Tag Archives: input-tax

Claiming EU VAT refunds after Brexit

By   25 February 2019

HMRC has confirmed that in the event of a No Deal Brexit businesses belonging in the UK will no longer be able to make claims for VAT incurred in other EU Member States using the electronic refund system.

Businesses claiming via the EU VAT refund electronic system need to submit a refund claim for 2018 by 5pm on 29 March 2019. If claims are submitted after that date HMRC will be unable to send the claim to the relevant EU Member State.

If a business incurs VAT in an EU Member State in 2019 it should not use the EU VAT refund system to make a claim as it is likely to be rejected by that Member State.

After 29 March, a business must claim VAT refunds from EU Member States directly by using the existing process for businesses based outside the EU (similar to the previous EC Eighth Directive claims for those with a good memory and in line with current the EC Thirteenth Directive). This includes outstanding claims that relate to 2018 expenses, and claims relating to 2019.

It is important to understand the process for each EU Member State as it can vary. For example:

  • the deadline for making your claim may be different
  • you may need to supply a certificate of Taxable Status to support a claim
  • you may need to appoint a tax representative in the EU Member State of refund

Check the EU’s Europa website for country specific information on VAT.

This is yet another reason (should one be needed) that a No Deal Brexit will create significant burdens on businesses. It will mean that up to 27 separate claims, in the language of the Member State in which the claim is made, rather than a single application. Good luck everybody!

VAT: Preparing for a No Deal Brexit. A checklist

By   13 February 2019

A guide for Customs, Excise and VAT for exporters

This is a brief overview of certain issues that an exporter needs to consider if, as seems increasingly likely, there is a No Deal Brexit. There are a number of helpful links to assist. This could be an enormous change. HMRC estimate the number of customs declarations will rise from 55m to 255m annually and the EU requires eight copies of each customs declaration.

UK businesses need to plan for Customs and VAT processes, which will be checked at the EU border. They should check with the EU or Member State the rules and processes which need to apply to their goods.

Distance selling arrangements will no longer apply to UK businesses and UK businesses will be able to zero rate sales of goods to EU consumers. Current EU rules would mean that EU Member States will treat goods entering the EU from the UK in the same way as goods entering from other non-EU countries, with associated import VAT and customs duties due when the goods arrive into the EU.


  • Get an EORI number
  • Check if you can use transitional simplified procedures
  • Apply the correct customs procedure code
  • Identify the UK tariff codes for all your products by searching trade tariffs on gov.uk. A tariff code allows you to:
    • complete declarations and other documentation
    • check if there is duty or VAT to pay and any potential duty reliefs
  • If you use a UK roll on roll off location you will need to declare your goods before they board the ferry or train
  • Pay Customs Duty on goods
  • Research the destinations you want to export to. This background information, along with the commodity code of the goods will enable you to establish if goods will incur import duty in the destination country
  • Check if you need a licence to import or export your goods
  • Obtain software or an agent to make declarations
  • Identify what documentary requirements apply for your products when exported to EU countries by searching the EU Commission Market Access Database. (When choosing a market, you cannot currently select the UK so, assuming the UK would have no tariff preferences under a no-deal scenario, select a country such as the US or China, where no preferential arrangements exist, to establish a comparable level of duty your product would face)
  • Check for updates. Check the EU Brexit Preparedness portal, to understand the potential outcomes for your sector
  • Check the origin of all products when exported to, or imported from EU countries. Identify the UK/EU/non-EU content (including all components and raw materials) and whether your goods may qualify as being of UK or EU origin. Access further information on rules of origin
  • Customs delay – If working in time sensitive sectors, consider how your EU customers may be affected by customs delays. These may include; just-in-time practices, timed deliveries and potential penalties and short shelf-life goods
  • Identify EU customers and suppliers who are cost-sensitive and who might be reluctant to pay more for goods with the addition of import duties, customs clearance costs, higher freight costs, or currency fluctuations.
  • Identify exports to countries which have Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with the EU. Are they dependent on duty preferences or other FTA provisions? Consider the implications, particularly where main competition is with other EU businesses
  • Access details of which countries have FTA with the EU
  • Identify purchases from other countries which have FTA or Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) agreements with the EU.
  • Identify sales to EU customers who incorporate those goods into their products, for re-export to countries with FTAs. Check whether supplier declarations are provided
  • Cash flow – Consider protecting against foreign exchange fluctuations within your business
  • Map and audit supply chains. Even if a company is ready for Brexit, it will be disrupted if a supplier is not prepared and cannot meet its contracts
  • Check international contracts and renegotiate if required. Some intra-EU contracts will not include incoterms, the legal provisions for importing and exporting that define who is responsible for shipping goods across borders
  • Develop a contingency plan – There is no guarantee that border procedures will operate smoothly immediately after Brexit, and businesses may need a contingency plan in case systems fail
  • Stay up to date by registering for HMRC’s EU Exit update service www.gov.uk/hmrc/business-support, select ‘business help and education emails’, add your email address, select ‘Submit’, select ‘Add subscription’, choose ‘EU Exit’ then ‘Submit’
  • Customs checks – Establish what level of risk of physical or documentary examination might apply for your goods imported from, or exported to EU countries
  • For goods being exported to the EU which are not “wholly obtained” in the UK, and which have undergone processing in another third country as part of their production, it is important to understand the supply chain of components going into the product.  Goods with components coming from non-UK countries will mean that that product is not able to benefit from any continued zero-tariff trade with the EU unless arrangements are put in place between the EU and UK

