Tag Archives: nfp

VAT Flat Rate Scheme – beware the hidden costs

By   5 November 2015

VAT Basics

Anything that makes VAT easier and that can even reduce the amount payable must be a good thing….right?

The Flat Rate Scheme (FRS) was introduced to simplify VAT accounting for small businesses (with an annual turnover under £150,000) and does away with the concept of input and output tax. Instead a flat rate is applied to a business’ VAT inclusive turnover. This means a business in the FRS cannot reclaim any VAT incurred on its purchases, but a lower (than 20%) rate of VAT is applied to its VAT inclusive income.

Additionally, there is an option to only account and pay VAT when the business itself has been paid by its customers; doing away with VAT bad debt issues and improving cashflow.

Now this certainly has its attractions in terms of reducing the administrative burden and some business find that it reduces the amount of VAT payable. However care should be taken to select the appropriate business category/rate. A simple exercise to compare VAT declared under the “normal” rules to that due under the FRS is clearly prudent. But, as with all things VAT, there can be a catch.

The two drawbacks to the scheme

1)      If a business incurs a significant amount of input tax then, unless the flat rate percentage benefit outweighs the loss of input tax, then the FRS is not for them.

2)      If a business makes any supplies at the zero rate, or that are exempt, or outside the scope of VAT this income is also included in the turnover for the FRS. The result is then that VAT has to be accounted for on sales that would be VAT free under the normal VAT rules.

This is a bad thing!

Examples of businesses which need to be particularly aware are ones which:

–        Export goods or services

–        Provide goods or services cross-border to other EC member States

–        Sell books, food, or children’s clothes

–        Build new homes

–        Provide transport

–        Let property

–        Are charities or Not For Profit entities

–        Provide financial or insurance services or brokerage

–        Provide health and/or welfare services

–        Provide education and/or training

–        Offer subscriptions to membership organisations

–        Provide sport services

–        Are usually in a repayment position with HMRC

(This list is not exhaustive).

The FRS should certainly be considered for smaller businesses especially start-ups; since a first year discount is available for those that are in their first year of VAT registration. These get a one per cent reduction in the flat rate percentage until the day before their first anniversary of becoming VAT registered.

It is important for advisers to consider whether a client would benefit from being in the FRS, or indeed, whether continuation of the scheme remains advantageous to the business.

The VAT flat rates

The VAT flat rate you use depends on the type of business. If the rate changes, a business must apply the new rate from the date it changes. Also, if the nature of a taxpayer’s business changes it is important to review its FRS position.

The applicable rates here

The detailed rules of the FRS here

VAT – An important ECJ case which will affect charities – Sveda

By   28 October 2015

A benefit to charities?

In the case of Sveda (C-126/14) which was recently heard by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) the issue was whether input tax was recoverable on the construction of a recreational woodland path which ended at a shop that Sveda owned and made taxable supplies from. Full case here

90% of the construction costs were met by Grant received from the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture on the condition that the path was made available free of charge to the public for a period of five years.  There was no dispute that the grant was outside the scope income for Sveda.

The authorities disallowed the VAT claimed on 100% of the costs on the grounds there was no link to taxable supplies since free access is a non-economic activity because there was no consideration paid to use the path.  Alternatively, there was a contention that only 10% of the VAT should be reclaimed, since the company only met 10% of the cost.

Sveda argued that, although the path could be used free of charge, the purpose was increase taxable sales from its shop (food, drink and souvenirs). This meant there was a link between the VAT incurred and its economic activity as a whole.

The ECJ rejected the view that the input tax should be blocked in its entirety or in part. Its view was that the expenditure was incurred with the intention of carrying out an economic taxable activity, even if there was no direct link to any one specific supply and use of the path was free. The VAT was overhead VAT. No exempt supplies (that would break the chain of deduction) took place.

So, although the path was used for a non-business activity (free access) the ECJ deemed that the input tax incurred on the costs of building the path was deductible. As there was a link to economic activities the VAT is treated as overhead and, in this case, fully recoverable.

Although Sveda is a commercial company and the decision will no doubt be of assistance to commercial entities, there may be a significant impact on charities and NFP organisations.  This judgment highlights the basic right to deduct VAT where a link to taxable supplies made by a taxable person can be demonstrated. It does not matter whether the link is to one taxable supply or to all the taxable economic activities. The non-business use of the asset did not prevent recovery.  The outcome would no doubt have been different if Sveda was only involved in building the path and just providing free access to it without also selling items form the shop.

