Category Archives: Penalties

VAT: Changes to late returns and payments penalties announced

By   8 March 2021

HMRC have announced changes to the penalties applied to failure to submit VAT returns on time. Similar changes will be made for late payment penalties. it is anticipated that these changes will apply from 1 April 2022. Changes will also be made to the way interest is charged.

The new penalty regime replaces the existing default surcharges. The new penalties use a points based system . Businesses will no longer receive an automatic financial penalty if they make a late return. Instead, it will incur penalty points for missed obligations before a financial penalty is levied.

Penalties for late submission of returns

VAT registered businesses will receive a point every time they miss a submission deadline. At a certain threshold of points, a financial penalty of £200 will be charged and the business will be notified. A penalty will be charged for that failure and every subsequent failure to make a submission on time, but the points total will not increase.

The penalty thresholds will be:

  • Annual returns – 2 points
  • Quarterly returns – 4 points
  • Monthly returns – 5 points

Points expiry

Points will have a lifetime of two years calculated from the month after the month in which the failure occurred.

However, points will not expire when a business is at the penalty threshold to ensure an achievement of a period of compliance to reset the points.

Penalties for late payment and interest harmonisation

The new Late Payment Penalties regime will replace the the Default Surcharge, which served as a combined late submission and late payment sanction.

There are two late payment penalties applicable; a first penalty and then an additional or second penalty, with an annualised penalty rate.

First Penalty

A business will not incur a penalty if the outstanding tax is paid within the first 15 days after the due date. If VAT remains unpaid after Day 15, the business incurs the first penalty. This penalty is set at 2% of the tax outstanding after Day 15. If any of this tax is still unpaid after Day 30, the penalty increases to 4% of the tax outstanding after Day 30.

Second Penalty

If tax remains unpaid on Day 31, a business will begin to incur an additional penalty on the VAT that remains outstanding. It accrues on a daily basis, at a rate of 4% per annum on the outstanding amount. This additional penalty will stop accruing when the taxpayer pays the tax that is due.

Time-to-Pay arrangements

HMRC offers the option of requesting a Time To Pay arrangement. This will enable a business to stop a penalty from accruing any further by approaching HMRC and agreeing a schedule for paying their outstanding tax.

Interest Harmonisation

HMRC will charge interest on tax that is outstanding after the due date, regardless of whether any Late Payment Penalties have been charged. Interest will apply from the date the payment was due until the date on which it is paid. It will be calculated as simple interest at a rate of 2.5% + the Bank of England base rate.

Where a business has overpaid tax, HMRC will pay Repayment Interest on any VAT due to be repaid either from the last day the payment was due to be received or the day it was received, whichever is later, until the date of repayment. Interest will be paid at the Bank of England base rate less 1% (with a minimum rate of 0.5%).

Reviews and appeals

Businesses will be able to challenge a point or penalty through both an internal HMRC review process and an appeal to the courts (in a similar way to assessments for VAT are challengeable).

More on late returns here and on late payments here.

VAT registration delays – latest

By   8 March 2021

Anecdotally, we understand that some businesses applying for registration are experiencing significant delays. Further, attempts to contact HMRC by email is often difficult, and telephones are regularly not answered (although we understand that some people have enjoyed more success with the webchat).  Also, the Non-Established Taxable Persons (NETP) office has moved, right at the time when more EU businesses need to register in the GB due to Brexit. This has created an even longer backlog.


The Business Delivery Team at HMRC has confirmed that it is attempting to deal with a very high number of applications, which are being delayed for various reasons (not least by the sheer volume one expects). The department has also stated that the following actions and checks will assist with faster processing times and urges applicants to check that all information requested set out here is included with the application to avoid any further delays.  The most salient being to use the online method rather than the hard copy. However, this is not always possible if additional documentation needs to be sent.

How to avoid common errors identified by HMRC 

  • ensure that the addresses provided on the VAT 1 form matches the business’s principal place of business (PPOB)
  • check that the notification of a trade classification matches the supplies the business makes
  • the VAT treatment of activities must be correctly identified
  • the correct person must sign the application – eg; for a corporate body it must be a director, company secretary or authorised signatory or an authorised agent
  • ensure the correct registration date (effective date of registration – EDR) is given. And that the EDR is accurate considering the circumstances that have been outlined for requesting registration elsewhere in the application
  • the bank account details provided must be in the name of the taxable person

And I will add; do not forget form VAT5L when registering a business which is involved in land and property transactions.

