Category Archives: VAT Registration

A VAT Did you know?

By   29 January 2025

Children’s clothing is zero rated. But where a child has one foot larger than the other, the pair of shoes can be zero-rated if the smaller shoe qualifies as a child’s size (boys 6 1/2 and girls; generally, size 3).

VAT: Chatbots failure

By   16 January 2025

Further to our article on HMRC using chatbots, reports have emerged that they are working less than 50% of the time and that the resolution rate is only 21% even once a connection is established.

It is clear that the attempt to move services online has caused significant issues for taxpayers and advisers.

A recent survey by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants discovered that nearly 9 in 10 business owners (89%) said poor levels of service at HMRC is having a negative impact and causing a ‘huge roadblock’.

This is even more infuriating for people wishing to contact HMRC because the issue has been exacerbated by the restricted access to HMRC telephone helplines and the closure of the VAT registration helpline used by taxpayers and accountants.

VAT: Digital platform reporting

By   14 January 2025

VAT and digital platforms

Via section 349 of the Finance (No.2) Act 2023, measures were introduced which require certain UK digital platforms to report information to HMRC about the income of sellers of goods and services on their platform. HMRC then exchange this information with the other participating tax authorities for the jurisdictions where the sellers are tax resident.

Under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) rules, digital platforms in participating jurisdictions will be required to provide a copy of the information to the taxpayer to help them comply with their tax obligations.

Now HMRC have recently (last month) issued a new series of guidance , or updated guidance, on digital platform reporting, which are:

Selling goods or services on a digital platform

This Guidance explains the details a business needs to give to digital platforms when selling goods or services in the UK. A section on what information sellers will receive from online platforms has been added.

It covers:

  • who is a seller
  • information which must be provided
  • reporting by platforms
  • information to be received
  • selling online and paying tax

Check if you need to carry out digital platform reporting

This guidance provides information on:

  • what qualifies as a digital platform
  • who should register
  • how to register
  • what needs to be reported
  • information required for reporting
  • carrying out due diligence
  • when to report
  • penalties

Register to carry out digital platform reporting

This sets out:

  • who should register
  • what you need to do
  • how to register
  • after you have registered

Managing digital platform reporting

This provides guidance on:

  • submitting reports to HMRC
  • ongoing account management
  • when to report
  • how to add or change a platform operator
  • how to add or change a reporting notification to tell HMRC if you are a reporting or excluded platform operator
  • how to add or change a reporting notification about the type of due diligence you choose
  • changing contact details
  • how to add team members
  • how to inform HMRC that another platform operator will report for you (assumed reporting)

What is outside the scope of VAT, and what does it mean?

By   10 January 2025

Put simply, income which is outside the scope (OSC) of VAT is UK VAT free. It means that either there has been no supply in respect of that income (non-business, or ‘NB’), or if there is, it has a place of supply (POS) which is outside the UK. Although VAT free, OSC is distinct from exempt or zero-rated supplies and has a different impact for the entity involved in NB activities.

So, here I consider the different types of OSC income and how it affects the VAT position of the recipient of such a payment.


Charities and NFP organisations often receive income from various sources and often receive NB income which is OSC. This income is often donations for which the donor does not receive anything (there is no consideration provided by the charity). An organisation such as a charity that is run on a non-profit-making basis may still be regarded as carrying on a business activity for VAT purposes. This is unaffected by the fact that the activity is performed for the benefit of the community. It is therefore important for a charity to determine whether particular transactions are business or NB activities. This applies both when considering registration (if there is only NB activity a charity cannot be registered and therefore cannot recover any input tax) and after registration. ‘Business’ has a wide meaning for VAT purposes – an activity may still be business if the amount charged does no more than cover the cost to the charity of making the supply or where the charge made is less than cost. If the charity makes no charge at all the activity is unlikely to be considered business. A common area of complexity for charities when considering whether their activities are in the course of business is receipt of grant funding (please see below).


