Tag Archives: VAT-cross-border

VAT & Customs Duty – Valuation for import purposes

By   5 August 2022

Methods of calculating import value

There are six methods for calculating the value of imported goods to assess the amount of Customs Duty and import VAT a business to pay. The same value is also used for trade statistics.

All six methods are outlined below and should be tried in order. If Method 1 does not apply, try Method 2. If that does not apply, try 3 and so on. However, Method 5 can be tried before 4.

Method 1

The transaction value – the price payable to the seller. This is the most common valuation and is used in most cases.

Try Method 2 if there has been no sale of goods.

Method 2

The customs value of identical goods, produced in the same country as the imports.

Try Method 3 if there are no identical goods.

Method 3

The customs value of similar goods, which must be:

  • produced in the same country
  • able to carry out the same tasks and be
  • commercially interchangeable

Try Method 4 if there are no similar goods.

Method 4

The selling price of the goods (or identical or similar goods) in the UK.

Try Method 5 if there are no UK sales of the goods.

Method 5

The production cost of the goods, including the cost of any materials, manufacturing and any other processing used in production.

Try Method 6 if this production cost information is unavailable.

Method 6

Reasonably adapting one of the previous methods to fit unusual circumstances.


In the UK valuation is covered by the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018 & The Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 and The VAT Act 1994, Section 19.

What to include in the Method 1 calculation

If they are not already included in the seller’s price, the importer must add the costs of:

  • delivery to the EU border
  • most commissions (except buying commission)
  • royalties and licence fees paid by you on the imported goods as a condition of sale
  • containers and packing
  • any proceeds of resale the seller will receive
  • goods and services you provide to the seller for free or at a reduced cost – eg components incorporated in the imported goods, or development and design work carried out outside the EU and necessary for the production of the imports

If you import goods from a processor – ie a business that assembles or otherwise works on one or more sets of existing products to create your new imported products – transaction values can be built up by adding to the processing costs the value of any materials or components you provided to the processor.

What to exclude from your calculation

Items to be left out of the customs value if certain conditions are met include:

  • delivery costs within the EU
  • EU duties or taxes
  • taxes paid in the country of origin or export
  • quantity and trade discounts and those relating to cash and early settlement, that are valid at the time the goods are valued
  • dividend payments to the seller
  • marketing activities related to the imports
  • buying commission
  • export quota and licence costs
  • interest charges
  • rights of reproduction
  • post-importation work, eg construction or assembly
  • management fees

Further details here.

VAT: The Reverse Charge

By   24 June 2022

Normally, the supplier is the person who must account to the tax authorities for any VAT due on the supply. However, in certain situations, the position is reversed, and it is the customer who must account for any VAT due. Don’t get caught out!

Purchasing services from abroad

These will be obtained free of VAT from an overseas supplier. What is known as the ‘reverse charge’ (RC) procedure must be applied. Where the RC applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services. On the same VAT return, the recipient must account for output tax, calculated on the full value of the supply received, and (subject to partial exemption and non-business rules) include the VAT charged as input tax.

The effect of these provisions is that the reverse charge has no net cost to the recipient if he can attribute the input tax to taxable supplies and can therefore reclaim it in full. If he cannot, the effect is to put him in the same position as if had received the supply from a UK supplier rather than from one outside the UK. Thus, creating a level playing field between purchasing from the UK and overseas.

Accounting for VAT and recovery of input tax.

Where the RC procedure applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services.  On the same VAT return, the recipient must

  • account for output tax, calculated on the full value of the supply received, in Box 1
  • (subject to partial exemption and non-business rules) include the VAT stated in box 1 as input tax in Box 4
  • include the full value of the supply in both Boxes 6 and 7

Value of supply

The value of the deemed supply is to be taken to be the consideration in money for which the services were in fact supplied or, where the consideration did not consist or not wholly consist of money, such amount in money as is equivalent to that consideration.  The consideration payable to the overseas supplier for the services excludes UK VAT but includes any taxes levied abroad.

More on consideration here.