The Business Delivery Team also stated that “We are also considering how we can improve the registration process by resolving more cases in real time by telephone and engaging with customers in a different way to gather any further required information. We’ll tell you more about this shortly.”

While any improvement in communication is to be welcomed, it remains to be seen what practical measures will be implemented to speed up registration processing and how soon these will be put in place.


A CASC is not a charity for VAT – The Eynsham Cricket Club case

By   2 March 2021

Latest from the courts

In the Court of Appeal (CoA) case of Eynsham Cricket Club (ECC) the issue is whether a Community Amateur Sport Club (CASC) is able to take advantage of VAT reliefs in the same way as a charity.


The question was whether supplies of construction services of building a new cricket pavilion for a CASC qualify for zero-rating via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8. Group 5, item 2 (a) “The supply in the course of the construction of a building designed as a dwelling or number of dwellings or intended for use solely for a relevant residential purpose or a relevant charitable purpose…”Emphasis added.

The outcome depended on whether ECC was a charity. That in turn depends on whether:

  • ECC was “established for charitable purposes only” pursuant to Schedule 6 to the Finance Act 2010
  • Section 6 of the Charities Act 2011 applied and had the effect of preventing ECC from being treated as “established for charitable purposes”
  • ECC satisfied the other conditions, and in particular, the “registration condition”


It was determined that CASCs cannot be treated as charities for VAT purposes as the above criteria were not met. Therefore, the construction of ECC’s new pavilion did not qualify for zero-rating and was standard rated. It was noted that becoming a CASC meant that certain charitable benefits were forgone in return for relief for certain administrative and management chores.


It appears that ECC had the opportunity to register as a charity, but apparently, unlike a near neighbour cricket club, decided not to.

“Charity” is not defined in VAT legislation, so this case is a reminder that it should not be assumed that every entity which may have charitable objectives, or generally exist in order to benefit a section of the community qualifies as a charity for the tax.

VAT: Uber Supreme Court case

By   23 February 2021

Latest from the courts

As many would have heard, the Supreme Court has ruled that individuals driving taxis are “workers” rather than third party contractors. Although not a VAT case, it has This decision has highlighted a number of VAT issues.

Agent versus principal

The main matter in VAT terms is; which party is making the supply? This is often a point of dispute with HMRC, especially with taxi businesses, driving schools, the operation of online platforms, travel and accommodation, and many other types of businesses. It is one of the most common areas of disagreement as many cases have demonstrated, eg; here, here, here, and here.

The difference

VAT legislation does not define agency for the purposes of the tax.

As is often the case in these types of arrangements, there are some matters that point towards a business acting as agent, and others indicating that the proper VAT treatment is that of principal. The important difference, of course, being whether output tax is due on the “commission” received by an agent (20% in Uber’s case), or on the full payment made to it by the end user.

Uber contended that the drivers were independent contractors who work under contracts made directly with the customers and are not employees. Thus, they (Uber) acted as agent. One main argument advanced by them was that the drivers were free to work for other businesses (although in reality this was very unlikely due to the market share held by Uber).


It also demonstrates both the importance of a contract (or lack of one in Uber’s case), and how all parties act in relation to it. There have been many VAT cases on how much weight should be given to a written agreement versus what the relevant parties actually agree, how they act, how the services are performed and what the customer thinks is the position (who [s]he thinks is providing the service).


Finding that the drivers work for, and under contracts with, Uber, the following aspects supported its decision – Uber sets the fare, the terms are set by Uber and drivers have no input, Uber restricts communications between driver and passenger, and Uber exercises significant control over the way in which the services are delivered.


A similar decision has been made in the Dutch courts in the Deliveroo case.

Next steps


We wait to hear how HMRC will proceed as a result of this case. There is a chance that it may attack taxi firms which they have previously accepted as agent on the grounds that they are principals – providing the service via their ‘employees/workers” and so assessing output tax on the full value of the fare paid.

VAT – Disbursements Q & As

By   22 February 2021


A very common query regarding VAT is “I pass on charges incurred on behalf of my client/customer – do I add VAT?”  In other words, does the payment qualify as a disbursement?

