Tag Archives: value-added-tax

VAT evasion by non-EU online sellers

By   26 April 2017

Investigation by The National Audit Office (NAO) into overseas sellers failing to charge VAT on online sales.

The NAO have investigated concerns that online sellers outside the EU are avoiding charging VAT. Full report here

The NAO has published the findings from its investigation into the concern that online sellers based outside the EU are not charging VAT on goods located in the UK when sold to UK customers. Online sales accounted for 14.5% of all UK retail sales in 2016, just over half of these were non-store sales, mainly through online marketplaces.

VAT rules require that all traders based outside the EU selling goods online to customers in the UK should charge VAT if their goods are already in the UK at the point of sale. In these cases, sellers should pay import VAT and customs duties when the goods are imported into the UK and charge their customers VAT on the final selling price. The sellers should also be registered with HMRC and are required to submit regular VAT returns.

Some of the key findings of the investigation are as follows:

HMRC estimates that online VAT fraud and error cost between £1 billion and £1.5 billion in lost tax revenue in 2015-16 but this estimate is subject to a high level of uncertainty. This estimate represents between 8% and 12% of the total VAT gap (The VAT gap is the difference between the amount of VAT that should, in theory, be collected by HMRC, against what is actually collected) of £12.2 billion in 2015-16. UK trader groups believe the problem is widespread, and that some of the biggest online sellers of particular products are not charging VAT. These estimates exclude wider impacts of this problem such as the distortion of the competitive market landscape.

HMRC recognised online VAT fraud and error as a priority in 2014, although the potential risk from online trading generally was raised before this. In 2013 the NAO reported that HMRC had not yet produced a comprehensive plan to react to the emerging threat to the VAT system posed by online trading. The report found HMRC had developed tools to identify internet-based traders and launched campaigns to encourage compliance but had shown less urgency in developing its operational response. Trader groups claim that online VAT fraud has been a problem as early as 2009, which has got significantly worse in the past five years. The Chartered Trading Standards Institute shares this view. Based on the emergence of the fulfilment house (a warehouse where goods can be stored before delivery to the customer) model, HMRC recognised online VAT fraud and error as one of its key risks in 2014 and began to increase resources in this area in 2015.

HMRC’s assessment is that online VAT losses are due to a range of non-compliant behaviours, but has not yet been able to assess how much is due to lack of awareness, error or deliberate fraud. Amazon and eBay consider that lack of awareness of the VAT rules is a major element of the problem. Amazon and eBay have focused on educating overseas sellers and providing tools to assist with VAT reporting and compliance. HMRC’s strategic threat assessment, carried out in 2014, concluded it was highly likely that both organised criminal groups based in the UK and overseas sellers in China were using fulfilment houses to facilitate the transit of undervalued or misclassified goods, or both, from China to the UK for sale online.

HMRC introduced new legal powers to tackle online VAT fraud and error in September 2016. The new joint and several liability power gives HMRC a new way to tackle suspected non-compliance, and is the first time any country has introduced such a power for this purpose. The new powers include making online marketplaces potentially jointly and severally liable for non-payment of VAT when HMRC has informed them of an issue with a seller, and they do not subsequently take appropriate action.


Online VAT fraud and error causes substantial losses to the UK Exchequer and undermines the competitiveness of UK businesses. Compliance with the VAT rules is a legal requirement. Not knowing about the rules does not excuse non-compliance. The UK trader groups who raised the issue report having experienced the impact of this problem through progressively fewer sales. They consider HMRC has been slow in reacting to the emerging problem of online VAT fraud and error and that there do not seem to be penalties of sufficient severity to act as a substantial deterrent.

It is too soon to conclude on the effectiveness and impact of HMRC’s new powers and whether the resources devoted by HMRC to using them match the scale of the problem. We recognise that HMRC must consider effort and efficiency in collecting VAT but its enforcement approach to online trade appears likely to continue the existing unfair advantage as perceived by UK trader groups. This is contrary to HMRC’s policy of encouraging voluntary compliance and it does not take account of the powerful effect that HMRC’s enforcement approach has on the operation of the online market as a whole. We intend to return to this subject in the future.

