Tag Archives: vat-claim

VAT: Difficulties with DIY Housebuilders’ claim – The Spani case

By   18 September 2023

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Spani v HMRC [2023] UKFTT 00727 (TC) the issue was whether a claim under the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme (the scheme) was valid.

Mr Spani appealed against HMRC’s decision to refuse a claim. It was rejected as the respondents concluded that the property was to be used for business purposes because Planning Permission was for a holiday let rather than residential own use. To claim under the scheme, the relevant the property must be used “otherwise than in the course of furtherance of business”VAT Act 1994, section 35)


The cottage was constructed in Seaford – within the Souths Down National Park and, in order to obtain planning consent, it was required to be made available for letting on a commercial basis for 140 days a year. The appellant contended that it was his primary residence in the UK and any letting (which was interrupted by covid in any case) was/would be incidental to this primary purpose.

The property was listed on Air BnB in order to satisfy the requirements of the planning consent, but the property had not been actively marketed and no lettings had taken place.

Mr Spani contended that the use of the cottage “falls far short of the HMRC’s position that it was the appellant’s intention to use the property for a wholly commercial purpose”. It was simply the appellant’s home in the UK and that an identical property built outside the National Park would not have the Planning Permission holiday let requirement.

Further, if it was a commercial enterprise, Mr Spani could have could have used another reclaim route, viz: registering for VAT and recovering an element of the input tax incurred.


The appeal was dismissed – The judge opined that “none of these events subsequent to the grant of the Planning Permission and completion certificate detract from the fact that the property was built to be a holiday let (as stipulated by the planning consent) and was therefore constructed in furtherance of a FHL* business”.

Additionally, the FTT stated that: it is plain that the appellant’s plan to live in the property within the FHL regulations does not (and cannot) alter the property into a dwelling… when there is the express prohibition placed on the property to be a dwelling.

The conclusion was that the property was built in furtherance of a business which prohibited a claim.


Yet another case highlighting precise requirements of a claim under the scheme and HMRC’s strict application of the rules. Care must always be taken in such cases and we advise professional advice is sought prior to a submission of a claim.

More on similar cases here and here  and Top Ten Tips for the scheme.   

* Furnished Holiday Let

VAT: HMRC partial exemption guidance updated

By   18 September 2023

VAT Notice 706 has been updated on he option to send an email to get an approval for a partial exemption special method has been removed from sections 6.2, Appendix 2 and how to apply.

Para 6.2 – “Get approval for a special method

You cannot change your method without our prior approval. You must continue to use your current method, whether that is the standard method or a special method, until we approve or direct the use of another method or direct termination of its use.

You can get approval for a special method by using the online service.

If you are unable to use the online service, contact VAT Written Enquiries team by post.

You must explain clearly how your proposed method will work, you should see Appendix 2 in this guide.

When you propose a special method you must include a declaration that the method is fair from its effective date of application, and for the foreseeable future so that from its effective date a fair amount of input tax is recovered”.


Examples of special methods (PESM) are:

  • sectors and sub-sectors
  • multi pot
  • time spent
  • headcount
  • values
  • number of transactions
  • floor space
  • cost accounting system
  • pro-rata
  • combinations of the above methods

Partial Exemption guidance here

VAT: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) What is it? How does it work?

By   15 September 2023

What is ADR?

ADR is the involvement of a third party (a facilitator) to help resolve disputes between HMRC and taxpayers.  It is mainly used by SMEs and individuals for VAT purposes, although it is not limited to these entities.  Its aim is to reduce costs for both parties (the taxpayer and HMRC) when disputes occur and to reduce the number of cases that reach statutory review and/or Tribunal.

The process

Practically, a typical process is; HMRC officials and the facilitator meet with the taxpayer and adviser in a room, and agree on what the disputes are.  They then retire to two separate, private rooms, and the facilitator goes between the two parties and mediates on a resolution.

ADR is a free service and the only costs the taxpayer will incur are fees from their advisers on preparation and any representation they require on the day.

