Category Archives: Brexit

HMRC VAT Helpline failures

By   5 July 2019

If any of you have had the unfortunate necessity to use the VAT Helpline you will know the frustration, unhelpfulness and general exasperation of trying to get a reasonable response from the department. Well, it isn’t just you.

In correspondence between the Chair of the Treasury Select Committee and the Chief Executive and Permanent Secretary of HMRC here the previously highlighted issue of the deterioration of the performance of the HMRC VAT Helpline is addressed.

The extremely poor performance is ascribed, by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) to:

  • the lack of an adequate pilot for the roll-out of Making Tax Digital (MTD) – details here
  • the pressures of Brexit on HMRC resources.

And HMRC state that:

  • their telephony performance has been impacted by ongoing recruitment and staffing shortfalls
  • recruitment for a no deal EU exit was slower than expected
  • they had to divert resources from usual business to issues with a No-Deal Brexit
  • the target of five minutes waiting time for the VAT Helpline has not been met
  • they are developing a new way of measuring performance
  • there are issues with some MTD businesses experiencing problems with paying VAT by direct debit

An annex to the letter, providing VAT call data from January to May 2019, shows

  • helpline demand increased by over 40% between January and May but the number of calls answered fell over this period
  • in May, HMRC answered less than 42% of the calls which made it beyond their recorded messages, compared to 72% in January
  • average speed of answer for those calls which were answered rose from around seven minutes in January to more than 16 minutes in May (in addition to the time spent navigating the initial recorded messages)
  • of the calls answered, the proportion which were answered within ten minutes fell from 64% in January to just 9% in May


It is appreciated that some of the excuses are “reasonable” (to use HMRC parlance) and matters are not within HMRC’s influence, however, the service provided is, frankly, unacceptable. Businesses need HMRC assistance for all sorts of reasons and if it is not forthcoming, errors may be made resulting in potential penalties and interest, loss of income, deals failing, accounting compromised and uncertainty and complexity, VAT becoming a cost, and customers lost.

It is not as though HMRC have not been warned about pushing MTD through without adequate testing of systems and software at a time when Brexit was always going to make huge demands of the department. The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee published  a damning report last year here which recommended delaying the introduction of MTD. Also, the CIOT has consistently warned of the risks of implementing MTD for VAT at the same time as Brexit.

Support for business and tax agents is sadly very lacking and it appears that insufficient resources have been devoted to this. There has been an overall lack of planning, combined with a political will to push ahead with MTD regardless. It really is not good enough. And we are not even yet through the implementation of MTD for VAT with larger and more complex business yet to join the fray. That, added to the fact that many glitches have already been identified, does not give any reason to be optimistic about the future for either MTD or the VAT Helpline.

As CIOT say: while HMRC have the scale to move resources within its organisation, that is a luxury that most businesses do not enjoy.

VAT: Brexit – Intending Trader registration for overseas businesses

By   14 June 2019

With the continuing uncertainty over a No-Deal Brexit, which appears to be a more likely prospect given recent political events, HMRC has made a statement on the process of registering non-UK EU businesses as intending traders in the UK.


What is an intending trader?

An intending trader is a person who, on the date of the registration request:

  • is carrying on a business
  • has not started making taxable supplies
  • has an intention to make taxable supplies in the future

If the business satisfies HMRC of its intention, HMRC must VAT register it. VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, 9 (b). It is, in some cases, difficult to convince that there is a genuine intention to make taxable supplies. This often comes down to documentary evidence.

Why do overseas businesses need to register as intending traders?

In the event of a No-deal Brexit, it is assumed that the EU VAT simplification that relieves the current obligation to be registered in the UK will no longer available. As a consequence, the EU supplier will itself become responsible for accounting for VAT on sales deemed to be made in the UK. In order to do this, the business will require a UK VAT registration. As the simplification is in place until Brexit, the registration will be required the very day after the UK leaves the EU – currently 1 November 2019.

Therefore, many EU businesses have applied for UK VAT registration as intending traders. That is, they do not currently make supplies, but intend to in the future (from 1 November 2109).

