Tag Archives: cross-border

Changes to the VAT registration limits for overseas businesses

By   16 January 2020

The (current) EU Member States have reached political agreement on correcting the current discriminatory and unfair rules on non-resident businesses. Unfortunately, these new measures will not come into effect until 1 January 2025 (well after the UK will have left the EU).


Under the current rules a Non-Established Taxable Person (NETP) is required to register and account for VAT in a Member State as soon as any supply is made there. There is a zero threshold, so, for example, if a French company makes a UK supply of £100 it will be required to register here. Compare this to a UK company which will be able to make supplies up to £85,000 per annum without needing to register or pay UK VAT. Blatantly discriminatory and arbitrary based on where a company belongs. It also distorts competition and is inherently unfair. This is the position across the EU, so UK businesses will be suffering in other countries. This has long been a bugbear of mine!

New rules

From 2025 EU Member States have agreed to extend the threshold to all business making supplies. NETPs will have similar VAT registration thresholds as domestic businesses in each country. The registration limits will not be able to exceed €85,000 per year and overseas businesses may only benefit from this if their total sales across the EU are below an amount of €100,000. This is to avoid large enterprises benefiting from the small company threshold.


The change will bring a level playing field between domestic and overseas business and will remove significant compliance costs which fall disproportionally on SMEs.  This could also encourage small businesses to explore overseas markets without falling foul of; overseas regimes, potential penalties for innocent errors and the disincentive of domestic businesses having a commercial competitive tax advantage over those based overseas.

It is a pity that these changes will not be applied for another five years. It does beg the question why it will take so long. Of course, we have yet to see how Brexit plays out. It is not outside the bounds of reason to imagine the EU Member States excluding the UK from the new rules, nor the UK not implementing them at all here.

VAT: Digital newspapers zero-rated. The News Corp case

By   10 January 2020

Latest from the courts

Hot on the heels of the update to e-publications here comes new from the Upper Tribunal (UT) in the News Corp UK and Ireland Ltd case.


The issue was whether electronic editions of The Times (plus other e-newspapers from the same company: The Sunday Times, The Sun and The Sun on Sunday) were “newspapers” within the meaning of The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 3, Item 2  and could therefore be treated as zero rated.

The relevant part of Schedule 8, Group 3 (where relevant), lists the following items:

“1 Books, booklets, brochures, pamphlets and leaflets.

2 Newspapers, journals and periodicals…”,

At the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) the appeal was dismissed, and the decision went in favour of HMRC. Details here. The facts were consistent throughout both hearings.


The UT agreed with the FTT in that there was no material difference between the two types of supply despite the sale of e-newspapers being supplies of services and the sale of physical newspapers being supplies of goods.

That being the case, it was possible to interpret Schedule 8, Group 3. Item 2 as extending to e-publications, which, of course, did not exist when the legislation was drafted in 1972. Consequently, the appeal was allowed, and the e-newspapers were zero rated. Such treatment did not extend the scope of UK zero rating which would not be permitted by the EU.

The UT also indicated that the zero rating would be subject to some restrictions in respect of what may be treated as e-publications.

It was observed that it is important that the legislation should be interpreted in a way that maintained its relevance and that the “always speaking” * principle is preserved.


The EC European Council (EC) has previously agreed to allow Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications. This UT case appears to confirm that this will extend to UK zero rating. Other Members States have already applied reduced rates or are in the process of doing so. The UK have not previously announced its approach, so this decision is likely to force their hand (notwithstanding the fallout from Brexit…).


Supplies or e-publications should review their sales and decide whether their supplies are on fours with this case. If so, it may be possible to make a retrospective claim for overpaid output tax, subject to certain conditions.

Recipients of such supplies should consider approaching their suppliers and obtain a repayment of overpaid VAT if it represents a cost to them.

  • “Always speaking” is an influential principle that is recited in materials on legislative drafting as the justification for using the present tense, adopted in many common law jurisdictions as a principle of interpretation, and accepted as a foundation for the linguistic analysis of the use of tense in statutes. It is particularly relevant where technology has outpaced the law.

VAT: New guidance on Cryptoassets

By   9 January 2020

HMRC Guidance

Further to my articles on cryptocurrencies here, here and here HMRC have update their guidance on cryptoassets which was published on 20 December 2019.


VAT is due in the normal way on any goods or services sold in exchange for cryptoasset exchange tokens.

