Category Archives: Disputes

VAT Business/Non-Business HMRC Internal Manual updated

By   14 October 2024

HMRC internal guidance manual has been updated on 9 October 2024.

This is likely to affect; charities and similar bodies, NFP, clubs, associations, philanthropic organisations, galleries and museums, “hobby” activities, amongst other persons.

Business or Non-Business (N-B) is very important in VAT as it determines, inter alia, whether a supplier is

  • liable to register
  • liable to account for output tax
  • able to recover (all, some, or no) input tax

The definition of business and N-B here.

Legislation: The I Act 1994 Section 24(5).

Further reading

 I have written about this issue many times, as it is a fundamental issue in the tax.

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/N-B issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. And Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

What the Guidance Manual covers:

  • an overview of the meaning of business for VAT purposes
  • general principles
  • meaning of N-B
    • the term ‘business activity’ (economic activity)
    • the concept of ‘business’ for VAT purposes
    • the meaning of business
    • the purpose of activity
    • N-B activities
    • persons with both business and N-B activities
    • outside the scope income
    • N-B activities which result in payment
  • determination procedures to establish whether an activity is business N-B
  • the relevant UK law and caselaw (per above amongst other cases)
  • the general approach for inspectors on business/N-B
  • factors to consider when determining if an activity is business or not
  • the link between supplies and consideration
  • methods of apportionment of input tax and approval of apportionment methods
  • formal procedures and work systems
  • clubs and associations
  • specific issues
  • legal history
  • HMRC policy background

This is the main reference material for HMRC inspectors and other employees, so it is very helpful for advisers to understand HMRC’s likely approach to a potential VAT issue.

A VAT Did you know?

By   26 September 2024

Fruit pulp is zero-rated, but fruit juice is standard-rated.

VAT: Zero rated “hot” food – a summary

By   23 September 2024
Food – What’s hot and what’s not?
Generally, cold takeaway food and drink is zero-rated (as long as it is not of a type that is always standard-rated, such as crisps, sweets and some beverages including bottled water).
Via VAT Act 1994 Schedule 8, Group 1, the sale of certain food is zero rated. However, there is an exception for supplies in the course of catering. Anything coming within the definition of catering reverts to the general rule and is taxable at the standard rate. The definition of catering includes “any supply of hot food for consumption off those premises…” Note 3 (b).
Historically, there has been many disputes over what food is “hot”. A seemingly straightforward definition one would think, but this is VAT, and case law insists that that is often not the case. A good example is the Eat case.
It may be coincidence, but I have dealt with a number of issues around this recently, so I thought it may be helpful to look at the VAT treatment of different types of food.

Pasties, sausage rolls, pies or other pastries

  • If they are hot and straight from the oven: Although the pastry is hot, it is not being kept warm, so therefore there is no VAT
  • Left to cool to room temperature: The pasty is not being kept warm, so no VAT is chargeable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp: The pasty is being kept warm so VAT is due


  • Cold food is zero-rated for tax purposes so no VAT.
  • Heated for a customer – standard rated per the Eat case.


  • Freshly baked, cooling or cold – the bread is not kept warm, even though it may be straight from the oven, so would be VAT free.

Rotisserie chicken

  • If hot from the spit; VAT on takeaway food intended to be served hot is VATable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp – As the food is kept hot and served hot, VAT is applicable.
  • Left to cool to room temperature – If the chicken is cooked then left to cool, such as in bags in a supermarket, it will be VAT free.


  • such as fish and chips: VAT remains on all takeaway food served hot.


  • All supplies of catering is subject to VAT regardless of what food and drink is being provided. This includes all restaurants and cafés: VAT applies if a supply of food and drink is made for consumption on the premises that it’s supplied in.

This is a general guide and, as case law shows, there will always be products on the “borderline”.

