Category Archives: Land & Property

VAT: Interaction of Clawback and the Capital Goods Scheme – The Stichting Schoonzicht case

By   10 March 2020

Latest from the courts

The difference between intended use and first actual use of an asset.

In the Dutch case of Stichting Schoonzicht (C‑791/18) the AG was asked to provide an opinion on the interaction between clawback and the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS) via Directive 2006/112/EC, Articles 185 and 187. Details of the CGS here. In the UK clawback is set out in The General Regulations 1995, Reg 108.


Stichting Schoonzicht constructed a number of apartments which it intended to sell on completion. This would have been a taxable supply and afforded full input tax recovery on the costs incurred on the development. Unfortunately, due to market conditions, the business was unable to find buyers at the appropriate sale price. Therefore, a decision was made to let some of the flats on a short-term basis until the market picked up. This was done and created an exempt supply. The intention to make taxable supplies remained, but in the meantime, exempt supplies had actually been made. This could affect the original input tax claim. Details of partial exemption here.


The Dutch referring court entertained doubts about the compatibility of the ‘first-use full adjustment’ requirement provided for under Netherlands law and the CGS.

So the issue was whether the CGS (Article 187 of the VAT Directive) applied such that any required adjustments to the initial input tax claim could be made via a CGS calculation, or whether, as the Dutch authorities contended, there should be a one-off clawback of the input tax previously claimed.


In the AG’s opinion, the Dutch tax authorities could clawback 4/7 of the input tax on the construction (as four of the flats were let and three remained unoccupied). The AG decided that the CGS could co-exist with clawback and that EU Member States are allowed to adjust the initial deduction of input tax using clawback where actual use varies from intended use. A distinction was made between clawback and the CGS. The CGS is intended to adjust input tax claims as a result of fluctuations in the taxable use of capital assets over a period of time (ten years for buildings in the UK).


In the UK, there are published easements for input tax recovery in similar circumstances: “VAT: Partial Exemption – adjustments when house builders let their dwellings”. However, this is an interesting AG opinion, is worth a read and it will be interesting to see how this develops. However, with prior planning, this situation may be avoided in the UK (where new house sales are zero rated).

VAT overpayments – HMRC to consider changes

By   24 February 2020

VAT overpayments – New direct claims?

If a recipient of a supply makes an overpayment of VAT (usually as a result of standard rated tax being charged when a supply is reduced rated, zero rated or exempt) the remedy for the customer is to go to the supplier to obtain a new invoice/VAT only credit note and. repayment of the VAT paid. However, this can cause practical problems, disputes and an actual cost if a supplier has ceased business or become insolvent. HMRC has recognised that if the supplier has paid output tax on the supply then there is an inherent unfairness.

Following the decision in PORR Építési Kft. (C 691/17) which considered the principles of; proportionality, fiscal neutrality and effectiveness, HMRC invited interested parties to discuss a direct HMRC claim process where the taxpayer has pursued a refund via its supplier for overpaid incorrectly charged VAT but where, as stated in the cases, “recovery is impossible or excessively difficult”. In such cases the taxpayer “must be able to address its application for reimbursement to the tax authority directly”. In the past, HMRC has directed that such claims from them are pursued via the High Court (or County Court if under £30,000). The meeting discussed the new route to direct claims without initial court action including guidance, time limits and claim processes.

We await the outcome eagerly as this situation is quite common, I have found it is an issue particularly in; property and construction supplies, Financial Services and cross-border transactions (place of supply issues). If HMRC are minded to introduce a “direct claim” this will bring welcome relief to taxpayers and introduce fairness for all parties and do away with windfalls received by HMRC.

VAT: Issue of zero-rating certificate – The Westow Cricket Club case

By   18 December 2019

Issue an incorrect certificate to obtain zero rated building work at your peril! Don’t get caught out – A warning.

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Westow Cricket Club (WCC) the appeal was against a penalty levied by HMRC for issuing a certificate to a contractor erroneously under The VAT Act 1994, Section 62 (1).