The value of the supply of goods or services on which VAT is due will be the pound sterling value of the exchange tokens at the point the transaction takes place.


Cryptocurrency (an example being Bitcoin) is a line of computer code that holds monetary value. Cryptocurrency is also known as digital currency and it is a form of money that is created by mathematical computations. In order for a Bitcoin transaction to take place, a verification process is needed, this is provided by millions of computer users called miners and the monitoring is called mining. Transactions are recorded in the blockchain which is public and contains records of each and every transaction that takes place. Cryptocurrency is not tangible, although they may be exchanged for traditional cash. It is a decentralised digital currency without a central bank or single administrator (which initially made it attractive) and can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer network without the need for intermediaries.


For VAT purposes, bitcoin and similar cryptoassets are to be treated as follows:

  • exchange tokens received by miners for their exchange token mining activities will generally be outside the scope of VAT on the basis that:
    • the activity does not constitute an economic activity for VAT purposes because there is an insufficient link between any services provided and any consideration; and
    • there is no customer for the mining service
  • when exchange tokens are exchanged for goods and services, no VAT will be due on the supply of the token itself
  • charges (in whatever form) made over and above the value of the exchange tokens for arranging any transactions in exchange tokens that meet the conditions outlined in VAT Finance manual (VATFIN7200), will be exempt from VAT under The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 5, item

The VAT treatments outlined above are provisional pending further developments; in particular, in respect of the regulatory and EU VAT positions.

Bitcoin exchanges

In 2014, HMRC decided that under The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 5, item 1, the financial services supplied by bitcoin exchanges – exchanging bitcoin for legal tender and vice versa – are exempt from VAT.

This was confirmed in the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) in the Swedish case, David Hedqvist (C-264/14). The appellant planned to set up a business which would exchange traditional currency for Bitcoin and vice versa. It was not intended to charge a fee for this service but rather to derive a profit from the spread (the difference between his purchase and sell price).

Questions were referred to the CJEU on whether such exchange transactions constitute a supply for VAT purposes and if so, would they be exempt.

The CJEU referred to the judgment in First National Bank of Chicago (C-172/96) and concluded that the exchange transactions would constitute a supply of services carried out for consideration.

The Court also ruled that the exchange of traditional currencies for non-legal tender such as Bitcoin (and vice versa) are financial transactions and fall within the exemption under VAT Directive Article 135(1) (e).

A supply of any services required to exchange exchange tokens for legal tender (or other exchange tokens) and vice versa, will be exempt from VAT under The VAT Act Schedule 9, Group 5 item 1.


As always, the legislation and case law often struggles to keep pace with technology and new business activities. Although the focus of the guidance is more towards direct taxes, it is a helpful summary of HMRC’s interpretation of UK and EU law and decided case law.

VAT: e-publications – New reduced rates

By   8 January 2020


Further to my article on the ongoing issue of e-books, in October 2018, the European Council (EC) agreed to allow Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications (eg; e-books and e-newspapers) thereby allowing alignment of VAT rates for electronic and physical publications. The reasoning was for the EC to modernise VAT for the digital economy, and to keep pace with technological progress.

Under Directive 2006/112/EC, electronically supplied services are taxed at the standard VAT rate, whereas physical publications of the dead tree variety; books, newspapers and periodicals, benefit from non-standard rates in many Member States – these goods being zero rated in the UK and around 5% or below in other countries.

Amendments to the Directive allowed Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications as well. Super-reduced and zero rates will only be allowed for Member States that currently apply them to physical publications.

The new rules will apply temporarily, pending the introduction of a new, ‘definitive’ VAT system. The EC has issued proposals for the new system, which would allow member states more flexibility than at present in setting VAT rates.

New rates

Some Member States have now introduced reduced rates:

Austria 10%, from 1 January 2020

Belgium 6%, from 1 April 2019

Croatia 5%, from 1 January 2019

Czech Republic new 10% rate from 1 May 2020

Finland: 10% from 1 July 2019

Germany 7%, from 1 January 2020

Ireland 9%, from 1 January 2019

Luxembourg 3%, from 1 May 2019

Malta 5%, from 1 January 2019

The Netherlands 9%, from 1 January 2020

Poland 5%, from 1 November 2019

Portugal 6%, from 1 January 2019

Slovenia 5% from 1 January 2020

Sweden: 6%, from 1 July 2019

It is anticipated that the remaining Member States are likely to introduce reduced rates in the future. The UK, being subject to Brexit, is in a more complicated position. If the UK brought e-publications in line with the VAT treatment of physical publications, it would apply the zero rate. However, the current EU legislation prevents any introduction of new zero rating. As matters stand, the UK may only apply the zero rate after an exit from the EU.

