Category Archives: SME

VAT: Split payments and e-invoicing

By   15 October 2024

The recent announcement of an e-invoicing consultation means that businesses should consider the impacts of the intended introduction now.

When this is published (potentially in the Budget on 30 October) it is be anticipated it will cover the intended effective date, how it will affect types of taxpayer, eg; B2B and B2C, how it will be implemented, and its range.

This raises further questions “down the line”, so here we look a step further and consider “split payments” as there has been a lot of conversation and media coverage on this subject.

What are split payments (sometimes known as “real-time extraction”)?

Split payments use card payment technology to collect VAT on online sales and transfer it directly to HMRC rather than the seller collecting it from the buyer along with the payment for the supply, and then declaring it to HMRC on a return in the usual way.

Clearly, HMRC is very keen to introduce such a system, but there are significant hurdles, the biggest being the complexity for online sellers, payment processors, input tax systems, agents, advisers and HMRC itself.

Where are we on split payments?

HMRC has previously published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) and associated Request for Information (RFI), seeking views on the outline requirements and proposed procurement process split payments. This should, inter alia, assist HMRC in:

  • identifying where it is intended that the purchased goods or services are to be delivered and/or consumed
  • the possibility to apply a split only above or below a certain value threshold
  • the feasibility for the splitting mechanism to calculate a composite VAT total across a mixed basket of goods and/ or services, each potentially with a different rate of VAT.

This builds on previous information gathering/consultations/discussions carried out some years ago.


The expansion of the online shopping market has brought unprecedented levels of transactions. The results of digitalisation have also brought challenges for tax systems. Jurisdictions all over the world are currently grappling with the question of how to prevent large VAT losses, which can arise from cross-border online sales. This happens when consumers buy goods from outside their jurisdiction from sellers who, through fraud or ignorance, do not comply with their tax obligations. It is costing the UK tax authorities an estimated £1 billion to £1.5 billion (figures for 2015-16) a year. The UK government believes that intercepting VAT through intermediaries in the payment cycle, split payment potentially offers a powerful means of enforcing VAT compliance on sellers who are outside the UK’s jurisdiction.


The fraud carried out by online sellers is not particularly sophisticated but is difficult to combat. Simply, sellers either use a fake VAT number to collect VAT without declaring it, or even more basically, collect the VAT and disappear.

Proposed spilt payment methods

The way in which payments are split represent difficult technical VAT issues, particularly when sales are at different VAT rates. The three proposals are:

  • Standard rate split. This assumes that all sales are liable to the standard rate VAT and does not recognise any input tax deduction. Extraction of 20% of tax, regardless of the actual liability (potentially, 5%, or zero) appears unfair and would be very difficult to impose. Cashflow would be negatively affected too.
  • Flat Rate Scheme (FRS). This is a proposal by HMRC to insist that online sellers overseas to use the FRS using a specific new rate for this purpose. The FRS threshold of £150,000 pa could be increased for overseas businesses, but this would potentially give overseas sellers an advantage over UK businesses, so politically, if nothing else, would prove to be a hard sell.
  • Net effective rate. This would mean an overseas business calculating its own exact net effective rate, based on its outputs and inputs from the previous year’s transactions (similar to TOMS).
  • Composite rate. A composite VAT total across a mixed range of goods or services, each potentially with a different rate of VAT. The mechanism for carrying this calculation out is unclear.

There may be more proposals forthcoming, but none of the above proposals appear reasonable and the complexity they would bring would seem to rule them out as matters stand – although this has not previously stopped HMRC introducing certain measures and the obvious benefits to the authorities cannot be ignored.


The technology for split payments currently exists and is being used in some Latin American countries (and Poland). The concept is part of a larger movement towards real-time taxation and MTD. Our view is that split payments are coming, but we do not know in which form or when.


This article is based on one first published by MWCL on 9 January 2023.

VAT: Pre-registration activities

By   2 October 2024

This article looks at the period of activity before a business VAT registers: How to deal with sales and what input tax may be recovered.

VAT Registration

The obligation to VAT register here and the pros and cons of voluntary registration here.


