Tag Archives: input-tax

VAT: What’s a TOGC (and what’s not)? – The General Distribution Storage case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts

A Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC) is an area of VAT which produces a lot of issues and is a subject which is returned to on a regular basis in the courts. The General Distribution Storage Ltd (GDSL) First Tier Tribunal (FTT) TC 07352 [2019] case provides a warning that getting it wrong can be costly.


The appellant owned the freehold of a commercial property. This property was rented to a third party. Subsequently, the property was sold with the benefit of the existing lease, to Hartlone Scaffolding Ltd (HSL). Output tax was charged and paid on the value of the sale as the property was subject to an option to tax. HSL also opted to tax before the date of completion. On the same day, HSL sold on the property to Foundry Investments Ltd (FIL) and again, VAT was charged and paid.

FIL made a claim for the input tax charged which caused a pre-credibility enquiry from HMRC. During the inspection, HMRC noted that, although GDSL had charged VAT, it had neither declared, nor paid the VAT to HMRC. An assessment was issued to recover this output tax.

The appellant claimed that no VAT was due because the sale of the tenanted building qualified as a VAT free TOGC, ie; it was not a taxable sale of an opted commercial property, but rather, it was the sale of a property letting business which was a going concern.


TOGC provisions

Normally the sale of the assets of a VAT registered business will be subject to VAT at the appropriate rate. A TOGC, however is the sale of a business including assets which must be treated as a matter of law, as “neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services” by virtue of meeting certain conditions (summarised below). It is always the seller who is responsible for applying the correct VAT treatment. Transfer Of a Going Concern treatment is not optional. A sale is either a TOGC or it isn’t. It is a rare situation in that the VAT treatment depends on; what the purchaser’s intentions are, what the seller is told, and what the purchaser actually does. All this being outside the seller’s control. Full details of TOGCs  here.

TOGC Conditions

The conditions for VAT free treatment of a TOGC:

  • The assets must be sold as a business, or part of a business, as a going concern
  • The assets must be used by the transferee in carrying on the same kind of business, whether or not as part of any existing business, as that carried on by the transferor in relation to that part (HMRC guidance uses the words “intend to use…” which, in some cases may provide additional comfort)
  • There must be no break in trading
  • Where the seller is a taxable person (VAT registered) the purchaser must be a taxable person already or immediately become, as a result of the transfer, a taxable person
  • Where only part of a business is sold it must be capable of separate operation
  • There must not be a series of immediately consecutive transfers

Where the transfer includes property which is standard-rated, either because the seller has opted to tax it or because it is a ‘new’ or uncompleted commercial building the purchaser must opt to tax the property and notify this to HMRC no later than the date of the supply.

Please note that the above list has been compiled for this article from; the legislation, HMRC guidance and case law. Specific advice must be sought.


It was decided that TOGC could not apply in these circumstances. The buyer, HSL, at the time of the sale, could not have intended to carry on the property letting business as it immediately sold on the freehold (at a profit) on the same day. As above, TOGC treatment does not apply if there is a “series of immediately consecutive transfers”. The appeal was consequently dismissed, and output tax was therefore properly due.


This appears to have been the only available conclusion. It illustrates the importance of considering VAT whenever a supply of property is made. It is unclear why VAT was initially charged and why this was not declared to HMRC (and it if was thought a TOGC, why the VAT position was not subsequently corrected by the issue of a VAT only credit note). This is a complex area of the tax and an easy issue to miss when there are a considerable number of other factors to consider when a business (or property) is sold. Extensive case law (example here and changes to HMRC policy here ) insists that there is often a dichotomy between a commercial interpretation of a going concern and HMRC’s view.

Contracts are important in most TOGC cases, so it really pays to review them from a VAT perspective.

I very strongly advise that specialist advice is obtained in cases where a business, or property is sold. Yes, I know I would say that!

VAT: ‘Intention’ – The Euro Beer case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts, the Euro Beer Distribution Ltd First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case.

