Category Archives: Planning

Inter-company charges: What is VATable?

By   1 November 2018

This seemingly straightforward area can throw up lots of VAT issues and touches on a number of complex areas. If we look at what is commonly called a “management charge” it is clear that such a charge can cover a lot of different circumstances.

Do I charge VAT on a management charge?

An easy yes or no question one would think, however, this being VAT, the answer is; it depends. Typically, management charges represent a charge by a holding company to its subsidiaries of; a share of overhead costs, the provision of actual management/advisory services or office facilities or similar (the list can obviously be quite extensive).

Consideration for a supply

The starting point is; is something (goods or services) supplied in return for the payment? If the answer is no, then no VAT will be due. However, this may impact on the ability to recover input tax in the hands of the entity making the charge. It is often the case that a management charge is used as a mechanism for transferring “value” from one company to another. If it is done in an arbitrary manner with no written agreement in place, and nothing identifiable is provided, and VAT is charged, HMRC may challenge the VAT treatment and any input recovery of the company making the payment.

Composite of separate supply?

This is a complex area of the tax and is perpetually the subject of a considerable amount of case law. This has been so since the early days of VAT and there appears no signs of disputes slowing down. I have written about such cases here here here here and here

“Usually” if a combination of goods or services are supplied it is considered as a single supply and is subject to the standard rate. However, case law insists that sometimes different supplies need to be divided and a different rate of VAT applied to each separate supply. This may be the case for instance, when an exempt supply of non-opted property (eg; a designated office with an exclusive right to occupy) is provided alongside standard rated advice.


What is important is not how a management charge is calculated, but what the supply actually is (if it is one). The calculation, whether based on a simple pro-rata amount between separate subsidiaries, or via a complex mechanism set out in a written agreement has no impact on the VAT treatment. As always in VAT, the basic question is: what is actually provided?

Can the VAT treatment of a supply change when recharged?

Simply put; yes/ For example, if the holding company pays insurance (VAT free) and charges it on as part of a composite supply, then VAT will be added to an original non-VAT bearing cost. It may also occur when staff are employed (no VAT on salaries paid) but the staff are supplied to a subsidiary company and VAT is added (but see below).


The provision of staff is usually a standard rated supply. However, there are two points to consider. One is joint contracts of employment which I look at below, the other is the actual definition of the provision of staff. Care must be taken when analysing what is being provided. The question here is; are staff being provided, or; is the supply the services that those staff carry out? This is relevant, say, if the services the staff carry out are exempt. There are a number of tests here, but the main issue is; which entity directs and manages the staff?


There can be different rules for directors compared to staff.

If a holding company provides a subsidiary company with a director to serve as such, the normal rules relating to supplies of staff apply and VAT applies.

However, there are different rules for common directors. An individual may act as a director of a number of companies. There may be an arrangement where a holding company pays the director’s fees and then recover appropriate proportions from subsidiaries. In such circumstances, the individual’s services are supplied by the individual to the companies of which (s)he a director. The services are supplied directly to the relevant businesses by the individual and not from one company to another. Therefore, there is no supply between the companies and so no VAT is due on the share of money recovered from each subsidiary.


Planning may be required if;

  • the subsidiary cannot reclaim all VAT charged to it as input tax
  • there are cashflow/timing disadvantages
  • there are management or administrative complexities

Specific planning

VAT grouping

If commercially acceptable, the holding company and subsidiary companies may form a VAT group. By doing so any charges made between VAT group members are disregarded and no VAT is chargeable on them.

There are pros and cons in forming a VAT group and a brief overview is provided here

A specific development in case law does mean care must be taken when considering input tax recovery in holdco, details here

Joint contracts of employment

If members of staff are employed via joint contracts or employment no VAT is applicable to any charges made between the two (or more) employers. In addition, where each of a number of associated companies employs its own staff, but one company (the paymaster) pays salaries behalf of the others who then pay their share of the costs to the paymaster the recovery of monies paid out by the paymaster is VAT free as it is treated as a disbursement.