WCC was an entity run by volunteers but was not a charity, although it was a Community Amateur Sports Club (“CASC”). It decided to build a new pavilion and wished to take advantage of certain zero rating which was available for the construction of a building that the

…organisation (in conjunction with any other organisation where applicable) will use the building, or the part of the building, for which zero-rating is being sought …..solely for

a relevant charitable purpose, namely by a charity in either or both of the following ways:

….(b) As a village hall or similarly in providing social or recreational facilities for a local community.”

Public Notice 708 para 14.7.1.

To ensure that the issue of such a certificate was appropriate, the appellant wrote to HMRC giving details about the building project and seeking guidance on the zero rating of supplies to WCC in the course of the construction of the pavilion. The response was important in this case as WCC sought to rely on it as a reasonable excuse. Part or the reply stated:

“HM Revenue & Customs policy prevents this Department from providing a definitive response where we believe that the point is covered by our Public Notices or other published guidance, which, in this case, I believe it is. In view of the above, please refer to section 16 of Public Notice 708 Buildings and construction. This explains when you can issue a certificate. Section 17 includes the certificates. Furthermore, I would refer you to sub-paragraph 14.7.4 which covers what is classed as a village hall or similar building. Providing the new pavilion meets the conditions set out, and it appears to do so, the construction work will be zero-rated for VAT purposes…”


Regrettably, the FTT found that, despite HMRC’s letter expressing a ‘non definitive’ view; which was wrong, this was insufficient to provide reasonable excuse and could not be relied upon. The FTT made references to the fact that the club was not a charity and could not therefore issue the certificate. Consequently, the 100% penalty was applicable and not disproportionate (the penalty imposed is nothing more than the VAT that would have been paid by any other CASC seeking to build a pavilion incurring a vatable supply of a similar sum).


HMRC was criticised for potentially leaving taxpayers in ‘no man’s land’ by expressing a view whilst at the same time saying that this was not a definitive response. This is a common tactic used by HMRC and one which many commentators, including myself, have criticised.

Tribunal’s unease

The judge commented that he trusted that HMRC will take note of his concerns and if this is a matter of policy to revisit it in light of the comments made in this decision. Let us hope HMRC listens. It is also an important case for charities (and others) to note when considering if they are able to obtain the construction of buildings VAT free. This is not a straightforward area, and the penalty for getting it wrong is clearly demonstrated here.

Always get proper advice – and don’t rely on vague rulings from HMRC!

VAT: Top 10 Tips for small businesses and start-ups

By   17 December 2019

At some point it is likely that a small business or start-up will need to consider VAT. Here are a few pointers:

  1. Should you be registered for VAT?

If your income is above £85,000 pa of taxable supplies, you have no choice. But you can voluntarily register if below this threshold. There are significant penalties for failure to register at the correct time.

  • Advantages of VAT registration: VAT recovery on expenses plus, perhaps; gravitas for a business
  • Disadvantages: administration costs plus a potential additional cost to customers if they are unable to recover VAT charged to them (eg; they are private individuals) which could affect your competitiveness

More here

  1. Even non-registered businesses can save VAT
  • Look to use non-VAT registered suppliers, or non-EU suppliers (however, this may count towards your registration turnover)
  • If you are purchasing or leasing commercial property, consider looking for non-opted property or raise the issue of your inability to recover VAT in negotiations on the rent
  • Take advantage of all zero and reduced rates of VAT reliefs available
  • Challenge suppliers if you consider that a higher rate of VAT has been charged than necessary
  1. Consider using the appropriate simplification scheme 
  • Flat Rate Scheme (1% discount in first year of registration)
  • Cash Accounting (helps avoid VAT issues on bad debts)
  • Annual Accounting (can generate real, cash flow and/or administrative savings)
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods

Further details here and here

  1. Make sure you recover all pre-registration and/or pre-incorporation VAT

VAT incurred on goods on hand (purchased four years ago or less) and services up to six months before VAT registration is normally recoverable.

  1. Are your VAT liabilities correct?

Many businesses have complex VAT liabilities (eg; financial services, charities, food outlets, insurance brokers, cross border suppliers of goods or services, health, welfare and education service providers, and any business involved in land and property). A review of the VAT treatment may avoid assessments and penalties and may also identify VAT overcharges made which could give rise to reclaims. Additionally, these types of business are often restricted on what input tax they can reclaim. Check business/non-business apportionment and partial exemption restrictions.