On a personal note, this case has echoes of one I took to Tribunal for The Imperial War Museum – with a similar successful outcome. HMRC views here

Let’s hope it will be just as useful for the taxpayer as the landmark IWM decision.

If you think you, or a charity you are aware of, or a client of yours may be affected by this decision, please contact me. This may be the case if the charity undertakes both business and non-activities.  I would always counsel that a charity should have its activities reviewed from a VAT perspective.  There are usually savings that could be made.

More on our charity services here

Charities and VAT

By   7 September 2015


Surely charities don’t have to pay taxes?

This is a common myth, and while charities do enjoy some VAT reliefs, they are also liable for a number of VAT charges.

Charities have a very hard time of it in terms of VAT, since not only do they have to contend with complex legislation and accounting (which other businesses, no matter how large or complicated do not) but VAT represents a real and significant cost.

By their very nature, charities carry out “non-business” activities which means that VAT is not recoverable on the expenses of carrying out these activities.  Additionally, many charities are involved in exempt supplies, eg; fundraising events, property letting, and certain welfare and educational services, which also means a restriction on the ability to recover VAT on attributable costs.

These two elements are distinct and require separate calculations which are often very convoluted.  The result of this is that charities bear an unfair burden of VAT, especially so since the sector carries out important work in respect of; health and welfare, poverty, education and housing etc.  Although there are some specific reliefs available to charities, these are very limited and do not, by any means, compensate for the overall VAT cost charities bear.

Another issue is legal uncertainty over what constitutes “business income” for charities, especially the VAT status of grants.  It’s worth bearing in mind here the helpful comment in the EC case of Tolsma translated as: “…the question is whether services carried on by [a person] were carried on for the payment or simply with the payment”.

Many charities depend on donations which, due to the economic climate have fallen in value at a time when there is a greater demand on charities from struggling individuals and organisations.

What can be done?

  • Ensure any applicable reliefs are taken advantage of.
  • If significant expenditure is planned, ensure that professional advice is sought to mitigate any tax loss.
  • Review the VAT position to ensure that the most appropriate partial exemption methods and non-business apportionment is in place.
  • Review any land and property transactions. These are high value and some reliefs are available. Additionally it is possible to carry out planning to improve the VAT position of a property owning charity.
  • Review VAT procedures to ensure that VAT is declared correctly. Penalties for even innocent errors have increased recently and are incredibly swingeing.
  • Consider a VAT “healthcheck” which often identifies problems and planning opportunities.

We have considerable expertise in the not for profit sector and would be pleased to discuss any areas of concern, or advise on ways of reducing the impact of VAT on a charity.

More detail on VAT and Charities for guidance

Business activities

It is important not to confuse the term ‘trading’ as frequently used by a charity to describe its non-charitable commercial fund-raising activities (usually carried out by a trading subsidiary) with ‘business’ as used for VAT purposes. Although trading activities will invariably be business activities, ‘business’ for VAT purposes can have a much wider application and include some or all of the charity’s primary or charitable activities.

Registration and basic principles

Any business (including a charity and NFP entity or its trading subsidiary) that makes taxable supplies in excess of the VAT registration threshold must register for VAT. Taxable supplies are business transactions that are liable to VAT at the standard rate, reduced rate or zero rate.

If a charity’s income from taxable supplies is below the VAT registration threshold it can voluntarily register for VAT but a charity that makes no taxable supplies (either because it has no business activities or because its supplies or income are exempt from VAT) cannot register.

Charging VAT

Where a VAT-registered charity makes supplies of goods and services in the course of its business activities, the VAT liability of those supplies is, in general, determined in the normal way as for any other business. Even if VAT-registered, a charity should not charge VAT on any non-business supplies or income.

Reclaiming VAT

This is a two stage process. The first stage in determining the amount of VAT which a VAT-registered charity can reclaim is to eliminate all the VAT incurred that relates to its non-business activities. It cannot reclaim any VAT it is charged on purchases that directly relate to non-business activities. It will also not be able to reclaim a proportion of the VAT on its general expenses (eg; telephone, IT and electricity) that relate to those non-business activities.

