Category Archives: Start Up

VAT Road Fuel Scale Charges from 1 May 2024

By   22 April 2024

HMRC has issued its 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 Road Fuel Scale Charges (RFSC)


A scale charge is a way of accounting for output tax on road fuel bought by a business for cars which is then put to private use. If a business uses the scale charge, it can recover all the VAT charged on road fuel without having to identify specific business and private use. The charge is calculated on a flat rate basis according to the CO2 emissions of the car.

More on motoring expenses here.

A business will need to calculate the correct RFSC based on a car’s CO2 emissions, and the length of its VAT accounting period. This will be either one, 3, or 12 months. The CO2 emissions figure may be found here if the information is not available in the log book.

Alternatives to using RFSC

  • use detailed mileage records to separate business mileage from private mileage and only claim for the business element
  • claim no input tax

Business/private mileage calculation example:

  • Total mileage: 4,290
  • Business mileage: 3,165
  • Cost of fuel: £368.
  • Business mileage: £368 × (3,165 ÷ 4,290) = £271.49
  • Claimable input tax: £271.49 × VAT fraction = £45.25

New centralised HMRC website to manage imports and VAT

By   15 April 2024

HMRC guidance

HMRC has published a website Manage your import duties and VAT accounts, which provides a centralised place from which businesses importing goods can manage payment and guarantee accounts, manage and view authorities, and download duty deferment statements, import VAT certificates, postponed import VAT statements, and notification of adjustment statements. The website can only be accessed via the Government Gateway.

From this site a business can:

  • view and manage its cash account (top up and withdraw funds)
  • set up a Direct Debit for, and top up a duty deferment account
  • request older statements and certificates
  • view and manage a general guarantee account
  • manage the email address linked to an account
  • access secure messages from HMRC related to the account
  • set up, manage or view account authorities

Downloads are also available for:

  • duty deferment statements
  • import VAT certificates (C79)
  • postponed import VAT statements
  • notification of adjustment statements

To use the service a business must be subscribed to the Customs Declaration service.

VAT Registration – New guidance for Non-Established Taxable Persons (NETP)

By   8 April 2024

HMRC has published an updated version of Notice 700/1: Who should register for VAT.

Information about non-established taxable persons (NETPs) has been updated to include guidance on when they need to apply for VAT.

Other updates include:

  • a definition of what a UK establishment is
  • when and how NETPs registers for VAT
  • how NETPs who are overseas sellers register for VAT
  • what happens when NETPs do not comply with VAT requirements
  • guidance for when NETPs can register voluntarily has been removed
  • guidance for Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT Returns
  • penalties for late notification to HMRC
  • new European threshold for distance selling into an EU Member State

A VAT Did you know?

By   26 March 2024

Dead mice, rats and day-old chicks sold for feeding to exotic pets may be zero-rated.

HMRC plans to make permanent cuts to VAT helpline now reversed.

By   19 March 2024

The VAT helpline will be open for five days every month ahead of the deadline for filing VAT returns – outside of this time, customers will again be directed to use HMRC’s online services.

CIOT stated that:

“We are deeply dismayed that, so soon after the criticisms levelled at them by the Public Accounts Committee, and in the light of an inconclusive evaluation, HMRC have decided to make these big, permanent cuts to the help they provide to taxpayers”.

This again illustrates that HMRC cannot cope and that the service provided to businesses is truly awful.

Update! One-day later…

HMRC has now reversed the above planned cuts less than 24 hours after they were announced!

After strong criticism from many sources HMRC said that while “making best use of online services allows HMRC to help more taxpayers and get the most out of every pound of taxpayers’ money by boosting productivity”, the pace of this change “needs to match the public appetite for managing their tax affairs online”.

“We’ve listened to the feedback and we’re halting the helpline changes as we recognise more needs to be done to ensure all taxpayers’ needs are met, whilst also encouraging them to transition to online services.”

A statement on behalf of the Treasury Committee noted it was “extremely pleased to see that common sense has prevailed”, called the planned cuts “mismanaged from the beginning” and commented that the announcement was “ill-advised”.

“We welcome the decision to reverse yesterday’s  announcement. While we do not oppose expansion of digital services for those who want to use them, we remain entirely unconvinced that HMRC is adequately prepared to impose such a significant change in how it serves taxpayers. It further pondered over the extent to which the department is prioritising its own needs over those of law-abiding and vulnerable taxpayers.

Customs: Example declarations for exports from GB updated

By   19 March 2024

This Guidance provides examples to help with the completion of declarations on the Customs Declarations Service for exports. It has been updated with the addition of a standard pre-lodged export declaration document.