Between application and receiving a VAT number:

During the wait, a business cannot charge or show VAT on its invoices until it receives a VAT number. However, it will still be required to pay the VAT to HMRC for this period. Usually, a business will increase its prices to allow for this and tell its customers why. Once a VAT number is received, the business can then reissue the relevant invoices showing VAT.


Purchases made before registration:

Only the legal entity which actually purchased the goods or services and has applied to VAT register is entitled to input tax recovery.

There are time limits for backdating claims for input tax incurred before registration. These are:

  • four years for goods on hand at the time of the Effective Date of Registration (EDR), or that were used to make other goods on hand at the EDR. This includes both stock for resale or fixed assets
  • six months for services

Input tax can only be reclaimed if the pre-registration expenditure related to the taxable supplies made, or to be made, by the newly VAT registered business (whether these supplies are subject to subsequent output tax or whether they were made pre-registration but would have been taxable if the business was VAT registered).

The only VAT return on which such input tax is recoverable is the first.


When a business applies for registration, there is an opportunity to backdate the EDR. The provision for taxpayers to negotiate an earlier date is contained in The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, 9. This option should be considered if there is additional VAT that would become recoverable. This will mean that the first return will be longer than the normal quarterly or monthly returns.

The limit for backdating EDR is four years.

Irrecoverable VAT

Input tax cannot be reclaimed on:

  • goods that have been completely consumed before registration, eg; fuel, electricity or gas
  • goods that have been sold before registration
  • goods or services which relate to exempt supplies made, or to be made, by the registered business (see below)
  • services which related to goods disposed of before registration

NB: Businesses are not required to reduce the VAT deducted in respect of pre-registration use of fixed assets. Eg; input tax incurred on a van purchased three years before registration and used before and after registration would be recoverable in full.

The “usual” rules for input tax also apply to pre-registration claims; that is, some VAT is never reclaimable, see here.

Specific circumstances

There are special rules for partially exempt businesses and for businesses that have non-business income and for the purchase of certain items (see below) covered by the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS).

Included in the CGS are:

  • taxable land, property purchases of £250,000 or over
  • refurbishment or civil engineering works costing £250,000 or over
  • computer hardware costing £50,000 or over (single items, not networks)
  • aircraft, ships, and other vessels costing £50,000 or more

NB: The partial exemption de minimis limit does not apply to input tax incurred pre-registration.


A limited company cannot register for VAT until it is formally incorporated. Goods or services may have been supplied to the directors or employees setting up the company before then.

A company can claim input tax on those goods and services if the it relates directly to the taxable business to be carried on by it following incorporation and registration for VAT. The six-month (services) four-year (goods) limits also apply to pre-incorporation claims.


Any claim must be supported by a valid VAT invoice for each item. If this documentation is not available, there is a possibility that HMRC will accept alternative evidence.


The right to deduct input tax as above is covered by The VAT general Regulations 1995, reg 111.

UK e-invoicing initiative and consultation

By   30 September 2024

The future for e-invoicing

E-invoicing is a long-accepted form of commercial data exchange and is becoming important for regulatory authorities.

HMRC will initiate a consultation process to gather feedback on fostering investment in e-invoicing. The consultation date has not yet been specified, but we recommend that businesses should prepare for potential mandatory e-invoicing. This consultation will seek input from businesses on how HMRC can support investment in and uptake of e-invoicing.

The initiative reflects global trend towards e-invoicing and HMRC’s focus on digital transformation.

Further information on, and a glossary for, e-invoicing here.


Change of bank details for HMRC

By   30 September 2024

HMRC has announced that its bank accounts have changed 

The bank details for the following tax regimes have changed:

  • Plastic Packaging Tax
  • Biofuels or gas for road use — Fuel Duty
  • Economic Crime Levy
  • Soft Drinks Industry Levy
  • Trust Registration Penalty

These details have changed to allow HMRC to future proof our accounts in the event of migrating its banking services to another bank.  The new bank details are now permanent and will not change.

