Tag Archives: penalties

Latest from the courts – Recovery of VAT on cars purchase

By   14 September 2016

Input tax incurred on the purchase of cars

There is a specific blocking order (Value Added Tax (Input Tax) Order 1992) which prohibits the recovery of input tax incurred on the purchase of cars. The block applies if there is any private use of the car whatsoever (even one mile).  HMRC’s approach has been that unless a business can demonstrate that there is no private use the input tax is disallowed.  Previous case law, notably Elm Milk Limited relied on the terms of the insurance covering the car (whether private use was permitted) and inter alia, the physical security of the car.

The case

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Zone Contractors Limited TC05330 it was held that VAT was reclaimable on six cars purchased for business use.  The reason for the decision was that the relevant employment contracts specifically and explicitly prohibited any private use of the vehicles.

HMRC claimed that the business had not demonstrated that the use of the cars was monitored and controlled sufficiently to evidence the fact that there was no private use. However the FTT decided that the employment contracts could be relied on and permitted the claims. What is relevant in this case is that the court decided that no reliance could be placed on insurance documentation preventing recovery on the grounds of the policy including cover for use for social, domestic and pleasure and that HMRC could not rely on such documentation to disallow a claim as they had in the past.


If a business has been denied input tax recovery on cars by HMRC, or has refrained from claiming input tax based on previous case law, it may well be beneficial to review the circumstances in light of this case. We can assist in lodging claims where appropriate.  After all, the VAT of £8000 on a £40,000 car is significant; even if only one has been purchased.

VAT Latest from the courts – HMRC’s bad ‘phone service

By   18 August 2016

As we know, late payment of VAT results in a Default Surcharge. Details of DS here

However, if a taxpayer has a reasonable excuse the DS will not be due. In the interesting recent case of McNamara Joinery Ltd here

The appeal was on the grounds that HMRC itself caused the default. The business was successful in the appeal on the grounds that its agent could not contact HMRC to arrange a time to pay agreement because of HMRC’s poor telephone service. Anyone who has attempted to contact HMRC by telephone will appreciate that this isn’t a one-off case!


The appellant had a previous history of submitting returns on time, but making late payments late such that the period in question would give rise to a DS if the return or payment was late. Appreciating that the business would not have sufficient funds to meet the VAT payment due, it instructed its agent to contact HMRC on its behalf in an attempt to arrange a “time to pay” (TTP) agreement. The agent attempted to do this two days before the payment was due. However, there were significant problems with the telephone service and the agent was unable to get through as the line kept “going dead” (It appears from later comments made by HMRC that this was due to the volume of calls made at the end of the VAT period). A TTP agreement was subsequently reached, but only after the due date which HMRC argued was too late to avoid the DS.


On the subject of reasonable excuse, the FT Tribunal observed that “A reasonable excuse is normally an unexpected event, something unforeseeable, something out of the appellant’s control. Insufficiency of funds is not regarded as a reasonable excuse although the reason for the insufficiency might be. It is unfortunately part of the hazards of trade that debtors fail to keep promises to pay. These submissions cannot be regarded as establishing for the appellant a reasonable excuse for the late payment.”
It continued “However, faced with the problem of not having received promised payments, the appellant through its agent did all that it could do in the circumstances…., its agent tried repeatedly to contact HMRC by telephone but was unsuccessful until 12 February 2016 when a time to pay agreement was made and subsequently the arrangements made were adhered to. In the Tribunal’s view this repeated failure to contact HMRC was unexpected and unforeseeable”. Therefore the taxpayer had a reasonable excuse and the DS was removed.

The Judge did not accept HMRC’s submission that the appellant should have been aware that there was a likelihood that there would be a large volume of calls being made to HMRC on the days immediately prior to the due date and that as a result the appellant could reasonably have expected delays in being able to make contact. HMRC do not publish times when their lines are likely to be busy. Rather than expecting delays it is reasonable for a taxpayer to expect telephone calls to HMRC to be answered without delay. In the Tribunal’s view HMRC were in a better position than the appellant to know when there is a likelihood of a large volume of calls and they should have arrangements in place to deal with the higher volume of calls promptly.

So HMRC lost this case because they failed to answer the phone.