Once this has been done, the remaining VAT relating to the charity’s business activities is input tax.

The second stage: It can reclaim all the input tax it has been charged on purchases which directly relate to standard-rated, reduced-rated or zero-rated goods or services it supplies.

It cannot reclaim any of the input tax it has been charged on purchases that relate directly to exempt supplies.

It also cannot claim a proportion of input tax on general expenses (after adjustment for non-business activities) that relates to exempt activities unless this amount, together with the input tax relating directly to exempt supplies, is below the minimis limit.

Business and non-business activities

An organisation such as a charity that is run on a non-profit-making basis may still be regarded as carrying on a business activity for VAT purposes. This is unaffected by the fact that the activity is performed for the benefit of the community. It is therefore important for a charity to determine whether any particular transactions are ‘business’ or ‘non-business’ activities. This applies both when considering registration (if there is no business activity a charity cannot be registered and therefore cannot recover any input tax) and after registration.  If registered, a charity must account for VAT on taxable supplies it makes by way of business. Income from any non-business activities is not subject to VAT and affects the amount of VAT reclaimable as input tax.

‘Business’ has a wide meaning for VAT purposes based upon Directive 2006/112/EC (which uses the term ‘economic activity’ rather than ‘business’), UK VAT legislation and decisions by the Courts and VAT Tribunals.  An activity may still be business if the amount charged does no more than cover the cost to the charity of making the supply or where the charge made is less than cost. If the charity makes no charge at all the activity is unlikely to be considered business.

An area of particular difficulty for charities when considering whether their activities are in the course of business is receipt of grant funding.

Partial Exemption

The VAT a business incurs on running costs is called input tax.  For most businesses this is reclaimed on VAT returns from HMRC if it relates to standard rated or zero rated sales that that business makes.  However, a business which makes exempt sales may not be in a position to recover all of the input tax which it incurred.  A business in this position is called partly exempt.  Generally, any input tax which directly relates to exempt supplies is irrecoverable.  In addition, an element of that business’ general overheads are deemed to be in part attributable to exempt supplies and a calculation must be performed to establish the element which falls to be irrecoverable.

Input tax which falls within the overheads category must be apportioned according to a so called; partial exemption method.  The “Standard Method” requires a comparison between the value of taxable and exempt supplies made by the business.  The calculation is; the percentage of taxable supplies of all supplies multiplied by the input tax to be apportioned which gives the element of VAT input tax which may be recovered.  Other partial exemption methods (so called Special Methods) are available by specific agreement with HMRC.

My flowchart may be of use: partial exemption flowchart 

De Minimis

There is however relief available for a business in the form of de minimis limits.  Broadly, if the total of the irrecoverable directly attributable (to exempt suppliers) and the element of overhead input tax which has been established using a partial exemption method falls to be de minimis, all of that input tax may be recovered in the normal way.  The de minimis limit is currently £7,500 per annum of input tax and one half of all input tax for the year.  As a result, after using the partial exemption method, should the input tax fall below £7,500 and 50% of all input tax for a year it is recoverable in full.  This calculation is required every quarter (for businesses which render returns on a quarterly basis) with a review at the year end, called an annual adjustment carried out at the end of a business’ partial exemption year.  The quarterly de minimis is consequently £1,875 of exempt input tax.

Should the de minimis limits be breached, all input tax relating to exempt supplies is irrecoverable.


One may see that this is a complex area for charities and not for profit entities to deal with. Certainly a review is almost always beneficial, as are discussions regarding partial exemption methods.

Please click here for more information on our services for charities.

VAT Reliefs for Charities. A brief guide.

By   3 August 2015

Charity and Not For Profit entities – a list of VAT reliefs.

Unfortunately, charities have to contend with VAT in much the same way as any business. However, because of the nature of a charity’s activities, VAT is not usually “neutral” and becomes an additional cost. VAT for charities often creates complex and time consuming technical issues which a “normal” business does not have to consider.