The issue

The Chartered Institute of Taxation has reported that businesses applying for intending trader registrations are experiencing difficulties with the process.

In response, HMRC have stated:

“Businesses in the position you have described can register for VAT using the Advanced Notification facility, by registering online requesting a voluntary registration from an advanced date of 1 November 2019. In the ‘business activity’ section they should enter trade class/SIC code 99000 European Community. In the free text box they should describe accurately what the business does and ensure there is a positive amount entered in the ‘taxable turnover in the next 12 months’ box. If this is not done the application will be rejected. This information will enable the VAT Registration Team (VRT) to identify and actively manage any registration that is conditional on the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

If there is a change to the date of withdrawal from the EU, the VRT will amend the Advanced Notification date to match this new date. If the UK enters a transitional period or agrees a deal with the EU that allows current arrangements to continue then the registration will be cancelled. The approval of an Advanced Notification registration in these circumstances is only made as a contingency for the UK leaving the EU without a deal and the VAT number may not be used unless that happens. The business will receive an automated notification of an Advanced Notification VAT Registration and the VRT may follow this up with a manual letter to further explain the conditions and both.

With the UK having agreed an extension to the date of withdrawal from the EU, we would not expect businesses to use this facility until closer to the 1st November.”

It is clearly prudent for overseas businesses which make certain supplies in the UK to properly prepare for a No-Deal Brexit. However, experience insists that many have not identified or made provisions for this outcome.

We are able to assist and advise other EU Member State businesses on this process.

VAT: Worldwide rates and registration limits

By   20 May 2019

It can be difficult finding the answer to simple questions on VAT/GST. So, I provide a summary below of the rates of VAT applicable in the major countries which apply VAT/GST and the amount of income per year that a domestic business may receive before it is required to VAT register. You, or your clients, will need to be aware of these if they have a Place Of Supply (POS) overseas. I hope that it is useful to have this information all in one place – a “cut out and keep” type document!

Worldwide VAT/GST rates Annual turnover limit for Registration 
Standard rate Reduced rates National currency Limit
Australia 10.0 0.0 AUD  75 000
Austria 20.0 10.0/13.0 EUR  30 000
Belgium 21.0 0.0/6.0/12.0 EUR  25 000
Canada 5.0 0.0 CAD  30 000
Chile 19.0 N/A CLP None
Czech Republic 21.0 10.0/15.0 CZK 1 000 000
Denmark 25.0 0.0 DKK  50 000
Estonia 20.0 0.0/9.0 EUR  40 000
Finland 24.0 0.0/10.0/14.0 EUR  10 000
France 20.0 2.1/5.5/10.0 EUR  82 800
Germany 19.0 7.0 EUR  17 500
Greece 24.0 6.0/13.0 EUR  10 000
Hungary 27.0 5.0/18.0 HUF 8 000 000
Iceland 24.0 0.0/11.0 ISK 2 000 000
Ireland 23.0 0.0/4.8/9.0/13.5 EUR  75 000
Israel 17.0 0.0 ILS  99 003
Italy 22.0 4.0/5.0/10.0 EUR  65 000
Japan 8.0 N/A JPY 10 000 000
Korea 10.0 0.0 KRW 30 000 000
Latvia 21.0 5.0/12.0 EUR  40 000
Lithuania 21.0 5.9/9.0 EUR  45 000
Luxembourg 17.0 3.0/8.0/14.0 EUR  30 000
Mexico 16.0 0.0 MXN None
Netherlands 21.0 9.0 EUR  1 345
New Zealand 15.0 0.0 NZD  60 000
Norway 25.0 0.0/12.0/15.0 NOK  50 000
Poland 23.0 5.0/8.0 PLN  200 000
Portugal 23.0 6.0/13.0 EUR  10 000
Slovak Republic 20.0 10.0 EUR  49 790
Slovenia 22.0 9.5 EUR  50 000
Spain 21.0 4.0/10.0 EUR None
Sweden 25.0 0.0/6.0/12.0 SEK  30 000
Switzerland 7.7 0.0/2.5/3.7 CHF  100 000
Turkey 18.0 1.0/8.0 TRY None
United Kingdom 20.0 0.0/5.0 GBP  85 000

Source National Delegates – position as at 1 January 2019


Reduced rates include zero-rates applicable to domestic supplies (ie; exemption with right to deduct input tax). They do not include zero-rated exports or other supplies subject to similar treatment such as international transport.