Looking at disbursements is a whole article in itself, and in fact there is a helpful one here

But, briefly, if a charge qualifies as a disbursement, then the costs is passed on “in the same state” so if it is VAT free, the onward charge is also VAT free, as opposed to perhaps changing the VAT liability as set out above. It is important to understand the differences between a disbursement and a recharge as a VAT saving may be obtained.


The above considers management charges within the UK. There are different rules for making or receiving management charges to/from the EU and outside the EU. These charges are usually, but not always, VAT free and it is worth checking the VAT treatment before these are made/received.

There may be more planning for charities and NFP entities via cost sharing arrangements, but this is outside the scope of this article.

As may be seen, the answer to a simple question may be complex and the answer dependent upon the precise facts of the case. It is unusual to have two scenarios that precisely mirror each other, so each structure needs to be reviewed individually. Please contact us if you have any queries or would like more information on any of the above.

Customs Declaration Service (CDS) – Update

By   23 October 2018

As many will be aware, CDS will fully replace the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system later this year/early next year, full details here.This will affect any business which imports or exports goods from or to countries outside the EU (and possibly will affect businesses which trade with the EU in the event of a No Deal Brexit).

HMRC have provided more information on the implementation of CDS.

They say that the number of businesses making declarations via CDS will grow over coming months. If you have not been contacted by HMRC then your business is not part of this first group. The time your business begins using CDS will depend on its(or its agent’s) software developer or Community System Provider. HMRC expect remaining importers will start to move to CDS early in the New Year. Exporters will migrate to CDS when export functionality becomes available in March 2019. This means that CDS and CHIEF will run in parallel for a short period of time. Import declarations will be made in CDS whilst export declarations will continue to be made in CHIEF.

Not an ideal situation, but it does seem prudent to phase CDS in in this way.


  • Visit Customs Declaration Service to understand how the changes affect your business and what you will need to do to prepare for the introduction of CDS and when. This includes making sure you have a Government Gateway account and an EORI number.
  • A new Trade Tariff will be used for declarations on CDS to comply with the Union Customs Code (UCC) so it is important you take the time to understand how the information you provide as part of your declarations will change. The imports tariff can be found on the link above. The exports Tariff will be available later in the year.
  • If you use a software provider or agent, you may also want to check they are aware and are preparing for the new CDS.
  • If you use a C88 form or the National Export System to make declarations, please visit the web page above where you can find more information.

If you have any queries we will be pleased to help.

VAT: Latest on MTD – deferral for some businesses

By   18 October 2018

HMRC has announced the latest update on Making Tax Digital (MTD). Details of MTD here and here


VAT registered businesses with a taxable turnover above the VAT threshold are required to use the MTD service to keep records digitally and use software to submit their VAT returns from 1 April 2019. We emphasise that VAT registered business with an annual turnover below £85,000 are excluded from MTD. This may be the case for voluntary registrations, “intending traders” (businesses which intend to trade in the future but have not done so yet) or small businesses.

The exception to this is a minority of VAT registered businesses with more complex requirements. HMRC have reacted to concerns of certain businesses and, as a result, decided to delay the implementation of MTD for these entities until 1 October 2019.

These entities are:

  • Trusts
  • Not for profit organisations that are not set up as a company
  • VAT divisions
  • VAT groups
  • Public sector entities required to provide additional information on their VAT return (eg: Government departments and NHS Trusts)
  • Local authorities
  • Public corporations,
  • Businesses based overseas,
  • Business making payments on account
  • Annual accounting scheme users


Consequently, the full MTD timeline is now:

October 2018

Open to sole traders and companies (except those which are part of a VAT group or VAT Division) provided they are up to date with their VAT. Those who trade with the EU, are based overseas, submit annually, make payments on account, use the VAT Flat Rate Scheme, and those newly registered for VAT that have not previously submitted a VAT return, are unable to join at this point. Those businesses which have incurred a Default Surcharge within the last 24 months will be able to join the pilot by the end of October 2018.

Late 2018

Private testing begins with partnerships, businesses that trade with the EU, and users of the Flat Rate Scheme.

Late 2018 / early 2019

Open to other sole traders and companies who are not up to date with their VAT and businesses newly registered for VAT that have not previously submitted a VAT return.

Early 2019

Open to partnerships and those customers that trade with the EU.