I hope that this is helpful. Please contact us if you have any queries.

VAT: New reverse charge for the construction industry

By   4 February 2019

Further to my article which sets out the basis of these changes, I look further at the measures which will be introduced on 1 October 2019. Time is running out for businesses in the building and construction sector to understand the impact of the new rules and to make arrangements to implement the required changes. These will include:

  • cashflow implications
  • accounting procedures
  • processes
  • tax compliance
  • documentation
  • systems


HMRC will introduce the Reverse Charge (RC) to combat Missing Trader Fraud (MTF). The rules avoid suppliers charging and being paid VAT but failing to declare or pay this over to the government. HMRC has identified the building trade as an area where there has been considerable tax leakage in the past. The UK has introduced similar measures in response to criminal threats for mobile telephones, emissions allowances, gas, electricity and electronic communications. A domestic reverse charge only applies to supplies between UK taxable persons therefore unless the customer is registered or liable to be registered for VAT it will not apply.

The RC will make supplies of standard or reduced rated construction services between construction or building businesses subject to the domestic RC, which means that the recipient of the supply will be liable to account for VAT due, instead of the supplier. Consequently, the customer in the construction industry receiving the supply of construction services will be required to pay the VAT directly to HMRC rather than paying it to the supplier. It will be able to reclaim this VAT subject to the normal VAT rules. The RC will apply throughout the supply chain up to the point where the customer receiving the supply is no longer a business that makes supplies of construction services (a so-called end user, see below).

The supplies to which the RC will apply are set out here

Further information on the RC in general, including invoicing requirements are to be found in VAT Notice 735


As a general rule, it is the supplier of goods or services who is required to account for VAT on those supplies. However, the VAT Act 1994, section 55A requires the recipient, not the supplier, to account for and pay tax on the supply of any goods and services which are of a description specified in an order made by the Treasury for that purpose.

The final version of the draft legislation has now been published. In addition HMRC have issued guidance notes which include a helpful flowchart.

Mixed supplies

If there is a RC element in a supply, then the whole supply will be subject to the RC. This is to make it simpler for both supplier and customer and to avoid the need to apportion the supply.

End user

End users will usually be recipients who use the building or construction services for themselves, rather than sell the services on as part of their business of providing building or construction services.

VAT Returns


Suppliers applying the RC do not enter a figure for output tax in box 1 of the VAT Return, but should enter the value of such sales in box 6.


Customers must enter the output tax on purchases to which the RC applies in box 1 of the VAT Return, but must not enter the value of such purchases in box 6. They may reclaim the input tax on the RC purchases in box 4 of the VAT Return and include the value of the purchases in box 7, in the normal way.


HMRC state that it understands the difficulties businesses may have in implementing the domestic RC and say it will apply a light touch in dealing with related errors that occur in the first six months after introduction.


It is prudent to check whether you, or your clients’ businesses will be affected by these changes. If so, plans need to be put in place; whether as a supplier or recipient, to ensure that VAT is not charged incorrectly (supplier) and the RC is applied correctly (recipient). It is likely that output tax incorrectly shown on an invoice will be due to HMRC but will not be recoverable by the recipient and the omission of levying the RC will lead to penalties. It will also be helpful for smaller construction providers affected by the RC to examine the impact on their cashflow.

Please contact us if you have any queries or require further information.

VAT: Latest on holding companies and input tax recovery

By   21 January 2019

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of W Resources plc (WRP) the enduring matter of input tax recovery by a holding company was considered. This follows similar considerations in the cases of Norseman and BAA and HMRC’s updated guidance on the matter. This case considered whether a holding company could recover input tax incurred on certain costs.  This is turn depended on whether the holding company intended to make taxable supplies. Specifically; the intention to recharge professional expenses incurred to two non VAT-grouped subsidiary companies contingent on those companies receiving income at a future time.