All taxpayers who are making payments for the above-mentioned regimes by Faster Payments, Bacs or CHAPS should use the following details:

  • sort code — 08 32 10
  • account number — 12529599
  • account name — HMRC General Business Tax Receipts

Taxpayers who have this banking information stored on their banking apps will need to change the details to reflect the new sort code, account number and account name.

Any customers who pay by Direct Debit do not need to take any action as the changes will be made automatically.

A VAT Did you know?

By   26 September 2024

Fruit pulp is zero-rated, but fruit juice is standard-rated.

New VAT guidelines for compliance

By   23 September 2024

A newly published (18 September 2024) set of guidelines: Guidelines for Compliance GfC8 are aimed at helping businesses with VAT compliance controls and set out what HMRC considers good practice for accounting and compliance processes.

HMRC says that these Guidelines for Compliance (GfC) set out its recommended approach and are designed to help businesses understand HMRC expectations as they plan, carry out, and review the accounting and compliance processes that ensure VAT is accurately declared by a business.

The guide covers:

Purpose, scope and audience

General approach to VAT compliance controls

Order to cash

Procure to pay

Employee expenses

Record to report

VAT reporting

VAT reporting – manual adjustments


Next steps — correcting errors and guidance

The guidelines are aimed at those responsible for the governance, controls, processing and submitting of the VAT return. Such roles may include:

  • VAT and tax managers
  • finance and IT professionals involved in VAT and tax
  • senior management with VAT and tax oversight, such as the designated senior accounting officer
  • VAT specialists who process and submit returns, whether in-house or within third party providers including shared service centres
  • agents

VAT: Zero rated “hot” food – a summary

By   23 September 2024
Food – What’s hot and what’s not?
Generally, cold takeaway food and drink is zero-rated (as long as it is not of a type that is always standard-rated, such as crisps, sweets and some beverages including bottled water).
Via VAT Act 1994 Schedule 8, Group 1, the sale of certain food is zero rated. However, there is an exception for supplies in the course of catering. Anything coming within the definition of catering reverts to the general rule and is taxable at the standard rate. The definition of catering includes “any supply of hot food for consumption off those premises…” Note 3 (b).
Historically, there has been many disputes over what food is “hot”. A seemingly straightforward definition one would think, but this is VAT, and case law insists that that is often not the case. A good example is the Eat case.
It may be coincidence, but I have dealt with a number of issues around this recently, so I thought it may be helpful to look at the VAT treatment of different types of food.

Pasties, sausage rolls, pies or other pastries

  • If they are hot and straight from the oven: Although the pastry is hot, it is not being kept warm, so therefore there is no VAT
  • Left to cool to room temperature: The pasty is not being kept warm, so no VAT is chargeable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp: The pasty is being kept warm so VAT is due


  • Cold food is zero-rated for tax purposes so no VAT.
  • Heated for a customer – standard rated per the Eat case.


  • Freshly baked, cooling or cold – the bread is not kept warm, even though it may be straight from the oven, so would be VAT free.

Rotisserie chicken

  • If hot from the spit; VAT on takeaway food intended to be served hot is VATable.
  • Kept hot in a cabinet, on a hot plate or under a heat lamp – As the food is kept hot and served hot, VAT is applicable.
  • Left to cool to room temperature – If the chicken is cooked then left to cool, such as in bags in a supermarket, it will be VAT free.


  • such as fish and chips: VAT remains on all takeaway food served hot.


  • All supplies of catering is subject to VAT regardless of what food and drink is being provided. This includes all restaurants and cafés: VAT applies if a supply of food and drink is made for consumption on the premises that it’s supplied in.

This is a general guide and, as case law shows, there will always be products on the “borderline”.

In summary, food that is hot can be treated as cold…

VAT: Zero-rating for residential caravans

By   16 September 2024

HMRC have issued guidance in relation to The Value Added Tax (Caravans) Order 2024. This will come into force on 30 September 2024.

Since 2013 caravans that meet certain size criteria and are manufactured to meet BSI standard 3632 are considered to be residential caravans. Such residential caravans are the only caravans that qualify for zero rate VAT.

