Category Archives: VAT Payment

VAT: Collection of tax debts

By   8 July 2021

HMRC has announced its approach to collecting debts after Covid-19.

The Policy Paper explains that the government’s priority is protecting livelihoods and keeping people in work. It states that HMRC has been central to this, for example by pausing many of its debt collection activities and delivering support packages.

However, HMRC is restarting its collection of outstanding debts and will be contacting taxpayers who have fallen behind with VAT and other taxes as a result of the pandemic.

HMRC action

If there is a VAT debt, HMRC will contact a business by phone, post or text message so that they can discuss the situation and agree a way forward. It is important for businesses to respond to these communications as soon as possible because, if there is no reply, HMRC cannot establish whether support is needed or there is a simple refusal to pay.

Time To Pay

HMRC usually discuss payment options, such as a payment plan (called Time to Pay – TTP), which is paying off the debt in affordable instalments.

NB: HMRC typically have more than half a million of TTP arrangements in place and more than nine out of ten of them complete successfully.

As part of agreeing Time to Pay arrangements with businesses, HMRC may also discuss other forms of support available. For example, exploring the range of government-backed lending support like Bounce Back loans and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans, and agreeing repayment holidays or extending repayment terms.

More information about payment arrangements (Time to pay) is available at How HMRC supports customers who have a tax debt.


If a business cannot make a payment immediately, by getting in touch with HMRC it may be possible to arrange a short-term VAT deferral. This means nothing would need to be paid for a set period of time, and no further action to collect the tax debt would be taken until that time has lapsed.

Further powers

Although HMRC state that it will take an “understanding and supportive approach” to tax debt, from September 2021, where businesses are unwilling to discuss a payment plan, or where they ignore attempts to contact them, HMRC may start the process of collecting the debt using its enforcement powers. These powers include; taking control of goods, summary warrants and court action including insolvency proceedings.

As may be seen, ignoring tax debts is not a good policy. Talk to HMRC and see if the various support schemes available are suitable.

VAT: New HMRC tool for payment deadlines

By   22 June 2021

HMRC has published a tool to enable taxpayers to calculate the date by which VAT payments are due. It covers payments by:

  • direct debit
  • online or telephone banking
  • online debit or credit card
  • Bacs direct credit
  • bank giro
  • cheque

Simple, but it works.

VAT due on the charging of electric vehicles

By   1 June 2021

As a result of enquiries from businesses and trade representatives, HMRC has announced that output tax is due on electric vehicle (EV) charging.

The use of EV charging points is becoming more common in public places. HMRC has clarified the rules in specific cases, and confirm:

Output tax

Supplies of EV charging through charging points in public places are charged at the standard rate of VAT. There is no exemption or relief .

NB: There is a reduced rate of VAT for supplies of small quantities of electricity, known as ‘de minimis’. However, the de minimis provision only applies if the supply of electricity is all of the following:

  • ongoing
  • to a person’s house or building
  • less than 1,000 kilowatt hours a month

Consequently, the de minimis provision does not apply to supplies of EV charging as this is done at charging points in public places, eg; car parks, petrol stations and on-street parking, and not to a person’s house or building.

Input tax

A business may recover the input tax incurred in charging its EVs if all of the following apply:

  • it is a sole proprietor
  • you charge your EV vehicle at home
  • the EV is used for business purposes (an apportionment must be made between business and private use)

If an employee charges an EV (which is used for business) at home (s)he cannot recover the input tax as the supply is made to the employee and not to the business.

If an employee charges an employer’s EV (for both business and private use) at the employer’s premises the employee will need to record the business and private mileage. Recovery of the full amount of VAT for the supply of electricity used to charge the EV is permitted (including the electricity for private use). However, output tax will be due on the charge on the amount for private use. Alternatively, a business may recover VAT on only the business element.

VAT Schemes Guide – Alternative ways of accounting for tax

By   17 May 2021

There are a number of VAT Schemes which are designed to simplify accounting for the tax.  They may save a business money, reduce complexity, avoid the need for certain documentation and reduce the time needed to deal with VAT.  Some schemes may be used in combination with others, although I recommend that checks should be made first.

It is important to compare the use of each scheme to standard VAT accounting to establish whether a business will benefit.  Some schemes are compulsory and there are particular pitfalls for certain businesses using certain schemes.

