Category Archives: VAT Basics

VAT – Understanding land and property issues

By   8 July 2024

Supplies relating to property may be, or have been; 20%, 17.5%, 15.%, 10% 5%, zero-rated, exempt, or outside the scope of VAT – all impacting, in different ways, upon the VAT position of a supplier and customer. In addition, the law permits certain exempt supplies to be changed to 20% without the agreement of the customer. As soon as a taxpayer is provided with a choice, there is a chance of making the wrong one! Even very slight differences in circumstances may result in a different and potentially unexpected VAT outcome, and it is an unfortunate fact of business life that VAT cannot be ignored.

Why is VAT important?

The fact that the rules are complex, ever-changing, and the amounts involved in property transactions are usually high means that there is an increased risk of making errors. This is increased by the fact that these are often one-off transactions by a business, and in-house, in depth tax knowledge is sometimes absent. Such activities can result in large penalties and interest payments, plus unwanted attentions from VAT inspectors. Uncertainty regarding VAT may affect budgets and an unforeseen VAT bill (and additional SDLT) may risk the profitability of a venture.

Problem areas

Certain transactions tend to create more VAT issues than others. These include;

  • whether a property sale can qualify as a VAT free Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)
  • conversions of properties from commercial to residential use
  • whether to opt to tax (OTT) a commercial property
  • the recovery of VAT charged on a property purchase
  • supplies between landlord and tenants
  • the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)
  • the anti-avoidance rules
  • mixed developments
  • apportionment of VAT rates
  • changes in number of dwellings in a building(s)
  • changes in intention of use of a building
  • sale of partially completed developments
  • partial exemption
  • charity use
  • non-business use
  • relevant residential use
  • the place of supply (POS) of services
  • holiday lets
  • serviced apartments
  • contracts
  • new build residential
  • DIY Housebuilders
  • tax points (time of supply)
  • HMRC queries
  • deposits
  • and even seemingly straightforward: VAT registration

Additionally, the VAT treatment of building services throws up its own set of VAT complications.

The above are just examples and the list is not exhaustive.

VAT Planning

The usual adage is “right tax, right time”. This, more often than not, means considering the VAT treatment of a transaction well in advance of that transaction taking place. Unfortunately, with VAT there is usually very little planning that can be done after the event. For peace of mind a consultation with a VAT adviser can steer you through the complexities and, if there are issues, to minimise the impact of VAT on a project. Assistance of a VAT adviser is usually crucial if there are any disputes with VAT inspectors. Experience insists that this is an area which HMRC have raised significant revenue from penalties and interest where taxpayers get it wrong.

Don’t leave it to chance!

For more information, please see our Land & Property services

A VAT: Did you know?

By   25 June 2024

In the current election the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto stated that they would apply zero-rating to children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. Whether this impacts the money left by the tooth fairy remains to be seen…

VAT: What is an exempt supply, and what does it mean?

By   17 June 2024

VAT Basics

Exemption generally

Some services are exempt from VAT. If all the services a business provides are exempt, it will not be able to register for VAT, which means it cannot reclaim any input tax incurred on its purchases or expenses.

If a business is VAT registered it may make both taxable and exempt supplies (it will need to make at least some taxable supplies to be registered). Such a business is classed as partly exempt and it may be able to recover some input tax, but usually not all (Please see de minimis below).

Types of supply which may be exempt

Examples are:

The above list is not exhaustive.

* Most businesses which do not routinely make exempt supplies usually encounter exemption in the area of land and property and it is an easy trap to fall into not to consider VAT when involved in property transactions. This is one area where VAT planning may be of assistance as it is possible in most situations to deliberately choose to add VAT to an exempt supply to avoid a loss of input tax.  This is known as the option to tax, and it is considered in more detail here.

The legislation covering exemption is found at The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9. 

What does exemption mean?

 An entity only making exempt supplies cannot register for VAT and consequently has no VAT responsibilities or obligations. While this may seem attractive, exemption is often a burden rather than a relief. This is because any VAT it incurs on any expenditure is irrecoverable and represents an additional cost.  This often affects charities, although there are some limited reliefs.

Exempt supplies are completely different to non-business activities, although the VAT outcome is often similar.

 Partial exemption de-minimis

A partly exempt business cannot usually recover all of the input tax it incurs. However, there is a relief called de minimis. Broadly, if VAT bearing expenditure is below certain limits in may be recovered in full. These are provisional calculations and are subject to a Partial Exemption Annual Adjustment.

Further information on terms used in partial exemption here.

VAT: Education – what, precisely, is exempt?