More on charities here

  1. Have you incurred VAT elsewhere in the EU?

You may be able to claim this from overseas tax authorities. Details here

  1. Do you recover VAT on road fuel or other motoring costs?

Options for VAT on fuel: keep detailed records of business use or use road fuel scale charges (based on CO2 emissions)

If you need a car; consider leasing rather than buying. 50% of VAT on lease charge is potentially recoverable, plus 100% of maintenance if split out on invoice.  VAT on the purchase of a car is usually wholly irrecoverable.

More here

  1. Remember: VAT on business entertainment is usually not recoverable but VAT on subsistence and staff entertainment is. 

More here

  1. Pay proper attention to VAT
  • keep up to date records
  • submit VAT returns and pay VAT due on time (will avoid interest, potential penalties and hassle from the VAT man)
  • claim Bad Debt Relief (BDR) on any bad debts over six months old
  • contact HMRC as soon as possible if there are VAT payment problems or if there are difficulties submitting returns on time
  • ensure that the business is paying the right amount of tax at the right time – too little (or too late) may give rise to penalties and interest – too much is just throwing money away
  • check the VAT treatment of ALL property transactions

More here

  1. Challenge any unhelpful rulings or assessments made by HMRC

HMRC is not always right.  There is usually more than one interpretation of a position and professional help more often than not can result in a ruling being changed, or the removal or mitigation of an assessment and/or penalty.

We can assist with any aspect of VAT. You don’t need to be a tax expert; you just need to know one… We look after your VAT so you can look after your business.

VAT – Care with input tax claims

By   13 December 2019

Claim checklist

You have a purchase invoice showing VAT.  You are VAT registered, and you will use the goods or services purchased for your business… can you claim it?

Assuming a business is not partly exempt or not subject to a restriction of recovery of input tax due to non-business activities (and the claim is not for a motor car or business entertainment) the answer is usually yes.

However, HMRC is now, more than ever before, concerned with irregular, dishonest and inaccurate claims.  It is an unfortunate fact that some people see making fraudulent claims as an “easy” way to illegally obtain money and, as is often the case, honest taxpayers are affected as a result of the (understandable) concerns of the authorities.  Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) or “carousel” fraud has received a lot of publicity over recent years with an estimate of £Billions of Treasury money being obtained by fraudsters.  While this has been generally addressed, HMRC consider that there is still significant leakage of VAT as a consequence of dishonest claims. HMRC’s interest also extends to “innocent errors” which result in input tax being overclaimed.

In order to avoid unwanted attention from HMRC, what should a business be watching for when claiming credit for input tax?  Broadly, I would counsel making “reasonable enquiries”.  This means making basic checks in order to demonstrate to HMRC that a business has taken care to ensure that a claim is appropriate.  This is more important in some transactions than others and most regular and straightforward transactions will not be in issue.  Here are some pointers that I feel are important to a business:

Was there a supply?

This seems an obvious question, but even if a business holds apparently authentic documentation; if no supply was made, no claim is possible.  Perhaps different parts of a business deal with checking the receipt of goods or services and processing documents.  Perhaps a business has been the subject of fraud by a supplier.  Perhaps the supply was to an individual rather than to the business.  Perhaps a transaction was aborted after the documentation was issued.  There may be many reasons for a supply not being made, especially when a third party is involved.  For example, Co A contracts with Co B to supply goods directly to Co C. Invoices are issued by Co B to Co A and by Co A to Co C.  It may not be clear to Co A whether the goods have been delivered, or it may be difficult to check.  A lot of fraud depends on “correct” paperwork existing without any goods or services changing hands.

Is the documentation correct?

The VAT regulations set out a long list of details that a VAT invoice must show.  Full details on invoicing here  If any one of these required items is missing HMRC will disallow a claim.  Beware of “suspicious” looking documents including manually amended invoices, unconvincing quality, unexpected names or addresses of a supplier, lack of narrative, “copied” logos or “clip-art” additions etc.  One of the details required is obviously the VAT number of the supplier.  VAT numbers can be checked for validity here

Additionally, imports of goods require different documentation to support a claim and this is a more complex procedure (which extends to checking whether supplies of goods have been made and physical access to them).  A lot of fraud includes a cross border element so extra care should be taken in checking the validity of both the import and the documentation.

