Tag Archives: HMRC-publications

VAT treatment of lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed goods

By   24 March 2025

Is output tax due on goods that, for various reasons, cannot be sold, or are sold at a discount?

HMRC says that the VAT treatment depends on whether or not there was actually a supply of goods, what happened to them, who was responsible for them at the time and whether a VAT invoice was issued. The value of any supply will also need to recognise any credit given to the customer.

So, as often is the case with the tax, the answer is: “It depends”. So, let’s look at the categories to find out:

Lost goods

This depends on who lost the goods.

Sometimes a business will sell goods to a customer, but they did not receive them because they went astray. This could happen, for example, if goods are lost in the post.

  • customer is responsible for loss

If the customer is responsible for any losses before the goods are delivered, then VAT is due on the full amount of the sale.

  • supplier responsible for loss

If the supplier is responsible for any losses before the goods are delivered, then the way VAT is dealt with will depend on whether an invoice has been issued.

If an invoice has been issued, output tax is due on the amount invoiced, less the value of any credit given to the customer. So, if credit has been given a full refund, no VAT will be due.

If no invoice has been issued, there is no VAT due. This is because nothing has been supplied. It is prudent to make a note in the business records that the goods were lost an no invoice was raised.

Stolen goods

If goods are stolen from a business’ premises no VAT is due – as long as any customer has not been invoiced. HMRC are very likely to examine such circumstances as it is sometimes used as an ‘excuse’ for underdeclarations. Consequently, we always advise businesses to hold as much evidence as possible to support a claim that theft has taken place.

Goods stolen from a supplier’s premises after they have been sold to a customer- If the contract with the customer means that they are responsible for the goods while they are on the supplier’s premises – there has been a supply and output tax is due.

If the customer is not responsible for the goods when they are stolen, then if:

  • a VAT invoice issued – VAT is due on the amount invoiced (but subject to subsequent amendment to the quantum)
  • no invoice has been issued – there is no VAT due because there is no supply

NB: If cash is stolen from a business, this does not reduce the value of output tax on any supply.


If goods are lost due to fraud it can be difficult to demonstrate or evidence. To avoid paying output tax on goods lost to a fraud a business is required to:

  • report the incident to the police
  • contact HMRC and give them the case details – this will entail providing a crime or case reference number given by the police. HMRC will consider each case and advise appropriately

Damaged goods

Damaged goods may be sold on at a discounted price, or they might have some scrap value. Output tax is due on whatever income is received for the goods sold. If an insurer makes a payment in respect of the damage, no VAT is due on this income.

Destroyed goods

If goods are destroyed such that they cannot be sold, and these are handed over (or what is left of them) to the insurer, no VAT is due on the disposal. Furthermore, there is no output tax due on any money received from the insurer. HMRC will need to see evidence of the insurance claim, and details of any insurance payment, on their next inspection of the business.


Maintaining meticulous records is crucial for VAT compliance and it is very likely that such issues will be examined closely on HMRC inspections. This is because unexpected reductions in output tax will usually trigger enquiries. Input tax claims for the original purchase of the goods will be unaffected, so any mark-up type exercise will flag up the discrepancy.

More on illegal activities here.

VAT: Insolvency update

By   18 March 2025
HMRC has updated its Insolvency Practitioner Bulletin.
It sets out changes that have been made to form VAT 7 to help insolvency practitioners provide important information and provides explanations of questions on the form.

HMRC has changed the way it issues VAT repayments to insolvency practitioners from Monday 10 March 2025.

An update of the VAT 7 form includes a section to input bank details. It is important to ensure that the most recent version of the VAT 7 is used. This may be found at section 6.2 on Insolvency VAT Notice 700/56.

VAT stats released

By   10 March 2025

HMRC has released its annual VAT statistics from 2023 to 2024.

The headlines are:

  • total VAT receipts in the financial year 2023 to 2024 increased by 6% to £169 billion compared to £160 billion in 2022 to 2023
  • the VAT population in 2023 to 2024 was 2,178,950, with 238,176 new registrations and 273,768 de-registrations in-year
  • the total net  VAT liability in 2023 to 2024 was £173 billion
  • the wholesale and retail sector was the largest contributor to net VAT liability (32%) with a total of £55 billion
  • businesses with an annual turnover of greater than £10 million paid 75% of total net VAT liability (£130 billion)

Overall, it isn’t really a riveting read…

VAT Domestic Reverse Charge procedure Notice updated

By   4 March 2025
The Notice sets out how the Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) makes supplies of standard or reduced rated construction services between construction or building businesses subject to the charge. This means that the recipient of the supply will be liable to account for VAT due, instead of the supplier. Consequently, the customer in the construction industry receiving the supply of construction services will be required to pay the VAT directly to HMRC rather than paying it to the supplier. It will be able to reclaim this VAT subject to the normal VAT rules. The DRC will apply throughout the supply chain up to the point where the customer receiving the supply is no longer a business that makes supplies of construction services (a so-called end user).


The supplies to which the DRC applies are set out here

The update includes information on recipients of DRC supplies that are not VAT registered. Broadly; if a business buys specified goods or services, it may make it liable to VAT registered on the strength of the value of the DRC. 