WRP acquired two subsidiary companies. The subsidiary company’s business the exploration and exploitation of tungsten in the EU. WRP contended that it incurred the relevant input tax

  • to enable the subsidiaries to raise funds to carry out their exploration activities
  • to exercise financial control over the subsidiaries
  • to obtain geological expertise, project management and supervision and day to day management and supervision for the subsidiaries so that they could carry on their exploration and exploitation activities

HMRC denied the claim of input tax on the basis that the WRP was not carrying on an economic activity or making supplies for a consideration (such that it should not be VAT registered).

It was common ground that, if it was decided that all of the supplies which were made by the WRP to the subsidiary companies (following their acquisition by the appellant) were supplies made for a consideration and in the course of carrying on an “economic activity”, then the input tax which was incurred during the preparatory phase should be recoverable.

So, the issue was – were the intended recharges so uncertain such that there could be no direct link to an economic activity?


The appeal was dismissed.

Although the judge distinguished Norseman (above) where there was only a vague intention to make charges to subsidiary companies and here the position was different because there was a fixed intention that WRP would be able to invoice in due course for its supplies of services at an amount quantified by reference to the value of the services received but only if the relevant subsidiary began to generate revenues, the fact that it was uncertain whether the subsidiaries would generate income was to sufficient to break the link between supply and consideration. The fact that the intended charges were contingent was fatal to the appeal.


The judge appears to have come to the decision reluctantly and entertained the thought that “the contrary is certainly arguable”. This case demonstrates, yet again, the difficulties in determining future intentions of a business. Such intentions dictate whether a business may VAT register and/or recover input tax. It is often difficult to evidence intentions and HMRC seem intent to challenge input tax recovery in such circumstances and will be buoyed by this result.

This case again emphasises the importance of holding companies having appropriate processes and ensuring that proper documentation is in place to evidence, not only the intention to make taxable supplies of management charges, but that those charges were actually made to subsidiaries.

Often significant costs can be incurred by a holding company in cases such as acquisitions and restructuring.  It is important that these costs are incurred by, and invoiced to, the appropriate entity in order for the VAT on them to be recovered.  Consideration should be given to how the input tax is recovered before it is incurred, and the appropriate structure put in place if possible.

Further information and advice on inter-company charges may be found here

What VAT CAN’T you claim?

By   3 January 2019
The majority of input tax incurred by most VAT registered businesses may be recovered.  However, there is some input tax that may not be.  I thought it would be helpful if I pulled together all of these categories in one place:

Blocked VAT claims – an overview

  •  No supporting evidence

In most cases this evidence will be an invoice (or as the rules state “a proper tax invoice)” although it may be import, self-billing or other documentation in specific circumstances.  A claim is invalid without the correct paperwork.  HMRC may accept alternative evidence, however, they are not duty bound to do so (and rarely do).  So ensure that you always obtain and retain the correct documentation.

  • Incorrect supporting evidence

Usually this is an invalid invoice, or using a delivery note/statement/pro forma in place of a proper tax invoice. To support a claim an invoice must show all the information set out in the legislation.  HMRC are within their rights to disallow a claim if any of the details are missing.  A full guide is here

  •  Input tax relating to exempt supplies

Broadly speaking, if a business incurs VAT in respect of exempt supplies it cannot recover it.  If a business makes only exempt supplies it cannot even register for VAT.  There is a certain easement called de minimis which provide for recovery if the input tax is below certain prescribed limits. Input tax which relates to both exempt and taxable activities must be apportioned. More details of partial exemption may be found here

  •  Input tax relating to non-business activities

If a charity or NFP entity incurs input tax in connection with non-business activities this cannot be recovered and there is no de minimis relief.  Input tax which relates to both business and non-business activities must be apportioned. Business versus non-business apportionment must be carried out first and then any partial exemption calculation for the business element if appropriate. More details here 

  •  Time barred

If input tax is not reclaimed within four years of it being incurred, the capping provisions apply and any claim will be rejected by HMRC.

  •  VAT incurred on business entertainment

This is always irrecoverable unless the client or customer being entertained belongs overseas.  The input tax incurred on staff entertainment costs is however recoverable.

  •  Car purchase

In most cases the VAT incurred on the purchase of a car is blocked. The only exceptions are for when the car; is part of the stock in trade of a motor manufacturer or dealer, or is used primarily for the purposes of taxi hire; self-drive hire or driving instruction; or is used exclusively for a business purpose and is not made available for private use. This last category is notoriously difficult to prove to HMRC and the evidence to support this must be very good.