Watch this space…

VAT – Care with input tax claims

By   13 December 2019

Claim checklist

You have a purchase invoice showing VAT.  You are VAT registered, and you will use the goods or services purchased for your business… can you claim it?

Assuming a business is not partly exempt or not subject to a restriction of recovery of input tax due to non-business activities (and the claim is not for a motor car or business entertainment) the answer is usually yes.

However, HMRC is now, more than ever before, concerned with irregular, dishonest and inaccurate claims.  It is an unfortunate fact that some people see making fraudulent claims as an “easy” way to illegally obtain money and, as is often the case, honest taxpayers are affected as a result of the (understandable) concerns of the authorities.  Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) or “carousel” fraud has received a lot of publicity over recent years with an estimate of £Billions of Treasury money being obtained by fraudsters.  While this has been generally addressed, HMRC consider that there is still significant leakage of VAT as a consequence of dishonest claims. HMRC’s interest also extends to “innocent errors” which result in input tax being overclaimed.

In order to avoid unwanted attention from HMRC, what should a business be watching for when claiming credit for input tax?  Broadly, I would counsel making “reasonable enquiries”.  This means making basic checks in order to demonstrate to HMRC that a business has taken care to ensure that a claim is appropriate.  This is more important in some transactions than others and most regular and straightforward transactions will not be in issue.  Here are some pointers that I feel are important to a business:

Was there a supply?

This seems an obvious question, but even if a business holds apparently authentic documentation; if no supply was made, no claim is possible.  Perhaps different parts of a business deal with checking the receipt of goods or services and processing documents.  Perhaps a business has been the subject of fraud by a supplier.  Perhaps the supply was to an individual rather than to the business.  Perhaps a transaction was aborted after the documentation was issued.  There may be many reasons for a supply not being made, especially when a third party is involved.  For example, Co A contracts with Co B to supply goods directly to Co C. Invoices are issued by Co B to Co A and by Co A to Co C.  It may not be clear to Co A whether the goods have been delivered, or it may be difficult to check.  A lot of fraud depends on “correct” paperwork existing without any goods or services changing hands.

Is the documentation correct?

The VAT regulations set out a long list of details that a VAT invoice must show.  Full details on invoicing here  If any one of these required items is missing HMRC will disallow a claim.  Beware of “suspicious” looking documents including manually amended invoices, unconvincing quality, unexpected names or addresses of a supplier, lack of narrative, “copied” logos or “clip-art” additions etc.  One of the details required is obviously the VAT number of the supplier.  VAT numbers can be checked for validity here

Additionally, imports of goods require different documentation to support a claim and this is a more complex procedure (which extends to checking whether supplies of goods have been made and physical access to them).  A lot of fraud includes a cross border element so extra care should be taken in checking the validity of both the import and the documentation.

Ultimately, it is easy to create a convincing invoice and HMRC is aware of this.


It is important to claim input tax in the correct period.  Even if a claim is a day out it may be disallowed and penalties levied. details of time of supply here

Is there VAT on a supply?

If a supplier charges VAT when they shouldn’t, eg; if a supply is zero rated or exempt or subject to the Transfer of A Going Concern rules (TOGC), it is not possible to reclaim this VAT even if the recipient holds an apparently “valid” invoice.  HMRC will disallow such a claim and will look to levy penalties and interest.  When in doubt; challenge the supplier’s treatment.

Place of supply

Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK return, so it is important to check whether UK VAT is actually applicable to a supply.  The place of supply (POS) rules are notoriously complex, especially for services, if UK VAT is shown on an invoice incorrectly, and is claimed by the recipient, HMRC will disallow the claim and look to levy a penalty, so enquiries should be made if there is any uncertainty.  VAT incurred overseas can, in most cases be recovered, but this is via a different mechanism to a UK VAT return. Details on claiming VAT in other EC Member States here. (As with many things, this may change after Brexit).

