Category Archives: VAT Zero rate

VAT: Zero-rating for residential caravans

By   16 September 2024

HMRC have issued guidance in relation to The Value Added Tax (Caravans) Order 2024. This will come into force on 30 September 2024.

Since 2013 caravans that meet certain size criteria and are manufactured to meet BSI standard 3632 are considered to be residential caravans. Such residential caravans are the only caravans that qualify for zero rate VAT.

The BSI standard in place on 6 April 2013 was BS3632:2005. In 2015 when the BSI updated the standard, the updated reference to BS3632:2015 was added into the legislation. This standard was updated again in 2023, so the legislation needed to be updated in order to maintain the zero rate for residential caravans. The amended legislation provides for the continuation of the zero rate, which will also apply to caravans meeting any updated version of BS3632 published by the BSI in the future.


The Statutory Instrument amends The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 9, item 1, which applies zero-rating to caravans manufactured to any version of BS3632. The effect of this is to extend the zero-rate to caravans manufactured to the 2023 version of BS3632 and also to ensure that if the BSI updates BS3632 in future the zero rate is maintained.

It also makes a consequential amendment to item 1(b) of Group 9, to preserve the zero rate for second-hand caravans occupied before 6 April 2013.

Definition of a caravan

The term ‘caravan’ is not defined in the VAT legislation. In practice HMRC bases its interpretation on the definitions in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravans Sites Act 1968.

A caravan is a structure that:

  • is designed or adapted for human habitation
  • when assembled, is physically capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed or by being transported on a motor vehicle so designed or adapted)
  • is no more than:
    • 20 metres long (exclusive of any drawbar)
    • 6.8 metres wide
    • 3.05 metres high (measured internally from the floor at the lowest level to the ceiling at the highest level)

More information on the VAT liabilities if various caravans here.

The VAT treatment of sightseeing passes. The Go City Limited case

By   3 September 2024

Latest from the courts

In the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Go City Ltd the issue was the VAT treatment of passes (“sightseeing packages”) sold by the appellant. Should they be outside the scope of VAT as multi-purpose vouchers (MPVs) or whether “functioning as a ticket”? The difference being the time of supply (tax point).

The issues

The appellant sells passes which enables the buyer to enter London attractions and travel on certain types of transport. The passes were sold at a price lower than the usual admittance price at the attractions. HMRC originally accepted that the supplies were of “face value vouchers” (MPV – see below) via The VAT Act, Schedule 10A, and latterly Schedule 10B, but later changed its view. It raised assessments for the deemed underdeclarations.

Tax point

The difference in VAT treatment is, essentially:

  • Face value vouchers (FVV) that can be used for more than one type of good or service (multi-purpose – “MPV”) – No VAT due when sold (if sold at or below their monetary value).
  • FVVs that can only be used for one type of good or service (single-purpose) – VAT due on the value of the voucher when issued.

Moreover, the above means that for single purpose vouchers, VAT is due whether the voucher is actually redeemed or not – there is no way to reduce output tax previously accounted for if the voucher is not used.  Whereas for MPVs VAT is only due when they are redeemed. More background on vouchers below.


Go City Ltd argued that what was being sold was MPV and output tax was only due when the voucher was redeemed.

HMRC contended that the sale was of a “ticket” (effectively a single purpose voucher) and that output tax was due “up-front”.


The appeal allowed. The Tribunal concluded that he passes were MPVs and their sale was consequently outside the scope of VAT. No output tax was due at the time they were sold.

The passes were not only outside the scope of VAT because they are MPVs, but also because the supplies take place when the customer uses the pass, and not when it is purchased. The position is essentially the same as in Findmypast and  MacDonald Resorts .

Furthermore, the FTT considered the validity of a number of the assessments HMRC issued. These were raised “to protect HMRC’s position” in respect of the alleged underdeclaration of output tax. The court ruled that these assessments were invalid because, at the time they were raised, HMRC did not have a view that the appellant’s returns were incorrect, as a final decision had yet to be made.


The correct decision I feel. A long read, but well worth it for interested parties.

