Category Archives: Penalties

VAT: What is open market value? The Jupiter case

By   11 May 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier tribunal (FTT) case of Jupiter Asset Management Group Ltd the issue was the value of management services to an associated third party VAT group.


The value is important because if HMRC believe that a supply between two connected parties (as defined by The Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 Section 839) is undervalue and the recipient cannot recover the relevant input tax in full, it is permitted via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 6, PART 2, para 1 (1) to substitute open market value (OMV) by way of a Notice.

This paragraph is specifically intended to counter tax avoidance. If a supply between connected persons is made below open market value for a legitimate reason that the trader can substantiate, and which is unconnected with avoidance HMRC has the discretion not to issue a Notice. In Jupiter, HMRC directed that OMV be used to calculate the charge as it considered that value was too low and issued an assessment for underdeclared output tax.


In the absence of comparable supplies, OMV was to be determined by reference to:

  • the full cost of making the supplies;
  • the full cost included the costs incurred on goods and services used in making the supplies and general overhead costs the input tax in respect of which had been recovered
  • the remuneration paid to the executive directors to the extent that that remuneration related to activities performed by the executive directors in making the supplies of the management services

Consequently, the appeal against the output tax assessment was dismissed.


An expected outcome, but ne which emphasises that care should be taken with transactions between connected parties, management charges and inter-company charges in general. This is even more relevant since the decision in the Norseman Gold plc case

VAT: New Road Fuel Scale Charges

By   7 May 2021

HMRC has updated the valuation table: Road Fuel Scale Charges (RFSC) from 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022 here.


If a business reclaims VAT incurred on road fuel, it will be required recognise the private use element of the fuel.

The RFSC simplifies accounting for VAT on the private use of fuel by motorists. The RFSC is calculated according to a car’s CO2 emissions and the fixed charge is added to output VAT, on the VAT return (in effect, the business supplies to fuel to the individual). The use of this charge is optional, the alternative is to keep detailed mileage records.

A quick RFSC calculator/ready-reckoner is here.

New rules of origin for goods

By   27 April 2021

Brexit update

HMRC has published updated, detailed guidance for the rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU.

It is important to understand the impact of the rules and how they impact a business. Specifically, to ensure advantage is taken of zero tariffs when dealing with cross-border goods. The rules apply to both imports and exports and clearly, incurring unnecessary tariffs is to be avoided if possible.


The UK moved to trading based on a new Free Trade Agreement (FTA) – the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and the EU post-Brexit.

To export tariff-free under the TCA, goods must meet the UK-EU preferential rules of origin. This means that there must be a qualifying level of processing in the country of export to access zero tariffs. This applies to EU origin goods imported and moving through the UK from a Member State to another EU Member State, as well as goods imported from the Rest of World.

These rules are set out in the TCA and determine the origin of goods based on where the products or materials (or inputs) used in their production come from. Their purpose is to ensure that preferential tariffs are only given to goods that originate in the UK or EU and not from third countries.

VAT: Is a car wash a car park? The RK Fuels Ltd case

By   26 April 2021

Latest from the courts

More on car parking.

In the RK Fuels Ltd First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case, the issue was whether the lease of an area of the supplier’s petrol station to a business operating a car wash was an exempt right over land or whether it was excluded from the exemption because it was a car park (the ‘grant of facilities for parking a vehicle’ VAT Act Schedule 9, Grp. 1, Item [1] [h]) and was therefore standard rated.


Although the tenant operated a car wash (and not a car park) and this was a permitted use under the commercial use agreement, the car wash was located on land used as a car park.

The appellant contended that the car park was rented to carry out the business of car washing, and this is clearly stated in the lease agreement. It is not rented as a car park to park cars. Furthermore, a VAT inspection was carried out by HMRC and the point about the rental income being exempt was raised and accepted by HMRC.

HMRC relied on, inter alia, the fact that the relevant part of the lease stated that “the landlord agrees to rent to the tenant the car park. The car park will be used for only the following permitted use (the Permitted use): as a car wash business. Neither the car park nor any part of the premises will be used at any time during the terms of this lease by the tenant for any purpose other than the permitted use.” And the fact that the appellant was permitted an alternative use of the car park to run a car wash does not cause the area to cease to be a car park, nor does it mean that it cannot be used as a car park. There is a need for cars to be parked on the land whilst waiting to be washed, dried, and cleaned. Without the ability to park a car on the land, the permitted use could not occur.