One-off, unusual or new transactions

This is the time when most care should be taken, especially if the transaction is of high value.  Perhaps it is a new supplier, or perhaps it is a property transaction – if a purchase is out of the ordinary for a business it creates additional exposure to mis-claiming VAT.

To whom is the supply made?

It is only the recipient of goods or services who may make a claim; regardless of; who pays or who invoices are issued to.  Care is required with groups of companies and multiple VAT registrations eg; an individual may be registered as a sole proprietor as well as a part of a partnership or director of a limited company, As an illustration, a common error is in a situation where a report is provided to a bank (for example for financing requirements) and the business pays the reporting third party.  Although it may be argued that the business pays for the report, and obtains a business benefit from it, the supply is to the bank in contractual terms and the business cannot recover the VAT on the services, in fact, in these circumstances, nobody is able to recover the VAT. Other areas of uncertainty are; restructuring, refinancing or acquisitions, especially where significant professional costs are involved.


There are additional rules for electronically issued invoices. Details here

A business may issue invoices electronically where the authenticity of the origin, integrity of invoice data, and legibility of invoice content can all be ensured, and the customer agrees to receive invoices electronically.

  • ‘Authenticity of the origin’ means the assurance of the identity of the supplier or issuer of the invoice
  • ‘Integrity of content’ means that the invoice content has not been altered
  • ‘Legibility’ of an invoice means that the invoice can be easily read.

A business is free to choose a method of ensuring authenticity, integrity, and legibility which suits its method of operation. e-invoicing provides additional opportunities for fraudsters, so a business needs to ensure that its processes are bulletproof.

HMRC’s approach 

If a claim is significant, or unusual for the business’ trading pattern, it is likely that HMRC will carry out a “pre-credibility” inspection where they check to see if the claim is valid before they release the money.  Another regular check is for HMRC to establish whether the supplier has declared the relevant output tax on the other side of the transaction (a so-called “reference”). Not unsurprisingly, they are not keen on making a repayment if, for whatever reason, the supplier has not paid over the output tax.

What should a business do?

In summary, it is prudent for a business to “protect itself” and raise queries if there is any doubt at all over making a claim. It also needs a robust procedure for processing invoices.  If enquiries have been made, ensure that these are properly documented for inspection by HMRC as this is evidence which may be used to mitigate any potential penalties, even if a claim is an honest mistake. A review of procedures often flushes out errors and can lead to increased claims being made.

As always, we are happy to assist.

VAT: Place of supply of matchmaking. The Gray & Farrar case

By   26 November 2019

Latest from the courts

The Gray & Farrar International LLP (G&F) First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case.

The romantic side of VAT (well…if romance comes at a cost of £15,000 a time).

The issue here was the place of supply (POS) of the services provided by G&F to clients all over the world.


The Appellant ran an exclusive matchmaking business. It provides its services to clients in many jurisdictions. It argued that its supplies to non-taxable (individuals) persons who reside outside the EU where outside the scope of UK VAT because the POS was where the supply was received. HMRC formed the view that these services did not fall within the required definition of “consultancy” such that the POS was where the business belonged. As G&F belonged in the UK, the relevant services were subject to VAT. So, the issue was: whether matchmaking could be regarded as a consultancy service.


The EU legislation is found at The Principal VAT Directive, Article 59(c) (“para(c)”) and in the UK law at The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 4A para 16(2)(d).

In the words of para (c):

“the services of consultants, engineers, consultancy firms, lawyers, accountants and other similar services, as well as data processing and the provision of information” 

So, did G&F’s services fall within para (c)?


The judge stated that “… the services provided by the appellant must be compared with services “principally and habitually” provided by a consultant…and that such similarity is achieved when both types of service serve the same purpose.”  And that consultancy is “advice based on a high degree of expertise” or “specialist and expert advice by someone with extensive experience/qualifications on the subject”.  Was matchmaking that?

Well, the FTT decided that services would fall within para(c) if they are services of the sort which are primarily and habitually supplied by one or more of the specifically listed suppliers and that “consultants” are not limited to persons who are members of the liberal professions but to persons who are in ordinary usage “consultants” and typically act in an independent manner – that is to say are not dependent on, or integrated with, their client.

HMRC argued that what G&F were providing was the possibility of entering into a long-term happy relationship: and that was what the Appellant was selling. The FTT accepted that that dream was what the typical client would want, but saw a difference between what is provided and the reason the service is wanted. It gave the example of a school providing education, not the hope of a good job.