VAT: Time to pay guidance updated

By   18 February 2025

HMRC’s guidance: How to pay a debt to HMRC with a Time to Pay arrangement was updated on 17 February 2025. This covers businesses which owe a debt to the department.

The updates cover:

  • Information about when a payment plan can be set up without contacting HMRC has been added.
  • Section ‘How we work out debt repayments’ has been removed as the information is covered in the section
  • Information to work out what businesses can afford to pay has been updated in the section ‘How we work out what you can afford to pay’.

If a business owes VAT

It can set up a payment plan to spread the cost of its latest VAT bill online without calling HMRC if it:

  • has missed the deadline to pay a VAT bill
  • owes £100,000 or less
  • plan to pay its debt off within the next 12 months
  • has a debt for an accounting period that started in 2023 or later
  • does not have any other payment plans or debts with HMRC
  • has filed all your tax returns

More information here: set up a payment plan online.

How to contact HMRC to discuss a Time to Pay arrangement

If a business cannot pay its tax bill and needs assistance (ie; the online arrangements above are not applicable) we recommend that it should contact HMRC as soon as possible.


VAT: e-invoicing consultation published

By   13 February 2025

HMRC and the Department for Business and Trade have published their UK e-invoicing consultation paper.

Background to this development here and here.

E-invoicing is the digital exchange of invoice information directly between buyers’ and suppliers’ financial systems, even if these systems are different. The outcome is an invoice which is automatically written into the buyer’s financial system without manual processing.

E-invoicing automates the exchange of invoices between buyers and suppliers. The government says that increased e-invoicing uptake may support economic growth, business productivity, improve business cashflow and reduce errors in tax returns. It has the potential to both support businesses and tax administration.

The consultation aims to understand how e-invoicing aligns with businesses and their customers. Responses from businesses of all sizes – whether they use e-invoicing or not – as well as interest groups, representative bodies, industry bodies and individuals are encouraged.

The purpose of the consultation is to seek input on how the government can support the increased adoption of e-invoicing. The main points are:

  • different models of e-invoicing
  • whether to take a mandated or voluntary approach to e-invoicing
  • what scope of mandate might be most appropriate in the UK and for businesses
  • whether e-invoicing should be complemented by real time digital reporting

This would be a significant change to VAT and all businesses should understand the impact.

More on VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA), including Real-time digital reporting here.

VAT – Fuel and power guidance updated

By   11 February 2025

HMRC has updated its notice Updated its Notice 701/19: Fuel and power.

The Notice explains how suppliers and users should treat supplies of fuel and power for VAT purposes and it sets out how to treat a number of other supplies connected with fuel and power.

The update provides more detail of supplies for domestic use.

Supplies of fuel and power for domestic use are eligible for the reduced rate of 5%.

The provider must be certain that the supply is to a dwelling or certain types of residential accommodation. Examples of allowed residential accommodation are:

  • armed forces residential accommodation
  • caravans
  • children’s homes
  • homes providing care for the elderly or disabled, people with a past or present dependence on alcohol or drugs or people with a past or present mental disorder
  • houseboats
  • houses, flats or other dwellings
  • hospices
  • institutions that are the sole or main residence of at least 90% of their residents
  • monasteries, nunneries and similar religious communities
  • school and university residential accommodation for students or pupils
  • self catering holiday accommodation

The following buildings are not considered residential accommodation for the purposes of fuel and power:

  • hospitals
  • prisons or similar establishments
  • hotels, inns or similar establishments

HMRC late payment interest rates reduced

By   10 February 2025

HMRC interest rates for late payments are to be revised following the Bank of England interest rate cut.

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee announced on 6 February 2025 to reduce the Bank of England base rate to 4.5% from 4.75%.

HMRC interest rates are linked to the Bank of England base rate. As a consequence of the change in the base rate, HMRC interest rates for late payment and repayment will reduce.

These changes will come into effect on:

  • 17 February 2025 for quarterly instalment payments
  • 25 February 2025 for non-quarterly instalments payments

How HMRC interest rates are set

HMRC interest rates are set in legislation and are linked to the Bank of England base rate.

Late payment interest is currently set at base rate plus 2.5%. Repayment interest is set at base rate minus 1%, with a lower limit – or ‘minimum floor’ – of 0.5%.

The differential between late payment interest and repayment interest is in line with the policy of other tax authorities worldwide and compares favourably with commercial practice for interest charged on loans or overdrafts and interest paid on deposits.

Updated VAT Notice 701/30: Education and vocational training

By   3 February 2025

This notice covers how VAT applies to; education, research, vocational training, examination services and goods and services connected with these activities.

More information on exempt education here.

Since 1 January 2025, all education services and vocational training provided by private schools in the UK for a charge have been subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%. This also applies to boarding services provided by private schools. The Notice been updated to include these changes.

A VAT Did you know?

By   29 January 2025

Children’s clothing is zero rated. But where a child has one foot larger than the other, the pair of shoes can be zero-rated if the smaller shoe qualifies as a child’s size (boys 6 1/2 and girls; generally, size 3).