Further to the above, this article suggests that HMRC should have acted even earlier.

VAT Implications of Transfer Pricing – Valuation

By   24 April 2017

The EC has recently published a paper on the possible VAT implications of Transfer Pricing (TP) here

This Working Paper considers when TP adjustments may affect the application of VAT. The main conflict is highlighted as the difference between how sales are valued. For TP purposes value is determined via arm’s length (open market value) versus the subjective value, ie; the price actually paid, for VAT purposes.

Transfer Pricing

The arm’s length principle is the international transfer pricing standard that Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries have agreed, and which should be used for tax purposes by Multinational Enterprise Group (“MNE group”) and tax administrations, including the price, match comparable market conditions and that profits are fairly divided between the jurisdictions in which MNE operates.

According to the OECD TP Guidelines, by seeking to adjust profits by reference to the conditions which would have been obtained between independent enterprises for comparable transactions and under comparable circumstances, ie; in “comparable uncontrolled transactions” the arm’s length principle treats the members of an MNE group as entities operating separately rather than as inseparable parts of a single unified business. Because the separate entity approach treats the members of an MNE group as if they were independent entities, attention is focused on the nature of the transactions between those members and on whether the conditions thereof differ from those that would be obtained in comparable uncontrolled transactions.


It is not generally required for VAT purposes that the consideration which must be present in order for a transaction to be qualified as taxable, has to reflect the market value of the goods or services supplied. In fact, as to the concept of “consideration”, it is settled case law of the CJEU that the taxable amount for the supply of goods or services is represented by the consideration actually received for them.

I shan’t rehearse the details here as they are clearly set out in the paper linked to above.

However, it is an important area of tax and I strongly recommend reading the Working Paper for any business or adviser involved in international supplies. It is also an interesting read for students of the tax technical side of such supplies.

We have a strong global structure of skilled advisers which are able to assist if you have any queries.

VAT Update on Associated Newspapers case – treatment of vouchers

By   24 April 2017

Two months ago the Court of Appeal mainly ruled in favour of Associated Newspapers on the treatment of vouchers.  Commentary and links here

The decision consequently cast doubt on HMRC’s published guidance on the VAT treatment of vouchers.

HMRC have announced that they are seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court.  Although this further delays definitive rules on vouchers, it is hoped that if it goes to the Supreme Court we will get some sort of closure on this matter.

VAT EORI – What is it? Do I need one?

By   19 April 2017

What is an EORI?

EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration & Identification.

An EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU.

What is the EORI number for?

An EORI number is stored both nationally and on a central EU EORI database. The information it provides is used by customs authorities to exchange information, and to share information with government departments and agencies. It is used for statistical and security purposes.

Who needs an EORI number?

You will require an EORI number if you are planning to import or export goods with countries outside the EU.  Also, you may need an EORI number to trade with these countries in Europe: Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Iceland, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Switzerland.

Format of the EORI number

VAT registered companies will see the EORI as an extension of their VAT number. Your VAT nine digit VAT number will be prefixed with “GB” and suffixed with “000”.

How do I apply for an EORI Number?

Non VAT registered companies can apply using this link – FORM C220

VAT registered companies can apply using this link – FORM C220A

Once completed, your form should be emailed to:  eori@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk

How long will my EORI application take?

EORI applications take up to three working days to process.

Please contact us if you have any issues with importing or exporting.

VAT legislation – relationship between EU and UK law. A guide

By   10 April 2017

How does the UK system fit with EU legislation?

Further to my recent article on the legal impact of The Great Repeal Bill and Article 50 here I thought it would be a good idea to take a step back and look at the background. We now know that on the day the UK leaves the EU the following rules will still apply and that there will be no immediate changes to the status quo. After Brexit there is likely to be a review of the VAT position, but we expect any changes to the system to be subtle at first with any significant changes (if any) being made over a much longer period.

So where are we now?

As most people will know, UK domestic VAT law is derived from EU legislation, but what is the actual relationship?

