Category Archives: Customs

Brexit – Introduction of new import controls on EU goods

By   17 February 2020

More red tape and delays

The government has announced new plans to introduce import controls on EU goods at the border from 1 January 2021, the day after the end of the Brexit transition period.

This will almost certainly mean additional complexity and delays at borders and will damage businesses, especially those which operate on a Just In Time (JIT) basis or import fresh food, flowers or any other goods which are subject to rapid deterioration.

It is difficult to divorce politics from commerce in these circumstances, but I have avoided commenting on this decision on a political basis, although I think it is fair to say I am not in favour.

The government commented that all UK exports and imports (currently called dispatches and acquisitions from the EU) will be treated equally. This will mean traders in the EU and GB will have to submit customs declarations and be liable to goods’ checks. It was also confirmed that the policy easements put in place for a potential No Deal Brexit will not be reintroduced as businesses have time to prepare. (HMRC have withdrawn a collection of guidance on issues including tariffs, origin, and quotas, which was prepared for a potential No Deal Brexit).

It is difficult to identify how businesses could have had time to prepare as HMRC guidance was unhelpful on this point and it was, and still is, unclear what precise arrangements a business has to prepare for. It is assumed that this a unilateral UK’ decision and it cannot be helpful for cooperation negotiations, unless these controls are what are actually wanted. In the document, it is stated that: ”Business can prepare for border controls by making sure they have an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number, and also looking into how they want to make declarations such as using a customs agent”. That is the extent of the advice provided and repeats what has been said before.

Without wanting to amplify government propaganda, but in the interest of even-handedness, below are the reasons given for implementing import controls:

  • to keep our borders safe and secure so we know who’s coming in and how often, what they are bringing in, and why
  • to ensure we treat all partners equally as we begin to negotiate our own trading arrangements with countries around the world
  • to collect the right customs, VAT and excise duties
  • the EU has said it will enforce checks on our goods entering the Eurozone. We will likewise enforce our own rules for goods entering the UK

Also, HMRC extended the deadline for businesses to apply for customs support funding to 31 January 2021. To date, applications have been made for around £18.5 million out of a possible £26 million.

This announcement follows on from the consideration of the introduction of UK freeports here.

I hope that there are enough customs agents to go round, although the lack of any evidence that HMRC is recruiting new Customs officers suggests that perhaps it is not fully prepared itself.

Government Freeports consultation

By   14 February 2020

The Government is consulting on plans to create up to ten freeports. Freeports may provide tariff flexibility, customs facilitations and tax measures designed to encourage global trade and attract inward investment post-Brexit. The proposed Freeports will have different customs rules to the rest of the country.

What is a Freeport?

Freeports are secure customs zones located at ports where business can be carried out inside a country’s land border, but where different customs rules apply. The paper says that Freeports may:

  • reduce administrative burdens and tariff controls
  • provide relief from duties and import taxes
  • ease tax and planning regulations
  • offer simplifications to normal customs processes on imported goods
  • encourage global trade
  • provide hotbeds for innovation
  • increase prosperity areas surrounding Freeports by generating employment opportunities
  • attract inward investment post-Brexit

Typically, goods brought into a Freeport do not attract a requirement to pay duties until they leave the Freeport and enter the domestic market. No duty at all is payable the goods are re-exported. If raw materials are brought into a Freeport from overseas and processed into a final good before entering the domestic market, then duties will be paid on the final good.

Government aims

It is stated that the government wants Freeports to boost trade, jobs and investment. They say that is why they are proposing cutting red tape by streamlining customs processes, exploring the use of planning measures to speed up planning processes and accelerate development and housing delivery in and around Freeports, and consulting on a comprehensive set of tax breaks to support businesses. Of course, all this would be unnecessary if Brexit had not have occurred.


The consultation deadline is 20 April 2020 so there is not a lot of time to make your views known.

Changes to the VAT registration limits for overseas businesses

By   16 January 2020

The (current) EU Member States have reached political agreement on correcting the current discriminatory and unfair rules on non-resident businesses. Unfortunately, these new measures will not come into effect until 1 January 2025 (well after the UK will have left the EU).


