Tag Archives: tax

Check if an HMRC email is genuine

By   5 August 2021

On 30 July 2021 HMRC published a list of emails which has sent taxpayers. Additionally, there is a check for genuine HMRC contact that uses more than one communication method.

It is clear that scammers are using the cover of tax authorities to obtain money by deception. I suspect that many of us have experienced this, to various of sophistication.

Consequently, HMRC have published this document which can be checked before any action is taken in respect of a purported communication from HMRC. If the email topic is not listed, caution should be exercised. The majority of the email subjects listed are VAT based.

VAT: Land and property – “simplification” ahead?

By   19 July 2021

HMRC has issued a call for evidence in respect of land exemption. HMRC acknowledges the complexity of the existing VAT rules on land and property and would like to hear views from businesses on the application of the current rules, and whether these rules could be simplified.

The application of VAT on land and property transactions is complicated. A range of different rates and exemptions can apply depending on the facts and circumstances of individual situations and the precise treatment of a transaction or project is often open to interpretation.


The paper identifies a number of reasons why this area is extremely complicated:

  • over the years the amount of legislation has increased, and the land VAT exemption now contains fifteen exceptions and twenty-six sets of notes
  • some businesses can be required to make several separate decisions before the VAT liability of their supply can be established. Eg; once a business has established that it is supplying land (not always straightforward) it then has to consider whether that supply falls within one of the exceptions to the exemption. If it does fall within one of the exceptions, it then has to consider a number of conditions to establish whether it is excluded from that exception
  • businesses may spend a disproportionate amount of time and money to establish the correct liability of their land supplies. This can also cause additional burdens for HMRC to assure compliance of these businesses
  • the development of new markets and services that did not exist when VAT was introduced
  • the impact of precedent case law (both UK and EU)
  • the uncertainty of establishing when an exempt supply of land becomes a taxable supply of facilities

The Option to Tax

The option to tax legislation enables a business to tax some supplies of land that would otherwise be treated as exempt from VAT. The usual rationale behind making such a choice is to be able to recover the VAT incurred on costs and overheads of a business, or to meet the conditions of a Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC).


The document then suggests some ideas for simplification:

  • removing the ability to opt and making all relevant transactions exempt
  • removing the option to tax and making all land and property taxable at a reduced rate
  • making all commercial land and property taxable at the standard rate with an option to exempt

The first suggestion would result in many businesses incurring irrecoverable input tax which would be a direct cost, so this appears very unattractive.

The second seems a better option, but would bring new housing into the VAT net and I doubt that this would play out very well with the public.

The final suggestion would certainly simplify matters but would add VAT costs to entities which cannot recover any/all input tax, eg; charities, financial service providers, insurance companies, education bodies, health and welfare organisations and cultural services.

The document states that The Government wants UK businesses to operate in the best possible environment and remain both productive and competitive”.

It remains to be seen whether the suggestions above (or other proposals put forward) will achieve this, but removing choices for a business (regardless of whether simplification is actually realised) is rarely a good idea and I wonder if simplification could be reached in other ways. If you have an interest in this area, please respond to this call as input is valuable for all parties.

Responses should be sent by 3 August 2021 by email to landsimplification@hmrc.gov.uk.

VAT Schemes Guide – Alternative ways of accounting for tax

By   17 May 2021

There are a number of VAT Schemes which are designed to simplify accounting for the tax.  They may save a business money, reduce complexity, avoid the need for certain documentation and reduce the time needed to deal with VAT.  Some schemes may be used in combination with others, although I recommend that checks should be made first.

It is important to compare the use of each scheme to standard VAT accounting to establish whether a business will benefit.  Some schemes are compulsory and there are particular pitfalls for certain businesses using certain schemes.

I thought that it would be useful to consider the schemes all in one place and look at their features and pros and cons.

These schemes reviewed here are:

  • Cash Accounting Scheme
  • Annual Accounting Scheme
  • Flat Rate Scheme
  • Margin schemes for second-hand goods
  • Global Accounting
  • VAT schemes for retailers

Cash Accounting Scheme

Normally, VAT returns are based on the tax point (usually the VAT invoice date) for sales and purchases. This may mean a business having to pay HMRC the VAT due on sales that its customers have not yet paid for.

The VAT cash accounting scheme instead bases reporting on payment dates, both for purchases and sales. A business will need to ensure its records include payment dates.

A business is only eligible for the Cash Accounting Scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m, and can then remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Usually beneficial for cash flow especially if its customers are slow paying
  • Output tax is not payable at all if a business has a bad debt


  • Is generally not beneficial for a repayment business (one which reclaims more VAT than it pays, eg; an exporter or supplier of zero rated goods or services)
  • Not usually beneficial if a business purchases significant amounts of goods or services on credit

Annual Accounting Scheme

The Annual Accounting Scheme allows a business to pay VAT on account, in either nine monthly or three quarterly payments. These instalments are based on VAT paid in the previous year. It is then required to complete a single, annual VAT return which is used to calculate any balance owed by the business or due from HMRC.

