Category Archives: VAT Debt

VAT: Personal Liability Notices

By   16 December 2024

A Personal Liability Notice (PLN) can be issued by HMRC to a company’s director(s) to transfer the liability to pay VAT or a VAT penalty from the company to an individual. A PLN can also be issued to a member of an LLP.

When a PLN is issued

An officer or officers of a company may be personally liable to pay all or part of the company penalty where:

  • a company is liable to a penalty for a deliberate wrongdoing and
  • the wrongdoing is attributable to the deliberate action of an officer or officers of the company

Additionally, one of the two circumstances below must also apply

  • the officer gained or attempted to gain personally from the wrongdoing, or
  • the company is insolvent or likely to become insolvent

Any grounds for suspicion that the company may become insolvent should to be supported by evidence, for example, where there are cash flow problems, insufficient assets to cover liabilities, or evidence of phoenixism.

An officer’s liability to pay a penalty also applies to inaccuracy penalties.

Liable persons

The company officers are known in HMRC guidance as “liable officers”. These include:

  • elected officers
  • managers
  • directors
  • company secretary
  • any other person managing or purporting to manage any of the company’s affairs.

LLP officers are members.

A PLN’s power gives HMRC the right to recover all or part of the penalty from the liable officer rather than the company/LLP itself.

Where there is more than one deliberate wrongdoing, each deliberate wrongdoing must be considered separately for the purpose of establishing whether it should be attributed to an officer or officers.


There are four types of wrongdoings:

  • the issue of an invoice showing VAT by an unauthorised person
  • misuse of a product so that it attracts a higher rate of excise duty
  • the handling of goods on which payment of excise duty is outstanding
  • knowingly disposing of, or causing or permitting the disposal of, material at an unauthorised waste site

The wrongdoing must arise from the deliberate action of an officer of the company.

Personal gain

Once HMRC has attributed the deliberate wrongdoing to one or more company officers it must consider whether any of the officers, by fact or implication, have gained or attempted to gain personally from the wrongdoing. It is sufficient to show that each officer has gained or attempted to gain. It will not however always be possible to establish the full extent to which each officer has gained or attempted to gain, in which case HMRC would issue the PLN based on best judgment of the amount they attempted to gain personally, eg:

  • the officer may accept that there was an actual or attempted personal gain from a deliberate wrongdoing that can be attributed to them, or
  • it may be clear from business records or the officer’s lifestyle that they gained or attempted to gain personally from the results of the deliberate wrongdoing


A liable officer can appeal against

  • a decision to pursue them for all or part of the penalty assessed on the company, as set out in the PLN, including whether the penalty is attributable to them, and
  • the amount of the penalty HMRC has allocated to them
  • They cannot however appeal against a decision that they have gained or attempted to gain personally from the deliberate wrongdoing, or that the company is likely to go into liquidation

PLNs are subject to the same procedures as company penalties.


Finance Act 2008, Schedule 41: Penalties: failure to notify and certain VAT and Excise wrongdoing.

What is a VAT Loan? – Business finance

By   8 August 2024

Although, ideally, a business puts aside the VAT it collects from its customers (output tax charged) to pay its monthly, quarterly, or annual VAT bill, cashflow management can be difficult, especially for small or seasonal businesses with limited cash reserves. There are some things a business can do to mitigate the impact of VAT and one of these is a VAT loan.

Failure to pay VAT on time can lead to penalties and interest which could add to a business’ financial woes.

A VAT loan is a product which provides a short-term financing option to pay VAT on time. The loan covers the VAT amount due during each payment period, which allows a business to spread the VAT cost over a longer time instead of paying it up front in one hit.

Furthermore, there is no need to use up an existing bank facility. A VAT Loan gives a business an alternate financial option to utilise.

How it works

A business can apply for a VAT loan from a bank or other lender. It is usually deemed to be a secured business loan so assets must be put up as security. Once approved, the lender will pay it directly to HMRC. Repayment periods are typically between three months and a year.

The whole process does not usually take long as it is designed to be more streamlined than a standard loan. The money is usually paid to HMRC within days. Evidence of turnover and good credit history will be required, along with usual proof of ID and bank statements etc. Sometimes additional arrangement charges are made along with the interest.


A business must:

VAT bridging loans

There are generally two types of VAT loan: a standard VAT loan and VAT bridging loans. VAT bridging loans differ in that they are specifically a short-term option to assist a business bridge its cashflow gap between making a VAT payment, eg; for a significant purchase, usually property, and recovering this amount from HMRC as a repayment, which can take months (depending when the purchase was made in a VAT quarter and how quickly HMRC make the refund).

Finding a lender

 It is usually advisable to look for a lender who offers VAT loans specifically and compare interest rates, terms, fees etc.

A quick Google produces many VAT loan products to compare.