The appeal was dismissed. The judge found that a grant of facilities for parking vehicles was made, either expressly or by necessary implication and so was standard rated. Further, the occupation of the car park under the terms of the lease agreement is a means to enable the car wash facility to operate. The site for parking is any place where a motor vehicle may be parked. It was also found that the fact that a person may not leave a vehicle does not render a vehicle any less parked.

The fact that the land was referred to as a “car park” consistently throughout the lease agreement was always going to be a problem for the appellant.

The court went on to consider whether a licence over land had been granted. It is a long-standing principle that a central characteristic of a licence over land is the right to exclude others. As the tenant had no right to exclude others from the relevant land (because, as an example given; customers of the petrol station could park there to visit the shop) there was no exempt supply of the right over land.


There were other subsidiary issues, namely on whether an option to tax had been made but this was redundant considering the court’s decision on the substantive point. The decision was unsurprising even considering the guidance set out in VAT Notice 742 para 4.3:

 “When a supply is of land rather than parking facilities 

If you grant an interest in, or right over or licence to occupy land in the following circumstances, your supply will be exempted, unless you have opted to tax… 

·         letting of land or buildings where any reference to parking a vehicle is incidental to the main use..”

Even if the argument could be made that the parking was incidental, as the decision was that there was not an interest in, or right over or licence to occupy land the ancillary use point fell away.

Another nail in the coffin of the appeal was that the court found that the decision in the Fareham Borough Council [2014] TC04129 (which found that the right to operate was not an exempt right over land) applied in this case.

Care should be taken when analysing the VAT treatment of a lease. It is tempting to consider that if there is a lease, and it is of land, it is sufficient to merit exemption, but this case demonstrates that further consideration must always be given.

New EC VAT rate database

By   8 April 2021

The European Commission has issued a new tool which enables businesses to check on the VAT rate for specific supplies. It is based on commodity codes but there are drop down menus for detailed descriptions. The tool covers both goods and services. There are both a simple and advanced search functions and the database also covers other taxes:

  • Personal Income Tax
  • Corporate Tax
  • Other Direct Taxes
  • Alcohol
  • Energy Products
  • Real Estate
  • Tobacco
  • Social Security Contributions

VAT: Treatment of transactions involving cryptoassets. New guidance

By   8 April 2021

Further to my articles on cryptoassets and Bitcoin HMRC have published an updated Cryptoassets Manual CRYPTO40000 which sets out its interpretation of trading in cryptocurrencies.

It covers:

  • economic activity
  • supplies of tokens
  • exchanges
  • exemption
  • value
  • case law
  • betting and gaming
  • other taxes; CGT, CT, CTCG, Income Tax, NIC and Stamp Taxes

Any business dealing in any way with cryptoassets needs to understand the VAT and other tax implications of services to, and by it.

VAT – Top 10 Tax Point Planning Tips

By   25 March 2021

VAT Tax Point Planning

If a business cannot avoid paying VAT to the HMRC, the next best thing is to defer payment as long as legitimately possible. There are a number of ways this may be done, dependent upon a business’ circumstances, but the following general points are worth considering for any VAT registered entity.

A tax point (time of supply) is the time a supply is “crystallised” and the VAT becomes due to HMRC and dictates the VAT return period in which VAT must be accounted for.  Very broadly, this is the earliest of; invoice date, receipt of payment, goods transferred or services completed (although there are quite a few fiddly bits to these basic rules as set out in the link above).

 The aims of tax point planning

1.            Deferring a supplier’s tax point where possible.  It is sometimes possible to avoid one of these events or defer a tax point by the careful timing of the issue of a tax invoice.

2.            Timing of a tax point to benefit both parties to a transaction wherever possible. Because businesses have different VAT “staggers” (their VAT quarter dates may not be the co-terminus) judicious timing may mean that the recipient business is able to recover input tax before the supplier needs to account for output tax.  This is often important in large or one-off transactions, eg; a property sale.

3.            Applying the cash accounting scheme. Output tax is usually due on invoice date, but under the cash accounting scheme VAT is only due when a payment is received.  Not only does this mean that a cash accounting business may delay paying over VAT, but there is also built in VAT bad debt relief.  A business may use cash accounting if its estimated VAT taxable turnover during the next tax year is not more than £1.35 million.

