Tag Archives: SME

VAT – A Christmas Tale

By   17 December 2018

Well, it is Christmas…. and at Christmas tradition dictates that you repeat the same nonsense every year….

Dear Marcus

My business, if that is what it is, has become large enough for me to fear that HMRC might take an interest in my activities.  May I explain what I do and then you can write to me with your advice?  If you think a face to face meeting would be better, I can be found in most decent sized department stores from mid-September to 24 December.

First of all, I am based in Greenland, but I do bring a stock of goods, mainly toys, to the UK and I distribute them.  Am I making supplies in the UK?

If I do this for philanthropic reasons, am I a charity, and if so, does that mean I do not pay VAT?

The toys are of course mainly for children and I wonder if zero rating might apply?  I have heard that small T shirts are zero rated so what about a train set – it is small and intended for children. Does it matter if adults play with it? My friend Rudolph has told me that there is a peculiar rule about gifts.  He says that if I give them away regularly and they cost more than £150 I might have to account for VAT.  Is that right?

My next question concerns barter transactions.  Dads often leave me a food item such as a mince pie and a drink and there is an unwritten rule that I should then leave something in return.  If I’m given Tesco’s own brand sherry I will leave polyester underpants but if I’m left a glass of Glenfiddich I will be more generous and leave best woollen socks.  Have I made a supply and what is the value please?  My feeling is that the food items are not solicited so VAT might not be due and, in any event; isn’t food zero-rated, or is it catering? Oh, and what if the food is hot?

Transport is a big worry for me.  Lots of children ask me for a ride on my airborne transport.  I suppose I could manage to fit twelve passengers in.  Does that mean my services are zero-rated?  If I do this free of charge will I need to charge air passenger duty?  Does it matter if I stay within the UK, or the EU?  My transport is the equivalent of six horse power and if I refuel with fodder in the UK will I be liable for fuel scale charges?  After dropping the passengers off I suppose I will be accused of using fuel for the private journey back home.  Somebody has told me that if I buy hay labelled as animal food I can avoid VAT but if I buy the much cheaper bedding hay I will need to pay VAT.  Please comment.

May I also ask about VAT registration?  I know the limit is £85,000 per annum but do blips count?  If I do make supplies at all, I do nothing for 364 days and then, in one day (well night really) I blast through the limit and then drop back to nil turnover.  May I be excused from registration?  If I do need to register should I use AnNOEL Accounting?  At least I can get only one penalty per annum if I get the sums wrong.

I would like to make a claim for input tax on clothing.  I feel that my red clothing not only protects me from the extreme cold, but it is akin to a uniform and should be allowable.  These are not clothes that I would choose to wear except for my fairly unusual job.  If lady barristers can claim for black skirts, I think I should be able to claim for red dress.  And what about my annual haircut?  That costs a fortune.  I only let my hair grow that long because it is expected of me.

Insurance worries me too.  You know that I carry some very expensive goods on my transport.  Play Stations, Mountain Bikes, i-pads and Accrington Stanley replica shirts for example.  My parent company in Greenland takes out insurance there and they make a charge to me.  If I am required to register for VAT in England will I need to apply the Reverse Charge?  This seems to be a daft idea if I understand it correctly.  Does it mean I have to charge myself VAT on something that is not VATable and then claim it back again?

Next you’ll be telling me that Father Christmas isn’t real……….


VAT: HMRC slammed over MTD

By   22 November 2018

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee has published its report “Making Tax Digital for VAT: Treating Small Businesses Fairly”. It does not make good reading for HMRC and it concludes that SME will suffer as a result of the rushed introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD). The main conclusion is that the government should delay the introduction of MTD.

MTD for VAT will cost far more than was predicted in HMRC’s impact assessments. The Committee also criticised HMRC, saying it “inadequately considered the needs and concerns of smaller businesses”.

The report said HMRC neglected its duty to support small businesses through the implementation of the controversial measures, suggesting it “will make life even more difficult” for them.

In addition, the Committee said it “remained unconvinced” of the government’s logic used to justify the “speed and rigidity with which the programme is being introduced”.


A summary

  • Defer the introduction of mandatory MTD by at least one year
  • Plan a staged transition for businesses to join MTD and future stages which allows for businesses, not just HMRC, to be fully ready
  • Wait until at least April 2022 to implement the next stages of MTD
  • Publish its plan for the long-term development of MTD to encourage businesses to choose digitalisation for productivity, efficiency and modernisation reasons rather than just tax compliance.

The start date of MTD for most businesses is just three days after Brexit, so this also is very unhelpful for SMEs.

Full report