A business is eligible for the scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m and is permitted to remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.


  • Reduces paperwork as only the need to complete one return instead of four (Although it does not remove the requirement to keep all the normal VAT records and accounts)
  • Improves management of cash flow


  • Not suitable for repayment businesses as they would only receive one repayment at the end of the year
  • If turnover decreases, the interim payments may be higher than under standard accounting

Flat Rate Scheme

The Flat Rate Scheme is designed to assist smaller businesses reduce the amount of time and complexity required for VAT accounting. The Flat Rate Scheme removes the need to calculate the VAT on every transaction. Instead, a business pays a flat rate percentage of its VAT inclusive turnover. The percentage paid is less than the standard VAT rate because it recognises the fact that no input tax can be claimed on purchases. The flat rate percentage used is dependent on a business’ trade sector.

A business is eligible for this scheme if its estimated taxable turnover in the next year will not exceed £150,000. Once using the scheme, a business is permitted to continue using it until its income exceeds £230,000.

If eligible, a business may combine the Flat Rate Scheme with the Annual Accounting Schemes, additionally, there is an option to effectively use a cash basis so there is no need to use the Cash Accounting Scheme. New rules regarding ” limited cost traders” mean that the scheme has become less attractive.


  • Depending on trade sector and circumstances may result in a real VAT saving
  • Simplified record keeping; no requirement to separate out gross, VAT and net in accounts
  • Fewer rules; no issues with input tax a business can and cannot recover on purchases
  • Certainty of knowing how much of income is payable to HMRC


  • No reclaim of input tax incurred on purchases
  • Limited cost traders impact
  • If a business buys a significant amount from VAT registered businesses, it is likely to result in more VAT due
  • Likely to be unattractive for businesses making zero-rated or exempt sales because output tax would also apply to this hitherto VAT free income
  • Low turnover limit

Margin Scheme for Second Hand Goods

A business normally accounts for output tax on the full value of its taxable supplies and reclaims input tax on its purchases. However, if a business deals in second-hand goods, works of art, antiques or collectibles it may use a Margin Scheme. This scheme enables a business to account for VAT only on the difference between the purchase and selling price of an item; the margin. It is not possible to reclaim input tax on the purchase of an item and there will be no output tax if no profit is achieved. There is a special margin schemes for auctioneers. A variation of the Margin Scheme is considered below.


  • Usually beneficial if buying from (non-VAT registered) members of the public
  • Purchaser will not see a VAT charge
  • Although no input tax claimable on purchases of scheme items, VAT may be claimed in the usual way on overheads and other fees etc


  • Record keeping requirements are demanding and closely checked, eg; stock records and invoices which are required for both purchases and sales
  • Cannot be used for items purchased on a VAT invoice
  • Can be complex and create a cost if goods exported
  • Although no VAT due on sales if a loss is made, there is no set-off of the loss

Global Accounting

The problem with the Second Hand Goods Scheme is that full details of each individual item purchased and sold has to be recorded. Global Accounting is an optional, simplified variation of the Second Hand Margin Scheme. It differs from the standard Margin Scheme in that rather than accounting for the margin achieved on the sale of each individual item, output tax is calculated on the margin achieved between the total purchases and total sales in a particular accounting period.


  • Simplified version of the Margin Scheme
  • Record keeping requirements reduced
  • Losses made on sales reduce VAT payable
  • Beneficial for businesses which buy and sell bulk volume, low value eligible goods


  • Cannot be used for; aircraft, boats, caravans, horses or motor vehicles
  • Similar to Margin Scheme disadvantages apart from loss set off

VAT Schemes for Retailers

It is usually difficult for retailers to issue an invoice for each sale made, so various retail schemes have been designed to simplify VAT. The appropriate scheme for a business depends on whether its retail turnover (excluding VAT) is; below £1m, between £1m and £130m and higher.

Smaller businesses may be able to use a retail scheme with Cash Accounting and Annual Accounting but it cannot combine a Retail Scheme with the Flat Rate Scheme.  However, retailers may choose to use the Flat Rate Scheme instead of a Retail Scheme.

Using standard VAT accounting, a VAT registered business must record the VAT on each sale. However, via a Retail Scheme, it calculates the value of its total VAT taxable sales for a period, eg; a day, and the proportions of that total that are taxable at different rates of VAT; standard, reduced and zero.

