Category Archives: Penalties

VAT: Treatment of vouchers, gifts and discounts – How business promotions work

By   24 May 2019
Business promotions are an area of VAT which continues to prove complex.  This is further exacerbated by changes to the legislation at EU and domestic level and ongoing case law. The main points are; whether there is a supply, and, if so, what is the value of that supply?

I hope that the VAT position is helpfully summarised here. I thought it may be useful if the VAT treatment of various business promotion schemes is summarised in one place.

…I recall a statement from an old mentor of mine; “if you have a marketing department you have a VAT issue!”


Offer How to charge VAT
Discounts Charged on the discounted price (not the full price)
Gifts Charged on the gift’s full value – there are some exceptions listed below
Multi-buys Charged on the combined price if all the items have the same VAT rate. If not, VAT is ‘apportioned’ as mixed-rate goods
Money-off coupons, vouchers etc No VAT due if given away free at time of a purchase. If not, VAT due on the price charged
Face value vouchers that can be used for more than one type of good or service (multi-purpose) No VAT due, if sold at or below their monetary value
Face value vouchers that can only be used for one type of good or service (single-purpose) VAT due on the value of the voucher when issued
Redeemed face value vouchers Charged on the full value of the transaction at the appropriate rate of the goods provided in return for the voucher

 Exceptions for gifts

There’s no VAT due on gifts given to the same person if their total value in a 12 month period is less than £50.

Free goods and services

A business is not required to account for VAT on things like free samples if they meet certain conditions.

Supplies Condition to meet so no VAT due
Free samples Used for marketing purposes and provided in a quantity that lets potential customers test the product
Free loans of business assets The cost of hiring the asset is included in something else you sell to the customer
Free gifts The total cost of all gifts to the same person is less than £50 in a 12 month period
Free services You don’t get any payment or goods or services in return


Face value vouchers

Recent changes, radically alter the UK rules for face value vouchers (FVV). FVVs are; vouchers, tokens, stamps (physical or electronic) which entitle the holder to certain goods or services up to the value on the face of the vouchers from the supplier of those goods or services.

Examples of FVVs would include vouchers sold by popular group discount websites, vouchers sold by high street retailers, book tokens, stamps and various high street vouchers.

Single or multi-purpose

The most important distinction for FFVs is whether a voucher is a single purpose voucher or multi-purpose voucher. If it is a multi-purpose voucher then little has changed. If it is a single purpose voucher, however, HMRC will now required output tax to be accounted for at the date it is issued.

Single purpose vouchers are vouchers which carry the right to receive only one type of goods or services which are all subject to a single rate of VAT. Multi-purpose vouchers are anything else. The differences can be quite subtle.

For example:

  • a voucher which entitles you to download an e-book from one seller will be a single purpose voucher. A voucher which entitles you to either books (zero rated) or an e-book download (standard rated) from the same seller will be multi-purpose
  • a voucher which entitles you to £10 of food at a restaurant which does not sell takeaways is probably single purpose, whereas if the restaurant has a cold salad bar and you can buy a take away with the voucher (or hot food) then it would be multi-purpose. 

The above means that for single purpose vouchers VAT is due whether the voucher is actually redeemed or not; which seems an unfair result. There is no way to reduce output tax previously accounted for if the voucher is not used.

Please contact us if you, or your clients use this type of business promotion. of course, get it wrong, and there is likely to be a financial penalty!

VAT: Zero rating of prescriptions

By   29 April 2019

Latest from the courts

The UK is unique in the EU for the zero rating of medicines prescribed by a registered medical practitioner.

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Pearl Chemist Ltd (Pearl) the issue was whether the development of new technology and legislation affected the zero rating of prescriptions written by UK registered and non-UK registered doctors and the  interpretation of “registered medical practitioner”.


Pearl is authorised to dispense medicines prescribed online by doctors based in countries based in the European Economic Area. It contracted with a third party which operated websites which offered medical screening and services, primarily for conditions such as erectile dysfunction, hair loss and obesity/weight loss.

Customers of the third party could obtain an online consultation with qualified doctors. If the doctor decided to issue a prescription, the written prescription would be sent to Pearl who would then despatch the medicine directly to the individual customer on behalf of the third party. Pearl treated all these supplies as zero-rated. The relevant law covering such prescriptions changed in 2008 such that it was now possible to dispense drugs prescribed by a qualified doctor based outside the UK.

