Category Archives: Penalties

VAT: Changes to early termination fees and compensation payments

By   10 September 2020

HMRC has announced changes to the treatment of “compensation” and similar payments in its Revenue and Customs Brief 12 (2020).

This is as a result of recent judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), specifically Meo (C-295/17) and Vodafone Portugal (C-43/19).


Previous HMRC guidance stated that when customers are charged to withdraw from agreements to receive goods or services, these charges were not generally for a supply and were outside the scope of VAT; being compensatory in nature.

New treatment

Now, as a result of the CJEU cases, it is apparent that such charges are considered as being payment for the supply of goods or services for which the customer originally contracted. Consequently, most early termination and cancellation fees are standard rated. HMRC comment that this is the case even if they are described as compensation or damages (which, if an accurate description, remain VAT free). An example of this is given as; charges made when exiting one contract and entering into another to upgrade a mobile telephone package or handset.


Any businesses which have not accounted for output tax on receipt of these payments are required to amend past declarations.


The retrospective nature of this announcement seems unfair and is likely to cause administrative problems for a lot of businesses. The other issue is that HMRC have not said how far back such adjustments apply, is it: The usual four-year cap? The earlier of the two EJEU cases mentioned (2018)? The June 2020 Vodafone case? Some other date?

It does not appear that the relevant date will be the date of issue of the changes – 2 September 2020 as HMRC say that this date will only apply to certain businesses (those that have received a specific written ruling) so where does that leave the majority of other taxpayers? HMRC remain silent on this and it does not help those affected at all. It is possible that retrospection may be challengeable via judicial review.

While the application of the new rules seems logical and consistent with case law, the implementation and lack of detail is really, to be polite, unhelpful.

VAT Self-billing. What is it? The pros and cons

By   7 September 2020

Self-billing is an arrangement between a supplier and a customer. Both customer and supplier must be VAT registered.  Rather than the supplier issuing a tax invoice in the normal way, the recipient of the supply raises a self-billing document. The customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards a copy to the supplier with the payment.

If a business wants to put a self-billing arrangement in place it does not have to tell HMRC or get approval from them, but it does have to get its supplier or customer to agree to the arrangement and meet certain conditions.

The main advantage of self-billing is that it usually makes invoicing easier if the customer (rather than the supplier) determines the value of the purchase after the goods have been delivered or the services supplied.  This could apply more in certain areas such as; royalties, the construction industry, Feed-In-Tariff, and scrap metal.  A further benefit is that accounting staff will be working with uniform purchase documentation.

However, there is a high risk of errors, significant confusion and audit trail weaknesses. The wrong rate of VAT may easily be applied, documents can go missing, invoices may be raised as well as self-billing documents, the conditions for using self-billing may easily be breached (a common example is a supplier deregistering from VAT) and essential communication between the parties can be overlooked.  As the Tribunal chairman in UDL Construction Plc observed: “I regard the self-billing procedure as a gross violation of the integrity of the VAT system. It permits a customer to originate a document which enables him to recover input tax and obliges his supplier to account for output tax. It goes without saying that such a dangerous procedure should be strictly controlled and policed.”

The rules

For the customer

You can set up self-billing arrangements with your suppliers as long as you can meet certain conditions, you’ll need to:

  • Enter into an agreement with each supplier
  • Review agreements with suppliers at regular intervals
  • Keep records of each of the suppliers who let you self-bill them
  • Make sure invoices contain the right information and are correctly issued. This means including all of the details that make up a full VAT invoice – details here

If a supplier stops being registered for VAT then you can continue to self-bill them, but you can’t issue them with VAT invoices (and you cannot claim any input tax). Your self-billing arrangement with that supplier is no longer covered by the VAT regulations.

The Agreement

A self-billing arrangement is only valid if your supplier agrees to put one in place. If you don’t have an agreement with your supplier your self-billed invoices won’t be valid VAT invoices – and you won’t be able to reclaim the input tax shown on them.