In summary, food that is hot can be treated as cold…

The VAT treatment of sightseeing passes. The Go City Limited case

By   3 September 2024

Latest from the courts

In the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Go City Ltd the issue was the VAT treatment of passes (“sightseeing packages”) sold by the appellant. Should they be outside the scope of VAT as multi-purpose vouchers (MPVs) or whether “functioning as a ticket”? The difference being the time of supply (tax point).

The issues

The appellant sells passes which enables the buyer to enter London attractions and travel on certain types of transport. The passes were sold at a price lower than the usual admittance price at the attractions. HMRC originally accepted that the supplies were of “face value vouchers” (MPV – see below) via The VAT Act, Schedule 10A, and latterly Schedule 10B, but later changed its view. It raised assessments for the deemed underdeclarations.

Tax point

The difference in VAT treatment is, essentially:

  • Face value vouchers (FVV) that can be used for more than one type of good or service (multi-purpose – “MPV”) – No VAT due when sold (if sold at or below their monetary value).
  • FVVs that can only be used for one type of good or service (single-purpose) – VAT due on the value of the voucher when issued.

Moreover, the above means that for single purpose vouchers, VAT is due whether the voucher is actually redeemed or not – there is no way to reduce output tax previously accounted for if the voucher is not used.  Whereas for MPVs VAT is only due when they are redeemed. More background on vouchers below.


Go City Ltd argued that what was being sold was MPV and output tax was only due when the voucher was redeemed.

HMRC contended that the sale was of a “ticket” (effectively a single purpose voucher) and that output tax was due “up-front”.


The appeal allowed. The Tribunal concluded that he passes were MPVs and their sale was consequently outside the scope of VAT. No output tax was due at the time they were sold.

The passes were not only outside the scope of VAT because they are MPVs, but also because the supplies take place when the customer uses the pass, and not when it is purchased. The position is essentially the same as in Findmypast and  MacDonald Resorts .

Furthermore, the FTT considered the validity of a number of the assessments HMRC issued. These were raised “to protect HMRC’s position” in respect of the alleged underdeclaration of output tax. The court ruled that these assessments were invalid because, at the time they were raised, HMRC did not have a view that the appellant’s returns were incorrect, as a final decision had yet to be made.


The correct decision I feel. A long read, but well worth it for interested parties.

Technical background

Face value vouchers

Recent changes, radically alter the UK rules for face value vouchers (FVV). FVVs are vouchers, tokens, stamps (physical or electronic) which entitle the holder to certain goods or services up to the value on the face of the vouchers from the supplier of those goods or services. Examples of FVVs would include vouchers sold by popular group discount websites, vouchers sold by high street retailers, book tokens, stamps and various high street vouchers.

Single or multi-purpose

The most important distinction for FFVs is whether a voucher is a single purpose voucher or multi-purpose voucher. If it is a multi-purpose voucher, then little has changed. If it is a single purpose voucher, however, HMRC will now require output tax to be accounted for at the date it is issued. Single purpose vouchers are vouchers which carry the right to receive only one type of goods or services which are all subject to a single rate of VAT. Multi-purpose vouchers are anything else. The differences can be quite subtle.

For example:

  • a voucher which entitles you to download an e-book from one seller will be a single purpose voucher. A voucher which entitles you to purchase books (zero rated) or stationery (standard rated) from the same seller will be multi-purpose.
  • a voucher which entitles you to £100 of food at a restaurant which does not sell takeaways is probably single purpose, whereas if the restaurant has a cold salad bar and the buyer can buy a zero-rated take-away with the voucher (and/or standard rated hot food) then it would likely to be multi-purpose.

A VAT Did you know?

By   27 August 2024

The Irish Supreme Court ruled that the bread sold by the restaurant chain Subway was too sweet to be classified as bread and that the high sugar content meant that it could not be zero rated.