Under the current rules a Non-Established Taxable Person (NETP) is required to register and account for VAT in a Member State as soon as any supply is made there. There is a zero threshold, so, for example, if a French company makes a UK supply of £100 it will be required to register here. Compare this to a UK company which will be able to make supplies up to £85,000 per annum without needing to register or pay UK VAT. Blatantly discriminatory and arbitrary based on where a company belongs. It also distorts competition and is inherently unfair. This is the position across the EU, so UK businesses will be suffering in other countries. This has long been a bugbear of mine!

New rules

From 2025 EU Member States have agreed to extend the threshold to all business making supplies. NETPs will have similar VAT registration thresholds as domestic businesses in each country. The registration limits will not be able to exceed €85,000 per year and overseas businesses may only benefit from this if their total sales across the EU are below an amount of €100,000. This is to avoid large enterprises benefiting from the small company threshold.


The change will bring a level playing field between domestic and overseas business and will remove significant compliance costs which fall disproportionally on SMEs.  This could also encourage small businesses to explore overseas markets without falling foul of; overseas regimes, potential penalties for innocent errors and the disincentive of domestic businesses having a commercial competitive tax advantage over those based overseas.

It is a pity that these changes will not be applied for another five years. It does beg the question why it will take so long. Of course, we have yet to see how Brexit plays out. It is not outside the bounds of reason to imagine the EU Member States excluding the UK from the new rules, nor the UK not implementing them at all here.

VAT: Top 10 Tips for small businesses and start-ups

By   17 December 2019

At some point it is likely that a small business or start-up will need to consider VAT. Here are a few pointers:

  1. Should you be registered for VAT?

If your income is above £85,000 pa of taxable supplies, you have no choice. But you can voluntarily register if below this threshold. There are significant penalties for failure to register at the correct time.

  • Advantages of VAT registration: VAT recovery on expenses plus, perhaps; gravitas for a business
  • Disadvantages: administration costs plus a potential additional cost to customers if they are unable to recover VAT charged to them (eg; they are private individuals) which could affect your competitiveness

More here

  1. Even non-registered businesses can save VAT
  • Look to use non-VAT registered suppliers, or non-EU suppliers (however, this may count towards your registration turnover)
  • If you are purchasing or leasing commercial property, consider looking for non-opted property or raise the issue of your inability to recover VAT in negotiations on the rent
  • Take advantage of all zero and reduced rates of VAT reliefs available
  • Challenge suppliers if you consider that a higher rate of VAT has been charged than necessary
  1. Consider using the appropriate simplification scheme 
  • Flat Rate Scheme (1% discount in first year of registration)
  • Cash Accounting (helps avoid VAT issues on bad debts)
  • Annual Accounting (can generate real, cash flow and/or administrative savings)
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods

Further details here and here

  1. Make sure you recover all pre-registration and/or pre-incorporation VAT

VAT incurred on goods on hand (purchased four years ago or less) and services up to six months before VAT registration is normally recoverable.

  1. Are your VAT liabilities correct?

Many businesses have complex VAT liabilities (eg; financial services, charities, food outlets, insurance brokers, cross border suppliers of goods or services, health, welfare and education service providers, and any business involved in land and property). A review of the VAT treatment may avoid assessments and penalties and may also identify VAT overcharges made which could give rise to reclaims. Additionally, these types of business are often restricted on what input tax they can reclaim. Check business/non-business apportionment and partial exemption restrictions.

More on charities here

  1. Have you incurred VAT elsewhere in the EU?

You may be able to claim this from overseas tax authorities. Details here

  1. Do you recover VAT on road fuel or other motoring costs?

Options for VAT on fuel: keep detailed records of business use or use road fuel scale charges (based on CO2 emissions)

If you need a car; consider leasing rather than buying. 50% of VAT on lease charge is potentially recoverable, plus 100% of maintenance if split out on invoice.  VAT on the purchase of a car is usually wholly irrecoverable.

More here

  1. Remember: VAT on business entertainment is usually not recoverable but VAT on subsistence and staff entertainment is. 

More here

  1. Pay proper attention to VAT
  • keep up to date records
  • submit VAT returns and pay VAT due on time (will avoid interest, potential penalties and hassle from the VAT man)
  • claim Bad Debt Relief (BDR) on any bad debts over six months old
  • contact HMRC as soon as possible if there are VAT payment problems or if there are difficulties submitting returns on time
  • ensure that the business is paying the right amount of tax at the right time – too little (or too late) may give rise to penalties and interest – too much is just throwing money away
  • check the VAT treatment of ALL property transactions

More here

  1. Challenge any unhelpful rulings or assessments made by HMRC

HMRC is not always right.  There is usually more than one interpretation of a position and professional help more often than not can result in a ruling being changed, or the removal or mitigation of an assessment and/or penalty.