Ultimately, it is easy to create a convincing invoice and HMRC is aware of this.


It is important to claim input tax in the correct period.  Even if a claim is a day out it may be disallowed and penalties levied. details of time of supply here

Is there VAT on a supply?

If a supplier charges VAT when they shouldn’t, eg; if a supply is zero rated or exempt or subject to the Transfer of A Going Concern rules (TOGC), it is not possible to reclaim this VAT even if the recipient holds an apparently “valid” invoice.  HMRC will disallow such a claim and will look to levy penalties and interest.  When in doubt; challenge the supplier’s treatment.

Place of supply

Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK return, so it is important to check whether UK VAT is actually applicable to a supply.  The place of supply (POS) rules are notoriously complex, especially for services, if UK VAT is shown on an invoice incorrectly, and is claimed by the recipient, HMRC will disallow the claim and look to levy a penalty, so enquiries should be made if there is any uncertainty.  VAT incurred overseas can, in most cases be recovered, but this is via a different mechanism to a UK VAT return. Details on claiming VAT in other EC Member States here. (As with many things, this may change after Brexit).

One-off, unusual or new transactions

This is the time when most care should be taken, especially if the transaction is of high value.  Perhaps it is a new supplier, or perhaps it is a property transaction – if a purchase is out of the ordinary for a business it creates additional exposure to mis-claiming VAT.

To whom is the supply made?

It is only the recipient of goods or services who may make a claim; regardless of; who pays or who invoices are issued to.  Care is required with groups of companies and multiple VAT registrations eg; an individual may be registered as a sole proprietor as well as a part of a partnership or director of a limited company, As an illustration, a common error is in a situation where a report is provided to a bank (for example for financing requirements) and the business pays the reporting third party.  Although it may be argued that the business pays for the report, and obtains a business benefit from it, the supply is to the bank in contractual terms and the business cannot recover the VAT on the services, in fact, in these circumstances, nobody is able to recover the VAT. Other areas of uncertainty are; restructuring, refinancing or acquisitions, especially where significant professional costs are involved.


There are additional rules for electronically issued invoices. Details here

A business may issue invoices electronically where the authenticity of the origin, integrity of invoice data, and legibility of invoice content can all be ensured, and the customer agrees to receive invoices electronically.

  • ‘Authenticity of the origin’ means the assurance of the identity of the supplier or issuer of the invoice
  • ‘Integrity of content’ means that the invoice content has not been altered
  • ‘Legibility’ of an invoice means that the invoice can be easily read.

A business is free to choose a method of ensuring authenticity, integrity, and legibility which suits its method of operation. e-invoicing provides additional opportunities for fraudsters, so a business needs to ensure that its processes are bulletproof.

HMRC’s approach 

If a claim is significant, or unusual for the business’ trading pattern, it is likely that HMRC will carry out a “pre-credibility” inspection where they check to see if the claim is valid before they release the money.  Another regular check is for HMRC to establish whether the supplier has declared the relevant output tax on the other side of the transaction (a so-called “reference”). Not unsurprisingly, they are not keen on making a repayment if, for whatever reason, the supplier has not paid over the output tax.

What should a business do?

In summary, it is prudent for a business to “protect itself” and raise queries if there is any doubt at all over making a claim. It also needs a robust procedure for processing invoices.  If enquiries have been made, ensure that these are properly documented for inspection by HMRC as this is evidence which may be used to mitigate any potential penalties, even if a claim is an honest mistake. A review of procedures often flushes out errors and can lead to increased claims being made.

As always, we are happy to assist.

VAT: Property and construction – amended HMRC guidance

By   15 November 2019

HMRC has issued a new Buildings and Construction VAT Notice 708.

The changes

The changes are:

  • paragraph 1.5 has been included to indicate ‘force of law’
  • paragraph 2.1.1 has been removed (and subsequent paragraphs re-numbered), because it is no longer applicable
  • paragraph 3.2.4 provides new information for facades
  • paragraph 3.3.7 has been amended to remove the Extra-Statutory Concession for connecting utilities to existing buildings
  • paragraphs 68.3.4 and 8.4 have been reworded to improve clarification
  • paragraph 14.7.1 has been amended following changes in the Finance Act 2010


Please contact us if you have any queries on the complex areas of; land, buildings or construction.  

