Tag Archives: business

VAT and influencers

By   14 March 2024

A Warning

There has been a great deal of debate on the subject of VAT and influencers, with HMRC issuing assessments for underdeclared output tax on “gifts” received by them.

What is an influencer?

An influencer is someone who has certain power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their; authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience. These individuals are social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives.

In recent years the growth of social media means that influencers have grown in importance. According to recent statistics, the projected number of global social media users in 2023 was 4.89 billion. This is a 6.5% rise from the previous year.

What is the VAT issue?

Business gifts to influencers

A business is not required to account for VAT on certain dealings if they meet certain conditions. For free gifts, the condition is that the total cost of all gifts to the same person is less than £50 in a 12-month period. Further, if the goods are “free samples” – used for marketing purposes and provided in a quantity that lets potential customers test the product, then the £50 rule does not apply. If an influencer receives free gifts or samples, there are no VAT implications for them.

HMRC Action

However, we understand that HMRC has decided that, in the majority of cases, the supply of goods to influencers were not ‘free gifts” but rather consideration for a taxable supply of marketing or advertising. They were also not considered free samples as, generally, influencers would not be in the position to test the goods, having no expertise in the field. It is also concluded that influencers, in most cases were “in business“.

The payment for the marketing, promotion or advertising services (the VAT treatment is similar, regardless of how the services are categorised) is by way of the supply of goods, rather than monetary consideration. That is; consideration is flowing in both directions. Consequently, output tax is due on this amount if the influencer is, or should be, VAT registered.

What is the value of the supply?

Non-monetary consideration

Non-monetary consideration includes goods or services supplied as payment, for example in a “barter” (including part exchange) agreement. If the supply is for a consideration not consisting or not wholly consisting of money, its value shall be taken to be such amount in money as, with the addition of the VAT chargeable, is equivalent to the consideration. Where a supply of any goods or services is not the only matter to which a consideration in money relates, the supply is deemed to be for such part of the consideration as is properly attributable to it.

In determining the taxable amount, the only advantages received by a supplier that are relevant are those obtained in return for making the supply should be recognised. Non-monetary consideration has the value of the alternative monetary payment that would normally have been given for the supply.

VAT Registration

If an influencer receives gifts valued at over £90,000 in any 12-month period, or these gifts plus other monetary consideration, VAT registration is mandatory.

More on business promotions here.

VAT: Forthcoming changes to HMRC services: GOV.UK One Login

By   5 March 2024

HMRC has published guidance on changes to logging into its services. GOV.UK One Login is a new way of signing in to government services. It is said to provide a simple way for you to sign in and prove the user’s identity using an email address and password.

Over time it will replace all other sign in routes including Government Gateway that many businesses currently use.

A user will automatically be asked to create a GOV.UK One Login. It will not happen for everyone at the same time, and you do not need to do anything unless HMRC ask you to.

When you are asked to create a GOV.UK One Login you may need to go through a new authorisation and identity verification process, so will need to have some identification documents ready such as a passport or driving licence.

If you are a tax agent, or an organisation with a business tax account, you will continue to use Government Gateway until you’re asked to create a GOV.UK One Login.

At the moment, you can only use GOV.UK One Login to access some government services, which currently does not include VAT. In the future, you will be able to use it to access all services on GOV.UK.

New report finds HMRC performance the worst ever

By   28 February 2024

A report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has found that HMRC’s services continue to deteriorate and are now at an “all time low”.

In summary, Anne Olney MP who sits on the committee said of the new report:

  • PAC expressed disappointment over the five-year decline of service levels
  • Taxpayers are “exasperated”
  • In 2022/2023 the number of callers waiting ten minutes or more for HMRC to answer has increased from 46.3% in 21/22 to 62.7%
  • HMRC stated that it “did not have the resources to meet rising demand for its phone and post services at expected standards”
  • HMRC agrees that it will not now require digital interaction until a service is of a suitable standard
  • Criminal prosecutions fell from 691 in 2019/20 to 240 in 2022/23 which “sends the wrong message” (my comment: although this could partly be due to backlogs in the criminal justice system)
  • The report results were “quite predictable” and were a “letdown for taxpayers”
  • It is “distressing” to find people who “want to get it right, and who have no intention whatsoever of defrauding the Exchequer, but just find it really, really difficult to access the right support”.
  • In failing to access the right support, taxpayers are liable. It is not on HMRC – even if the services are difficult to access, it is still the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay the right amount of tax
  • There is “probably” a need for more investment and recruitment
  • A smarter allocation of the resources HMRC has could see a better return for taxpayers
  • Finally: “It really is important that HMRC get this right.”

In terms of VAT, we can confirm from personal experience that HMRC’s performance is at an unacceptably inferior level; from telephone responses, to written replies and a generally poor “attitude”. This is supported anecdotally by clients and colleagues’ experiences.