We can assist with any aspect of VAT. You don’t need to be a tax expert; you just need to know one… We look after your VAT so you can look after your business.

VAT: ‘Intention’ – The Euro Beer case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts, the Euro Beer Distribution Ltd First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case.

The intention of a taxpayer is extremely important for a number of reasons. It is relevant where:

  • a VAT registration is requested
  • input tax is claimed
  • and in this case; whether deregistration is compulsory

Broadly, immediate action is dependent upon whether a business intends to make taxable supplies in the future. This intention dictates whether registration is possible, whether input tax may be claimed, and whether a business may remain VAT registered. Even if a business has the intention to make taxable supplies, it is sometimes difficult to evidence this to HMRC’s satisfaction.


Euro Beer was in the business of importing and selling alcoholic drinks. It had been in business since 2004 and was also approved and registered as an owner of duty suspended goods under the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999.


HMRC compulsorily deregistered Euro Beer via VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 13 (2) on the grounds that it believed that the appellant had ceased making taxable supplies. Nil returns had been submitted since 2016 and, after enquires, formed the view that there was no intention to make supplies in the future.

Euro Beer contended, unsurprisingly, that there was an intention to make taxable supplies in the future such that continued VAT registration was appropriate. Additionally, the reason for the nil returns was simply, at that time, business had dried up. The appellant provided limited evidence to support its intention. This comprised; emails between the directors and third-party contacts.


The appeal was dismissed and Euro Beer’s VAT deregistration (and revocation of approval from the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999) was confirmed as appropriate.


This was hardly a surprising decision and one wonders why it got to court. It does, however, emphasise the importance of the concept of intention. This can be a subjective matter and HMRC place significant weight on documentary evidence. There is no question in law that HMRC must register/maintain registration/repay input tax if it is satisfied that there is a business which does not make taxable supplies but ‘intends to make such supplies in the course or furtherance of that business’ – VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 9 (b). However, ensuring HMRC is satisfied is often problematic.

This is specifically difficult in the area of land and property. VAT registration and the associated input tax claims of a property developer is often the source of disputes. It is important to differentiate between an intention, and what actually happens. Often business plans change, or the original intention is not fulfilled. In such cases, there is a mechanism for repaying input tax claimed (VAT Gen regs 1995 reg 108) but this is only applicable in certain circumstances. The case of Merseyside Cablevision Ltd (MAN/85/327, VTD 2419) demonstrates that if an intention to make taxable supplies is thwarted, input tax claimed is not clawed back (a person who carries on activities which are preparatory to the carrying on of a business is to be treated as in business and is a taxable person).

It should be noted that a business does not have to specify a date by which it expects to make taxable supplies, or to estimate the value of them.

The lesson is; to document every business decision made:

  • board minutes, emails, business plans, letters etc
  • retain all correspondence with; third-parties
  • provide written advice from legal advisers, accounts etc
  • invoices demonstrating expenditure in respect of a new venture are persuasive
  • budgets and considered estimates can be of use
  • retain all advertising media, offers, promotions and other publicity.

Clearly for land and property additional; planning permission, land registry details, plans, surveys, fees, etc will build up a picture that there is an intention to make taxable supplies.

These are just examples and different business may have alternative evidence.

In commercial terms, it will be difficult for HMRC to be unsatisfied if a business is incurring costs in relation to a project – why would they devote time/staff/advisers/financial resources to something when there is no intention of deriving income?

One final point on the Euro Beer case. The judge stated; ‘an intention to make supplies requires more than a mere hope to be in a position to make supplies at some unspecified time in the future’. It is not enough for a business to ‘generally’ state that there is an intention.

Claiming VAT from the EU after Brexit

By   1 October 2019

More work, confusion and administration for VAT after Brexit. 

After a No-Deal Brexit it will not be possible to recover input tax incurred in other EU Member States by using HMRC’s online service. This is known as; the electronic cross-border refund system which enables a business that incurs VAT on expenditure in a Member State where it is not established and makes no supplies, to recover that VAT directly from that Member State (the Member State of refund).