VAT: What’s a TOGC (and what’s not)? – The General Distribution Storage case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts

A Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC) is an area of VAT which produces a lot of issues and is a subject which is returned to on a regular basis in the courts. The General Distribution Storage Ltd (GDSL) First Tier Tribunal (FTT) TC 07352 [2019] case provides a warning that getting it wrong can be costly.


The appellant owned the freehold of a commercial property. This property was rented to a third party. Subsequently, the property was sold with the benefit of the existing lease, to Hartlone Scaffolding Ltd (HSL). Output tax was charged and paid on the value of the sale as the property was subject to an option to tax. HSL also opted to tax before the date of completion. On the same day, HSL sold on the property to Foundry Investments Ltd (FIL) and again, VAT was charged and paid.

FIL made a claim for the input tax charged which caused a pre-credibility enquiry from HMRC. During the inspection, HMRC noted that, although GDSL had charged VAT, it had neither declared, nor paid the VAT to HMRC. An assessment was issued to recover this output tax.

The appellant claimed that no VAT was due because the sale of the tenanted building qualified as a VAT free TOGC, ie; it was not a taxable sale of an opted commercial property, but rather, it was the sale of a property letting business which was a going concern.


TOGC provisions

Normally the sale of the assets of a VAT registered business will be subject to VAT at the appropriate rate. A TOGC, however is the sale of a business including assets which must be treated as a matter of law, as “neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services” by virtue of meeting certain conditions (summarised below). It is always the seller who is responsible for applying the correct VAT treatment. Transfer Of a Going Concern treatment is not optional. A sale is either a TOGC or it isn’t. It is a rare situation in that the VAT treatment depends on; what the purchaser’s intentions are, what the seller is told, and what the purchaser actually does. All this being outside the seller’s control. Full details of TOGCs  here.

TOGC Conditions

The conditions for VAT free treatment of a TOGC:

  • The assets must be sold as a business, or part of a business, as a going concern
  • The assets must be used by the transferee in carrying on the same kind of business, whether or not as part of any existing business, as that carried on by the transferor in relation to that part (HMRC guidance uses the words “intend to use…” which, in some cases may provide additional comfort)
  • There must be no break in trading
  • Where the seller is a taxable person (VAT registered) the purchaser must be a taxable person already or immediately become, as a result of the transfer, a taxable person
  • Where only part of a business is sold it must be capable of separate operation
  • There must not be a series of immediately consecutive transfers

Where the transfer includes property which is standard-rated, either because the seller has opted to tax it or because it is a ‘new’ or uncompleted commercial building the purchaser must opt to tax the property and notify this to HMRC no later than the date of the supply.

Please note that the above list has been compiled for this article from; the legislation, HMRC guidance and case law. Specific advice must be sought.


It was decided that TOGC could not apply in these circumstances. The buyer, HSL, at the time of the sale, could not have intended to carry on the property letting business as it immediately sold on the freehold (at a profit) on the same day. As above, TOGC treatment does not apply if there is a “series of immediately consecutive transfers”. The appeal was consequently dismissed, and output tax was therefore properly due.


This appears to have been the only available conclusion. It illustrates the importance of considering VAT whenever a supply of property is made. It is unclear why VAT was initially charged and why this was not declared to HMRC (and it if was thought a TOGC, why the VAT position was not subsequently corrected by the issue of a VAT only credit note). This is a complex area of the tax and an easy issue to miss when there are a considerable number of other factors to consider when a business (or property) is sold. Extensive case law (example here and changes to HMRC policy here ) insists that there is often a dichotomy between a commercial interpretation of a going concern and HMRC’s view.

Contracts are important in most TOGC cases, so it really pays to review them from a VAT perspective.

I very strongly advise that specialist advice is obtained in cases where a business, or property is sold. Yes, I know I would say that!

VAT: ‘Intention’ – The Euro Beer case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts, the Euro Beer Distribution Ltd First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case.

The intention of a taxpayer is extremely important for a number of reasons. It is relevant where:

  • a VAT registration is requested
  • input tax is claimed
  • and in this case; whether deregistration is compulsory

Broadly, immediate action is dependent upon whether a business intends to make taxable supplies in the future. This intention dictates whether registration is possible, whether input tax may be claimed, and whether a business may remain VAT registered. Even if a business has the intention to make taxable supplies, it is sometimes difficult to evidence this to HMRC’s satisfaction.