HMRC formed the view that these supplies were not covered by the UK zero rating on the basis that an EU qualified doctor who is not registered with the GMC is not a registered medical practitioner. An assessment for output tax was issued in respect of supplies made against prescriptions written by non-UK doctors.

The issues

The issues, broadly were:

  • Are qualified doctors based outside the UK covered by the description “registered medical practitioner” in UK legislation?
  • If not, does this breach of the principle of fiscal neutrality? (Whether there is clear discrimination between identical supplies made on the prescription of UK doctors and doctors from other EU countries)


The judge ruled that the UK zero rating does not cover prescriptions written by non-UK doctors as they are not within the definition of “registered medical practitioner” Consequently, the supplies must be standard rated in the UK. However, the exclusion of medicines prescribed by overseas doctors from the zero-rating constitutes a breach of the principle of fiscal neutrality. This seemed good news for Pearl, but…the Tribunal stated that it was unable to provide an effective remedy for that breach and accordingly dismissed the appeal and affirmed HRMC’s assessment.


This decision seems rather harsh on the appellant. It appears that the judge ruled that she had no power to override UK Parliament’s intention despite the inherent “unfairness” of the outcome of this intention where identical supplies were treated differently depending on where the prescription was written.

Certainly an odd one and I wonder if this is the last of this matter. Any business in a similar situation may need to review its position on the basis of this decision.

Changes to recovery of VAT on imports

By   15 April 2019

HMRC have recently issued RCB 2 (2019) which sets out HMRC’s view on Toll Manufacturers (TM). TM is an arrangement in which a company which has a specialised equipment processes raw materials or semi-finished goods for another company. It may also be called toll processing. Typically, a TM will import, say, pharmaceutical goods, process and distribute them within the UK for clinical trials on behalf of an overseas owner.

HMRC has become aware that a number of UK TMs have paid import VAT on behalf of overseas customers have also claimed a corresponding deduction for input tax under VAT Act 1994 Section 24. However, there is no provision in UK law for such deduction.

Current treatment

TMs will usually act as importer and recover import VAT via a C79 despite them not being the owner of the goods (the owner instructs the TM to carry out works on their goods on their behalf).

HMRC has now confirmed that this VAT treatment is incorrect, and it will no longer be permitted.

New treatment

Only the owner of the goods will be treated as the importer and be able to recover import VAT. TMs will no longer be able to claim this VAT.

However, HMRC will not require TMs to make adjustments to past claims and the treatment will only be required going forward.


The change comes into effect from 15 July 2019


Affected TMs are likely to need to make significant changes to their systems before that date.

Overseas owners of the relevant goods will either need to:

  • register for UK VAT and claim the import VAT on a “regular” return, or
  • make a claim via the Thirteenth VAT Directive (86/560/EEC)

NB: In cases where title has passed before import into the UK (businesses sell on the goods before importing them into the UK so ownership and title has passed to the new owner, however the business that sold the goods acts as importer on UK import declarations, pays the import VAT to HMRC and receives the import VAT certificate – C79) the correct procedure is for the new owner of the goods to be the importer of record and reclaim the import VAT and not the previous owner.

As with many areas of VAT, a No-Deal Brexit is likely to increase the complications for such cross-border transactions in the future.

Please contact us if you have any queries or require assistance on this matter.

VAT Success Stories

By   1 April 2019

I often write about how it is important to seek VAT advice at the right time, see triggerpoints. So, I thought that I’d give some practical examples on where we have saved our clients money, time and aggravation.

Investment company

HMRC denied claims for input tax incurred on costs relating to the potential acquisition of an overseas business and threatened to deregister the plc as it was not, currently, making taxable supplies. Additionally, HMRC contended that even if VAT registration was appropriate, the input tax incurred did not relate to taxable supplies and was therefore blocked.

We were able to persuade HMRC that our client had a right to be VAT registered because It intended to make taxable supplies (supplies with a place of supply outside the UK which would have been taxable if made in the UK) and that the input tax was recoverable as it related to these intended taxable supplies (management charges to the acquired business). This is a hot topic at the moment, but we were able to eventually demonstrate, with considerable and detailed evidence that there was a true intention.

This meant that UK VAT registration was correct and input tax running into hundreds of thousands of pounds incurred in the UK was repaid.