Registration/collection thresholds identified in this table are general concessions that relieve domestic suppliers from the requirement to register for and/or to collect VAT/GST until such time as they exceed the turnover threshold.  Thresholds shown in this table apply to businesses established in the country. In most countries, the registration threshold does not apply to foreign businesses ie;. businesses having no seat, place of business, fixed establishment, domicile or habitual residence within the country.

VAT: Increased input tax recovery for suppliers of financial services – Brexit

By   5 April 2019

If the UK leaves the EU in a no-deal scenario there may be a benefit for UK based suppliers of financial and insurance services (so called Specified Supplies) to recipients in the EU. These Specified Supplies attract beneficial input VAT treatment pursuant to the VAT (Input Tax) (Specified Supplies) Order 1999 (the Specified Services Order). 

Current position

Currently, these Specified Supplies are exempt and consequently, there is no right to deduct input tax incurred in connection with such services. However, if the Specified Supplies are provided to recipients located outside the EU, they are also VAT free, although any attributable input tax is recoverable; a good VAT position.

Post Brexit position

If the UK leaves the EU, the VAT treatment of supplies to non-EU countries is also applicable to the EU 27 countries; the EU would essentially become a “third country”.


A City of London based bank supplies financial services to both Germany and the US clients. Income from these two clients is 50:50. At the current time the bank would be restricted to a claim of circa half of the VAT it incurs on expenditure in the UK. After Brexit, via The Value Added Tax (Input Tax) (Specified Supplies) (EU Exit) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 all input tax incurred will be recoverable in full.

What are Specified Supplies?

Specified Supplies are broadly:

  • the issue, transfer or receipt of, or any dealing with, money, any security for money or any note or order for the payment of money.
  • granting of credit
  • dealing in; shares, stocks, bonds, notes (other than promissory notes), debentures, debenture stock
  • the operation of any current, deposit or savings account.
  • the management of certain investment funds/schemes
  • insurance
  • and intermediary services in respect of the above supplies

This list is not exhaustive and is only a very general example of types of supplies which may be considered as Specified Supplies. Please seek advice on specific services.

Other matters

The government says that this change will ensure that UK businesses compete for business in the EU on an even footing with businesses in other non-EU countries.

The proposed legislation also provides that partial exemption special methods (PESM) agreed before a no-deal Brexit will be honoured so businesses will not need to apply to HMRC for approval of a new PESM. Please see guide to partial exemption here

NB: If a deal is agreed between the UK and the EU, the above legislation will not be enacted, and the current VAT treatment will continue throughout the implementation period set out in a withdrawal agreement.

VAT – EORI numbers to become invalid if No-Deal Brexit

By   5 April 2019

If the UK leaves the EU on a no-deal basis, which, despite the apparent will of parliament, is still a likely outcome, all Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) numbers currently used by UK VAT registered businesses will become invalid in other EU Member States.

A guide to EORI here

Businesses are obliged to use an EORI number when undertaking customs activities in the EU. Such UK businesses will be required to obtain a new EU EORI number after the date of a No-Deal Brexit. This is because if the UK leaves via a no-deal Brexit EORI numbers recorded in the UK will no longer be deemed as obtained and registered in an EU Member State. Businesses importing or exporting (currently acquiring or dispatching) from/to the EU will need to request a replacement EORI from a Member State in the EU.

The same rules will apply to businesses in the EU 27 doing business with the UK. Their EORI numbers will also be invalid and will require replacement after a no-deal Brexit date.

We understand that EORI number applications will increase immediately after Brexit and it is very likely to take significantly more time to obtain a new one. It is further probable that filing customs declarations could be disrupted, with the result that the movement of goods cross-border will be delayed.