I thought that it would be useful to consider the schemes all in one place and look at their features and pros and cons.

These schemes reviewed here are:

  • Cash Accounting Scheme
  • Annual Accounting Scheme
  • Flat Rate Scheme
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods
  • Global Accounting
  • VAT schemes for retailers

Cash Accounting Scheme

Normally, VAT returns are based on the tax point (usually the VAT invoice date) for sales and purchases. This may mean a business having to pay HMRC the VAT due on sales that its customers have not yet paid for.

The VAT cash accounting scheme instead bases reporting on payment dates, both for purchases and sales. A business will need to ensure its records include payment dates.

A business is only eligible for the Cash Accounting Scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m, and can then remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Usually beneficial for cash flow especially if its customers are slow paying
  • Output tax is not payable at all if a business has a bad debt


  • Is generally not beneficial for a repayment business (one which reclaims more VAT than it pays, eg; an exporter or supplier of zero rated goods or services)
  • Not usually beneficial if a business purchases significant amounts of goods or services on credit

Annual Accounting Scheme

The Annual Accounting Scheme allows a business to pay VAT on account, in either nine monthly or three quarterly payments. These instalments are based on VAT paid in the previous year. It is then required to complete a single, annual VAT return which is used to calculate any balance owed by the business or due from HMRC.

A business is eligible for the scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m and is permitted to remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Reduces paperwork as only the need to complete one return instead of four (Although it does not remove the requirement to keep all the normal VAT records and accounts)
  • Improves management of cash flow


  • Not suitable for repayment businesses as they would only receive one repayment at the end of the year
  • If turnover decreases, the interim payments may be higher than under standard accounting

Flat Rate Scheme

The Flat Rate Scheme is designed to assist smaller businesses reduce the amount of time and complexity required for VAT accounting. The Flat Rate Scheme removes the need to calculate the VAT on every transaction. Instead, a business pays a flat rate percentage of its VAT inclusive turnover. The percentage paid is less than the standard VAT rate because it recognises the fact that no input tax can be claimed on purchases. The flat rate percentage used is dependent on a business’ trade sector.

A business is eligible for this scheme if its estimated taxable turnover in the next year will not exceed £150,000. Once using the scheme, a business is permitted to continue using it until its income exceeds £230,000.

If eligible, a business may combine the Flat Rate Scheme with the Annual Accounting Schemes, additionally, there is an option to effectively use a cash basis so there is no need to use the Cash Accounting Scheme. New rules regarding ” limited cost traders” mean that the scheme has become less attractive.


  • Depending on trade sector and circumstances may result in a real VAT saving
  • Simplified record keeping; no requirement to separate out gross, VAT and net in accounts
  • Fewer rules; no issues with input tax a business can and cannot recover on purchases
  • Certainty of knowing how much of income is payable to HMRC


  • No reclaim of input tax incurred on purchases
  • Limited cost traders impact
  • If a business buys a significant amount from VAT registered businesses, it is likely to result in more VAT due
  • Likely to be unattractive for businesses making zero-rated or exempt sales because output tax would also apply to this hitherto VAT free income
  • Low turnover limit

Margin Scheme for Second Hand Goods

A business normally accounts for output tax on the full value of its taxable supplies and reclaims input tax on its purchases. However, if a business deals in second-hand goods, works of art, antiques or collectibles it may use a Margin Scheme. This scheme enables a business to account for VAT only on the difference between the purchase and selling price of an item; the margin. It is not possible to reclaim input tax on the purchase of an item and there will be no output tax if no profit is achieved. There is a special margin schemes for auctioneers. A variation of the Margin Scheme is considered below.


  • Usually beneficial if buying from (non-VAT registered) members of the public
  • Purchaser will not see a VAT charge
  • Although no input tax claimable on purchases of scheme items, VAT may be claimed in the usual way on overheads and other fees etc


  • Record keeping requirements are demanding and closely checked, eg; stock records and invoices which are required for both purchases and sales
  • Cannot be used for items purchased on a VAT invoice
  • Can be complex and create a cost if goods exported
  • Although no VAT due on sales if a loss is made, there is no set-off of the loss

Global Accounting

The problem with the Second Hand Goods Scheme is that full details of each individual item purchased and sold has to be recorded. Global Accounting is an optional, simplified variation of the Second Hand Margin Scheme. It differs from the standard Margin Scheme in that rather than accounting for the margin achieved on the sale of each individual item, output tax is calculated on the margin achieved between the total purchases and total sales in a particular accounting period.