Lessons to be learned

  1. One cannot rely on HMRC answering their own phones, even though they are fully aware that there will be an increased demand at certain times. They do not have arrangements in place to deal with the known demand. They do not have a reasonable excuse for not dealing with taxpayers!
  2. When attempting to contact HMRC it is a very good idea to keep an accurate log.
  3. If it is likely that a business is experiencing cashflow issues, contact HMRC as soon as possible and do not leave it to the last moment.
  4. It is possible to arrange a TTP agreement with HMRC.
  5. A business should take advice from their advisers as soon as possible to avoid DSs. This may avoid both a TTP position and/or a DS.

Reclaiming VAT Overseas

By   16 August 2016

Refunds of VAT for UK businesses incurring other EC Member States

If a business incurs VAT in another EC Member State it is possible to recover it.  It is not claimed on a UK VAT return, but via a special claim process which I have set out below. Unfortunately, this procedure is likely to be unavailable after Brexit. I hope that this is a timely reminder as well as a guide as the deadline for the year of the claim is 30 September.

My next article will look at precisely what VAT is recoverable in each Member State in a country by country guide – here

Claim Process

Gone are the days when a business had to make claims directly to the Member State where VAT was incurred; using numerous, complicated forms, in the language of the Member State of claim, and then waiting months, if not years to hear anything.

Now, a simple online claim to HMRC is all that is required.  HMRC then coordinate payment for a business from the relevant country.  This is a practical overview of the procedure.

All applications must be submitted using the electronic online system.  You must be VAT registered in the UK to obtain a refund.

In order to make a claim a business must meet the following conditions:

  1. you must not be registered, liable or eligible to be registered in the Member State of Refund
  2. you must not have any fixed establishment, seat of economic activity, place of business or other residence in the Member State of Refund
  3. during the refund period you must not have supplied any goods or services in the Member State of refund with the exception of;

a) transport services and ancillary services

b) any goods or services where VAT is payable by the person to whom the supply is made (the reverse charge).

By submitting your application you are declaring that you meet these conditions.

How do I claim?

A separate online application is required for each Member State from which you wish to claim. In order to start an application you must access the relevant online services section and enter standard data into the required fields, along with invoice for expenditure you wish to reclaim.

Period application covers

The refund period must not be more than one calendar year or less than three calendar months.  Generally refund periods do not have to cover strict calendar quarters. However, some Member States have their own requirements, and details of these can be obtained from the relevant tax authority.

Minimum amount that may be claimed

If the refund application relates to a period of less than a calendar year, but not less than three months the minimum amount claimable is EUR 400 or the equivalent in national currency.

If the refund application relates to a period of a calendar year or the remainder of a calendar year the minimum amount claimable is EUR 50 or the equivalent in national currency.

Invoices included on the application

Invoices relating to supplies of goods or services with a tax point during the period of the refund application should be included.  Additionally, a business may claim for invoices not included in a previous application as long as they relate to the same calendar year.

VAT which cannot be included on a claim

A claim cannot include VAT which has been;

  1. incorrectly invoiced,
  2. invoiced in respect of goods despatched to another Member State or exported from the EC
  3. incurred in respect of non-business activities

Information required from invoices being claimed

  1. Name and address of your supplier
  2. Except in cases of importation the VAT identification number or tax reference number of the supplier and the prefix of the Member State of Refund
  3. Date and number of the invoice or importation document
  4. Taxable amount and amount of VAT expressed in the currency of the Member State of refund
  5. The amount of deductible VAT expressed in the currency of the Member State of refund
  6. Where applicable the deductible proportion
  7. Nature of the goods and services acquired, described according to the following expenditure codes: Fuel, Transport Hire, Road Tolls, Travel Expenses (taxi, public transport), Accommodation, Food and Restaurant Services, Admissions to Fairs and Exhibitions, Luxuries/Amusements/Entertainment.

If an invoice includes items covering more than one expenditure code the code relating to the highest proportion of expenditure is the one that should be used.

Restriction of applications in respect of partial exemption

A business must apply the appropriate recovery rate for the goods or services purchased against each invoice or importation on your application, and show the amount of VAT recoverable in the appropriate box. The recovery rate to be applied is the last percentage appropriate to the refund period covering the invoice date.  Following an annual adjustment, you will not be required to amend refund applications already submitted. The invoices can only be entered once and the percentage to be used is that covering the invoice date.

Restriction of applications in respect of non-business expenses

Expenditure incurred in another Member State that relates to non-business activities is not claimable under the refund scheme.

Language needed on the application

Member States generally require the application to be in their own language they may allow the use of a second language in the free text fields, and English is a common option. The language(s) required by the Member State of Refund will be displayed on the electronic portal as you complete the application.

