Category Archives: Small Businesses

VAT: Property – The Option To Tax Guide

By   8 January 2025

VAT Bsics

Opting To Tax commercial property

Opting to tax provides a unique situation in the VAT world. It is the only example of where a supplier can choose to add VAT to a supply….. or not.

What is an option to tax (OTT)?

The sale or letting of a property is, in most cases, exempt (VAT free) by default. However, it is possible to apply the OTT to commercial property. This has the result of turning an exempt supply into a taxable supply at the standard rate. It should be noted that an OTT made in respect of a residential property is disregarded and consequently, the supply of residential properties is always exempt (unless it is the first time sale of a new build – in which case it is zero-rated).

Why opt?

Why would a supplier then deliberately choose to add VAT on a supply?

The only purpose of OTT is to enable the optor to recover or avoid input tax incurred in relation to the relevant land or property. The OTT is a decision solely for the property owner or landlord and the purchaser or tenant is not able to affect the OTT unless specific clauses are included in the lease or purchase contracts. Care should be taken to ensure that existing contracts permit the OTT to be taken.  Despite a lot of misleading commentary and confusion, it is worth bearing in mind that the recovery or avoidance of input tax is the sole reason to OTT.

Once made the OTT is usually irrevocable for a 20-year period (although there are circumstances where it may be revisited within six months of it being taken – see below). There are specific rules for circumstances where the optor has previously made exempt supplies of the relevant land or property. In these cases, HMRC’s permission must usually be obtained before the option can be made.

What to consider

The important questions to be asked before a property transaction are:

  • Was VAT incurred on the purchase price?
  • Is the purchase with the benefit of an existing lease (will the tenant remain?) if so, it may be possible to treat the transaction as a VAT free TOGC (see below)
  • Is the property subject to the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS here)?
  • Is it intended to spend significant amounts on the property, eg; refurbishment?
  • What other costs will be incurred in respect of the property?
  • If renting the property out – will the lease granted be full tenant repairing?
  • Will the tenant or purchaser be in a position to recover any or all VAT charged on the rent/sale?

These are the basic questions to be addressed; further factors may need to be considered depending on the facts of a transaction.

Input tax recovery

Input tax relating to an exempt supply is usually irrecoverable. In fact, a business only making exempt supplies is unable to register for VAT. A guide to partial exemption here. So input tax incurred on, say; purchase, refurbishment, legal costs etc would be lost if a property was sold or rented on an exempt basis. In order to recover this tax, it must relate to a taxable supply. If an OTT is taken, the sale or rent of the property will be standard rated which represents a taxable supply. VAT on supply = input tax claim.

Two-part process

The OTT is a two-part process.

  • The first part is a decision of the business to take the OTT and it is prudent to minute this in Board meeting minutes or similar. Once the decision to OTT is taken VAT may be added to a sale price or rent and a valid tax invoice must be raised.
  • The second part is to formally notify HMRC. If the OTT is straightforward the form on which this is done is a VAT1614A. Here. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain HMRC’s permission in which case separate forms are required. HMRC guidance here – para 5.

There can be problems in cases where the OTT is taken, but not formally notified.


It is vital to ensure that an OTT is made at the correct time. Even one day late may affect the VAT treatment. Generally speaking, the OTT must be made before any use of the property, eg; sale or rent. Care should also be taken with deposits which can trigger a tax point before completion.


As mentioned above (and bears repeating) the benefit of taking the OTT is the ability to recover input tax which would otherwise fall to be irrecoverable. However, there are a number of potential disadvantages.

  • opting a commercial property may reduce its marketability. It is likely that entities which are unable to recover VAT would be less inclined to purchase or lease an opted property. These entities may be; partly exempt business, those not VAT registered, or charities/NFP organisations.
  • the payment of VAT by the purchaser may necessitate obtaining additional funding. This may create problems, especially if a VAT charge was not anticipated. Even though, via opting, the VAT charge is usually recoverable, it still has to be paid for up-front.
  • an OTT will increase the amount of SDLT payable when a property is sold. This is always an absolute cost.

Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC)

I always say that advice should be taken in all property transactions and always in cases of a TOGC or a possible TOGC. This is doubly important where an opted building is being sold, because TOGC treatment only applies to a sale of property when specific tests are met. A TOGC is VAT free but any input tax incurred is recoverable, so this is usually a benefit for all parties.