VAT: Tax point of telecommunications – The Lycamobile case

By   7 August 2024

Latest from the courts

In the Lycamobile UK Ltd First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case, the issue was whether VAT was chargeable on the supply of a “Plan Bundle” at the time when it was sold and by reference to the whole of the consideration that was paid for it, or whether VAT was instead chargeable only when, and only to the extent that, the allowances in the Plan Bundle were actually used. The time of supply (tax point) was important because not only would it dictate when output tax was due, but more importantly here, if the appeal succeeded, there would be no supply of the element of the bundle which was not used, so no output tax would be due on it.


The Plan Bundles comprised rights to future telecommunication services; telephone calls, text messages and data (together, “Allowances”). There were hundreds of different Plan Bundles sold by the Appellant and the precise composition of those Plan Bundles varied.


Lycamobile considered that that the services contained within each Plan Bundle were supplied only as and when the Allowances were used, so that the consideration which was received for each Plan Bundle would be recognised for VAT purposes only to the extent that the Plan Bundle was actually used. In the alternative, these supplies could be considered as multi-purpose vouchers such that output tax was not due when they were issued, but when the service was used. Very briefly, the contention was that it was possible that not all of the use would be standard rated in the UK.

Unsurprisingly, HMRC argued that that those services were supplied when the relevant Plan Bundle was sold (up-front) and output tax was due on the amount paid, regardless of usage.


The Tribunal placed emphasis on “the legal and economic context” and “the purpose of the customers in paying their consideration”.

It decided that the terms of the Plan Bundle created a legal relationship between Lycamobile and the customer. The Bundle was itself the provision of telecommunication services when sold. The customers were aware that they were entitled to use their Allowances and could decide whether to, or not. As a consequence, consumption was aligned with payment and created a tax point at the time of that payment. There was a direct link between those services and the consideration paid by the customer.

The Tribunal also considered the vouchers point. There were significant changes to the rules for Face Value Vouchers on 1 January 2019 (the supplies spanned this date), but the FTT found that the Plan Bundles were not monetary entitlements for future services under either set of rules, so the tax point rules for vouchers did not apply here.

The appeal was dismissed and HMRC assessments totalling over £51 million were upheld.


Not an unexpected result, but an illustration of the importance of; tax points, legal and economic realities, and what customers think they are paying for. All important aspects in analysing what is being provided, and when.

NAO issues scathing attack on HMRC customer service

By   25 June 2024

The National Audit Office (NAO) has issued a report: Value for money which covers HMRC’s and Specifically, the department’s support of its “customers” (although I maintain the word should be; Taxpayers) through services provided online, through written correspondence and over the telephone.

(My) Summary

HMRC is awful and services are getting worse.

Some extract quotes:

“In 2022-23, HMRC spent £881 million on customer service. Performance has been below expected levels for telephone and correspondence for almost all of the last five years”.

“HMRC’s telephone and correspondence services have been falling below the expected service levels for too long, and HMRC has not achieved planned efficiencies. To achieve value for money HMRC must provide a timely and effective service for customers needing help with their tax or benefits, even as it attempts to reduce costs”.

“HMRC’s strategy to replace traditional forms of contact with digital services makes sense in many ways. Digital transactions can be easier and faster for many customers to access and submit information. However, they do not currently allow customers to resolve more complex queries”.

“… digital services have not had the effect HMRC hoped for…”  “While many of HMRC’s digital services work well, they have not made enough of a difference to customer contact levels” and  “they do not currently allow customers to resolve more complex queries”.

“HMRC has been unable to cope with telephone demand and consequently fallen short in processing correspondence and dealing with telephone calls according to procedures, creating further service pressures. HMRC felt it had no choice but to close phone lines to catch up and compel people to use digital services. It has had to reverse this approach in the face of stakeholder opposition”.

“There are opportunities to reduce unnecessary levels of contact and improve efficiency. HMRC must demonstrate it understands how to make these gains, and form more realistic plans for how to deliver these, while ensuring it maintains service levels.”

This performance is simply unacceptable – as anyone who has had dealings with HMRC will know.

VAT: What is an exempt supply, and what does it mean?