According to the scheme a business uses it then applies the appropriate VAT fraction to that sales figure to calculate the output tax due. A business may only use the Retail Scheme for retail sales and must use the standard accounting procedures for other supplies.  It must still issue a VAT invoice to any VAT registered customer who requests one.  It is a requirement of any scheme choice that HMRC must consider it fair and reasonable.

Examples of Retail Schemes

  • Apportionment
  • Direct calculation
  • The point of sale scheme

There are special arrangements for caterers, retail pharmacists and florists.


  • No requirement to issue an invoice for each sale
  • Most schemes are relatively simple to administer once set up. Technology assists in a helpful way with EPOS systems
  • Simplifies record keeping


  • It is usual for each line sold to need to be coded correctly for VAT liability
  • Smaller businesses without state of the art technology may be at a disadvantage
  • Time and resources required to set up and maintain systems
  • In some cases the calculation depends on staff “pressing the right button”
  • Often complex calculations and record keeping
  • Very precise and complicated rules
  • Lack of understanding by a number of  inspectors
  • Complexity increases the risk of misdeclaration


As may be seen, there are a lot of choices for a business to consider, especially a start-up.  Choosing a scheme which is inappropriate may result in VAT overpayment and a lot of unneeded record keeping and administration.  There are real savings to be made by using a beneficial scheme, both in terms of VAT payable and staff time.

We are happy to review a business’ circumstances and calculate what schemes would produce the best outcome.

Please contact us if you require further information.

VAT: What is open market value? The Jupiter case

By   11 May 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier tribunal (FTT) case of Jupiter Asset Management Group Ltd the issue was the value of management services to an associated third party VAT group.


The value is important because if HMRC believe that a supply between two connected parties (as defined by The Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 Section 839) is undervalue and the recipient cannot recover the relevant input tax in full, it is permitted via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 6, PART 2, para 1 (1) to substitute open market value (OMV) by way of a Notice.

This paragraph is specifically intended to counter tax avoidance. If a supply between connected persons is made below open market value for a legitimate reason that the trader can substantiate, and which is unconnected with avoidance HMRC has the discretion not to issue a Notice. In Jupiter, HMRC directed that OMV be used to calculate the charge as it considered that value was too low and issued an assessment for underdeclared output tax.


In the absence of comparable supplies, OMV was to be determined by reference to:

  • the full cost of making the supplies;
  • the full cost included the costs incurred on goods and services used in making the supplies and general overhead costs the input tax in respect of which had been recovered
  • the remuneration paid to the executive directors to the extent that that remuneration related to activities performed by the executive directors in making the supplies of the management services

Consequently, the appeal against the output tax assessment was dismissed.


An expected outcome, but ne which emphasises that care should be taken with transactions between connected parties, management charges and inter-company charges in general. This is even more relevant since the decision in the Norseman Gold plc case

A VAT did you know?

By   29 April 2021

Wigs for teddy bears are subject to duty, but in a recent Upper Tribunal case it was ruled that ‘realistic” hearts used for a Build-A-Bear toy are duty free. 

New rules of origin for goods

By   27 April 2021

Brexit update

HMRC has published updated, detailed guidance for the rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU.

It is important to understand the impact of the rules and how they impact a business. Specifically, to ensure advantage is taken of zero tariffs when dealing with cross-border goods. The rules apply to both imports and exports and clearly, incurring unnecessary tariffs is to be avoided if possible.


The UK moved to trading based on a new Free Trade Agreement (FTA) – the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and the EU post-Brexit.

To export tariff-free under the TCA, goods must meet the UK-EU preferential rules of origin. This means that there must be a qualifying level of processing in the country of export to access zero tariffs. This applies to EU origin goods imported and moving through the UK from a Member State to another EU Member State, as well as goods imported from the Rest of World.

These rules are set out in the TCA and determine the origin of goods based on where the products or materials (or inputs) used in their production come from. Their purpose is to ensure that preferential tariffs are only given to goods that originate in the UK or EU and not from third countries.

VAT – How to apply for a non-statutory clearance

By   16 December 2020

One would think that it would be a relatively straightforward matter to write to HMRC to obtain a ruling (non-stat clearance) on a matter. Surely a taxpayer ought to be able to set out the issue, describe the transaction, provide a tax analysis and ask HMRC whether they consider the proposed VAT treatment appropriate. Well, of course, it is not as simple as that (this is VAT after all).

So, what are the issues and what hurdles must be cleared before HMRC engage with a written query?