  •  Car leasing

If a business leases a car for business purposes it will normally be unable to recover 50% of the VAT charged.  The 50% block is to cover the private use of the car.

  •  A business using certain schemes

For instance, a business using the Flat rate Scheme cannot recover input tax except for certain large capital purchases, also there are certain blocks for recovery on TOMS users

  •  VAT charged in error

Even if you obtain an invoice purporting to show a VAT amount, this cannot be recovered if the VAT was charged in error; either completely inappropriately or at the wrong rate.  A business’ recourse is with the supplier and not HMRC.

  •  Goods and services not used for your business

Even if a business has an invoice addressed to it and the services or goods are paid for by the business, the input tax on the purchase is blocked if the supply is not for business use.  This may be because the purchase is for personal use, or by another business or for purposes not related to the business.

  • VAT paid on goods and services obtained before VAT registration

This is not input tax and therefore is not claimable.  However, there are exceptions for goods on hand at registration and which were purchased within four years of registration, and services received within six months of registration if certain conditions are met.

  •  VAT incurred by property developers

Input tax incurred on certain articles that are installed in buildings which are sold or leased at the zero rate is blocked.

  •  Second hand goods

Goods sold to you under one of the VAT second-hand schemes will not show a separate VAT charge and no input tax is recoverable on these goods.

  •  Transfer of a going concern (TOGC)

Assets of a business transferred to you as a going concern are not deemed to be a supply for VAT purposes and consequently, there is no VAT chargeable and therefore no input tax to recover.

  •  Disbursements

A business cannot reclaim VAT when it pays for goods or services to be supplied directly to its client. However, in this situation the VAT may be claimable by the client if they are VAT registered. For more on disbursements see here

  •  VAT incurred overseas

A business cannot reclaim VAT charged on goods or services that it has bought from suppliers in other EU States. Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK VAT return. There is however, a mechanism available to claim this VAT back from the relevant authorities in those States. Details here. However, in most cases, supplies received from overseas suppliers are VAT free, so it is usually worth checking whether any VAT has been charged correctly.

VAT Invoices – A Full Guide

By   3 January 2019

The subject of invoices is often misunderstood and can create serious issues if mistakes are made.  VAT is a transaction tax, so primary evidence of the transaction is of utmost importance. Also, a claim for input tax is usually not valid unless it is supported by an original valid invoice  HMRC can, and often do, reject input claims because of an inaccurate invoice.  There are a lot of misconceptions about invoices, so, although a rather dry subject, it is very important and I thought it would be useful to have all the information in one place, so here is my guide:

Obligation to provide a VAT invoice

With certain limited exceptions a VAT registered person must provide the customer with an invoice showing specified particulars including VAT in the following circumstances.

(a) He makes a supply of goods or services in the UK (other than an exempt supply) to a taxable person.

(b) He makes a supply of goods or services to a person in another EC country for the purposes of any business activity carried on by that person. But no invoice is required where the supply is an exempt supply which is made to a person in another EC country which does not require an invoice to be issued for the supply. (Because practice varies widely across the EC, HMRC guidance is that businesses should be guided by their customers as to whether invoices are required for exempt supplies.)

(c) He receives a payment on account from a person in another EC country in respect of a supply he has made or intends to make.


The above provisions do not apply to the following supplies.

• Zero-rated supplies (other than supplies for acquisition by a person registered in another EC country, see (b) above).

• Supplies where the VAT charged is excluded from credit under VATA 1994, s 25(7) (eg business entertaining and certain motor cars) although a VAT invoice may be issued in such cases.

• Supplies on which VAT is charged but which are not made for a consideration. This includes gifts and private use of goods.

• Sales of second-hand goods under one of the special schemes. Invoices for such sales must not show any VAT.

• Supplies that fall within the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme(TOMS). VAT invoices must not be issued for such supplies.

• Supplies where the customer operates a self-billing arrangement.

• Supplies by retailers unless the customer requests a VAT invoice.

• Supplies by one member to another in the same VAT group.

• Transactions between one division and another of a company registered in the names of its divisions.

• Supplies where the taxable person is entitled to issue, and does issue, invoices relating to services performed in fiscal and other warehousing regimes.

Documents treated as VAT invoices

Although not strictly VAT invoices, certain documents listed below are treated as VAT invoices either under the legislation or by HMRC.

(1) Self-billing invoices

Self-billing is an arrangement between a supplier and a customer in which the customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards it to him, normally with the payment.

(2) Sales by auctioneer, bailiff, etc.

