Tag Archives: business

A VAT: Did you know?

By   25 June 2024

In the current election the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto stated that they would apply zero-rating to children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. Whether this impacts the money left by the tooth fairy remains to be seen…

VAT: Mind the gap – HMRC latest figures

By   24 June 2024

GOV.UK has published details of the most recent measurement of the tax gap for 2022-20223.

What is the tax gap?

The tax gap is measured by comparing the net tax total theoretical liability with tax actually paid. This is comparing the amount of tax HMRC expected to receive in the UK and the amount HMRC actually received.

The figures

The tax gap is estimated to be 4.8% of total theoretical tax liabilities, or £39.8 billion in absolute terms, in the 2022 to 2023 tax year.

Total theoretical tax liabilities for the year were £823.8 billion.

There has been a long-term reduction in the tax gap as a proportion of theoretical liabilities: the tax gap reduced from 7.4% in the tax year 2005 to 2006 to 4.8% in the tax year 2022 to 2023.

While most of the components follow a downward trend, with the largest proportionate fall between 2005 to 2006 and 2022 to 2023 in the VAT gap, falling from 13.7% to 4.9%, the Corporation Tax gap estimate has increased from 11.4% in 2005 to 2006 to 13.9% in 2022 to 2023.

The Corporation Tax gap share has increased from 17% of the overall tax gap in 2018 to 2019 to 34% in 2022 to 2023, while the share of the tax gap from VAT has fallen from 28% of the overall tax gap in 2018 to 2019 to 20% in 2022 to 2023. The Income Tax, NICs and Capital Gains Tax gap share decreased from 39% to 34% over the last 5 years.

The tax gap from small businesses is the largest component of the tax gap by customer group at a 60% share in 2022 to 2023; the tax gap from wealthy and individuals each make up a low proportion of the tax gap at 5% each in 2022 to 2023

The VAT gap

VAT represents 20% of the overall tax gap.

The VAT tax gap is 4.9%.

There are several approaches to measuring tax gaps. VAT and excise duties gaps are mainly estimated using a ‘top-down’ approach, by comparing the implied tax due from consumer expenditure data with tax receipts. Most other components are estimated using a ‘bottom-up’ approach, based on HMRC’s operational data and management information.

A top-down approach uses independent, external data on consumption to estimate the tax base. The tax base is used to calculate a theoretical value of tax that should be paid. The actual amount of tax paid is subtracted from this theoretical value to estimate the tax gap.

VAT: Education – what, precisely, is exempt?

By   17 June 2024
In my experience, there is a general assumption that all “education’ is exempt. It is true to say that a lot of education and tuition is indeed exempt, but that is not automatically the case. It is important to establish the reason for the application of non-taxable treatment. The VAT treatment depends on; what is actually being provided, who is providing it and the precise arrangements. I consider the more common issues below.

The legislation covering education is VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6.

What does the term education mean?

It means a course, class or lesson of instruction or study in a subject. This includes:

  • lectures
  • educational seminars
  • conferences and symposia
  • recreational and sporting courses
  • distance teaching and associated materials

Schools etc

The first type of education exemption is relatively clear: It is the provision of education by an eligible body. An eligible body is, broadly; a school, college, or university (supplies by Local Authority schools, city technology colleges, sixth form colleges, academies and free schools – where education is provided for no charge, are non-business activities rather than exempt, and have their own set of rules). More on academies here

It is also worth noting that any ‘closely related” goods or services provided with exempt education are themselves exempt. This may cover items such as; certain stationery, accommodation, transport and catering.

There is usually very little disagreement about the VAT treatment of these entities.

Charities/ non-profit making organisations

If a charity/NFP entity is an eligible body supplies of education and vocational training (see below) by it are exempt. Such an organisation is likely to be an eligible body, where it’s a charity, professional body or company which:

  • cannot and does not distribute any profit it makes, and
  • any profit that does arise from its supplies of education is used solely for the continuation or improvement of such supplies.

There can be disputes over the term “does not distribute any profit” so care should be taken in this respect and advice sought if there is any doubt.