HMRC state that this will be the case after 5pm on 31 October 2019, but we shall have to wait and see on the precise timing.

HMRC has published meagre guidance on the new method of recovering overseas VAT (for some of us at a certain age, it is the “old” EC 8th Directive method).

Claiming a refund after Brexit

Unhelpfully, each EU Member State has its own process for refunding VAT to businesses based outside the EU (as UK businesses will be post Brexit). This is similar to the existing EC 13th Directive claims. A UK Business will need to use the process for the EU country where it is claiming a refund; even for unclaimed expenses incurred before Brexit.

A business will have to wade through the requirements and the EC provides assistance here.

This will be a complete headache for claimants and underlines the benefits of a harmonised system. Each claim form is different in each Member State, each form must be completed in the language of the country in which VAT is being claimed, and these forms are very bureaucratic; some run to over ten pages…. It will also be necessary to obtain and provide a Certificate of Status (CoS).

In summary


HMRC can issue a form VAT66A which may be used by claimants to prove that they are engaged in business activities at the time of the claim. A CoS is only valid for twelve months. Once it has expired you will need to submit a new CoS.

EC 13th Directive claim

A non-EU based business may make a claim for recovery of VAT incurred in the EU. Typically, these are costs such as; employee travel and subsistence, service charges, exhibition costs, imports of goods, training, purchases of goods in the UK, and clinical trials etc.

The scheme is available for any businesses that are not VAT registered anywhere in the EU, have no place of business or other residence in the EU and do not make any supplies there.

The usual rules that apply to UK business claiming input tax also apply to 13th Directive claims. Consequently, the likes of; business entertainment, car purchase, non-business use and supplies used for exempt activities are usually barred.


The business must obtain a CoS to accompany a claim. The application form is a VAT65A and is available here  Original invoices which show the VAT charged must be submitted with the claim form and business certificate. Applications without a certificate, or certificates and claim forms received after the relevant deadline are not accepted. It is possible for a business to appoint an agent to register to enable them to make refund applications on behalf of that business.

VAT: Digital services to EU customers after Brexit

By   1 October 2019

HMRC has published guidance on how to account for digital sales to EU customers when the UK’s MOSS system becomes redundant. Full document here.

After Brexit, businesses will no longer be able to use the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) to declare sales and pay VAT due in EU Member States.

The final return period for MOSS will be the period ending 31 December 2019.

A business will be able to use MOSS to:

  • submit a final return by 20 January 2020
  • amend the final return until 14 February 2020
  • update registration details until 14 February 2020
  • view previous returns

For sales made after Brexit, a business will need to register for either:

  • VAT MOSS in any EU member state
  • VAT in each EU member state where you sell digital services to consumers.

Registration deadline

A business will need to register by the 10th day of the month following its first sale to an EU customer after Brexit.

A business cannot register before Brexit.

The EC website may be used to:

  • check whether a business should register for Union or Non-Union MOSS
  • find out who to contact to register for VAT MOSS in an EU member state.

Further details are provided in the HMRC guidance.

The above assumes that the UK will leave the EU, and that there will be no agreements on VAT before Brexit

What are digital services?

Radio and television broadcasting services

These include:

  • the supply of audio and audio-visual content
  • live streaming

Telecommunications services

This means transmission of signals of any nature by wire, optical, electromagnetic or other system and includes:

  • fixed and mobile telephone services
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, caller identification, 3-way calling and other call management services
  • paging services
  • access to the internet

Electronically supplied services

These rules only apply to e-services that you supply electronically and includes things like:

  • supplies of images or text, such as photos, screensavers
  • supplies of music, films and games
  • online magazines
  • website supply or web hosting services
  • distance maintenance of programmes and equipment
  • supplies of software and software updates
  • advertising space on a website

VAT and Customs Duty: Brexit latest

By   20 August 2019

HMRC has been issuing guidance in readiness for Brexit, and in particular, a No Deal Brexit.

They generally provide information on preparations and actions required by business that trade cross-border.


If a business bring goods into the UK from the EU there are actions you should take before and after you’ve imported the goods. This applies to:

  • importers
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods

(This guidance does not apply to moving goods between Ireland and Northern Ireland). A border on the island of Ireland is a whole other matter.