Where goods (including land) forming part of the assets of a business carried on by a taxable person are, under any power exercisable by another person, sold by that person in or towards satisfaction of a debt owed by the taxable person, the goods are deemed to be supplied by the taxable person in the course or furtherance of his business.

The particulars of the VAT chargeable on the supply must be provided on a sale by auction by the auctioneer and where the sale is otherwise than by auction by the person selling the goods. The document issued to the buyer is treated as a VAT invoice.

(3Authenticated receipts in the construction industry.

(4) Business gifts

Where a business makes a gift of goods on which VAT is due, and the recipient uses the goods for business purposes, that person can recover the VAT as input tax (subject to the normal rules). The donor cannot issue a VAT invoice (because there is no consideration) but instead may provide the recipient with a ‘tax certificate’ which can be used as evidence to support a deduction of input tax. The tax certificate may be on normal invoicing documentation overwritten with the statement:

“Tax certificate – No payment is necessary for these goods. Output tax has been accounted for on the supply.”

Full details of the goods must be shown on the documentation and the amount of VAT shown must be the amount of output tax accounted for to HMRC.

Invoicing requirements and particulars

A VAT invoice must contain certain basic information.

A VAT invoice must show the following particulars.

(a) A sequential number based on one or more series which uniquely identifies the document.

The ‘invoice number’ can be numerical, or it can be a combination of numbers and letters, as long as it forms part of a unique and sequential series. Where there is a break in the series, eg; where an invoice is cancelled or spoiled and never issued to a customer, this is still acceptable as long as the relevant invoice is retained.

(b) The time of the supply, ie tax point.

(c) The date of issue of the document.

(d) The name, address and registration number of the supplier.

(e) The name and address of the person to whom the goods or services are supplied.

(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied.

(g) For each description, the quantity of the goods or extent of the services, the rate of VAT and amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(h) The unit price.

This applies to ‘countable’ goods and services. For services, the countable element might be, for example, an hourly rate or a price paid for standard services. If the supply cannot be broken down into countable elements, the total VAT-exclusive price is the unit price.

(i) The gross amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.

(j) The rate of any cash discount offered.

(k) The total amount of VAT chargeable expressed in sterling.

(l) Where the margin scheme for SECOND-HAND GOODS or theTOMS is applied, either a reference to the appropriate provision of EC Council Directive 2006/112/EC or the corresponding provision of VATA 1994or any indication that the margin scheme has been applied.

The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and but we recommend:

• “This is a second-hand margin scheme supply.”

• “This supply falls under the Value Added Tax (Tour Operators) Order 1987.”

The requirement only applies to TOMS invoices in business to business transactions.

(m) Where a VAT invoice relates in whole or in part to a supply where the person supplied is liable to pay the VAT, either a reference to the appropriate provision of EC Council Directive 2006/112/EC or the corresponding provision of VATA 1994 or any indication that the supply is one where the customer is liable to pay the VAT.

This covers UK supplies where the customer accounts for the VAT (eg under the gold scheme or any reverse charge requirement under the missing trader intra-community rules). The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and we recommend: “This supply is subject to the reverse charge”.

Exempt or zero-rated supplies

Invoices do not have to be raised for exempt or zero-rated transactions when supplied in the UK. But if such supplies are included on invoices with taxable supplies, the exempt and zero-rated supplies must be totalled separately and the invoice must show clearly that there is no VAT payable on them.

Leasing of motor cars

Where an invoice relates wholly or partly to the letting on hire of a motor car other than for self-drive, the invoice must state whether the car is a qualifying vehicle

Alternative evidence to support a claim for input tax

In certain situations HMRC can use its discretion and allow an input tax with documentary evidence other than an invoice. Their guidance here

Electronic invoices

Full information on electronic invoicing here


Retailers may issue a “less detailed tax invoice” if a customer requests one.  the supply must be for £250 or less (including VAT) and must show:

  • your name, address and VAT registration number
  • the time of supply (tax point)
  • a description which identifies the goods or services supplied
  • and for each VAT rate applicable, the total amount payable, including VAT and the VAT rate charged.


As may be seen, it is a matter of law whether an invoice is valid and when they must be issued.  Therefore it is important for a business to understand the position and for its system to be able to produce a valid tax invoice and to recognise what is required to claim input tax.  As always with VAT, there are penalties for getting documentation wrong. Please contact us should you have any queries.

VAT: Changes to EU 13th Directive claims

By   17 December 2018

HMRC has announced procedural changes to overseas businesses reclaiming VAT incurred in the UK RCB 12 (2018)

The main changes are in relation to HMRC’s firmer stance on what constitutes an acceptable Certificate Of Status (CoS).