By   17 June 2024
In my experience, there is a general assumption that all “education’ is exempt. It is true to say that a lot of education and tuition is indeed exempt, but that is not automatically the case. It is important to establish the reason for the application of non-taxable treatment. The VAT treatment depends on; what is actually being provided, who is providing it and the precise arrangements. I consider the more common issues below.

The legislation covering education is VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6.

What does the term education mean?

It means a course, class or lesson of instruction or study in a subject. This includes:

  • lectures
  • educational seminars
  • conferences and symposia
  • recreational and sporting courses
  • distance teaching and associated materials

Schools etc

The first type of education exemption is relatively clear: It is the provision of education by an eligible body. An eligible body is, broadly; a school, college, or university (supplies by Local Authority schools, city technology colleges, sixth form colleges, academies and free schools – where education is provided for no charge, are non-business activities rather than exempt, and have their own set of rules). More on academies here

It is also worth noting that any ‘closely related” goods or services provided with exempt education are themselves exempt. This may cover items such as; certain stationery, accommodation, transport and catering.

There is usually very little disagreement about the VAT treatment of these entities.

Charities/ non-profit making organisations

If a charity/NFP entity is an eligible body supplies of education and vocational training (see below) by it are exempt. Such an organisation is likely to be an eligible body, where it’s a charity, professional body or company which:

  • cannot and does not distribute any profit it makes, and
  • any profit that does arise from its supplies of education is used solely for the continuation or improvement of such supplies.

There can be disputes over the term “does not distribute any profit” so care should be taken in this respect and advice sought if there is any doubt.


Exemption applies to the supply of “private tuition, in a subject ordinarily taught in a school or university, by an individual teacher acting independently of an employer” – VAT Act 1994 Schedule 9, Group 6, item 2.

Taking each of these tests in turn:

  • What is “private tuition?

In order to qualify, the provider of tuition must act independently and not be an employee. Practically, this means that the person providing the tuition must either be a sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, or a member of a Limited Liability partnership (LLP). Consequently, exemption does not apply if the teaching is carried out by a company or an employee. This is a matter of fact, however, it is possible to structure matters such that the exemption applies if it does not currently (and the restructure is possible commercially).

  • What does “ordinarily taught” in schools/universities mean?

This is often a moot issue and the significant amount of case law highlights this. Most of the mainstream subjects are covered of course, but what about subjects like; golf, horse riding and dance? Would they be ordinarily taught in schools? (The answer according to case law is; yes). However, there are many other subjects which are debatable and HMRC usually take an uncompromising line on this area, especially around sporting activities. If there is any doubt, we recommend seeking advice.

  • What does tuition mean?

Clearly, if a person teaches or coaches a subject to an individual or group, then this qualifies as tuition. However, a distinction must be made between this and a recreational type of activity which may be called a “class”, but no actual tuition is provided. Exemption does not apply, for example, for the simple provision of gymnasium or swimming pool facilities, or a yoga class where no coaching takes place (however, it is possible that these may be exempt under different parts of the legislation, but that is not the subject of this article).

Vocational training

Vocational training means training or re-training and work experience for paid employment or voluntary employment in areas beneficial to the community.

If vocational training is provided for a charge the VAT consequences are either:

  • for an eligible body (see above) vocational training is exempt
  • for a non-eligible body vocational training is still exempt to the extent that it is funded under an approved government funding scheme. Otherwise the supply is taxable.

English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

If a commercial entity makes supplies of tuition of EFL they will qualify for exemption. In these cases, tuition includes all elements that are integral to the course, held out for sale as such, and are the means by which it is intended to promote fluency in the use of the English language.


In respect of all of the above, if exemption does not apply the supply of education falls to be taxable as a default.

For completeness, exemption may also apply to; research, examination services, youth clubs, day nurseries, crèches and playgroups but these activities are outside the scope of this article.


There are many traps for the unwary here. Planning is always advisable and I recommend that any entity which provides education is conscious of the VAT implications and seeks advice where/when necessary.

Overseas businesses claiming VAT incurred in the UK

By   10 June 2024


The HMRC form for overseas businesses claiming VAT incurred in the UK has been updated.

The form VAT65A to reclaim VAT paid in the UK if a business is not registered in the UK has been amended to include information about corresponding with HMRC by email.

Claims in the UK

A non-UK based business may make a claim for recovery of VAT incurred in the UK. Typically, these are costs such as; employee travel and subsistence, service charges, exhibition costs, tooling, imports of goods, training, purchases of goods in the UK, and clinical trials etc.