Technical background

Face value vouchers

Recent changes, radically alter the UK rules for face value vouchers (FVV). FVVs are vouchers, tokens, stamps (physical or electronic) which entitle the holder to certain goods or services up to the value on the face of the vouchers from the supplier of those goods or services. Examples of FVVs would include vouchers sold by popular group discount websites, vouchers sold by high street retailers, book tokens, stamps and various high street vouchers.

Single or multi-purpose

The most important distinction for FFVs is whether a voucher is a single purpose voucher or multi-purpose voucher. If it is a multi-purpose voucher, then little has changed. If it is a single purpose voucher, however, HMRC will now require output tax to be accounted for at the date it is issued. Single purpose vouchers are vouchers which carry the right to receive only one type of goods or services which are all subject to a single rate of VAT. Multi-purpose vouchers are anything else. The differences can be quite subtle.

For example:

  • a voucher which entitles you to download an e-book from one seller will be a single purpose voucher. A voucher which entitles you to purchase books (zero rated) or stationery (standard rated) from the same seller will be multi-purpose.
  • a voucher which entitles you to £100 of food at a restaurant which does not sell takeaways is probably single purpose, whereas if the restaurant has a cold salad bar and the buyer can buy a zero-rated take-away with the voucher (and/or standard rated hot food) then it would likely to be multi-purpose.

A VAT Did you know?

By   27 August 2024

The Irish Supreme Court ruled that the bread sold by the restaurant chain Subway was too sweet to be classified as bread and that the high sugar content meant that it could not be zero rated.

A VAT Did you know?

By   29 July 2024

Toffee apples are zero-rated, however, any other fruit which is covered in sugar (or toffee) sold as confectionary is standard rated.

VAT – Understanding land and property issues

By   8 July 2024

Supplies relating to property may be, or have been; 20%, 17.5%, 15.%, 10% 5%, zero-rated, exempt, or outside the scope of VAT – all impacting, in different ways, upon the VAT position of a supplier and customer. In addition, the law permits certain exempt supplies to be changed to 20% without the agreement of the customer. As soon as a taxpayer is provided with a choice, there is a chance of making the wrong one! Even very slight differences in circumstances may result in a different and potentially unexpected VAT outcome, and it is an unfortunate fact of business life that VAT cannot be ignored.

Why is VAT important?

The fact that the rules are complex, ever-changing, and the amounts involved in property transactions are usually high means that there is an increased risk of making errors. This is increased by the fact that these are often one-off transactions by a business, and in-house, in depth tax knowledge is sometimes absent. Such activities can result in large penalties and interest payments, plus unwanted attentions from VAT inspectors. Uncertainty regarding VAT may affect budgets and an unforeseen VAT bill (and additional SDLT) may risk the profitability of a venture.

Problem areas

Certain transactions tend to create more VAT issues than others. These include;

  • whether a property sale can qualify as a VAT free Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)
  • conversions of properties from commercial to residential use
  • whether to opt to tax (OTT) a commercial property
  • the recovery of VAT charged on a property purchase
  • supplies between landlord and tenants
  • the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)
  • the anti-avoidance rules
  • mixed developments
  • apportionment of VAT rates
  • changes in number of dwellings in a building(s)
  • changes in intention of use of a building
  • sale of partially completed developments
  • partial exemption
  • charity use
  • non-business use
  • relevant residential use
  • the place of supply (POS) of services
  • holiday lets
  • serviced apartments
  • contracts
  • new build residential
  • DIY Housebuilders
  • tax points (time of supply)
  • HMRC queries
  • deposits
  • and even seemingly straightforward: VAT registration

Additionally, the VAT treatment of building services throws up its own set of VAT complications.

The above are just examples and the list is not exhaustive.

VAT Planning

The usual adage is “right tax, right time”. This, more often than not, means considering the VAT treatment of a transaction well in advance of that transaction taking place. Unfortunately, with VAT there is usually very little planning that can be done after the event. For peace of mind a consultation with a VAT adviser can steer you through the complexities and, if there are issues, to minimise the impact of VAT on a project. Assistance of a VAT adviser is usually crucial if there are any disputes with VAT inspectors. Experience insists that this is an area which HMRC have raised significant revenue from penalties and interest where taxpayers get it wrong.

