Banana and strawberry flavoured Nesquik drinks are standard rated, but chocolate flavoured Nesquik is zero rated.
Banana and strawberry flavoured Nesquik drinks are standard rated, but chocolate flavoured Nesquik is zero rated.
The sale of a dead horse is VAT free, but a live horse is standard-rated.
(This is not a recommended tax planning scheme).
I am often asked as a VAT person whether I find tax boring. I do often find it frustrating, some of the mechanics arcane and dealing with HMRC something of a challenge (putting it politely). However, I have been advising on the tax for getting on for 30 years, so it must have its attractions…
I think the best way to put it is by quoting K Maurer:
Tax is not boring. Tax is politics. Tax is geography. Tax is social issues. Tax is financial literacy. Tax is financial empowerment. Tax is problem solving. Tax is helping others create a stronger sense of independence. Tax is anything but boring!
I would also add that tax is challenging as a practitioner, it is also; evaluating information, arriving at creative solutions, hand-holding, standing up for rights, explaining, challenging views and assumptions and…keeping on top of a rapidly changing legislative/legislation and commercial landscapes.
It can also be very silly – as my serious of VAT: Did you knows illustrate.
Some of my other favourite tax and business quotations here.
Dead mice, rats and day-old chicks sold for feeding to exotic pets may be zero-rated.
Where goods are located in a shop can affect the VAT treatment. Nuts sold in the bakery aisle are VAT free, but those sold with snacks or confectionary are standard rated.
Size matters Part III – Bay plants are VAT free – as long as they are no bigger than 50cm and they have not been clipped or shaped.
Chestnuts roasting by an open fire…
Roasted nuts in shells are zero rated, but if the shell is removed they become standard rated.
Ho, ho ho… VAT and nuts in the same sentence. Merry Christmas everybody.
We know that size matters for VAT – see marshmallows. Also, if you buy a small amount of bicarbonate of soda it is VAT free. However, bigger tubs are VATable.
We know that burying a deceased person is exempt, but exhumation is standard rated and we now know, thanks to the UK Funerals On-line Ltd FTT case, that the service of the repatriation of the body of a deceased person can be viewed as either an exempt supply of funeral services or a zero-rated supply of transport services.
This being the case, zero rating trumps exemption via of The VAT Act 1994, section 30(1).
Dance classes in some EU countries are subject to different VAT rates depending on whether the dance style is considered artistic or entertainment. In the UK, belly dancing and ceroc lessons are standard rated, but ballet is exempt.