Invoices which may be required to be submitted electronically

A business may be requested to submit invoices with values of EUR 1,000 or more (EUR 250 or more in the case of fuel) with the application. All other invoices should be retained as they may be requested at a later date by the Member State of Refund.

Claim updates

A business will be informed electronically at the following key stages of the process.

  1. If your application fails basic validation checks by the electronic portal
  2. When HMRC forwards your application to the Member State of Refund
  3. When the Member State of Refund receives the application
  4. If the Member State of Refund requires additional information from you
  5. When the Member State of Refund makes its decision

Time limits for submitting an application

Applications must be submitted to HMRC at the latest by 30 September of the calendar year following the refund year and will only be considered submitted if the applicant has completed all of the required standing data fields (see above).

Time limits for the Member State of refund to process an application

The Member State of Refund must notify the applicant of its decision to approve or refuse the application within four months of the date they first received the application.

Payment method

The refund will be paid in the Member State of Refund or, at the applicant’s request, in any other Member State. In the latter case, any bank charges for the transfer will be deducted by the Member State of Refund from the amount to be paid to the applicant.

Error on applications

The electronic portal provides a correction facility whereby a business can recall the original application and amend existing details.  You may not, however, add new lines.


All Member States take a very serious view of incorrect or false applications. Refunds claimed incorrectly on the basis of incorrect or false information can be recovered and penalties and interest may be imposed and further refund applications suspended.

Applications refused

If the Member State of Refund refuses an application fully or partly they must also notify you of the reasons for refusal.

If this happens you can appeal against the decision using the appeals procedure of that Member State. This means that the normal VAT appeals rules of that Member State on time limits, form of appeal etc., will apply.

Interest on delayed applications

Interest may be payable to you by the Member State of Refund if payment is made after the deadline.  If applicable, it will be paid from the day following the deadline up to the date the refund is actually paid. Interest rates must be the same as those applied to refunds of VAT to taxable persons established in the Member State of Refund under the national law of that Member State.

Claims on UK VAT returns

VAT incurred overseas must not be claimed on a UK VAT return.  If it is, it is liable to an assessment, penalties and interest levied in the UK by HMRC.

VAT – Latest from the courts: impact of outside the scope income

By   25 July 2016

Outside the scope (of VAT)  income leads to loss of input tax: Upper Tribunal (UT) decision

In the recent UT case of VCS it was decided that input tax relating to outside the scope activities of the appellant was not recoverable.


VCS is a car park operator, which manages and operates car parking for its clients on private land. Inter alia, providing parking control services, including the issue of parking permits and enforcement action (solely at the discretion of VCS).

In practice, most of VCS’s revenue is derived not from providing parking permits, but from parking charge notices (“PCNs”) which it issues to motorists who are in breach of the rules for parking in the car parks. In the period considered, approximately 92% of VCS’s income came from PCNs, and just 8% from parking permits. In March 2013 the Court of Appeal (CoA) decided that the PCN revenue was not subject to VAT. This was because VAT is chargeable only in respect of revenue from the supply of goods or services. The CoA held that the PCN revenue was not earned in respect of supplies of services liable to VAT. Rather, the PCN revenue represented damages for breach of contracts between VCS and the motorists and/or damages for trespass by the motorists.


The UT agreed with the First-tier Tribunal’s decision that that VCS was not entitled to recover input tax that related to outside the scope (PCN) income and that it was reasonable to assume that since 92% of the income generated by VCS was outside the scope of VAT, only 8% of the input tax incurred on its costs should be deductible.


It is clear that there is a direct link between the general overheads of the business in respect of which VCS incurred input VAT and both VCS’s taxable supplies of parking permits and the PCN income.  The appellant’s contention that a taxable person (such as VCS) is entitled to deduct all the input tax if the goods or services are used to any extent for the purposes of taxed transactions was doomed to failure and the chairman stated that “…we accept HMRC’s interpretation of Article 168 PVD. Accordingly, where purchased goods or services are used by a taxable person both for transactions in respect of which VAT is deductible (ie; taxable supplies) and for transactions in respect of which VAT is not deductible (ie; where the transactions do not constitute economic activity or do not constitute taxable supplies (even though they may be transactions undertaken in the course of a taxable person’s business) or where the supplies are exempt), VAT may only be deducted in so far as (that is, to the extent that) it is attributable to taxable supplies.”.