Spring 2019

Pilot open for MTD customers that have been deferred.

April 2019

MTD mandated for all customers (except those that have been deferred).

October 2019

MTD mandated for businesses that have been deferred. The six month deferral applies to customers who fall into one of the following categories: trusts, ‘not for profit’ organisations that are not set up as a company, VAT divisions, VAT groups, those public sector entities required to provide additional information on their VAT return (Government departments, NHS Trusts), Local Authorities, public corporations, traders based overseas, those required to make payments on account and annual accounting scheme users.

This deferral will apply to around 3.5% of mandated businesses.

VAT: Valuation – interest free credit

By   15 October 2018

Latest from the courts. The Dixon Carphone plc (Dixon) First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case.

It considered the value of a retail sale where interest free credit was offered. Was it the amount paid by the consumer, or the amount actually received by Dixon after the deductions made by the credit supplier?


The transactions which were the subject of this case are as follows:

  • a consumer purchases goods in a Dixon store and pays a deposit to Dixon
  • the balance of the cost of the purchase is funded by a loan, provided by a third-party loan company
  • the customer gives authority to the loan company to pay the money borrowed to Dixon
  • the customer loan is on favourable terms to the consumer as it is an interest free: “Buy Now, Pay Later” arrangement
  • the amount paid by the loan company to Dixon is a lower amount than that authorised by the consumer, following deduction of an amount described as a “Subsidy”.
  • the customer pays no interest on the amount borrowed if the full amount of credit is repaid by the customer within the “Pay Later” offer period.


The appellant argued that the general rule, derived from the VAT Directive Article 73, is that the taxable amount is everything received by the supplier as consideration. In more complex cases, with more than one paying party, the consideration should be everything moving from each paying party and received by the supplier. Consequently, in these transactions there is a reduction in what was received by Dixon consequently, the taxable amount on which VAT should be calculated should be the amount received by Dixon from the loan company.

HMRC contended that output tax was due on the full selling price and that the other transactions did not impact the value of the supply.


As in a similar case which was decided at the CJEU: Primback Ltd C-34/99 ([2001] STC 803, The FTT decided that the loan company was providing the finance to the consumer who used the money to pay Dixon the full retail price of the goods. The loan company’s “Subsidy” did reduce the amount paid by the loan company directly to Dixon on behalf of the consumer, but this transaction did not affect the amount owed by the consumer for the goods.

The appeal was therefore dismissed.

Practical application

HMRC provide an example of the VAT treatment of interest free credit along the lines as follows:

Goods are sold for £600 on six months interest free credit terms.  As far as the customer is concerned, (s)he merely pays six instalments of £100 to the loan company.

Under separate arrangements between a loan company and the retailer, the loan company makes a deduction from the amount forwarded to the retailer, which accordingly, received only £560, not the full amount of £600. HMRC regard this deduction as third-party consideration, paid by the retailer for the loan made to the customer, and that output tax on £600 is due. Because there is no consideration, in the form of interest, paid by the customer on an interest-free loan, there is no supply for VAT purposes.


The value of retail sales has often been an issue in the VAT world, whether it be interest free credit, credit card charges, BOGOF, or “bumping” in the motor industry. Care should be taken when deciding the value of consideration to be used for output tax declarations and advice should be sought if there is any doubt. It appears that the issue of interest free credit has now been killed off, but with ingenious marketing ideas always being created, VAT must be considered at an early stage.

VAT: Education – what, precisely, is exempt?

By   12 October 2018

In my experience, there is a general assumption that all “education’ is exempt. It is true to say that a lot of education and tuition is indeed exempt, but that is not automatically the case. It is important to establish the reason for the application of non-taxable treatment. The VAT treatment depends on; what is actually being provided, who is providing it and the precise arrangements. I consider the more common issues below:

The legislation covering education is VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6.

What does the term education mean?

It means a course, class or lesson of instruction or study in a subject. This includes:

  • lectures
  • educational seminars
  • conferences and symposia
  • recreational and sporting courses
  • distance teaching and associated materials

Schools etc

The first type of education exemption is relatively clear: It is the provision of education by an eligible body. An eligible body is, broadly; a school, college, or university (supplies by Local Authority schools, city technology colleges, sixth form colleges, academies and free schools – where education is provided for no charge, are non-business activities rather than exempt, and have their own set of rules). More on academies here

It is also worth noting that any ‘closely related” goods or services provided with exempt education are themselves exempt. This may cover items such as; certain stationery, accommodation, transport and catering.