Exemption applies to the supply of “private tuition, in a subject ordinarily taught in a school or university, by an individual teacher acting independently of an employer” – VAT Act 1994 Schedule 9, Group 6, item 2.

Taking each of these tests in turn:

  • What is “private tuition?

In order to qualify, the provider of tuition must act independently and not be an employee. Practically, this means that the person providing the tuition must either be a sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, or a member of a Limited Liability partnership (LLP). Consequently, exemption does not apply if the teaching is carried out by a company or an employee. This is a matter of fact, however, it is possible to structure matters such that the exemption applies if it does not currently (and the restructure is possible commercially).

  • What does “ordinarily taught” in schools/universities mean?

This is often a moot issue and the significant amount of case law highlights this. Most of the mainstream subjects are covered of course, but what about subjects like; golf, horse riding and dance? Would they be ordinarily taught in schools? (The answer according to case law is; yes). However, there are many other subjects which are debatable and HMRC usually take an uncompromising line on this area, especially around sporting activities. If there is any doubt, we recommend seeking advice.

  • What does tuition mean?

Clearly, if a person teaches or coaches a subject to an individual or group, then this qualifies as tuition. However, a distinction must be made between this and a recreational type of activity which may be called a “class”, but no actual tuition is provided. Exemption does not apply, for example, for the simple provision of gymnasium or swimming pool facilities, or a yoga class where no coaching takes place (however, it is possible that these may be exempt under different parts of the legislation, but that is not the subject of this article).

Vocational training

Vocational training means training or re-training and work experience for paid employment or voluntary employment in areas beneficial to the community.

If vocational training is provided for a charge the VAT consequences are either:

  • for an eligible body (see above) vocational training is exempt
  • for a non-eligible body vocational training is still exempt to the extent that it is funded under an approved government funding scheme. Otherwise the supply is taxable.

English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

If a commercial entity makes supplies of tuition of EFL they will qualify for exemption. In these cases, tuition includes all elements that are integral to the course, held out for sale as such, and are the means by which it is intended to promote fluency in the use of the English language.


In respect of all of the above, if exemption does not apply the supply of education falls to be taxable as a default.

For completeness, exemption may also apply to; research, examination services, youth clubs, day nurseries, crèches and playgroups but these activities are outside the scope of this article.


There are many traps for the unwary here. Planning is always advisable and I recommend that any entity which provides education is conscious of the VAT implications and seeks advice where/when necessary.

VAT treatment of voluntary carbon credits – soon to be taxable

By   10 May 2024

HMRC has published Revenue and Customs Brief 7 (2024) which explains:

  • the VAT treatment of voluntary carbon credits from 1 September 2024
  • the voluntary carbon credits that will be in the scope of the Terminal Markets Order

This is not yet fully comprehensive guidance, but does at least provide certainty in some areas.

A carbon credit is a tradable instrument issued by an independently verified carbon-crediting programme. It represents a reduction or removal of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide, or an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Voluntary carbon credits are any carbon credits that are not compliance market credits.

Voluntary carbon credits are currently treated as outside the scope of UK VAT. This is because when they were first introduced, HMRC’s view was that they could not be incorporated into an onward supply and there was no evidence of a secondary market.

HMRC recognise that there have been significant changes in the voluntary carbon credit market, including the emergence of secondary market trading and businesses incorporating voluntary carbon credits into their onward supplies. Because of this, from 1 September 2024, the sale of these carbon credits must be treated as taxable for VAT where the place of supply is in the UK.

VAT: Business Brief on Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme B2B

By   22 April 2024

HMRC have issued a BB 5(2024) on Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (TOMS) for business to business (B2B) wholesale supplies.

  • sets out the VAT accounting for TOMS B2B wholesale supplies
  • explains that businesses may choose whether to apply TOMS to B2B wholesale supplies
  • details a technical change to the treatment of B2B wholesale supplies in relation to TOMS

Ultimately, the policy allowing businesses to choose whether to apply TOMS to B2B wholesale supplies remains unchanged.

