Category Archives: Valuation

VAT tertiary legislation – HMRC’s new guidance

By   13 May 2024

HMRC has published new a guide to all information about VAT that has ‘force of law’.

The manual contains all the tertiary legislation for VAT which HMRC has published – all in one place. Primary and secondary legislation is published on

What is tertiary legislation?

Within primary and secondary legislation, government departments are sometimes granted the power to publish additional legally binding conditions or directions on a given topic. This information is known as ‘tertiary legislation’.

Tertiary legislation carries ‘force of law’. This means it has the same legal status as primary and secondary legislation. HMRC has an obligation to publish this information in accordance with the law.

The guidance covers:

(with links to the relevant legislation)



VAT – Charity Fundraising Exemption

By   2 May 2024

Avoid adding VAT to fundraising income

There are very few VAT reliefs for charities (and it may be argued that an exemption is more than a burden than a relief) but there is an exemption for a charity which qualifies as undertaking a one-off fundraising event. The criteria are quite restrictive, and it is important that the correct treatment is applied. Furthermore, it may be in a charity’s interest to avoid the exemption if there is a lot of input tax attributable to the event, say; venue hire, entertainment, catering etc.

A qualifying event means that a charity (or its trading subsidiary) does not charge VAT on money paid for admittance to that event.

What is covered?

In order to be exempt, the event must be a one-off fundraising event which is “any event organised and promoted primarily to raise funds (monetary or otherwise) for a charity”. Consequently, we always advise clients to make it clear on tickets and advertising material (including online) that the event is for raiding funds and to use a statement; “all profits will be used to support the charitable aims of XYZ” or similar.

HMRC say that an event is an incident with an outcome or a result. This means that activities of a semi-regular or continuous nature, such as the operation of a shop or bar, cannot therefore be an event.

The following are examples of the kind of event which qualify:

  • ball, dinner dance, disco or barn dance
  • performance – concert, stage production and any other event which has a paying audience
  • showing of a film
  • fete, fair or festival
  • horticultural show
  • exhibition: art, history or science
  • bazaar, jumble sale, car boot sale, or good-as-new sale
  • sporting participation (including spectators): sponsored walk or swim
  • sporting performance
  • game of skill, contest or a quiz
  • participation in an endurance event
  • fireworks display
  • dinner, lunch or barbecue
  • an auction of bought in goods


Often there may be an auction of donated goods at a fundraising event. There is a specific and helpful relief for such sales. The sale of donated goods is zero rated which means any attributable input tax is recoverable. Consequently, if both exempt and zero rated supplies are made it is possible to apportion input tax to a charity’s benefit. Zero rating may also apply to sales such as: food (not catering) printed matter and children’s clothing

Limit to the number of events held

Eligible events are restricted to 15 events of the same kind in a charity’s financial year at any one location. The restriction prevents distortion of competition with other suppliers of similar events which do not benefit from the exemption. If a charity holds 16 or more events of the same kind at the same location during its financial year none of the events will qualify for exemption. However, the 15-event limit does not apply to fundraising events where the gross takings from all similar events, such as coffee mornings, are no more than £1,000 per week.

Clearly, the number of events needs to be monitored and planning will therefore be available should exemption be desired (or avoided as the relevant figures dictate).

What is a charity?

This seems to be a straightforward question in most cases, but can cause difficulties, so it is worthwhile looking at the VAT rules here.

Bodies have charitable status when they are:

  • registered, excepted or exempted from registration with the Charity Commission in England and Wales
  • registered by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) in Scotland
  • invited to register by The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland which are treated by HMRC as charitable.

Not all non-profit making organisations are charities. The term ‘charity’ has no precise definition in any law. Its scope has been determined by case law. It is therefore necessary to establish whether an organisation is a charity using the following guidelines:

  • charities are non-profit distributing bodies established to advance education, advance religion, relieve poverty, sickness or infirmity or carry out certain other activities beneficial to the community
  • in England and Wales charities must normally register with Charity Commission- some very small charities don’t need to register with Charity Commission, there are also some other special cases where particular bodies do not need to register, if there is uncertainty regarding a position see the Charity Commission website
  • in Scotland all charities must be registered with the OSCR – HMRC decides whether bodies in Northern Ireland are eligible.

Trading arm

It is worth noting that HMRC also accept that a body corporate which is wholly owned by a charity and whose profits are payable to a charity, will qualify and may therefore may apply the VAT exemption to fundraising events. This means that a charity’s own trading company can hold exempt fundraising events on behalf of the charity.