We identified and submitted a claim for a West End restaurant for nearly £200,000 overpaid output tax. We finally agreed the repayment with HMRC after dealing with issues such as the quantum of the claim and unjust enrichment.


Our property developing client specialises in very high-end residential projects in exclusive parts of London. They built a dwelling using an existing façade and part of a side elevation. We contended that it was a new build (zero rated sale and no VAT on construction costs and full input tax recovery on other costs). HMRC took the view that it was work on an existing dwelling so that 5% applied and input tax was not recoverable. After site visits, detailed plans, current and historical photograph evidence HMRC accepted the holy grail of new build. The overall cost of the project was tens of millions.


A charity client was supplying services to the NHS. The issue was whether they were standard rated supplies of staff or exempt medical services. We argued successfully that, despite previous rulings, the supplies were exempt, which benefited all parties. Our client was able to deregister from VAT, but not only that, we persuaded HMRC that input tax previously claimed could be kept. This was a rather pleasant surprise outcome.  We also avoided any penalties and interest so that VAT did not represent a cost to the charity in any way.  If the VAT was required to be repaid to HMRC it is likely that the charity would have been wound up.


A group of friends met to shoot game as a hobby. They made financial contributions to the syndicate in order to take part. HMRC considered that this was a business activity and threatened to go back over 40 years and assess for output tax on the syndicate’s takings which amounted to many hundreds of thousands of pounds and would have meant the shoot could not continue. We appealed the decision to retrospectively register the syndicate.

After a four-year battle HMRC settled on the steps of the Tribunal. We were able to demonstrate that the syndicate was run on a cost sharing basis and is not “an activity likely to be carried out by a private undertaking on a market, organised within a professional framework and generally performed in the interest of generating a profit.” – A happy client.


We assisted a chemist client who, for unfortunate reasons, had not been able to submit proper VAT returns for a number of years.  We were able to reconstruct the VAT records which showed a repayment of circa £500,000 of VAT was due.  We successfully negotiated with HMRC and assisted with the inspection which was generated by the claim.

The message? Never accept a HMRC decision, and seek good advice!

VAT: Property – The Option To Tax

By   13 March 2019

Opting To Tax commercial property

Opting to tax provides a unique situation in the VAT world. It is the only example of where a supplier can choose to add VAT to a supply….. or not.

What is an option to tax?

The sale or letting of a property is, in most cases, exempt (VAT free) by default. However, it is possible to apply the option to tax (OTT) to commercial property. This has the result of turning an exempt supply into a taxable supply at the standard rate. It should be noted that an OTT made in respect of a residential property is disregarded and consequently, the supply of residential properties is always exempt.

Why opt?

Why would a supplier then deliberately choose to add VAT on a supply?

The only purpose of OTT is to enable the optor to recover or avoid input tax incurred in relation to the relevant land or property. The OTT is a decision solely for the property owner or landlord and the purchaser or tenant is not able to affect the OTT unless specific clauses are included in the lease or purchase contracts. Care should be taken to ensure that existing contracts permit the OTT to be taken.  Despite a lot of misleading commentary and confusion, it is worth bearing in mind that the recovery or avoidance of input tax is the sole reason to OTT.

Once made the OTT is usually irrevocable for a 20-year period (although there are circumstances where it may be revisited within six months of it being taken – see below).  There are specific rules for circumstances where the optor has previously made exempt supplies of the relevant land or property. In these cases, HMRC’s permission must usually be obtained before the option can be made.

What to consider

The important questions to be asked before a property transaction are:

  • Was VAT incurred on the purchase price?
  • Is the purchase with the benefit of an existing lease (will the tenant remain?) if so, it may be possible to treat the transaction as a VAT free TOGC (see below)
  • Is the property subject to the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS here)?
  • Is it intended to spend significant amounts on the property, eg; refurbishment?
  • What other costs will be incurred in respect of the property?
  • If renting the property out – will the lease granted be full tenant repairing?
  • Will the tenant or purchaser be in a position to recover any or all VAT charged on the rent/sale?

These are the basic questions to be addressed; further factors may need to be considered depending on the facts of a transaction.

Input tax recovery

Input tax relating to an exempt supply is usually irrecoverable. In fact, a business only making exempt supplies is unable to register for VAT. A guide to partial exemption here. So input tax incurred on, say; purchase, refurbishment, legal costs etc would be lost if a property was sold or rented on an exempt basis. In order to recover this tax, it must relate to a taxable supply. If an OTT is taken, the sale or rent of the property will be standard rated which represents a taxable supply. VAT on supply = input tax claim.