The BSI standard in place on 6 April 2013 was BS3632:2005. In 2015 when the BSI updated the standard, the updated reference to BS3632:2015 was added into the legislation. This standard was updated again in 2023, so the legislation needed to be updated in order to maintain the zero rate for residential caravans. The amended legislation provides for the continuation of the zero rate, which will also apply to caravans meeting any updated version of BS3632 published by the BSI in the future.


The Statutory Instrument amends The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 9, item 1, which applies zero-rating to caravans manufactured to any version of BS3632. The effect of this is to extend the zero-rate to caravans manufactured to the 2023 version of BS3632 and also to ensure that if the BSI updates BS3632 in future the zero rate is maintained.

It also makes a consequential amendment to item 1(b) of Group 9, to preserve the zero rate for second-hand caravans occupied before 6 April 2013.

Definition of a caravan

The term ‘caravan’ is not defined in the VAT legislation. In practice HMRC bases its interpretation on the definitions in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravans Sites Act 1968.

A caravan is a structure that:

  • is designed or adapted for human habitation
  • when assembled, is physically capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed or by being transported on a motor vehicle so designed or adapted)
  • is no more than:
    • 20 metres long (exclusive of any drawbar)
    • 6.8 metres wide
    • 3.05 metres high (measured internally from the floor at the lowest level to the ceiling at the highest level)

More information on the VAT liabilities if various caravans here.

VAT: HMRC manual on supply and consideration updated

By   9 September 2024

HMRC internal manual – VAT Supply and Consideration has been updated.

The manual provides guidance on determining the liability of the supply of goods or services effected for a consideration including:

  • basic principles and underlying law
  • identifying a supply
  • consideration
  • illegal supplies
  • goods or services
  • supplies of goods for both consideration and no consideration
  • supplies of services for both consideration and no consideration
  • definition of consideration
  • indicators of consideration
  • off-setting
  • compensation
  • payments which are not consideration
  • payments in specific sectors
  • settlement of disputes

The amendments are in respect of payments that are not consideration: Carbon offsetting which adds two new pages giving examples of outside the scope activities and commentary on other ecosystem services.

VAT Invoices – A Full Guide

By   9 September 2024
VAT Basics

The subject of invoices is often misunderstood and can create serious issues if mistakes are made. VAT is a transaction tax, so primary evidence of the transaction is of utmost importance. Also, a claim for input tax is usually not valid unless it is supported by an original valid invoice. HMRC can, and often do, reject input claims because of an inaccurate invoice.  There are a lot of misconceptions about invoices, so, although a rather dry subject, it is very important and I thought it would be useful to have all the information in one place, so here is my guide:

Obligation to provide a VAT invoice

With certain exceptions, a VAT registered person must provide the customer with an invoice showing specified particulars when there is a supply of goods or services in the UK (other than an exempt supply) to a taxable person.


The above does not apply to the following supplies.

• Zero-rated supplies

• Supplies where the VAT charged is excluded from credit under VATA 1994, s 25(7) eg; business entertaining and certain motor cars although a  VAT invoice may be issued in such cases.

• Supplies on which VAT is charged but which are not made for a consideration. This includes gifts and private use of goods.

• Sales of second-hand goods under one of the special schemes – any invoices for such sales must not show any VAT.

• Supplies that fall within the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (TOMS). VAT invoices must not be issued for such supplies.

• Supplies where the customer operates a self-billing arrangement.

• Supplies by retailers unless the customer requests a VAT invoice.

• Supplies by one member to another in the same VAT group.

• Transactions between one division and another of a company registered in the names of its divisions.

• Supplies where the taxable person is entitled to issue, and does issue, invoices relating to services performed in fiscal and other warehousing regimes.

Documents treated as VAT invoices

Although not strictly VAT invoices, certain documents listed below are treated as VAT invoices either under the legislation or by HMRC.

(1) Self-billing invoices

Self-billing is an arrangement between a supplier and a customer in which the customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards it to him, normally with the payment.

(2) Sales by auctioneer, bailiff, etc.