By   17 June 2024

VAT Basics

Exemption generally

Some services are exempt from VAT. If all the services a business provides are exempt, it will not be able to register for VAT, which means it cannot reclaim any input tax incurred on its purchases or expenses.

If a business is VAT registered it may make both taxable and exempt supplies (it will need to make at least some taxable supplies to be registered). Such a business is classed as partly exempt and it may be able to recover some input tax, but usually not all (Please see de minimis below).

Types of supply which may be exempt

Examples are:

The above list is not exhaustive.

* Most businesses which do not routinely make exempt supplies usually encounter exemption in the area of land and property and it is an easy trap to fall into not to consider VAT when involved in property transactions. This is one area where VAT planning may be of assistance as it is possible in most situations to deliberately choose to add VAT to an exempt supply to avoid a loss of input tax.  This is known as the option to tax, and it is considered in more detail here.

The legislation covering exemption is found at The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9. 

What does exemption mean?

 An entity only making exempt supplies cannot register for VAT and consequently has no VAT responsibilities or obligations. While this may seem attractive, exemption is often a burden rather than a relief. This is because any VAT it incurs on any expenditure is irrecoverable and represents an additional cost.  This often affects charities, although there are some limited reliefs.

Exempt supplies are completely different to non-business activities, although the VAT outcome is often similar.

 Partial exemption de-minimis

A partly exempt business cannot usually recover all of the input tax it incurs. However, there is a relief called de minimis. Broadly, if VAT bearing expenditure is below certain limits in may be recovered in full. These are provisional calculations and are subject to a Partial Exemption Annual Adjustment.

Further information on terms used in partial exemption here.

VAT: More on separate and single supplies. The KFC dip pot case

By   10 June 2024

Latest from the courts

In the First-Tier tribunal case of Queenscourt Limited the issue was whether dip pots supplied as part of a takeaway meal deal are a separate zero-rated supply (of cold food) or whether they are part of a single VATable supply of hot food.


The appellant had originally accounted for output tax on the basis that dip pots formed part of a single standard rated supply with other food. However, following advice, it then formed the view that zero-rating applied to these pots and submitted a claim for overpaid output tax. HMRC agreed to repay the VAT claimed.

Subsequently, a further claim as made on a similar basis for a later period. This was considered by a different officer who refused to make the repayment on the basis that there was no separate supply of the dip pots. This called into question whether the payment of the initial claim was correct. The officer considered the previous repayment to have been incorrect and issued assessments in order to recover the amount which had been repaid.

Queenscourt now appealed both against the decision to refuse the repayment claimed in the second error correction notice and also against the recovery assessment relating to the first error correction notice.  Moreover, the recovery assessments are invalid as there has been no change in circumstances and no new facts have come to light since HMRC agreed to repay the tax. Alternatively, it argues that HMRC are prevented from recovering the tax, either on the basis of legitimate expectation or estoppel by convention, in each case arising as a result of HMRC’s original agreement that that tax should be repaid.


The appeal was dismissed.

  • On the dip point issue, the FTT stated that it was unlikely the dip would be eaten on its own, or as an end in itself, unlike the coleslaw or cookie elements – It is a means of better enjoying the hot food. Consequently, it is an element of a standard rated single composite supply of hot takeaway food.
  • Legitimate expectation – Whilst the Tribunal did have jurisdiction to consider arguments based on legitimate expectation in the context of an appeal against a recovery assessment, it is not in this case sufficiently unfair for HMRC to resile from their initial acceptance of the claim made in the first error correction notice and to apply the correct tax treatment.
  • Estoppel – HMRC is not estopped from making or relying on their recovery assessments as there has been no detrimental reliance on the original position taken by HMRC in connection with any subsequent mutual dealings.


It is difficult to see the end of single/multiple supply cases, as my previous articles consider:

Here, here, here, here, and how to categorise a supply here.

A VAT: Did you know?

By   24 May 2024

Banana and strawberry flavoured Nesquik drinks are standard rated, but chocolate flavoured Nesquik is zero rated.