Two-part process

The OTT is a two-part process.

  • The first part is a decision of the business to take the OTT and it is prudent to minute this in Board meeting minutes or similar. Once the decision to OTT is taken VAT may be added to a sale price or rent and a valid tax invoice must be raised.
  • The second part is to formally notify HMRC. If the OTT is straightforward the form on which this is done is a VAT1614A. Here. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain HMRC’s permission in which case separate forms are required. HMRC guidance here – para 5.

There can be problems in cases where the OTT is taken, but not formally notified.


It is vital to ensure that an OTT is made at the correct time. Even one day late may affect the VAT treatment. Generally speaking, the OTT must be made before any use of the property, eg; sale or rent. Care should also be taken with deposits which can trigger a tax point before completion.


As mentioned above (and bears repeating) the benefit of taking the OTT is the ability to recover input tax which would otherwise fall to be irrecoverable. However, there are a number of potential disadvantages.

  • opting a commercial property may reduce its marketability. It is likely that entities which are unable to recover VAT would be less inclined to purchase or lease an opted property. These entities may be; partly exempt business, those not VAT registered, or charities/NFP organisations.
  • the payment of VAT by the purchaser may necessitate obtaining additional funding. This may create problems, especially if a VAT charge was not anticipated. Even though, via opting, the VAT charge is usually recoverable, it still has to be paid for up-front.
  • an OTT will increase the amount of SDLT payable when a property is sold. This is always an absolute cost.

Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC)

I always say that advice should be taken in all property transactions and always in cases of a TOGC or a possible TOGC. This is doubly important where an opted building is being sold, because TOGC treatment only applies to a sale of property when specific tests are met. A TOGC is VAT free but any input tax incurred is recoverable, so this is usually a benefit for all parties.

Revoking an Option To Tax

  • The cooling off period – If an OTT has been made and the opter changes his/her mind within six months it can be revoked. This is as long as no tax has become chargeable on a supply of the land, that no TOGC has occurred, and the OTT has actually been notified to HMRC. There are additional considerations in certain cases, so these always need to be checked.
  • No interest has been held for more than six yearsAn OTT is revoked where the opter has not held an interest in the opted building for a continuous period of six years. The revocation is automatic, and no notification is required.
  • 20 years – It is possible to revoke an OTT which was made more than 20 years ago. Certain conditions must be met, and advice should be taken on how such a revocation affects future input tax recovery.


Property transactions are high value and often complex. The cost of getting VAT wrong or overlooking it can be very swingeing indeed. I have also seen deals being aborted over VAT issues.  of course, if you get it wrong there are penalties to pay too. For these reasons, please seek VAT advice at an early stage of negotiations.

More on our land and property services here

VAT: Input tax claims – alternative evidence

By   7 March 2019

What can be used to make a claim?

It is well known that in order to claim input tax on expenditure a business is required to have a valid tax invoice to support it. But what if there is no VAT invoice? Can HMRC accept any other evidence to support a claim? Well, the answer is yes… sometimes.

HMRC has discretion provided by EC law. The right to deduct is given by Article 167 of the Principal VAT Directive (via VAT Regulations 1995/2518 Reg 29(2) in the UK). Specifically, the wording most relevant here is “…such other documentary evidence of the charge to VAT as the Commissioners may direct.” Broadly, a business must hold the correct evidence before being able to exercise the right to deduct.

Where claims to deduct VAT are not supported by a valid VAT invoice HMRC staff are required to consider whether there is satisfactory alternative evidence of the taxable supply available to support deduction. HMRC staff should not simply refuse a claim without giving reasonable consideration to such evidence. HMRC has a duty to ensure that taxpayers pay no more tax than is properly due. However, this obligation is balanced against a duty to protect the public revenue.

Full details of tax invoices here.

 What HMRC consider

HMRC staff are required to work through the following checklist:

  • Does the business have alternative documentary evidence other than an invoice (for example a supplier statement)?
  • Does the business have evidence of receipt of a taxable supply on which VAT has been charged?
  • Does the business have evidence of payment?
  • Does the business have evidence of how the goods/services have been consumed or evidence regarding their onward supply?
  • How did the business know the supplier existed?
  • How was the business relationship with the supplier established? For example: How was contact made?
  • Does the business know where the supplier operates from (have staff visited?)
  • How did the business contact them?
  • How does the business know the supplier can supply the goods or services?
  • If goods, how does the business know they are not stolen?
  • How does the business return faulty supplies?