The full guidance for importers.


Again, this guidance relates to:

  • exporters
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods.

The full guidance for exporters.

Email updates on Brexit

We recommend that business falling within the above definitions sign up the free HMRC Brexit email alert service.

This service covers: information about Brexit including the Article 50 process, negotiations, and announcements about policy changes as a result of Brexit.

It is crucial that businesses understand the impact of a No Deal Brexit and make preparations for all eventualities of the political negotiations. Sign up here

VAT: Brexit – Retail Export Scheme benefits

By   2 August 2019

VAT free shopping for all! Save 20% on anything you buy!

This seems very unlikely I hear you mutter, but, but…..

If you live in the UK after a No Deal Brexit, there is a simple way of never paying VAT on any retail purchases for your own use. From a piano to a gymnasium, from a teapot to a lawnmower – all may be purchased completely VAT free and legally. It does not appear that the Government has considered this, it certainly does not feature in the recent report on the “Alternative Arrangements”. This is especially relevant to the Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland land border. It may be that if we believe hard enough in Brexit we can avoid UK residents not paying UK VAT…

So how will this fabulous shopping opportunity come into being?

There is an EU-wide system (set out at Article 131 of The Principle VAT Directive) which provides for the recovery of VAT incurred by individuals from outside the EU. Clearly, after a No-Deal Brexit, that will be anyone in the UK. This is called the Retail Export Scheme (RES). After a hard Brexit, any goods moving from an EU Member State into the UK will now be classed as exports (pre-Brexit there is free movement of goods within the EU, so there would be no exports when goods move cross-border within the EU).

How does RES work?

When an individual buys goods in an EU Member State and exports them for his/her personal use, the retailer will charge VAT at the rate applicable in that country. The shop will also issue a certain document. This document is stamped when the goods are physically exported buy the buyer and the customer returns the form to the retailer. It is a quite painless procedure. When this evidence that the goods have been exported is received by the retailer, it will refund the VAT paid – The result = VAT free shopping. Also, the scheme has no minimum sales value. 

And after Brexit?

The UK has said its 2017 Customs Bill that VAT will not be charged on personal imports. This is effectively inviting tax free cross-border shopping and consequently, logically, reducing retails sales in the UK. I am sure that that is not what the Government had in mind. It is likely that there could be wide scale use of RES. After all, what is a bit of paperwork and a short drive to save 20%?! This is even before one considers the abuse of the arrangements, which, with the obvious financial benefits, could be significant. A day trip to mainland Europe will be very inviting, and then, there is our land border…

Some politics…

The Irish border

Clearly, the most relevant issue is the Irish border. Regardless of the political noises, there will be a “difference” between EU and “third country” (which the UK will be after a No Deal Brexit) rules between the two countries. These differences facilitate the use of the RES. There is nothing in any proposals which will prevent cross-border shopping on the island of Ireland. I can imagine retailers in Dublin rubbing their hands together while those in Belfast gloomily survey empty shops. Perhaps new retailers will pop up on the Irish side of the EU/UK divide to make matters even more helpful for bargain hunting shoppers from the UK. Another issue which I doubt the UK has considered is that if there is no border (which we are told by the Government will happen even though a No-Deal Brexit will definitively and specifically not permit this) there will be nobody to stamp the forms. I won’t get into the politics of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) and a No Deal Brexit, but it seems almost certain that there will have to be a deal with the EU to ensure there is no border, OR the UK must renege on the GFA which could bring terrifying consequences to peace in the area, amongst a lot of other issues. What a mess.

Importance of a border with the EU

No two countries outside of the EU have ever removed border checks between themselves. They try to streamline checks where possible, as everybody wants smooth trade, but always retain border checks. Why? Simply, for goods trade, a border post is the only place where you can guarantee to have the vehicle, the items definitely being transported, and all relevant paperwork in one place. You can and do make other checks, but the border is at the core. One of the reasons for the EU legal and regulatory framework is to be able to trust that goods trade between members can take place without border checks. This means common tariffs, common rules, and legal redress. Without being a part of the regulations, there can be no such trust and a hard border is necessary.

Unsurprisingly, there have been no studies on the cost to UK retailers, and apparently, no recognition whatsoever, that this could be a serious issue. Given the political issues with the Irish border, and the serious consequences of going against the GFA, this is another issue which has been either; overlooked, dismissed, politically ignored, or relegated to the bottom of a list of so many issues caused by an ill-considered No Deal Brexit.