You’ll both need to sign a formal self-billing agreement. This is a legally binding document. The agreement must contain:

  • Your supplier’s agreement that you, as the self-biller, can issue invoices on your supplier’s behalf
  • Your supplier’s confirmation that they won’t issue VAT invoices for goods or services covered by the agreement
  • An expiry date – usually for 12 months’ time but it could be the date that any business contract you have with your supplier ends
  • Your supplier’s agreement that they’ll let you know if they stop being registered for VAT, get a new VAT registration number or transfer their business as a going concern
  • Details of any third party you intend to outsource the self-billing process to.

An example of an agreement here

Reviewing self-billing agreements

Self-billing agreements usually last for 12 months. At the end of this you’ll need to review the agreement to make sure you can prove to HMRC that your supplier agrees to accept the self-billing invoices you issue on their behalf. It’s very important that you don’t self-bill a supplier when you don’t have their written agreement to do so.


If you are a self-biller you’ll need to keep certain additional records:

  • Copies of the agreements you make with your suppliers
  • The names, addresses and VAT registration numbers of the suppliers who have agreed that you can self-bill them

If you don’t keep the required records, then the self-billed invoices you issue won’t be proper VAT invoices.


Once a self-billing agreement is in place with a supplier, you must issue self-billed invoices for all the transactions with them during the period of the agreement.

As well as all the details that must go on a full VAT invoice you will also need to include your supplier’s:

  • name
  • address
  • VAT registration number

All self-billed invoices must include the statement “The VAT shown is your output tax due to HMRC” and you must clearly mark each self-billed invoice you raise with the reference: ‘Self Billing’ (This rule has the force of law).   Details required on invoice here

Input tax

You’ll only be able to reclaim the input tax shown on self-billed invoices if you meet all the record keeping requirements.  When you can reclaim the input tax depends on the date when the supply of the goods or services takes place for VAT purposes.  This is known as the the tax point, details here

For the supplier

If one of your customers wants to set up a self-billing arrangement with you, they will be required to agree to this with you in writing. If you agree, they’ll give you a self-billing agreement to sign.

The terms of the agreement are a matter between you and your customer, but there are certain conditions you’ll both have to meet to make sure you comply with VAT regulations:

  • Sign and keep a copy of the self-billing agreement
  • Agree not to issue any sales invoices to your customer for any transaction during the period of the agreement
  • Agree to accept the self-billing invoices that your customer issues
  • Tell your customer at once if you change your VAT registration number, deregister from VAT, or transfer your business as a going concern.

Accounting for output tax

The VAT figure on the self-billed invoice your customer sends you is your output tax.

You are accountable to HMRC for output tax on the supplies you make to your customer, so you should check that your customer is applying the correct rate of VAT on the invoices they send you. If there has been a VAT rate change, you will need to check that the correct rate has been used.


  • As a supplier, take care not to treat self-billed invoices as purchase invoices and reclaim the VAT shown as input tax
  • As a customer, carry out an instant check of VAT registration numbers here
  • As a supplier or customer regularly check that the conditions for self-billing continue to be met and ensure good communications
  • As a supplier or customer ensure that the documentation accurately reflects the relevant transactions and the correct VAT rate is applied
  • As a supplier or customer ensure that there is a clear audit trial and that all documentation is available for HMRC inspection
  • It is possible to use self-billing cross-border intra-EC, but additional rules apply.

VAT: New HMRC policy papers on tax debt

By   25 August 2020

HMRC has published two new policy papers covering their position on VAT debts.

The first covers HMRC’s approach to tax debt and covers:

  • contact and discussion on ways to settle debt
  • tailored support offered
  • the role of agents/supporters
  • general debt advice
  • actions against taxpayers who do not engage with HMRC, or refuse to pay
  • HMRC enforcement powers
  • removal of assets
  • recovery of debt directly from a taxpayer’s bank account
  • County Court proceedings
  • use of debt collection agencies

The second provides guidance on HMRC’s support for taxpayers with tax debt and includes:

  • contact with HMRC
  • ways in which HMRC can assist
  • payments options, including Time To Pay (TTP)
  • bespoke TTP arrangements
  • how affordable payments are calculated
  • the role of honesty
  • the use of the Citizens Advice Bureau
  • treatment of assets
  • expectations of first contact with HMRC
  • what happens after a time to pay arrangement has been agreed
  • enforcement powers

Interestingly (well, it is all relevant I suppose!) HMRC say that it typically has more than half a million TTP arrangements in place at any one time, and nine out of ten are completed successfully.