If the responses to the above tests are credible, HMRC staff should exercise their discretion to allow the taxpayer to deduct the input tax. Overall, HMRC are required to be satisfied that sufficient evidence is held by the business which demonstrates that VAT has been paid on a taxable supply of goods or services received by that business and which were used by that business for its taxable activities

Challenge HMRC’s decision

A business may only challenge HMRC’s decision not to allow a claim (did not exercise its discretion) if it acted in an unfair or unreasonable way. In these cases, the onus is on the taxpayer to demonstrate that HMRC have been unreasonable in not using the available discretion. This is quite often a difficult thing to do.

Case law

Not surprisingly, there is significant case law on this subject. The most relevant and recent being the Upper Tribunal (UT) cases of James Boyce and Scandico Ltd.


If possible, always obtain a proper tax invoice from a supplier, and don’t lose it! The level of evidence required when no invoice is held usually depends on the value of the claim. There would be a difference between persuading an inspector that £20 input tax on stationery is recoverable and the claiming of £200,000 VAT on a property purchase is permissible. As always in VAT, if you get it wrong and claim VAT without the appropriate evidence there is likely to be a penalty to pay.

If you, or your clients are in dispute with HMRC on input tax claims, please contact us.

VAT: Zero rated food – a summary

By   8 February 2019

Food – What’s hot and what’s not?

Further to my article on the recent Eat case I have had a number of queries on what “hot” food can be zero rated. So, as a brief overview of the current position a quick look at types of food:

Pasties, sausage rolls, pies or other pastries

  • If they are hot and straight from the oven: Although the pasty is hot, it is not being kept warm, so therefore there is no VAT
  • Left to cool to room temperature: The pasty is not being kept warm, so no VAT is chargeable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp: The pasty is being kept warm so VAT is due


  • Cold food is zero-rated for tax purposes so no VAT.
  • Heated for a customer – standard rated per the Eat case.


  • Freshly baked, cooling or cold – the bread is not kept warm, even though it may be straight from the oven, so would be VAT free.

Rotisserie chicken

  • If hot from the spit; VAT on takeaway food intended to be served hot is VATable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp – As the food is kept hot and served hot, VAT is applicable.
  • Left to cool to room temperature – If the chicken is cooked then left to cool, such as in bags in a supermarket, it will be VAT free.


  • such as fish and chips: VAT remains on all takeaway food served hot.


  • All supplies of catering is subject to VAT regardless of what food and drink is being provided. This includes all restaurants and cafés.

This is a general guide and, as case law shows, there will always be products on the “borderline”.

VAT: No Deal Brexit – new regulations for “imports”

By   14 January 2019

A new Statutory Instrument (SI) SI 2018/1376 has been issued which sets out certain measures to be adopted in the event of a No Deal Brexit in respect of postal packets. A background to VAT and Brexit here

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal it will be unable to treat the movement of goods between EU Member States in the same way as previously. Such a movement of goods now become an import – similar to any other goods currently entering the UK from outside the EU. A guide to imports here

These regulations mean that certain overseas businesses will be required to register in the UK and pay import VAT on a consignment of goods up to the value of £135.

I have summarised below the most salient parts of the SI.

What is a qualifying import?

The regulations state that a “qualifying importation” is made where—

  • A supplier supplies goods for a consideration to a recipient in the course or furtherance of a business carried on by the supplier
  • the supplier is not established in the UK
  • the goods are dispatched from a place outside the United Kingdom to the United Kingdom in a postal packet
  • the value of the contents of the postal packet is £135 or less
  • the postal packet does not contain goods of a class or description subject to any duty of excise

There are two exceptions (there always appear to be exceptions in VAT…)

  • the supplier ensures that a UK-established postal operator has a legally binding obligation to pay any import VAT that is chargeable on that qualifying importation to the Commissioners
  • a non UK-established postal operator has an obligation under an agreement with the Commissioners to pay any import VAT that is chargeable on that qualifying importation.

Requirement to register

A supplier must be registered under the new regulations with effect from the date on which the first qualifying importation is dispatched by the supplier. There is no de minimis limit.