There is no ‘standard’ VAT treatment of grants. The VAT outcome depends on the precise facts of each specific agreement. The most important test is whether the grantor receives any consideration in return for the payment. It may be that the donor recognises the good work a body does and wishes to contribute (akin to a donation) which is OSC. Alternatively, the recipient of the grant may be obliged to provide something in return (a supply which is not OSC). A helpful way of looking at this is to consider, not what the recipient does with grant money, but what it does for it.

Inter-company charges

Charges between VAT group members are OSC. Moreover, charges between non-VAT-grouped companies may also be OSC. These are commonly called ‘management charges’ and the VAT treatment depends on a number of facts. It is often the case that a management charge is used as a mechanism for transferring “value” from one company to another. If it is done in an arbitrary manner with no written agreement in place, and nothing identifiable is provided the income is likely to be OSC. Otherwise, it is likely to be a taxable supply. What is important is not how a management charge is calculated, but what the supply actually is (if it is one). The calculation, whether based on a simple pro-rata amount between separate subsidiaries, or via a complex mechanism set out in a written agreement has no impact on the VAT treatment. As always in VAT, the basic question is: what is actually provided? 

Place of supply not the UK

If the POS is outside the UK, then the resulting payment for that supply is OSC. The POS rules can be complex and care must be taken in identifying the correct country to declare output tax (this may include the use of the OSS). In some instances, the Reverse Charge is applied. Input tax incurred in relation these supplies is recoverable, subject to the normal rules, and this distinguishes this type of supply from some of the others discussed here.

Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC) 

A TOGC is deemed to be neither a supply of goods nor services, so consequently, it is OSC. Input tax incurred in respect of the costs of making a TOGC are considered an overhead of the business for partial exemption purposes, so it is not automatically disallowed because it relates to a ‘non-supply’.

Supplies by a non-taxable person

Sales by a business person who is not liable to be VAT registered.

Insurance etc

A payment between persons, which is paid under a contract of indemnity, is OSC, because it does not represent consideration for a supply, eg; sums paid under an insurance policy.

Private transactions

These transactions between individuals or gifts received are OSC.

Statutory fees

These are OSC, an example of such fees are: the London congestion charge, MOT testing, some road tolls, and parking fines.

Input tax recovery 

VAT incurred on costs directly relating to OSC activities is not input tax and cannot be recovered (there are no de minimis limits). This is separate to partial exemption and a business/NB calculation is required before a partial exemption calculation is carried out, so it is a two-tier exercise. It may be possible to combine these two calculations, but that is an article for another day.

HMRC has issued new guidance on the amount of input tax claimable when an element is attributable to NB activities. If an entity is involved in both business and NB activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods, it is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to NB activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to business and NB activities. That VAT which cannot be directly attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between business and NB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  It is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc (similar to those methods available for partial exemption calculations). Any calculation must be fair and reasonable.


OSC income should not be recognised in the value box of VAT returns and it does not count towards the VAT registration limit. It is likely to negatively affect the recipient’s input tax recovery position. The distinction between business and non-business is crucial and will significantly impact on an entity’s overall VAT position.

Further reading

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/NB issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. and Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

VAT on private school fees – new webinar

By   16 December 2024

HMRC have released a recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees — what you need to do, and when and how to register.

It covers:

  • if you should register for VAT as an education provider
  • when you should register for VAT
  • how to register for VAT
  • what you need to charge VAT on
  • how and what to reclaim VAT on

VAT: New support for small businesses from HMRC

By   16 December 2024

HMRC has launched new online guidance and interactive tools aimed at helping small business owners and those considering self-employment understand their tax responsibilities. It is aimed at supporting new and existing ‘sole traders’ and helping them to understand their responsibilities. The new interactive tool explains the records they need to keep, taxes that may apply to their business, and includes other useful information.

The resources include a step-by-step guide for registering as a sole trader and a newly developed VAT registration estimator tool to help businesses assess their VAT registration needs based on turnover.