Euro Beer was in the business of importing and selling alcoholic drinks. It had been in business since 2004 and was also approved and registered as an owner of duty suspended goods under the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999.


HMRC compulsorily deregistered Euro Beer via VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 13 (2) on the grounds that it believed that the appellant had ceased making taxable supplies. Nil returns had been submitted since 2016 and, after enquires, formed the view that there was no intention to make supplies in the future.

Euro Beer contended, unsurprisingly, that there was an intention to make taxable supplies in the future such that continued VAT registration was appropriate. Additionally, the reason for the nil returns was simply, at that time, business had dried up. The appellant provided limited evidence to support its intention. This comprised; emails between the directors and third-party contacts.


The appeal was dismissed and Euro Beer’s VAT deregistration (and revocation of approval from the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999) was confirmed as appropriate.


This was hardly a surprising decision and one wonders why it got to court. It does, however, emphasise the importance of the concept of intention. This can be a subjective matter and HMRC place significant weight on documentary evidence. There is no question in law that HMRC must register/maintain registration/repay input tax if it is satisfied that there is a business which does not make taxable supplies but ‘intends to make such supplies in the course or furtherance of that business’ – VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 9 (b). However, ensuring HMRC is satisfied is often problematic.

This is specifically difficult in the area of land and property. VAT registration and the associated input tax claims of a property developer is often the source of disputes. It is important to differentiate between an intention, and what actually happens. Often business plans change, or the original intention is not fulfilled. In such cases, there is a mechanism for repaying input tax claimed (VAT Gen regs 1995 reg 108) but this is only applicable in certain circumstances. The case of Merseyside Cablevision Ltd (MAN/85/327, VTD 2419) demonstrates that if an intention to make taxable supplies is thwarted, input tax claimed is not clawed back (a person who carries on activities which are preparatory to the carrying on of a business is to be treated as in business and is a taxable person).

It should be noted that a business does not have to specify a date by which it expects to make taxable supplies, or to estimate the value of them.

The lesson is; to document every business decision made:

  • board minutes, emails, business plans, letters etc
  • retain all correspondence with; third-parties
  • provide written advice from legal advisers, accounts etc
  • invoices demonstrating expenditure in respect of a new venture are persuasive
  • budgets and considered estimates can be of use
  • retain all advertising media, offers, promotions and other publicity.

Clearly for land and property additional; planning permission, land registry details, plans, surveys, fees, etc will build up a picture that there is an intention to make taxable supplies.

These are just examples and different business may have alternative evidence.

In commercial terms, it will be difficult for HMRC to be unsatisfied if a business is incurring costs in relation to a project – why would they devote time/staff/advisers/financial resources to something when there is no intention of deriving income?

One final point on the Euro Beer case. The judge stated; ‘an intention to make supplies requires more than a mere hope to be in a position to make supplies at some unspecified time in the future’. It is not enough for a business to ‘generally’ state that there is an intention.

VAT DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme – useful information

By   9 September 2019

The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme is a tax refund scheme for people who build, or arrange to have built, a house they intend to live in. It also applies to converting commercial property into a house(s). Details here.

However, there are often uncertainties and disputes over precisely what tax may be claimed on various expenditure. To this end, HMRC has published a comprehensive list of items, sorted alphabetically, which should avoid a lot of potential disagreements on claims.

It should be noted that a claim for services can only be made for conversions (at the reduced rate of 5%) as any services in respect of a new build property should be zero rated.

What else can a housebuilder not claim for?

There is no claim available for:

  • building projects outside the UK
  • materials or services that are not subject to VAT, eg; are zero-rated or exempt or provided by a non VAT-registered supplier
  • professional or supervisory fees, eg; architects and surveyors
  • the hire of plant, tools and equipment, eg; generators, scaffolding and skips
  • building materials that aren’t permanently attached to or, part of, the building itself
  • some fitted furniture, electrical and gas appliances, carpets or garden ornaments
  • supplies for which you do not have a VAT invoice.

If you would like assistance with making a claim, please contact us.