As VAT loans are short term, the interest rates are often higher than other business loans. Additionally, the loan repayments and fees increase strains on a business’ financial commitments.


This is a brief overview on the mechanism and does not constitute financial advice. Businesses should seek their own financial counsel. Before signing any loan agreements, you should seek independent financial advice to better understand if a VAT loan you are considering is the right one for you.

New portal for VAT payment plans

By   4 July 2023

VAT is normally due on the relevant due date*. However, HMRC has launched a new self-service portal for businesses to set up payment plans.

We look at managing VAT debt in detail here.

A business can set up a VAT payment plan online if it:

  • has filed its latest tax return
  • owes £20,000 or less
  • is within 28 days of the payment deadline
  • does not have any other payment plans or debts with HMRC
  • plans to pay off its debt within the next six months

A taxpayer cannot set up a VAT payment plan online if it uses the Cash Accounting Scheme, Annual Accounting Scheme, or makes payments on account.

If a business cannot set up a payment plan online it will need to contact HMRC.

HMRC will ask:

  • if you can pay in full
  • how much you can repay each month
  • if there are other taxes you need to pay
  • how much money you earn
  • how much you usually spend each month
  • what savings or investments you have

If you have savings or assets, HMRC will expect you to use these to reduce your debt as much as possible.

* For businesses that pay their VAT monthly or quarterly, the deadline for both submitting a return and paying the VAT owing is usually one calendar month plus seven days after the VAT period has ended

VAT payment deadline calculator here.

New VAT penalties and interest charges

By   18 May 2022

Further to my article explaining the changes to late returns and payment penalties, HMRC has now published further guidance on new regime.

These changes, originally intended to be introduced on I April 2022 have been delayed until 1 January 2023 (for VAT periods starting on, or after, this date).

From 1 January 2023, HMRC will charge late-payment interest from the day a VAT payment is overdue to the day the VAT is paid, calculated at the Bank of England base rate plus 2.5%.

Period of familiarisation

HMRC say that to give businesses time to get used to the changes, it will not be charging a first late payment penalty for the first year from 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2023, if the tax is paid in full within 30 days of the payment due date.

More on late returns here and on late payments here.

VAT: Mind the gap

By   28 March 2022

HMRC has published details of the VAT gap for 2020 – 2021.

The VAT Gap

The VAT gap is measured by comparing the net VAT total theoretical liability with tax actually paid. This is comparing the amount of VAT HMRC expected to receive in the UK and the VAT HMRC actually received.

The figures

The net VAT theoretical liability £129 billion

Net VAT received £101.7 billion

Net VAT receipts related to net VAT total theoretical liability £120.4 billion

VAT gap £8.6 billion

The VAT gap is therefore 6.7%.


The 2020 to 2021 net receipts figure in the VAT gap includes an adjustment for payments that were deferred in 2020 under the VAT Payments Deferral Scheme in response to Covid-19. They also reflect reduced VAT rates for the hospitality sector, holiday accommodation and attractions, and zero rate for personal protective equipment.


Information on the method used to estimate the VAT gap is here for those interested (I don’t imagine that there will be that many…).


The estimate of the VAT gap for 2020 to 2021 £8.6 billion shows a reduction compared with the estimate of the VAT gap for 2019 to 2020 which was £12.3 billion.

Previous year’s VAT gap figures for comparison here.

This seems to be an awful amount of tax which has “gone missing”.

VAT: Bad Debt Relief. The Regency Factors case

By   7 February 2022

Latest from the courts

In the Regency Factors plc Court Of Appeal (CoA) case the issue was the validity of the appellant’s claim for Bad Debt Relief (BDR) on amounts it had not received after the issue of an invoice.


BDR is a mechanism which goes some way to protect a business from payment defaulters. Under the normal rules of VAT, a supplier is required to account for output tax, even if the supply has not been paid for (however, the use of cash accounting or certain retail schemes removes the problem of VAT on bad debts from the supplier). The specific relief for unpaid VAT is via the BDR scheme.

A guide to BDR here.

Commentary on the Upper Tribunal (UT) hearing in this case here.


In the CoA case the issue was whether the appellant met the conditions in The VAT General Regulations 1995, Reg 168 for claiming BDR via The VAT Act 1994, section 36.

Regency provided a factoring service to its clients for which it is paid a fee. VAT invoices for those fees were issued to clients when the invoices which are being factored are assigned to Regency for collection.

Regency appealed against a decision of the Upper Tribunal (UT) which dismissed Regency’s appeal against VAT assessments made by HMRC to withdraw BDR which Regency had claimed in its VAT returns.

The UT held that the BDR claim was not valid because

  • there was no bad debt; and
  • Regency had failed to comply with the procedural requirements for the making of a claim. 

Regency appealed against the decision of the UT on the second point.