  • Simplified version of the Margin Scheme
  • Record keeping requirements reduced
  • Losses made on sales reduce VAT payable
  • Beneficial for businesses which buy and sell bulk volume, low value eligible goods


  • Cannot be used for; aircraft, boats, caravans, horses or motor vehicles
  • Similar to Margin Scheme disadvantages apart from loss set off

VAT Schemes for Retailers

It is usually difficult for retailers to issue an invoice for each sale made, so various retail schemes have been designed to simplify VAT. The appropriate scheme for a business depends on whether its retail turnover (excluding VAT) is; below £1m, between £1m and £130m and higher.

Smaller businesses may be able to use a retail scheme with Cash Accounting and Annual Accounting but it cannot combine a Retail Scheme with the Flat Rate Scheme.  However, retailers may choose to use the Flat Rate Scheme instead of a Retail Scheme.

Using standard VAT accounting, a VAT registered business must record the VAT on each sale. However, via a Retail Scheme, it calculates the value of its total VAT taxable sales for a period, eg; a day, and the proportions of that total that are taxable at different rates of VAT; standard, reduced and zero.

According to the scheme a business uses it then applies the appropriate VAT fraction to that sales figure to calculate the output tax due. A business may only use the Retail Scheme for retail sales and must use the standard accounting procedures for other supplies.  It must still issue a VAT invoice to any VAT registered customer who requests one.  It is a requirement of any scheme choice that HMRC must consider it fair and reasonable.

Examples of Retail Schemes

  • Apportionment
  • Direct calculation
  • The point of sale scheme

There are special arrangements for caterers, retail pharmacists and florists.


  • No requirement to issue an invoice for each sale
  • Most schemes are relatively simple to administer once set up. Technology assists in a helpful way with EPOS systems
  • Simplifies record keeping


  • It is usual for each line sold to need to be coded correctly for VAT liability
  • Smaller businesses without state of the art technology may be at a disadvantage
  • Time and resources required to set up and maintain systems
  • In some cases the calculation depends on staff “pressing the right button”
  • Often complex calculations and record keeping
  • Very precise and complicated rules
  • Lack of understanding by a number of  inspectors
  • Complexity increases the risk of misdeclaration


As may be seen, there are a lot of choices for a business to consider, especially a start-up.  Choosing a scheme which is inappropriate may result in VAT overpayment and a lot of unneeded record keeping and administration.  There are real savings to be made by using a beneficial scheme, both in terms of VAT payable and staff time.

We are happy to review a business’ circumstances and calculate what schemes would produce the best outcome.

Please contact us if you require further information.

VAT: Postponed Accounting available for Section 33 bodies

By   13 April 2021

HMRC has announced that bodies covered by The VAT Act 1994, Section 33 such as; Local Authorities, Academies, Transport Authorities and the Police can use Postponed Accounting for imports.

Normally, a body cannot account for import VAT on its VAT return if it import goods that it knows will be used solely for non-business purposes. However, this no longer applies to a body that is eligible to reclaim import VAT through a VAT refund scheme (Section 33). Section 33 entities when completing its customs declaration, should select the “making an immediate payment or using a duty deferment account” option.

Section 33 bodies

These entities have special VAT treatment which is effectively the opposite of normal VAT rules. To avoid a cost to the taxpayer, these entities are permitted to specifically recover input tax that relates to non-business activities. Nobody said that VAT was straightforward and in these cases, the VAT rules are inverted!

We act for many Local Authorities and Academies. Please contact us should you, or your clients, have any queries on this matter.

VAT – Top 10 Tax Point Planning Tips

By   25 March 2021

VAT Tax Point Planning

If a business cannot avoid paying VAT to the HMRC, the next best thing is to defer payment as long as legitimately possible. There are a number of ways this may be done, dependent upon a business’ circumstances, but the following general points are worth considering for any VAT registered entity.