HMRC issues form VAT66A which can be used by overseas claimants to prove that they are engaged in business activities at the time of the claim.

The CoS must be the original and contain the:

  • name, address and official stamp of the authorising body
  • claimants name and address
  • nature of the claimant’s business
  • claimant’s business registration number

The CoS is only valid for twelve months. Once it has expired you will need to submit a new CoS.

What is a 13th Directive claim?

A non-EU based business may make a claim for recovery of VAT incurred in the UK. Typically, these are costs such as; employee travel and subsistence, service charges, exhibition costs, imports of goods, training, purchases of goods in the UK, and clinical trials etc.

Who can claim?

The scheme is available for any businesses that are not VAT registered anywhere in the EU, have no place of business or other residence in the EU and do not make any supplies in the UK.

What cannot be claimed?

The usual rules that apply to UK business claiming input tax also apply to 13th Directive claims. Consequently, the likes of; business entertainment, car purchase, non-business use and supplies used for exempt activities are usually barred.


The business must obtain a CoS from its local tax or government department to accompany a claim. The application form is a VAT65A and is available here  Original invoices which show the VAT charged must be submitted with the claim form and business certificate. Applications without a certificate, or certificates and claim forms received after the deadline are not accepted by HMRC. It is possible for a business to appoint an agent to register to enable them to make refund applications on behalf of that business.


Claim periods run annually up to 30 June and must be submitted by 31 December of the same year. Consequently, any UK VAT incurred in the twelve months to 30 June 2018 must be submitted by 31 December 2018. With the usual Christmas rush and distractions, it may be easy to overlook this deadline and some claims may be significant. Unfortunately, this is not a rapid process and even if claims are accurate and the supporting documents are in all in order the claim often takes some time to be repaid. Although the deadline is the end of the year HMRC say that it will allow an additional three months for submission of a CoS.


There is a similar scheme for businesses incurring VAT in the UK which are based in other EU Member States. However, the process and deadlines are different. Additionally, if you are a UK business incurring VAT (or its equivalent) overseas, there are mechanisms for its recovery. Please contact us if you would like further information.

VAT: Time of supply (tax point). Baumgarten Sports case

By   4 December 2018

Latest from the courts

In the Baumgarten Sports EJEU case, the matter was the time of supply of a German football agent’s services.


As is common in the football world, clubs make payments to agents in order to obtain the services of footballers. When the agent places a player with a football club, it receives commission from that club, provided that the player subsequently signs an employment contract and holds a licence issued by the Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH (German Football League). The commission is paid to the company in instalments every six months for as long as the player remains under a contract with that club.

The arguments

The German tax authorities took the view that a tax point was created when Baumgarten Sports services were complete – when the contract was signed, and that output tax was due in full at that time The appellant contended that the rules for “successive payments” applied and that VAT was due on each six monthly payment.


The issue is covered by Articles 63 and 90 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax (‘the VAT Directive’).


The supply of services gave rise to successive payments, the chargeable event for VAT occurs and VAT becomes chargeable on expiry of the periods to which those payments relate (re; Asparuhovo Lake Investment Company, C‑463/14).

The chargeable event (tax point) and chargeability of a tax on the supply of the agent’s services must be regarded as occurring, not when the player is placed, but on expiry of the periods to which the payments made by the club relate.


It is useful to look at the UK tax point rules for services, which I have summarised here:

VAT must normally be accounted for in the VAT period in which the tax point occurs and at the rate of VAT in force at that time. Small businesses may, however, account for VAT on the basis of cash paid and received.

Although the principal purpose of the time of supply rules is to fix the time for accounting for, and claiming VAT, the rules have other uses including

  • calculating turnover for VAT registration purposes
  • establishing the period to which supplies (including exempt supplies) are to be allocated for partial exemption purposes, and
  • establishing when and if input tax may be deducted

The tax point for a transaction is the date the transaction takes place for VAT purposes. This is important because it crystallises the date when output tax should be declared and when input tax may be reclaimed. Unsurprisingly, get it wrong and there could be penalties and interest, or VAT is declared too early or input tax claimed late – both situations are to be avoided, especially in large value and/or complex situations.

The basic tax point for a supply of services is the date the services are performed.

Actual tax point

Where a VAT invoice is raised or payment is made before the basic tax point, there is an earlier actual tax point created at the time the invoice is issued or payment received, whichever occurs first.

14 Day Rule

There is also an actual tax point where a VAT invoice is issued within 14 days after the basic tax point. This overrides the basic tax point.