Features of ADR

  • Without prejudice discussions – Anything said or documents produced during the ADR process cannot be used in future proceedings without the express consent of both parties subject to the obligations placed on the parties by the operation of English law
  • Evidence is that ADR can work for both VAT and Direct Taxes disputes both before and after an appealable decision or assessment has been made. However, ADR for VAT disputes is more suited to post appealable decision and assessments
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Code of Conduct – a MOU is created to commit taxpayers/agents to the requirements of the ADR process
  • The average time for all completed ADR cases is 61 days. This figure is from application to resolution.  The average elapsed time for VAT it is 53 days
  • The average age of VAT disputes is eight months
  • An ADR Panel has been created to accept or reject applications for ADR. It screens all applications and not just those where ADR was thought to be inappropriate.
  • Customer / Agent Questionnaire Summary – Findings from customers and agents included:
    • An appreciation of the personal interaction that the ADR process allowed
    • Facilitators were even handed and impartial in all cases and kept the taxpayer well informed
    • ADR was particularly well suited to resolution of long standing disputes.

Is Tribunal preferable?

Taking a case to Tribunal is often an expensive, complicated and time consuming option, but used to be the only option open to a taxpayer to challenge a decision made to HMRC.  From personal experience, the number of cases from which HMRC withdraw “on the steps of the court” illustrate a weakness in their legal procedures and possibly a lack of confidence in presenting their cases. This is very frustrating for our clients as they have already incurred costs and invested time when HMRC could have pulled out a lot earlier.  Of course, our clients cannot apply for costs.  The sheer number of cases going through the Tribunal process means that there are often very long and frustrating delays getting an appeal heard.

 A true alternative?

Therefore, should we welcome ADR as a watered down version of a Tribunal hearing?  Or is it actually something else entirely?

HMRC say that “ADR provides an excellent opportunity for Local Compliance to handle disputes in a modern and collaborative way.  It is not intended to replace statutory internal review which is an already established process aimed at resolving disputes without a tribunal hearing. Review looks at legal challenges to decisions whereas ADR is more suitable for disputes where there might be more than one tenable legal outcome”.

Results so far

After an initial two-year pilot which shaped the final programme, and was guided by a Working Together group that included CIOT, AAT, ICAEW and legal representatives HMRC concluded that “ADR has shown that many disputes, where an impasse has been reached, can be resolved quickly without having to go to tribunal.” And “ADR is a fair and even-handed way of resolving tax disputes between HMRC and its customers and helps save time and costs for everyone.”  Ignoring the dreadful use of the word “customers”… what has the profession made of the scheme?

Hui Ling McCarthy – Barrister has reported “HMRC’s ADR studies have produced extremely encouraging and positive results – owing in large part to HMRC’s willingness to engage with taxpayers, advisers and the professional bodies and vice versa. Taxpayers involved in a dispute with HMRC would be well-advised to take advantage of ADR wherever appropriate”.


So what was the outcome of the two year scheme?  The headline is that 58% of cases were successfully resolved, 8% were partially resolved and 34% were unresolved.

Of the fully resolved facilitations

  • 33% were resolved by educating the taxpayer/agent about the correct tax position.
  • 24% were resolved due to the facilitator obtaining further evidence.
  • 23% were resolved by educating the HMRC decision maker about the correct tax position.
  • 20% were resolved through facilitators restoring communication between both parties.


These figures are encouraging and the conclusion that; well planned, constructive meetings, with the intervention of an HMRC facilitator, do increase the chances of dispute resolution, appear to be well founded.

Further, the fact that the project team saw no evidence of any demand from HMRC, taxpayers or their agents for access to external mediators and that there is also conclusive evidence from taxpayers that HMRC facilitators have acted in a fair and even-handed manner add to the feeling that ADR is a useful new tool.


The comments from HMRC on ADR is (probably understandable) positive.  However, reactions from the profession and taxpayers who have gone through the process are equally generous on ADR as a mechanism for settling disputes.

My view is that any alternative to a Tribunal hearing is welcome and even if ADR works half as well as reports conclude then it should certainly be explored.  It should definitely be considered as an alternative to simply accepting a decision from HMRC with which a taxpayer disagrees.

VAT: Definition of insurance

By   5 September 2023

Further to my article on insurance and partial exemption, HMRC has published a new definition of what insurance means for VAT as a consequence of the CJEU United Biscuits (Pension Trustees) Ltd and another v HMRC [2020] STC 2169 case.

It is set out in para 2.2 of Public Notice 701/36

What insurance is

There is no statutory definition of insurance, although guidance can be gained from previous legal decisions in which the essential nature of insurance has been considered.