There are no surprises in this decision, but it serves as a timely reminder that not only is “VAT free” income not always a beneficial treatment, but any income that does not relate to a business’s’ taxable supplies can create costs and complexities, whether it be outside the scope, non-business, or exempt.

Outside the scope income can be received by any business in certain circumstances, and it must be recognised in its VAT reporting as this case demonstrates that not all input tax may be recovered and there is no de minimis for input tax attributed to outside the scope and non-business, it is simply not input tax.

Full case Vehicle Control Services Limited (VCS)

VAT – The “business” of shooting; a tale

By   15 July 2016

Sometimes one is involved in a dispute which goes to the core of the tax.  This is a case which highlights basic VAT principles, HMRC’s approach to an issue and the lengths to which a taxpayer has to go to defend his position.

Are you sitting comfortably?

A day out in the countryside; striding across beautiful landscape, amongst friends, enjoying each other’s’ company and a bit of sport – can this really be the subject of such intense debate with HMRC? Well, unfortunately this seems to be the case when it comes to the operation of a day’s shooting. In the eyes of the taxman, whether or not a profit or a surplus is achieved, shooting, conducted in the course of furtherance of a business is subject to VAT.

This is not usually an issue which shooting syndicates find themselves having to address; they are not concerned with the ins and outs of what constitutes a business for the purposes of the VAT legislation. However, HMRC was pursuing this issue in earnest and they have a team devoted solely to attacking shoots.

Who is HMRC targeting?

HMRC seem to be focusing on syndicate run shoots which are not registered for VAT but who HMRC believe are operating on business principles. If an organisation is operating as a business then it may be liable to register for VAT if certain income thresholds are exceeded. The shoot will then have to charge output VAT on the supplies it makes.  In my case there would have been a significant assessment plus penalties and interest which could double the past VAT bill.

How is HMRC attacking the issue?

HMRC is looking closely at the specific activities of syndicate shoots in order to build an argument demonstrating that the organisation of the shoot is run on “sound business principles”.  The reason that there is room for debate on this matter is that what constitutes a business is not explicitly defined anywhere in the VAT legislation either in UK or EC law. Rather, the issue has been defined in case law.

The defining case was Lord Fisher, which co-incidentally also concerned a shoot. This case is relied upon throughout the VAT world to give guidance on what constitutes a business – and not just in respect of shoots but for all types of activity.

Anyway, back to this syndicate…

I was involved in a battle lasting four years which concerned a local shoot run for over five decades by a group of friends and which was provided only for the benefit of the syndicate members. The shoot was not open to the common commercial market place or members of the public and the shoot did not advertise. HMRC spent a great deal of time trying to understand the finer details of the running of this shoot and concluded that it was a business

We advised The Shoot to appeal to the VAT Tribunal against HMRC’s decision to levy VAT on its activities.

They key to the syndicate’s defence was to demonstrate that no true business would operate commercially in the way that The Shoot does.  If it did, it would be completely unprofitable and would soon be out of business. To demonstrate this effectively, every aspect of the shoot was examined in detail and compared and contrasted with the way a commercial shoot operates. This involved everything from the lunch arrangements, CVs of the gamekeepers and how beautiful the land is, right through to whether chicks or poults are purchased and whether local deer were sold to the highest bidder. However, the most important factor was the demonstration that the syndicate does not have a profit built in to the cost structure and the amounts that the syndicate members contribute. The syndicate is run on a cost sharing basis and is not “an activity likely to be carried out by a private undertaking on a market, organised within a professional framework and generally performed in the interest of generating a profit.”

It all sounds so simple to those familiar with the industry but unfortunately from a VAT ‘business’ perspective it has been a long, stressful and costly argument for the appellant to make.  A few days before the case was to be heard at the Tribunal, HMRC withdrew their assessment and conceded the case.

HMRC had seen the many witness statements filed by the members of the syndicate waxing lyrical about how this was an age-old hobby run by a few friends and in no way could it be considered a commercial business. They had seen the expert witness report written by a specialist in the field. The distinctions made between commercial and syndicate shooting were made very clear. They had also seen the powerful argument which concluded that the shoot “cannot seriously be suggested to amount to a ‘business’ for the purpose of the VAT code”.

What this means?

Of course this victory over HMRC was a fantastic result for the members of the The Shoot, but from a practical point of view quite frustrating in that the case was not heard; denying other entities the benefit of the predicted victory.  Alas, it was one case that HMRC could not afford to lose.

