Tag Archives: VAT-business

What is outside the scope of VAT, and what does it mean?

By   10 January 2025

Put simply, income which is outside the scope (OSC) of VAT is UK VAT free. It means that either there has been no supply in respect of that income (non-business, or ‘NB’), or if there is, it has a place of supply (POS) which is outside the UK. Although VAT free, OSC is distinct from exempt or zero-rated supplies and has a different impact for the entity involved in NB activities.

So, here I consider the different types of OSC income and how it affects the VAT position of the recipient of such a payment.


Charities and NFP organisations often receive income from various sources and often receive NB income which is OSC. This income is often donations for which the donor does not receive anything (there is no consideration provided by the charity). An organisation such as a charity that is run on a non-profit-making basis may still be regarded as carrying on a business activity for VAT purposes. This is unaffected by the fact that the activity is performed for the benefit of the community. It is therefore important for a charity to determine whether particular transactions are business or NB activities. This applies both when considering registration (if there is only NB activity a charity cannot be registered and therefore cannot recover any input tax) and after registration. ‘Business’ has a wide meaning for VAT purposes – an activity may still be business if the amount charged does no more than cover the cost to the charity of making the supply or where the charge made is less than cost. If the charity makes no charge at all the activity is unlikely to be considered business. A common area of complexity for charities when considering whether their activities are in the course of business is receipt of grant funding (please see below).


There is no ‘standard’ VAT treatment of grants. The VAT outcome depends on the precise facts of each specific agreement. The most important test is whether the grantor receives any consideration in return for the payment. It may be that the donor recognises the good work a body does and wishes to contribute (akin to a donation) which is OSC. Alternatively, the recipient of the grant may be obliged to provide something in return (a supply which is not OSC). A helpful way of looking at this is to consider, not what the recipient does with grant money, but what it does for it.

Inter-company charges

Charges between VAT group members are OSC. Moreover, charges between non-VAT-grouped companies may also be OSC. These are commonly called ‘management charges’ and the VAT treatment depends on a number of facts. It is often the case that a management charge is used as a mechanism for transferring “value” from one company to another. If it is done in an arbitrary manner with no written agreement in place, and nothing identifiable is provided the income is likely to be OSC. Otherwise, it is likely to be a taxable supply. What is important is not how a management charge is calculated, but what the supply actually is (if it is one). The calculation, whether based on a simple pro-rata amount between separate subsidiaries, or via a complex mechanism set out in a written agreement has no impact on the VAT treatment. As always in VAT, the basic question is: what is actually provided? 

Place of supply not the UK

If the POS is outside the UK, then the resulting payment for that supply is OSC. The POS rules can be complex and care must be taken in identifying the correct country to declare output tax (this may include the use of the OSS). In some instances, the Reverse Charge is applied. Input tax incurred in relation these supplies is recoverable, subject to the normal rules, and this distinguishes this type of supply from some of the others discussed here.

Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC) 

A TOGC is deemed to be neither a supply of goods nor services, so consequently, it is OSC. Input tax incurred in respect of the costs of making a TOGC are considered an overhead of the business for partial exemption purposes, so it is not automatically disallowed because it relates to a ‘non-supply’.

Supplies by a non-taxable person

Sales by a business person who is not liable to be VAT registered.

Insurance etc

A payment between persons, which is paid under a contract of indemnity, is OSC, because it does not represent consideration for a supply, eg; sums paid under an insurance policy.

Private transactions

These transactions between individuals or gifts received are OSC.

Statutory fees

These are OSC, an example of such fees are: the London congestion charge, MOT testing, some road tolls, and parking fines.

Input tax recovery 

VAT incurred on costs directly relating to OSC activities is not input tax and cannot be recovered (there are no de minimis limits). This is separate to partial exemption and a business/NB calculation is required before a partial exemption calculation is carried out, so it is a two-tier exercise. It may be possible to combine these two calculations, but that is an article for another day.

HMRC has issued new guidance on the amount of input tax claimable when an element is attributable to NB activities. If an entity is involved in both business and NB activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods, it is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to NB activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to business and NB activities. That VAT which cannot be directly attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between business and NB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  It is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc (similar to those methods available for partial exemption calculations). Any calculation must be fair and reasonable.


OSC income should not be recognised in the value box of VAT returns and it does not count towards the VAT registration limit. It is likely to negatively affect the recipient’s input tax recovery position. The distinction between business and non-business is crucial and will significantly impact on an entity’s overall VAT position.