There are only a relatively limited number of reliefs specifically for charities and not for profit bodies, so it is important that these are taken advantage of. These are broadly:

    • Advertising services received by charities;
    • Purchase of qualifying goods for medical research, treatment or diagnosis;
    • New buildings constructed for residential or non-business charitable activities;
    • Self-contained annexes constructed for non-business charitable activities;
    • Building work to provide disabled access in certain circumstances;
    • Building work to provide washrooms and lavatories for disabled persons;
    • Supplies of certain equipment designed to provide relief for disabled or chronically sick persons;

There are also special exemptions available for charities:

    • Income from fundraising events;
    • Admissions to certain cultural events and premises;
    • Relief from “Options to Tax” on the lease and acquisition of buildings put to non-business use.
    • Membership subscriptions to certain public interest bodies and philanthropic associations;
    • Sports facilities provided by non-profit making bodies;

The reduced VAT rate (5%) is also available for charities in certain circumstances:

    • Gas and electricity in premises used for residential or non-business use by a charity;
    • Renovation work on dwellings that have been unoccupied for over two years;
    • Conversion work on dwellings to create new dwellings or change the number of dwellings in a building;
    • Installation of mobility aids for persons aged over 60.

Although treating certain income as exempt from VAT may seem attractive to a charity, it nearly always creates an additional cost as a result of the amount of input tax which may be claimed being restricted. Partial exemption is a complex area of the tax, as are calculations on business/non-business activities which fundamentally affect a charity’s VAT position. I strongly advise that any charity seeks assistance on dealing with VAT to ensure that no more tax than necessary is paid.  Charities have an important role in the world, and it is unfair that VAT should represent such a burden and cost to them.

What VAT CAN’T you claim?

By   4 September 2014

The majority of input tax incurred by most VAT registered businesses may be recovered.  However, there is some input tax that may not be.  I thought it would be helpful if I pulled together all of these categories in one place:

Blocked VAT ClaimsWebsite Images0006

A brief overview

  •  No supporting evidence

In most cases this evidence will be an invoice (or as the rules state “a proper tax invoice)” although it may be import, self-billing or other documentation in specific circumstances.  A claim is invalid without the correct paperwork.  HMRC may accept alternative evidence, however, they are not duty bound to do so (and rarely do).  So ensure that you always obtain and retain the correct documentation.

  • Incorrect supporting evidence

Usually this is an invalid invoice, or using a delivery note/statement/pro forma in place of a proper tax invoice. To support a claim an invoice must show all the information set out in the legislation.  HMRC are within their rights to disallow a claim if any of the details are missing.  A full guide is here: https://www.marcusward.co/vat-invoices-a-full-guide/

  •  Input tax relating to exempt supplies

Broadly speaking, if a business incurs VAT in respect of exempt supplies it cannot recover it.  If a business makes only exempt supplies it cannot even register for VAT.  There is a certain easement called de minimis which provide for recovery if the input tax is below certain prescribed limits. Input tax which relates to both exempt and taxable activities must be apportioned. More details of partial exemption may be found here: https://www.marcusward.co/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Partial-Exemption-Guide.pdf

  •  Input tax relating to non-business activities

If a charity or NFP entity incurs input tax in connection with non-business activities this cannot be recovered and there is no de minimis relief.  Input tax which relates to both business and non-business activities must be apportioned. Business versus non-business apportionment must be carried out first and then any partial exemption calculation for the business element if appropriate. More details here: https://www.marcusward.co/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Charities-and-Not-For-Profit-Entities-A-Brief-VAT-Guide.pdf

  •  Time barred

If input tax is not reclaimed within four years of it being incurred, the capping provisions apply and any claim will be rejected by HMRC.

  •  VAT incurred on business entertainment

This is always irrecoverable unless the client or customer being entertained belongs overseas.  The input tax incurred on staff entertainment costs is however recoverable.

  •  Car purchase

In most cases the VAT incurred on the purchase of a car is blocked. The only exceptions are for when the car; is part of the stock in trade of a motor manufacturer or dealer, or is used primarily for the purposes of taxi hire; self-drive hire or driving instruction; or is used exclusively for a business purpose and is not made available for private use. This last category is notoriously difficult to prove to HMRC and the evidence to support this must be very good.

  •  Car leasing

If a business leases a car for business purposes it will normally be unable to recover 50% of the VAT charged.  The 50% block is to cover the private use of the car.

  •  A business using certain schemes

For instance, a business using the Flat rate Scheme cannot recover input tax except for certain large capital purchases, also there are certain blocks for recovery on TOMS users

  •  VAT charged in error

Even if you obtain an invoice purporting to show a VAT amount, this cannot be recovered if the VAT was charged in error; either completely inappropriately or at the wrong rate.  A business’ recourse is with the supplier and not HMRC.