VAT Road Fuel Scale Charges from 1 May 2024

By   22 April 2024

HMRC has issued its 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 Road Fuel Scale Charges (RFSC)


A scale charge is a way of accounting for output tax on road fuel bought by a business for cars which is then put to private use. If a business uses the scale charge, it can recover all the VAT charged on road fuel without having to identify specific business and private use. The charge is calculated on a flat rate basis according to the CO2 emissions of the car.

More on motoring expenses here.

A business will need to calculate the correct RFSC based on a car’s CO2 emissions, and the length of its VAT accounting period. This will be either one, 3, or 12 months. The CO2 emissions figure may be found here if the information is not available in the log book.

Alternatives to using RFSC

  • use detailed mileage records to separate business mileage from private mileage and only claim for the business element
  • claim no input tax

Business/private mileage calculation example:

  • Total mileage: 4,290
  • Business mileage: 3,165
  • Cost of fuel: £368.
  • Business mileage: £368 × (3,165 ÷ 4,290) = £271.49
  • Claimable input tax: £271.49 × VAT fraction = £45.25

New centralised HMRC website to manage imports and VAT

By   15 April 2024

HMRC guidance

HMRC has published a website Manage your import duties and VAT accounts, which provides a centralised place from which businesses importing goods can manage payment and guarantee accounts, manage and view authorities, and download duty deferment statements, import VAT certificates, postponed import VAT statements, and notification of adjustment statements. The website can only be accessed via the Government Gateway.

From this site a business can:

  • view and manage its cash account (top up and withdraw funds)
  • set up a Direct Debit for, and top up a duty deferment account
  • request older statements and certificates
  • view and manage a general guarantee account
  • manage the email address linked to an account
  • access secure messages from HMRC related to the account
  • set up, manage or view account authorities

Downloads are also available for:

  • duty deferment statements
  • import VAT certificates (C79)
  • postponed import VAT statements
  • notification of adjustment statements

To use the service a business must be subscribed to the Customs Declaration service.

Tax points and VAT groups – The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd CoA case

By   11 April 2024

Latest from the courts

In the The Prudential Assurance Company Limited (Pru) Court of Appeal (CoA) case the issues were the “difficult” questions in respect of the relationship between the VAT grouping rules and the time of supply (tax point) legislation. Is VAT is applicable on a continuous supply of services where these services were supplied while the companies were VAT grouped, but invoices were issued after the supplier left the VAT group?


Pru was at the relevant time carrying on with-profits life and insurance business. Silverfleet Capital Limited (Silverfleet) provided Pru with investment management services. Under an agreement dated 30 August 2002, the consideration which Silverfleet received for its services comprised a management fee calculated by reference to the amount of investments made during the period in which services were provided and performance fees, payable in the event that the performance of certain funds exceeded a set benchmark rate of return.

When Silverfleet was rendering its investment management services, Pru was the representative member of a VAT group of which Silverfleet was also a member. However, in 2007 a management buy-out was effected, as a result of which Silverfleet ceased to be a member of Pru’s VAT group. It also ceased to provide management services to Pru.

During 2014 and 2015, the hurdle rate set under the 2002 agreement was passed. Silverfleet accordingly invoiced Prudential at various dates between 2015 and 2016 for fees totalling £9,330,805.92 (“the Performance Fees”) plus VAT at 20%.

The Issues

The CoA considered whether the Performance Fees are subject to VAT.

The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) decided the point in favour of Pru. However, HMRC succeeded in an appeal to the Upper Tribunal (UT). In a decision that decision, the UT concluded that VAT was chargeable on the Performance Fees.

In its decision, the FTT queried whether regulation 90 of the VAT Regulations went so far as to direct that Silverfleet’s services had not been provided within a VAT group and had been “supplied in the course or furtherance of a business that in the VAT group world was not being carried on”. Further, the FTT was “unable to see what feature distinguishes [Prudential’s] case from that of the taxpayer in [B J Rice & Associates v Customs and Excise Commissioners]”.