Further/alternative planning

If sales are not exempt as a fundraising event, there is a way to avoid VAT being chargeable on all income received. It is open to a charity to set a basic minimum charge which will be standard rated, and to invite those attending the event to supplement this with a voluntary donation.

The extra contributions will be outside the scope of VAT (not exempt) if all the following conditions are met:

  • it is clearly stated on all publicity material, including tickets, that anyone paying only the minimum charge will be admitted without further payment
  • the extra payment does not give any particular benefit (for example, admission to a better position in the stadium or auditorium)
  • the extent of further contributions is ultimately left to ticket holders to decide, even if the organiser indicates a desired level of donation
  • for film or theatre performances, concerts, sporting fixtures etc, the minimum charge is not less than the usual price of the particular seats at a normal commercial event of the same type
  • for dances, and similar functions, the minimum total sum upon which the organisers are liable to account for VAT is not less than their total costs incurred in arranging the event

It should be noted that any other donations collected at an event are also outside the scope of VAT.

Partial exemption

A charity must recognise the impact of making exempt supplies (as well as carrying out non-business activity). These undertakings will have an impact on the amount of input tax a charity is able to recover. Details here


We find that charities are often confused about the rules and consequently fail to take advantage of the VAT position. This also extends to school academies which are all charities. It is usually worthwhile for charities to carry out a VAT review of its activities as quite often VAT savings can be identified.

VAT Road Fuel Scale Charges from 1 May 2024

By   22 April 2024

HMRC has issued its 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 Road Fuel Scale Charges (RFSC)


A scale charge is a way of accounting for output tax on road fuel bought by a business for cars which is then put to private use. If a business uses the scale charge, it can recover all the VAT charged on road fuel without having to identify specific business and private use. The charge is calculated on a flat rate basis according to the CO2 emissions of the car.

More on motoring expenses here.

A business will need to calculate the correct RFSC based on a car’s CO2 emissions, and the length of its VAT accounting period. This will be either one, 3, or 12 months. The CO2 emissions figure may be found here if the information is not available in the log book.

Alternatives to using RFSC

  • use detailed mileage records to separate business mileage from private mileage and only claim for the business element
  • claim no input tax

Business/private mileage calculation example:

  • Total mileage: 4,290
  • Business mileage: 3,165
  • Cost of fuel: £368.
  • Business mileage: £368 × (3,165 ÷ 4,290) = £271.49
  • Claimable input tax: £271.49 × VAT fraction = £45.25

VAT and influencers

By   14 March 2024

A Warning

There has been a great deal of debate on the subject of VAT and influencers, with HMRC issuing assessments for underdeclared output tax on “gifts” received by them.

What is an influencer?

An influencer is someone who has certain power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their; authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. These individuals are social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives.

In recent years the growth of social media means that influencers have grown in importance. According to recent statistics, the projected number of global social media users in 2023 was 4.89 billion. This is a 6.5% rise from the previous year.

What is the VAT issue?

Business gifts to influencers

A business is not required to account for VAT on certain dealings if they meet certain conditions. For free gifts, the condition is that the total cost of all gifts to the same person is less than £50 in a 12-month period. Further, if the goods are “free samples” – used for marketing purposes and provided in a quantity that lets potential customers test the product, then the £50 rule does not apply. If an influencer receives free gifts or samples, there are no VAT implications for them.

HMRC Action

However, we understand that HMRC has decided that, in the majority of cases, the supply of goods to influencers were not ‘free gifts” but rather consideration for a taxable supply of marketing or advertising. They were also not considered free samples as, generally, influencers would not be in the position to test the goods, having no expertise in the field. It is also concluded that influencers, in most cases were “in business“.

The payment for the marketing, promotion or advertising services (the VAT treatment is similar, regardless of how the services are categorised) is by way of the supply of goods, rather than monetary consideration. That is; consideration is flowing in both directions. Consequently, output tax is due on this amount if the influencer is, or should be, VAT registered.

What is the value of the supply?

Non-monetary consideration

Non-monetary consideration includes goods or services supplied as payment, for example in a “barter” (including part exchange) agreement. If the supply is for a consideration not consisting or not wholly consisting of money, its value shall be taken to be such amount in money as, with the addition of the VAT chargeable, is equivalent to the consideration. Where a supply of any goods or services is not the only matter to which a consideration in money relates, the supply is deemed to be for such part of the consideration as is properly attributable to it.