The guidance and interactive tools are free and available directly from GOV.UK. They have been launched for information purposes only, and users will not be registered for any taxes as a result of using them. HMRC will not collect or store any information about the user.

HMRC publish 2024 VAT annual statistics

By   9 December 2024

This document provides an overview of VAT statistics and covers; VAT receipts in the UK (including home and import VAT). It also contains statistics and analysis on the VAT business population and registrations.

The Headlines

  • total VAT receipts in the financial year 2023 to 2024 increased by 6% to £169 billion compared to £160 billion in 2022 to 2023
  • the VAT population in 2023 to 2024 was 2,178,950, with 238,176 new registrations and 273,768 de-registrations in-year
  • total net home VAT liability in 2023 to 2024 was £173 billion
  • the wholesale and retail sector was the largest contributor to net VAT liability (32%) with a total of £55 billion
  • businesses with an annual turnover of greater than £10 million paid 75% of total net VAT liability (£130 billion)

VAT Groups – updated guidance on penalties

By   5 November 2024

VAT penalties for late submissions

HMRC has updated its Internal Guidance VGROUPS01530 on penalties for late submissions,

Penalties for late submissions are calculated on the basis of points.

For VAT groups the representative member has a single liability for these points covering the whole group. If the representative member changes, the existing liability is transferred to the new representative member. A new member joining the group will not affect the points total of the group, even if the member joining had points before. If a business leaves the group and registers for VAT separately they will start with zero points, even if the group that they left had a penalty point balance.

For divisions, each one is liable for its own separate points and penalties. Each division will have its own maximum points total.

VAT Business/Non-Business HMRC Internal Manual updated

By   14 October 2024

HMRC internal guidance manual has been updated on 9 October 2024.

This is likely to affect; charities and similar bodies, NFP, clubs, associations, philanthropic organisations, galleries and museums, “hobby” activities, amongst other persons.

Business or Non-Business (N-B) is very important in VAT as it determines, inter alia, whether a supplier is

  • liable to register
  • liable to account for output tax
  • able to recover (all, some, or no) input tax

The definition of business and N-B here.

Legislation: The I Act 1994 Section 24(5).

Further reading

 I have written about this issue many times, as it is a fundamental issue in the tax.

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/N-B issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. And Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

What the Guidance Manual covers:

  • an overview of the meaning of business for VAT purposes
  • general principles
  • meaning of N-B
    • the term ‘business activity’ (economic activity)
    • the concept of ‘business’ for VAT purposes
    • the meaning of business
    • the purpose of activity
    • N-B activities
    • persons with both business and N-B activities
    • outside the scope income
    • N-B activities which result in payment
  • determination procedures to establish whether an activity is business N-B
  • the relevant UK law and caselaw (per above amongst other cases)
  • the general approach for inspectors on business/N-B
  • factors to consider when determining if an activity is business or not
  • the link between supplies and consideration
  • methods of apportionment of input tax and approval of apportionment methods
  • formal procedures and work systems
  • clubs and associations
  • specific issues
  • legal history
  • HMRC policy background

This is the main reference material for HMRC inspectors and other employees, so it is very helpful for advisers to understand HMRC’s likely approach to a potential VAT issue.

VAT: Updated guidance for public bodies

By   7 October 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance on VAT refunds for public bodies.

Certain public bodies (known as “Section 33 bodies” per The VAT Act 1994, section 33) such as; local authorities, fire and rescue authorities, police authorities and the BBC which carry on non-business activities are nevertheless entitled to input tax recovery despite the normal non-business rules. Similar rules apply to certain museums and galleries.

The method for doing this is not on VAT returns, but by submission of Form VAT126 (for entities not registered for VAT). This form has been updated so that it can be completed and submitted digitally for first claims.

VAT Notice 998 (VAT Refund Scheme for museums and galleries) and VAT Notice 749 (Local authorities and similar bodies) have also been updated to set out how to claim VAT refunds.