Further, HMRC contended that G&F’s activities went far beyond the provision of advice and information because they involved all the other elements that go into the service of matchmaking. Those activities included ascertaining and executing the needs of the client, reading the non-verbal clues, reading body language, and the inexplicable magic of applying knowledge based on intuition and experience to identify people who may be compatible. The FTT said that that was all very well but drew a distinction between the skills required by the seller and what was sold.

Split decision

A first Tribunal member concluded that the material elements of the supply consisted only of the provision of information and expert advice, and the supply fell within para (c).

Another Tribunal member considered that the actions of the liaison team in G&F promoted and helped the making of a successful relationship, but he was not persuaded that the support provided by the liaison team assisted the provision of information about a potential partner or served the supply of G&F’s MD’s advice that a particular person might be suitable. It was support in the developing of a relationship – support in addition to the use of the information and expert advice received – and was not shown to be sufficiently inconsequential to say that it was just part of those elements. The liaison team provided a form of ready-made confidante for the client with whom he or she could discuss a relationship and his or her hopes and concerns for it or for other relationships. It enabled him or her to obtain the kind of support one might obtain from a friend – a listening ear or sounding board – and informal advice.

As two members of the Tribunal disagreed on the outcome, it fell to the judge to give a casting vote; which he did in favour of dismissing the appeal.

So, in this case at least, matchmaking is not consultancy. (Although I like the definition of the service being “inexplicable magic”).


If it easy to make assumptions about the precise nature of a type of service. In order for certain services to be UK VAT free they need to meet the relevant criteria fully. “Consultancy” is a bit of a catch all, but this case illustrates the dangers of a lack of analysis. This was a close case and I could see the decision going the other way on another day quite easily.

Claiming VAT from the EU after Brexit

By   1 October 2019

More work, confusion and administration for VAT after Brexit. 

After a No-Deal Brexit it will not be possible to recover input tax incurred in other EU Member States by using HMRC’s online service. This is known as; the electronic cross-border refund system which enables a business that incurs VAT on expenditure in a Member State where it is not established and makes no supplies, to recover that VAT directly from that Member State (the Member State of refund).

HMRC state that this will be the case after 5pm on 31 October 2019, but we shall have to wait and see on the precise timing.

HMRC has published meagre guidance on the new method of recovering overseas VAT (for some of us at a certain age, it is the “old” EC 8th Directive method).

Claiming a refund after Brexit

Unhelpfully, each EU Member State has its own process for refunding VAT to businesses based outside the EU (as UK businesses will be post Brexit). This is similar to the existing EC 13th Directive claims. A UK Business will need to use the process for the EU country where it is claiming a refund; even for unclaimed expenses incurred before Brexit.

A business will have to wade through the requirements and the EC provides assistance here.

This will be a complete headache for claimants and underlines the benefits of a harmonised system. Each claim form is different in each Member State, each form must be completed in the language of the country in which VAT is being claimed, and these forms are very bureaucratic; some run to over ten pages…. It will also be necessary to obtain and provide a Certificate of Status (CoS).

In summary


HMRC can issue a form VAT66A which may be used by claimants to prove that they are engaged in business activities at the time of the claim. A CoS is only valid for twelve months. Once it has expired you will need to submit a new CoS.

EC 13th Directive claim

A non-EU based business may make a claim for recovery of VAT incurred in the EU. Typically, these are costs such as; employee travel and subsistence, service charges, exhibition costs, imports of goods, training, purchases of goods in the UK, and clinical trials etc.

The scheme is available for any businesses that are not VAT registered anywhere in the EU, have no place of business or other residence in the EU and do not make any supplies there.

The usual rules that apply to UK business claiming input tax also apply to 13th Directive claims. Consequently, the likes of; business entertainment, car purchase, non-business use and supplies used for exempt activities are usually barred.


The business must obtain a CoS to accompany a claim. The application form is a VAT65A and is available here  Original invoices which show the VAT charged must be submitted with the claim form and business certificate. Applications without a certificate, or certificates and claim forms received after the relevant deadline are not accepted. It is possible for a business to appoint an agent to register to enable them to make refund applications on behalf of that business.

VAT: Digital services to EU customers after Brexit

By   1 October 2019

HMRC has published guidance on how to account for digital sales to EU customers when the UK’s MOSS system becomes redundant. Full document here.