Does it matter if the original supply has VAT on it?

Yes. Whether a payment is a disbursement is only a practical issue if the charge involved is initially VAT free since, if it were VATable, there would be no benefit to the final customer in passing the charge on “in the same state”.  The points below assume that the charge in question is VAT free, eg; statutory fees (land registry, stamp duty, search fees, MOTs etc) insurance, financial products etc although benefits may also be obtained if the original supply is reduced rated.

So only if a supply is a disbursement can I pass it on in the “same state; ie; VAT free?


So when can I pass on a payment VAT free? 

A disbursement is passed on without any alteration (eg; not marked up or changed in any way) and the supply must be to the final customer by the original provider.  If the supply is VAT free then the recovery of the costs is also VAT free.  The passing on of the payment from the final customer to the supplier is done as agent.  Therefore, in these circumstances, a supplier may be acting as principal for part of a supply, and agent for another part.  The disbursement should not appear on the “agent’s” VAT return.

When do I have to add VAT onto a supply which is originally VAT free?

When the onward supply is not a disbursement.

A distinction must be drawn between a necessary cost component of a supplier making a supply and a disbursement.  An example is zero-rated travel.  A supplier may incur a train fare in providing his service, but that is a cost component for him and not a disbursement, so VAT would be added to any onward charge.  It is clear that the supplier is not actually supplying train travel to his customer, but is consuming the cost in providing his overall VATable service.

What are the rules for treating a payment as a disbursement?

The following criteria must be met by a supplier to establish whether it qualifies as a disbursement:

  • you acted as the agent of your client when you paid the third party
  • your client actually received and used the goods or services provided by the third party
  • your client was responsible for paying the third party
  • your client authorised you to make the payment on their behalf
  • your client knew that the goods or services you paid for would be provided by a third party
  • your outlay will be separately itemised when you invoice your client
  • you recover only the exact amount which you paid to the third party, and
  • the goods or services, which you paid for, are clearly additional to the supplies which you make to your client on your own account.

What if I get it wrong?

If you add VAT to a properly VAT free disbursement HMRC will treat the amount shown on the invoice as VAT.  However, it will not permit the recipient of the supply to recover input tax (as it is not VAT) thus creating an actual VAT cost. if you treat a supply as a VAT free disbursement when it actually forms part of your taxable supply, HMRC will issue and assessment and potentially penalties and interest.  Unfortunately, I have seen this course of action taken a number of times and the amounts of VAT involved were significant.

Please contact us if you have any queries on this matter.  Sometimes the matter is less than straightforward and getting it wrong can be very expensive for a business. If you have been charged VAT on what you believe to be a VAT free disbursement, it may also be worth challenging your supplier.

The latest case law on disbursements here Brabners LLP

VAT: Domestic Reverse Charge for construction services from 1 March 2021

By   17 February 2021

A reminder

The twice delayed introduction of the Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) for the construction industry will be introduced from the first of next month and affected businesses need to have the necessary procedures in place – as it won’t be deferred again.!

Details of the scheme here and here.

Please contact us if you have any queries.

VAT – Apportionment issues: Complex and costly

By   16 February 2021

The dictionary definition of the verb to apportion is “to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution”. 

So why is apportionment important in the world of VAT and where would a business encounter the need to apportion? I thought that it might be useful to take an overall look at the subject as it is one of, if not the most, contentious areas of VAT. If affects both output tax declarations and input tax claims, so I have looked at these two areas separately. If an apportionment is inaccurate it will either result in paying too much tax, or risking penalties and additional attention from HMRC; both of which are to be avoided!

The overriding point in all these examples is that any apportionment must be “fair and reasonable”.


The following are examples of where a business needs to apportion the value of sales:

  • Retail sales

Retailers find it difficult to account for VAT in the normal way so they use what is known as a retail scheme. There are various schemes but they all provide a formula for calculating VAT on sales at the standard, reduced and zero rate. This is needed for shops that sell goods at different rates, eg; food, clothing and books alongside standard rated supplies.  As an example, in Apportionment Scheme 1 a business works out the value of its purchases for retail sale at different rates of VAT and applies those proportions to its sales.