The CoA decided that as Regency’s record keeping was insufficient to support a BDR claim. Specifically, although it did keep the records required by Regulation 168 (2), it did not keep a single VAT BDR account which is required by Regulation 168 (3). The ruling commented that this requirement was a legitimate feature of the scheme as it enables an inspector to check the claim easily. It is not acceptable for a claimant to simply have a pile of unsorted documents which may, or may not, evidence a valid claim.

The court also said that it was possible for HMRC to allow a discretionary claim (clearly, they did not use that discretion in this case) and that the legal requirement was not a barrier to Regency making a proper BDR claim. The appeal was dismissed.

“In short, Regency had the opportunity to prove its claim for bad debt relief in the FTT… but it failed to do so. It is not entitled to a second opportunity”.


As always with VAT, accurate record-keeping is essential. As the tax is transaction based, it is vital to keep comprehensive evidence of those transactions and associated payments. Failure to do so may result in:

  • assessments and penalties
  • give HMRC the opportunity to refuse otherwise legitimate input tax recovery
  • refuse other VAT claims (in this case BDR).
  • confusion and uncertainty which often creates costs in time and other resources, and extended relations with HMRC, which is in no business’ interest.

If Regency had taken “one step further” with its record keeping, BDR would have been paid by HMRC.

Businesses still owe £Billions after VAT deferral

By   27 July 2021

Over 25% of VAT registered businesses that were permitted to delay VAT payments as a result of the pandemic still owe HMRC the tax deferred.

The now closed payment scheme permitted VAT registered persons to defer VAT payments due between March and June 2020 and around 600,000 businesses took advantage of the relief. The deadline was 30 June 2021, and it has been stated that over a quarter of business have failed to contact HMRC about their debts and have not made the necessary payments.

The total outstanding, according to The Treasury, is £2.7 billion which represents circa 9% of the VAT take. Of the tax deferred under the scheme, £17.8 billion has been paid and around £13 billion is being paid via monthly instalments.

HMRC have announced its approach to collection VAT debt after Covid19.

It has also become clear is that businesses and consumers have fallen into default during and after the pandemic. It is anticipated that the ability to settle of debts on time will decrease and it is apparent that many debts will never be settled. Consequently, it appears timely to look at the available relief. An article on VAT Bad Debt Relief here.

We would urge, that even if a business cannot make a payment, that it still submits VAT returns on time. It is tempting to accept a centrally issued assessment if it is for a lesser amount than the actual VAT due for the period. However, such action can, and often does, lead to penalties and increased interest from HMRC.

VAT: Collection of tax debts

By   8 July 2021

HMRC has announced its approach to collecting debts after Covid-19.

The Policy Paper explains that the government’s priority is protecting livelihoods and keeping people in work. It states that HMRC has been central to this, for example by pausing many of its debt collection activities and delivering support packages.

However, HMRC is restarting its collection of outstanding debts and will be contacting taxpayers who have fallen behind with VAT and other taxes as a result of the pandemic.

HMRC action

If there is a VAT debt, HMRC will contact a business by phone, post or text message so that they can discuss the situation and agree a way forward. It is important for businesses to respond to these communications as soon as possible because, if there is no reply, HMRC cannot establish whether support is needed or there is a simple refusal to pay.

Time To Pay

HMRC usually discuss payment options, such as a payment plan (called Time to Pay – TTP), which is paying off the debt in affordable instalments.

NB: HMRC typically have more than half a million of TTP arrangements in place and more than nine out of ten of them complete successfully.

As part of agreeing Time to Pay arrangements with businesses, HMRC may also discuss other forms of support available. For example, exploring the range of government-backed lending support like Bounce Back loans and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans, and agreeing repayment holidays or extending repayment terms.

More information about payment arrangements (Time to pay) is available at How HMRC supports customers who have a tax debt.


If a business cannot make a payment immediately, by getting in touch with HMRC it may be possible to arrange a short-term VAT deferral. This means nothing would need to be paid for a set period of time, and no further action to collect the tax debt would be taken until that time has lapsed.

Further powers

Although HMRC state that it will take an “understanding and supportive approach” to tax debt, from September 2021, where businesses are unwilling to discuss a payment plan, or where they ignore attempts to contact them, HMRC may start the process of collecting the debt using its enforcement powers. These powers include; taking control of goods, summary warrants and court action including insolvency proceedings.

As may be seen, ignoring tax debts is not a good policy. Talk to HMRC and see if the various support schemes available are suitable.

VAT: Changes to late returns and payments penalties announced

By   8 March 2021

HMRC have announced changes to the penalties applied to failure to submit VAT returns on time. Similar changes will be made for late payment penalties. it is anticipated that these changes will apply from 1 April 2022. Changes will also be made to the way interest is charged.