Further reading

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/NB issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. and Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

VAT Business/Non-Business HMRC Internal Manual updated

By   14 October 2024

HMRC internal guidance manual has been updated on 9 October 2024.

This is likely to affect; charities and similar bodies, NFP, clubs, associations, philanthropic organisations, galleries and museums, “hobby” activities, amongst other persons.

Business or Non-Business (N-B) is very important in VAT as it determines, inter alia, whether a supplier is

  • liable to register
  • liable to account for output tax
  • able to recover (all, some, or no) input tax

The definition of business and N-B here.

Legislation: The I Act 1994 Section 24(5).

Further reading

 I have written about this issue many times, as it is a fundamental issue in the tax.

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/N-B issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. And Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

What the Guidance Manual covers:

  • an overview of the meaning of business for VAT purposes
  • general principles
  • meaning of N-B
    • the term ‘business activity’ (economic activity)
    • the concept of ‘business’ for VAT purposes
    • the meaning of business
    • the purpose of activity
    • N-B activities
    • persons with both business and N-B activities
    • outside the scope income
    • N-B activities which result in payment
  • determination procedures to establish whether an activity is business N-B
  • the relevant UK law and caselaw (per above amongst other cases)
  • the general approach for inspectors on business/N-B
  • factors to consider when determining if an activity is business or not
  • the link between supplies and consideration
  • methods of apportionment of input tax and approval of apportionment methods
  • formal procedures and work systems
  • clubs and associations
  • specific issues
  • legal history
  • HMRC policy background

This is the main reference material for HMRC inspectors and other employees, so it is very helpful for advisers to understand HMRC’s likely approach to a potential VAT issue.

VAT: Business or non-business? The 3D Crowd CIC case

By   4 July 2023

Latest from the courts

Business or non-business?

In the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of 3D Crowd CIC (3D) the issue was whether a donation of goods, with a subsequent intention to sell similar goods constituted a business activity such that input tax incurred in relation to it was recoverable.


3D was formed at the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic to produce face protection via the process of 3D printing. Such protection was in high demand, but there was a shortage of suitable products for healthcare workers. The appellant produced 130,000 face shields in the first six weeks of production; which was an admirable feat. However, it was not possible to sell this equipment without the appropriate accreditation. Consequently, to alleviate demand, 3D donated the PPE to the NHS.

By the time accreditation was given the demand for PPE had reduced so it was not possible to sell the 3D printed face coverings as initially intended.


The issue of business versus non-business has been a contentious issue in the VAT world from day one. This classification is important for two reasons. If an activity is a business (an economic activity) it could be subject to VAT and, as in this case, if an activity is non-business there is usually a restriction of input tax.


3D said that input tax could be recovered on costs which involved no direct onward supply of goods or services, but which laid the groundwork for them. That is, the input tax could be attributed to an intended taxable supply, even though that intention was not fulfilled by circumstances outside its control.

HMRC argued that per Longbridge the correct test for determining whether an activity is a business activity is whether there is a direct link between the services or goods supplied and a payment received by the supplier. In this case, there was not so no input tax was reclaimable. HMRC also referred to the decision in Wakefield College, supporting the proposition that an activity is only a business activity if it results in the supply of goods or services for a consideration.


The FTT found that the VAT incurred on supplies made to 3D, constituted elements:

  • in connection with 3D seeking CE certification
  • related to general overheads
  • related to VAT incurred on materials bought to produce the PPE

Input tax incurred on the costs of accreditation is recoverable because these were incurred in order to sell PPE in the future and for no other purpose. The fact that these costs are not linked to a particular supply (and is in the nature of preparing the ground for future supplies) was irrelevant per The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 1, para 10.

The VAT incurred on the general overhead costs and on the costs of producing the PPE was incurred in part for business purposes and party for non-business (donations) and should be apportioned using a method agreed between 3D and HMRC.


Another case highlighting the difficulty in identifying the distinction between business and non-business and the complexity of input tax attribution. The altruistic efforts of the CIC is to be admired, but such charitable (in the broad sense) activities do not always get their just reward in VAT terms.

VAT: Input tax attribution to business and non-business activities

By   15 September 2022

HMRC has issued new guidance on the amount of input tax claimable when an element is attributable to non-business (NB) activities.

If an entity is involved in both business and NB activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods, it is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to NB activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to business and NB activities. That VAT which cannot be attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between business and NB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  Therefore it is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc (similar to those methods available for partial exemption calculations).