First, there is a checklist which a business must consider and include in a non-stat clearance. Inter alia, this list includes:

  • Information about the transaction(s)
  • The reasons why the business is undertaking the transaction
  • The relevant facts about the transaction, set out chronologically as transaction steps,
  • The answer sought – set out your view of the tax consequences of the transaction
  • Any details that are contingent, eg; on future events or the consent of others
  • Information about commercial background
  • Explain the significance of the tax result in achieving the desired outcome
  • Explain why you chose this form of transaction over another that could achieve the same commercial result, where you have considered alternative forms
  • Information about legal points
  • Outline the specific legislation at issue
  • Why you believe the application of the legislation is open to possible different interpretations, summary of those different interpretations, and why the tax consequences are uncertain, including reference to our published guidance or to case law
  • Any legal advice you have already received, and you are content to disclose
  • Details of how you intend to use the clearance, such as for public documents
  • Information about the disclosure of a tax avoidance scheme that covers all or part of the transaction

Failure to address any items on the checklist usually means no determination will be forthcoming.

An applicant must also set out what HMRC guidance (including internal guidance) legislation, case law and other information has been considered. We find it helpful to reproduce the full checklist (as HMRC advise) and provide a comprehensive response to each point in order to avoid a straightforward refusal to respond.

Genuine uncertainty

One of the main reasons HMRC refuses to provide a non-stat clearance is that it considers that there is no genuine uncertainty; in other words, “go and look at the guidance”. This is very unhelpful after time and effort, and fees cost has gone into the application. The fact that an application is required to set out what guidance etc has been considered, and why it is ambiguous in the relevant circumstances does not seem to carry very much weight. I find it is unhelpful to say, “if it wasn’t uncertain, we wouldn’t be writing to you”! We recommend that a full explanation of the genuine uncertainty is provided to forestall such a HMRC refusal to reply.


Experience insists that it is difficult to obtain a non-stat clearance which is of any value. Quite often, HMRC will reply saying that their letter is not a non-stat clearance, but then go on to address (at least) some of the issues. This sometimes provides a degree of comfort. An approach that I sometimes adopt is to say, “we believe this to be the correct VAT treatment, and one we will apply to the transaction unless you advise otherwise with reasons”. This sometimes creates a reaction.

HMRC guidance

Details of obtaining a non-stat clearance here.


I find that applications are looked at quicker if they are emailed: nonstatutoryclearanceteam.hmrc@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk. However, there is a 2mb size limit which is often unhelpful. If emailing, an applicant should state that you confirm that you understand and accept the risks involved in using email (otherwise this can cause delays).

Postal address

HM Revenue & Customs, Non-Statutory Clearance Team, S0563. 5th Floor, Saxon House, 1 Causeway Lane, Leicester , LE1 4AA

What HMRC will not rule on

  • Incomplete information
  • When there is no genuine uncertainty
  • When they consider it planning advice, or approval of a planning arrangements
  • HMRC believes that the intention is to avoid tax
  • There is a statutory clearance applicable to the transaction
  • Whether activities constitute a business
  • Whether a transaction represents a Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC).


Even if a business does obtain a determination, is it possible to rely on it? The answer is no (well, not always). I consider this here.


It is understandable that a business wants certainty on a transaction, and it ought to be able to rely on HMRC for confirmation of its own analysis, but obtaining such an opinion is fraught with difficulties, frustrations and (genuine) uncertainty. It seems that HMRC will go to lengths to avoid giving a decision, but they are not reticent in penalising a taxpayer once a business has made a decision, applied it, and HMRC subsequently disagree with the VAT analysis.

A wholly unacceptable situation.

VAT: Exporting and importing businesses -prepare for Brexit

By   8 December 2020

New rules from 1 January 2021.

GOV.UK has published new guidance from the Department for International Trade.

The guidance sets out what a business will need to do 1 January 2021. It will be updated if anything changes.

It covers:

The UK Global Tariff

Find a commodity code

Check tariffs

Trade agreements

Exporting to and importing from the EU

Exporting to and importing from non-EU countries

Import controls and customs

Trade remedies

All business with goods crossing the new border will need to understand and prepare for the changes.

VAT: New HMRC guidance on duty deferment and guarantee waivers

By   3 November 2020

HMRC has published guidance on a number of issues relating to duty and guarantee waivers:

  • How to apply for duty deferment when importing goods. This will apply to businesses bringing in goods from the EU from 1 January 2021. This means that the duty and customs payments may be delayed

We recommend any business importing goods checks all the requirements and puts plans in place to defer VAT, duties and customs payments wherever possible. Despite political promises, this significant additional red tape as a result of Brexit helps nobody and will be a costly burden.  However, at least the government have put a structure in place which will aid cashflow.

A VAT Did you know?

By   30 October 2020

Latest from the courts.

The rolls used in Subway’s hot sandwiches are not bread. According to a recent ruling by Ireland’s Supreme Court, because of the high level of sugar in the rolls, they cannot be taxed as bread, so the VAT zero rate cannot apply.