The Court of Justice of the European Union , in the case of United Biscuits (Pension Trustees) Ltd & Anor v R & C Commrs (Case C235-19) [2020], upheld the definition given in the case of Card Protection Plan Ltd v C & E Commrs (Case C-349/96) [1999] which concluded that:

“…the essentials of an insurance transaction are… that the insurer undertakes, in return for prior payment of a premium, to provide the insured, in the event of materialisation of the risk covered, with the service agreed when the contract was concluded”.

HMRC also accept that certain funeral plan contracts are insurance (and therefore exempt from VAT), even though they are not regulated as such under the FSMA insurance regulatory provisions.

Vehicle breakdown insurance is also seen as insurance even though providers are given a specific exclusion under the FSMA from the requirement to be authorised.

VAT: Land related services

By   21 August 2023

Whether a service is “related to land” is important because there are distinct rules for this type of supply compared to the General Rule. The place of supply (POS) of land related services is where the land is located, regardless of where the supplier or recipient belong.

The rule applies only to services which relate directly to a specific site of land. This means a service where the land is a central and essential part of the service or where the service is intended to legally or physically alter a property.

It does not apply if a supply of services has only an indirect connection with land, or if the land related service is only an incidental component of a more comprehensive supply of services.

What is land?

For the purpose of determining the POS, land (also called immoveable property in legislation) means:

  • a specific part of the earth, on, above or below its surface
  • a building or structure fixed to, or in, the ground above or below sea level which cannot be easily dismantled or moved
  • an item making up part of a building without which it is incomplete (such as doors, windows, roofs, staircases and lifts)
  • items of equipment or machinery permanently installed in a building which cannot be moved without destroying or altering the building

What services directly relate to land?

HMRC provide the following examples:

  • construction or demolition of a building or permanent structure
  • surveying and assessing property
  • valuing property
  • providing accommodation in hotels, holiday camps, camping sites or timeshare accommodation
  • maintenance, renovation and repair of a building
  • property management services carried out on behalf of the owner
  • arranging the sale or lease of land or property
  • drawing up of plans for a building or part of a building designated for a particular site
  • services relating to the obtaining of planning consent for a specific site
  • on-site security services
  • agricultural work on land
  • installation and assembly of machines which, when installed, will form a fixture of the property that cannot be easily dismantled or moved
  • the granting of rights to use all or part of a property (such as fishing or hunting rights and access to airport lounges)
  • legal services such as conveyancing and drawing up of contracts of sale or leases, including title searches and other due diligence on a specific property
  • bridge or tunnel toll fees
  • the supply of space for the use of advertising billboards
  • the supply of plant and equipment together with an operator
  • the supply of specific stand space at an exhibition or fair without any related services

What services are only indirectly related to land?

The following HMRC examples are not deemed to be land related services:

  • management of a property investment portfolio
  • drawing up of plans for a building that do not relate to a particular site
  • arranging the supply of hotel accommodation or similar services
  • installation, assembly, repair or maintenance of machines or equipment which are not, and do not become, part of the building
  • accountancy or tax advice, even when that relates to tax on rental income
  • the supply of storage of goods in property without a right to a specific area for the exclusive use of the customer
  • advertising services including those that involve the use of a billboard
  • marketing, photography and public relations
  • the supply of equipment with an operator, where it can be shown that the supplier has no responsibility for the performance of the work
  • general legal advice on contractual terms
  • legal services connected with fund raising for property acquisitions or in connection with the sale of shares in a company or units in a unit trust which owns land
  • stand space at an exhibition or conference when supplied as part of a package with related services, eg; design, security, power, telecommunications, etc.

These examples are mainly derived from case law and the department’s understanding of the legislation and they are not exhaustive.

The Reverse Charge

If an overseas supplier provides land related services in GB, the POS is GB and the reverse charge applies if the recipient is GB VAT registered.

If a GB supplier provides services directly related to land where the land is located outside GB, the POS is not GB. This means that there is a supply in another country. VAT rules in different countries vary (even across the EU) – some countries use the reverse charge mechanism, but others require the GB supplier to VAT register in the country of the POS (where the land is physically located).

VAT: How to use HMRC advice and information

By   8 August 2023

HMRC have updated information (on 30 June 2023) on how to use its guidance. This includes when a taxpayer can rely on information and/or advice provided by HMRC. This is the first update since the original publication in March 2009.