It is important to understand how both elements of legislation work in cases of dispute with HMRC as it often provides additional ammunition.


Most Member States already had a system of VAT before joining the EU but for some countries VAT had to be introduced together with membership of the EU.

When the UK joined the EU in 1972 it replaced two taxes; purchase tax and selective employment tax with VAT.

In 1977, the Council of the European Communities sought to harmonise the national VAT systems of its Member States by issuing the Sixth Directive to provide a uniform basis of assessment and replacing the Second Directive promulgated in 1967.

Council Directive 2006/112/EC (the VAT Directive) sets out the infrastructure for a common VAT system which each Member State is required to implement by means of its own domestic legislation. This important Directive codifies into one piece of legislation all the amendments to the original Sixth Directive, thus clarifying EU VAT legislation currently in force.


The aim of the VAT Directive is to harmonise the indirect tax within the EU, and it specifies that VAT rates must be within a certain range. The basic aims are:

  • Harmonisation of VAT law
  • Harmonisation of content and layout of the VAT declaration
  • Regulation of; accounting, providing a common legal accounting framework
  • Common framework for detailed description of invoices and receipts
  • Regulation of accounts payable
  • Regulation of accounts receivable
  • Standard definition of national accountancy and administrative terms

EU Statements

There are four types of EU statements:

  • Regulations – Are binding in their entirety and have general effect to all EU Member States. They are directly applicable in the UK legal system
  • Directives – Are binding as to result and their general effect is specific to named EU countries. The form and methods of compliance are left to the addressees.
  • Decisions – Are binding in their entirety and are specific to an EU country, commercial enterprise or private individual.
  • Recommendations and Opinions – Are not binding and are directed to specific subjects on which the Council’s or Commission’s advice has been sought.

EU Legislation as part of UK Legislation

EU law is made effective for UK legislation via European Communities Act 1972 section 2. The effects of EU law as regards UK VAT legislation is summarised as follows.

Direct effect

The Court of Justice has held “wherever the provisions of a directive appear … to be unconditional and sufficiently precise, those provisions may … be relied upon as against any national provision which is incompatible with the directive insofar as the provisions define rights which individuals are able to assert against the state” – Becker.  Also, in UFD Ltd it was stated that “in all appeals involving issues of liability, the Tribunal should consider the relevant provisions of the Council directives to ensure that the provisions of the UK legislation are consistent therewith”.

Primacy of EU Directives over UK legislation

A UK court which is to apply provisions of EU law is under a duty to give full effect to those provisions, if necessary refusing of its own motion to apply any conflicting provision of national legislation.

Interpretation of UK law

If UK VAT legislation is unclear or ambiguous, Tribunals are “entitled to have regard to the provisions of the relevant EU Directive in order to assist in resolving any ambiguity in the construction of the provisions under consideration’ (English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth).

Legal principles

In implementing the common VAT structure, domestic legislation is required to recognise certain legal principles.

Examples of some of these are the principle of:

  • Equality of citizens
  • Subsidiarity and proportionality
  • Non-discrimination on grounds of nationality
  • Fiscal neutrality
  • Legal certainty and the protection of legitimate expectations.

Practical application for most taxpayers

Practically, a result of the above is that taxpayers are regularly able to recover VAT (plus interest) paid to HMRC in error in cases where the UK domestic legislation has not implemented EU law correctly.  However, HMRC has no right to recovery where VAT has been under-collected as a result of inappropriate implementation of the EU legislation.

VAT Legal impact of The Great Repeal Bill and Article 50

By   3 April 2017

Changes to VAT on the day the UK leaves the EU – details of new White Paper

There has been significant confusion and differing views over how the UK would treat existing CJEU case law and its impact on the UK legislation when the UK leaves the EU.