Continuous supply of services 

If services are supplied on a continuous basis and payments are received regularly or from time to time, there is a tax point every time:

  • A VAT invoice is issued
  • a payment is received, whichever happens first


Care should be taken when accounting for deposits. The VAT rules vary depending on the nature of the deposit. In some circumstances deposits may catch out the unwary, these could be, inter alia; auctions, stakeholder/escrow/solicitor accounts in property transactions, and refundable/non-refundable deposits. There are also other special provisions for particular supplies of goods and services, for eg; TOMS.


The tax point may be summarised (in most circumstances) as the earliest of:

  • The date an invoice is issued
  • The date payment is received
  • The date title to goods is passed, or services are completed.


Tax point planning can be very important to a business. the aims in summary are:

  • Deferring a supplier’s tax point where possible
  • Timing of a tax point to benefit both parties to a transaction wherever possible
  • Applying the cash accounting scheme (or withdrawal from it)
  • Using specific documentation to avoid creating tax points for certain supplies
  • Correctly identifying the nature of a supply to benefit from certain tax point rules
  • Generating positive cashflow between “related” entities where permitted
  • Broadly; generate output tax as early as possible in a VAT period, and incur input tax as late as possible
  • Planning for VAT rate changes
  • Ensure that a business does not incur penalties for errors by applying the tax point rules correctly.

As always, please contact us if you have any queries.

EC clamp down on yacht and aircraft VAT abuse

By   8 November 2018

The European Commission (EC) has stepped up its agenda to tackle tax avoidance in the yacht and aircraft sectors by implementing infringement proceedings on tax breaks being applied in the pleasure craft industries of the Isle of Man. These provisions can generate major distortions of competition, as highlighted by last year’s ‘Paradise Papers’ leaks.

The EC has sent a formal notice to the UK in respect of the Isle of Man’s abusive VAT practices relating to sales and leasing of aircraft.


Input tax is only deductible when it relates to business use of an asset. The EC says that supplies of aircraft, including leasing services, intended expressly for private use, should not be effectively VAT free. The EC believes that the UK has not taken sufficient action against abusive VAT practices in the Isle of Man on supplies and leasing of aircraft. This perceived abuse is facilitated by UK national rules which do not comply with EU law.

Broadly, arrangements are made such that a (seemingly) artificial leasing businesses is put in place and through which individuals rent their own jets from themselves. The most high-profile example of this structure is one used by Lewis Hamilton for his private jet.

Features of such arrangements are said to be:

  • Users of the scheme recover 100% of import VAT when it appears that an adjustment should be made for the proportion of the amount of private use intended for the aircraft
  • VAT should be declared and paid to any European Member States whose airports are used for leisure flights.
  • The leasing businesses set up for jets usually appear to be a letterbox companies with no real economic purpose. Consequently, it is unlikely that such entities should be entitled to reclaim VAT from the Isle of Man.

It is understood that the Isle of Man government has called in the HMRC which will review of 231 tax refunds issued to private jet owners since 2011 valued at circa $1billion of VAT.

Representatives of the EC are due to visit the Isle of Man this month. Similar action is being taken against Italy in respect of the lease of yachts and excise duty rates for motor boats.

What happens next? 

The UK now has two months to respond to the arguments put forward by the EC regarding VAT on aircraft. If the UK authorities do not act within those two months, the EC will send a reasoned opinion. If the UK does not act within the next two months on the reasoned opinion the EC may bring the case before the Court of Justice of the EU.

Pierre Moscovici, the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Union, said: “It’s simply not fair that some individuals and companies can get away with not paying the correct amount of VAT on products like yachts and aircraft. Favourable tax treatment for private boats and aircraft is clearly at odds with our commonly agreed tax rules and heavily distorts competition in the maritime and aviation sectors. With this in mind, the Commission is taking action to clamp down on rules that try to circumvent EU law in these areas.”

For More Information

On the general infringements procedure, MEMO/12/12.

On the EU infringements procedure. 


We do not design, sell or advocate such schemes. Our view is that these and similar structures are, quite rightly, open to attack from the relevant authorities. They do not reflect well on those that put these structures in place nor those that benefit from them. Using a leasing scheme as such is not necessarily abusive. However, if one takes the other elements in the targeted schemes into consideration, such as the absence in motive of setting up those companies and the fact that those companies do not seem to have any substance, it is likely to lead to the action we see from the EC and its view that these schemes are abusive.

How Brexit will impact on these and similar situations remains to be seen.

Inter-company charges: What is VATable?

By   1 November 2018

This seemingly straightforward area can throw up lots of VAT issues and touches on a number of complex areas. If we look at what is commonly called a “management charge” it is clear that such a charge can cover a lot of different circumstances.