  • Construction

A good example here is if a developer employs a contractor to construct a new building which contains retail units on the ground floor with flats above.  The construction of the commercial part is standard rated, but the building of the residential element is zero rated.  The contractor has to apportion his supply between the two VAT rates.  This apportionment could be made with reference to floorspace, costs, value or any other method which provides a fair and reasonable result.  The value of supplies relating to property is often high, so it is important that the apportionment is accurate and not open to challenge from HMRC.  I recommend that agreement on the method used is agreed with HMRC prior to the supply in order to avoid any subsequent issues.

  • Property letting

Let us assume that in the construction example above, when the construction is complete, the developer lets the whole building to a third party. He chooses to opt to tax the property in order to recover the attributable input tax.  The option has no effect on the residential element which will represent an exempt supply. Consequently, an apportionment must be made between the letting income in respect of the shops and flats.

  • Subscriptions

There has been a great deal of case law on whether subscriptions to certain organisations by which the subscriber obtains various benefits represent a single supply at a certain VAT rate, or separate supplies at different rates. A common example is zero rated printed matter with other exempt or standard rated supplies.

  • Take away

Most are familiar with the furore over the “pasty tax” and even with the U-turn, the provision of food/catering is often the subject of disputes over apportionment.  Broadly; the sale of cold food for take away is zero rated and hot food and eat in (catering) is standard rated.  There have been myriad cases on what’s hot and what’s not, what constitutes a premises (for eat in), and how food is “held out” for sale. The recent Subway dispute highlights the subtleties in this area. I have successfully claimed significant amounts of overpaid output tax based on this kind of apportionment and it is always worth reviewing a business’s position.  New products are arriving all the time and circumstances of a business can change.  A word of warning here; HMRC regularly mount covert observation exercises to record the proportion of customers eating in to those taking away.  They also carry out “test eats” so it is crucial that any method used to apportion sales is accurate and supportable.

  • Opticians

Opticians have a difficult time of it with VAT.  Examinations and advice services are exempt healthcare, but the sale of goods; spectacles and contact lenses, is standard rated.  Almost always a customer/patient pays a single amount which covers the services as well as the goods. Apportionment in these cases is very difficult and has been the subject of disagreement and tribunal cases for many years; some of which I have been involved in.  Not only is the sales value apportionment complex, but many opticians are partly exempt which causes additional difficulties. I recommend that all opticians review their VAT position.

Input tax recovery

  • Business/Non-Business (BNB)

If an entity is involved in both business and non-business activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods. It is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to non-business activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to BNB activities, that VAT which cannot be attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between BNB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  Therefore it is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc.

  • Partial exemption

Similarly to BNB if a business makes exempt supplies, eg; certain property letting, insurance and financial products, it cannot recover input tax attributable to those exempt supplies (unless the value is de minimis). Overhead input tax needs to be apportioned between taxable and exempt supplies.  The standard method of doing this is to apply the ratio of taxable versus exempt supply values to the overhead tax. However, there are many “special methods” available, but these have to be agreed with HMRC.  Partial exemption is often complex and always results in an actual VAT cost to a business, so it is always worthwhile to review the position regularly.  Exemption is not a relief to a business.

  • Attribution

In both BNB and partial exemption situations before considering overheads all VAT must, as far as possible, be attributed to either taxable or exempt and non-business activities. This in itself is a form of apportionment and it is often not clear how the supply received has been used by a business, that is; of which activity is it a cost component?

  • Business entertainment

At certain events staff may attend along with other guests who are not employed. The recovery of input tax in respect of staff entertainment is recoverable but (generally) entertaining non staff members is blocked. Therefore an apportionment of the VAT incurred on such entertainment is required.

  • Business and private use of an asset

If a company owns, say, a yacht or a helicopter and uses it for a director’s own private use, but it is chartered to third parties when not being used (business use) an apportionment must be made between the two activities. The most usual way of doing this is on a time basis. Apportionment will also be required in the example of a business owning a holiday home used for both business and private purposes. Input tax relating to private (non-business) use is always blocked.

  • Motoring expenses

It is common for a staff member to use a car for both business and private purposes.  Input tax is only recoverable in respect of the business use so an apportionment is required.  This may be done by keeping detailed mileage records, or more simply by applying the Road Fuel Scale Charge which is a set figure per month which represents a disallowance for private use.

The above examples are not exhaustive but I hope they give a flavour to the subject.