The intention of a taxpayer is extremely important for a number of reasons. It is relevant where:

  • a VAT registration is requested
  • input tax is claimed
  • and in this case; whether deregistration is compulsory

Broadly, immediate action is dependent upon whether a business intends to make taxable supplies in the future. This intention dictates whether registration is possible, whether input tax may be claimed, and whether a business may remain VAT registered. Even if a business has the intention to make taxable supplies, it is sometimes difficult to evidence this to HMRC’s satisfaction.


Euro Beer was in the business of importing and selling alcoholic drinks. It had been in business since 2004 and was also approved and registered as an owner of duty suspended goods under the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999.


HMRC compulsorily deregistered Euro Beer via VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 13 (2) on the grounds that it believed that the appellant had ceased making taxable supplies. Nil returns had been submitted since 2016 and, after enquires, formed the view that there was no intention to make supplies in the future.

Euro Beer contended, unsurprisingly, that there was an intention to make taxable supplies in the future such that continued VAT registration was appropriate. Additionally, the reason for the nil returns was simply, at that time, business had dried up. The appellant provided limited evidence to support its intention. This comprised; emails between the directors and third-party contacts.


The appeal was dismissed and Euro Beer’s VAT deregistration (and revocation of approval from the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999) was confirmed as appropriate.


This was hardly a surprising decision and one wonders why it got to court. It does, however, emphasise the importance of the concept of intention. This can be a subjective matter and HMRC place significant weight on documentary evidence. There is no question in law that HMRC must register/maintain registration/repay input tax if it is satisfied that there is a business which does not make taxable supplies but ‘intends to make such supplies in the course or furtherance of that business’ – VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 9 (b). However, ensuring HMRC is satisfied is often problematic.

This is specifically difficult in the area of land and property. VAT registration and the associated input tax claims of a property developer is often the source of disputes. It is important to differentiate between an intention, and what actually happens. Often business plans change, or the original intention is not fulfilled. In such cases, there is a mechanism for repaying input tax claimed (VAT Gen regs 1995 reg 108) but this is only applicable in certain circumstances. The case of Merseyside Cablevision Ltd (MAN/85/327, VTD 2419) demonstrates that if an intention to make taxable supplies is thwarted, input tax claimed is not clawed back (a person who carries on activities which are preparatory to the carrying on of a business is to be treated as in business and is a taxable person).

It should be noted that a business does not have to specify a date by which it expects to make taxable supplies, or to estimate the value of them.

The lesson is; to document every business decision made:

  • board minutes, emails, business plans, letters etc
  • retain all correspondence with; third-parties
  • provide written advice from legal advisers, accounts etc
  • invoices demonstrating expenditure in respect of a new venture are persuasive
  • budgets and considered estimates can be of use
  • retain all advertising media, offers, promotions and other publicity.

Clearly for land and property additional; planning permission, land registry details, plans, surveys, fees, etc will build up a picture that there is an intention to make taxable supplies.

These are just examples and different business may have alternative evidence.

In commercial terms, it will be difficult for HMRC to be unsatisfied if a business is incurring costs in relation to a project – why would they devote time/staff/advisers/financial resources to something when there is no intention of deriving income?

One final point on the Euro Beer case. The judge stated; ‘an intention to make supplies requires more than a mere hope to be in a position to make supplies at some unspecified time in the future’. It is not enough for a business to ‘generally’ state that there is an intention.

VAT: Extent of welfare exemption – The Lilias Graham Trust case

By   3 October 2019

Latest from the courts

Certain welfare services are exempt from VAT via VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 7, Item 9 – services which are directly connected with the care or protection of children. In the The Lilias Graham Trust (LGT) First Tier Tribunal case, the scope of the exemption was considered.


LGT, which has charitable status, operated residential assessment centres, which supported parents (many of whom had mental health issues) in learning how to care for their children.

It was common ground that LGT’s services were as summarised in a letter from Glasgow City Council (where relevant):

  • LGT is an assessment centre providing assessment services on the parenting capacity of those referred to the service
  • The assessment services cover families where there is an uncertainty about whether the parent(s) can safely look after their children
  • LGT is simply acting as an observer watching the parent’s care for their own children and providing information in the form of advice
  • LGT is not providing any treatment in the form of medical care for any illness or injury
  • LGT’s recommendation following the assessment provides a recommendation to social workers around whether the parent(s) has sufficient capacity to keep their child safe and healthy
  • GCC viewed the residential accommodation as a fundamental part of the provision of the assessment services on the parenting capacity of those families which were referred to LGT.