It is therefore likely that HMRC will continue to target other shoots where they think they can ‘win’ or at least not be challenged.

Have you been affected? – What should you do next?

If this makes for frighteningly familiar reading and you or your local syndicate shoot are, or have been, under HMRC investigation then it is vital that you should take professional advice.  As we orchestrated the defence for The Shoot we are the leading advisers in such matters.

 For completeness, the six tests derived from the Lord Fisher case (and others) are: 
  1. Is the activity a serious undertaking earnestly pursued?
  2. Is the activity an occupation or function, which is actively pursued with reasonable or recognisable continuity?
  3. Does the activity have a certain measure of substance in terms of the quarterly or annual value of taxable supplies made?
  4. Is the activity conducted in a regular manner and on sound and recognised business principles?
  5. Is the activity predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for a consideration?
  6. Are the taxable supplies that are being made of a kind which, subject to differences of detail, are commonly made by those who seek to profit from them?
 The recent case of Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. and Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft is also helpful in looking at what a business is details here

VAT Distance Selling Q & As

By   11 July 2016

VAT Distance Selling: What is it and how will it affect my business?

Q – My internet business is expanding and I am now selling goods all over the EC. Does this create any VAT issues?

A – It could do; if you are selling to individuals (or any other non-business entity) then you should be charging UK VAT regardless of where your customer belongs in the EC. However, when these type of sales reach a certain limit, you will be required to VAT register in each Member State in which the threshold is breached. These are called the Distance Selling rules and apply in situations where the seller is responsible where the supplier is responsible for the delivery of goods B2C; typically mail-order and increasingly goods purchased online (so called “delivered goods”).

Q – What are those limits?

A – Each Members state sets its own limit. However these may be broken down into two categories:

€ 35,000 (or near equivalent in domestic currency) Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Italy.

€ 100,000 (or near equivalent in domestic currency) Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK.

Q – What are the practical implications?

A – Each Member State has different rules for VAT registration and filing of returns. All dealings, save for a few Member States, are undertaken in the language of that country, so broadly, there could be 27 sets of rules and many languages to master in order to comply with the Distance Selling rules! Additionally, we find that some business are unaware of these rules, or discover the impact of them after the limits have been reached. This creates penalties for late registration and filing in nearly all Member States. However, mitigation (along the lines of “reasonable excuse” in the UK) in varying degrees is available in some countries. We have found that it is possible, via negotiation to have penalties reduced or removed after making full disclosure of past turnover. As one may expect, the approach varies from country to country.

Q – Do I have any choices?

A – Yes, although it is not necessary to register until the thresholds set out above are breached; it is possible to VAT register there on a voluntary basis rather than accounting for UK VAT. The considerations are usually; the VAT rate in the Member State concerned (compared to the UK) and; administrative simplification, ie; not having to change over from UK VAT to another Member State’s VAT regime when the limit is reached.

Q – But what if I have accounted for UK VAT on these sales already, what can be done about that? I don’t want to have to pay VAT twice to different authorities.

A – In our experience, HMRC do repay UK VAT overpaid if overseas output tax is due, but this sometimes becomes a struggle and HMRC require full explanation and precise evidence to support a repayment.

Q- Do these rules affect sales made to customers outside the EC?

A- No, these are usually zero rated as exports.

Q So I need to identify the location of all of my customers and monitor sales to ensure I comply with the rules and to identify whether to charge VAT, at what rate, and to which authority?

A – Yes, I am afraid so!

Please contact if you would like us to deal with overseas authorities on your behalf, or you would like assistance with technical issues or with language matters

VAT Quickie – HMRC change bank details for payments

By   13 June 2016

HMRC’s new bank details

Most taxpayers who pay electronically will not be affected by the change.  However, if a business pays its VAT using HMRC’s IBAN and BIC need to use the new IBAN and BIC with immediate effect.  This change will mainly affect overseas businesses. It is observed that HMRC’s efforts to publicise this change have not been very successful.

Details for Overseas payments:

Account Number (IBAN) GB36BARC20051773152391


Account Name: HMRC VAT

HMRC banking address:

Barclays Bank PLC
1 Churchill Place
United Kingdom
E14 5HP

VAT – Time of supply (Tax Point). The Rules

By   10 June 2016

Although one of the “VAT basics”, it is sometimes quite difficult to establish the date for a tax point, and there is a great deal of case law which suggests that this seemingly straightforward exercise can throw up difficulties.