A tax point (time of supply) is the time a supply is “crystallised” and the VAT becomes due to HMRC and dictates the VAT return period in which VAT must be accounted for.  Very broadly, this is the earliest of; invoice date, receipt of payment, goods transferred or services completed (although there are quite a few fiddly bits to these basic rules as set out in the link above).

 The aims of tax point planning

1.            Deferring a supplier’s tax point where possible.  It is sometimes possible to avoid one of these events or defer a tax point by the careful timing of the issue of a tax invoice.

2.            Timing of a tax point to benefit both parties to a transaction wherever possible. Because businesses have different VAT “staggers” (their VAT quarter dates may not be the co-terminus) judicious timing may mean that the recipient business is able to recover input tax before the supplier needs to account for output tax.  This is often important in large or one-off transactions, eg; a property sale.

3.            Applying the cash accounting scheme. Output tax is usually due on invoice date, but under the cash accounting scheme VAT is only due when a payment is received.  Not only does this mean that a cash accounting business may delay paying over VAT, but there is also built in VAT bad debt relief.  A business may use cash accounting if its estimated VAT taxable turnover during the next tax year is not more than £1.35 million.

4.            Using specific documentation to avoid creating tax points for certain supplies. If a business supplies ongoing services (called continuous services – where there is no identifiable completion of those services) if the issue of a tax invoice is avoided, VAT will only be due when payment is received (or the service finally ends). More details here.

5.            Correctly identifying the nature of a supply to benefit from certain tax point rules. There are special tax point rules for specific types of supplies of goods and services.  Correctly recognising these rules may benefit a business, or present an opportunity for VAT planning.

6.            Generate output tax as early as possible in a VAT period, and incur input tax as late as possible. This will give a business use of VAT money for up to four months before it needs to be paid over, and of course, the earlier a claim for repayment of input tax can be made – the better for cashflow.

7.            Planning for VAT rate changes. Rate changes are usually announced in advance of the change taking place.  There are specific rules concerning what cannot be done, but there are options to consider when VAT rates go up or down.

8.            Ensure that a business does not incur penalties for errors by applying the tax point rules correctly. Right tax, right time; the best VAT motto!  Avoiding penalties for declaring VAT late is obviously a saving.

9.            Certain deposits create tax points, while other types of deposit do not.  It is important to recognise the different types of deposits and whether a tax point has been triggered by receipt of one. Also VAT planning may be available to avoid a tax point being created, or deferring one.

10.         And finally, use duty deferment for imports. As the name suggests, this defers duty and VAT to avoid it having to be paid up front at the time of import.

Always consider discussing VAT timing planning for your specific circumstances with your adviser. It should always be remembered that it is usually not possible to apply retrospective VAT planning as VAT is time sensitive, and never more so than tax point planning.

I have advised a lot of clients on how to structure their systems to create the best VAT tax point position.  Any business may benefit, but  I’ve found that those with the most to gain are; professional firms, building contractors, tour operators, hotels, hirers of goods and IT/internet businesses.

VAT: Changes to late returns and payments penalties announced

By   8 March 2021

HMRC have announced changes to the penalties applied to failure to submit VAT returns on time. Similar changes will be made for late payment penalties. it is anticipated that these changes will apply from 1 April 2022. Changes will also be made to the way interest is charged.

The new penalty regime replaces the existing default surcharges. The new penalties use a points based system . Businesses will no longer receive an automatic financial penalty if they make a late return. Instead, it will incur penalty points for missed obligations before a financial penalty is levied.

Penalties for late submission of returns

VAT registered businesses will receive a point every time they miss a submission deadline. At a certain threshold of points, a financial penalty of £200 will be charged and the business will be notified. A penalty will be charged for that failure and every subsequent failure to make a submission on time, but the points total will not increase.

The penalty thresholds will be:

  • Annual returns – 2 points
  • Quarterly returns – 4 points
  • Monthly returns – 5 points

Points expiry

Points will have a lifetime of two years calculated from the month after the month in which the failure occurred.

However, points will not expire when a business is at the penalty threshold to ensure an achievement of a period of compliance to reset the points.

Penalties for late payment and interest harmonisation

The new Late Payment Penalties regime will replace the the Default Surcharge, which served as a combined late submission and late payment sanction.