In determining the taxable amount, the only advantages received by a supplier that are relevant are those obtained in return for making the supply should be recognised. Non-monetary consideration has the value of the alternative monetary payment that would normally have been given for the supply.

VAT Registration

If an influencer receives gifts valued at over £90,000 in any 12-month period, or these gifts plus other monetary consideration, VAT registration is mandatory.

More on business promotions here.

The interaction between Transfer Pricing and VAT

By   20 February 2024

Are Transfer Pricing (TP) adjustments subject to VAT? – Usually no, but…

What is TP?

A transfer price is the price charged in a transaction between two parties. The transfer pricing legislation concerns itself with the prices charged in transactions between connected parties as, in such circumstances, the price charged may not necessarily be that which would have been charged if the parties had not been connected.

The UK’s transfer pricing legislation details how transactions between connected parties are handled and in common with many other countries is based on the internationally recognised ‘arm’s length principle’.

The UK allows only for a transfer pricing adjustment to increase taxable profits or reduce a tax loss. It is not possible to decrease profits or increase a tax loss.

The UK’s transfer pricing legislation also applies to transactions between any connected UK entities.

The arm’s length principle applies to transactions between connected parties. For tax purposes such transactions are treated by reference to the profit that would have arisen if the transactions had been carried out under comparable conditions by independent parties.

So, is a TP adjustment additional consideration for a supply?


Value of the supply – what is the consideration?

TP is a direct tax concept which does not necessarily align with VAT considerations. Unhelpfully, there are no provisions in UK legislation which provides for the VAT treatment of TP adjustments. Additionally, there is no case law on this subject.

As a TP adjustment is solely for direct tax purposes, it does not usually affect the value of the supply for VAT purposes. Consequently, such adjustments are usually outside the scope of VAT.

However, price adjustments of previous supply of goods/services must be recognised for VAT market value rules only when:

  • the supply is taxable
  • the relevant input tax is not fully recoverable and
  • HMRC issues an ‘Open Market Value Notice’ to the parties requiring them to apply market values for VAT.

VAT Act 1994, Schedule 6, Part 2, para 1 gives HMRC the vires to issue such a Notice.


We understand that a case: Arcomet Romania is due to be heard by the CJEU on whether TP adjustments represent consideration and we await the outcome which may provide clarity. (Although after Brexit, the previous position: that the UK VAT Act is to be interpreted with EU case law and general principles of EU law has ended. UK courts whilst still relying on the UK VAT Act and its EU VAT Directive principles, will be able to deviate from ECJ case law).



VAT: Electronic Sales Suppression (ESS)

By   3 January 2024

HMRC has published new guidance on ESS and information on how to make a disclosure.

What is ESS?

ESS is also known as till fraud or till manipulation. It is where a business manipulates their till systems to hide or reduce the true value or number of sales. This is carried out through the use of ESS tools such as misusing built in till functions or installing software specifically designed to suppress sales. HMRC call this sales suppression and it is done either at, or after, the point of sale (POS). The records then appear to be correct and complete.

Businesses do this to reduce their turnover so that they pay less tax. They also do this to try to appear compliant.

Misusing a till system reduces the recorded turnover of the business and the amount of VAT payable, whilst providing what appears to be an accurate and complete record.

ESS is tax fraud. You are involved with ESS if you have made, supplied, promoted, possess or have access to an ESS tool.

You are also involved in ESS if:

  • you own an ESS tool
  • have access to an ESS tool
  • have tried to access an ESS tool

What is an ESS tool?

An ESS tool is a piece of software, computer code script or hardware. It allows a business to hide or reduce the value of individual transactions on its electronic sales records. This includes using and/or configuring a till, or point of sale system, in a way that suppresses sales.

You do not have to have used an ESS tool to suppress sales or pay less VAT for HMRC to charge a penalty for being involved in ESS, it is fraud regardless. 

HMRC powers

Finance Act 2022, Schedule 14 allows HMRC to issue an information notice for ESS. This means HMRC can ask for certain information that only applies to ESS. It allows the issue of a Notice to a ‘relevant person’ for a ‘relevant purpose’.

Who is a ‘relevant person’

A ‘relevant person’ is any person who HMRC think it might be able to charge a penalty for being involved in ESS.

