Tag Archives: penalties

VAT: Change of a business’ registration details – Form VAT484

By   7 March 2023
Change in VAT registration details
New HMRC guidance explains how to use form VAT484 to change business details.

You can use this form to change a business’:

  • contact details
  • bank details
  • return dates
  • and if a new person takes over VAT responsibilities

If you take over someone else’s VAT responsibilities

You must use the form VAT484 to tell HMRC within 21 days if you take over the VAT responsibilities of someone who has died or is ill and unable to manage their own affairs.

You must include the details of the date of death or the date the illness started.

Failure to notify HMRC of changes may lead to penalties via The VAT Act 1994, section 69.

VAT: Food for assistance dogs now zero rated

By   7 March 2023

VAT Quickie

Pet food is generally standard rated, however, food for “working dogs” is zero rated. Working dogs include animals such as; working sheep dogs, gun dogs and racing greyhounds. The definition in Public Notice 701/15 Animals And Animal Food has been amended at para 6.4 to now include assistance dogs from 28 February 2023.

Assistance dogs are trained to support disabled people and people with medical conditions in a variety of ways. From guide dogs to medical alert dogs, from autism dogs to hearing dogs.

NB: Although dog food held out as for sale for working dogs is zero rated, this excludes biscuit or meal – which remain standard rated regardless of use.


VAT: Apportionment of output tax – updated guidance

By   6 March 2023

HMRC has published new guidance (para 31) on apportioning output tax. More on apportionment here.


The guidance gives examples of how to apportion output tax in certain situations.

There are two basic methods of apportioning output tax:

  • one based on selling prices
  • the other based on cost values

HMRC provide worked examples of both of these methods, including an example of apportionment where a business can only determine the cost of one of the supplies.

Both methods can be adapted to apply to either tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive amounts.

A business does not have to use any of the methods set out in the guidance but, if a different method is used it must still give a fair result.

Apportionment is only necessary if the price charged is the only consideration for the supplies. If the consideration is not wholly in money VAT must be accounted for on the open market value* of the supplies.

* Open Market Value

The VAT Act 1994, section 19 (5) states that “…the open market value of a supply of goods or services shall be taken to be the amount that would fall to be taken as its value …if the supply were for such consideration in money as would be payable by a person standing in no such relationship with any person as would affect that consideration”.

VAT: Updated guidance on deliberate behaviour

By   21 February 2023

HMRC has published updated guidance on deliberate behaviour. It clarifies the definition of these actions in respect of extended time limits.

What is deliberate behaviour?

A deliberate inaccuracy in a document occurs when a person (or another person acting on behalf of that person) knowingly gives HMRC an inaccurate document.

“A person who submits a document containing a deliberate inaccuracy might assert that they did not intend to cause a loss of tax. For the purpose of assessing this loss of tax, the person or any persons acting on their behalf will be treated as deliberately causing the loss of tax if they consciously intended to mislead HMRC”.


  • knowingly failing to record all sales
  • describing transactions inaccurately or in a way likely to mislead
  • lodging a VAT return that includes a figure of net VAT due that is too low because the person does not have the cash at that time to pay the full amount, and later telling HMRC the true figure when he has the funds to pay
  • similarly declaring less tax due for aggregates levy, climate change levy, landfill tax or excise duty because the person does not have the funds at that time to pay the full amount

(This list is not exhaustive and HMRC provide more examples in the guidance).

Why is it important?

Mainly, there are different time limits within which HMRC can take action.

A 20 year time limit applies where tax has been underdeclared, or over-repaid, as a result of a deliberately inaccurate return or other document. The normal cap is four years.

Other action

Although HMRC can make assessments to recover any tax lost, it also have a criminal investigation policy and will refer the most serious cases for consideration of criminal proceedings where appropriate.

If you or your clients are subject to an investigation, please seek professional advice immediately. There is a dark side to VAT.

VAT: Exemption of fund management services

By   8 February 2023

HM Treasury has published a consultation paper on the treatment of the service of management of special investment funds (SIFs).

SIF meaning in VAT terms

There is no definition of a SIF in existing legislation.

Morgan Fleming Claverhouse Trust plc (case C-363/05) ruled on the interpretation of the term ‘Special Investment Funds as defined by Member States’.

The key points in this judgment are:

  1. the term ‘special investment funds’ is capable of including closed-ended investment funds, such as investment trust companies (ITCs)
  2. Member States have a discretion to define ‘special investment funds’ for the VAT exemption but, in doing so, must pay due regard to:
  3. the purpose of the exemption
  4. the principle of fiscal neutrality.

According to the Court, the purpose of the exemption is to facilitate investment in securities for investors through investment undertakings. This requires there to be VAT neutrality between the direct investment in securities and investment through collective investment undertakings, as the latter incurs a management charge. Furthermore, there must be equality of VAT treatment for funds which are similar to, and in competition with, funds falling within the scope of the exemption.