Revoking an Option To Tax

  • The cooling off period – If an OTT has been made and the opter changes his/her mind within six months it can be revoked. This is as long as no tax has become chargeable on a supply of the land, that no TOGC has occurred, and the OTT has actually been notified to HMRC. There are additional considerations in certain cases, so these always need to be checked.
  • No interest has been held for more than six years – An OTT is revoked where the opter has not held an interest in the opted building for a continuous period of six years. The revocation is automatic, and no notification is required.
  • 20 years – It is possible to revoke an OTT which was made more than 20 years ago. Certain conditions must be met, and advice should be taken on how such a revocation affects future input tax recovery.


Property transactions are high value and often complex. The cost of getting VAT wrong or overlooking it can be very swingeing indeed. I have also seen deals being aborted over VAT issues. Of course, if you get it wrong there are penalties to pay too. For these reasons, please seek VAT advice at an early stage of negotiations.

More on our land and property services here

New HMRC publications: VAT on cladding remediation work

By   6 January 2025

In the aftermath of the horrific Grenfell fire, a lot of buildings require unsafe cladding to be replaced.

A new Brief clarifies HMRC’s policy on the deduction of VAT incurred on cladding remediation works which are carried out on existing residential buildings. It sets out:

  • the reason VAT costs are incurred when carrying out remediation works to residential buildings with fire and safety defects
  • the circumstances in which the VAT incurred in providing remediation works can be recovered

Broadly, the distinction is whether the work qualifies as snagging. If it does, the VAT treatment follows the liability of the original building work – zero rated if the original construction was of a zero-rated new residential building, ie; they are supplied in the course of construction of a qualifying building.

If not snagging, the remedial work will be standard rated.

If the work is standard rated, it may be recoverable by the recipient in certain circumstances.


HMRC’s definition of snagging is the carrying out of remedial works to correct faulty workmanship or replace faulty materials”.  Normally, it is carried out by the original developer under the terms of the original contract. This means it is not seen as a separate supply of construction services. Snagging covers faults that are:

  • found soon after the building is completed
  • still covered by the building contract

More details on snagging here.

Furthermore, HMRC has published Guidelines for Compliance GfC11. This guidance covers HMRC’s existing policy on the VAT treatment of remedial works and includes:

  • the definition of snagging
  • an explanation of when you can recover input tax
  • examples to help you work out the VAT treatment of remedial works
  • examples of documents and evidence you should keep
  • information about correcting a submitted return

HMRC state that its policy has not changed.

How to apply for a VAT Partial Exemption Special Method

By   6 January 2025

Partial Exemption

Businesses which makes exempt supplies may be partially exempt (depending on the de minimis limits). A partially exempt business will be prohibited from claiming all of its input tax. A calculation is required to determine the amount of a claim which is blocked. The majority of businesses use what is known as “the standard method” with an annual adjustment.

Partial Exemption Special Method (PESM)

However, use of the standard method is not mandatory and a business can use a “special method” (a Partial Exemption Special Method, or PESM) that suits a business’ activities better. Any PESM has to be “fair and reasonable” and it has to be agreed with HMRC in advance. When using a PESM no rounding of the percentage is permitted and it has to be applied to two decimal places.

HMRC says fair and reasonable means it must be:

  • robust, in that it can cope with reasonably foreseeable changes in business
  • unambiguous, in that it can deal, definitively with all input tax likely to be incurred
  • operable, in that the business can apply it without undue difficulty
  • auditable, in that HMRC can check it without undue difficulty
  • fair, in that it reflects the economic use of costs in making taxable and exempt supplies

Types of PESMs

The following are examples of special methods:

  • sectors and sub-sectors
  • multi pot
  • time spent
  • headcount
  • values
  • number of transactions
  • floor space
  • cost accounting system
  • pro-rata
  • combinations of the above methods

How to apply

You will need to provide documents with your application. These include:

More information on the documentation a business needs provide is set out in Appendix 2 of PN706  

Apply online

You will need to either:

  • sign in with your Government Gateway user ID and password (if you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you first try to sign in)
  • use your email address to get a confirmation code that you can use to sign in

This is done here

A glossary of partial exemption terms may be found here.

A VAT Did you know?

By   20 December 2024

In or out?

If a biscuit is covered, even partially, in chocolate the VAT is 20%, but if the chocolate is inside, say a choc chip cookie or a bourbon, it is VAT free.

VAT: New support for small businesses from HMRC

By   16 December 2024

HMRC has launched new online guidance and interactive tools aimed at helping small business owners and those considering self-employment understand their tax responsibilities. It is aimed at supporting new and existing ‘sole traders’ and helping them to understand their responsibilities. The new interactive tool explains the records they need to keep, taxes that may apply to their business, and includes other useful information.

