Tag Archives: business

VAT: New guidance on zero rating exports

By   4 April 2023

HMRC has published updated guidance on the evidence required to zero rate the export of goods. VAT Notice 703 sets out the following changes on the documentation which is required for proof of export:

  • Para 6.1 – For VAT zero rating purposes a business must produce official evidence or commercial evidence. Both types generally have equal weight but, if the commercial evidence is found to be lacking sufficient detail, a business will be expected to provide official evidence. An exporter must also provide supplementary evidence to show that a transaction has taken place, and that the transaction relates to the goods physically exported. If the evidence of export provided is found to be unsatisfactory, VAT zero rating will not be allowed and the supplier of the goods will be liable to account for the VAT at the appropriate UK rate.


  • Para 6.5 – What must be shown on export evidence (extract from the Notice)

“An accurate description of the exported goods and quantities are required, for example ‘2000 mobile phones (Make ABC and Model Number XYZ2000), value £50,000’.

If the evidence is found to be unsatisfactory you as the supplier will become liable for the VAT due.

If you’ve described goods inaccurately on an export declaration you may be liable for a customs penalty.

The rest of this paragraph has force of law.

The evidence you obtain as proof of export, whether official or commercial, or supporting must clearly identify:

    • the supplier
    • the consignor (where different from the supplier)
    • the customer
    • an accurate and full description of the goods including quantities
    • an accurate and consistent value of the good
    • the export destination, and
    • the mode of transport and route of the export movement

Vague descriptions of good, quantities or values are not acceptable. An accurate value must be shown and not excluded or replaced by a lower or higher amount”.

  • Paras 7.3 and 7.4 on merchandise in baggage and direct exports of personal goods in accompanied baggage have also be amended.


It is vitally important that exporters obtain the correct evidence that goods have physically left the UK and that all descriptions of the goods are accurate and satisfy HMRC requirements. There has been a significant amount of case law on export documentation (an example here) which illustrates that this is often an area of dispute.

VAT: Evidence for retrospective claims – new guidance

By   14 March 2023
HMRC has updated its Manual VRM9300 on historic VAT claims.
These types of claims are often called “Fleming” claims and refer to those made before the introduction of the four (once three) year time cap. Such claims extend beyond the period that businesses were required to keep business records and so these were less likely to have remained available.

Standard of Proof where records are unavailable

Where detailed records are unavailable it does not mean there is a lower standard of proof for a claim. The civil standard of proof (on a balance of probabilities) remains.

However, taxpayers’ estimates, assumptions and extrapolations must be sufficiently robust to support a claim. HMRC and the Tribunals must have regard to the evidence that is available, and each claim must be considered on its individual merits.
HMRC state that it “…is not obliged to accept a figure simply because some input tax is due or because it is the claimant’s ‘best guess’ based on the material available”. The claimant must first establish that its method of valuing the claim is reasonable and provide an identifiable repayable amount.
The guidance considers the judgement in the NHS Lothian [2022] UKSC 28 case and its impact on claims where full evidence is unavailable.
Alternative evidence
It is also worth noting that HMRC have the discretion to accept alternative evidence.

VAT: Apportionment of output tax – updated guidance

By   6 March 2023

HMRC has published new guidance (para 31) on apportioning output tax. More on apportionment here.


The guidance gives examples of how to apportion output tax in certain situations.

There are two basic methods of apportioning output tax:

  • one based on selling prices
  • the other based on cost values

HMRC provide worked examples of both of these methods, including an example of apportionment where a business can only determine the cost of one of the supplies.

Both methods can be adapted to apply to either tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive amounts.

A business does not have to use any of the methods set out in the guidance but, if a different method is used it must still give a fair result.

Apportionment is only necessary if the price charged is the only consideration for the supplies. If the consideration is not wholly in money VAT must be accounted for on the open market value* of the supplies.

