Category Archives: Land & Property

VAT: What is an exempt supply, and what does it mean?

By   17 June 2024

VAT Basics

Exemption generally

Some services are exempt from VAT. If all the services a business provides are exempt, it will not be able to register for VAT, which means it cannot reclaim any input tax incurred on its purchases or expenses.

If a business is VAT registered it may make both taxable and exempt supplies (it will need to make at least some taxable supplies to be registered). Such a business is classed as partly exempt and it may be able to recover some input tax, but usually not all (Please see de minimis below).

Types of supply which may be exempt

Examples are:

The above list is not exhaustive.

* Most businesses which do not routinely make exempt supplies usually encounter exemption in the area of land and property and it is an easy trap to fall into not to consider VAT when involved in property transactions. This is one area where VAT planning may be of assistance as it is possible in most situations to deliberately choose to add VAT to an exempt supply to avoid a loss of input tax.  This is known as the option to tax, and it is considered in more detail here.

The legislation covering exemption is found at The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9. 

What does exemption mean?

 An entity only making exempt supplies cannot register for VAT and consequently has no VAT responsibilities or obligations. While this may seem attractive, exemption is often a burden rather than a relief. This is because any VAT it incurs on any expenditure is irrecoverable and represents an additional cost.  This often affects charities, although there are some limited reliefs.

Exempt supplies are completely different to non-business activities, although the VAT outcome is often similar.

 Partial exemption de-minimis

A partly exempt business cannot usually recover all of the input tax it incurs. However, there is a relief called de minimis. Broadly, if VAT bearing expenditure is below certain limits in may be recovered in full. These are provisional calculations and are subject to a Partial Exemption Annual Adjustment.

Further information on terms used in partial exemption here.

VAT DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme Top 10 Tips

By   9 May 2024
If you build your own home, there is a scheme available which permits you to recover certain VAT incurred on the construction. This puts a person who constructs their own home on equal footing with commercial housebuilders. There is no need to be VAT registered in order to make the claim. As always with VAT, there are traps and deadlines, so here I have set out the Top Ten Tips.

An in-depth article on the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme here

It is also possible to claim VAT on the construction of a new charity building, for a charitable or relevant residential purpose.

The following are bullet points to bear in mind if you are building your own house, or advising someone who is:

  1. Understand HMRC definitions early in your planning

Budgeting plays an important part in any building project. Whether VAT you incur may be reclaimed is an important element. In order to establish this, it is essential that your plans meet the definitions for ‘new residential dwelling’ or ‘qualifying conversion’. This will help ensure that your planning application provides the best position for a successful claim. One point to bear in mind, is the requirement for the development to be capable of separate (from an existing property) disposal. 

  1. Do I have to live in the property when complete?

You are permitted to build the property for another relative to live in. The key point is that it will become someone’s home and not sold or rented to a third party. Therefore, you can complete the build and obtain invoices in your name, even if the property is for your elderly mother to live in. However, it is not possible to claim on a granny annexe built in your garden (as above, they are usually not capable of being disposed of independently to the house).

  1. Contractors

Despite the name of the scheme, you are able to use contractors to undertake the work for you. The only difference here will be the VAT rate on their services will vary depending on the nature of the works and materials provided.

  1. What can you claim?

A valid claim can be made on any building materials you purchase and use on the build project. Also, services of conversion charged at the reduced rate can be recovered. However, input tax on professional services such as architect’s fees cannot be reclaimed.

  1. Get the VAT rate right

It is crucial to receive goods and services at the correct rate of VAT.  Services provided on a new construction of a new dwelling will qualify for the zero rate, whereas the reduced rate of 5% will apply for qualifying conversions. If your contractor has charged you 20% where the reduced rate should have been applied, HMRC refuse to refund the VAT and will advise you go back to your supplier to get the error corrected. This is sometimes a problem if your contractor has gone ‘bust’ in the meantime or becomes belligerent. Best to agree the correct VAT treatment up front.