The new guidance is mainly as a result of the Sveda ECJ case.

The definition of business and NB here.

Legislation: The VAT Act 1994 Section 24(5).

Further reading

The following articles consider case law and other relevant business/NB issues:

Wakefield College


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. and Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

Northumbria Healthcare

VAT: Business or non-business? The Towards Zero Foundation case

By   16 August 2022

Latest from the courts

In the The Towards Zero Foundation First Tier Tribunal case the issue was whether part of the appellant’s activities could be “stripped out”, classified as non-business, and therefore result in a loss of input tax.

This case follows a long succession of recent cases on the distinction between business (economic activity) and non-business. I have considered these in other articles:

Northumbria Healthcare

Wakefield College (referred to at this Tribunal)


Babylon Farm

A Shoot

Y4 Express

Lajvér Meliorációs Nonprofit Kft. and Lajvér Csapadékvízrendezési Nonprofit Kft

Healthwatch Hampshire CIC 

Pertempts Limited

and new HMRC guidance on the subject.

VAT attributable to non-business activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed. However, if the non-business activity is part of wider business activities then it may be recovered as input tax.


The Appellant is a charity. Its primary objective is to achieve zero road traffic fatalities principally through the operation of New Car Assessment Programmes (NCAP) – testing car safety.

When it received money as consideration for carrying out the testing, it was agreed by all parties that that this represented economic activity.

As part of this activity, the charity purchased new cars (so called “mystery shopping” exercises) and carried out tests at its own expense. In this start-up phase for an NCAP it is necessary to test vehicles without manufacturer support as the independence of the testing programme is critical in order to establish consumer credibility.

The results of the tests (usually giving rise to substandard or unsatisfactory outcomes) are published and the Appellant generates publicity of the results through social media, news coverage, trade press etc. These results inform and influence customer buying behaviour which in turn drives manufacturers to improve the safety features.

As the market sophistication increases the NCAP star ratings for vehicles are used by the manufacturers in promotion of its vehicles.

The aim of the Appellant is for each jurisdictional NCAP to ultimately become self-funding through manufacturer testing fees.


HMRC argued that when the appellant carried out tests on purchased vehicles this should be recognised as a specific activity which could not be a business as it generated no income – the tests should be considered in isolation. Consequently, the input tax which was recovered was blocked and an assessment was issued to disallow the claim.

The Foundation contended that it published the results of those tests, and this resulted in the commercial need for manufacturers to improve safety standards by way of commissions for further research. This research was funded by the car makers and was therefore economic activity. The “free” testing needed to be undertaken so as to create a market for manufacturer funded testing – the initial testing was just one element of the overall taxable supply. Consequently, all residual input tax incurred is attributed to its taxable business activities and fully recoverable.


The FTT found that it was clear that manufacturers would not proactively seek to have vehicles tested without an initial unfavourable baseline assessment. If the free testing had been a genuinely independent activity HMRC would be correct, but the evidence did not support this analysis. It found that the provision of free testing was an inherent and integral part of the appellant’s business activity.

This being the case there was no reason to attribute any VAT to non-business activities, and the input tax weas fully claimable.


Another reminder, if one were needed, of the importance of correctly establishing whether the activities of a body (usually charities, but not exclusively) are business or non-business. The consequences will affect both the quantum of output tax and claiming VAT on expenditure. More on the topic here.

The decision was as anticipated, but this case illustrates HMRC’s willingness to challenge (often unsuccessfully) VAT treatment in similar situations.

VAT: Farm in business? The Babylon case

By   21 September 2021

Latest from the courts

In the Upper Tribunal (UT) case of Babylon Farm Ltd (the farm) the issue was whether the appellant was in business and consequently was able to recover certain input tax.


Yet another case on whether there was any business activity in a company. Please see here, here, here and here for previous cases on this issue. The farm sold hay which it cut from another person’s fields to a connected party. The value of the one-off annual sale was £440 pa. The appellant also contended that it was also undertaking preparatory acts for the new business activities and that it would be able to levy management charges. Another new business activity was the creation of an investment and insurance product.

The farm built a new barn on which it claimed input tax of £19,760.

HMRC considered that no business was being carried on and decided to deregister the farm thus refusing to pay the input tax claim. The farm challenged this decision and contended that taxable supplies were being made, and there was also an intention to make taxable supplies in the future.


Paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 of the VAT Act 1994 requires HMRC to be satisfied that a person is either making taxable supplies or is carrying on a business and intends to make such supplies in the course or furtherance of a business in order to be registered for VAT. There are a number of tests set out in case law (mainly The Lord Fisher case) to establish whether a person is in business:

  1. Is the activity a serious undertaking earnestly pursued?
  2. Is the activity an occupation or function, which is actively pursued with reasonable or recognisable continuity?
  3. Does the activity have a certain measure of substance in terms of the quarterly or annual value of taxable supplies made?
  4. Is the activity conducted in a regular manner and on sound and recognised business principles?
  5. Is the activity predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for a consideration?
  6. Are the taxable supplies that are being made of a kind which, subject to differences of detail, are commonly made by those who seek to profit from them?


The appeal was dismissed. The farm was not in business and could not recover input tax on the costs of the new barn.

The judge stated that he could see no legal basis for the farm to be in business. The hay that the farm sold was taken from the customer’s own land and therefore belonged to him already. It was also noted that no invoices were raised, no payment for the hay had been made for a number of years and the single customer was a director of Babylon Farm Limited so the farm was not operating in an open market. The sale of hay had not been conducted on a basis that followed sound and recognised business principles or on a basis that was predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for consideration. As a consequence, the farm was not operating as a business during the relevant period.

On the intention point; neither of the intended activities had yet resulted in any chargeable services being provided and both were to be carried on through companies that had been formed for these purposes (not the farm). Both businesses remained at a formative stage and neither company has generated any revenue. This was insufficient to retain the VAT registration.


The decision was hardly a surprise and one wonders how it reached the UT. HMRC were always going to challenge an input tax claim of that quantum with no output tax (and such a low value of sales which may not have been made in any event).

VAT: Input tax recovery – whether a taxable supply. The Door Specialist case

By   9 June 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal case of The Door Specialist Limited (TDSL) the issue was whether an HMRC assessment for overclaimed input tax was correct.


The appellant recovered input tax on the import of goods (doors). The company did not sell the doors, but simply gave the goods (no consideration provided) to a separate company called Just Doors (JD).  It was JD who made the sales of the doors to third party customers.  TDSL and JD were under common ownership but no VAT group in place at the relevant time. TDSL was VAT registered as it made separate, unrelated taxable supplies of property rental


HMRC contended that as there was no onward taxable supply of the doors by TDSL, no input tax was recoverable per The VAT Act 1994 section 24 (1). TDSL relied on HMRC’s published guidance (Notices 700 and 700/7) in relation to gifts and proposed that it would be proper to assess for output tax on the “supply” to JD rather than denying the input tax claim.  


The issues may therefore be summarised as whether;

  • the relevant goods were used for the purpose of any economic activity by TDSL
  • the doors could be treated as business gifts as contended by the applicant such that the input tax was recoverable.

Further cases on economic activity/business here, here and here


It was decided that as there was no direct and immediate link between the purchase of the goods and any onward taxable supply in the course of business or economic activity by TDSL (as required by the outcome of the cases of BAA Ltd JDI International Leasing Ltd) the disallowance of the input tax was appropriate. The advancement of the business gifts contention did not assist the taxpayer as this was not an economic activity in itself. The appeal was therefore dismissed.


A clear example of not considering the VAT implications when carrying out transactions. This tax cost could have easily been avoided if TDSL had sold the doors to JD. As both parties were fully taxable, there would have been no VAT hit. Business gifts and promotional activities are also often a complex area of VAT and as one former colleague once remarked “If you have a marketing department you have a VAT issue”.

VAT Taxable Supply – Definition

By   3 July 2020

What is a taxable supply and who is a taxable person?

A VAT Back To Basics

Taxable supply

It is sometimes useful when considering a transaction to “go back to basics” for VAT purposes. There are certain tests to determine whether a supply is taxable, and these are set out below. Broadly, the tests establish whether UK VAT is payable on a sale and they determine whether an entity is “in business”, that is; carrying on an economic activity.

A transaction is within the scope of UK VAT if all four of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • It is a supply of goods or services.

There is a distinction between the two types of supply as different VAT treatments may apply.  Generally, everything that is not tangible goods is services. However, if no goods or services are actually provided, there is no supply.  Indeed, if there is no consideration for a supply, in most cases it is not a taxable supply.

  • It takes place in the UK.

There are quite complex tests to consider when analysing the “place of supply”, especially where services are concerned.  If the place of supply is outside the UK then usually no UK VAT is due, however, the supply may be subject to VAT in another country.