* Open Market Value

The VAT Act 1994, section 19 (5) states that “…the open market value of a supply of goods or services shall be taken to be the amount that would fall to be taken as its value …if the supply were for such consideration in money as would be payable by a person standing in no such relationship with any person as would affect that consideration”.

VAT: HMRC yearly average and spot rates

By   3 March 2023

HMRC has published the annual yearly and spot foreign exchange rates in CSV format.

You should use these exchange rates if you have to convert any foreign currency to sterling for Customs and VAT purposes.

When searching for exchange rates a business should consider what it requires the rates for and and the type of rate needed.

HMRC have published guidance on the use of exchange rates for tax and accounting purposes:


VAT: The Windsor Framework

By   1 March 2023

While we await the fine details, trade between GB and Northern Ireland is likely to be subject to new rules. These are set out under the heading of The Windsor Framework published by HM Government.

(Very) General

Via the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP), Northern Ireland operated under the EU VAT rules. There are revised VAT rules set out in The Windsor Framework. The EU rules on VAT rates will not apply to a list of goods for consumption in Northern Ireland in certain circumstances.

The Windsor Framework amends the legal text of the NIP to ensure that Northern Ireland will be subject to the same VAT and excise rules that apply in the rest of the UK.

The Framework means that legislation to apply the zero-rate of VAT to energy saving materials can be introduced. A number of other flexibilities should enable UK-wide VAT changes to apply in Northern Ireland. It is anticipated that future VAT issues can be addressed in order to manage any divergences in policy between GB and Northern Ireland.

A bit more detail

The Windsor Framework sets up a new UK internal trade scheme, based on commercial data-sharing rather than traditional international customs processes.

Under the NIP, a framework exists that allows goods to move from GB to Northern Ireland tariff-free. If the goods do not fall within that framework, they are treated as if moving across an international border and full customs declarations are required.

This Framework introduces arrangements through a new UK internal market system (colloquially called the “Green Lane”) for internal trade. Goods being sold in Northern Ireland will not be subject to “unnecessary paperwork, checks and duties”.

The new scheme will significantly expand the number of businesses able to move goods using the Green Lane by being classed as internal UK traders.

The Changes

To ensure that internal UK trade is protected, the agreement expands the number of businesses able to be classed as internal UK traders and move goods as ‘not at risk’ of entering the EU through three changes:

  • businesses throughout the UK will now be eligible – moving away from the previous restrictions that required a physical premises in Northern Ireland.
  • the turnover threshold below which companies involved in processing can move goods under the scheme which they can show stay in Northern Ireland is increased from the current £500,000 limit up to £2 million (this means that four-fifths of manufacturing and processing companies in Northern Ireland who trade with GB will automatically be in scope).
  • if businesses are above that threshold, they will be eligible to move goods under the scheme if those goods are for use in the animal feed, healthcare, construction and not-for-profit sectors.

Businesses in the scheme that can show their goods will stay in Northern Ireland will gain access to a simplified process for goods movements, using ordinary commercial data rather than customs data.

Goods moving to the EU will be subject to normal third-country processes and requirements.

Reduction in so-called frictions

The Framework seeks to address a range of issues that added frictions or costs for internal UK trade:

  • safeguarded tariff-free movements of all types of steel into Northern Ireland .
  • a forward process for ensuring that Northern Ireland businesses can access other goods subject to Tariff Rate Quotas in the future, dealing with the unique disadvantages under the existing system.
  • where businesses cannot be certain of the end destination of their goods when first moving them into Northern Ireland, a new tariff reimbursement scheme for those who can show the goods were ultimately not destined for the EU.

VAT Registration: Top tips for agent submissions

By   1 March 2023

HMRC has, last week, set out the main reasons why online VAT registration applications submitted by agents are delayed. In such cases a caseworker is required to review the application and usually raise additional queries.

The “Top Five” reasons for delay

If an agent can avoid these, then the chances of a quick and successful registration is enhanced.