There is usually very little disagreement about the VAT treatment of these entities.

Charities/ non-profit making organisations

If a charity/NFP entity is an eligible body supplies of education and vocational training (see below) by it are exempt. Such an organisation is likely to be an eligible body, where it’s a charity, professional body or company which:

  • cannot and does not distribute any profit it makes, and
  • any profit that does arise from its supplies of education is used solely for the continuation or improvement of such supplies.

There can be disputes over the term “does not distribute any profit” so care should be taken in this respect and advice sought if there is any doubt.


Exemption applies to the supply of “private tuition, in a subject ordinarily taught in a school or university, by an individual teacher acting independently of an employer” – VAT Act 1994 Schedule 9, Group 6, item 2.

Taking each of these tests in turn:

  • What is “private tuition?

In order to qualify, the provider of tuition must act independently and not be an employee. Practically, this means that the person providing the tuition must either be a sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, or a member of a Limited Liability partnership (LLP). Consequently, exemption does not apply if the teaching is carried out by a company or an employee. This is a matter of fact, however, it is possible to structure matters such that the exemption applies if it does not currently (and the restructure is possible commercially).

  • What does “ordinarily taught” in schools/universities mean?

This is often a moot issue and the significant amount of case lawn highlights this. Most of the mainstream subjects are covered of course, but what about subjects like; golf, horse riding and dance? Would they be ordinarily taught in schools? (The answer according to case law is; yes). However, there are many other subjects which are debatable and HMRC usually take an uncompromising line on this area, especially around sporting activities. If there is any doubt, we recommend seeking advice.

  • What does tuition mean?

Clearly, if a person teaches or coaches a subject to an individual or group, then this qualifies as tuition. However, a distinction must be made between this and a recreational type of activity which may be called a “class”, but no actual tuition is provided. Exemption does not apply, for example, for the simple provision of gymnasium or swimming pool facilities, or a yoga class where no coaching takes place (however, it is possible that these may be exempt under different parts of the legislation, but that is not the subject of this article).

Vocational training

Vocational training means training or re-training and work experience for paid employment or voluntary employment in areas beneficial to the community.

If vocational training is provided for a charge the VAT consequences are either:

  • for an eligible body (see above) vocational training is exempt
  • for a non-eligible body vocational training is still exempt to the extent that it is funded under an approved government funding scheme. Otherwise the supply is taxable.

English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

If a commercial entity makes supplies of tuition of EFL they will qualify for exemption. In these cases, tuition includes all elements that are integral to the course, held out for sale as such, and are the means by which it is intended to promote fluency in the use of the English language.


In respect of all of the above, if exemption does not apply the supply of education falls to be taxable as a default.

For completeness, exemption may also apply to; research, examination services, youth clubs, day nurseries, crèches and playgroups but these activities are outside the scope of this article.


There are many traps for the unwary here. Planning is always advisable and I recommend that any entity which provides education is conscious of the VAT implications and seeks advice where/when necessary.

VAT – Land and property issues

By   4 October 2018


Supplies relating to property may be, or have been; 20%, 17.5%, 15.%, 10% 5%, zero-rated, exempt, or outside the scope of VAT – all impacting, in different ways, upon the VAT position of a supplier and customer. In addition, the law permits certain exempt supplies to be changed to 20% without the agreement of the customer. As soon as a taxpayer is provided with a choice, there is a chance of making the wrong one! Even very slight differences in circumstances may result in a different and potentially unexpected VAT outcome, and it is an unfortunate fact of business life that VAT cannot be ignored.

Why is VAT important?

The fact that the rules are complex, ever-changing, and the amounts involved in property transactions are usually high means that there is an increased risk of making errors. These often result in large penalties and interest payments plus unwanted attentions from the VAT man. Uncertainty regarding VAT may affect budgets and an unforeseen VAT bill (and additional SDLT) may risk the profitability of a venture.