There are two late payment penalties applicable; a first penalty and then an additional or second penalty, with an annualised penalty rate.

First Penalty

A business will not incur a penalty if the outstanding tax is paid within the first 15 days after the due date. If VAT remains unpaid after Day 15, the business incurs the first penalty. This penalty is set at 2% of the tax outstanding after Day 15. If any of this tax is still unpaid after Day 30, the penalty increases to 4% of the tax outstanding after Day 30.

Second Penalty

If tax remains unpaid on Day 31, a business will begin to incur an additional penalty on the VAT that remains outstanding. It accrues on a daily basis, at a rate of 4% per annum on the outstanding amount. This additional penalty will stop accruing when the taxpayer pays the tax that is due.

Time-to-Pay arrangements

HMRC offers the option of requesting a Time To Pay arrangement. This will enable a business to stop a penalty from accruing any further by approaching HMRC and agreeing a schedule for paying their outstanding tax.

Interest Harmonisation

HMRC will charge interest on tax that is outstanding after the due date, regardless of whether any Late Payment Penalties have been charged. Interest will apply from the date the payment was due until the date on which it is paid. It will be calculated as simple interest at a rate of 2.5% + the Bank of England base rate.

Where a business has overpaid tax, HMRC will pay Repayment Interest on any VAT due to be repaid either from the last day the payment was due to be received or the day it was received, whichever is later, until the date of repayment. Interest will be paid at the Bank of England base rate less 1% (with a minimum rate of 0.5%).

Reviews and appeals

Businesses will be able to challenge a point or penalty through both an internal HMRC review process and an appeal to the courts (in a similar way to assessments for VAT are challengeable).

More on late returns here and on late payments here.

VAT: Postponed Accounting

By   9 February 2021

VAT Basics

A quick look at Postponed Accounting (PA) and what it means for a business after Brexit

Pre-Brexit (if one remembers such halcyon days) acquisitions from other Member States crossed the UK border without any formalities as there was free movement of goods within all of the EU.

Now that GB is a third country, it is unable to take advantage of the benefits of a single market, so acquisitions become imports and are required to be declared when imported. However, has announced he return of PA in an attempt to simplify matters.


PA is accounting for import VAT on a VAT return means a business declares and recovers import VAT on the same return, rather than having to pay it upfront and recover it later. This means neutral cash flow; which is to be welcomed.

The normal rules about what VAT can be reclaimed as input tax will apply.

PA also has the advantage that imported goods are not delayed at the entry port while VAT paperwork and payment is completed. Of course, as experience has demonstrated; there may be other reasons for delays to imports and exports.

Who can use PA?

From 1 January 2021, if a business is registered for VAT in the UK, it will be able to account for import VAT on its return for goods it imports into:

  • GB (England, Scotland and Wales) from anywhere outside the UK
  • Northern Ireland from outside the UK and EU

There will be no changes to the treatment of VAT for the movement of goods between Northern Ireland and the EU.

A business does not need approval to account for import VAT on its returns.

How does PA work practically?

VAT is payable on imports of over £135 arriving into the GB from any country in the world, which now includes the EU. Practically, PA is similar to the current Reverse Charge. Output and input VAT is accounted for on the same VAT return.

When completing a customs declaration a business may choose how to account for VAT on its return.

If the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system is used:

On the declaration, the following needs to be entered:

  • the EORI number starting with ‘GB’ which includes the VAT registration number into box 8, or, if applicable, the VAT registration number in box 44h
  • ‘G’ as the method of payment in Box 47e

If the Customs Declaration Service is used:

The VAT registration is entered number at header level in data element 3/40.


  • Box 1 – Include the VAT due in this period on imports accounted for via PA.
  • Box 4 – Include the VAT reclaimed in this period on imports accounted via PA.
  • Box 7 – Include the total value of all imports of goods included on your online monthly statement, excluding any VAT.

Using someone to import goods on your behalf

If a business uses a third party to import goods on its behalf (eg; a freight forwarder, customs agent, or fast parcel operator) it will need to inform them how it wants to account for VAT on those imports, so that they can complete the customs declaration correctly.