The document covers; how to check the advice and information given give applies to a business, what a taxpayer can expect from HMRC, and what to do if you think you have incorrect information.

This covers enquiries made via:

  • letters
  • telephone calls
  • pages on gov.uk
  • webchat
  • posts on social media

HMRC publishes information and guidance that can address common issues, but this does not always provide a definitive answer in every situation. If this is the case, a business can:

Reliance on incorrect information

HMRC says:

You may be able to rely on incorrect advice and information from HMRC, if it’s both:

  • reasonable for you to expect this
  • very unfair for HMRC to act in a different way from the advice and information given.”

HMRC will take a number of things into account when considering this. In some cases, there may be a strong reason for HMRC to act in a different way from the advice and information given.

Where relevant, HMRC will generally consider whether:

  • you told HMRC about all the relevant facts
  • HMRC’s advice and information was clear and certain
  • you already relied on the advice and information and would be worse off if HMRC did not act in line with it

Once it is clear HMRC’s advice and/or information was incorrect, a taxpayer must make sure to use the correct advice and information going forward.

Right of appeal

There is no general right of appeal against the advice and information HMRC provides, except where rights of appeal are set out in statute.

NB: It is always worth considering the HMRC Charter which sets out what a taxpayer can expect from HMRC and what HMRC expects from a taxpayer.

That is all well and good, but I have written about this: VAT – Do as HMRC say…. and if you do… they may still penalise you!


A VAT Did you know?

By   27 July 2023

Popcorn is standard rated, but microwavable popcorn is VAT free.

Apply to receive VAT data from HMRC

By   13 July 2023

Credit reference agencies and other qualifying applicants can now apply for VAT registration data for use in making financial assessments.

A UK-based credit reference agency or similar financial organisation can apply for authorisation to get non-financial VAT registration data for the purpose of:

  • credit scoring
  • anti-fraud checking
  • compliance with other financial regulations

It may help small businesses and new start-ups gain access to credit and finance for the first time and give increased access to credit and finance to established VAT-registered businesses.

The data file will cover all VAT-registered businesses, not individual businesses or grouped by trade sector or geographical location.

In addition to the VAT registration number and available contact information, the data for each registered business includes the:

  • effective date of registration
  • overseas trader indicator
  • group or divisional registration indicator
  • organisational name
  • trading name and trading style
  • standard industrial classification code (trade class)
  • legal entity status
  • company number and incorporation date

Where applicable, this will also include the date of:

  • deregistration
  • transfer of a going concern

No financial or payment data is included.

The file shared will be updated weekly to ensure it is accurate.

HMRC will only share non-financial VAT registration data with you if your business has a genuine need to use it for the purposes set out in section 8(1) of the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act (SBEEA) 2015.

How to apply

An interest may be registered by applying to receive VAT registration data by emailing: vat.datasharing@hmrc.gov.uk, quoting ‘VAT Data Sharing’ in the subject line.


Recovery of VAT on company cars

By   3 July 2023

Further to our guide to the recovery of input tax on motoring expenses we are often asked about the specifics of a business acquiring a motor car. So, this article sets out the different rules.

Purchase of a car

If a business purchases a car outright, regardless of how this is funded, no input tax is claimable at all. However, If the taxpayer is either a taxi or driving instructor business, VAT falls to be 100% recoverable.

Hire Purchase (HP)

This is treated as a supply of goods as the ownership of the car passes at the end of the agreement. Similarly, to an outright purchase, input tax is blocked for all taxpayers except taxi and driving instructor businesses.

Lease hire

If the car is ‘qualifying car’, and is returned at the end of the agreement it is a supply of services; a lease. There is a specific rule which means that 50% of the VAT is recoverable on the rental payments if it is used for business purpose. The 50% block is to cover the private use of the car. Again, a 100% reclaim is possible if it is to be used for hire with a driver for carrying passengers or providing driving instruction.

The 50% block applies to all the VAT on charges paid for the rental of the car. This includes:

  • optional services — unless they’re supplied and identified separately from the leasing supply on the tax invoice
  • excess mileage charge — if it forms part of a supply of leasing but not if it was incurred on an excess mileage charge that forms part of a separate supply of maintenance

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)

This is a little more complex because a PCP can either be treated as a supply of goods (the car), or a supply of services (a lease) depending on the terms of the contract. The following treatment is based on the Mercedes Benz Financial Services case.