VAT: Input tax claim on Land Rovers. The Three Shires Trailers case

By   9 February 2024

Latest from the courts

In the Three Shires Trailers Limited First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case the issues were whether an input tax claim on the purchase of two Land Rover Discoveries was appropriate when they were converted from commercial vehicles to cars, or was a self-supply triggered?


The vehicles were commercial vehicles when purchased and input tax was recovered. Subsequently, they were converted by the addition of three fold up seats with seat belts behind the driver seat and removing materials which had blacked out the rear windows which reclassified them as cars. This would have subjected them to an input tax block if purchased in that state.

The purpose of buying the vehicles was for the transport of trailers to customers, the collection of trailers from suppliers and to enable personnel of the appellant to attend trade fairs all over the country.


“A Motor Car” is defined as:

“any motor vehicle of a kind used on public roads which has three or more wheels and either:

(a) is constructed or adapted solely or mainly for the carriage of passengers; or

(b) has to the rear of the driver’s seat roofed accommodation which is fitted with side windows or which is constructed or adapted for the fitting of side windows…”


 The appellant stated that the vehicles were used only for business purposes. Employees were not permitted to use the vehicles for private purposes and did not do so. The vehicles were kept at the business’s premises. He also explained that the vehicles were not converted to cars, if they were cars, they were qualifying cars and if they were non-qualifying cars, the use was only temporary, and they were converted back to commercial vehicles.

Initially, HMRC disallowed the claim because the vehicles became cars and subject to the input tax block.

Subsequently, HMRC’s case was that the vehicles had been converted from commercial vehicles to non-qualifying cars which triggers an irreversible self-supply under Article 5 of the Value Added Tax (Cars) Order 1992 so output tax equalling the claimed input tax was due.


The FTT decided that, at the time when the vehicles were acquired, they were indisputably commercial vehicles and the appellant was entitled to deduct the input tax on them.

The judge found that, after conversion, the vehicles were intended for use, and were used, only for business purposes. The appellant did not intend that the vehicles should be used for private purposes and so far as he was aware, there was no private use. The vehicles were therefore qualifying motor vehicles eligible for input VAT recovery. No output tax was due on a self-supply.

The appeal was allowed.


Another case on the recovery of input tax on car purchases and the difference between commercial vehicles and cars. It is notoriously difficult to persuade HMRC that there is no private use of cars, but it is possible.

VAT grouping and divisional registration guidance updated

By   9 February 2024

HMRC has update VAT Notice 700/2: Group and divisional registration.

VAT group registration

VAT grouping is a facilitation measure by which two or more eligible persons can be treated as a single taxable person for VAT purposes. Eligible persons are bodies corporate, individuals, partnerships and Scottish partnerships, provided that certain conditions are satisfied. Bodies corporate includes companies of all types and limited liability partnerships.

The pros and cons of VAT grouping here

Divisional registration

This is a facility that allows a corporate body which carries on its business through a number of self-accounting units to register each of those units or divisions separately for VAT. Guidance on divisional registration is in section 9.


Recent updates include:

  • Information on what happens if HMRC refuses your application and how to request a paper VAT1 form 
  • The list of notifications a business may receive while waiting for a VAT grouping registration number, has been updated at section 2.17. A new section about late payment submission penalties has been added at section 5.11.


Repayment interest on VAT credits or overpayments – Update

By   6 February 2024

HMRC has updated its guidance on when repayment interest is due.

If a business has claimed more input tax than it has declared output tax (a repayment return) HMRC will repay the difference by making a VAT repayment. HMRC will also repay any VAT that has been overpaid in error. Repayments are usually made within 30 days. The 30 days starts from the day HMRC receives the VAT Return and ends the day your repayment is approved (not the day it is received). HMRC does not count days taken to check the return is accurate and legitimate, and to correct any errors or omissions, as part of this 30-day period.

If HMRC is late in paying, a business may be entitled to repayment interest on any VAT that it is owed. For accounting periods starting on or after 1 January 2023, repayment interest replaces the repayment supplement.

A business, or its agent can track a VAT repayment online.


Information on eligibility criteria for repayment interest on overpayments and start dates when VAT is not paid to HMRC has been amended. Information on repayment interest end dates when HMRC sets it off against your debts has also been updated.

Small businesses/start ups: Should I register for VAT voluntarily?

By   1 February 2024
VAT Basics – voluntary registration


OK, so why would a business choose to VAT register when it need not? Let’s say its turnover is under the VAT registration limit of £90,000, isn’t it just best to avoid the VATman if at all possible?


This is not an article which considers whether a business MUST register, but rather it looks at whether it is a good idea to register on a voluntary basis if it is not compulsory. The first time a business would probably consider VAT planning.