Problem areas

Certain transactions tend to create more VAT issues than others. These include;

  • whether a property sale can qualify as a VAT free Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)
  • conversions of properties from commercial to residential use
  • whether to opt to a commercial property
  • the recovery of VAT charged on a property purchase
  • supplies between landlord and tenants
  • the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)
  • the anti-avoidance rules
  • apportionment of VAT rates
  • partial exemption
  • charity use
  • relevant residential use
  • the place of supply (POS) of services (which will be increasingly important after Brexit)
  • and even seemingly straightforward VAT registration

Additionally, the VAT treatment of building services throws up its own set of VAT complications.

VAT Planning

The usual adage is “right tax, right time”. This, more often than not, means considering the VAT treatment of a transaction well in advance of that transaction taking place. Unfortunately, with VAT there is usually very little planning that can be done after the event. For peace of mind a consultation with a VAT adviser can steer you through the complexities and, if there are issues, to minimise the impact of VAT on a project. Assistance of a VAT adviser is usually crucial if there are any disputes with VAT inspectors. Experience insists that this is an area which HMRC have raised significant revenue from penalties and interest where taxpayers get it wrong.

Don’t leave it to chance

For more information, please see our Land & Property services

VAT and Customs Duty – Impact of No-Deal Brexit

By   4 October 2018

HMRC has published guidance on the likely implications of a No-Deal Brexit. The guidance states that it is “unlikely” that the UK will leave the EU without a deal, however, in the recent political climate, observers comment that a No-Deal scenario is increasingly likely (to put it conservatively). Consequently, business must be in a position to deal with a No-Deal from 29 March 2019. The guidance may be summarised as follows:

Current position

  • VAT is payable by businesses when they bring goods into the UK. There are different rules depending on whether the goods are acquisitions (EU) or imports (non-EU)
  • no requirement to pay VAT when goods from the EU arrive in the UK. A business acquiring goods from the EU accounts for VAT on the goods in its next VAT return, offsetting input tax against output tax (acquisition tax, a simple “reverse charge” bookkeeping exercise)
  • no Customs Duty on goods moving between EU Member States
  • goods that are exported by UK businesses to non-EU countries and EU businesses are UK VAT free
  • goods that are supplied by UK businesses to EU consumers have either UK or EU VAT charged, subject to distance selling thresholds
  • for services the place of supply (POS) rules determine the country in which a business needs to charge VAT

From 29 March 2019 with a No-Deal Brexit

  • the UK will continue to have a VAT system
  • the government will attempt to keep VAT procedures as close as possible to the current systems
  • acquisitions from the EU will become imports
  • imported goods from the EU (or elsewhere) will be subject to VAT deferment
  • Customs and Excise Duty formalities will now be required for EU imports
  • UK businesses supplying digital services are likely to be required to register for the one stop shop (MOSS) in a country within the EU
  • the rate of input recovery for providers of financial services (FS) and insurance may be improved
  • Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR) is likely to be abolished for goods entering the UK as parcels, whether from within or outside the EU.
  • no requirement to comply with existing Distance Selling rules (exports of goods to individuals will be UK VAT free)
  • EC Sales Lists will not be required
  • Businesses need to take steps to examine their import and export procedures (!)

I have paraphrased some of the guidance for clarity and technical accuracy and the above points are not direct quotes. 


The apparent good news is that UK businesses importing goods from the EU will not have to pay VAT on the date that the goods enter the UK, but rather, will be able to account for the VAT later via a deferment system, presumably similar to the one in place for current non-EU imports. Helpful for cashflow, but an unwanted additional complexity, especially for small businesses. A concern is that HMRC cannot deal with the documentation requirements even before Brexit see here

A big negative for UK business is the fact that customs declarations and the payment of any other duties will now be required for imports from the EU – in the same way as currently applies when importing goods from outside the EU. Consequently, for goods entering the UK from the EU

  • an import declaration will be required
  • customs checks may be carried out
  • customs duties must be paid.

