Category Archives: VAT Payment

What is a VAT Loan? – Business finance

By   8 August 2024

Although, ideally, a business puts aside the VAT it collects from its customers (output tax charged) to pay its monthly, quarterly, or annual VAT bill, cashflow management can be difficult, especially for small or seasonal businesses with limited cash reserves. There are some things a business can do to mitigate the impact of VAT and one of these is a VAT loan.

Failure to pay VAT on time can lead to penalties and interest which could add to a business’ financial woes.

A VAT loan is a product which provides a short-term financing option to pay VAT on time. The loan covers the VAT amount due during each payment period, which allows a business to spread the VAT cost over a longer time instead of paying it up front in one hit.

Furthermore, there is no need to use up an existing bank facility. A VAT Loan gives a business an alternate financial option to utilise.

How it works

A business can apply for a VAT loan from a bank or other lender. It is usually deemed to be a secured business loan so assets must be put up as security. Once approved, the lender will pay it directly to HMRC. Repayment periods are typically between three months and a year.

The whole process does not usually take long as it is designed to be more streamlined than a standard loan. The money is usually paid to HMRC within days. Evidence of turnover and good credit history will be required, along with usual proof of ID and bank statements etc. Sometimes additional arrangement charges are made along with the interest.


A business must:

VAT bridging loans

There are generally two types of VAT loan: a standard VAT loan and VAT bridging loans. VAT bridging loans differ in that they are specifically a short-term option to assist a business bridge its cashflow gap between making a VAT payment, eg; for a significant purchase, usually property, and recovering this amount from HMRC as a repayment, which can take months (depending when the purchase was made in a VAT quarter and how quickly HMRC make the refund).

Finding a lender

 It is usually advisable to look for a lender who offers VAT loans specifically and compare interest rates, terms, fees etc.

A quick Google produces many VAT loan products to compare.


As VAT loans are short term, the interest rates are often higher than other business loans. Additionally, the loan repayments and fees increase strains on a business’ financial commitments.


This is a brief overview on the mechanism and does not constitute financial advice. Businesses should seek their own financial counsel. Before signing any loan agreements, you should seek independent financial advice to better understand if a VAT loan you are considering is the right one for you.

VAT: Tax point of telecommunications – The Lycamobile case

By   7 August 2024

Latest from the courts

In the Lycamobile UK Ltd First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case, the issue was whether VAT was chargeable on the supply of a “Plan Bundle” at the time when it was sold and by reference to the whole of the consideration that was paid for it, or whether VAT was instead chargeable only when, and only to the extent that, the allowances in the Plan Bundle were actually used. The time of supply (tax point) was important because not only would it dictate when output tax was due, but more importantly here, if the appeal succeeded, there would be no supply of the element of the bundle which was not used, so no output tax would be due on it.


The Plan Bundles comprised rights to future telecommunication services; telephone calls, text messages and data (together, “Allowances”). There were hundreds of different Plan Bundles sold by the Appellant and the precise composition of those Plan Bundles varied.


Lycamobile considered that that the services contained within each Plan Bundle were supplied only as and when the Allowances were used, so that the consideration which was received for each Plan Bundle would be recognised for VAT purposes only to the extent that the Plan Bundle was actually used. In the alternative, these supplies could be considered as multi-purpose vouchers such that output tax was not due when they were issued, but when the service was used. Very briefly, the contention was that it was possible that not all of the use would be standard rated in the UK.

Unsurprisingly, HMRC argued that that those services were supplied when the relevant Plan Bundle was sold (up-front) and output tax was due on the amount paid, regardless of usage.


The Tribunal placed emphasis on “the legal and economic context” and “the purpose of the customers in paying their consideration”.

It decided that the terms of the Plan Bundle created a legal relationship between Lycamobile and the customer. The Bundle was itself the provision of telecommunication services when sold. The customers were aware that they were entitled to use their Allowances and could decide whether to, or not. As a consequence, consumption was aligned with payment and created a tax point at the time of that payment. There was a direct link between those services and the consideration paid by the customer.

The Tribunal also considered the vouchers point. There were significant changes to the rules for Face Value Vouchers on 1 January 2019 (the supplies spanned this date), but the FTT found that the Plan Bundles were not monetary entitlements for future services under either set of rules, so the tax point rules for vouchers did not apply here.

The appeal was dismissed and HMRC assessments totalling over £51 million were upheld.


Not an unexpected result, but an illustration of the importance of; tax points, legal and economic realities, and what customers think they are paying for. All important aspects in analysing what is being provided, and when.

How to pay duties and VAT on imports – updated guidance

By   22 July 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance on how to pay Customs Duty, Excise Duties and VAT on imports from outside the UK.

The document covers, inter alia:

The update includes the removal of references to the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system, as all import declarations must now be made through the Customs Declaration Service.

VAT: Mind the gap – HMRC latest figures

By   24 June 2024

GOV.UK has published details of the most recent measurement of the tax gap for 2022-20223.