The resources include a step-by-step guide for registering as a sole trader and a newly developed VAT registration estimator tool to help businesses assess their VAT registration needs based on turnover.

The guidance and interactive tools are free and available directly from GOV.UK. They have been launched for information purposes only, and users will not be registered for any taxes as a result of using them. HMRC will not collect or store any information about the user.

VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA)

By   16 December 2024

EU Member States (MS) recently agreed the much-discussed ViDA package. Since Brexit, this does not directly affect the UK, however, it is an important pointer to the future and where we are all heading, so it will impact the UK in some ways.

The ViDA package (or a version of the finalised package) was first discussed in 2022 and has gone through a tortuous process before all MS agreed it.

What is ViDA?

ViDA aims to tackle what have been identified as three main challenges:

  • Real-time digital reporting

The new system introduces real-time digital reporting for cross-border trade, based on e-invoicing. It will give MS the information they need to increase the fight against VAT fraud, especially carousel fraudThe VAT Gap – the difference between expected and actual VAT revenue, has been widening across the EU over a number of years.

It is said that the move to e-invoicing will help reduce VAT fraud by up to €11 billion a year and bring down administrative and compliance costs for EU businesses by over €4.1 billion per year over the next ten years. It should ensure that existing national systems converge across the EU, and this should pave the way for EU countries that wish to introduce national digital reporting systems for domestic trade.

More on e-invoicing here.

  • Updated rules for the platform economy

Technological and business developments, especially in e-commerce, mean that VAT rules have struggled to keep pace. Under the new rules, platforms facilitating supplies in the passenger transport and short-term accommodation sectors will become responsible for collecting and remitting VAT to tax authorities when their users do not, for example because they are a small business or individual providers.

This will ensure a uniform approach across all MS and contribute to a level playing field between online and traditional short-term accommodation and transport services. It will also simplify life for SMEs who currently need to understand and comply with the VAT rules, often in different EU countries.

  • Single VAT registration

Building on the already existing VAT One Stop Shop (OSS) model for e-commerce, the package allows more businesses selling to consumers in another MSs to fulfil their VAT obligations via an online portal in one EU country. Further measures to improve the collection of VAT include making the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) mandatory for certain platforms facilitating sales by persons established outside the EU to consumers in the EU.


Many countries worldwide already have versions of e-invoicing and real-time reporting or plan to introduce them. Businesses operating in the EU will need to consider how the new rules impact them and what changes are needed for; systems, procedures, tax declarations, along with the commercial implications.

ViDA should result in a more harmonised VAT system and the UK will need to keep in step in order to avoid becoming even more of a commercial outlier.

The UK has also confirmed a consultation on e-invoicing so lessons which can be taken from ViDA will undoubtably inform the UK process.

New Levy on gambling operators from 2025

By   2 December 2024

The government has announced the introduction of a statutory levy on gambling operators.

The statutory levy is anticipated to generate £100 million for the research, prevention and treatment of gambling harms and is the first step to strengthening harmful gambling protections.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport said that “The Levy will be paid by operators and collected and administered by the Gambling Commission (GC) under the strategic direction of the Government”.

The levy will be charged at a set rate for holders of GC operating licences, depending on the sector and nature of the gambling activity. The rate will range from 1.1% for online operators, to 0.1% of Gross Gambling Yield (GGY).

The relevant regulations will be laid before Parliament shortly, and it is intended that the levy will come into force on 6 April 2025. The government has also confirmed that it will implement online slot stake limits of £5 per spin for adults aged 25 years and older, and £2 for 18 to 24 year olds.

Society lottery operators will pay the levy as a proportion of proceeds retained after good causes and prizes paid out.

The system will be reviewed within five years with the first formal review expected by 2030.

A VAT did you know?

By   26 November 2024

Children’s clothes are zero-rated. These include; hats, caps, braces, belts, garters and scarves, but not earmuffs – which are standard rated even if they are for children.

VAT: New Annual Accounting Scheme guidance published

By   25 November 2024

HMRC have issued new guidance on the Annual Accounting Scheme.


A business can use form VAT600AA if it is already registered for VAT and wants to join the Annual Accounting Scheme.

VAT: HMRC introduce Chatbot

By   25 November 2024

HMRC has introduced a generative AI chatbot to support users in accessing information on business rules and support, including tax.

The digital assistant is being trialled and HMRC request feedback on its effectiveness.

A disclaimer informs users of the chatbot’s limitations and advises them to verify answers using included GOV.UK links before proceeding. Users must confirm understanding of these limitations.

It is unlikely, in its current form, that the chatbot will be able to address complex issues, particularly as it excludes HMRC manuals.