What is a ‘relevant purpose’

A ‘relevant purpose’ is the reason that HMRC is asking for information about ESS and ESS Tools. The law allows HMRC to do this in three types of situations which are to help it:

  • decide whether a relevant person has made, supplied, promoted, or possesses an ESS tool — HMRC would be able to charge this person a penalty
  • understand how an ESS tool works
  • identify any other person who has made, supplied, promoted, or possesses the ESS tool


HMRC is offering an opportunity for those involved in ESS to make a disclosure. Early voluntary disclosure could lead to a reduction in financial penalties. Use the ‘Make a disclosure about misusing your till system’ form to tell HMRC that you have been using your till system to reduce your tax bill.

Further reading and more detailed information on penalties here.

Why are Certificates Of Origin important? An overview

By   18 December 2023

What is a Certificate of Origin (CO)?

 A CO is a formal, official document which evidences in which country a good or commodity was manufactured. The certificate of origin contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export.

A CO is required for most treaty agreements for cross-border trade and have become more important since Brexit (no more single market alas).

Why is a CO important?

The CO is an important document because it determines whether certain goods are eligible for import, or whether goods are subject to duties.

CO – General

Customs officials expect the CO to be a separate document from other commercial documents such as invoices or packing lists. Officials may also expect it to be signed by the exporter, the signature notarised, and the document subsequently signed and stamped by a Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, the destination Customs authority may request proof of review from a specific Chamber of Commerce.

Some countries accept electronically issued COs which have been electronically signed by a Chamber of Commerce.

Types of CO

A CO can be either in paper or digital format and must be approved by the requisite Customs Authority.

There is no standard CO document for global trade, but a CO prepared by the exporter, has at least the basic details about the product being shipped.

Non-Preferential Cos

Non-preferential COs, also known as “ordinary COs” indicate that the goods do not qualify for reduced tariffs or tariff-free treatment under trade arrangements between countries. If an exporting country does not have in place a treaty or trade agreement with the importing country, an ordinary CO will be needed.

Preferential COs

This is for shipments between countries with a trade agreement or reduced tariffs and proves the goods qualify for reduced import duties.

Legalised CO

Some countries require additional information to demonstrate the authenticity of the information in the CO. A Legalised CO is an ordinary CO that has been further authenticated. The legalisation process usually involves the CO being validated by various appropriate authorities to give more evidence to its authenticity.

Certified CO

A Certified CO is similar to a n ordinary CO. However, it has been certified by a Chamber of Commerce, government agency or other relevant authority to confirm its authenticity.

Certification involves an in-depth review of all of the information declared on the CO, as well as a thorough side-by-side comparison with the requirements of the trade agreement and regulations of the country of import to ensure full compliance.


A EUR1 certificate is used in trade between the UK and partner countries. It is used to confirm that goods originate in the EU or a partner country so that the importer can benefit from a reduced rate of import duty.

EUR1 certificates are issued by Chambers of Commerce or Customs offices.

Contents of a CO

A CO will typically contain the following information:

  • name and contact information of the manufacturer of the goods
  • country of origin
  • contact information of the exporting agent
  • contact information of the receiver/importing agent
  • description of the goods, including the appropriate product codes
  • quantity, size, and weight of goods
  • A waybill or bill of lading number
  • means of transport and route information
  • commercial invoice of payment

* A waybill is a document issued by a carrier giving details and instructions relating to the shipment of a consignment of cargo. It shows the names of the consignor and consignee, the point of origin of the consignment, its destination, and route.

How do I find out if I need a CO?

A business will need to check with its local Chamber of Commerce.

VAT: Best judgement; what is it, and why is it important?

By   13 November 2023

If HMRC carry out an inspection and decide that VAT has been underdeclared (eg: either by understating sales, applying the incorrect VAT rate, or overclaiming input tax) an inspector has the power to issue an assessment to recover VAT that it is considered underdeclared. This is set out in The VAT Act 73(1)

“Where a person has failed to make any returns … or where it appears to the Commissioners that such returns are incomplete or incorrect, they may assess the amount of VAT from him to the best of their judgment and notify it to him”.

So, the law requires that when an inspector makes an assessment (s)he must ensure that the assessment is made to the best of their judgement, otherwise it is invalid and will not stand.

Guidance to surviving a VAT inspection here.

HMRC’s methods of assessing cash businesses here.