There are a number of schemes and methods to legitimately defer or reduce VAT payable. These include the Flat Rate Scheme, Cash Accounting, margin schemes, global accounting. Other basic planning may involve; tax point planning, invoice timing, ad use of Bad Debt Relief (BDR).


Our advice is always to contact HMRC as soon as possible if a business has tax payment problems. In some cases, the department is surprisingly helpful. As the statistics demonstrate TTP arrangements are, on the whole, a very successful method for both sides to deal with tax debt.


  • if HMRC has no idea of the cause of debt, and no contact has been made by the taxpayer. the usual assumption is that the taxpayer is ignoring it and the full force of debt action usually follows
  • tax debt never goes out of time, as there is no statute bar
  • paying taxes late usually results in penalties but these may be avoided if a TTP agreement is in place at the appropriate time
  • A TTP agreement usually means that HMRC will not use its enforcement powers
  • the length of TTP agreements depend on the quantum and nature of the debt, however for VAT unlikely to be beyond 12 months

These policy papers provide helpful guidance and explanation of HMRC’s approach, especially in these difficult economic times as a result of COVID 19 and Brexit.

VAT Planning – Why?

By   20 August 2020

Why? How? Where? When? What? Who?


It is impossible for any business to do such a basic thing as set its prices properly unless it understands its VAT position and ensures that this is reflected in those prices, terms and contract terms etc. The aims of tax planning are:

  • compliance
  • business planning
  • avoiding unnecessary tax costs
  • maximising input tax claims
  • minimising VAT payable where possible
  • obtaining any refunds and retrospective claims due
  • avoiding penalties and interest


The “How?” is dependent on the specific business and its needs. We offer a flexible and tailored service from start-ups to multi-national companies. We offer:

  • solutions to ad hoc issues
  • negotiation
  • structuring and restructuring
  • contractual arrangements
  • Dispute resolution (with HMRC, suppliers, customers etc)
  • full reviews and health checks
  • training of staff and management
  • assistance with international/cross-border supplies and purchases
  • due diligence
  • cost reduction exercises
  • income maximisation programmes
  • comprehensive land and property advice
  • advice on overseas indirect/GST matters both EC and non-EC
  • accounting and documentation advice

The VAT planning process – “The four As”

  • Ascertainment
  • Analysis
  • Alternatives
  • Action

More details of this approach here.


VAT, or its derivations applies in most countries around the world. So, the answer is probably “everywhere”. This is particularly relevant with cross-border transactions. A common issue is the “Place Of Supply” (POS) rules which dictate where a supply takes place and thus the VAT liability of it.


Planning needs to be done in advance of transactions.  Once a contract has been entered into without thought for the VAT consequences, the damage may have already been done.

Where there is a one-off transaction (eg; sale of premises, sale of know-how, issue of shares), this is, by definition, something of which the business has little experience.  It is an occasion to assume that advice is needed, rather than to assume that the most obvious treatment is correct.

Since the impact of a change in the pattern of a business’ activities will continue down the years, rather than being restricted to a single occasion, it is doubly important to ensure that the correct treatment is identified from the outset.

Periodic reviews are a good time to look, not only at the future, but also at the past, to see whether developments in case law reveal past overpayments which may be reclaimed.  This is particularly important since repayments are subject to the four-year capping provisions.

The essential step is to have some means of becoming aware of changes and monitoring these with VAT in mind.  The means to be adopted are various and will depend on the size and type of the business.