Although the major part of LGT’s income came from the Local Authority fees, it is also subsidised to a degree by grants and donations.


In this case the odd position was that HMRC was arguing for exemption because, in learning how to care for their children, the services were “closely linked” to welfare services or “directly connected” to them as provided for by the Principal VAT Directive and the VAT Act in turn.

LGT contended that their supplies to a Local Authority (which could recover any VAT charged) were taxable as they did not fall within the welfare definition. LGT admitted that there was a causal relationship between the services provided and the care and protection of children, but the connection was too remote to be deemed to be a direct connection – There were several intervening factors and intermediaries between the service provided and the care and protection of children.

At issue was net input tax of circa £400,000 which would be recoverable by LGT if its supplies were taxable, but not if they were exempt. Guide to partial exemption here.


The court found that the essential purpose of the supplies made by LGT was to ensure that the child was better cared for and had optimal protection. That is precisely why the Local Authority employed LGT. Its supplies are both closely linked and directly connected with the protection of children as also to their care. Accordingly, the appellant made supplies of welfare services which are exempt from VAT. The fact that LGT provided its services to the Local Authority rather than the parents did not mean that its services should be taxable. Therefore, there was no output tax chargeable to the Local Authority and no input tax recovery by LGT on expenditure attributable to those exempt supplies.


In this case, HMRC originally ruled that the services were taxable and LGT were required to VAT register, it even issued a late registration penalty. HMRC clearly subsequently changed its view which put input tax which LGT had recovered at risk. There are often disputes on the extent of the exemption, and sometimes debates on whether a service is supplied, or simply staff providing their services. It is important to understand these sometimes subtle differences as getting it wrong can be costly, as LGT found out.

Claiming VAT from the EU after Brexit

By   1 October 2019

More work, confusion and administration for VAT after Brexit. 

After a No-Deal Brexit it will not be possible to recover input tax incurred in other EU Member States by using HMRC’s online service. This is known as; the electronic cross-border refund system which enables a business that incurs VAT on expenditure in a Member State where it is not established and makes no supplies, to recover that VAT directly from that Member State (the Member State of refund).

HMRC state that this will be the case after 5pm on 31 October 2019, but we shall have to wait and see on the precise timing.

HMRC has published meagre guidance on the new method of recovering overseas VAT (for some of us at a certain age, it is the “old” EC 8th Directive method).

Claiming a refund after Brexit

Unhelpfully, each EU Member State has its own process for refunding VAT to businesses based outside the EU (as UK businesses will be post Brexit). This is similar to the existing EC 13th Directive claims. A UK Business will need to use the process for the EU country where it is claiming a refund; even for unclaimed expenses incurred before Brexit.

A business will have to wade through the requirements and the EC provides assistance here.

This will be a complete headache for claimants and underlines the benefits of a harmonised system. Each claim form is different in each Member State, each form must be completed in the language of the country in which VAT is being claimed, and these forms are very bureaucratic; some run to over ten pages…. It will also be necessary to obtain and provide a Certificate of Status (CoS).

In summary


HMRC can issue a form VAT66A which may be used by claimants to prove that they are engaged in business activities at the time of the claim. A CoS is only valid for twelve months. Once it has expired you will need to submit a new CoS.

EC 13th Directive claim

A non-EU based business may make a claim for recovery of VAT incurred in the EU. Typically, these are costs such as; employee travel and subsistence, service charges, exhibition costs, imports of goods, training, purchases of goods in the UK, and clinical trials etc.

The scheme is available for any businesses that are not VAT registered anywhere in the EU, have no place of business or other residence in the EU and do not make any supplies there.

The usual rules that apply to UK business claiming input tax also apply to 13th Directive claims. Consequently, the likes of; business entertainment, car purchase, non-business use and supplies used for exempt activities are usually barred.