  1. Aid your cash flow

If you wish to purchase goods yourself, it will be beneficial to ask your contractor to buy the goods and combine the value of these with his services of construction. In this way, standard rated goods become zero rated in a new build.  If you incur the VAT on goods, you will have to wait until the end of the project to claim it from HMRC.

  1. Claim on time

The claim form must be submitted within six months of completion of the build, usually this is when the certificate of practical completion is issued, or the building is inhabited. although it can be earlier if the certificate is delayed. More details of when a building is complete here. Recent changes to the scheme here

  1. Use the right form

HMRC publish the forms on their website.

Using the correct forms will help avoid delays and errors. Claims can now be made online.

  1. Send everything Recorded Delivery

You are required to send original invoices with the claim. Therefore, take copies of all documents and send the claim by recorded delivery. Unfortunately, experience insists that documents are lost…

  1. Seek Advice

If you are in any doubt, please contact me. Mistakes can be costly, and you only get one chance to make the claim. Oh, and don’t forget that this is VAT, so any errors in a claim may be liable to penalties.

More on the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme here, here, here, and here and Tribunal cases on claims here, here, and here

VAT: DIY Housebuilder Scheme updated

By   16 April 2024
HMRC has updated its guidance for DIY Housebuilders.
The scheme enables people who build, or convert properties into dwellings for their own use to recover VAT incurred on the project.
More on the Scheme here.
Information about filling in a schedule of invoices before starting a self-build project has been added. This follows other changes to, and cases on, the Scheme which are set out below:

The following article provides help with Scheme claimants:

Small businesses/start ups: Should I register for VAT voluntarily?

By   1 February 2024
VAT Basics – voluntary registration


OK, so why would a business choose to VAT register when it need not? Let’s say its turnover is under the VAT registration limit of £90,000, isn’t it just best to avoid the VATman if at all possible?


This is not an article which considers whether a business MUST register, but rather it looks at whether it is a good idea to register on a voluntary basis if it is not compulsory. The first time a business would probably consider VAT planning.


As a general rule of thumb; if you sell to the public (B2C) then probably not. If you sell to other VAT registered businesses (B2B) then it is more likely to be beneficial.

If you sell B2B to customers overseas it is almost certain that VAT registration would be a good thing, as it would if you supply zero rated goods or services in the UK. This is because there is no output tax on sales, but full input tax recovery on costs; VAT nirvana! A distinction must be made between zero rated supplies and exempt supplies. If only exempt supplies are made, a business cannot register for VAT regardless of level of income.


Apart from the economic considerations, we have found that small businesses are sometimes put off VAT registration by the added compliance costs (especially since MTD) and the potential penalties being in the VAT club can bring. Weighed against this, there is a certain kudos or prestige for a business and it does convey a degree of seriousness of a business undertaking. We also come across situations where a customer will only deal with suppliers who are VAT registered.

The main issue

The key to registration is that, once registered, a business may recover the VAT it incurs on its expenditure (called input tax). So let us look at some simple examples of existing businesses for comparison:


  • Example 1

A business sells office furniture to other VAT registered business (B2B)

It buys stock for 10,000 plus VAT of 2,000

It incurs VAT on overheads (rent, IT, telephones, light and heat etc) of 2,000 plus 400 VAT

It makes sales of 20,000

If not registered, its profit is 20,000 less 12,000 less 2400 = 5600

If VAT registered, the customer can recover any VAT charged, so VAT is not a disincentive to him

Sales 20,000 plus 4000 VAT (paid to HMRC)

Input tax claimed = 2400 (offset against payment to HMRC)

Result: the VAT is neutral and not a cost, so profit is 20,000 less 12,000 = 8000, a saving of 2400 as compared to the business not being registered.  The 2400 clearly equals the input tax recovered on expenditure.