  •  Goods and services not used for your business

Even if a business has an invoice addressed to it and the services or goods are paid for by the business, the input tax on the purchase is blocked if the supply is not for business use.  This may be because the purchase is for personal use, or by anther business or for purposes not related to the business.

  • VAT paid on goods and services obtained before VAT registration

This is not input tax and therefore is not claimable.  However, there are exceptions for goods on hand at registration and services received within six months of registration if certain conditions are met.

  •  VAT incurred by property developers

Input tax incurred on certain articles that are installed in buildings which are sold or leased at the zero rate is blocked.

  •  Second hand goods

Goods sold to you under one of the VAT second-hand schemes will not show a separate VAT charge and no input tax is recoverable on these goods.

  •  Transfer of a going concern (TOGC)

Assets of a business transferred to you as a going concern are not deemed to be a supply for VAT purposes and consequently, there is no VAT chargeable and therefore no input tax to recover.

  •  Disbursements

A business cannot reclaim VAT when it pays for goods or services to be supplied directly to its client. However, in this situation the VAT may be claimable by the client if they are VAT registered. For more on disbursements see here: https://www.marcusward.co/disbursements-vat/

  •  VAT incurred overseas

A business cannot reclaim VAT charged on goods or services that it has bought from suppliers in other EC States. Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK VAT return. There is however, a mechanism available to claim this VAT back from the relevant VAT body in those States. However, in most cases, supplies received from overseas suppliers are VAT free, so it is usually worth checking whether any VAT has been charged correctly.

© Marcus Ward Consultancy Ltd

Charities & VAT

By   14 April 2014

 Business activities

It is important not to confuse the term ‘trading’ as frequently used by a charity to describe its non-charitable commercial fund-raising activities (usually carried out by a trading subsidiary) with ‘business’ as used for VAT purposes. Although trading activities will invariably be business activities, ‘business’ for VAT purposes can have a much wider application and include some or all of the charity’s primary or charitable activities.

 Registration and basic principles

Registration. Any business (including a charity or its trading subsidiary) that makes taxable supplies in excess of the VAT registration threshold must register for VAT. Taxable supplies are business transactions that are liable to VAT at the standard rate, reduced rate or zero rate.

If a charity’s income from taxable supplies is below the VAT registration threshold it can voluntarily register for VAT but a charity that makes no taxable supplies (either because it has no business activities or because its supplies or income are exempt from VAT) cannot register.

Charging VAT. Where a VAT-registered charity makes supplies of goods and services in the course of its business activities, the VAT liability of those supplies is, in general, determined in the normal way as for any other business. Even if VAT-registered, a charity should not charge VAT on any non-business supplies or income.

Reclaiming VAT. The first stage in determining the amount of VAT which a VAT-registered charity can reclaim is to eliminate all the VAT incurred that relates to its non-business activities. It cannot reclaim any VAT it is charged on purchases that directly relate to non-business activities. It will also not be able to reclaim a proportion of the VAT on its general expenses (eg telephone and electricity) that relate to those non-business activities.

Once this has been done, the remaining VAT relating to the charity’s business activities is input tax.

  • It can reclaim all the input tax it has been charged on purchases which directly relate to standard-rated, reduced-rated or zero-rated goods or services it supplies.
  • It cannot reclaim any of the input tax it has been charged on purchases that relate directly to exempt supplies.

It also cannot claim a proportion of input tax on general expenses (after adjustment for non-business activities) that relates to exempt activities unless this amount, together with the input tax relating directly to exempt supplies, is below ade minimis limit. 

Business and non-business activities

An organisation such as a charity that is run on a non-profit-making basis may still be regarded as carrying on a business activity for VAT purposes. This is unaffected by the fact that the activity is performed for the benefit of the community. It is therefore important for a charity to determine whether any particular transactions are ‘business’ or ‘non-business’ activities. This applies both when considering registration (if there is no business activity a charity cannot be registered and therefore cannot recover any input tax) and after registration.  If registered, a charity must account for VAT on taxable supplies it makes by way of business. Income from any non-business activities is not subject to VAT and affects the amount of VAT reclaimable as input tax.