If your business apportions, or should apportion, values for either income or expenditure I strongly recommend a review on the method.  There is often no “right answer” for an apportionment and I often find that HMRC impose unnecessarily harsh demands on a taxpayer.  Additionally, many business are unaware of alternatives or are resistant to challenging HMRC even when they have a good case.

VAT: New HMRC guidance for using international post and merchandise in baggage

By   19 January 2021

HMRC has published two new sets of guidance for international post users and importing merchandise in baggage. The changes are mainly due to Brexit.

International post users

HMRC has published new guidance for international post users.  

The notice explains what happens when a business imports or exports goods by post through Royal Mail or Parcelforce Worldwide.

The arrangements set out in the notice do not apply when a full declaration on a single administrative document (SAD – Form C88) is required.

The information about sending a package overseas has been updated. This relates to the new need to compete a customs declaration for goods sent to the EU.

Bringing commercial goods into Great Britain in baggage

The guidance covers commercial goods (also known as Merchandise in Baggage) which will be used, or sold by a business, where: 

  • a commercial transport operator does not carry them for a business
  • a person has travelled to GB carrying goods either:
    • in accompanied baggage
    • in a small vehicle that can carry up to no more than 9 people and weighing 3.5 tonnes or less

A person must declare all commercial goods. There is no duty-free allowance for goods brought into GB to sell or use in a business.

My guide to importing and exporting post Brexit here.

VAT: Brexit outcomes – retailers

By   19 January 2021

I been asked many times about the VAT position of UK residents buying goods online (and also by more traditional methods) so I thought a brief overview would be helpful.

It has been reported in the media that some overseas retailers have stopped selling to UK customers. This is a commercial decision and is not necessarily solely due to Brexit (although, clearly that hasn’t helped).

What has changed?

Pre Brexit, under the Distance Selling rules, VAT at the rate applicable in the seller’s country would be chargeable by overseas suppliers to UK recipients. This was in the same way as a domestic sale. There were then thresholds which, when breached, resulted in the seller registering in the customer’s country, but these were rarely exceeded by small or SME businesses. The Distance Selling rules still apply to EU Member States, but not the UK.

As the UK is now a ”third country” sales to the UK from the EU which were previously intra-community sales are now imports. From 1 January 2021, sellers of goods B2C (to UK individuals) with a value below £135 – so called low value consignments are required to VAT register in the UK – more details here.  Clearly, many businesses are loath to do this hence their refusal to sell to UK customers. This change is not a result of Brexit but was a measure to level the playing field between EU and non-EU supplies (the latter often escaping the tax completely). From 1 July 2021 similar rules will apply to UK businesses selling to individuals in the EU, although there is likely to be a simplification measure; the so-called One Stop Shop (OSS).

Additionally, UK customers are usually responsible for the new post-Brexit import of goods, so there may be unexpected new VAT, duty and courier costs when buying certain goods from EU countries. This is similar to buying goods from any other country in the world.

It would appear that there will be a reduction in cross-border trade (in both directions) with the UK, and that is without factoring in shipping issues and delays at new borders.

VAT: Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (TOMS) – changes ahead?

By   12 January 2021

TOMS is complex, time consuming, potentially costly and a major headache for tour operators. It does aim to simplify VAT accounting as it avoids businesses having to VAT register in every EU Member State in which it provides services.

But, are there changes ahead? The European Commission has published a Factual summary report which looks at TOMS. The consultation was to gather evidence in order to evaluate the scheme in terms of ;

  • does it remain effective
  • to what extent existing rules remain relevant and aligned with stakeholders’ needs
  • identification of potential distortions of competition
  • the regulatory costs and benefits for businesses taxed under the scheme

Since Brexit, HMRC have stated that TOMS still applies in the UK, but supplies in the EU which were previously VATable were now zero rated. The result is that only supplies in the UK are subject to VAT on the margin achieved. The future is unclear however. There is no longer a level playing field between the UK and other EU countries as UK operators’ have an advantage. The potential outcomes(to my mind) are:

  • the position remains the same
  • UK operators will be required to VAT register in every Member State it sells holidays to (or at least some)
  • the above report will address the issues (but will not be binding on the UK

The rules of TOMS are not currently fully harmonised and there are variations in the way EU Member States treat non-EU travel companies (such as the UK now). There are also differences in the services which are, and are not, covered by TOMS. Watch this space…