After Brexit, businesses will no longer be able to use the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) to declare sales and pay VAT due in EU Member States.

The final return period for MOSS will be the period ending 31 December 2019.

A business will be able to use MOSS to:

  • submit a final return by 20 January 2020
  • amend the final return until 14 February 2020
  • update registration details until 14 February 2020
  • view previous returns

For sales made after Brexit, a business will need to register for either:

  • VAT MOSS in any EU member state
  • VAT in each EU member state where you sell digital services to consumers.

Registration deadline

A business will need to register by the 10th day of the month following its first sale to an EU customer after Brexit.

A business cannot register before Brexit.

The EC website may be used to:

  • check whether a business should register for Union or Non-Union MOSS
  • find out who to contact to register for VAT MOSS in an EU member state.

Further details are provided in the HMRC guidance.

The above assumes that the UK will leave the EU, and that there will be no agreements on VAT before Brexit

What are digital services?

Radio and television broadcasting services

These include:

  • the supply of audio and audio-visual content
  • live streaming

Telecommunications services

This means transmission of signals of any nature by wire, optical, electromagnetic or other system and includes:

  • fixed and mobile telephone services
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, caller identification, 3-way calling and other call management services
  • paging services
  • access to the internet

Electronically supplied services

These rules only apply to e-services that you supply electronically and includes things like:

  • supplies of images or text, such as photos, screensavers
  • supplies of music, films and games
  • online magazines
  • website supply or web hosting services
  • distance maintenance of programmes and equipment
  • supplies of software and software updates
  • advertising space on a website

VAT EU Gap Report

By   5 September 2019

Mind the gap

EU countries lost €137 billion in VAT revenues in 2017 according to a study released by the EC on 5 September 2019. The VAT Gap has slightly reduced compared to previous years but remains very high.

This gap represents a loss of 11.2% of the total expected VAT revenue.

During 2017, collected VAT revenues increased at a faster rate of 4.1% than the 2.8% increase of VAT Total Tax Liability (VTTL). As a result, the overall VAT Gap in the EU Member States saw a decrease in absolute values of about EUR 8 billion or 11.2% in percentage terms.

Member States in the EU are losing billions of Euros in VAT revenues because of tax fraud and inadequate tax collection systems according to the latest report. The VAT Gap, which is the difference between expected VAT revenues and VAT actually collected, provides an estimate of revenue loss due to tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, but also due to bankruptcies, financial insolvencies or miscalculations.

In 2017, Member States’ VAT Gaps ranged from 0.6% in Cyprus, 0.7% in Luxembourg, and 1.5% in Sweden to 35.5% in Romania and 33.6% in Greece. Half of EU-28 MS recorded a Gap above 10.1%.

Overall, the VAT Gap as percentage of the VTTL decreased in 25 Member States, with the largest improvements noted in Malta, Poland, and Cyprus and increased in three – namely Greece, Latvia, and Germany.

The variations of VAT Gaps between the Member States reflect the existing differences in terms of; tax compliance, fraud, avoidance, bankruptcies, insolvencies and tax administration.  Other circumstances could also have an impact on the size of the VAT Gap such as economic developments and the quality of national statistics.

The UK

In the year 2017, in the UK the VTTL was £158421 millions of which £141590 millions was actually collected. This leaves a VAT gap for the UK of £16831 millions which represents 11% of the amount which is estimated was due to HMRC. About a mid-table performance compared to other Member States.

VAT and Customs Duty: Brexit latest

By   20 August 2019

HMRC has been issuing guidance in readiness for Brexit, and in particular, a No Deal Brexit.

They generally provide information on preparations and actions required by business that trade cross-border.


If a business bring goods into the UK from the EU there are actions you should take before and after you’ve imported the goods. This applies to:

  • importers
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods

(This guidance does not apply to moving goods between Ireland and Northern Ireland). A border on the island of Ireland is a whole other matter.

The full guidance for importers.


Again, this guidance relates to:

  • exporters
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods.

The full guidance for exporters.

Email updates on Brexit

We recommend that business falling within the above definitions sign up the free HMRC Brexit email alert service.

This service covers: information about Brexit including the Article 50 process, negotiations, and announcements about policy changes as a result of Brexit.

It is crucial that businesses understand the impact of a No Deal Brexit and make preparations for all eventualities of the political negotiations. Sign up here