HMRC videos and seminars for new businesses on VAT basics

By   18 March 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance to businesses on VAT. The helpful instruction includes: email updates, videos and seminars which cover such subjects as:

  • VAT basics
  • registration
  • registering and joining webinars
  • accounting Schemes
  • late submission and payment penalties and interest changes
  • error corrections
  • the reverse charge for construction services
  • accounting for VAT on the sale of cars on finance
  • HMRC community forums

VAT and influencers

By   14 March 2024

A Warning

There has been a great deal of debate on the subject of VAT and influencers, with HMRC issuing assessments for underdeclared output tax on “gifts” received by them.

What is an influencer?

An influencer is someone who has certain power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their; authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. These individuals are social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives.

In recent years the growth of social media means that influencers have grown in importance. According to recent statistics, the projected number of global social media users in 2023 was 4.89 billion. This is a 6.5% rise from the previous year.

What is the VAT issue?

Business gifts to influencers

A business is not required to account for VAT on certain dealings if they meet certain conditions. For free gifts, the condition is that the total cost of all gifts to the same person is less than £50 in a 12-month period. Further, if the goods are “free samples” – used for marketing purposes and provided in a quantity that lets potential customers test the product, then the £50 rule does not apply. If an influencer receives free gifts or samples, there are no VAT implications for them.

HMRC Action

However, we understand that HMRC has decided that, in the majority of cases, the supply of goods to influencers were not ‘free gifts” but rather consideration for a taxable supply of marketing or advertising. They were also not considered free samples as, generally, influencers would not be in the position to test the goods, having no expertise in the field. It is also concluded that influencers, in most cases were “in business“.

The payment for the marketing, promotion or advertising services (the VAT treatment is similar, regardless of how the services are categorised) is by way of the supply of goods, rather than monetary consideration. That is; consideration is flowing in both directions. Consequently, output tax is due on this amount if the influencer is, or should be, VAT registered.

What is the value of the supply?

Non-monetary consideration

Non-monetary consideration includes goods or services supplied as payment, for example in a “barter” (including part exchange) agreement. If the supply is for a consideration not consisting or not wholly consisting of money, its value shall be taken to be such amount in money as, with the addition of the VAT chargeable, is equivalent to the consideration. Where a supply of any goods or services is not the only matter to which a consideration in money relates, the supply is deemed to be for such part of the consideration as is properly attributable to it.

In determining the taxable amount, the only advantages received by a supplier that are relevant are those obtained in return for making the supply should be recognised. Non-monetary consideration has the value of the alternative monetary payment that would normally have been given for the supply.

VAT Registration

If an influencer receives gifts valued at over £90,000 in any 12-month period, or these gifts plus other monetary consideration, VAT registration is mandatory.

More on business promotions here.

New report finds HMRC performance the worst ever

By   28 February 2024

A report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has found that HMRC’s services continue to deteriorate and are now at an “all time low”.

In summary, Anne Olney MP who sits on the committee said of the new report:

  • PAC expressed disappointment over the five-year decline of service levels
  • Taxpayers are “exasperated”
  • In 2022/2023 the number of callers waiting ten minutes or more for HMRC to answer has increased from 46.3% in 21/22 to 62.7%
  • HMRC stated that it “did not have the resources to meet rising demand for its phone and post services at expected standards”
  • HMRC agrees that it will not now require digital interaction until a service is of a suitable standard
  • Criminal prosecutions fell from 691 in 2019/20 to 240 in 2022/23 which “sends the wrong message” (my comment: although this could partly be due to backlogs in the criminal justice system)
  • The report results were “quite predictable” and were a “letdown for taxpayers”
  • It is “distressing” to find people who “want to get it right, and who have no intention whatsoever of defrauding the Exchequer, but just find it really, really difficult to access the right support”.
  • In failing to access the right support, taxpayers are liable. It is not on HMRC – even if the services are difficult to access, it is still the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay the right amount of tax
  • There is “probably” a need for more investment and recruitment
  • A smarter allocation of the resources HMRC has could see a better return for taxpayers
  • Finally: “It really is important that HMRC get this right.”

In terms of VAT, we can confirm from personal experience that HMRC’s performance is at an unacceptably inferior level; from telephone responses, to written replies and a generally poor “attitude”. This is supported anecdotally by clients and colleagues’ experiences.

A VAT Did you know?

By   20 February 2024

Where goods are located in a shop can affect the VAT treatment. Nuts sold in the bakery aisle are VAT free, but those sold with snacks or confectionary are standard rated.