Time of supply

The time of supply of such services is the date the supplies are paid for or, if the consideration is not in money, the last day of the VAT period in which the services are performed.


If a business is not UK VAT registered, it must recognise the value of RCs in determining its turnover. That is; if its turnover is below the registration limit (currently £90,000 pa) but the value of its RCs supplies exceed this limit, it must register.

Supplies by UK businesses to overseas recipients

These supplies are also subject to a RC in the customer’s country, so no UK VAT is chargeable on them as the place of supply is not the UK (the supply is deemed to be supplied where received). 

Other RCs

The RC or similar procedures can also apply in the following situations:

Construction supplies

Import of goods (postponed accounting)


The Flat Rate Scheme (FRS)

Mobile telephones

Motor cars

Land and buildings

VAT: Electronic invoicing update

By   8 June 2022

HMRC has updated VAT Notice 700/63 – Electronic Invoicing in respect of “information required on a tax invoice” (para 3.2).

The Notice sets out what a business needs to do if it is sending, receiving and storing VAT invoices in an electronic format.

Electronic invoicing offers many advantages over traditional paper invoices. The rapid electronic transmission of documents in a secure environment may provide for:

  • structured data for auditing
  • improved traceability of orders
  • decreased reliance on paper reducing storage and handling costs
  • rapid access and retrieval
  • improved cash flow
  • security and easier dispute handling

A business does not need to inform, nor seek permission from, HMRC to use electronic invoicing.

We advise that any business periodically reviews its use of any invoicing system to ensure that:

  • invoices contain all of the required information
  • credit notes are properly issued and accounted for
  • the authenticity of the origin, integrity of invoice data, and legibility are all appropriate
  • its customers agree to receive invoices electronically
  • there is an interchange agreement between EDI (electronic data interchange) trading partners which makes provision for the use of procedures which guarantee the authenticity of the origin and integrity of the data
  • appropriate internal controls are in place
    • system controls, eg; a control which prevents a sales order being changed after the invoice has been issued
    • procedural controls, eg; a purchase order must be issued before an invoice is received
    • authorisation controls, eg; a user who has access to maintain supplier master data can not enter invoices from that supplier
  • the electronic invoice message format is acceptable. Examples include:
    • traditional EDI standards such as UN/EDIFACT, EANCOM and ODETTE
    • XML-based standards
    • comma-delimited ASCII, PDF (this list is not exhaustive)
  • the cross-border invoicing rules are adhered to
  • the conditions for electronic storage are met
  • HMRC can access required information
  • invoices meet all the other conditions in the above Notice

If a business cannot meet HMRC’s conditions for transmission and storage of electronic invoicing, it must issue paper invoices.

There are penalties for incorrect invoices or systems.

VAT Implications of Transfer Pricing – Valuation

By   21 April 2022

When can Transfer Pricing (TP) adjustments affect the application of VAT?

There is a continuing potential conflict between the way sales are valued. For TP purposes value is determined via arm’s length (open market value) versus the subjective value, ie; the price actually paid, for VAT purposes.

More detail on VAT valuation/consideration here.

Transfer Pricing

The arm’s length principle is the international transfer pricing standard that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries have agreed, and which should be used for tax purposes by Multinational Enterprise Group (“MNE group”) and tax administrations, including the price, match comparable market conditions and that profits are fairly divided between the jurisdictions in which MNE operates.

According to the OECD TP Guidelines, by seeking to adjust profits by reference to the conditions which would have been obtained between independent enterprises for comparable transactions and under comparable circumstances, ie; in “comparable uncontrolled transactions” the arm’s length principle treats the members of an MNE group as entities operating separately rather than as inseparable parts of a single unified business. Because the separate entity approach treats the members of an MNE group as if they were independent entities, attention is focused on the nature of the transactions between those members and on whether the conditions thereof differ from those that would be obtained in comparable uncontrolled transactions.


