,000*. To avoid a business having to VAT register in every EU MS into which it supplies goods, online sellers will be able to use the OSS electronic portal. This will enable the seller to account for, and pay, VAT in all EU MS on a single electronic quarterly return in one EU MS.

* As, since Brexit, the UK is no longer an EU MS, one the main differences is that the €10,000 annual turnover threshold for small business does not apply, so an EU VAT registration will be required for any distance sales to the EU. The business will need to nominate any single EU MS to register, submit returns, and make payments. Additionally. As a non-union OSS, depending on the chosen MS’s domestic regulations, a business may be required to appoint a fiscal representative.

Note: Even if a UK business has a turnover below the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000 pa) so that it need not register here, it will be subject to OSS rules and need to register in an EU MS, this is compulsory.

Supplies covered by OSS

  • distance sales of goods within the EU by suppliers not belonging in that MS
  • supplies of certain B2C services (below) made by a supplier which take place in a MS in which it is not established

Services covered by Non-Union OSS

Examples of supplies of services to customers (a non-exhaustive list) that could be reported under the non-Union scheme are:

  • accommodation services
  • admission to cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment or similar events; such as fairs and exhibitions
  • transport services, plus ancillary activities such as; loading, unloading, handling or similar
  • valuation and work on movable tangible property
  • services connected to immovable property
  • hiring of means of transport
  • restaurant and catering services for consumption on board ships, aircraft or trains etc

Electronic interfaces

From 1 July 2021, if an electronic interface, eg; marketplace, platform, etc facilitates distance sales of goods by a non-EU established seller to a buyer in the EU, the electronic interface is considered to be the seller (“deemed supplier” rather than agent) and is liable for the payment of VAT via the OSS.


In addition to the OSS, a new scheme covering the import of goods subject to a distance sales transaction and in consignments not exceeding €150 is being introduced to simplify accounting for VAT. This is called the Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS). If the value of the consignment exceeds €150, it will usually be the end customer who will be the importer and will have to pay VAT, and any, customs clearance etc costs.

Note: The VAT exemption at import of small consignments of a value up to €22 will be removed. This means all goods imported in the EU will now be subject to VAT.

VAT rates

Businesses will need to apply the VAT rate of the MS where the goods are dispatched to or where the services are supplied. Information on the VAT rates in the EU is available on the European Commission website.

How to register for the OSS

Each EU MS will have an online OSS portal where businesses can register from 1 April 2021 and can use for transactions made on or after 1 July 2021. The single registration will be valid for all eligible supplies made by online sellers (including electronic interfaces) or supplies facilitated by electronic interfaces.

OSS Requirements

A business that uses the OSS will be required to:

  • apply the VAT rate of the MS to which the goods are shipped
  • collect VAT from the buyer
  • submit a quarterly electronic VAT return
  • make quarterly VAT payments
  • keep records of all OSS supplies for ten years


The OSS is not compulsory, however, as the alternative is to VAT register in every EU MS where goods are received, it is a simplification in that respect – the previous distance selling rules were cumbersome and antiquated.

Further information

Full details of the OSS and IOSS from the EC here