Welcome certainty and clarity has been provided by the publication of a White Paper in respect The Great Repeal Bill (GRB).  Full details of the GRB here


The European Communities Act 1972 (ECA) gives effect in UK law to the EU treaties. It incorporates EU law into the UK domestic legal order and provides for the supremacy of EU law. It also requires UK courts to follow the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Some EU law applies directly without the need for specific domestic implementing legislation, while other parts of EU law need to be implemented in the UK through domestic legislation. As explained in the White Paper, domestic legislation other than the ECA also gives effect to some of the UK’s obligations under EU law. The government states that “…it is important to repeal the ECA to ensure there is maximum clarity as to the law that applies in the UK, and to reflect the fact that following the UK’s exit from the EU it will be UK law, not EU law, that is supreme.” The GRB will repeal the ECA on the day we leave the EU.


The main point stressed in the White Paper is that “The same rules and laws will apply on the day after exit as on the day before. It will then be for democratically elected representatives in the UK to decide on any changes to that law, after full scrutiny and proper debate” and “This Bill will, wherever practical and appropriate, convert EU law into UK law from the day we leave so that we can make the right decisions in the national interest at a time that we choose.”

 The intention is that the GRB will do three things:

  • It will repeal the ECA and return power to UK institutions.
  • The Bill will convert EU law as it stands at the moment of exit into UK law before we leave the EU. This allows businesses to continue operating knowing the rules have not changed significantly overnight, and provides fairness to individuals, whose rights and obligations will not be subject to sudden change. It also ensures that it will be up to the UK Parliament (and, where appropriate, the devolved legislatures) to amend, repeal or improve any piece of EU law (once it has been brought into UK law) at the appropriate time once we have left the EU.
  • The Bill will create powers to make secondary legislation. This will enable corrections to be made to the laws that would otherwise no longer operate appropriately once we have left the EU, so that our legal system continues to function correctly outside the EU, and will also enable domestic law once we have left the EU to reflect the content of any withdrawal agreement under Article 50.

This means that case law precedent from the CJEU will continue to apply (for a time at least). Any uncertainties/disagreements over the meaning of UK law after the UK leaves the EC that has been derived from EU cases will be decided by reference to the CJEU case law as it exists on the day the UK leaves. As a consequence, the GRB is likely to give CJEU case law similar precedent status to the UK Supreme Court.  The result is that Tribunals (and other court cases) will be heard in a similar way as they are now and both sides may continue to rely on case law as they have up to this point.  Any changes to the VAT legislation, if any, may then be made at a more leisurely pace while providing certainty while this is done.


There will also be changes to the current UK Customs regime as a consequence of the UK leaving the Single Market. The Customs Declaration Services (CDS) programme is intended to replace the existing system for handling import and export freight (CHIEF) from January 2019. Now that the Government has made a decision to leave the EU customs union, there is concern that this project is in place on time. A letter from the Treasury Select Committee states that “even modest delays, there is potential for major disruption to trade and economic activity”.

There are still a lot of uncertainties which will not be dealt with until we know the terms of the UK leaving and we will try to report these as soon as we have any information. Please subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter to keep up to date on this, and other VAT developments. Simply email us at marcus.ward@consultant.com

Changes to the VAT Flat Rate Scheme – A reminder

By   31 March 2017

Flat Rate Scheme (FRS)

I have looked at the changes to the FRS and the impact of these here

This is a timely reminder for all businesses using the FRS as changes to the scheme come into effect tomorrow: 1 April 2017.

The first matter to consider is if your business is a “limited cost trader”. This may be done on the HMRC website here

Relevant costs, in this instance, only include goods (please see below). 

If not a limited cost trader no further action is required.

If a business qualifies as a limited cost trader (which is likely to include, but not limited to, labour-intensive businesses where very little is spent on goods) there are the following choices.


  • Continue on the FRS but using the increased percentage of 16.5% (which is effectively equal to the 20% rate).
  • Leave the FRS and use conventional VAT accounting
  • Deregister for VAT if a business’ turnover is below that of the deregistration limit – which will be £83,000 pa from tomorrow.