Who can claim?

The scheme is available for any businesses that are:

  • not VAT registered in the UK
  • have no place of business or other residence in the UK
  • do not make any supplies in the UK

What cannot be claimed?

The usual rules that apply to UK business claiming input tax also apply to claims from overseas. Consequently, the likes of; business entertainmentcar purchasenon-business use and supplies used for exempt activities are usually barred.


There is no maximum claim amount, but for most periods of less than twelve months a minimum of £130 of VAT must be claimed. For annual claims or for periods less than three months ending on 30 June, the VAT must be at least £16.


The business must obtain a Certificate Of Status (CoS) from its local tax or government department to accompany a claim.

The CoS must be the original and contain the:

  • name, address and official stamp of the authorising body
  • claimants name and address
  • nature of the claimant’s business
  • claimant’s business registration number

The CoS is only valid for twelve months. Once it has expired you will need to submit a new CoS.

HMRC has previously announced (RCB 12 – 2018) that it is taken a firmer stance on what constitutes an acceptable CoS.

Claim form

The application form is a VAT65A and is available here  Original invoices which show the VAT charged must be submitted with the claim form and CoS. Applications without a certificate, or certificates and claim forms received after the deadline are not accepted by HMRC. It is possible for a business to appoint an agent to register to enable them to make refund applications on behalf of that business.


Claim periods run annually up to 30 June and must be submitted by 31 December of the same year. With the usual Christmas rush and distractions, it may be easy to overlook this deadline and some claims may be significant. Unfortunately, this is not a rapid process and even if claims are accurate and the supporting documents are in all in order the claim often takes some time to be repaid. Although the deadline is the end of the year HMRC say that it will allow an additional three months for submission of a CoS (only).


Refunds are made within six months of a “satisfactory application”.

VAT Registration: Extension of time limit

By   10 June 2024
HMRC has extended the time limit for taxpayers to receive a reply after applying for VAT registration.

The previous 30-day response deadline is now 40-days.

Notices (VAT Notice 700/11) – Cancelling your VAT registration and (VAT Notice 700/2) – Group and divisional registration have been updated.

A VAT: Did you know?

By   24 May 2024

Banana and strawberry flavoured Nesquik drinks are standard rated, but chocolate flavoured Nesquik is zero rated.

Managing a Customs Warehouse. Updated HMRC guidance

By   14 May 2024

The new guidance explains how to manage a Customs Warehouse, handle goods, and process, repair and move goods.

Customs Warehouse

A Customs Warehouse is a warehouse that is under Customs control. Goods stored in a customs warehouse are not in free circulation. No duties or taxes have to be paid until that time when you ship the goods to their next destination.

There are two types of Customs Warehouse where goods may be stored.

  • Public warehouse

This is a warehouse operated by a business whose purpose is to store other people’s goods. They are the warehousekeeper and you’re the depositor.

  • Private warehouse

This is a warehouse operated by you to store your own goods. You are the warehousekeeper and the depositor.

You do not need to be authorised by HMRC to be a depositor in a public or private customs warehouse but, if you operate a private customs warehouse, you’ll need to be authorised as the warehousekeeper.

The warehousekeeper is responsible for coordinating general warehouse operations and activities including shipping and receiving deliveries, conducting stock checks, documenting warehouse transactions and records, and storage of inventory.

To be approved as a warehousekeeper, a person will need to:

  • be established in the UK
  • have an EORI number
  • be financially solvent
  • have a good compliance record in dealing with customs
  • prove you have a business need for the warehouse
  • be able or prepared to make declarations, or employ an agent who is
  • be able to keep inventory records and run the warehouse to health and safety standards
  • provide a guarantee if needed for Customs Duty and VAT unless you’re an Authorised Economic Operator or can meet Authorised Economic Operator conditions

Guidance Amendments

Updates include information for warehousekeepers who use a duty management system and guidance on when someone else uses your warehouse.

VAT tertiary legislation – HMRC’s new guidance

By   13 May 2024

HMRC has published new a guide to all information about VAT that has ‘force of law’.

The manual contains all the tertiary legislation for VAT which HMRC has published – all in one place. Primary and secondary legislation is published on

What is tertiary legislation?

Within primary and secondary legislation, government departments are sometimes granted the power to publish additional legally binding conditions or directions on a given topic. This information is known as ‘tertiary legislation’.

Tertiary legislation carries ‘force of law’. This means it has the same legal status as primary and secondary legislation. HMRC has an obligation to publish this information in accordance with the law.

The guidance covers:

(with links to the relevant legislation)