The new penalty regime replaces the existing default surcharges. The new penalties use a points based system . Businesses will no longer receive an automatic financial penalty if they make a late return. Instead, it will incur penalty points for missed obligations before a financial penalty is levied.

Penalties for late submission of returns

VAT registered businesses will receive a point every time they miss a submission deadline. At a certain threshold of points, a financial penalty of £200 will be charged and the business will be notified. A penalty will be charged for that failure and every subsequent failure to make a submission on time, but the points total will not increase.

The penalty thresholds will be:

  • Annual returns – 2 points
  • Quarterly returns – 4 points
  • Monthly returns – 5 points

Points expiry

Points will have a lifetime of two years calculated from the month after the month in which the failure occurred.

However, points will not expire when a business is at the penalty threshold to ensure an achievement of a period of compliance to reset the points.

Penalties for late payment and interest harmonisation

The new Late Payment Penalties regime will replace the the Default Surcharge, which served as a combined late submission and late payment sanction.

There are two late payment penalties applicable; a first penalty and then an additional or second penalty, with an annualised penalty rate.

First Penalty

A business will not incur a penalty if the outstanding tax is paid within the first 15 days after the due date. If VAT remains unpaid after Day 15, the business incurs the first penalty. This penalty is set at 2% of the tax outstanding after Day 15. If any of this tax is still unpaid after Day 30, the penalty increases to 4% of the tax outstanding after Day 30.

Second Penalty

If tax remains unpaid on Day 31, a business will begin to incur an additional penalty on the VAT that remains outstanding. It accrues on a daily basis, at a rate of 4% per annum on the outstanding amount. This additional penalty will stop accruing when the taxpayer pays the tax that is due.

Time-to-Pay arrangements

HMRC offers the option of requesting a Time To Pay arrangement. This will enable a business to stop a penalty from accruing any further by approaching HMRC and agreeing a schedule for paying their outstanding tax.

Interest Harmonisation

HMRC will charge interest on tax that is outstanding after the due date, regardless of whether any Late Payment Penalties have been charged. Interest will apply from the date the payment was due until the date on which it is paid. It will be calculated as simple interest at a rate of 2.5% + the Bank of England base rate.

Where a business has overpaid tax, HMRC will pay Repayment Interest on any VAT due to be repaid either from the last day the payment was due to be received or the day it was received, whichever is later, until the date of repayment. Interest will be paid at the Bank of England base rate less 1% (with a minimum rate of 0.5%).

Reviews and appeals

Businesses will be able to challenge a point or penalty through both an internal HMRC review process and an appeal to the courts (in a similar way to assessments for VAT are challengeable).

More on late returns here and on late payments here.

VAT: Bad Debt Relief – The Regency UT case

By   3 February 2021

Bad Debt Relief (BDR) is a mechanism which goes some way to protect a business from payment defaulters. Under the normal rules of VAT, a supplier is required to account for output tax, even if the supply has not been paid for (however, the use of cash accounting or certain retail schemes removes the problem of VAT on bad debts from the supplier).

The specific relief for unpaid VAT is via the BDR scheme.


In the Regency Factors plc Upper tribunal (UT) case the issue was whether the appellant met the conditions in The VAT General Regulations 1995, Reg 168 for claiming BDR via The VAT Act 1994, section 36.

Regency provides a factoring service to its clients for which it is paid a fee. VAT invoices for those fees were issued to clients when the invoices which are being factored are assigned to Regency for collection.

Regency appealed against a decision of the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) in which it dismissed Regency’s appeal against VAT assessments made by HMRC to withdraw BDR which Regency had claimed in its VAT returns.

Regency contended that it is entitled to BDR for the VAT element on the fees that were unpaid by its clients. HMRC contended that Regency is not entitled to BDR because the consideration for the supply was received by Regency and there was no bad debt to write off.


The UT deliberated on when consideration is received for factoring services and accepted that some debts were bad. However, it decided that Regency had not maintained a bad debt account as required for Reg 168. Consequently, HMRC was correct in refusing to pay the BDR claim.


As always with VAT, it is important to keep complete and accurate records, as this case demonstrates. Reg 168 states (where relevant):

(2) Save as the Commissioners may otherwise allow, the record referred to in paragraph (1) above shall consist of the following information in respect of each claim made

  (a) in respect of each relevant supply for that claim—

    (i) the amount of VAT chargeable,

    (ii) the prescribed accounting period in which the VAT chargeable was accounted for and paid to the Commissioners,

   (iii) the date and number of any invoice issued in relation thereto or, where there is no such invoice, such information as is necessary to identify the time, nature and purchaser thereof, and

    (iv) any payment received therefore,

      (b) the outstanding amount to which the claim relates,

      (c) the amount of the claim, and

      (d) the prescribed accounting period in which the claim was made.

(3) Any records created in pursuance of this regulation shall be kept in a single account to be known as the “refunds for bad debts account”.