Business’ has a wide meaning for VAT purposes based upon Directive 2006/112/EC (which uses the term ‘economic activity’ rather than ‘business’), UK VAT legislation and decisions by the Courts and VAT Tribunals.  An activity may still be business if the amount charged does no more than cover the cost to the charity of making the supply or where the charge made is less than cost. If the charity makes no charge at all the activity is unlikely to be considered business.

An area of particular difficulty for charities when considering whether their activities are in the course of business is receipt of grant funding.

Partial Exemption

The VAT a business incurs on running costs is called input tax.  For most businesses this is reclaimed on VAT returns from HMRC if it relates to standard rated or zero rated sales that that business makes.  However, a business which makes exempt sales may not be in a position to recover all of the input tax which it incurred.  A business in this position is called partly exempt.  Generally, any input tax which directly relates to exempt supplies is irrecoverable.  In addition, an element of that business’ general overheads, e.g.; light, heat, telephone, computers, professional fees, etc are deemed to be in part attributable to exempt supplies and a calculation must be performed to establish the element which falls to be irrecoverable.

Input tax which falls within the overheads category must be apportioned according to a so called; partial exemption method.  The “Standard Method” requires a comparison between the value of taxable and exempt supplies made by the business.  The calculation is; the percentage of taxable supplies of all supplies multiplied by the input tax to be apportioned which gives the element of VAT input tax which may be recovered.  Other partial exemption methods (so called Special Methods) are available by specific agreement with HMRC.

De Minimis

There is however relief available for a business in the form of de minimis limits.  Broadly, if the total of the irrecoverable directly attributable (to exempt suppliers) and the element of overhead input tax which has been established using a partial exemption method falls to be de minimis, all of that input tax may be recovered in the normal way.  The de minimis limit is currently £7,500 per annum of input tax and one half of all input tax for the year.  As a result, after using the partial exemption method, should the input tax fall below £7,500 and 50% of all input tax for a year it is recoverable in full.  This calculation is required every quarter (for businesses which render returns on a quarterly basis) with a review at the year end, called an annual adjustment carried out at the end of a business’ partial exemption year.  The quarterly de minimis is consequently £1,875 of exempt input tax.

Should the de minimis limits be breached, all input tax relating to exempt supplies is irrecoverable.

One may see that this is a complex area for charities and not for profit entities to deal with. Certainly a review is almost always beneficial, as are discussions regarding partial exemption methods.

Please click here for more information on our Charity Services

Added VAT Cost For Charities

By   7 April 2014

Charities have a very hard time of it in terms of VAT, since not only do they have to contend with complex legislation and accounting (which other businesses, no matter how large or complicated do not) but VAT represents a real and significant cost.

By their very nature, charities carry out “non-business” activities which means that VAT is not recoverable on the expenses of carrying out these activities.  Additionally, many charities are involved in exempt supplies which also means a restriction on the ability to recover VAT on attributable costs.

These two elements are distinct and require separate calculations which are often very convoluted.  The result of this is that charities bear an unfair burden of VAT, especially so since the sector carries out important work in respect of; health and welfare, poverty, education and housing etc.  Although there are some specific reliefs available to charities, these are very limited and do not, by any means, compensate for the overall VAT cost charities bear.

Another issue is legal uncertainty over what constitutes “business income” for charities, especially the VAT status of grants.  It’s worth bearing in mind here the helpful comment in the EC case of Tolsma translated as: “…the question is whether services carried on by [a person] were carried on for the payment or simply with the payment”.

Many charities depend on donations which, due to the economic climate have fallen in value at a time when there is a greater demand on charities from struggling individuals and organisations.

What can be done?

  • Ensure any applicable reliefs are taken advantage of.
  • If significant expenditure is planned, ensure that professional advice is sought to mitigate any tax loss.
  • Review the VAT position to ensure that the most appropriate partial exemption methods and non-business apportionment is in place.
  • Review any land and property transactions. These are high value and some reliefs are available. Additionally it is possible to carry out planning to improve the VAT position of a property owning charity.
  • Review VAT procedures to ensure that VAT is declared correctly. Penalties for even innocent errors have increased recently and are incredibly swingeing.
  • Consider a VAT “healthcheck” which often identifies problems and planning opportunities.

We have considerable expertise in the not for profit sector and would be pleased to discuss any areas of concern, or advise on ways of reducing the impact of VAT on a charity.

Please click here for more information on our Charity Services