Application for registration

  • a notification of a requirement to be registered and an application to be registered must be made using electronic communications in such form and manner to be specified by HMRC
  • it must provide such information as specified by HMRC


Returns will be known as “Postal Packet Returns” and will be quarterly and will be due on the first calendar day after the last day of the month next following the end of the period.


This being VAT – of course there are penalties for getting wrong.

The penalty for failure to register is a flat rate of £1000.

The SI also contains regulations for others to be jointly and severally liable for that import VAT in certain circumstances. Further, as expected, (see here) the SI also removes Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR) for the import of commercial goods with a value of £15 or less.

A No Deal Brexit will undoubtedly increase administration, red tape and cause delays and uncertainties, and VAT is only one aspect of that. Let us hope that this SI is not needed…

HMRC announces Top 10 prosecutions of 2018

By   11 January 2019

The publication of this annual list is an insight into the work of HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service. Clearly this is important work and recovers money that may be used to support important public services and consequently, it is not a victimless crime.

It further demonstrates the diversity of crimes HMRC deals with. HMRC’s fraud investigations have led to 671 people being convicted over the last 12 months for their part in tax crimes. Additionally, HMRC has charged another 919 people and taken on 746 new criminal investigations.

This year’s top 10 prosecutions include:

  • one of the UK’s most wanted tax fugitives, who spent more than 11 years on the run and owes more than £53 million, ending up behind bars after he was caught in Canada
  • a tax consultant, who fled the UK before he could be arrested for masterminding a conspiracy to steal £6.9 million from construction workers’ pay packets, going to prison
  • a high-flying businessman who masterminded a sophisticated £9.8 million international VAT fraud to fund his lavish lifestyle and for which he was jailed for 9 years

HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service brings in around £5 billion a year through civil and criminal investigations.

VAT Invoices – A Full Guide

By   3 January 2019

The subject of invoices is often misunderstood and can create serious issues if mistakes are made.  VAT is a transaction tax, so primary evidence of the transaction is of utmost importance. Also, a claim for input tax is usually not valid unless it is supported by an original valid invoice  HMRC can, and often do, reject input claims because of an inaccurate invoice.  There are a lot of misconceptions about invoices, so, although a rather dry subject, it is very important and I thought it would be useful to have all the information in one place, so here is my guide:

Obligation to provide a VAT invoice

With certain limited exceptions a VAT registered person must provide the customer with an invoice showing specified particulars including VAT in the following circumstances.

(a) He makes a supply of goods or services in the UK (other than an exempt supply) to a taxable person.

(b) He makes a supply of goods or services to a person in another EC country for the purposes of any business activity carried on by that person. But no invoice is required where the supply is an exempt supply which is made to a person in another EC country which does not require an invoice to be issued for the supply. (Because practice varies widely across the EC, HMRC guidance is that businesses should be guided by their customers as to whether invoices are required for exempt supplies.)

(c) He receives a payment on account from a person in another EC country in respect of a supply he has made or intends to make.


The above provisions do not apply to the following supplies.

• Zero-rated supplies (other than supplies for acquisition by a person registered in another EC country, see (b) above).

• Supplies where the VAT charged is excluded from credit under VATA 1994, s 25(7) (eg business entertaining and certain motor cars) although a VAT invoice may be issued in such cases.

• Supplies on which VAT is charged but which are not made for a consideration. This includes gifts and private use of goods.

• Sales of second-hand goods under one of the special schemes. Invoices for such sales must not show any VAT.

• Supplies that fall within the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme(TOMS). VAT invoices must not be issued for such supplies.

• Supplies where the customer operates a self-billing arrangement.

• Supplies by retailers unless the customer requests a VAT invoice.

• Supplies by one member to another in the same VAT group.

• Transactions between one division and another of a company registered in the names of its divisions.

• Supplies where the taxable person is entitled to issue, and does issue, invoices relating to services performed in fiscal and other warehousing regimes.

Documents treated as VAT invoices

Although not strictly VAT invoices, certain documents listed below are treated as VAT invoices either under the legislation or by HMRC.

(1) Self-billing invoices

Self-billing is an arrangement between a supplier and a customer in which the customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards it to him, normally with the payment.

(2) Sales by auctioneer, bailiff, etc.