It is not generally required for VAT purposes that the consideration which must be present in order for a transaction to be qualified as taxable, has to reflect the market value of the goods or services supplied. In fact, as to the concept of “consideration”, it is settled case law of the CJEU that the taxable amount for the supply of goods or services is represented by the consideration actually received for them.

It is an important area of tax and I recommend reading the EC Working Paper for any business or adviser involved in international supplies. It is also an interesting read for students of the tax technical side of such supplies.

We have a strong global structure of skilled advisers which are able to assist if you have any queries.

VAT: Place of belonging. The Berlin Chemie A Menarini case

By   13 April 2022

Latest from the courts

The place of belonging of a business or other person is an important tenet of the tax. I have considered this issue at length here and recent case law here.

A recent CJEU case involved a situation where a business had a registered office in one country and, potentially (hence the appeal) a fixed establishment in another.


“Berlin” used a “third party” to receive certain services. Does this entry represent a fixed establishment for Berlin if it has a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of technical and human resources? If yes, is it is necessary for those human and technical resources to belong to the company receiving the services or whether it is sufficient for that company to have immediate and permanent access to such resources through a related company, of which it is major shareholder?


The wording of Article 44 of the VAT Directive and Article 11(1) of Implementing Regulation No 282/2011 do not provide any details as to whether human and technical resources must belong to the company that receives the services.


The CEUJ ruled that, simple control or ownership, of another entity is insufficient to create a fixed establishment for VAT purposes. Consequently, a third party location does not inevitably represent a fixed establishment by dint of control/ownership.

Having made that comment, the court impressed that the decision should be made “in the context of the economic and commercial reality”.

The analysis of the place of belonging should recognise that it is not necessary for the fixed establishment to own the resources, but there should be control over these resources in the same way as an “owner”.  A fixed establishment is characterised by a suitable structure which enables a business to receive and use services supplied to them for their own needs and not by the decision power of a certain structure that businesses have put in place.


Although an EU case, it could impact UK businesses who make supplies to EU recipients and particularly, if there is a “network” of offices or business locations in various EU Member States. Overseas suppliers to (potentially) UK business with various business premises and structures will need to recognise this ruling in order to establish the place of supply (and hence what country’s VAT and at what rate to apply).

This decision provides some helpful clarity, which may be summarised as: In principle, a subsidiary does not always create a fixed establishment.

VAT: Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme registered businesses list

By   16 February 2022

HMRC has issued updated guidance for businesses which need to check whether an entity which stores goods in the UK on its behalf is registered with the Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme (FHDDS).

The published list is alphabetical order by company name.

The list should be used if you are a business that is not established in the EU to see if the business that stores your goods in the UK is registered with the FHDDS.

If your business is outsourcing or considering outsourcing its fulfilment operations, then the fulfilment house you are using or intending to use of must be legally accredited by HMRC to do so.

Businesses that must be registered

Businesses are required to be registered if it stores any goods where all of the following apply:

  • the goods were imported from a country outside the EU
  • the goods are owned by, or stored on behalf of, someone established outside the EU
  • the goods are being offered for sale and have not been sold in the UK before

It is illegal to operate outside of the scheme and any fulfilment company found doing so will be prevented operating a fulfilment business and may be subject to a £10,000 penalty and a criminal conviction.

VAT: Trading with the EU from 1 January 2022

By   14 December 2021

Further to my article on the new changes from next year, HMRC has published information on the rules of origin for trade between the UK and EU.

The Bulletin covers the rules of origin and the forthcoming changes to the requirement for supplier declarations to support proof of origin.

VAT: Trading with the EU. Changes from 1 January 2022

By   23 November 2021

From 1 January 2022 the rules for selling to, and buying from, the EU will change.

HMRC have issued information about these changes.

Broadly, from 1‌‌ ‌January‌‌ ‌2022, businesses will no longer be able to delay making import customs declarations under the Staged Customs Controls rules that have applied during 2021. Most businesses will have to make declarations and pay relevant tariffs at the point of import. However, see details of Postponed Accounting.

Please also see a publication issued by the Cabinet Office which includes a Policy Paper on The Border Operating Model.