Relevant Goods

It should be noted that the goods referred to above mean goods that are used exclusively for the purposes of a business, but do not include:

  • vehicle costs including fuel, unless you’re operating in the transport sector using your own, or a leased vehicle
  • food or drink for you or your staff
  • capital expenditure goods of any value
  • goods for resale, leasing, letting or hiring out if your main business activity doesn’t ordinarily consist of selling, leasing, letting or hiring out such goods
  • goods that you intend to re-sell or hire out unless selling or hiring is your main business activity
  • any services

As may seen, the definition is very restrictive.  Failure to recognise this change is likely to result in penalties and interest being levied.

If you would like any advice on this matter, please contact us as soon as possible considering the timing of the implementation.

VAT Triangulation – What is it? Is it a simple “simplification”?

By   24 March 2017

Unusually in the VAT world, Triangulation is a true simplification and is a benefit for businesses carrying out cross-border trade in goods.

What is it?

Triangulation is the term used to describe a chain of intra-EU supplies of goods involving three parties in three different Member States (MS). It applies in cases where, instead of the goods physically passing from one to the other, they are delivered directly from the first to the last party in the chain. Thus:

trig (2)In this example; a UK company (UKco) receives an order from a customer in Germany (Gco). To fulfil the order the UK supplier orders goods from its supplier in France (Fco). The goods are delivered from France to Germany.

Basic Treatment

Without simplification, UKco would be required to VAT register in either France or Germany to ensure that no VAT is lost.  That is; if registered in France, French VAT (TVA) would be charged to UKco, this would be recovered and the onward supply to Gco would be VAT free. The supply to Gco would be subject to acquisition tax in Germany.  VAT therefore is neutral to all parties.  Alternatively, UKco may choose to VAT register in Germany.  This would mean that it would be able to produce a German VAT number to Fco so to obtain the goods VAT free.  UKco would recover acquisition tax it applies to itself on the purchase and charge German VAT to Gco. Again, VAT is neutral to all parties.

Triangulation does away with these requirements.

To avoid creating a need for many companies to be structured in this way, Triangulation simplification was created via the EU VAT legislation (which is implemented across all MS) so, in this example, UKco is not required to register in any MS outside the EU.


Under the simplification procedure Fco issues an invoice to UKco without charging VAT and quoting UKco’s VAT number. UKco, in turn, issues an invoice to Gco without charging VAT. The invoice is required to show the narrative “VAT Simplification Invoice Article 141 simplification”.  Gco should account for the purchase from UKco in its German VAT Return using the Reverse Charge mechanism. Details of the Reverse Charge here

The Conditions

EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC, Article 141 sets out the conditions which must be met for Triangulation simplification to apply. Using the example above these may be summarised as:

  • There are three different parties (separate taxable persons) VAT registered in three different MS
  • The goods are transported directly from Fco to Gco
  • The invoice flow involves Fco selling the goods to UKco (the intermediate supplier)
  • UKco supplier in turn invoices its customer, Gco
  • UKco must obtain a valid VAT number from Gco (MS of destination) and quote this number on its invoice
  • UKco must quote “Article 141 simplification” on its invoice to Gco.

Impact on businesses

A business may be involved in triangulation as either:

  • the first supplier of the goods (Fco in the example above),
  • the intermediate supplier (UKco in the example above), or
  • the final consumer (Gco in the example above).

In whichever role, it is important to ensure all relevant details have been obtained and the documentation is correct.

And after Brexit?

As in many areas, we do not yet know how Brexit will affect the UK’s relationship with the EU. In general, the “worse” case scenario for UK business is that this simplification will be unavailable and all cross-border transactions will be treated as exports and imports similar to any other transactions with countries outside the EU and UK business will need to VAT register in one or more MS in the EU. This will add complexity and possibly delays at borders for goods moving to and from the UK. It is also likely to create additional cash flow issues.

In these uncertain times it makes sense to keep abreast of the (likely) changing requirements and take advantage of the simplification while it lasts.

VAT Latest from the courts – Employment businesses

By   21 March 2017

The Adecco case

In the Upper Tribunal (UT) case of Adecco the judge considered the tripartite situation between certain self-employed workers, employment businesses (Adecco) and the actual clients. Specifically, whether Adecco provides self-employed temporary workers to clients for the total consideration paid by client or only introductory services for commission retained by the employment business.  Broadly, whether temporary workers supply their services to Adecco or to the clients.


