Tag Archives: UTT

VAT: New rules for Uncertain Tax Treatments

By   7 September 2021

The government have released draft legislation and guidance in respect of Uncertain Tax Treatments (UTT). In addition to VAT, this legislation also covers; corporation tax, income tax and PAYE.

Who is affected?

Large businesses with a:

  • turnover of more than £200 million per annum
  • balance sheet total over £2 billion


A business must notify HMRC in cases of UTT where the tax advantage of the treatment is £5 million or more in a twelve-month period.

Start date

The new rules will be introduced from 1 April 2022.


There are three triggers for notification:

  1. Provision made in the accounts

The amount relates to a transaction which a provision has been made in the accounts, in accordance with GAAP, to reflect the probability that a different tax treatment will be applied to the transaction

2. HMRC’s known interpretation of the law

Reliance was placed on an interpretation or application of the law that is different to HMRC’s known interpretation or application.

3. Substantial possibility amount would be found to be incorrect

It is reasonable to anticipate that, if a court were to consider the way in which the amount was arrived at, there is a substantial possibility that the treatment would be found to be incorrect.

Tax advantage

The definition of tax advantage for VAT is:

  • Less output tax is accounted for or is accounted for later, than would otherwise be the case
  • If there is an input tax claim which would otherwise not be obtained; a larger claim, or a claim earlier than would otherwise be the case
  • If input tax is recovered as a recipient of a supply before the supplier accounts for the output tax; the period between the time when the input tax is recovered or the time when the output tax is accounted for is greater than would otherwise be the case
  • The amount of non-deductible tax is less than it otherwise would be
  • An obligation to account for VAT is avoided


There are exemptions from notification. For VAT, exemption will apply where it is reasonable to conclude that HMRC is already aware of the information which would otherwise be required to be notified or in circumstances where a business has previously requested clearance and where HMRC agrees with the proposed treatment.


The penalty for failure to make a notification will be £5k initially, £25k for a second failure and £50k for a third failure within a three-year period. There will be an opportunity to advance a reasonable excuse argument to avoid a penalty.