As a general rule of thumb; if you sell to the public (B2C) then probably not. If you sell to other VAT registered businesses (B2B) then it is more likely to be beneficial.

If you sell B2B to customers overseas it is almost certain that VAT registration would be a good thing, as it would if you supply zero rated goods or services in the UK. This is because there is no output tax on sales, but full input tax recovery on costs; VAT nirvana! A distinction must be made between zero rated supplies and exempt supplies. If only exempt supplies are made, a business cannot register for VAT regardless of level of income.


Apart from the economic considerations, we have found that small businesses are sometimes put off VAT registration by the added compliance costs (especially since MTD) and the potential penalties being in the VAT club can bring. Weighed against this, there is a certain kudos or prestige for a business and it does convey a degree of seriousness of a business undertaking. We also come across situations where a customer will only deal with suppliers who are VAT registered.

The main issue

The key to registration is that, once registered, a business may recover the VAT it incurs on its expenditure (called input tax). So let us look at some simple examples of existing businesses for comparison:


  • Example 1

A business sells office furniture to other VAT registered business (B2B)

It buys stock for 10,000 plus VAT of 2,000

It incurs VAT on overheads (rent, IT, telephones, light and heat etc) of 2,000 plus 400 VAT

It makes sales of 20,000

If not registered, its profit is 20,000 less 12,000 less 2400 = 5600

If VAT registered, the customer can recover any VAT charged, so VAT is not a disincentive to him

Sales 20,000 plus 4000 VAT (paid to HMRC)

Input tax claimed = 2400 (offset against payment to HMRC)

Result: the VAT is neutral and not a cost, so profit is 20,000 less 12,000 = 8000, a saving of 2400 as compared to the business not being registered.  The 2400 clearly equals the input tax recovered on expenditure.

  • Example 2

A “one-man band” consultant provides advice B2B and uses his home as his office. All of his clients are able to recover any VAT charged.

He has very few overheads that bear VAT as most of his expenditure is VAT free (staff, train fares, use of home) so his input tax amounts to 100.

He must weigh up the cost (time/admin etc) of VAT registration against reclaiming the 100 of input tax. In this case it would probably not be worthwhile VAT registering – although the Flat Rate Scheme may be attractive.

  • Example 3

A retailer sells adult clothes to the public from a shop. She pays VAT on the rent and on the purchase of stock as well as the usual overheads. The total amount she pays is 20,000 with VAT of 4000.

Her sales total 50,000

If not VAT registered her profit is 50,000 less 24,000 = 26,000

If VAT registered she will treat the value of sales as VAT inclusive, so of the 50,000 income 8333 represents VAT she must pay to HMRC. She is able to offset her input tax of 4000.

This means that her profit if VAT registered is 50,000 less the VAT of 8333 = 41,667 less the net costs of 20,000 = 21,667

Result: a loss of 4333 in profit.

As may be seen, if a business sells to the public it is nearly always disadvantageous to be voluntarily VAT registered. It may be possible to increase her prices by circa 20%, but for a lot of retailers, this is unrealistic.

Intending traders

If a business has not started trading, but is incurring input tax on costs, it is possible to VAT register even though it has not made any taxable supplies. This is known by HMRC as an intending trader registration. A business will need to provide evidence of the intention to trade and this is sometimes a stumbling block, especially in the area of land and property. Choosing to register before trading may avoid losing input tax due to the time limits (very generally a business can go back six months for services and four years for goods on hand to recover the VAT). Also cashflow will be improved if input tax is recovered as soon as possible.


Careful consideration should be given to the VAT status of a small or start-up business. This may be particularly relevant to start-ups as they typically incur more costs as the business begins and the recovery of the VAT on these costs may be important. In most cases it is also possible to recover VAT incurred before the date of VAT registration.

This is a basic guide and there are many various situations that require further consideration of the benefits of voluntary VAT registration. We would, of course, be pleased to help.

VAT: Alternative Dispute Resolution guidance updated

By   16 January 2024

HMRC has, this month, updated its guidance on how to use Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to settle a tax dispute.

Anyone can apply for ADR to help resolve a dispute with HMRC, or to get more information about issues that need to be taken for a legal ruling. The Guidance explains how to apply for ADR and when you can use it to resolve a VAT disagreement with HMRC.
A full overview of the ADR system written by us here, but broadly, it is the involvement of a third party (a facilitator) to help resolve disputes between HMRC and taxpayers. Its aim is to reduce costs for both the taxpayer and HMRC when disputes occur and to reduce the number of cases that reach statutory review and/or Tribunal.

VAT: Fuel and power HMRC update

By   10 January 2024

HMRC has updated its VAT Notice 701/19 from 5 January 2024.

Sections 2, 3 and 5 have been amended to include information about the VAT treatment of charging of electric vehicles (EVs) when using charging points.