The business must obtain a CoS to accompany a claim. The application form is a VAT65A and is available here  Original invoices which show the VAT charged must be submitted with the claim form and business certificate. Applications without a certificate, or certificates and claim forms received after the relevant deadline are not accepted. It is possible for a business to appoint an agent to register to enable them to make refund applications on behalf of that business.

VAT DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme – useful information

By   9 September 2019

The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme is a tax refund scheme for people who build, or arrange to have built, a house they intend to live in. It also applies to converting commercial property into a house(s). Details here.

However, there are often uncertainties and disputes over precisely what tax may be claimed on various expenditure. To this end, HMRC has published a comprehensive list of items, sorted alphabetically, which should avoid a lot of potential disagreements on claims.

It should be noted that a claim for services can only be made for conversions (at the reduced rate of 5%) as any services in respect of a new build property should be zero rated.

What else can a housebuilder not claim for?

There is no claim available for:

  • building projects outside the UK
  • materials or services that are not subject to VAT, eg; are zero-rated or exempt or provided by a non VAT-registered supplier
  • professional or supervisory fees, eg; architects and surveyors
  • the hire of plant, tools and equipment, eg; generators, scaffolding and skips
  • building materials that aren’t permanently attached to or, part of, the building itself
  • some fitted furniture, electrical and gas appliances, carpets or garden ornaments
  • supplies for which you do not have a VAT invoice.

If you would like assistance with making a claim, please contact us.

VAT: Domestic Reverse Charge for builders – introduction delayed

By   9 September 2019

As you were…

The UK Government has announced that it is to delay the introduction of the VAT Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) for construction businesses by a year after a coalition of trade bodies and organisations highlighted its potentially damaging consequences. Details of DRC here

The DRC was due to come into force from 1st October this year, but it has been announced via Revenue and Customs Brief 10 (2019): domestic reverse charge VAT for construction services – delay in implementation that it has been deferred for a year. The new implementation date will be 1 October 2020 unless there are further delays.

The move has been welcomed by all parties affected by the rules and HMRC said that it was committed to working closely with the sector to raise awareness and provide additional guidance to make sure all businesses will be ready for the new implementation date.

Invoices etc

HMRC have also recognised that some businesses have already put changes in place to anticipate the original introduction date and appreciate that it may not be possible to reverse these changes before 1 October 2019. Where “genuine errors” have occurred, HMRC has stated that it will take into account the late change in its implementation date.


The Chief Executive of the Federation of Master Builders said “I’m pleased that the government has made this sensible and pragmatic decision to delay reverse charge VAT until a time when it will have less of a negative impact on the tens of thousands of construction companies across the UK. To plough on with the October 2019 implementation could have been disastrous given that the changes were due to be made just before the UK is expected to leave the EU, quite possibly on ‘no-deal’ terms.” The situation hasn’t been helped by the poor communication and guidance produced by HMRC. Despite the best efforts of construction trade associations to communicate the changes to their members, it’s concerning that so few employers have even heard of reverse charge VAT.”

It has been stated by certain trade bodies that more than two-thirds of construction firms had not heard of the VAT changes and of those who had, around the same number had not prepared for them. My own experience backs this up and talking to other tax people and building businesses it is clear that this is not an issue which has been publicised widely and despite accountancy firms doing their best to bring it to the attention of relevant clients and contacts, many remain unaware.


Discussions over Brexit (obviously!) have been blamed for the situation, although there is no word about why HMRC waited until a month before the intended implication to decide to delay the DRC. A lot of work has been carried out on this matter, and changes to documentation, processing and systems have taken place which will need to be reversed before 1 October 2019. At least the delay will provide HMRC with a new chance to let affected parties know next time and gives them time to identify why so many building businesses were unaware of the reverse charge.

Whether the DRC IS introduced next year remains to be seen. To my mind, it does not deal with the major sources of tax leakage in the construction industry and, as usual, complaint business will play by the book and those that do not will find a way round the rules. To exclude labour only services appears to be a folly. Perhaps they will be amended before next year.

VAT and Customs Duty: Brexit latest

By   20 August 2019

HMRC has been issuing guidance in readiness for Brexit, and in particular, a No Deal Brexit.

They generally provide information on preparations and actions required by business that trade cross-border.