“Right tax, right time”. This means compliance with the relevant legislation but not paying any more VAT than is necessary. As one wag once said; “You must pay taxes. But there’s no law that says you have to leave a tip.”

Since VAT is a transaction-based tax, timing is often crucial and the objective is to legitimately defer payment to HMRC until the latest time possible, thus improving cash flow and retaining the use of VAT monies for as long as possible. The converse of this of course, is to obtain any repayments of VAT due from HMRC as soon as possible. We must also consider avoiding VAT representing an actual cost and taking advantage of any beneficial UK and EC legislation, determinations, guidance, case law and Business Briefs etc available.

VAT Planning objectives

  • improve cash flow
  • improve competitive position
  • legitimately reducing VAT payments or increasing repayments
  • minimise administration/management
  • avoid unnecessary tax or compliance costs
  • avoid penalties and interest


Marcus Ward Consultancy of course!

VAT: Changes to online advertising by charities

By   11 August 2020

In very welcome good news from the Charity Tax Group (CTG) the zero rating for charity advertising has been extended to previously standard rated supplies


Certain (“traditional”) advertising services received by a charity have always been zero rated. However, the zero rating did not cover advertising that was ‘selected” or targeted”. HMRC has always been of the view that websites which use cookies which target certain potential donors fall within the exemption such that standard rating applied which commonly represented an additional cost to a charity.


However, the CTG has announced that lengthy ongoing discussions with HMRC have finally borne fruit. HMRC have indicated that they have “relaxed“ their position and now agree that supplies of digital advertising to a charity may qualify for zero rating, even if cookies are used. This is not a blanket policy, but it does broaden the availability of zero rating which will mean an absolute saving for most charities.


Advertising which is sent to a social media personal accounts, or where the recipient has paid a subscription for the site, continues to be standard rated.


Charities should review their advertising activity for the last four years to establish whether they have a retrospective claim. Measures should also be put in place to ensure that VAT is not overpaid in the future. We can assist with making claims if required.

VAT: Whether a person “in business”. The Y4 Express Ltd case

By   7 August 2020

Latest from the courts

In the Y4 Express Ltd (Y4) First Tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) case the issue was whether an individual was in business such that he was entitled to be VAT registered.


Y4 imported goods from China on behalf of UK customers. This entailed collecting the goods from the airport, storing them and then arranging delivery of them to the final customers. Y4 had an arrangement with Royal Mail (RM) for a discounted delivery rate. RM subsequently withdrew this discount resulting in Y4 incurring increased delivery costs. In order to mitigate this, Y4 put a structure in place using an individual (Mr Man) to contract with RM for the discount and letting Y4 use the account to take advantage of the reduced rates: RM invoiced Mr Man and Y4 would arrange payment from its own funds via direct debit. Y4 dealt with Mr Man’s VAT compliance and raised self-billing documents to itself on which it recovered input tax. It was reported that Mr Man considered this as a favour to a friend rather than as a business venture with a view to making a profit, and indeed, the charges made by RM were not marked up. Mr Man was not involved with the arrangement of deliveries of Y4 carried out by RM.

HMRC disallowed the input tax claimed as it considered that the individual was not in business, so no VAT was due on the charge made to Y4. This was on the basis that the individual was not carrying on an ‘economic activity’.


The FTT agreed with the respondent and upheld the decision to disallow Y4’s claim for input tax. This was on the basis that Mr Man was not in business so could not make supplies to Y4, which in turn meant that there was no input tax for Y4 to claim.


The issue of whether an entity is “in business” goes back to the earliest days of VAT. I have considered the issue and recent case law here here here here and here.   HMRC relied heavily on the age-old (well, 1981) tests in the Lord Fisher case:

  • Is the activity a serious undertaking earnestly pursued?
  • Is the activity an occupation or function, which is actively pursued with reasonable or recognisable continuity?
  • Does the activity have a certain measure of substance in terms of the quarterly or annual value of taxable supplies?
  • Is the activity conducted in a regular manner and on sound and recognised business principles?
  • Is the activity predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for a consideration?
  • Are the taxable supplies that are being made of a kind which, subject to differences of detail, are commonly made by those who seek to profit from them?