What is the tax gap?

The tax gap is measured by comparing the net tax total theoretical liability with tax actually paid. This is comparing the amount of tax HMRC expected to receive in the UK and the amount HMRC actually received.

The figures

The tax gap is estimated to be 4.8% of total theoretical tax liabilities, or £39.8 billion in absolute terms, in the 2022 to 2023 tax year.

Total theoretical tax liabilities for the year were £823.8 billion.

There has been a long-term reduction in the tax gap as a proportion of theoretical liabilities: the tax gap reduced from 7.4% in the tax year 2005 to 2006 to 4.8% in the tax year 2022 to 2023.

While most of the components follow a downward trend, with the largest proportionate fall between 2005 to 2006 and 2022 to 2023 in the VAT gap, falling from 13.7% to 4.9%, the Corporation Tax gap estimate has increased from 11.4% in 2005 to 2006 to 13.9% in 2022 to 2023.

The Corporation Tax gap share has increased from 17% of the overall tax gap in 2018 to 2019 to 34% in 2022 to 2023, while the share of the tax gap from VAT has fallen from 28% of the overall tax gap in 2018 to 2019 to 20% in 2022 to 2023. The Income Tax, NICs and Capital Gains Tax gap share decreased from 39% to 34% over the last 5 years.

The tax gap from small businesses is the largest component of the tax gap by customer group at a 60% share in 2022 to 2023; the tax gap from wealthy and individuals each make up a low proportion of the tax gap at 5% each in 2022 to 2023

The VAT gap

VAT represents 20% of the overall tax gap.

The VAT tax gap is 4.9%.

There are several approaches to measuring tax gaps. VAT and excise duties gaps are mainly estimated using a ‘top-down’ approach, by comparing the implied tax due from consumer expenditure data with tax receipts. Most other components are estimated using a ‘bottom-up’ approach, based on HMRC’s operational data and management information.

A top-down approach uses independent, external data on consumption to estimate the tax base. The tax base is used to calculate a theoretical value of tax that should be paid. The actual amount of tax paid is subtracted from this theoretical value to estimate the tax gap.

VAT: DIY Housebuilder Scheme updated

By   16 April 2024
HMRC has updated its guidance for DIY Housebuilders.
The scheme enables people who build, or convert properties into dwellings for their own use to recover VAT incurred on the project.
More on the Scheme here.
Information about filling in a schedule of invoices before starting a self-build project has been added. This follows other changes to, and cases on, the Scheme which are set out below:

The following article provides help with Scheme claimants:

Repayment interest on VAT credits or overpayments – Update

By   6 February 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance on when repayment interest is due.

If a business has claimed more input tax than it has declared output tax (a repayment return) HMRC will repay the difference by making a VAT repayment. HMRC will also repay any VAT that has been overpaid in error. Repayments are usually made within 30 days. The 30 days starts from the day HMRC receives the VAT Return and ends the day your repayment is approved (not the day it is received). HMRC does not count days taken to check the return is accurate and legitimate, and to correct any errors or omissions, as part of this 30-day period.

If HMRC is late in paying, a business may be entitled to repayment interest on any VAT that it is owed. For accounting periods starting on or after 1 January 2023, repayment interest replaces the repayment supplement.

A business, or its agent can track a VAT repayment online.


Information on eligibility criteria for repayment interest on overpayments and start dates when VAT is not paid to HMRC has been amended. Information on repayment interest end dates when HMRC sets it off against your debts has also been updated.

Evidence of UK establishment required for certain VAT registered businesses

By   2 October 2023

Businesses registered for VAT at a high-volume address will be asked by HMRC to prove they are established in the UK.

High-Volume Addresses

A high-volume address is where a single UK address is listed as the principal place of business (PPOB) for many VAT-registered businesses. We understand that many thousands of businesses are registered at single addresses in the UK.

HMRC will require proof of a place of belonging in the UK to avoid online marketplaces failing to account for output tax.

Online marketplaces

Online marketplaces are liable for the output VAT from sales on their platforms by overseas traders. HMRC understand that Non Established Taxable Persons (NETPs) have incorporated in the UK and provided UK address details to marketplaces. Since they are then no longer “overseas traders” these rules do not apply. In these situations, the NETP does not declare VAT and the marketplace does not become liable for it.

HMRC is writing to all VAT registered businesses with a PPOB at a high-volume address to ask for evidence to demonstrate that the business is actually established in the UK. If the business does not respond, by default, HMRC will consider the business to be a NETP and seek to recover VAT from the online marketplace business.

Evidence of UK establishment

HMRC will outline what specific evidence it will accept in their letter.

VAT: Late payment interest rates rise to 5.25%

By   5 September 2023
HMRC late payment interest rates for late payments will increase following the Bank of England interest rate rise to 5.25%. These changes will come into effect on:

  • 14 August 2023 for quarterly instalment payments
  • 22 August 2023 for non-quarterly instalments payments