Do I charge VAT on a management charge?

An easy yes or no question one would think, however, this being VAT, the answer is; it depends. Typically, management charges represent a charge by a holding company to its subsidiaries of; a share of overhead costs, the provision of actual management/advisory services or office facilities or similar (the list can obviously be quite extensive).

Consideration for a supply

The starting point is; is something (goods or services) supplied in return for the payment? If the answer is no, then no VAT will be due. However, this may impact on the ability to recover input tax in the hands of the entity making the charge. It is often the case that a management charge is used as a mechanism for transferring “value” from one company to another. If it is done in an arbitrary manner with no written agreement in place, and nothing identifiable is provided, and VAT is charged, HMRC may challenge the VAT treatment and any input recovery of the company making the payment.

Composite of separate supply?

This is a complex area of the tax and is perpetually the subject of a considerable amount of case law. This has been so since the early days of VAT and there appears no signs of disputes slowing down. I have written about such cases here here here here and here

“Usually” if a combination of goods or services are supplied it is considered as a single supply and is subject to the standard rate. However, case law insists that sometimes different supplies need to be divided and a different rate of VAT applied to each separate supply. This may be the case for instance, when an exempt supply of non-opted property (eg; a designated office with an exclusive right to occupy) is provided alongside standard rated advice.


What is important is not how a management charge is calculated, but what the supply actually is (if it is one). The calculation, whether based on a simple pro-rata amount between separate subsidiaries, or via a complex mechanism set out in a written agreement has no impact on the VAT treatment. As always in VAT, the basic question is: what is actually provided?

Can the VAT treatment of a supply change when recharged?

Simply put; yes/ For example, if the holding company pays insurance (VAT free) and charges it on as part of a composite supply, then VAT will be added to an original non-VAT bearing cost. It may also occur when staff are employed (no VAT on salaries paid) but the staff are supplied to a subsidiary company and VAT is added (but see below).


The provision of staff is usually a standard rated supply. However, there are two points to consider. One is joint contracts of employment which I look at below, the other is the actual definition of the provision of staff. Care must be taken when analysing what is being provided. The question here is; are staff being provided, or; is the supply the services that those staff carry out? This is relevant, say, if the services the staff carry out are exempt. There are a number of tests here, but the main issue is; which entity directs and manages the staff?


There can be different rules for directors compared to staff.

If a holding company provides a subsidiary company with a director to serve as such, the normal rules relating to supplies of staff apply and VAT applies.

However, there are different rules for common directors. An individual may act as a director of a number of companies. There may be an arrangement where a holding company pays the director’s fees and then recover appropriate proportions from subsidiaries. In such circumstances, the individual’s services are supplied by the individual to the companies of which (s)he a director. The services are supplied directly to the relevant businesses by the individual and not from one company to another. Therefore, there is no supply between the companies and so no VAT is due on the share of money recovered from each subsidiary.


Planning may be required if;

  • the subsidiary cannot reclaim all VAT charged to it as input tax
  • there are cashflow/timing disadvantages
  • there are management or administrative complexities

Specific planning

VAT grouping

If commercially acceptable, the holding company and subsidiary companies may form a VAT group. By doing so any charges made between VAT group members are disregarded and no VAT is chargeable on them.

There are pros and cons in forming a VAT group and a brief overview is provided here

A specific development in case law does mean care must be taken when considering input tax recovery in holdco, details here

Joint contracts of employment

If members of staff are employed via joint contracts or employment no VAT is applicable to any charges made between the two (or more) employers. In addition, where each of a number of associated companies employs its own staff, but one company (the paymaster) pays salaries behalf of the others who then pay their share of the costs to the paymaster the recovery of monies paid out by the paymaster is VAT free as it is treated as a disbursement.


Looking at disbursements is a whole article in itself, and in fact there is a helpful one here

But, briefly, if a charge qualifies as a disbursement, then the costs is passed on “in the same state” so if it is VAT free, the onward charge is also VAT free, as opposed to perhaps changing the VAT liability as set out above. It is important to understand the differences between a disbursement and a recharge as a VAT saving may be obtained.


The above considers management charges within the UK. There are different rules for making or receiving management charges to/from the EU and outside the EU. These charges are usually, but not always, VAT free and it is worth checking the VAT treatment before these are made/received.

There may be more planning for charities and NFP entities via cost sharing arrangements, but this is outside the scope of this article.

As may be seen, the answer to a simple question may be complex and the answer dependent upon the precise facts of the case. It is unusual to have two scenarios that precisely mirror each other, so each structure needs to be reviewed individually. Please contact us if you have any queries or would like more information on any of the above.