Where goods (including land) forming part of the assets of a business carried on by a taxable person are, under any power exercisable by another person, sold by that person in or towards satisfaction of a debt owed by the taxable person, the goods are deemed to be supplied by the taxable person in the course or furtherance of his business.

The particulars of the VAT chargeable on the supply must be provided on a sale by auction by the auctioneer and where the sale is otherwise than by auction by the person selling the goods. The document issued to the buyer is treated as a VAT invoice.

(3Authenticated receipts in the construction industry.

(4) Business gifts

Where a business makes a gift of goods on which VAT is due, and the recipient uses the goods for business purposes, that person can recover the VAT as input tax (subject to the normal rules). The donor cannot issue a VAT invoice (because there is no consideration) but instead may provide the recipient with a ‘tax certificate’ which can be used as evidence to support a deduction of input tax. The tax certificate may be on normal invoicing documentation overwritten with the statement:

“Tax certificate – No payment is necessary for these goods. Output tax has been accounted for on the supply.”

Full details of the goods must be shown on the documentation and the amount of VAT shown must be the amount of output tax accounted for to HMRC.

Invoicing requirements and particulars

A VAT invoice must contain certain basic information.

A VAT invoice must show the following particulars.

(a) A sequential number based on one or more series which uniquely identifies the document.

The ‘invoice number’ can be numerical, or it can be a combination of numbers and letters, as long as it forms part of a unique and sequential series. Where there is a break in the series, eg; where an invoice is cancelled or spoiled and never issued to a customer, this is still acceptable as long as the relevant invoice is retained.

(b) The time of the supply, ie tax point.

(c) The date of issue of the document.

(d) The name, address and registration number of the supplier.

(e) The name and address of the person to whom the goods or services are supplied.

(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied.

(g) For each description, the quantity of the goods or extent of the services, the rate of VAT and amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(h) The unit price.

This applies to ‘countable’ goods and services. For services, the countable element might be, for example, an hourly rate or a price paid for standard services. If the supply cannot be broken down into countable elements, the total VAT-exclusive price is the unit price.

(i) The gross amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(j) The rate of any cash discount offered.

(k) The total amount of VAT chargeable expressed in sterling.

(l) Where the margin scheme for SECOND-HAND GOODS or theTOMS is applied, either a reference to the appropriate provision of EC Council Directive 2006/112/EC or the corresponding provision of VATA 1994or any indication that the margin scheme has been applied.

The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and but we recommend:

• “This is a second-hand margin scheme supply.”

• “This supply falls under the Value Added Tax (Tour Operators) Order 1987.”

The requirement only applies to TOMS invoices in business to business transactions.

(m) Where a VAT invoice relates in whole or in part to a supply where the person supplied is liable to pay the VAT, either a reference to the appropriate provision of EC Council Directive 2006/112/EC or the corresponding provision of VATA 1994 or any indication that the supply is one where the customer is liable to pay the VAT.

This covers UK supplies where the customer accounts for the VAT (eg under the gold scheme or any reverse charge requirement under the missing trader intra-community rules). The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and we recommend: “This supply is subject to the reverse charge”.

Exempt or zero-rated supplies

Invoices do not have to be raised for exempt or zero-rated transactions when supplied in the UK. But if such supplies are included on invoices with taxable supplies, the exempt and zero-rated supplies must be totalled separately and the invoice must show clearly that there is no VAT payable on them.

Leasing of motor cars

Where an invoice relates wholly or partly to the letting on hire of a motor car other than for self-drive, the invoice must state whether the car is a qualifying vehicle

Alternative evidence to support a claim for input tax

In certain situations HMRC can use its discretion and allow an input tax with documentary evidence other than an invoice. Their guidance here

Electronic invoices

Full information on electronic invoicing here


Retailers may issue a “less detailed tax invoice” if a customer requests one.  the supply must be for £250 or less (including VAT) and must show:

  • your name, address and VAT registration number
  • the time of supply (tax point)
  • a description which identifies the goods or services supplied
  • and for each VAT rate applicable, the total amount payable, including VAT and the VAT rate charged.


As may be seen, it is a matter of law whether an invoice is valid and when they must be issued.  Therefore it is important for a business to understand the position and for its system to be able to produce a valid tax invoice and to recognise what is required to claim input tax.  As always with VAT, there are penalties for getting documentation wrong. Please contact us should you have any queries.