This is an additional complication and a cost to a business which is currently able to bring goods into the UK from the EU without any of these declarations, payments or inspections. This is likely to lead to additional delays at the border and will certainly increase administration and costs. Whether this will encourage UK businesses to purchase more goods from UK suppliers remains to be seen. It is worth mentioning that HMRC has also said that UK  importers need to take steps apply for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification Number (EORI) for businesses which do not already have one. Details here

Brexit may provide a ray of sunshine for FS and insurance suppliers (well for VAT anyway, the commercial impact may be somewhat different). In the event of a No-Deal Brexit, for UK FS and insurance providers, input VAT deduction rules in respect of services to the EU may be changed. Although no details are provided, it appears to me that input tax attributable to these supplies will be treated similarly to those currently provided to recipients outside the EU. Which will broadly mean that those supplies which would be exempt if provided in the UK would provide full input tax recovery if the recipient belongs anywhere outside the UK. This will be very good news for The City.

LVCR currently relieves goods worth under £15 which come into the UK from outside the EU from UK VAT. Its abolition means that all goods entering the UK as parcels sent by overseas businesses will be liable for VAT (unless they are zero-rated from VAT) if the value is under £15. An unwelcome and apparently unnecessary change.


It is prudent for businesses to consider how their imported goods will be classified and how they will submit import declarations in the result of a No-Deal Brexit. HMRC suggests that importers may want to consider looking at suitable commercial software and, or, engaging a commercial customs broker, freight forwarder or logistics provider. We advise contacting the relevant providers sooner, rather than later, to establish what you, or your client’s business may require. Of course, all of the above will increase the potential of a business receiving penalties and interest if it gets it wrong.

If you would like to discuss any of the above, please contact me, or a member of my team. Readers that know me, may admire my restraint in commenting, politically, on Brexit…

As I often find myself saying recently – good luck everybody.

VAT Import documents – delays with paperwork

By   24 September 2018

We understand that HMRC is having difficulties after outsourcing the issuing of C79 forms.

What are C79s?

A C79 form is issued to businesses which import goods into the UK from countries outside the UK. It is used to reclaim VAT charged at the point of import. It is an important document because, unlike usual VAT claims, it is not sufficient to claim on an invoice from the supplier.


Technically, without a C79 form, the VAT on import cannot be claimed. So, a delay in issuing the documentation can have serious consequences for a business’ cashflow. It is possible to request a duplicate form, but the department which deals with these has been overwhelmed with applications and does not appear to be able to help in a timely manner. It looks like taxpayers will have to be patient and tolerate yet another HMRC “problem”. With a very long overdue move to electronic import documentation businesses may be in a better position, but, in the future…

Compare this with the implementation of MTD where something which benefits HMRC and will cause grief to taxpayers has been pushed ahead with despite the difficulties.


Of course, early next year, we may be looking at the requirement of C79s for goods “imported” from other EU Member States, which does beg the question; if HMRC cannot cope now, how will it when the number of forms increases significantly? I strongly suspect delays at borders (for many, various reasons), delays with documentation (whether it be electronic or good old dead trees) and delays with any system operated by any of the UK authorities with responsibility, in capacity, for cross-border movement of goods and people.

Good luck everybody…

VAT – When is chocolate not chocolate (and when is it)?

By   4 September 2018

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Kinnerton Confectionery Ltd the issue was whether a product could be zero rated as a cooking ingredient, or treated as standard rated confectionary (a “traditional” bar of chocolate.)


The product in question was an allergen free “Luxury Dark Chocolate” bar. It was argued by the appellant that it was sold as a cooking ingredient and consequently was zero rated via The Value Added Tax Act 1994, section 30(2) Schedule 8. HMRC decided that it was confectionary, notwithstanding that it could be used as a cooking ingredient.