  1. Business verification failed or is not completed

It is important to have all the business details available when completing the application. There can be difficulties when an application is started but set aside while more information is sought. There is only a seven-day limit once the process is underway.

  1. Same address used for the business and either the applicant’s home address or agent’s address

This is the Principal Place of Business (PPOB) and should be where the day-to-day activities of the business take place. It is not the applicant’s residence (unless the business is run from home) or the agent’s address.

  1. Bank details provided do not relate to the business

Bank details for VAT repayments must be:

  • a UK account
  • in the precise name of the business

If the entity is a partnership the account name may be in the name of a partner. If no UK account exists when the application is being made, this can be added later, but thus itself can cause issues.

  1. ID documents are not provided digitally

These are cases where the applicant has chosen to provide identification documents by post. There is a facility to attach digital ID and this should be used wherever possible to avoid delays. Three items of ID are required: one a photo ID (passport or driving licence) and the other two non-photo documents (utility bills or birth certificates etc).

  1. Verifying the applicant’s business

This is often when the business belongs overseas or does not yet have an Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR). Again, it is preferrable to have all this information to hand before the process is started.

Information which an agent needs

  • Government Gateway user ID and password for either agent services account or HMRC Online services
  • agent’s name
  • phone number
  • email address
  • client’s name
  • client’s date of birth
  • details of client’s turnover and nature of business
  • client’s bank account details
  • client’s National Insurance number
  • forms of ID from the client
  • client’s Corporation Tax Payments, PAYE, Self-Assessment Return, recent payslip or P60

Previously HMRC has commented on delays and set out these additional common errors:

  • check that the notification of a trade classification matches the supplies the business makes
  • the VAT treatment of activities must be correctly identified
  • the correct person must sign the application – eg; for a corporate body it must be a director, company secretary or authorised signatory or an authorised agent
  • ensure the correct registration date (effective date of registration – EDR) is given. And that the EDR is accurate considering the circumstances that have been outlined for requesting registration elsewhere in the application

And I will add; do not forget form VAT5L when registering a business which is involved in land and property transactions.

VAT: Updated guidance on deliberate behaviour

By   21 February 2023

HMRC has published updated guidance on deliberate behaviour. It clarifies the definition of these actions in respect of extended time limits.

What is deliberate behaviour?

A deliberate inaccuracy in a document occurs when a person (or another person acting on behalf of that person) knowingly gives HMRC an inaccurate document.

“A person who submits a document containing a deliberate inaccuracy might assert that they did not intend to cause a loss of tax. For the purpose of assessing this loss of tax, the person or any persons acting on their behalf will be treated as deliberately causing the loss of tax if they consciously intended to mislead HMRC”.


  • knowingly failing to record all sales
  • describing transactions inaccurately or in a way likely to mislead
  • lodging a VAT return that includes a figure of net VAT due that is too low because the person does not have the cash at that time to pay the full amount, and later telling HMRC the true figure when he has the funds to pay
  • similarly declaring less tax due for aggregates levy, climate change levy, landfill tax or excise duty because the person does not have the funds at that time to pay the full amount

(This list is not exhaustive and HMRC provide more examples in the guidance).

Why is it important?

Mainly, there are different time limits within which HMRC can take action.

A 20 year time limit applies where tax has been underdeclared, or over-repaid, as a result of a deliberately inaccurate return or other document. The normal cap is four years.

Other action

Although HMRC can make assessments to recover any tax lost, it also have a criminal investigation policy and will refer the most serious cases for consideration of criminal proceedings where appropriate.

If you or your clients are subject to an investigation, please seek professional advice immediately. There is a dark side to VAT.

VAT: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) new guidance

By   14 February 2023

HMRC has published an updated Internal Manual which provides guidance on the ADR mechanism. I have written about this in detail here.

What is ADR?