  • Example 2

A “one-man band” consultant provides advice B2B and uses his home as his office. All of his clients are able to recover any VAT charged.

He has very few overheads that bear VAT as most of his expenditure is VAT free (staff, train fares, use of home) so his input tax amounts to 100.

He must weigh up the cost (time/admin etc) of VAT registration against reclaiming the 100 of input tax. In this case it would probably not be worthwhile VAT registering – although the Flat Rate Scheme may be attractive.

  • Example 3

A retailer sells adult clothes to the public from a shop. She pays VAT on the rent and on the purchase of stock as well as the usual overheads. The total amount she pays is 20,000 with VAT of 4000.

Her sales total 50,000

If not VAT registered her profit is 50,000 less 24,000 = 26,000

If VAT registered she will treat the value of sales as VAT inclusive, so of the 50,000 income 8333 represents VAT she must pay to HMRC. She is able to offset her input tax of 4000.

This means that her profit if VAT registered is 50,000 less the VAT of 8333 = 41,667 less the net costs of 20,000 = 21,667

Result: a loss of 4333 in profit.

As may be seen, if a business sells to the public it is nearly always disadvantageous to be voluntarily VAT registered. It may be possible to increase her prices by circa 20%, but for a lot of retailers, this is unrealistic.

Intending traders

If a business has not started trading, but is incurring input tax on costs, it is possible to VAT register even though it has not made any taxable supplies. This is known by HMRC as an intending trader registration. A business will need to provide evidence of the intention to trade and this is sometimes a stumbling block, especially in the area of land and property. Choosing to register before trading may avoid losing input tax due to the time limits (very generally a business can go back six months for services and four years for goods on hand to recover the VAT). Also cashflow will be improved if input tax is recovered as soon as possible.


Careful consideration should be given to the VAT status of a small or start-up business. This may be particularly relevant to start-ups as they typically incur more costs as the business begins and the recovery of the VAT on these costs may be important. In most cases it is also possible to recover VAT incurred before the date of VAT registration.

This is a basic guide and there are many various situations that require further consideration of the benefits of voluntary VAT registration. We would, of course, be pleased to help.

VAT: Buildings and construction update

By   1 February 2024

HMRC has amended Notice 708 which covers:

  • when building work can be zero-rated or reduced-rated at 5%
  • when building materials can be zero-rated or reduced-rated at 5%
  • when the sale, or long lease in a building is zero-rated
  • where you can find out more about the VAT domestic reverse charge for building and construction services
  • when developers are blocked from deducting input tax on goods that are not building materials
  • when a builder or developer needs to have a certificate from their customer, confirming that the building concerned is intended to be used for a purpose that attracts the zero or reduced rate
  • when a customer can issue that certificate to a builder or developer
  • what happens when a certificated building is no longer used for the purpose that attracted the zero rate, the use for that purpose decreases or the building is disposed of
  • the special time of supply rules for builders
  • when a business, on using its own labour to carry out building work on a building or civil engineering structure that it occupies or uses, must account for a self-supply charge

Sections 18.1 and 18.2 of the Notice and the certificates in those sections have been updated to show they have force of law under The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 5, Note 12.

Extension of VAT energy-saving materials relief

By   22 January 2024

HMRC have published a new Policy Paper on the extension of energy-saving materials (ESMs).

Installations of ESMs in residential accommodation currently benefit from a temporary VAT zero rate until 31 March 2027, after which they revert to the reduced rate of VAT at 5%.

This measure extends the relief to installations of ESMs in buildings used solely for relevant charitable purposes, such as village halls or similar recreational facilities for a local community.

It also expands the scope of the relief to the following technologies:

  • electrical batteries that store electricity generated by certain ESMs and from the National Grid
  • water-source heat pumps
  • diverters that enable excess electricity from certain ESMs to be used within a building in which it is generated rather than exported to the grid

It also adds certain preparatory groundworks that are necessary for the installation of ground- and water-source heat pumps.