The time at which a supply of goods or services is deemed to take place is called the tax point. VAT must normally be accounted for in the VAT period in which the tax point occurs and at the rate of VAT in force at that time. Small businesses may, however, account for VAT on the basis of cash paid and received.

Although the principal purpose of the time of supply rules is to fix the time for accounting for, and claiming VAT, the rules have other uses including

  • calculating turnover for VAT registration purposes
  • establishing the period to which supplies (including exempt supplies) are to be allocated for partial exemption purposes, and
  • establishing when and if input tax may be deducted

The tax point for a transaction is the date the transaction takes place for VAT purposes. This is important because it crystallises the date when output tax should be declared and when input tax may be reclaimed. Unsurprisingly, get it wrong and there could be penalties and interest or VAT is declared too early or input tax claimed late – both situations are to be avoided, especially in large value and/or complex situations.

The time of supply rules

Basic tax point (Date of supply)


The basic tax point for a supply of goods is the date the goods are removed, ie; sent to, or taken by, the customer. If the goods are not removed, it is the date they are made available for his use.


The basic tax point for a supply of services is the date the services are performed.

Actual tax point
In the case of both goods and services, where a VAT invoice is raised or payment is made before the basic tax point, there is an earlier actual tax point created at the time the invoice is issued or payment received, whichever occurs first.

14 Day Rule
There is also an actual tax point where a VAT invoice is issued within 14 days after the basic tax point. This overrides the basic tax point.

Continuous supply of services 
If services are supplied on a continuous basis and payments are received regularly or from time to time, there is a tax point every time:

  • A VAT invoice is issued
  • a payment is received, whichever happens first


Care should be taken when accounting for deposits. The VAT rules vary depending on the nature of the deposit. In some circumstances deposits may catch out the unwary, these could be, inter alia; auctions, stakeholder/escrow/solicitor accounts in property transactions, and refundable/non-refundable deposits. There are also other special provisions for particular supplies of goods and services, for eg; TOMS.


The tax point may be summarised (in most circumstances) as the earliest of:

  • The date an invoice is issued
  • The date payment is received
  • The date title to goods is passed, or services are completed.

Some brief examples:

Situation Tax point
No invoice needed Date of supply
VAT invoice issued Date of invoice
VAT invoice issued 15 days or more after the date of supply Date the supply took place
Payment or invoice issued in advance of supply Date of payment or invoice (whichever is earlier)
Payment in advance of supply and no VAT invoice yet issued Date payment received

There are certain exceptions, so care should be taken when establishing a tax point.


Tax point planning can be very important to a business. the aims in summary are:

  • Deferring a supplier’s tax point where possible
  • Timing of a tax point to benefit both parties to a transaction wherever possible
  • Applying the cash accounting scheme (or withdrawal from it)
  • Using specific documentation to avoid creating tax points for certain supplies
  • Correctly identifying the nature of a supply to benefit from certain tax point rules
  • Generating positive cashflow between “related” entities where permitted
  • Broadly; generate output tax as early as possible in a VAT period, and incur input tax as late as possible
  • Planning for VAT rate changes
  • Ensure that a business does not incur penalties for errors by applying the tax point rules correctly.

Getting a tax point wrong by even one day can be very costly. This is particularly relevant in respect of property transactions. Also, a significant savings may be made by careful tax point planning.

In my next article I shall look at how the tax point rules may be used for beneficial VAT planning in a specific example.

VAT Schemes Guide – Alternative ways of accounting for tax

By   1 June 2016

2013-12-01 Bury St Eds Xmas Fair0020 (2)There are a number of VAT Schemes which are designed to simplify accounting for the tax.  They may save a business money, reduce complexity, avoid the need for certain documentation and reduce the time needed to deal with VAT.  Some schemes may be used in combination with others, although I recommend that checks should be made first.

It is important to compare the use of each scheme to standard VAT accounting to establish whether a business will benefit.  Some schemes are compulsory and there are particular pitfalls for certain businesses using certain schemes.

I thought that it would be useful to consider the schemes all in one place and look at their features and pros and cons.

These schemes reviewed here are:

  • Cash Accounting Scheme
  • Annual Accounting Scheme
  • Flat Rate Scheme
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods
  • Global Accounting
  • VAT schemes for retailers
  • Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme

Cash Accounting Scheme

Normally, VAT returns are based on the tax point (usually the VAT invoice date) for sales and purchases. This may mean a business having to pay HMRC the VAT due on sales that its customers have not yet paid for.

The VAT cash accounting scheme instead bases reporting on payment dates, both for purchases and sales. A business will need to ensure its records include payment dates.

A business is only eligible for the Cash Accounting Scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m, and can then remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Usually beneficial for cash flow especially if its customers are slow paying
  • Output tax is not payable at all if a business has a bad debt


  • Is generally not beneficial for a repayment business (one which reclaims more VAT than it pays, eg; an exporter or supplier of zero rated goods or services)
  • Not usually beneficial if a business purchases significant amounts of goods or services on credit

Annual Accounting Scheme

The Annual Accounting Scheme allows a business to pay VAT on account, in either nine monthly or three quarterly payments. These instalments are based on VAT paid in the previous year. It is then required to complete a single, annual VAT return which is used to calculate any balance owed by the business or due from HMRC.

A business is eligible for the scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m and is permitted to remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Reduces paperwork as only the need to complete one return instead of four (Although it does not remove the requirement to keep all the normal VAT records and accounts)
  • Improves management of cash flow


  • Not suitable for repayment businesses as they would only receive one repayment at the end of the year
  • If turnover decreases, the interim payments may be higher than under standard accounting

Flat Rate Scheme

The Flat Rate Scheme is designed to assist smaller businesses reduce the amount of time and complexity required for VAT accounting. The Flat Rate Scheme removes the need to calculate the VAT on every transaction. Instead, a business pays a flat rate percentage of its VAT inclusive turnover. The percentage paid is less than the standard VAT rate because it recognises the fact that no input tax can be claimed on purchases. The flat rate percentage used is dependent on a business’ trade sector.

A business is eligible for this scheme if its estimated taxable turnover in the next year will not exceed £150,000. Once using the scheme, a business is permitted to continue using it until its income exceeds £230,000.

If eligible, a business may combine the Flat Rate Scheme with the Annual Accounting Schemes, additionally, there is an option to effectively use a cash basis so there is no need to use the Cash Accounting Scheme. There has been recent case law on the percentage certain businesses’ use for the FRS, so it is worth checking closely.  There is a one percent discount for a business in its first year of trading.


  • Depending on trade sector and circumstances may result in a real VAT saving
  • Simplified record keeping; no requirement to separate out gross, VAT and net in accounts
  • Fewer rules; no issues with input tax a business can and cannot recover on purchases
  • Certainty of knowing how much of income is payable to HMRC


  • No reclaim of input tax incurred on purchases
  • If you buy a significant amount from VAT registered businesses, it is likely to result in more VAT due
  • Likely to be unattractive for businesses making zero-rated or exempt sales because output tax would also apply to this hitherto VAT free income
  • Low turnover limit

Margin Scheme for Second Hand Goods

A business normally accounts for output tax on the full value of its taxable supplies and reclaims input tax on its purchases. However, if a business deals in second-hand goods, works of art, antiques or collectibles it may use a Margin Scheme. This scheme enables a business to account for VAT only on the difference between the purchase and selling price of an item; the margin. It is not possible to reclaim input tax on the purchase of an item and there will be no output tax if no profit is achieved. There is a special margin schemes for auctioneers. A variation of the Margin Scheme is considered below.


  • Usually beneficial if buying from (non-VAT registered) members of the public
  • Applies to EC cross-border sales
  • Purchaser will not see a VAT charge
  • Although no input tax claimable on purchases of scheme items, VAT may be claimed in the usual way on overheads and other fees etc


  • Record keeping requirements are demanding and closely checked, eg; stock records and invoices which are required for both purchases and sales
  • Cannot be used for items purchased on a VAT invoice
  • Can be complex and create a cost if goods exported
  • Although no VAT due on sales if a loss is made, there is no set-off of the loss

Global Accounting

The problem with the Second Hand Goods Scheme is that full details of each individual item purchased and sold has to be recorded. Global Accounting is an optional, simplified variation of the Second Hand Margin Scheme. It differs from the standard Margin Scheme in that rather than accounting for the margin achieved on the sale of each individual item, output tax is calculated on the margin achieved between the total purchases and total sales in a particular accounting period.


  • Simplified version of the Margin Scheme
  • Record keeping requirements reduced
  • Losses made on sales reduce VAT payable
  • Beneficial for businesses which buy and sell bulk volume, low value eligible goods


  • Cannot be used for; aircraft, boats, caravans, horses or motor vehicles
  • Similar to Margin Scheme disadvantages apart from loss set off

VAT Schemes for Retailers

It is usually difficult for retailers to issue an invoice for each sale made, so various retail schemes have been designed to simplify VAT. The appropriate scheme for a business depends on whether its retail turnover (excluding VAT) is; below £1m, between £1m and £130m and higher.

Smaller businesses may be able to use a retail scheme with Cash Accounting and Annual Accounting but it cannot combine a Retail Scheme with the Flat Rate Scheme.  However, retailers may choose to use the Flat Rate Scheme instead of a Retail Scheme.

Using standard VAT accounting, a VAT registered business must record the VAT on each sale. However, via a Retail Scheme, it calculates the value of its total VAT taxable sales for a period, eg; a day, and the proportions of that total that are taxable at different rates of VAT; standard, reduced and zero.

According to the scheme a business uses it then applies the appropriate VAT fraction to that sales figure to calculate the output tax due. A business may only use the Retail Scheme for retail sales and must use the standard accounting procedures for other supplies.  It must still issue a VAT invoice to any VAT registered customer who requests one.  It is a requirement of any scheme choice that HMRC must consider it fair and reasonable.

Examples of Retail Schemes

  • Apportionment
  • Direct calculation
  • The point of sale scheme

There are special arrangements for caterers, retail pharmacists and florists.


  • No requirement to issue an invoice for each sale
  • Most schemes are relatively simple to administer once set up. Technology assists in a helpful way with EPOS systems
  • Simplifies record keeping


  • It is usual for each line sold to need to be coded correctly for VAT liability
  • Smaller businesses without state of the art technology may be at a disadvantage
  • Time and resources required to set up and maintain systems
  • In some cases the calculation depends on staff “pressing the right button”

Tour Operators Margin Scheme (TOMS)

This simplifies cross-border supplies by fixing the place of supply where the tour operator is located (rather than applying the usual place of supply rules).  Tour operators often buy goods and services from businesses in overseas countries and often cannot reclaim the associated input tax. The TOMS resolves this issue by permitting tour operators to calculate the VAT solely on the value they add. This is, in theory, similar to the Margin Scheme above.  The scheme applies to any business that buys in and re-sells; travel, accommodation and certain other services as a principal. It not only affects the normal High Street travel companies, but entities such as; schools, hospitality companies, organisers of events etc.  TOMS is compulsory and it applies to supplies made to/in in the UK as well as overseas.


  • Avoids the need for the tour operator to VAT register in every country it makes supplies to/in
  • Effectively gives credit for input tax incurred overseas as well as the UK
  • No VAT shown on documents issued to clients


  • Often complex calculations and record keeping
  • Very precise and complicated rules
  • Lack of understanding by a number of  inspectors
  • Complexity increases the risk of misdeclaration


As may be seen, there are a lot of choices for a business to consider, especially a start-up.  Choosing a scheme which is inappropriate may result in VAT overpayment and a lot of unneeded record keeping and administration.  There are real savings to be made by using a beneficial scheme, both in terms of VAT payable and staff time.

We are happy to review a business’ circumstances and calculate what schemes would produce the best outcome.

Please contact us if you require further information.


 Marcus Ward Consultancy Ltd 2016

New approach to VAT inspections by HMRC

By   16 May 2016

A VAT quickie.

We understand that HMRC are about to introduce new plans to change the way some VAT inspections are carried out.

The intention is that when a business is selected to an inspection, rather than arranging and visiting the business in the traditional way, initial contact will be made with the responsible person. At this point a short telephone questionnaire will take place.  If this option is taken then it is possible that HMRC will reconsider the need for a full inspection.  This appears to be along the lines of some pre-credibility processes.  It is a pilot exercise and will be entirely voluntary for the taxpayer.

If this approach enables HMRC to focus on evasion and high risk business while reducing the burden for the majority of businesses who always try to be accurate with VAT declarations it is to be welcomed.  We shall see how the pilot goes and whether this is rolled out to more businesses.  HMRC expects that this will be a benefit for both them and taxpayers and it is to be hoped that this is the case.

We have no knowledge currently how “brief” the questionnaire will be and how much information and preparation will be required.  However, it is likely that they will focus on industry specific questions rather than on processes and controls.  

If contacted by HMRC our usual advice is to contact us to ensure everything is as it should be.  This may avoid penalties and ensure any enquires are concluded smoothly.