Definition of best judgment

Per Van Boeckel vs HMCE (1981) the judge set out three tests:

  1. HMRC must make a value judgment on the material set before it honestly and bona fide and not knowingly set an inflated figure and then expect the taxpayer to disprove it on appeal
  2. there must be material available
  3. HMRC is not expected to do the work of the taxpayer but instead fairly interpret the material before it and come to a reasonable conclusion rather than an arbitrary one

If any of these three tests are failed, then best judgement has not been employed. However, the onus is on the appellant to disprove the assessment.

There were further comments on the matter:

“There are…obligations placed on the Commissioners to properly come to a view on the amount of tax that was due to the best of their judgement. In particular:

  • a value judgement must be made on the material put before them
  • they must perform their function honestly
  • there must be material on which to base their judgement
  • but they should not be required to do the job of the taxpayer, or carry out extensive investigations

This means that the assessing inspector must fairly consider all material placed before them and, on that material, come to a decision that is reasonable and not arbitrary, taking into account the circumstances of the business. In some cases, some “guesswork” may be required, but it should be honestly made based on the information available and should not be spurious, but HMRC must be permitted a margin of discretion.

Experience insists that it is usually more successful if the quantum of a best judgement assessment is challenged.

Where a business successfully disputes the amount of an assessment and the assessment is reduced, it will rarely fail the best judgement test.

In the case of MH Rahman (Khayam Restaurant) CO 2329/97 the High Court recognised the practice whereby the tribunal adopts a two-step approach, looking initially at the question of best judgement and then at the amount of the assessment. The message of the High Court appeared to be that the Tribunal should concern itself more with the amount of an assessment rather than best judgement.

Arguments which may be employed to reduce a best judgement assessment are, inter alia:

  • period of calculation is unrepresentative
  • wastage
  • discounts
  • staff use
  • theft
  • seasonal trends
  • competition
  • sales
  • opening hours
  • client base, etc

HMRC’s guidance to its own officers states that: Any assessments made must satisfy the best judgement criteria. This means that given a set of conditions or circumstances, “you must take any necessary action and produce a result that is deemed to be reasonable and not arbitrary”.

In other words, best judgement is not the equivalent of the best result or the most favourable conclusion. It is a reasonable process by which an assessment is successfully reached.

In the case of CA McCourtie LON/92/191 the Tribunal considered the principles set out in Van Boeckel and put forward three further propositions:

  • the facts should be objectively gathered and intelligently interpreted
  • the calculations should be arithmetically sound, and
  • any sampling technique should be representative

Tribunals will not treat an assessment as invalid merely because they disagree as to how the judgement should have been exercised. It is possible that a Tribunal may substitute its own judgement for HMRC’s in respect of the amount of the assessment. However, this does not necessarily mean that because a different quantum for the assessment was arrived at that the assessment failed the best judgement test.

Further, it is not the function of the Tribunal to engage in a process that looks afresh at the totality of the evidential material before it (M & A Georgiou t/a Mario’s Chippery, QB October 1995 [1995] STC 1101).

It should be also noted that even if one aspect of an assessment is found not to be made to best judgement this should not automatically invalidate the whole assessment – Pegasus Birds [2004] EWCA Civ1015.


There are significant difficulties in arguing that an inspector did not use best judgement and it is a high bar to get over.

In order to succeed on appeal, it would be required to be demonstrated, to the judge’s satisfaction, that the assessment was raised:

  • dishonestly
  • vindictively
  • capriciously
  • arbitrarily
  • spuriously
  • via an estimate or a guess in which all elements or best judgement are absent
  • wholly unreasonably

and that this action applies to the assessment in its entirety.

VAT: Business or non-business? The 3D Crowd CIC case

By   4 July 2023

Latest from the courts

Business or non-business?

In the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of 3D Crowd CIC (3D) the issue was whether a donation of goods, with a subsequent intention to sell similar goods constituted a business activity such that input tax incurred in relation to it was recoverable.


3D was formed at the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic to produce face protection via the process of 3D printing. Such protection was in high demand, but there was a shortage of suitable products for healthcare workers. The appellant produced 130,000 face shields in the first six weeks of production; which was an admirable feat. However, it was not possible to sell this equipment without the appropriate accreditation. Consequently, to alleviate demand, 3D donated the PPE to the NHS.

By the time accreditation was given the demand for PPE had reduced so it was not possible to sell the 3D printed face coverings as initially intended.


The issue of business versus non-business has been a contentious issue in the VAT world from day one. This classification is important for two reasons. If an activity is a business (an economic activity) it could be subject to VAT and, as in this case, if an activity is non-business there is usually a restriction of input tax.