4.            Using specific documentation to avoid creating tax points for certain supplies. If a business supplies ongoing services (called continuous services – where there is no identifiable completion of those services) if the issue of a tax invoice is avoided, VAT will only be due when payment is received (or the service finally ends). More details here.

5.            Correctly identifying the nature of a supply to benefit from certain tax point rules. There are special tax point rules for specific types of supplies of goods and services.  Correctly recognising these rules may benefit a business, or present an opportunity for VAT planning.

6.            Generate output tax as early as possible in a VAT period, and incur input tax as late as possible. This will give a business use of VAT money for up to four months before it needs to be paid over, and of course, the earlier a claim for repayment of input tax can be made – the better for cashflow.

7.            Planning for VAT rate changes. Rate changes are usually announced in advance of the change taking place.  There are specific rules concerning what cannot be done, but there are options to consider when VAT rates go up or down.

8.            Ensure that a business does not incur penalties for errors by applying the tax point rules correctly. Right tax, right time; the best VAT motto!  Avoiding penalties for declaring VAT late is obviously a saving.

9.            Certain deposits create tax points, while other types of deposit do not.  It is important to recognise the different types of deposits and whether a tax point has been triggered by receipt of one. Also VAT planning may be available to avoid a tax point being created, or deferring one.

10.         And finally, use duty deferment for imports. As the name suggests, this defers duty and VAT to avoid it having to be paid up front at the time of import.

Always consider discussing VAT timing planning for your specific circumstances with your adviser. It should always be remembered that it is usually not possible to apply retrospective VAT planning as VAT is time sensitive, and never more so than tax point planning.

I have advised a lot of clients on how to structure their systems to create the best VAT tax point position.  Any business may benefit, but  I’ve found that those with the most to gain are; professional firms, building contractors, tour operators, hotels, hirers of goods and IT/internet businesses.

VAT: Certificate of Status

By   16 March 2021

Claiming VAT in another country

If a UK business wishes to claim VAT incurred in a country outside the UK it will need a Certificate of Status (a “Certificate of Status of Taxable Person”). This certificate, known as a VAT66A, may be obtained from HMRC and certifies that an entity is in business (engaged in an economic activity).

Changes from 8 March 2021

HMRC has announced HMRC changes to the way it issues VAT66As to UK businesses. From 8 March 2021, HMRC will send the certificate by email. A small, but helpful nod to 21st Century technology. A business must first complete an informed consent form before HMRC will correspond by email. The VAT66A only lasts for 12 months, so it is prudent to set a reminder to renew.

However, and there is usually a however, some countries require a “wet stamped” document to support a claim, in which case, HMRC will continue to issue these by post. It makes sense to check what actual documentation each country in which a claim is made requires, as it does vary. It is usually also necessary to make a claim in the language of the country in which the VAT was incurred.

Who can request a certificate of status?

The authorised persons (director or secretary) of the businesses which is registered in the UK for VAT, or an agent which has a letter of authority from a UK VAT-registered business – form 64-8 to act on its behalf.

Requesting a certificate

Send an email to with “VAT certificate of status request” in the subject line and the following information:

  • business name
  • VAT registration number
  • business address
  • applicant’s name and role in the business
  • contact telephone number
  • the country (or countries) where the VAT refund claim is being made
  • number of certificates required (one for each country in which a claim is to be made)
  • if the certificate should be sent to you by post or by email

Agent application

Write ‘VAT certificate of status – agent request’ in the subject line of the email, and provide the following information:

  • agent’s name
  • agent’s business address
  • the name of the business to which the certificate relates
  • an attachment with a letter of authority from an authorised signatory of the business you are requesting a certificate for – a list of authorised signatories here; VAT Notice 742A
  • VAT registration number of the business
  • business address
  • the country (or countries) where the VAT refund claim is being made
  • the number of certificates required
  • if the certificate should be sent by post or by email to you or the business you are requesting a certificate for

HMRC say that a certificate will be sent within 15 working days of an application.

Oh for the days of a single electronic application to HMRC which covered all 27 Member States…

VAT: Changes to late returns and payments penalties announced

By   8 March 2021

HMRC have announced changes to the penalties applied to failure to submit VAT returns on time. Similar changes will be made for late payment penalties. it is anticipated that these changes will apply from 1 April 2022. Changes will also be made to the way interest is charged.