If a business bring goods into the UK from the EU there are actions you should take before and after you’ve imported the goods. This applies to:

  • importers
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods

(This guidance does not apply to moving goods between Ireland and Northern Ireland). A border on the island of Ireland is a whole other matter.

The full guidance for importers.


Again, this guidance relates to:

  • exporters
  • freight forwarders
  • fast parcel operators
  • customs agents
  • traders who move their own goods.

The full guidance for exporters.

Email updates on Brexit

We recommend that business falling within the above definitions sign up the free HMRC Brexit email alert service.

This service covers: information about Brexit including the Article 50 process, negotiations, and announcements about policy changes as a result of Brexit.

It is crucial that businesses understand the impact of a No Deal Brexit and make preparations for all eventualities of the political negotiations. Sign up here

VAT – A beginner’s practical guide

By   2 August 2019

I am often asked if there is a VAT beginner’s guide, I find HMRC guidance generally unhelpful for someone without a tax background, so, here is all the basic information you may need in one place.

 What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax charged on most business transactions made in the UK. It is charged on goods and services and is an ad valorem tax, which means it is proportionate to the value of the supply made.

All goods and services that are VAT rated (at any rate including zero) are called “taxable supplies”. VAT must be charged on taxable supplies from the date a business first needs to be registered. The value of these supplies is called the “taxable turnover”.

Exempt items

VAT does not apply to certain services because the law says these are exempt from VAT. These include some; financial services, property transactions, insurance education and healthcare. Supplies that are exempt from VAT do not form part of the taxable turnover.

The VAT rates

There are currently three rates of VAT in the UK:

  • 20% (standard rate) – Most items are standard rate unless they are specifically included in the lower rate categories.
  • 5% (reduced rate) – this applies to applies to certain items such as domestic fuel and power, installation of energy-saving materials, sanitary hygiene products and children’s car seats.
  • 0% (zero rate) – applies to specified items such as food, books and newspapers, children’s clothing, new houses and public transport.

VAT registration

A business is required to register for, and charge VAT, if:

  • the taxable turnover reaches or is likely to reach a set limit, known as the VAT registration threshold
  • a VAT registered business has been acquired as a going concern (TOGC)
  • potentially; goods or services have been purchased VAT free from non-UK countries (a self-supply)

Registration limit

The current VAT registration threshold is £85,000. If at the end of any month the value of taxable supplies made in the past twelve months is more than this figure a business MUST VAT register.  A business can opt to register for VAT if its taxable turnover is less than this. Please note that taxable turnover is the amount of income received by a business and not just profit. If a business does not register at the correct time it will be fined.

Additionally, if, at any time there are reasonable grounds to expect that the value of the taxable supplies will be more than the threshold in the next thirty days alone a business must register immediately.

What are the exceptions?

VAT is not chargeable on:

  • taxable supplies made by a business which is not, and is not required to be, registered for VAT
  • zero rated supplies
  • supplies deemed to be made outside the UK
  • exempt supplies

What if a business only makes exempt or zero-rated supplies?


If a business only makes exempt supplies, it cannot be registered for VAT. If a business is registered for VAT and makes some exempt supplies, it may not be able to reclaim all of its input tax.

Zero rated

If a business only supplies goods or services which are zero-rated, it does not have to register for VAT, but, it may do so if it chooses.

What is input tax and output tax?

Input tax is the VAT a business pays to its suppliers for goods and services. It is VAT on goods or services coming into a business. In most cases, input tax is the VAT that registered businesses can reclaim (offset against output tax).

Output tax is the term used to describe the VAT charged on a business’ sales of goods or services. Output tax is the VAT a business collects from its customers on each sale it makes.

A full guide to VAT jargon here

Is there anything that will make VAT simpler for a small business?

There are a number of simplified arrangements to make VAT accounting easier for small businesses. These are:

  • Cash Accounting Scheme
  • Annual Accounting Scheme
  • Flat Rate Scheme
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods
  • Global Accounting
  • VAT schemes for retailers
  • Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme
  • Bad Debt Relief

Details may be found here and here and here.