The difference between services or goods:

This distinction depends on the level of the final payment. This is known as the Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (GMFV).


  • If the final optional payment (known as a balloon payment) is set at or above the anticipated market value (the GMFV) of the car at the time the option is to be exercised, the contract will be deemed a supply of leasing services with VAT on each instalment. A business can therefore recover 50% of input tax on each monthly payment. A balloon payment is the final “lump sum” which the agreement sets out is to be paid if a customer chooses to own the car at the end of the agreement.


  • If the final optional payment is set below the anticipated market value, such that any rational customer would choose to buy the car, the contract is a supply of goods with a separate supply of finance. VAT is therefore due on the supply of goods in full at the beginning of the contract and the finance element is exempt. In such cases input tax is 100% blocked.

The distinction

It is often difficult to distinguish between services and goods in relation to PCP cars. We find that the wording of contracts is often arcane and unhelpful (and not particularly drafted with VAT in mind). If the supply is not determinable by reference to the agreement documentation, a simple and practical solution is to consider the invoice. Broadly, if it is a lease the supplier will charge VAT on the monthly payments, but a purchase would mean VAT is charged in full up front at the tax point.

Input tax on repairs 

If a vehicle is used for business purposes, there is a 100% reclaim of the VAT charged on repairs and maintenance as long as the business paid for the work and the vehicle is used for some business purposes. It does not matter if the vehicle is used for some private motoring or if a business has chosen not to reclaim input tax on road fuel.

VAT: How long do I have to keep records?

By   26 June 2023
Time limits for keeping records

Record keeping is a rather dry subject, but it is important not to destroy records which HMRC may later insist on seeing! I have looked at what VAT records a business is required to keep here, but how long must they be kept for?

This is seemingly a straightforward question, but as is usual with VAT there are some ifs and buts.

The basic starting point

The usual answer is that VAT records must be kept for six years. However, there are circumstances where that limit is extended and also times when it may be reduced. Although the basic limit is six years, unless fraud is suspected, HMRC can only go back four years to issue assessments, penalties and interest.

Variations to the six year rule

One Stop Shop (OSS)

If a business is required to use the OSS then its records must be retained for ten years (and they should be able to be sent to HMRC electronically if asked).

Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)

If a business has assets covered by the CGS, eg; certain property, computers, aircraft and ships then adjustments will be required up to a ten year period. Consequently, records will have to be retained for at least ten years in order to demonstrate that the scheme has been applied correctly.

Land and buildings 

In the case of land and buildings you might need to keep documents for 20 years. We advise that records are kept this long in any event as land and buildings tend to be high value and complex from a VAT perspective, However, it is necessary in connection with the option to tax as it is possible to revoke an option after 20 years.

Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)

This is more of a ‘who” rather than a what or a how long. When a business is sold as a going concern, in most circumstances the seller of the business will retain the business records. When this happens, the seller must make available to the buyer any information the buyer needs to comply with his VAT obligations. However, in cases where the buyer takes on the seller’s VAT registration number, the seller must transfer all of the VAT the records to the buyer unless there is an agreement with HMRC for the seller to retain the records. If necessary, HMRC may disclose to the buyer information it holds on the transferred business. HMRC do this to allow the buyer to meet his legal obligations. But HMRC will always consult the seller first, to ensure that it does not disclose confidential information.

How can a business cut the time limits for record keeping?

It is possible to write to HMRC and request a concession to the usual time limits. HMRC generally treat such a request sympathetically, but will not grant a concession automatically. If a concession is granted there is still a minimum allowance period of preservation which is in line with a business’ commercial practice.

Computer produced records

Where records are stored in an electronic form, a business must be able to ensure the records’ integrity, eg; that the data has not changed, and the legibility throughout the required storage period. If the integrity and legibility of the stored electronic records depends on a specific technology, then the original technology or an equivalent that provides backwards compatibility for the whole of the required storage period must also be retained. 

How to keep records

HMRC state that  VAT records may be kept on paper, electronically or as part of a software program (eg; bookkeeping software). All records must be accurate, complete and readable.


If a business’ records are inadequate it may have to pay a record-keeping penalty. If at an inspection HMRC find that records have deliberately been destroyed your they will apply a penalty of £3,000 (this may be reduced to £1,500 if only some of the records are destroyed). In addition, there will be questions about why they have been destroyed!