It is possible that some Member States may be flexible in their approach to existing/new EORI numbers. However, this cannot be guaranteed and there does not appear to be any impetuous between the 27 MS to agree a common approach.

This is yet another reason, should further evidence be required, that a no-deal Brexit will have profound and long-lasting negative impact on UK business. Those who voted Leave to reduce “red tape” will become increasing surprised at the amount of additional administration required post Brexit.

VAT: Brexit referrals to CJEU

By   2 April 2019

A quickie

What happens to referrals to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) after Brexit day?

Put simply, from the date the UK leaves the EU UK courts will no longer be able to refer cases to CJEU. Cases referred to CJEU before the date of leaving may still be heard.

We understand that there has been a late surge of referrals before the cut off date. This is likely to mean that there will be significant number of CJEU cases which can directly impact the UK for a time to come even though the UK is no longer a Member State.

This of course assumes that:

  • The UK leaves the EU
  • UK politicians do not actually agree some sort of compromise with the EU on this point
  • The Brexit date is not deferred for a long period (in which case referrals to, and decisions of, the CJEU will have direct relevance to UK VAT for many years, or even decades…).

VAT: HMRC Impact Assessment of a No-Deal Brexit

By   1 April 2019

HMRC have issued an impact assessment for VAT and services if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

The impact assessment covers the effect on businesses of amendments to existing VAT legislation and the introduction of transitional provisions for the supply of services between the UK and the EU


Under current rules:

  • VAT is charged on most goods and services sold within the UK and the EU
  • the place of supply rules for services determine the country in which a business should charge and account for VAT

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, he UK will continue to have a VAT system. This is unsurprising as it is a major revenue raiser for the Treasury and the taxpayer is required to do all the heavy lifting the tax involves.

HMRC say the published Statutory Instruments (Sis – details of which may be found in the impact assessment but mainly The Taxation – Cross-border Trade Act 2018) broadly maintain the current VAT treatment in the event of a No-Deal Brexit. It expects that they will have either a negligible impact on the administrative burden on businesses or no impact.”

This seems, prima facie, difficult to swallow.

HMRC also anticipate that an exception to the above is the removal of the VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS), which “may have a significant ongoing cost for some EU and non-EU businesses.”

The impact assessment refers to the Economic Analysis of Brexit which makes interesting reading.

Of course, the House has voted against a No-Deal Brexit, so we can rely on that… can’t we?

VAT MOSS and No-Deal Brexit

By   11 March 2019

In the event of an increasingly likely no deal Brexit, changes have been put in place to the existing MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) arrangements. Details of MOSS here.

These intended changes will affect UK businesses which provide electronically supplied services such as  cross-border telecommunication, television and radio broadcasting, or digital services to non-business (eg; individuals) recipients in the EU.

Such services include:

  • website hosting
  • supply of software
  • access to databases
  • downloading apps or music
  • online gaming
  • distance teaching

The existing threshold of £8818 pa introduced by Schedule 4A, para 15(1) of the VAT Act 1994 will be removed via SI2019/404.

This means that if there is a no deal Brexit UK businesses supplying such services will either be required to:

  • register for Non-Union MOSS, or
  • register for VAT in each EU Member State in which they made a sale (where the customer belongs),

MOSS Non-Union Scheme 

A business may use the Non-Union scheme when it supplies cross-border electronically supplied services to consumers in all EU countries (including the EU country selected as the Member State of identification).

The EU countries where a business supplies services to are known as Member States of consumption.

Selecting a member state of identification

A business must designate a Member State of identification. This can be any EU country a business chooses. A business may change the member state of identification at a later date if it wants. Again, this can be any EU country a business chooses.


A business registers online via the Member State of identification’s portal.

VAT rules

A business will be allocated a VAT number by the EU country chosen to be the Member State of identification and charge VAT at the rate of the EU countries where its customers reside. The same invoicing rules as your Member State of identification must be used (although an invoice is not required in most countries when supplying services under the MOSS scheme).

VAT returns

A business must submit detailed online quarterly VAT returns within 20 days of the end of each return period. The information is then securely transferred from your Member State of identification to the relevant Member State of consumption.