The use of PA is optional. The alternative is to pay VAT on goods when they enter the UK. This means the use of the “usual” C79 certificates sent by HMRC on which input tax may be reclaimed (rather than any other documentation, eg; invoices).

Northern Ireland

Goods moved to NI from the EU are not impots (NI remains part of the EU, so the old rules on acquisitions still apply and no import VAT is due).

Customs Duty

Alongside additional border formalities, Customs Duties may be payable on certain goods. This Duty is not reclaimable like VAT. Most of the complexities of Customs Duty relate to the rules of origin.


PA is a relief for businesses importing from the EU. It is a simple system and will be familiar to any business which applies Reverse Charges. With all the varying changes applying post-Brexit, this is one area which should not affect a business importing from the EU in terms of port delays or negative cash flow. To date, there is no evidence on how well the system is working, but anecdotally, I understand that this part of Brexit changes has not thrown up any issues, unlike other problems which have been widely reported. I stand to be corrected though.  

VAT: Bad Debt Relief – The Regency UT case

By   3 February 2021

Bad Debt Relief (BDR) is a mechanism which goes some way to protect a business from payment defaulters. Under the normal rules of VAT, a supplier is required to account for output tax, even if the supply has not been paid for (however, the use of cash accounting or certain retail schemes removes the problem of VAT on bad debts from the supplier).

The specific relief for unpaid VAT is via the BDR scheme.


In the Regency Factors plc Upper tribunal (UT) case the issue was whether the appellant met the conditions in The VAT General Regulations 1995, Reg 168 for claiming BDR via The VAT Act 1994, section 36.

Regency provides a factoring service to its clients for which it is paid a fee. VAT invoices for those fees were issued to clients when the invoices which are being factored are assigned to Regency for collection.

Regency appealed against a decision of the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) in which it dismissed Regency’s appeal against VAT assessments made by HMRC to withdraw BDR which Regency had claimed in its VAT returns.

Regency contended that it is entitled to BDR for the VAT element on the fees that were unpaid by its clients. HMRC contended that Regency is not entitled to BDR because the consideration for the supply was received by Regency and there was no bad debt to write off.


The UT deliberated on when consideration is received for factoring services and accepted that some debts were bad. However, it decided that Regency had not maintained a bad debt account as required for Reg 168. Consequently, HMRC was correct in refusing to pay the BDR claim.


As always with VAT, it is important to keep complete and accurate records, as this case demonstrates. Reg 168 states (where relevant):

(2) Save as the Commissioners may otherwise allow, the record referred to in paragraph (1) above shall consist of the following information in respect of each claim made

  (a) in respect of each relevant supply for that claim—

    (i) the amount of VAT chargeable,

    (ii) the prescribed accounting period in which the VAT chargeable was accounted for and paid to the Commissioners,

   (iii) the date and number of any invoice issued in relation thereto or, where there is no such invoice, such information as is necessary to identify the time, nature and purchaser thereof, and

    (iv) any payment received therefore,

      (b) the outstanding amount to which the claim relates,

      (c) the amount of the claim, and

      (d) the prescribed accounting period in which the claim was made.

(3) Any records created in pursuance of this regulation shall be kept in a single account to be known as the “refunds for bad debts account”.

VAT: New HMRC guidance for using international post and merchandise in baggage

By   19 January 2021

HMRC has published two new sets of guidance for international post users and importing merchandise in baggage. The changes are mainly due to Brexit.

International post users

HMRC has published new guidance for international post users.  

The notice explains what happens when a business imports or exports goods by post through Royal Mail or Parcelforce Worldwide.

The arrangements set out in the notice do not apply when a full declaration on a single administrative document (SAD – Form C88) is required.

The information about sending a package overseas has been updated. This relates to the new need to compete a customs declaration for goods sent to the EU.

Bringing commercial goods into Great Britain in baggage

The guidance covers commercial goods (also known as Merchandise in Baggage) which will be used, or sold by a business, where: 

  • a commercial transport operator does not carry them for a business
  • a person has travelled to GB carrying goods either:
    • in accompanied baggage
    • in a small vehicle that can carry up to no more than 9 people and weighing 3.5 tonnes or less

A person must declare all commercial goods. There is no duty-free allowance for goods brought into GB to sell or use in a business.

My guide to importing and exporting post Brexit here.