Where goods (including land) forming part of the assets of a business carried on by a taxable person are, under any power exercisable by another person, sold by that person in or towards satisfaction of a debt owed by the taxable person, the goods are deemed to be supplied by the taxable person in the course or furtherance of his business.

The particulars of the VAT chargeable on the supply must be provided on a sale by auction by the auctioneer and where the sale is otherwise than by auction by the person selling the goods. The document issued to the buyer is treated as a VAT invoice.

(3Authenticated receipts in the construction industry.

(4) Business gifts

Where a business makes a gift of goods on which VAT is due, and the recipient uses the goods for business purposes, that person can recover the VAT as input tax (subject to the normal rules). The donor cannot issue a VAT invoice (because there is no consideration) but instead may provide the recipient with a ‘tax certificate’ which can be used as evidence to support a deduction of input tax. The tax certificate may be on normal invoicing documentation overwritten with the statement:

“Tax certificate – No payment is necessary for these goods. Output tax has been accounted for on the supply.”

Full details of the goods must be shown on the documentation and the amount of VAT shown must be the amount of output tax accounted for to HMRC.

Invoicing requirements and particulars

A VAT invoice must contain certain basic information and show the following particulars:

(a) A sequential number based on one or more series which uniquely identifies the document.

The ‘invoice number’ can be numerical, or it can be a combination of numbers and letters, as long as it forms part of a unique and sequential series.

(b) The time of the supply, ie tax point.

(c) The date of issue of the document.

(d) The name, address and registration number of the supplier.

(e) The name and address of the person to whom the goods or services are supplied.

(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied.

(g) For each description, the quantity of the goods or extent of the services, the rate of VAT and amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(h) The unit price.

This applies to ‘countable’ goods and services. For services, the countable element might be, for example, an hourly rate or a price paid for standard services. If the supply cannot be broken down into countable elements, the total VAT-exclusive price is the unit price.

(i) The gross amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(j) The rate of any cash discount offered.

(k) The total amount of VAT chargeable expressed in sterling.

(l) Where the margin scheme for second-hand goods or TOMS is applied, either a reference to the appropriate provision of The VAT Act 1994 or any indication that the margin scheme has been applied.

The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and but we recommend:

• “This is a second-hand margin scheme supply.”

• “This supply falls under the Value Added Tax (Tour Operators) Order 1987.”

The requirement only applies to TOMS invoices in business to business transactions.

(m) Where a VAT invoice relates in whole or in part to a supply where the person supplied is liable to pay the VAT, a reference to the appropriate provision of The VAT Act 1994 or any indication that the supply is one where the customer is liable to pay the VAT.

This covers UK supplies where the customer accounts for the VAT (eg under the gold scheme or any reverse charge requirement under the missing trader intra-community rules). The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and we recommend: “This supply is subject to the reverse charge”.

Exempt or zero-rated supplies

Invoices do not have to be raised for exempt or zero-rated transactions when supplied in the UK. But if such supplies are included on invoices with taxable supplies, the exempt and zero-rated supplies must be totalled separately and the invoice must show clearly that there is no VAT payable on them.

Leasing of motor cars

Where an invoice relates wholly or partly to the letting on hire of a motor car other than for self-drive, the invoice must state whether the car is a qualifying vehicle

Alternative evidence to support a claim for input tax

In certain situations HMRC can use its discretion and allow an input tax with documentary evidence other than an invoice. Guidance here.

Electronic invoices

Full information on electronic invoicing here.


Retailers may issue a “less detailed tax invoice” if a customer requests one.  the supply must be for £250 or less (including VAT) and must show:

  • your name, address and VAT registration number
  • the time of supply (tax point)
  • a description which identifies the goods or services supplied
  • and for each VAT rate applicable, the total amount payable, including VAT and the VAT rate charged.


As may be seen, it is a matter of law whether an invoice is valid and when they must be issued. Therefore it is important for a business to understand the position and for its system to be able to produce a valid tax invoice and to recognise what is required to claim input tax. As always with VAT, there are penalties for getting documentation wrong.