Don’t leave it to chance!

For more information, please see our Land & Property services

A VAT: Did you know?

By   25 June 2024

In the current election the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto stated that they would apply zero-rating to children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. Whether this impacts the money left by the tooth fairy remains to be seen…

VAT: More on separate and single supplies. The KFC dip pot case

By   10 June 2024

Latest from the courts

In the First-Tier tribunal case of Queenscourt Limited the issue was whether dip pots supplied as part of a takeaway meal deal are a separate zero-rated supply (of cold food) or whether they are part of a single VATable supply of hot food.


The appellant had originally accounted for output tax on the basis that dip pots formed part of a single standard rated supply with other food. However, following advice, it then formed the view that zero-rating applied to these pots and submitted a claim for overpaid output tax. HMRC agreed to repay the VAT claimed.

Subsequently, a further claim as made on a similar basis for a later period. This was considered by a different officer who refused to make the repayment on the basis that there was no separate supply of the dip pots. This called into question whether the payment of the initial claim was correct. The officer considered the previous repayment to have been incorrect and issued assessments in order to recover the amount which had been repaid.

Queenscourt now appealed both against the decision to refuse the repayment claimed in the second error correction notice and also against the recovery assessment relating to the first error correction notice.  Moreover, the recovery assessments are invalid as there has been no change in circumstances and no new facts have come to light since HMRC agreed to repay the tax. Alternatively, it argues that HMRC are prevented from recovering the tax, either on the basis of legitimate expectation or estoppel by convention, in each case arising as a result of HMRC’s original agreement that that tax should be repaid.


The appeal was dismissed.

  • On the dip point issue, the FTT stated that it was unlikely the dip would be eaten on its own, or as an end in itself, unlike the coleslaw or cookie elements – It is a means of better enjoying the hot food. Consequently, it is an element of a standard rated single composite supply of hot takeaway food.
  • Legitimate expectation – Whilst the Tribunal did have jurisdiction to consider arguments based on legitimate expectation in the context of an appeal against a recovery assessment, it is not in this case sufficiently unfair for HMRC to resile from their initial acceptance of the claim made in the first error correction notice and to apply the correct tax treatment.
  • Estoppel – HMRC is not estopped from making or relying on their recovery assessments as there has been no detrimental reliance on the original position taken by HMRC in connection with any subsequent mutual dealings.


It is difficult to see the end of single/multiple supply cases, as my previous articles consider:

Here, here, here, here, and how to categorise a supply here.

A VAT: Did you know?

By   24 May 2024

Banana and strawberry flavoured Nesquik drinks are standard rated, but chocolate flavoured Nesquik is zero rated.

VAT – Charity Fundraising Exemption

By   2 May 2024

Avoid adding VAT to fundraising income

There are very few VAT reliefs for charities (and it may be argued that an exemption is more than a burden than a relief) but there is an exemption for a charity which qualifies as undertaking a one-off fundraising event. The criteria are quite restrictive, and it is important that the correct treatment is applied. Furthermore, it may be in a charity’s interest to avoid the exemption if there is a lot of input tax attributable to the event, say; venue hire, entertainment, catering etc.

A qualifying event means that a charity (or its trading subsidiary) does not charge VAT on money paid for admittance to that event.

What is covered?

In order to be exempt, the event must be a one-off fundraising event which is “any event organised and promoted primarily to raise funds (monetary or otherwise) for a charity”. Consequently, we always advise clients to make it clear on tickets and advertising material (including online) that the event is for raiding funds and to use a statement; “all profits will be used to support the charitable aims of XYZ” or similar.

HMRC say that an event is an incident with an outcome or a result. This means that activities of a semi-regular or continuous nature, such as the operation of a shop or bar, cannot therefore be an event.