The changes apply from 1 February 2024

The policy objective is to incentivise the installation of ESMs across the UK to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

The measures are implemented by The Value Added Tax (Installation of Energy-Saving Materials) Order 2024.

VAT treatment of serviced apartments: The Realreed Limited case

By   11 January 2024

Latest from the courts

In this First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case the issue was whether serviced apartments qualify for exemption.


Realreed owns a property called Chelsea Cloisters in Sloane Avenue, London. The property comprises; 656 self-contained apartments and some commercial units. 421 of these apartments are let on long leases (no VAT issues arise from these supplies). The appeal concerned the VAT treatment of the letting of the remaining 235 apartments, which include studio, one-bedroom or two-bedroom self-contained rooms. The appellant has, at all times, received a significant number of occupiers from corporate customers when they relocate their employees to London for a specified period, such as a secondment.

The contentions

Realreed argued that the letting of the apartments is a supply of accommodation which is exempt under The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 1, Item 1. Chelsea Cloisters operates like a ‘home from home’ for its tenants: it provides residential accommodation. The physical appearance of the building is very similar to that of other residential buildings in the vicinity. It does not have signage suggesting the serviced accommodation is a hotel or similar establishment. It is rare for hotels (or similar establishments) at the booking point to offer long-term availability in the same way as Realreed does. Chelsea Cloisters does not offer room service, or catering of any form. Tenants have fully functioning kitchens and other self-catering facilities within their apartments and have washing machines and dryers to do all their own laundry. Tenants can, and do, stay for extended periods of time (one for around 20 years). The business has always involved the provision of residential accommodation on a longer-term basis than would typically be found in a hotel, with a much higher degree of personal autonomy for the occupant.

HMRC contended that the use of the Apartments is carved out of the exemption in Item 1 by excepted item (d), which applies to “the provision in an hotel, inn, boarding house or similar establishment of sleeping accommodation”. Note 9 to Group 1 provides that “similar establishment” “includes premises in which there is provided furnished sleeping accommodation whether with or without the provision of board or facilities for the preparation of food, which are used or held out as being suitable for use by visitors or travellers”.


The court considered that Realreed provided sleeping accommodation in an establishment which is similar to a hotel. The two hallmarks of short-term accommodation coupled with additional services (daily maid service, linen changing, cleaning at the end of a stay, residents bar, concierge) mean that Chelsea Cloisters is an establishment in potential competition with the hotel sector, which also offers short-term accommodation with services.

The FTT found that Realreed provided furnished sleeping accommodation, so the remaining question was whether Chelsea Cloisters is used by or held out as being suitable for use by “visitors or travellers” per Note 9.

The FTT interpreted ‘visitor or traveller’ as referring to a person who is present in a particular place without making it their home, ie; they are not staying there with any degree of permanence. The average length of visit was less than a fortnight which must mean that the apartments were indeed made available to visitors or travellers.

The supplies were therefore standard rated.


There is a distinction between leases and other room lettings for VAT. The most important issue is the degree of “permanence”, although other factors have a bearing. Businesses which let rooms should consider the nature of their supplies with reference to this case which helpfully sets out which factors need to be considered.

VAT: Changes to the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme

By   20 November 2023

The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme  is a tax refund mechanism for people who build, or arrange to have built, a house they intend to live in. It also applies to converting commercial property into a house(s). This puts a person who constructs their own home on equal footing with commercial housebuilders. There is no need to be VAT registered in order to make the claim.

The Scheme can be complex, but here is our Top Ten Tips for claimants. 

The Changes

From 5 December 2023, the follow changes apply:

  • claimants will be allowed to submit claims electronically
  • the deadline for making claims will be extended to six months (from three)
  • the list of documents required to support a claim has been amended
  • a new requirement for additional evidence when a derelict building has been converted into dwelling(s) – to be made on a specific form

These changes are set out in The Value Added Tax (Refunds to “Do-It-Yourself” Builders) (Amendment of Method and Time for Making Claims) Regulations 2023 and guidance is provided by HMRC here.