  • It is made by a taxable person.

A taxable person is any legal entity which is, or should be, registered for VAT in the UK.

  • It is made in the course or furtherance of any business carried on by that person


The term “business” is only used in UK legislation, The Principal VAT Directive refers to “economic activity” rather than “business” and since UK domestic legislation must conform to the Directive both terms must be seen as having the same meaning.  Since the very first days of VAT there have been disagreements over what constitutes a “business”. I have only recently ended a dispute over this definition for a (as it turns out) very happy client.  The tests were set out as long ago as 1981 and may be summarised as follows:

  • Is the activity a serious undertaking earnestly pursued?
  • Is the activity an occupation or function, which is actively pursued with reasonable or recognisable continuity?
  • Does the activity have a certain measure of substance in terms of the quarterly or annual value of taxable supplies made (bearing in mind that exempt supplies can also be business)?
  • Is the activity conducted in a regular manner and on sound and recognised business principles?
  • Is the activity predominantly concerned with the making of taxable supplies for a consideration?
  • Are the taxable supplies that are being made of a kind which, subject to differences of detail, are commonly made by those who seek to profit from them?

So, if these tests are passed a taxable supply exists. The next step is to establish which VAT rate applies. In an often quoted comment from the judge in the Morrison’s Academy Boarding Houses Association 1978 STC1 Court Of Session case “…In my opinion it will never be possible or desirable to define exhaustively ‘business’ ”. Which what it lacks in helpfulness, makes up for in candour.

There was something of a deviation from the Lord Fisher tests in the Longbridge Court of Appeal case, however, that appears to be a blip and HMRC seem to have reverted to Lord Fisher in subsequent hearings on the same topic. A bit of a: watch this space area of VAT.

Recent cases on business

Recent case law on this issue here and here and HMRC Internal guidance on the Lord Fisher tests here


Tip: It is often easier to consider what isn’t a taxable supply to establish the correct VAT treatment.  Specific examples of situations which are not taxable supplies are; donations, certain free supplies of services, certain grants or funding, some compensation and some transactions which are specifically excluded from the tax by legislation, eg; transfers of going concerns (TOGC).

I think that it is often the case that the basic building blocks of the tax are overlooked, especially in complex situations and I find it helps to “go back to the first page” sometimes.

VAT: What is an economic activity? The Pertemps’ case

By   12 August 2019

Latest from the courts

In the Upper Tribunal (UT) case of Pertemps Limited the issue was whether the operation of the respondent’s salary sacrifice scheme to provide travel and subsistence payments to employees was a supply for VAT purposes and, indeed, whether it was an economic activity at all.

I have considered what is an economic activity (business) many times, examples here, here, here and here. It is a perennial VAT issue and goes to the very heart of the tax. EU legislation talks of economic activity, which is taken to be “business activity” in the UK. There is no legal definition of either economic or business activity so case law on this point is very important.


Employees of the respondent were offered the option of;

  • being paid a salary, from which they would have to meet any travel and subsistence expenses, or
  • participating in Pertemps’ scheme where they would be paid their travel and subsistence expenses but receive a reduced salary.

The amount of the reduction was equal to the amount of the expense payment plus a fixed amount to defray the costs of running the scheme. The issue was whether the charge for using the scheme was taxable.

HMRC’s appeal against the FTT decision [2018] UKFTT 369 (TC) was based on the view that the scheme involved a taxable supply of services by Pertemps to its participating employees such that output tax was due of the fixed payments. The FTT concluded that Pertemps did supply services to the employees. but the supply was not within the scope of VAT because the operation of the scheme was not an economic activity. It allowed Pertemps’ appeal. The FTT also held that, if there had been a supply, it would have been exempt.


The UT decided that, although the FTT erred in law when it concluded that Pertemps made a supply of services to the employees who participated in the scheme, it was correct when it concluded that Pertemps was not carrying on any economic activity when it provided the scheme for employees. The charge only arose in the context of the employment relationship, and it could not be compared to an open market supply of accountancy services.

Therefore, HMRC’s appeal was dismissed.


Care should always be taken with salary sacrifice schemes. Some, but not all, sacrifices are subject to output tax. HMRC internal guidance on the subject here. This case is a helpful clarification on the matter of certain charges to staff. It also adds another layer to the age-old issue of what constitutes a business activity. VAT is only due on business supplies, and it is crucial to appreciate what is, and isn’t an economic activity. This is especially important in respect of charities and NFP bodies.