3D said that input tax could be recovered on costs which involved no direct onward supply of goods or services, but which laid the groundwork for them. That is, the input tax could be attributed to an intended taxable supply, even though that intention was not fulfilled by circumstances outside its control.

HMRC argued that per Longbridge the correct test for determining whether an activity is a business activity is whether there is a direct link between the services or goods supplied and a payment received by the supplier. In this case, there was not so no input tax was reclaimable. HMRC also referred to the decision in Wakefield College, supporting the proposition that an activity is only a business activity if it results in the supply of goods or services for a consideration.


The FTT found that the VAT incurred on supplies made to 3D, constituted elements:

  • in connection with 3D seeking CE certification
  • related to general overheads
  • related to VAT incurred on materials bought to produce the PPE

Input tax incurred on the costs of accreditation is recoverable because these were incurred in order to sell PPE in the future and for no other purpose. The fact that these costs are not linked to a particular supply (and is in the nature of preparing the ground for future supplies) was irrelevant per The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 10.

The VAT incurred on the general overhead costs and on the costs of producing the PPE was incurred in part for business purposes and party for non-business (donations) and should be apportioned using a method agreed between 3D and HMRC.


Another case highlighting the difficulty in identifying the distinction between business and non-business and the complexity of input tax attribution. The altruistic efforts of the CIC is to be admired, but such charitable (in the broad sense) activities do not always get their just reward in VAT terms.

Recovery of VAT on company cars

By   3 July 2023

Further to our guide to the recovery of input tax on motoring expenses we are often asked about the specifics of a business acquiring a motor car. So, this article sets out the different rules.

Purchase of a car

If a business purchases a car outright, regardless of how this is funded, no input tax is claimable at all. However, If the taxpayer is either a taxi or driving instructor business, VAT falls to be 100% recoverable.

Hire Purchase (HP)

This is treated as a supply of goods as the ownership of the car passes at the end of the agreement. Similarly, to an outright purchase, input tax is blocked for all taxpayers except taxi and driving instructor businesses.

Lease hire

If the car is ‘qualifying car’, and is returned at the end of the agreement it is a supply of services; a lease. There is a specific rule which means that 50% of the VAT is recoverable on the rental payments if it is used for business purpose. The 50% block is to cover the private use of the car. Again, a 100% reclaim is possible if it is to be used for hire with a driver for carrying passengers or providing driving instruction.

The 50% block applies to all the VAT on charges paid for the rental of the car. This includes:

  • optional services — unless they’re supplied and identified separately from the leasing supply on the tax invoice
  • excess mileage charge — if it forms part of a supply of leasing but not if it was incurred on an excess mileage charge that forms part of a separate supply of maintenance

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)

This is a little more complex because a PCP can either be treated as a supply of goods (the car), or a supply of services (a lease) depending on the terms of the contract. The following treatment is based on the Mercedes Benz Financial Services case.

The difference between services or goods:

This distinction depends on the level of the final payment. This is known as the Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (GMFV).


  • If the final optional payment (known as a balloon payment) is set at or above the anticipated market value (the GMFV) of the car at the time the option is to be exercised, the contract will be deemed a supply of leasing services with VAT on each instalment. A business can therefore recover 50% of input tax on each monthly payment. A balloon payment is the final “lump sum” which the agreement sets out is to be paid if a customer chooses to own the car at the end of the agreement.


  • If the final optional payment is set below the anticipated market value, such that any rational customer would choose to buy the car, the contract is a supply of goods with a separate supply of finance. VAT is therefore due on the supply of goods in full at the beginning of the contract and the finance element is exempt. In such cases input tax is 100% blocked.

The distinction

It is often difficult to distinguish between services and goods in relation to PCP cars. We find that the wording of contracts is often arcane and unhelpful (and not particularly drafted with VAT in mind). If the supply is not determinable by reference to the agreement documentation, a simple and practical solution is to consider the invoice. Broadly, if it is a lease the supplier will charge VAT on the monthly payments, but a purchase would mean VAT is charged in full up front at the tax point.

Input tax on repairs 

If a vehicle is used for business purposes, there is a 100% reclaim of the VAT charged on repairs and maintenance as long as the business paid for the work and the vehicle is used for some business purposes. It does not matter if the vehicle is used for some private motoring or if a business has chosen not to reclaim input tax on road fuel.