ADR is the involvement of a third party (a facilitator) to help resolve disputes between HMRC and taxpayers.  It is mainly used by SMEs and individuals for VAT purposes, although it is not limited to these entities.  Its aim is to reduce costs for both parties (the taxpayer and HMRC) when disputes occur and to reduce the number of cases that reach statutory review and/or Tribunal. The facilitator is impartial and independent and aims to assist both parties in resolving the tax dispute.


The changes are mainly in connection with disagreements about whether a case is suitable for ADR. These include cases where requests have been made for ADR, for example:

  • requests from taxpayers for ADR where the HMRC decision is that the case is not suitable for ADR
  • requests from taxpayers for ADR where some of the HMRC case team believe the case is unsuitable, but other members of the team believe the case may be suitable
  • referrals from HMRC for complex or sensitive cases where they would like to offer ADR to the taxpayer

An ADR Panel, which consists of senior personnel from HMRC, will consider requests for ADR in circumstances where there is uncertainty about the suitability of a case for ADR. The ADR Panel will aim to provide assurance that applications by taxpayers in the most complex or potentially contentious cases for ADR are properly assessed and that decisions are consistent and principled.

VAT: Exemption of fund management services

By   8 February 2023

HM Treasury has published a consultation paper on the treatment of the service of management of special investment funds (SIFs).

SIF meaning in VAT terms

There is no definition of a SIF in existing legislation.

Morgan Fleming Claverhouse Trust plc (case C-363/05) ruled on the interpretation of the term ‘Special Investment Funds as defined by Member States’.

The key points in this judgment are:

  1. the term ‘special investment funds’ is capable of including closed-ended investment funds, such as investment trust companies (ITCs)
  2. Member States have a discretion to define ‘special investment funds’ for the VAT exemption but, in doing so, must pay due regard to:
  3. the purpose of the exemption
  4. the principle of fiscal neutrality.

According to the Court, the purpose of the exemption is to facilitate investment in securities for investors through investment undertakings. This requires there to be VAT neutrality between the direct investment in securities and investment through collective investment undertakings, as the latter incurs a management charge. Furthermore, there must be equality of VAT treatment for funds which are similar to, and in competition with, funds falling within the scope of the exemption.

As a result of the case, the exemption was extended so that there was a level VAT playing field for all similar collective investment undertakings which compete in the UK retail market. This includes closed and open-ended collective investment undertakings, umbrellas and sub-funds, as well as some pension schemes.

The fund management exemption is limited to the management of SIFs. Consequently, the management of other investment funds will generally be standard-rated.


The current VAT fund management regime is provided for by UK legislation, retained EU law and case law. The VAT Act 1994 implemented the Directive. Schedule 9, Group 5, Items 9 and 10 of the Act lists specific types of funds, the management of which is exempted from VAT.

Place of supply

This is important for SIFs management as if the supply is in respect of overseas funds the services are excluded from the exemption (they are outside the scope of UK VAT) when received overseas. This means that there is no output tax on the supply, but unlike exemption, it affords full recovery on input tax incurred in the UK. The perfect VAT outcome.

HMRC Consultation

The technical consultation sets out proposed reform of the legislation that provides for the VAT treatment of fund management. This is required because the fund management industry continues to innovate and introduced new types of funds to the marketplace, and the existing approach has struggled to keep pace with the evolution of the industry and proliferation of fund types.

The purpose of the exercise is to improve the legislative basis of the current VAT treatment of fund management.


It is proposed that the following criteria for a fund to be considered a SIF would be legislated for:

a) the fund must be a collective investment

b) the fund must operate on the principle of risk-spreading

c) the return on the investment must depend on the performance of the investments, and the holders must bear the risk connected with the fund; and

d) the fund must be subject to the same conditions of competition and appeal to the same circle of investors as a UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), that is funds intended for retail investors

There is a danger that if the exemption is broadened, fund managers which can now recover input tax may be denied so in the future.

If you have any queries, please contact us.