VAT calculation

  • A business adds VAT to the value of sales it makes to other businesses or customers
  • The VAT amount is reached by multiplying the sale amount by the VAT rate percentage, then adding that to the value of the sale.
  • The total of the VAT on sales for a VAT period is output tax
  • For a VAT period, a business will total all VAT it has been charged by suppliers (eg stock, repairs, rent, and general business expenses etc) – this is input tax.
  • On the VAT return for the period, the amount payable or reclaimable to HMRC is the output tax less input tax.


A business must keep complete, up-to-date records that enable it to calculate the correct amount of VAT to declare on its returns. VAT records must be kept for at least six years, because a business will need to show them to HMRC when asked.

It is acceptable for ordinary business records to be the basis for VAT accounts. A business will need records of sales and purchases (and any adjustments such as credit notes) including details of how much VAT the business charged or paid. If trading internationally, records of imports and exports/dispatches and acquisitions with all overseas territories, including the EU must be recorded. VAT records must show details of any supplies a business has given away or taken for personal use.

VAT records must also include all invoices you have received and issued. Invoice requirements here

Records will also need to include a VAT account, showing how total input tax and output tax has been calculated to include in your VAT returns.

It is vital to ensure that the VAT records are accurate. Failure to do so can lead to significant tax penalties


For certain business, the new MTD rules apply and certain software must be used. Details here

Time of supply (tax point)

It is important to establish the time VAT is due. Full details here

VAT returns

A VAT registered business must submit returns on a regular basis (usually quarterly or monthly). A VAT return summarises a business’ sales and purchases and the VAT relating to them. All the information a business requires must be in its VAT records, specifically a VAT account.

Return requirements include:

  • sales total (excluding VAT)
  • output tax – this also includes VAT due on any other taxable transactions, eg; barters, non-monetary consideration, goods taken for personal use
  • value of purchases (excluding VAT)
  • input tax claimable
  • total of VAT payable/claimable
  • summary of trade with other EU Member States

Online VAT returns are due one month and seven days after the end of the VAT period. Payment of any VAT owed is due at the same time, although HMRC will collect direct debit payments three days later.

VAT: Land and property quiz – Answers

By   1 August 2019

The “fun” quiz.

The important thing to consider is what the purchaser does, or intends to do, with the land once purchased. This will dictate the input tax recovery position. So, can the input tax be recovered? Answers to quiz questions in the 26 July 2019 post below


On the purchased land the person constructs:

  1. a dwelling and supplies the house on a 25-year lease


The lease is 21 years or over, so it is zero rated. However, a lease under 21 years would be an exempt so no recovery. For more details

  1. an office and uses it for his own business supplying FS to a client in China


However, if the FS supply had been to the UK or another EU Member State, the supply would be exempt so no input tax recovery. This may change in the event of a No-Deal Brexit.

  1. a storage facility and a fully taxable company leases it to another company in the same partly exempt VAT group after opting to tax


Unlikely to be full input tax recovery as the VAT group is itself partly exempt. The Capital Goods Scheme (CGS) may apply.

  1. a block of ten flats with a gym and swimming pool which tenants are entitled to use. Grants 99 years leases on all flats


The supply is zero rated, notwithstanding there are additional (to usual residential dwellings) facilities.

  1. a dwelling but uses it for short term holiday lets of no more than a fortnight.


Holiday lets are standard rated, so the business would be taxable. The purchaser would need to VAT register, however.

  1. a warehouse which is sold on completion but without an option to tax being made before the sale


A ‘new” commercial building (one under three years old) is mandatorily standard rated, so no option to tax is required.

  1. the land is held with the intention of constructing dwellings at some time in the future, which could be over six years


As long as the intention remains, and can be evidenced, the input tax may be attributed to the future taxable, zero rated, supply.

  1. a factory which is not subjected to an option to tax but is leased to an US company


The place of supply (POS) is the UK as this is where the immovable property is located, regardless of the status of the client. Consequently, this is an exempt supply with no right to input tax recovery.

  1. a block of three flats which are rented for six months before freehold sale

No, or maybe, or yes

The initial supply is exempt, so the input tax is, preliminarily, attributed to the short term lets. However, a simplified form of the partial exemption de minimis limits may be used and, depending on the scale of the development, it is possible that some, or all, of the input tax may be recovered despite the initial exempt supplies.