VAT rates

VAT rates can be checked for the supply of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronically supplied services using the Tax Information Communication database.

For further information and to register for MOSS please see here.

Claiming EU VAT refunds after Brexit

By   25 February 2019

HMRC has confirmed that in the event of a No Deal Brexit businesses belonging in the UK will no longer be able to make claims for VAT incurred in other EU Member States using the electronic refund system.

Businesses claiming via the EU VAT refund electronic system need to submit a refund claim for 2018 by 5pm on 29 March 2019. If claims are submitted after that date HMRC will be unable to send the claim to the relevant EU Member State.

If a business incurs VAT in an EU Member State in 2019 it should not use the EU VAT refund system to make a claim as it is likely to be rejected by that Member State.

After 29 March, a business must claim VAT refunds from EU Member States directly by using the existing process for businesses based outside the EU (similar to the previous EC Eighth Directive claims for those with a good memory and in line with current the EC Thirteenth Directive). This includes outstanding claims that relate to 2018 expenses, and claims relating to 2019.

It is important to understand the process for each EU Member State as it can vary. For example:

  • the deadline for making your claim may be different
  • you may need to supply a certificate of Taxable Status to support a claim
  • you may need to appoint a tax representative in the EU Member State of refund

Check the EU’s Europa website for country specific information on VAT.

This is yet another reason (should one be needed) that a No Deal Brexit will create significant burdens on businesses. It will mean that up to 27 separate claims, in the language of the Member State in which the claim is made, rather than a single application. Good luck everybody!

VAT: Place of supply of “erotic services”

By   19 February 2019

Latest from the courts

Readers of a nervous disposition may want to look away now.

In the case of Geelen C-568/17 (in French) the advocate General (AG) was asked for an opinion on the supply of what was coyly called webcam sessions.


The defendant in the main proceedings, Mr Geelen, was a VAT registered person in The Netherlands. He provided the services of the organisation and provision of interactive erotic sessions broadcast live over the Internet. The models were located in the Philippines and Mr Geelen provided them with the necessary hardware and software to transmit the sessions over the Internet. Customers contacted the models via a website after creating an account for this purpose. The sessions were broadcast live and were interactive, which meant that customers had the opportunity to communicate with the models and give them instructions. The services provided by the defendant were intended for the Dutch market. I set out the arrangements here, as I am sure that none of my readers will be aware of such things * polite cough *

This is interesting as an example of technology overtaking legislation which was enacted before such services could even be contemplated (well, by the people drafting the VAT legislation anyway).

The issue 

The issue was where was the place of supply of these services. If they were in The Netherlands, then Dutch VAT would apply, but if they were deemed to be outside the EU, no EU VAT would be payable. The tax authorities considered that such services were subject to VAT in The Netherlands and issued a tax assessment notice.


Generally, the rule is that for B2C services the place of supply (POS) is where the supplier belongs. However, there is an exception for cultural, artistic, and entertainment activities. These are taxed where performed (outside the EU in this case if the exception is applicable).


It was the AG’s opinion that, in the first place, there was no doubt that the services in question were entertaining…

However, he opined that the only way to provide cultural activities, entertainment, education, etc. was either to bring service users together at the actual place of service delivery, or to provide a service at the location of the users.

The technological development that has taken place since the relevant legislation was drafted has enabled services in which beneficiaries participate remotely, sometimes even actively, in a cultural, entertainment or other event, without necessarily doing so in real time. In a cultural reference: The “unity of action, time and place”, to refer to the categories of classical theatre, was thus upset.

In the AG’s opinion, these services were not intended to be covered by the exception. Consequently, these were not services “supplied where performed” and the general B2C rules applied, so the POS was The Netherlands and Dutch VAT was applicable.  It was concluded that performance does not take place where the models are based, or where the consumer was located, but where Mr Geelen brought together all elements of the supply.


The legislation must be interpreted as meaning that the services of organising and providing live interactive webcam sex do not constitute services for entertainment purposes within the meaning of the relevant provisions.