The following are examples of the kind of event which qualify:

  • ball, dinner dance, disco or barn dance
  • performance – concert, stage production and any other event which has a paying audience
  • showing of a film
  • fete, fair or festival
  • horticultural show
  • exhibition: art, history or science
  • bazaar, jumble sale, car boot sale, or good-as-new sale
  • sporting participation (including spectators): sponsored walk or swim
  • sporting performance
  • game of skill, contest or a quiz
  • participation in an endurance event
  • fireworks display
  • dinner, lunch or barbecue
  • an auction of bought in goods


Often there may be an auction of donated goods at a fundraising event. There is a specific and helpful relief for such sales. The sale of donated goods is zero rated which means any attributable input tax is recoverable. Consequently, if both exempt and zero rated supplies are made it is possible to apportion input tax to a charity’s benefit. Zero rating may also apply to sales such as: food (not catering) printed matter and children’s clothing

Limit to the number of events held

Eligible events are restricted to 15 events of the same kind in a charity’s financial year at any one location. The restriction prevents distortion of competition with other suppliers of similar events which do not benefit from the exemption. If a charity holds 16 or more events of the same kind at the same location during its financial year none of the events will qualify for exemption. However, the 15-event limit does not apply to fundraising events where the gross takings from all similar events, such as coffee mornings, are no more than £1,000 per week.

Clearly, the number of events needs to be monitored and planning will therefore be available should exemption be desired (or avoided as the relevant figures dictate).

What is a charity?

This seems to be a straightforward question in most cases, but can cause difficulties, so it is worthwhile looking at the VAT rules here.

Bodies have charitable status when they are:

  • registered, excepted or exempted from registration with the Charity Commission in England and Wales
  • registered by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) in Scotland
  • invited to register by The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland which are treated by HMRC as charitable.

Not all non-profit making organisations are charities. The term ‘charity’ has no precise definition in any law. Its scope has been determined by case law. It is therefore necessary to establish whether an organisation is a charity using the following guidelines:

  • charities are non-profit distributing bodies established to advance education, advance religion, relieve poverty, sickness or infirmity or carry out certain other activities beneficial to the community
  • in England and Wales charities must normally register with Charity Commission- some very small charities don’t need to register with Charity Commission, there are also some other special cases where particular bodies do not need to register, if there is uncertainty regarding a position see the Charity Commission website
  • in Scotland all charities must be registered with the OSCR – HMRC decides whether bodies in Northern Ireland are eligible.

Trading arm

It is worth noting that HMRC also accept that a body corporate which is wholly owned by a charity and whose profits are payable to a charity, will qualify and may therefore may apply the VAT exemption to fundraising events. This means that a charity’s own trading company can hold exempt fundraising events on behalf of the charity.

Further/alternative planning

If sales are not exempt as a fundraising event, there is a way to avoid VAT being chargeable on all income received. It is open to a charity to set a basic minimum charge which will be standard rated, and to invite those attending the event to supplement this with a voluntary donation.

The extra contributions will be outside the scope of VAT (not exempt) if all the following conditions are met:

  • it is clearly stated on all publicity material, including tickets, that anyone paying only the minimum charge will be admitted without further payment
  • the extra payment does not give any particular benefit (for example, admission to a better position in the stadium or auditorium)
  • the extent of further contributions is ultimately left to ticket holders to decide, even if the organiser indicates a desired level of donation
  • for film or theatre performances, concerts, sporting fixtures etc, the minimum charge is not less than the usual price of the particular seats at a normal commercial event of the same type
  • for dances, and similar functions, the minimum total sum upon which the organisers are liable to account for VAT is not less than their total costs incurred in arranging the event

It should be noted that any other donations collected at an event are also outside the scope of VAT.

Partial exemption

A charity must recognise the impact of making exempt supplies (as well as carrying out non-business activity). These undertakings will have an impact on the amount of input tax a charity is able to recover. Details here


We find that charities are often confused about the rules and consequently fail to take advantage of the VAT position. This also extends to school academies which are all charities. It is usually worthwhile for charities to carry out a VAT review of its activities as quite often VAT savings can be identified.

VAT: DIY Housebuilder Scheme updated

By   16 April 2024
HMRC has updated its guidance for DIY Housebuilders.
The scheme enables people who build, or convert properties into dwellings for their own use to recover VAT incurred on the project.
More on the Scheme here.
Information about filling in a schedule of invoices before starting a self-build project has been added. This follows other changes to, and cases on, the Scheme which are set out below:

The following article provides help with Scheme claimants: