Tag Archives: pos

VAT – Well, it is christmas…

By   7 December 2015

Dear Marcus 2013-12-01 Bury St Eds Xmas Fair0072

My business, if that is what it is, has become large enough for me to fear that HMRC might take an interest in my activities.  May I explain what I do and then you can write to me with your advice?  If you think a face to face meeting would be better I can be found in most decent sized department stores from mid September to 24 December.

First of all I am based in Greenland but I do bring a stock of goods, mainly toys, to the UK and I distribute them.  Am I making supplies in the UK?

The toys are of course mainly for children and I wonder if zero rating might apply?  I have heard that small T shirts are zero rated so what about a train set – it is small and intended for children. Does it matter if adults play with it?

My friend Rudolph has told me that there is a peculiar rule about gifts.  He says that if I give them away regularly and they cost more than £150 I might have to account for VAT.  Is that right?

My next question concerns barter transactions.  Dads often leave me a food item such as a mince pie and a drink and there is an unwritten rule that I should then leave something in return.  If I’m given Tesco’s own brand sherry I will leave polyester underpants but if I’m left a glass of Glenfiddich I will be more generous and leave best woollen socks.  Have I made a supply and what is the value please?  My feeling is that the food items are not solicited so VAT might not be due and, in any event; isn’t food zero-rated, or is it catering? Oh, and what if the food is hot?

Transport is a big worry for me.  Lots of children ask me for a ride on my airborne transport.  I suppose I could manage to fit 12 passengers in.  Does that mean my services are zero-rated?  If I do this free of charge will I need to charge air passenger duty?  Does it matter if I stay within the UK?  My transport is the equivalent of six horse power and if I refuel with fodder in the UK will I be liable for fuel scale charges?  After dropping the passengers off I suppose I will be accused of using fuel for the private journey back home.  Somebody has told me that if I buy hay labelled as animal food I can avoid VAT but if I buy the much cheaper bedding hay I will need to pay VAT.  Please comment.

Can I also ask about VAT registration?  I know the limit is £82,000 per annum but do blips count?  If I do make supplies at all, I do nothing for 364 days and then, in one day (well night really) I blast through the limit and then drop back to nil turnover.  May I be excused from registration?  If I do need to register should I use AnNOEL Accounting?  At least I can get only one penalty per annum if I get the sums wrong.

I would like to make a claim for input tax on clothing.  I feel that my red clothing not only protects me from the extreme cold but it is akin to a uniform and should be allowable.  These are not clothes that I would choose to wear except for my fairly unusual job.  If lady barristers can claim for black skirts I think I should be able to claim for red dress.  And what about my annual haircut?  That costs a fortune.  I only let my hair grow that long because it is expected of me.

Insurance worries me too.  You know that I carry some very expensive goods on my transport.  Play Stations, Mountain Bikes, i-pads and Accrington Stanley replica shirts for example.  My parent company in Greenland takes out insurance there and they make a charge to me.  If I am required to register for VAT in England will I need to apply the reverse charge?  This seems to be a daft idea if I understand it correctly.  Does it mean I have to charge myself VAT on something that is not VATable and then claim it back again?

Next you’ll be telling me that Father Christmas isn’t real……….

VAT – Where do I belong?!

By   16 November 2015
The concept of “belonging” is very important in VAT as it determines where a supply takes place and thus the rate applicable and the country in which is due. (The so-called “Place Of Supply, or POS). It is necessary, for most supplies, to establish where both the supplier, and the recipient belongs. Because this is a complex area of VAT it is not difficult to be overpaying tax in one country, not paying tax where it is properly due, or missing the tax issue completely. 

A relevant business person `belongs’ in the relevant country. A `relevant country’ means:

  •  the country in which the person has a business establishment, or some other fixed establishment (if it has none in any other country);
  •  if the person has a business establishment, or some other fixed establishment or establishments, in more than one country, the country  of the relevant establishment (ie; the establishment most directly concerned with the supply); and
  •  otherwise, the country of the person’s usual place of residence (in the case of a body corporate, where it is legally constituted).

A person who is not a relevant business person `belongs’ in the country of his usual place of residence. The `belonging’ definition applies equally to the recipient of a supply, where relevant.

Business establishment is not defined in the legislation but is taken by HMRC to mean the principal place of business. It is usually the head office, headquarters or ‘seat’ from which the business is run. There can only be one such place and it may take the form of an office, showroom or factory.

Fixed establishment is not defined in the legislation but is taken by HMRC to mean an establishment (other than the business establishment) which has both the technical and human resources necessary for providing and receiving services on a permanent basis. A business may therefore have several fixed establishments, including a branch of the business or an agency. A temporary presence of human and technical resources does not create a fixed establishment in the UK.

Usual place of residence. A body corporate has its usual place of residence where it is legally constituted. The usual place of residence of an individual is not defined in the legislation. HMRC interpret the phrase according to the ordinary usage of the words, ie; normally the country where the individual has set up home with his/her family and is in full-time employment. An individual is not resident in a country if only visiting as a tourist.

More than one establishment. Where the supplier/recipient has establishments in more than one country, the supplies made from/received at each establishment must be considered separately. For each supply of services, the establishment which is actually providing/receiving the services is normally the one most directly connected with the supply but all facts should be considered including

  •  for suppliers, from which establishment the services are actually provided;
  •  for recipients, at which establishment the services are actually consumed, effectively used or enjoyed;
  •  which establishment appears on the contracts, correspondence and invoices;
  •  where directors or others who entered into the contract are permanently based; and
  •  at which establishment decisions are taken and controls are exercised over the performance of the contract.

However, where an establishment is actually providing/receiving the supply of services, it is normally that establishment which is most directly connected with the supply, even if the contractual position is different.

VAT groups

A VAT group is treated as a single entity. This also applies when applying the ‘place of belonging’. As a result, a group has establishments wherever any member of the group has establishments.

This is an area which often leads to uncertainty, and therefore VAT issues.  It is also an area where VAT planning may; save time, resources and avoid unexpected VAT costs, either in the UK or another country.

For more on our International Services

VAT – Care with input tax claims

By   2 November 2015

You have a purchase invoice showing VAT.  You are VAT registered, and you will use the goods or services purchased for your business… can you claim it?

Assuming a business is not partly exempt or not subject to a restriction of recovery of input tax due to non-business activities (and the claim is not for a motor car or business entertainment) the answer is usually yes.

However, HMRC is now, more than ever before, concerned with irregular, dishonest and inaccurate claims.  It is an unfortunate fact that some people see making fraudulent claims as an “easy” way to illegally obtain money and, as is often the case, honest taxpayers are affected as a result of the (understandable) concerns of the authorities.  Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) or “carousel” fraud has received a lot of publicity over recent years with an estimate of £Billions of Treasury money being obtained by fraudsters.  While this has been generally addressed, HMRC consider that there is still significant leakage of VAT as a consequence of dishonest claims.  HMRC’s interest also extends to “innocent errors” which result in input tax being overclaimed.

In order to avoid unwanted attention from HMRC, what should a business be watching for when claiming credit for input tax?  Broadly, I would counsel making “reasonable enquiries”.  This means making basic checks in order to demonstrate to HMRC that a business has taken care to ensure that a claim is appropriate.  This is more important in some transactions than others and most regular and straightforward transactions will not be in issue.  Here are some pointers that I feel are important to a business:

Was there a supply?

This seems an obvious question, but even if a business holds apparently authentic documentation; if no supply was made, no claim is possible.  Perhaps different parts of a business deal with checking the receipt of goods or services and processing documents.  Perhaps a business has been the subject of fraud by a supplier.  Perhaps the supply was to an individual rather than to the business.  Perhaps a transaction was aborted after the documentation was issued.  There may be many reasons for a supply not being made, especially when a third party is involved.  For example, Co A contracts with Co B to supply goods directly to Co C. Invoices are issued by Co B to Co A and by Co A to Co C.  It may not be clear to Co A whether the goods have been delivered, or it may be difficult to check.  A lot of fraud depends on “correct” paperwork existing without any goods or services changing hands.

Is the documentation correct?

The VAT regulations set out a long list of details that a VAT invoice must show.  Full details on invoicing here  If any one of these required items is missing HMRC will disallow a claim.  Beware of “suspicious” looking documents including manually amended invoices, unconvincing quality, unexpected names or addresses of a supplier, lack of narrative, “copied” logos or “clip-art” additions etc.  One of the details required is obviously the VAT number of the supplier.  VAT numbers can be checked for validity here

Additionally, imports of goods require different documentation to support a claim and this is a more complex procedure (which extends to checking whether supplies of goods have been made and physical access to them).  A lot of fraud includes a cross border element so extra care should be taken in checking the validity of both the import and the documentation.

Ultimately, it is easy to create a convincing invoice and HMRC is aware of this.


It is important to claim input tax in the correct period.  Even if a claim is a day out it may be disallowed and penalties levied.

Is there VAT on a supply?

If a supplier charges VAT when they shouldn’t, eg; if a supply is zero rated or exempt or subject to the Transfer of A Going Concern rules, it is not possible to reclaim this VAT even if the recipient holds an apparently “valid” invoice.  HMRC will disallow such a claim and will look to levy penalties and interest.  When in doubt; challenge the supplier’s treatment.

Place of supply

Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK return, so it is important to check whether UK VAT is actually applicable to a supply.  The place of supply (POS) rules are notoriously complex, especially for services, if UK VAT is shown on an invoice incorrectly, and is claimed by the recipient, HMRC will disallow the claim and look to levy a penalty, so enquiries should be made if there is any uncertainty.  VAT incurred overseas can, in most cases be recovered, but this is via a different mechanism to a UK VAT return. Details on claiming VAT in other EC Member States here

One-off, unusual or new transactions

This is the time when most care should be taken, especially if the transaction is of high value.  Perhaps it is a new supplier, or perhaps it is a property transaction – if a purchase is out of the ordinary for a business it creates additional exposure to mis-claiming VAT.

To whom is the supply made?

It is only the recipient of goods or services who may make a claim; regardless of; who pays or who invoices are issued to.  Care is required with groups of companies and multiple VAT registrations eg; an individual may be registered as a sole proprietor as well as a part of a partnership or director of a limited company, As an illustration, a common error is in a situation where a report is provided to a bank (for example for financing requirements) and the business pays the reporting third party.  Although it may be argued that the business pays for the report, and obtains a business benefit from it, the supply is to the bank in contractual terms and the business cannot recover the VAT on the services, in fact, in these circumstances, nobody is able to recover the VAT. Other areas of uncertainty are; restructuring, refinancing or acquisitions, especially where significant professional costs are involved.


There are additional rules for electronically issued invoices. Details here

A business may issue invoices electronically where the authenticity of the origin, integrity of invoice data, and legibility of invoice content can all be ensured, and thestomer agrees to receive invoices electronically.

  • ‘Authenticity of the origin’ means the assurance of the identity of the supplier or issuer of the invoice
  • ‘Integrity of content’ means that the invoice content has not been altered
  • ‘Legibility’ of an invoice means that the invoice can be easily read.

 A business is free to choose a method of ensuring authenticity, integrity, and legibility which suits its method of operation. e-invoicing provides additional opportunities for fraudsters, so a business needs to ensure that its processes are bulletproof. 

HMRC’s approach

If a claim is significant, or unusual for the business’ trading pattern, it is likely that HMRC will carry out a “pre-credibility” inspection where they check to see if the claim is valid before they release the money.  Another regular check is for HMRC to establish whether the supplier has declared the relevant output tax on the other side of the transaction (a so-called “reference”). Not unsurprisingly, they are not keen on making a repayment if, for whatever reason, the supplier has not paid over the output tax.

What should a business do?

In summary, it is prudent for a business to “protect itself” and raise queries if there is any doubt at all over making a claim. It also needs a robust procedure for processing invoices.  If enquiries have been made, ensure that these are properly documented for inspection by HMRC as this is evidence which may be used to mitigate any potential penalties, even if a claim is an honest mistake. A review of procedures often flushes out errors and can lead to increased claims being made.

VAT Distance Selling – avoidance structure now deemed ineffective

By   26 October 2015

The EC Commission’s VAT Committee has recently issued new guidelines to counter perceived avoidance of registering for Distance Selling by businesses.

In cases where the supplier is responsible for the delivery of goods B2C; typically mail-order and increasingly goods purchased online (so called “delivered goods”) the supplier is required to VAT register in the EC Member State of its customer(s) once a certain threshold is met. For full details of Distance Selling see here.

In order to avoid having to register, some business have sought to avoid their supply falling within the definition of delivered goods by splitting the sale of goods and the delivery.

The UK raised concerns about the planning and structures put in place to obviate the need to register in other EC Member States.  The VAT Committee has recognised these concerns and has today issued new guidelines on Distance Sales

In addition to the current rules (set out in Articles 32, 33 and 34 of the Principal VAT Directive) a Distance Sale will have occurred when goods have been “dispatched or transported by or on behalf of the supplier” in any cases where the supplier “intervenes directly or indirectly in the transport or dispatch of the goods.” The Committee has stated that it considers that the supplier shall be regarded as having intervened indirectly in the transport or dispatch of the goods if any of the following conditions apply:

(i)              The transport or dispatch of the goods is sub-contracted by the supplier to a third party who delivers the goods to the customer.

(ii)            The dispatch or transport of the goods is provided by a third party but the supplier bears totally or partially the responsibility for the delivery of the goods to the customer.

(iii)          The supplier invoices and collects the transport fees from the customer and further remits them to a third party that arranges the dispatch or transport of the goods.

The Committee further clarified that, in other cases of “intervention,” in particular where the supplier actively promotes the delivery services of a third party to the customer, puts the customer and the third party in contact and provides to the third party the information needed for the delivery of the goods, the seller should likewise be regarded as having “intervened indirectly” in the transport or dispatch of the goods.

Note: These guidelines issued by the VAT Committee are merely views of an advisory committee, they do not constitute an official interpretation of EC law and therefore do not bind the Commission or the Member States. However, the Committee’s views are highly influential and it is likely that Member States will review their procedures and implement these guidelines.

Distance Selling VAT registration can apply retrospectively and assessments and penalties for late registration and underdeclaration of VAT are likely. Also, with different VAT rates applicable in different Member States even if VAT has (incorrectly) been charged at the rate applicable in the Member State where the supplier belongs (rather than the customer) this will likely be at the incorrect rate and recovery of this incorrectly paid VAT will also create issues.

Please contact us if the above changes will affect your business as action must be taken immediately.

VAT – Proof of evidence of Intra-EC supplies

By   23 September 2015

A B2B supply of goods from one Member State to another (a dispatch) is VAT free (with the recipient dealing with acquisition tax in the Member State of receipt). However, in order to VAT free treatment to apply evidence that the goods have moved cross-border must be provided and satisfy the authorities in the Member State of dispatch.

The level of evidence and type of documents required to support the right to VAT free treatment varies significantly between Member States. This has led to confusion and difficulties for businesses.

As a result the EC VAT Expert Group* have, this week, produced a paper (paper 46) named “‘Proof of evidence of Intra-EU supplies’” Here: 46 – Proof of IC Supplies

As well as identifying the wide discretion afforded to Member States as to the type of documents required, it notes that this discretion and lack of clarity often leads to disproportionate compliance burdens for businesses involved in the cross border supply of goods. This also results in the fundamental principle of fiscal neutrality and the free movements of goods being impaired.

In summary

 The Group’s findings may be summarised:

  •  Diversity of documentation

Most Member States rely on a myriad of documents which may not be listed in national legislation. Such diversity is a problem and may require businesses to provide documentary evidence that cannot be reasonably obtained. This practice does not reconcile with principles established by the ECJ. The paper adds that tax authorities tend to focus on certain formalities and not permit alternative evidence.

  •  Local initiatives

The paper notes that based on Article 131 of the VAT Directive, and often in light of the fight against fraud, tax authorities are introducing local initiatives. The compatibility of these with the EC framework may be questioned and is causing increasing burdens and costs on legitimate taxpayers.

  •  Importance given by tax authorities to the “knowledge test”

The paper considers that the level of demand from tax authorities to document intra-EC trade should not be upgraded because of fraud cases. Documentary evidence is of a type fraudsters would typically provide. The wide margin of interpretation left to tax authorities and judges regarding concepts such as “good faith” means that further guidance may be required. This, however, should not extend up to a requirement for suppliers to show evidence to authorities that their customers acted in good faith.

  •  Diversity of practices; timing versus legal certainty

The diversity of approaches across EC Member States generates costs and increase risks for businesses operating in different Member States.


The paper considered some recent ECJ case law on cross-border transactions and concluded VAT free treatment should be granted to the supplier when:

1)    It demonstrates that the transaction meets the substantive criteria of that provision, namely that it is entered into with another taxable person in a Member State other than that in which dispatch or transport of the goods begins. This would be done with the supplier holding at least three non-contradictory documents or elements certifying the transport or dispatch to another Member State.

2)    In this context, a reasonable customer assessment could be expected from taxpayers when tax authorities audit whether the transactions are taking place in the context of fraud and/or abuse.

Next Steps

It is recommended that new guidance could be adopted in an Implementing Regulation or an explanatory note to the relevant Articles in the VAT Directive could be prepared by the Commission.

It will be interesting to see if these recommendations are adopted.  It would make life a lot more straightforward for businesses who trade cross-border in the EC.  Although the UK has one of the most practical regimes in this respect, even genuine movements of goods from the UK can result in an unexpected and unwelcome VAT charge because of a lack of specific documentation.

* The VAT Expert Group assists and advises the European Commission on VAT matters. Details here 

VAT – Intrastat; what is it? If you don’t know, you may be committing a criminal offence…

By   15 July 2015

Although often viewed as a necessary evil, Intrastat can be used by a business to obtain valuable information on markets in the EC. …Oh, and it may be quite useful to understand it to avoid getting a criminal record!  In this article I summarise the basics, provide useful links and look at the pros and cons of the regime.

So, what is Intrastat?

Intrastat is the name given to the system used for collecting statistics on the trade in goods between all 28 Member States of the EC. If certain conditions are met a business must, by law, submit monthly Intrastat Supplementary Declarations (SDs). Intrastat does not cover services, nor is it required for exports to recipients outside the EC.

The data collected under the Intrastat system forms a large part of overall UK trade statistics totals which in turn are an important part of the UK Balance of Payment account and an important indicator of the health of ‘UK plc’. This data is published at uktradeinfo and is used by a wide range of government and international organisations and is particularly useful in helping businesses gauge import penetration and establish new markets for their goods.

Intrastat responsibilities

If a VAT registered business trades with any of the other EC Member States, it will have a responsibility to report the trade to HMRC. How detailed that report is required to be depends on the value of its trade with other EC Member States for either purchases (arrivals) or sales (dispatches). If a business’ trade in goods falls below the Intrastat thresholds then EC Sales Lists may be required.

Reporting Thresholds for SDs

The limits are:

  • £1,500,000 for arrivals, and;
  • £250,000 for dispatches

In a calendar year.

Intrastat should not be confused with EC Sales Lists which are used to collect information on all sales from UK VAT registered businesses to business recipients in other EC Member States.  A guide to EC Sales Lists here

Classification of goods for Intrastat

Finding the right commodity code for goods is one of the most important aspects of Intrastat. An online classification tool, the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) is available to assist businesses find the right commodity code for its goods. Here

The ICN is a fully searchable facility which can be used by everyone from beginner to expert.

Value for SDs

Only the value of goods are included in SDs (plus any related freight or insurance charges where they form part of the invoice or contract price of the goods).

The value does not include:

  • Commission, legal and financial services
  • Insurance, freight and/or carriage (unless it is included with the cost of the goods)
  • Labour
  • Goods bought and sold within the EU but which do not actually enter or leave the UK
  • Maintenance costs
  • Repairs

Submission of SDs

This may be done online or offline (which is preferred for large amounts of data).

Online submission details here

Offline submissions are via pre-prepared Excel spreadsheets available here

Via an email attachment – the file must be converted into the message format Electronic Data Interchange for Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT). Details here

Deadlines for submission of SDs

Intrastat declarations must be submitted on a monthly basis. Complete and accurate declarations must be received by the 21st day of the month following the reference period to which they relate.

Now, the scary part.


It is perhaps surprising that if you fail to submit SDs by the due date, or send data that is inaccurate, a business will be committing a criminal offence (Statistics of Trade [C&E] Regulations 1992).

Penalties may be levied in cases where SDs are persistently late, missing, inaccurate or incomplete.

Although the penalty regime is a criminal one and could result in proceedings in a Magistrates Court, HMRC state that it normally prefers to “compound” alleged offences. This involves the offer of an administrative fine in lieu of Court proceedings. However, an administrative fine is only offered when, after receiving a Warning of Possible Criminal Proceedings letter, a business has brought its Intrastat declarations completely up to date. If any declarations remain outstanding Court proceedings will be instigated.

The plus side.

How to use Intrastat for your business

It is possible for a business to find out about; trade markets, competition, suppliers, customers and competitors using data collected via Intrastat.  Additionally, the information may be used to create a bespoke data table to suit a business’ specific needs. Information here

Intrastat pros and cons

Yes, businesses are being used as unpaid providers of trade information as well as unpaid collectors of tax.  It then does seem rather draconian that HMRC “coerce” businesses to provide information on pain of a criminal record. But the information is then there for a business trading within the EC to use for its commercial advantage.  It’s another chore on the VAT checklist I’m afraid.

VAT – The Future for the EC Digital Single Market

By   11 May 2015

VAT – The Future for the EC Digital Single Market

The EC has announced its plans for its VAT digital single market in respect of online sales. Full details are here and here.

The highlights are:

• Extension of MOSS to intra-EC and third country online B2C sales of goods.

• Introduction of a new EC-wide VAT threshold to help start-up businesses.

• Ending current distance selling thresholds.

• Allowing for domestic controls, including a single audit of cross-border sales.

• Removal of the VAT exemption for the import of small consignments form third countries.

• Removal of barriers to cross-border sales eg; geo-blocking and costs.

This is likely to have a huge impact on the way businesses deal with VAT on sales of goods to individuals overseas. If the introduction of MOSS is anything to go by, we may be in for a bumpy ride.

VAT – Domestic legislation versus EC law – a new case

By   4 March 2015

In the recent case of VDP Dental Laboratory NV & ors (C-144/13) the ECJ has decided that a Dutch exemption for a supply which is ultra vires in respect of EC VAT legislation does not give a right to input tax deduction via EC legislation.  The exemption precludes input VAT recovery, but has the effect of exempting imports and acquisitions into The Netherlands. The ECJ held that a taxable person who is not obliged to charge VAT on the supply of goods because national law (in contravention of Community law) provides for exemption, cannot however, rely on Community law to claim input tax deduction of VAT incurred on purchases incurred in respect of that supply.  What this means though is that the exemption in Dutch domestic legislation means that the taxpayer will not be taxed on importations or acquisitions, irrespective of the VAT treatment in the Member State of an EU supplier.

Broadly, this means that a business cannot take advantage of domestic legislation and/or EC law in circumstances where it may benefit.

VAT – Overseas Holiday Lets: A Warning

By   27 February 2015

Do you own property overseas which you let to third parties when you are not using it yourself?

It is important to understand the VAT consequences of owning property overseas.

The position of UK Holiday Lets

It may not be commonly known that the UK has the highest VAT threshold in the EC. This means that for many ‘sideline’ businesses such as; the rental of second or holiday properties in the UK, the owners, whether they are; individuals, businesses, or pension schemes, only have to consider VAT if income in relation to the property exceeds £81,000 pa. and this is only likely if a number of properties are owned.

It should be noted that, unlike other types of rental of homes, holiday lettings are always taxable for VAT purposes.

Overseas Holiday Lets

Other EC Member States have nil thresholds for foreign entrepreneurs.  This means that if any rental income is received, VAT registration is likely to be compulsory. Consequently, a property owner that rents out a property abroad will probably have a liability to register for VAT in the country that the property is located.  Failure to comply with the domestic legislation of the relevant Member State may mean; payment of back VAT and interest and fines being levied. VAT registration however, does mean that a property owner can recover input tax on expenditure in connection with the property, eg; agent’s fees, repair and maintenance and other professional costs.  This may be restricted if the home is used for periodical own use.

Given that every EC Member State has differing rules and/or procedures to the UK, it is crucial to check all the consequences of letting property overseas. Additionally, if any other services are supplied, eg; transport, this gives rise to a whole new (and significantly more complex) set of VAT rules.

A final word of warning; I quite often hear the comment “I’m not going to bother – how will they ever find out?”

If an overseas property owner based in the UK is in competition with local letting businesses, those businesses generally do not have any compulsion in notifying the local authorities. In addition, I have heard of authorities carrying out very simple initiatives to see if owners are VAT registered. In many resorts, income from tourism is vital and this is a very important revenue stream for them so it is well policed.

VAT Input Tax recoverable in each Member State – A country by country guide

By   16 February 2015

VAT Refunds – Irrecoverable Tax A Country by Country Detailed Guide

VAT incurred in other EC Member States may be recovered in certain circumstances. However, some claims are specifically blocked by Member States. Unfortunately, there are differences between each Member State’s domestic legislation.

For full details of how to make a claim for VAT incurred abroad, please see “Reclaiming VAT Overseas” here

Here is a summary of VAT which cannot be claimed via the refund system:


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• The purchase, hire, operation and repair of passenger motor vehicles, except driving school vehicles, taxis and hire car vehicles;

• Entertainment expenses, except for business meals where the purpose of the meeting and the identity of the participants are documented.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Manufactured tobacco;

• Spirits, except those intended for resale or supply in respect of a service (e.g. bars, hotels and restaurants);

• Accommodation, meals and beverages under an accommodation or a catering contract, unless these costs are incurred by a company’s staff effecting outside supplies of goods or services or by taxable persons who in turn supply the same services for consideration;

• Entertainment expenses (although expenses incurred in respect of an advertising event may be recoverable);

• Generally; the purchase of motor vehicles used for passenger transport and goods and services relating to such vehicles (although in some cases a 50% restriction applies and there are exceptions depending on use).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Goods or services intended for making VAT-exempt supplies;

• Goods or services intended for “non-business” supplies;

• Entertainment expenses;

• Motorcycles or passenger cars (with less than five seats, excluding the driver’s seat), although certain exceptions apply;

• Goods or services related to the maintenance of a motorcycle or passenger car; and

• Goods that have been confiscated by the State or a building that has been demolished because it was unlawfully constructed.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Non-business supplies; if a supply has both business and non-business purposes, VAT can be reclaimed only on the business portion of the supply;

• Supplies or imports of passenger cars;

• Certain second-hand goods, e.g. cars and antiques for which the VAT margin scheme is used;

• Business entertainment and hospitality expenses, except the provision of

entertainment to employees;

• Supplies used or to be used to make a supply in Cyprus; and

• Goods and services, such as hotel accommodation, purchased for resale and that are for the direct benefit of travellers.

Czech Republic

VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Entertainment expenses.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Meals for the owner and staff of a business. However, VAT on meals incurred for business purposes is partly refundable;

• The acquisition and running of places of residence for the owner and staff of a business;

• The acquisition and operating costs connected to holiday homes for the owner and staff of a business;

• Entertainment expenses, representation costs and gifts. However, VAT on business entertainment is partly refundable;

• The driving of foreign tourist buses;

• The acquisition, repair and operation of motor vehicles designed for the conveyance of not more than nine persons; and

• Payments in kind to the staff of a business. No more than 25% of VAT may be recovered on restaurant bills and no more than 50% of VAT on hotel accommodation.

• There is a right to deduct a specific amount of VAT for companies that lease

passenger cars if:

• The leasing period is at least six months; and

• The vehicle is used for business purposes for at least 10% of the mileage.


A VAT refund is available if an Estonian company can make a similar VAT deduction on its business expenses. This limits the VAT deduction, for example, on meals and entertainment expenses. VAT on accommodation costs is deductible if the trip is not for leisure purposes.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Immovable property that the taxable person or its staff uses as a residence, nursery, recreational or leisure facility, as well as goods and services connected with it or its use;

• Goods and services related to transport between the place of residence and place of work of the taxable person or its staff;

• Goods and services used for business entertainment purposes and business gifts;

• (With some exceptions) Passenger cars, motorcycles, caravans, vessels intended for recreational or sports purposes and aircraft with a maximum permissible take-off weight not exceeding 1,550 kg, or on goods and services related to their use;

• Purchases intended for the private consumption of the entrepreneur or his personnel;

• Purchases related to exempt sales of investment gold;

• Purchases of taxable goods and services for direct benefit of passengers made in the name of a foreign travel service company; and

• Purchases that are VAT-exempt, but have erroneously been charged with VAT.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Accommodation costs incurred on behalf of the management or staff of a company. (VAT is recoverable when such expenses are incurred for the benefit of persons not employed by the company, provided the expenses are incurred in the interest of the company or when it supplies the same services for consideration);

• The supply, import, leasing, repair and maintenance of most cars for passenger transport and other related costs, such as petrol. (However, 80% of VAT on diesel fuel can be recovered and VAT is recoverable when the cars are purchased by a car dealer for resale or by a person who hires out cars.);

• Goods transferred without remuneration or for remuneration that is much lower than their normal price, unless the value of the goods is very low (except business gifts whose collective value does not exceed EUR 65, including VAT, per beneficiary per year); and

• Domestic transport of passengers and related expenses (except for public transport supplies and transportation from home to work, subject to conditions).

If French VAT has been incorrectly charged, a foreign taxable person can, in principle, obtain a refund (unless a corrected invoice has been issued—a specific procedure applies for a supplier to issue a corrected invoice).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Supplies of goods and services that are not used for business purposes, including gifts; or

• Supplies of services acquired or goods imported connected to certain exempt activities.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Intra-community supplies and exports.

• The supply, import or intra-community acquisition of tobacco products that are destined for use in non-taxable transactions;

• The supply, import or intra-community acquisition of alcoholic beverages that are destined for use in non-taxable transactions;

• Entertainment expenditure, including expenditure on hospitality and amusement;

• The acquisition, leasing or hire, modification, repair or maintenance of passenger vehicles with up to nine seats, pleasure boats except if they are used for the sale, leasing or transportation of persons for a fee;

• Accommodation, food, transport and entertainment expenses incurred for company personnel or representatives;

• The supply of goods and services in connection with real estate located in Greece (in certain circumstances);

• Expenses unrelated to the business activity of the claimant; and

• Incorrect VAT invoicing.

• If the VAT imposed is used for both taxable and exempt transactions, a refund will be granted only in respect of the taxable transactions.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Use of goods or the services directly for exempt supply of goods and/or services; or

• Use of goods or services for purposes other than taxable business activities, except when the goods or services are entirely used in the interest of achieving taxable objectives.

• Motor fuels and other fuels, goods that are necessary directly for the operation of passenger cars;

• Passenger cars, motorcycles above 125 cc, yachts, sporting and leisure boats;

• Residential buildings (except where a taxable person engaged in the leasing of such buildings opted for taxation of the rental);

• Purchases of goods and services related to the construction and renovation of residential buildings;

• Food and beverages;

• Services received in connection with the operation and maintenance of passenger cars;

• Services of restaurants and other public catering services;

• Entertainment services;

• Taxi services;

• Parking services and highway tolls, with the exception of parking services used and highway tolls paid for a motor vehicle whose gross weight is equal to 3.5 tons or more (including buses); and

• 30% of telephone and mobile phone costs and services related to data submission by internet protocol.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Cars used for personal transport, including car hires and fuel;

• Food and drinks, including restaurant expenses;

• Gifts and entertainment expenses;

• Residential housing of employees.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Petrol except diesel;

• Food, drink, hotels/accommodation or other personal services (as from 1 July 2007, VAT on accommodation is recoverable if certain stringent conditions are satisfied);

• Entertainment expenses; and

• The purchase, hire or importation of passenger motor vehicles (VAT on motor vehicles used for certain purposes is recoverable).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Entertainment expenses.

• It is possible to deduct VAT paid on cars/fuel/maintenance used for the company’s business. The percentage deduction set by Italian VAT legislation is 40% in the case of both private and business use. The deduction is 100% if exclusively used for business purposes.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• The acquisition of unused immovable property and services received in relation to the construction, reconstruction, renovation, restoration or repair of immovable property;

• Goods and services purchased for personal use;

− Rental, maintenance and repair of a passenger car if these services are not used for business purposes. If the vehicle is used for business purposes, VAT can be recovered for the business use (in proportion to that use), but the claimant must provide supporting documentation with the application (e.g. route description in Latvian or English);

− Purchase of fuel, lubricants and spare parts intended for a passenger car if they are not used for business purposes;

− Expenses for recreation activities;

− Catering (including restaurants);

− Health improvement activities; and

− Entertainment.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• The purchase or lease of a passenger car;

• Transport of passengers by cars (taxi services);

• Entertainment and representation expenses. However, where a taxable person is established in the EU, 75% of the VAT incurred on entertainment and representation expenses (goods and

services) is refundable;

• The supply of goods or services on which VAT does not have to be accounted for;

• Goods supplied to another EU member state if the supply of these goods would have been subject to the zero rate; and

• Goods exported from the EU if the supply of these goods would have been subject to the zero rate.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Supplies on which VAT has been charged by mistake;

• Goods or services that are VAT exempt.

• Goods or services used for private purposes.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Tobacco or tobacco products, except those intended for resale;

• Alcoholic beverages, except those intended for resale or for the supply of catering;

• Works of art, collectors’ items and antiques, except those intended for resale;

• Non-commercial motor vehicles (and goods and services for the purpose of

repairing, maintaining and fuelling non-commercial motor vehicles), except those intended for resale, charter/hire, driving instructions or for the purpose of the carriage of goods or passengers for consideration;

• Vessels or aircraft, except those intended for resale or charter/hire for the purpose of the carriage of goods or passengers for consideration;

• Purchases relating to the provision of hospitality or entertainment, subject to certain exceptions; and

• Purchases relating to the provision of transport or entertainment to employees, subject to certain exceptions.

The Netherlands

VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Supplies of goods and services that are not used for business purposes;

• Supplies acquired or imported in connection with an exempt business activity;

• Food and drinks in restaurants, hotels and cafes;

• Business entertainment in excess of EUR 227 per year per person;

• Employee benefits in-kind in excess of EUR 227 per year per person;

• VAT on costs for the lease or rental of cars (these are limited to an 84% VAT refund – a 16% adjustment is made for private use).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Entertainment expenses;

• Food and drinks;

• The purchase, hire or importation of passenger cars, as well as on petrol, oil, repairs, maintenance and other related costs;

• Goods and services acquired for use outside the scope of Norwegian VAT;

• Goods imported and used for activities outside the scope of Norwegian VAT; and

• Benefits-in-kind for employees.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Goods and services, the acquisition of which resulted from a donation or free provision of services;

• Lodging and catering services, with some exceptions;

• The deductibility of input VAT on the purchase (lease) of passenger cars is limited to 60%, but not exceeding PLN 6,000 per car.

• The purchase of engine fuel, diesel oil and gas for passenger cars or other motor vehicles.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Accommodation, food and drinks (except in the case of specific events);

• Entertainment expenses;

• Purchase, hire, importation and repairs of vehicles, boats, and aircraft (unless these assets are used in specific activities). However, it is possible to recover VAT incurred on commercial cars and trucks;

• Fuel expenses (50% of the VAT on diesel is recoverable and 100% if certain

vehicles are involved);

• Tobacco; and

• Travel expenses, including tolls (except in the case of specific events).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Invoices on which VAT was unlawfully charged;

• Acquisitions that can be VAT exempt;

• Acquisitions made by tour operators that apply the margin scheme in the Member State in which they are established;

• Tobacco products and spirits, except those intended for resale or for supply during the performance of a catering service and;

• Acquisitions of passenger vehicles and fuel (with some exceptions).

Slovak Republic

VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Supplies of goods and services where the application of VAT was not in compliance with the Slovak VAT legislation;

• Supplies of goods that are or may be exempt from VAT (intra-Community supply of

goods, export of goods); or

• Supplies made under the tour operator margin scheme.


VAT cannot be recovered for:

• Yachts and boats for sport and amusement, fuel, lubricants, spare parts and related services;

• Aircraft and fuel, lubricants, spare parts and connected services;

• Cars and motor bikes and fuel, spare parts and related services;

• Accommodation, meals and beverages, unless these costs are incurred by a taxable person in the course of supplies made as part of their economic activity and;

• Entertainment expenses.


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Entertainment expenses;

• Food and drinks, tobacco;

• Jewels and precious stones;

• VAT on accommodation, restaurant and travel expenses will be refundable only to the extent the expenses are deductible for personal and corporate income tax purposes.

• VAT incurred on car rentals and fuel will be refundable only if the car is exclusively used for business activities.

• If not exclusively used for business activities, refunds of VAT on car purchases, car importations and car leases will be possible, but only if the car can be considered an investment good for Spanish VAT purposes (ie; it must be used for at least one year within the company), and only for the proportion that the vehicle is used for business purposes (a business use of at least

50% will be required).


VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Permanent accommodation;

• Travel services (only applicable to persons supplying travel services);

• Unreasonable entertainment services;

• Purchase of motor vehicles; and

• Car rentals (these are 50% refundable), with certain exceptions for vehicles intended to be sold or leased by a taxable person whose particular economic activity involves the sale or leasing of motor vehicles, vehicles intended to be solely used for passenger transport for hire or reward and vehicles intended to be used for driving license education and transport of the deceased.

United Kingdom

VAT cannot be recovered on:

• Non-business supplies (if a supply covers both business and non-business use VAT can be reclaimed on the business element of the supply);

• Supplies the claimant intends to use for carrying on an economic activity in the

U.K. or that the claimant intends to export from the U.K. (i.e. economic activities, the place of supply of which is the U.K.);

• Business entertainment and hospitality expenses and other expenses on which the recovery of VAT is restricted in the U.K.;

• Goods and services purchased for resale (e.g. as part of package holiday) and which are for the direct benefit of travellers;

• VAT that has been incorrectly invoiced or where VAT has been charged on the dispatch of goods to another Member State, or the export of goods outside the EU;

• The purchase or import of passenger motor vehicles, unless used wholly for business purposes and

• Certain second-hand goods, such as antiques, for which a tax invoice will not be issued.

• Not more than 50% of VAT can be recovered on the lease of passenger motor vehicles not used solely for business purposes.


For details of how to make a claim for VAT incurred abroad, please see “Reclaiming VAT Overseas” here