  1. a sport hall by a school Academy which is leased to sporting charities and also used for its own educational purposes. No option to tax


It would be unlikely that an Academy would be able to recover all the input tax. Because it would make (exempt) business supplies, this would fall outside the VAT Act 1994, Section 33 rules, so there would be no input tax recovery in respect of those activities. There would be an apportionment and only the input tax referable to own use would be recoverable as those supplies of education would be non-business. If the Academy opted to tax the facilities (and was VAT registered), the input tax would be recoverable in full. No input tax referable to business use would be possible if the Academy was using VAT126 claims. VAT and Academies

  1. a manufacturing plant which a company rents to a connected (non-VAT grouped) party which makes and sells toys. The option is taken


As the connected party is fully taxable the anti-avoidance rules do not apply. If the connected party was not able to recover the VAT charged to it (say it made exempt supplies) the anti-avoidance legislation would kick in and the option would be disapplied, meaning that the input tax in the hands of the developer would not be recoverable.

  1. a car showroom and offices which a company uses for its own business of selling cars, providing finance and brokering insurance


There would be mixed use; car sales are taxable, finance and insurance are exempt, so some of the input tax would probably not be recoverable (dependent upon the de minimis limits). The development would be an overhead of the business. It is likely that the property would be an item covered by the CGS.

  1. a care home for the elderly which a company uses for that purpose


This likely be an exempt supply, so no input tax recovery on supplies which are properly VATable. There may be reliefs on construction costs, however.

  1. a small cabin office and the remaining land is used for a forestry business which will have no sales for ten years (when the trees are grown)


Although the intended taxable supplies are some way off, as long as the intention can be evidenced, the input tax may be recovered when incurred as it will relate to those intended taxable transactions. If the intention changes, this may impact the initial recovery. More information

  1. a residential block which is immediately transferred to an associated company (an arm’s length transaction) on completion. No tenants are in situ.


The transfer of the freehold triggers the zero rating. The associated company may then, if it chooses, make exempt supplies without a VAT cost. This type of planning can be very helpful.

So there we have it. How did you get on?  I would say that any score over eight is very good.

VAT: Land and property – A “fun” quiz

By   26 July 2019

VAT: Land and property

I am quite often asked the seemingly straightforward question: Can I recover VAT on this land purchase? So, by way of a little quiz, I look at why this can be a loaded question.


A person purchases bare land in the UK for £450,000 which is subjected to the option to tax. So, VAT of £90,000 is incurred. Your task, should you wish to accept it, is to say yes, no, or maybe to input tax recovery in the following situations (assume the purchaser is VAT registered).


On the purchased land the person constructs:

  1. a dwelling and supplies the house on a 25-year lease
  2. an office and uses it for his own business supplying FS to a client in China
  3. a storage facility and a fully taxable company leases it to another company in the same partly exempt VAT group after opting to tax
  4. a block of ten flats with a gym and swimming pool which tenants are entitled to use. Grants 99 years leases on all flats
  5. a dwelling but uses it for short term holiday lets of no more than a fortnight.
  6. a warehouse which is sold on completion but without an option to tax being made before the sale
  7. the land is held with the intention of constructing dwellings at some time in the future, which could be over six years
  8. a factory which is not subjected to an option to tax but is leased to an US company
  9. a block of three flats which are rented for six months before freehold sale
  10. a sport hall by a school Academy which is leased to sporting charities and also used for its own educational purposes. No option to tax
  11. a manufacturing plant which a company rents to a connected (non-VAT grouped) party which makes and sells toys. The option is taken
  12. a car showroom and offices which a company uses for its own business of selling cars, providing finance and brokering insurance
  13. a care home for the elderly which a company uses for that purpose
  14. a small cabin office and the remaining land is used for a forestry business which will have no sales for ten years (when the trees are grown)
  15. a residential block which is immediately transferred to an associated company (an arm’s length transaction) on completion. No tenants are in situ.

We are looking at recovery of input tax on the land purchase here, ignoring other (say; construction and professional) costs. That is another article in itself.

The questions have been simplified, usually, they tend to be rather more “involved”.