What the government has continually, apparently deliberately, failed to recognise is that there is no fudge that provides both freedom from EU rules and frictionless trade with a No Deal Brexit. There is no current way to reconcile Northern Ireland remaining aligned with the UK, Ireland staying fully in the EU, pure Brexit, and no border checks. Tax is simply one area in the commercial world which has been ignored, for political reasons. VAT is just one area of tax, and the RES is just one area of VAT.

I have to charge myself VAT?!

By   9 July 2019
How comes?!

Well, normally, the supplier is the person who must account to the tax authorities for any VAT due on the supply. However, in certain situations, the position is reversed and it is the customer who must account for any VAT due. Don’t get caught out!

Here are just some of the situations when you have to charge yourself VAT:

Purchasing services from abroad

These will be obtained free of VAT from an overseas supplier. What is known as the ‘reverse charge’ procedure must be applied. Where the reverse charge procedure applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services. On the same VAT return, the recipient must account for output tax, calculated on the full value of the supply received, and (subject to partial exemption and non-business rules) include the VAT charged as input tax. The effect of the provisions is that the reverse charge has no net cost to the recipient if he can attribute the input tax to taxable supplies and can therefore reclaim it in full. If he cannot, the effect is to put him in the same position as if had received the supply from a UK supplier rather than from one outside the UK. Thus creating a level playing field between purchasing from the UK and overseas.

Accounting for VAT and recovery of input tax.
Where the reverse charge procedure applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services.  On the same VAT return, the recipient must
      1. account for output tax, calculated on the full value of the supply received, in Box 1;
      2. (subject to partial exemption and non-business rules) include the VAT stated in box 1 as input tax in Box 4; and;
      3. include the full value of the supply in both Boxes 6 and 7.
Value of supply: The value of the deemed supply is to be taken to be the consideration in money for which the services were in fact supplied or, where the consideration did not consist or not wholly consist of money, such amount in money as is equivalent to that consideration.  The consideration payable to the overseas supplier for the services excludes UK VAT but includes any taxes levied abroad.
Time of supply: The time of supply of such services is the date the supplies are paid for or, if the consideration is not in money, the last day of the VAT period in which the services are performed.

Purchasing goods from another EU Member States

Something similar to reverse charge; called acquisition tax, applies to goods purchased from other EC Member States. These are known as acquisitions (they are imports if the goods come from outside the EU and different rules apply). The full value of the goods is subject to output tax and the associated input tax may be recovered by the business acquiring if the goods are used for taxable purposes. If you are not already registered for VAT in the UK and acquire goods worth £85,000 or more in the UK from other EC countries, you will have to register for VAT in the UK on the strength of the value of the acquisition tax. A business will also have to complete an Intrastat Supplementary Declaration (SDs) if its acquisitions of goods from the EC exceed an annual amount – currently £1.5 million.

Intrastat_flow_diagramMore details on Intrastat Supplementary Declarations here


Any goods on hand at deregistration with a total value of over £1,000 on which input tax has been claimed are subject to a self supply. This is a similar mechanism to a reverse charge in that the goods are deemed to be supplied to the business by the business and output tax is due. However, in these circumstances it is not possible to recover any input tax on the self supply.

Flat Rate Scheme

There is a self supply of capital items on which input tax has been claimed when a business leaves the flat rate scheme (and remains VAT registered).

Mobile telephones

In order to counter missing trader intra-community fraud (‘MTIC’), supplies of mobile telephones and computer chips which are made by one VAT registered business to another and valued at £5,000 and over are subject to the reverse charge. This means that the purchaser rather than the seller is responsible for accounting for VAT due.

And not forgetting the new domestic reverse charge for building and construction here.

Land and buildings…. and motor cars

There are certain circumstances where land and buildings must be treated as a self supply… but that is a whole new subject in itself… as is supplies in the motor trade.

Even if the result of a self-supply or reverse charge is VAT neutral HMRC is within its rights to assess and levy penalties and interest in cases where the charge has not been applied; which always seems unfair.  However, more often than not simple accounting entries will deal with the matter…. if the circumstances are recognised and it is remembered to actually make the entries!