The judge found that the tests were not met by Mr Man and, even if they were, the evidence; the self-billing documents, were insufficient. It was also found that a penalty was due, although the quantum was reduced to reflect the cooperation of the taxpayer during the enquiries.

This appeal further demonstrates the ambiguity that often surrounds the definition of a business, and/or an economic activity (the EU legal definition). This is often an issue for charities and NFP bodies, but can extend to other areas such as in this case.

VAT: Post Brexit – low value consignments. New rules

By   27 July 2020

From 1 January 2021 there will be changes to the VAT treatment of low value consignments (LVC). These are goods with a value up to £135 – the threshold for customs duty liability. The HMRC guidance states that VAT will be collected at the point of sale rather than on import.

The changes are intended to ensure that goods from EU and non-EU countries are treated in the same way and that UK businesses are not disadvantaged by competition from VAT free imports.

Brief summary

  • LVC Relief, which relieves import VAT on consignments of goods valued at £15 or less will be abolished
  • Online marketplaces, where they are involved in a sale, will be responsible for collecting and accounting for VAT
  • If no online marketplace is involved, the overseas seller will be required to register in the UK
  • LVC B2B sales will be subject to the new rules. However, where the business customer is VAT registered in the UK VAT will be accounted for by the customer by a reverse charge
  • Although the new rules mean that there will no longer be any VAT to collect at the border, Customs declarations will still be required at import, although these will be simplified
  • For goods imported by UK VAT registered businesses which are not covered by the provisions will be able to use postponed VAT accounting
  • Sales made by persons who are not in business are outside the scope of the new measures. This includes gifts and consignments sent from consumer to consumer

VAT: New EU Action Plan – The “Tax Package”

By   16 July 2020

The EU has announced on 15 July 2020 a new Action Plan for fair and simple taxation. The Tax Action Plan is a set of 25 initiatives the European Commission will implement between now and 2024 to make tax “fairer, simpler and more adapted to modern technologies”. Full details of the ‘Tax Package” here.

The main areas may be summarised as:

  • a single EU VAT registration to replace non-resident registrations to eliminate the need for non-resident VAT registrations. The registration number would enable a taxpayer to provide services and/or sell goods anywhere in the EU
  • plans to complement existing national and international programmes on co-operative compliance including agreements with third-countries (including the UK post Brexit)
  • reforms of VAT on Financial Services including measures for e-digital economy (Fintech) and financial and insurance outsourcing
  • proposals to change Tour Operators Margin Scheme (TOMS) rules to simplify what is recognised as a complex and distortive VAT area
  • platform economy; a review of the role of marketplaces in collecting VAT on behalf of individuals on their platforms
  • simplification of the place of supply of passenger transport services (said to be for for greener taxation)
  • advances in e-payment facilities for VAT for small and medium sized businesses
  • extension of MOSS to all B2C sales across the EU (in addition to the proposals announced in respect of the 2021 extension for Distance Selling)
  • measures to combat cross-border VAT fraud including improved analysis of EU level data and a move to automated VAT data sharing
  • a reduction of the regulatory burden for e-commerce Distance Sales of goods subject to excise
  • consideration of the treatment of crypto-assets and e-money which is considered a threat to tax transparency and which poses “substantial risks for tax evasion”
  • proposals for reducing tax disputes and monitoring the effectiveness of the dispute resolution mechanisms in Member States

This list is not exhaustive and is a guide only.

The Commission says it aims “to lead the transition into a greener and more digital world that is compatible with the principles of our social market economy”. And that “Fair, efficient and sustainable taxation is central in delivering on those ambitions”. It added that this “will be even more important in the months and years ahead, as the EU and the global community seek to recover from the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis”.


How these intended changes impact the UK after Brexit remains to be seen, however, in an increasingly worldwide marketplace lead by technology, it is difficult to understand how the UK can live in isolation.

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