In contrast, the UT considered that, pursuant to regulation 90 of the VAT Regulations, Silverfleet’s services were to be treated as having been supplied when invoiced and, hence, at a time when Silverfleet and Prudential were no longer members of the same VAT group. That being so, section 43 of VATA 1994 was not, in the UT’s view, in point. The UT also considered that the FTT had erred in regarding itself as bound by B J Rice & Associates v Customs and Excise Commissioners [1996] STC 581 (“B J Rice”) to allow the appeal. Unlike Mr Rice, the UT said in its decision, Silverfleet “was not entirely outside the scope of VAT when the Services were rendered, but rather it was subject to a specific set of assumptions and disregards”.

Pru contended that Silverfleet should not be considered to have made the supply in the course or furtherance of any business carried on by it. The business will instead be assumed to have been carried on by Pru. This was important because if VAT was applicable to the services Pru would not be in a position to recover it (in full at least) due to partial exemption which represented a large VAT cost.

Unsurprisingly, HMRC considered that output tax was due because at the tax point, Silverfleet as no longer part of the VAT group. 


The VAT Act 1994, section 43 lays down the rules in respect of VAT groups, and The VAT Regulations 1995, regulation 90 makes provision with respect to the time at which continuous supplies of services are to be treated as supplied for VAT purposes.

Section 43 explains that any supply by one member of a VAT group to another is to be “disregarded” and that “any business carried on by a member of the group shall be treated as carried on by the representative member”. Does this mean that no VAT is chargeable on an intra-group supply regardless of whether the supplier has left the group by the time consideration for the supply is the subject of a VAT invoice and paid? Or is section 43 inapplicable in respect of continuous supplies insofar as the consideration is invoiced and received only after the supplier is no longer a member of the VAT group because regulation 90 provides for the services to be treated as supplied at the time of the invoice or payment?


The appeal was dismissed and HMTC’s assessment was upheld. It was not possible to disregard the supply as intra-group and the tax point rules for the continuous supply of services meant that it was a taxable supply. The decision was not unanimous, with the decision by the judges being a 2:1 majority.


This was a close decision and highlights the necessity of considering the interaction between VAT groups and tax points and the implications of timings. The case makes interesting reading in full (well, for VAT people anyway!) for the technical discussions and the disagreement between the judges.

HMRC plans to make permanent cuts to VAT helpline now reversed.

By   19 March 2024

The VAT helpline will be open for five days every month ahead of the deadline for filing VAT returns – outside of this time, customers will again be directed to use HMRC’s online services.

CIOT stated that:

“We are deeply dismayed that, so soon after the criticisms levelled at them by the Public Accounts Committee, and in the light of an inconclusive evaluation, HMRC have decided to make these big, permanent cuts to the help they provide to taxpayers”.

This again illustrates that HMRC cannot cope and that the service provided to businesses is truly awful.

Update! One-day later…

HMRC has now reversed the above planned cuts less than 24 hours after they were announced!

After strong criticism from many sources HMRC said that while “making best use of online services allows HMRC to help more taxpayers and get the most out of every pound of taxpayers’ money by boosting productivity”, the pace of this change “needs to match the public appetite for managing their tax affairs online”.

“We’ve listened to the feedback and we’re halting the helpline changes as we recognise more needs to be done to ensure all taxpayers’ needs are met, whilst also encouraging them to transition to online services.”

A statement on behalf of the Treasury Committee noted it was “extremely pleased to see that common sense has prevailed”, called the planned cuts “mismanaged from the beginning” and commented that the announcement was “ill-advised”.

“We welcome the decision to reverse yesterday’s  announcement. While we do not oppose expansion of digital services for those who want to use them, we remain entirely unconvinced that HMRC is adequately prepared to impose such a significant change in how it serves taxpayers. It further pondered over the extent to which the department is prioritising its own needs over those of law-abiding and vulnerable taxpayers.

HMRC videos and seminars for new businesses on VAT basics

By   18 March 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance to businesses on VAT. The helpful instruction includes: email updates, videos and seminars which cover such subjects as:

  • VAT basics
  • registration
  • registering and joining webinars
  • accounting Schemes
  • late submission and payment penalties and interest changes
  • error corrections
  • the reverse charge for construction services
  • accounting for VAT on the sale of cars on finance
  • HMRC community forums