Based on the Reed Employment Ltd v HMRC [2011] UKFTT 200 (TC) “Reed” case.  Reed also concerned the VAT treatment of supplies by an employment bureau in relation to the services of non-employed temps. The FTT in Reed concluded that the employment bureau was making supplies of introductory services to clients in respect of the placement of non-employed temps. The value of the introductory services was the commission charged to clients for the introduction of the temps and the employment bureau was only required to charge and account for VAT on its commission and not on the non-employed temps’ remuneration. Following Reed, Adecco made claims for repayment of the VAT which it had charged and accounted for in respect of payments representing the non-employed temps’ remuneration. HMRC rejected the claims. One of the reasons given for the rejection was that Adecco did not merely supply a service of introducing the non-employed temps to the clients but also supplied the non-employed temps’ services.


The UT found in favour of HMRC. It found that output tax is due on the full amount paid by the clients rather than the commission retained.  The full amount included earnings paid to the temporary workers.  The decision was based on the contracts in place in this instant case and it is possible that a different outcome would have occurred if a wider view was taken and/or if the relationship between contracts and economic reality had been considered.


It is unlikely that this will be the definitive word on the matter and it is expected that further challenges to HMRC’s stance will be made given the two different outcomes in Reed and Adecco.  As always in these types of cases, it demonstrates the importance of contracts and careful consideration of the relationships between the parties.

For more on agent/principal relationships please see my articles on latest relevant court cases here and here

Please contact us if this case impacts on your business or that of your clients.

VAT Latest from the courts – Allocation of payments

By   13 March 2017

VAT payment problems

In the Upper Tribunal (UT) case of Swanfield Limited (Swanfield)

The matter was whether HMRC had the right to allocate payments made by the applicant to specific periods against the wishes of the taxpayer.


Swanfield was late with returns/payments such that it was subject to the Default Surcharge (DS) mechanism.  Details of the DS regime here

HMRC issued DSs to Swanfield, many at the maximum rate 15%. The total involved was said to be over £290,000. However, if the payments made by Swanfield had been allocated in a certain way (broadly; to recent debts as desired by the taxpayer) it would have substantially reduced the amount payable. However, HMRC allocated the payments to previous, older periods which were not the subject of a DS.

The Issue

The issue was relatively straightforward; did HMRC have the authority to allocate payments as they deemed fit, or could the taxpayer make payments for specific periods as required?

The Decision

The UT found that Swanfield were entitled to allocate payments made to amounts which would become due on supplies made in the (then) current period, even though the due date had not yet arrived.  Additionally, HMRC did not have the authority to unilaterally allocate payments made by the taxpayer to historical liabilities as they saw fit, in cases where the taxpayer has explicitly made those payments in relation to current periods.  In cases where there is no specific instruction in respect of allocation of the payment, HMRC was entitled to allocate payment without any obligation to minimise DS. The UT remitted this case back to the First Tier Tribunal to decide, as a matter of fact, whether Swanfield had actually made the necessary allocation.


This is a helpful case which sets out clearly the responsibilities of both parties.  It underlines the necessity of a taxpayer to focus on payments and how to manage a debt position to mitigate any penalties.  Staying silent on payments plays into the hands of HMRC. It is crucial to take a proper view of a business’ VAT payment position, especially if there is difficulties lodging returns of making payment. Planning often reduces the overall amount payable, or provides for additional time to pay (TTP).  A helpful overview of payment problems here

Things can be done if a business is getting into difficulties with VAT; whether they are; reporting, submitting returns, making payments, or if there are disputes with HMRC. There are also structures that may be put in place to assist with VAT cashflow.

We would always counsel a business not to bury its head in the sand if there are difficulties with HMRC.  Please make contact with us and, in almost all cases, we can improve the situation, along with providing some relief from worries. VAT may be payable, but there are ways of managing payments – as this case demonstrates.