The judge stated that what was crucial was how the chocolate bar was held out for sale. In deciding that the chocolate bar was confectionary the following facts were persuasive:

  • the Bar was held out for sale in supermarkets alongside other confectionery items and not alongside baking products
  • it was sometimes sold together with an Easter egg as a single item of confectionery
  • although the front of the wrapper included the words “delicious for cakes and desserts”, it contained no explicit statement that the Bar was “cooking chocolate” or “for cooking”
  • the back of the wrapper made no reference to cooking. It also stated that the portion size was one-quarter of a bar. Portion sizes are indicative of confectionery, not cooking chocolate
  • Kinnerton’s website positioned the Bar next to confectionery items, and did not say that it was cooking chocolate, or that it could be used for cooking
  • neither the wrapper nor Kinnerton’s website contained any recipes, or any indication of where recipes could be found
  • the Kinnerton brand is known for its confectionery, not for its baking products. All other items sold by Kinnerton are confectionery, and the brand is reflected in the company’s name
  • the single advertisement provided as evidence positioned the Bar next to confectionery Items, and did not say that the Bar was “cooking chocolate”; instead it made the more limited statement that it was “ideal for cooking”
  • consumers generally saw the Bar as eating chocolate which could also be used for cooking 


Clearly, the FTT decided that consumers would view the chocolate bar as… a chocolate bar, so the outcome was hardly surprising. This case demonstrates the importance of packaging and advertising on the VAT liability of goods. Care should be taken with any new product and it is usually worthwhile reviewing existing products. This is specifically applicable to food products as the legislation is muddled and confusing as a result of previous case law. This extends to products such as pet food/animal feedstuffs which while containing identical contents have different VAT treatment solely dependent on how they are held out for sale. And we won’t even mention Jaffa Cakes (oops, too late).

VAT – Catering at a university campus; exempt?

By   3 September 2018

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Olive Garden Catering Company Ltd (OGC) the mian issue was whether catering which was provided to the University of Aberdeen (UOA) students was an exempt supply. The specific issue was whether the catering was a supply “closely connected to education” which in turn depended on which entity was actually making the supply to students. For exemption to apply, OGC would need to be a principal in purchasing the food and other goods and an agent of UOA (pictured above) in delivering the catering (the exemption could not apply to a supply by OGC to the students).


The central issue was whether the supply of food and staff by the appellant to UOA was a single supply of catering services at the standard-rate for VAT purposes (HMRC’s case) or that the main supply was for food at the zero-rate, with the supply of staff being a separate supply and eligible for staff wages concession which was the appellant’s stance. I comment that the procurement as principal and the delivery of catering as agent is common practice in the education sector and this case focussed on whether the relevant documentation actually reflected the economic reality.


The HMRC internal VAT manual VTAXPER64300 sets out the general principles for determining the VAT treatment of supplies made under a catering contract, which in turn depend in some situations on the capacity in which the caterer supplies its service, whether as principal or agent in the agreement. Of relevance in this case were the following statements:

(1) In general, it has been established practice that agency contracts are most often used in the education sector.

(2) Under agency contracts for the provision of catering it is accepted that:

  • The client makes a taxable supply of catering to the consumer, or the catering is subsumed within an overall exempt supply, eg; of education
  • VAT is not charged to the client on wages of the catering staff employed at the unit
  • VAT is charged on any management fee plus taxable stock and other services
  • Schools may only exempt supplies which are closely related to the overall provision of education

(3) This contributes to fair competition with in-house providers, and the contract catering industry acknowledges the value of that.

In respect of the contract for the supply of catering services, UOA was the principal and OGC was the agent by reference to the control exercised over; menu specifications, pricing, and the premises in which catering was carried out. The relevant contracts set out that the terms were set by UOA and were indicative of its status as the principal in the catering contract. The judge stated that the catering contracts between UOA and OGC appeared to be an agency contract with OGC acting as the agent. Consequently, the food produced OGC and served by its staff at UOA’s halls of residence was potentially a supply of food in the course of catering that can be subsumed within the overall exempt supply of education by UOA.


A win for the appellant, but only after comprehensive consideration of all points and the substantial detailed documentation by the judge. There has been a run of Tribunal cases on the agent/principal point (not just in education and which I have covered in previous articles) and this case serves to demonstrate that each case will be determined on its merits. There can be no blanket VAT treatment and certain factors will point one way and others to a different VAT treatment. In my experience, HMRC are always eager to challenge agent/principal treatment and it is an area which has an enormous tax impact on a business. I always recommend that any contracts/documentation which cover potential agent/principal issues are reviewed to avoid unwanted attention from HMRC. Slight adjustments to agreements often assist in reaching the desired tax treatment. Don’t leave it to chance!