The new penalty regime replaces the existing default surcharges. The new penalties use a points based system . Businesses will no longer receive an automatic financial penalty if they make a late return. Instead, it will incur penalty points for missed obligations before a financial penalty is levied.

Penalties for late submission of returns

VAT registered businesses will receive a point every time they miss a submission deadline. At a certain threshold of points, a financial penalty of £200 will be charged and the business will be notified. A penalty will be charged for that failure and every subsequent failure to make a submission on time, but the points total will not increase.

The penalty thresholds will be:

  • Annual returns – 2 points
  • Quarterly returns – 4 points
  • Monthly returns – 5 points

Points expiry

Points will have a lifetime of two years calculated from the month after the month in which the failure occurred.

However, points will not expire when a business is at the penalty threshold to ensure an achievement of a period of compliance to reset the points.

Penalties for late payment and interest harmonisation

The new Late Payment Penalties regime will replace the the Default Surcharge, which served as a combined late submission and late payment sanction.

There are two late payment penalties applicable; a first penalty and then an additional or second penalty, with an annualised penalty rate.

First Penalty

A business will not incur a penalty if the outstanding tax is paid within the first 15 days after the due date. If VAT remains unpaid after Day 15, the business incurs the first penalty. This penalty is set at 2% of the tax outstanding after Day 15. If any of this tax is still unpaid after Day 30, the penalty increases to 4% of the tax outstanding after Day 30.

Second Penalty

If tax remains unpaid on Day 31, a business will begin to incur an additional penalty on the VAT that remains outstanding. It accrues on a daily basis, at a rate of 4% per annum on the outstanding amount. This additional penalty will stop accruing when the taxpayer pays the tax that is due.

Time-to-Pay arrangements

HMRC offers the option of requesting a Time To Pay arrangement. This will enable a business to stop a penalty from accruing any further by approaching HMRC and agreeing a schedule for paying their outstanding tax.

Interest Harmonisation

HMRC will charge interest on tax that is outstanding after the due date, regardless of whether any Late Payment Penalties have been charged. Interest will apply from the date the payment was due until the date on which it is paid. It will be calculated as simple interest at a rate of 2.5% + the Bank of England base rate.

Where a business has overpaid tax, HMRC will pay Repayment Interest on any VAT due to be repaid either from the last day the payment was due to be received or the day it was received, whichever is later, until the date of repayment. Interest will be paid at the Bank of England base rate less 1% (with a minimum rate of 0.5%).

Reviews and appeals

Businesses will be able to challenge a point or penalty through both an internal HMRC review process and an appeal to the courts (in a similar way to assessments for VAT are challengeable).

More on late returns here and on late payments here.

VAT registration delays – latest

By   8 March 2021

Anecdotally, we understand that some businesses applying for registration are experiencing significant delays. Further, attempts to contact HMRC by email is often difficult, and telephones are regularly not answered (although we understand that some people have enjoyed more success with the webchat).  Also, the Non-Established Taxable Persons (NETP) office has moved, right at the time when more EU businesses need to register in the GB due to Brexit. This has created an even longer backlog.


The Business Delivery Team at HMRC has confirmed that it is attempting to deal with a very high number of applications, which are being delayed for various reasons (not least by the sheer volume one expects). The department has also stated that the following actions and checks will assist with faster processing times and urges applicants to check that all information requested set out here is included with the application to avoid any further delays.  The most salient being to use the online method rather than the hard copy. However, this is not always possible if additional documentation needs to be sent.

How to avoid common errors identified by HMRC 

  • ensure that the addresses provided on the VAT 1 form matches the business’s principal place of business (PPOB)
  • check that the notification of a trade classification matches the supplies the business makes
  • the VAT treatment of activities must be correctly identified
  • the correct person must sign the application – eg; for a corporate body it must be a director, company secretary or authorised signatory or an authorised agent
  • ensure the correct registration date (effective date of registration – EDR) is given. And that the EDR is accurate considering the circumstances that have been outlined for requesting registration elsewhere in the application
  • the bank account details provided must be in the name of the taxable person

And I will add; do not forget form VAT5L when registering a business which is involved in land and property transactions.

The Business Delivery Team also stated that “We are also considering how we can improve the registration process by resolving more cases in real time by telephone and engaging with customers in a different way to gather any further required information. We’ll tell you more about this shortly.”

While any improvement in communication is to be welcomed, it remains to be seen what practical measures will be implemented to speed up registration processing and how soon these will be put in place.