As a result of the case, the exemption was extended so that there was a level VAT playing field for all similar collective investment undertakings which compete in the UK retail market. This includes closed and open-ended collective investment undertakings, umbrellas and sub-funds, as well as some pension schemes.

The fund management exemption is limited to the management of SIFs. Consequently, the management of other investment funds will generally be standard-rated.


The current VAT fund management regime is provided for by UK legislation, retained EU law and case law. The VAT Act 1994 implemented the Directive. Schedule 9, Group 5, Items 9 and 10 of the Act lists specific types of funds, the management of which is exempted from VAT.

Place of supply

This is important for SIFs management as if the supply is in respect of overseas funds the services are excluded from the exemption (they are outside the scope of UK VAT) when received overseas. This means that there is no output tax on the supply, but unlike exemption, it affords full recovery on input tax incurred in the UK. The perfect VAT outcome.

HMRC Consultation

The technical consultation sets out proposed reform of the legislation that provides for the VAT treatment of fund management. This is required because the fund management industry continues to innovate and introduced new types of funds to the marketplace, and the existing approach has struggled to keep pace with the evolution of the industry and proliferation of fund types.

The purpose of the exercise is to improve the legislative basis of the current VAT treatment of fund management.


It is proposed that the following criteria for a fund to be considered a SIF would be legislated for:

a) the fund must be a collective investment

b) the fund must operate on the principle of risk-spreading

c) the return on the investment must depend on the performance of the investments, and the holders must bear the risk connected with the fund; and

d) the fund must be subject to the same conditions of competition and appeal to the same circle of investors as a UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), that is funds intended for retail investors

There is a danger that if the exemption is broadened, fund managers which can now recover input tax may be denied so in the future.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

VAT: New penalty regime delayed

By   17 January 2022

The new system for the way penalties and interest is charged due to be introduced on 1 April this year has been deferred to 1 January 2023.

The new points-based regime has been delayed to allow HMRC to implement the necessary IT changes.

I wonder if that represents a reasonable excuse for HMRC being late…

VAT registration delays – latest

By   8 March 2021

Anecdotally, we understand that some businesses applying for registration are experiencing significant delays. Further, attempts to contact HMRC by email is often difficult, and telephones are regularly not answered (although we understand that some people have enjoyed more success with the webchat).  Also, the Non-Established Taxable Persons (NETP) office has moved, right at the time when more EU businesses need to register in the GB due to Brexit. This has created an even longer backlog.


The Business Delivery Team at HMRC has confirmed that it is attempting to deal with a very high number of applications, which are being delayed for various reasons (not least by the sheer volume one expects). The department has also stated that the following actions and checks will assist with faster processing times and urges applicants to check that all information requested set out here is included with the application to avoid any further delays.  The most salient being to use the online method rather than the hard copy. However, this is not always possible if additional documentation needs to be sent.

How to avoid common errors identified by HMRC 

  • ensure that the addresses provided on the VAT 1 form matches the business’s principal place of business (PPOB)
  • check that the notification of a trade classification matches the supplies the business makes
  • the VAT treatment of activities must be correctly identified
  • the correct person must sign the application – eg; for a corporate body it must be a director, company secretary or authorised signatory or an authorised agent
  • ensure the correct registration date (effective date of registration – EDR) is given. And that the EDR is accurate considering the circumstances that have been outlined for requesting registration elsewhere in the application
  • the bank account details provided must be in the name of the taxable person

And I will add; do not forget form VAT5L when registering a business which is involved in land and property transactions.

The Business Delivery Team also stated that “We are also considering how we can improve the registration process by resolving more cases in real time by telephone and engaging with customers in a different way to gather any further required information. We’ll tell you more about this shortly.”

While any improvement in communication is to be welcomed, it remains to be seen what practical measures will be implemented to speed up registration processing and how soon these will be put in place.


VAT: Domestic Reverse Charge for construction services delayed until 1 March 2021

By   5 June 2020

Further to my article on the Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) for builders being deferred, HMRC has announced a further delay from 1 October 2020 until 1 March 2021 due to the impact of the coronavirus on the construction sector.

Revenue and Customs Brief 7 (2020 sets out the details.


HMRC announced that there will be an amendment to the original legislation, which was laid in April 2019, to make it a requirement that for businesses to be excluded from the reverse charge because they are end users or intermediary suppliers, they must inform their sub-contractors in writing that they are end users or intermediary suppliers. Details of the DRC here and here.

VAT: HMRC Toolkits updated

By   4 June 2020

HMRC has updated the following online toolkits for June 2020:

Input tax

Output tax and

Partial exemption

The Toolkits

These toolkits can be a useful resource. Although designed for agents and advisers, they can equally be of assistance to businesses when completing VAT returns. The contents are based on HMRC’s view of how tax law should be applied, so they should not be used as a substitute for proper professional advice. These toolkits set out areas of risk, provide general checklists, details of record keeping and links to HMRC information.  Many find that these toolkits are more user friendly than “traditional” HMRC guidance and they address many contentious areas.


For a helpful general guide to input tax and checklist please see here. And an introduction to partial exemption here.