The new deadline applies to claims made on, or after 5 December 2023. The deadline, broadly, begins when a dwelling is complete. There is sometimes a dispute on the completion date, so this case and commentary may be of assistance.

VAT: Revoke an option to tax after 20 years have passed – update

By   6 November 2023

HMRC’s Form VAT1614J has been updated. This form is used to revoke an option to tax (OTT) land or buildings for VAT purposes after 20 years have passed. There is a new address to which the form and supporting documents are sent:


HM Revenue and Customs


Scanned copies of the form can be emailed to:


Background: Revoking an option where more than 20 years have elapsed since it first had effect.

A business may revoke an OTT without prior permission from HMRC where more than 20 years have elapsed since the option first had effect. This is done by submitting the Form VAT1614J.

When the OTT first has effect: An OTT first had effect on the day it was exercised, or any later day that was specified when opting to tax.

Who can revoke: The relevant guidance VAT Notice 742A – which has the force of law here states that the ‘Taxpayer’ can revoke the OTT. The taxpayer is defined as the person who exercised the option to tax or is treated as making that option by virtue of a real estate election.

When the revocation will take effect: The revocation will take effect from the day that the taxpayer specifies when HMRC is notified, but this cannot be any earlier than the day on which the taxpayer notifies HMRC.

Outcomes of revoking an Option To Tax

  • any income (rent or sale) relating to the property becomes exempt
  • any input tax relating to the property is not recoverable (subject to the de minimis rules)
  • if no other taxable supplies are made a business must deregister

Revocation of option: The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 10, 25(1)(a).

VAT: Difficulties with DIY Housebuilders’ claim – The Spani case

By   18 September 2023

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Spani v HMRC [2023] UKFTT 00727 (TC) the issue was whether a claim under the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme (the scheme) was valid.

Mr Spani appealed against HMRC’s decision to refuse a claim. It was rejected as the respondents concluded that the property was to be used for business purposes because Planning Permission was for a holiday let rather than residential own use. To claim under the scheme, the relevant the property must be used “otherwise than in the course of furtherance of business”VAT Act 1994, section 35)


The cottage was constructed in Seaford – within the Souths Down National Park and, in order to obtain planning consent, it was required to be made available for letting on a commercial basis for 140 days a year. The appellant contended that it was his primary residence in the UK and any letting (which was interrupted by covid in any case) was/would be incidental to this primary purpose.

The property was listed on Air BnB in order to satisfy the requirements of the planning consent, but the property had not been actively marketed and no lettings had taken place.

Mr Spani contended that the use of the cottage “falls far short of the HMRC’s position that it was the appellant’s intention to use the property for a wholly commercial purpose”. It was simply the appellant’s home in the UK and that an identical property built outside the National Park would not have the Planning Permission holiday let requirement.

Further, if it was a commercial enterprise, Mr Spani could have could have used another reclaim route, viz: registering for VAT and recovering an element of the input tax incurred.


The appeal was dismissed – The judge opined that “none of these events subsequent to the grant of the Planning Permission and completion certificate detract from the fact that the property was built to be a holiday let (as stipulated by the planning consent) and was therefore constructed in furtherance of a FHL* business”.

Additionally, the FTT stated that: it is plain that the appellant’s plan to live in the property within the FHL regulations does not (and cannot) alter the property into a dwelling… when there is the express prohibition placed on the property to be a dwelling.

The conclusion was that the property was built in furtherance of a business which prohibited a claim.


Yet another case highlighting precise requirements of a claim under the scheme and HMRC’s strict application of the rules. Care must always be taken in such cases and we advise professional advice is sought prior to a submission of a claim.

More on similar cases here and here  and Top Ten Tips for the scheme.   

* Furnished Holiday Let