Latest European VAT rates

By   2 November 2021

NB: Not all countries listed are part of the European Union (EU).

Country VAT rates
Albania 20%
Andorra 4.5%
Austria 20% Reduced rates 19%, 10%, 13%
Belarus 20%
Belgium 21% Reduced rates of 12%, 6%
Bosnia & Herzegovina 17%
Bulgaria 25% Reduced rates 13%, 5%
Croatia 25% Reduced rates 13%, 5%
Cyprus 19% Reduced rates 9%, 5%
Czech Republic 21% Reduced rates 15%, 10%
Denmark 25% Reduced rate 0%
Estonia 20% Reduced rate 9%
Finland 24% Reduced rates 14%, 10%
France 20% Reduced rates 10%, 5.5%
Germany 19% Reduced rate 7%
Georgia 18%
Greece 24% Reduced rates 13%, 6%
Hungary 27% Reduced rates 18%, 5%
Iceland 24% Reduced rate 12%
Ireland 23% Reduced rates 13.5%, 9%
Italy 22% Reduced rates 10%, 5%
Latvia 21% Reduced rates 12%, 5%
Liechtenstein 7.7% Reduced rate 2.5%
Lithuania 21% Reduced rates 9%, 5%
Luxembourg 17% Reduced rates 14%, 8%
North Macedonia 18%
Malta 18% Reduced rates 7%, 5%
Monaco 20% Reduced rates 10%, 5.5%, 2.1%
Montenegro 21%
Netherlands 21% Reduced rates 9%
Norway 25% Reduced rates 12%, 6%
Poland 23% Reduced rates of 8%, 5%
Portugal 23% Reduced rates 13%, 6%
Romania 19% Reduced rates of 9%, 5%
Russia 20%
Serbia 20% Reduced rate 10%
Slovakia 20% Reduced rate 10%
Slovenia 22% Reduced rates 9.5%, 5%
Spain 21% Reduced rates 10%
Sweden 25% Reduced rates 12%, 6%
Switzerland 7.7% Reduced rates 3.7%, 2.5%
Ukraine 20%
United Kingdom 20% Reduced rates 12.5%, 5% 0%

Oops! – Top Ten VAT howlers

By   2 November 2021

I am often asked what the most frequent VAT errors made by a business are. I usually reply along the lines of “a general poor understanding of VAT, considering the tax too late or just plain missing a VAT issue”.  While this is unquestionably true, a little further thought results in this top ten list of VAT horrors:

  1. Not considering that HMRC may be wrong. There is a general assumption that HMRC know what they are doing. While this is true in most cases, the complexity and fast moving nature of the tax can often catch an inspector out. Added to this is the fact that in most cases inspectors refer to HMRC guidance (which is HMRC’s interpretation of the law) rather to the legislation itself. Reference to the legislation isn’t always straightforward either, as often EC rather than UK domestic legislation is cited to support an analysis. The moral to the story is that tax is complicated for the regulator as well, and no business should feel fearful or reticent about challenging a HMRC decision.
  2. Missing a VAT issue altogether. A lot of errors are as a result of VAT not being considered at all. This is usually in relation to unusual or one-off transactions (particularly land and property or sales of businesses). Not recognising a VAT triggerpoint can result in an unexpected VAT bill, penalties and interest, plus a possible reduction of income of 20% or an added 20% in costs. Of course, one of the basic howlers is not registering at the correct time. Beware the late registration penalty, plus even more stringent penalties if HMRC consider that not registering has been done deliberately.
  3.  Not considering alternative structures. If VAT is looked at early enough, there is very often ways to avoid VAT representing a cost. Even if this is not possible, there may be ways of mitigating a VAT hit.
  4.  Assuming that all transactions with overseas customers are VAT free. There is no “one size fits all” treatment for cross border transactions. There are different rules for goods and services and a vast array of different rules for different services. The increase in trading via the internet has only added to the complexity in this area, and with new technology only likely to increase the rate of new types of supply it is crucial to consider the implications of tax; in the UK and elsewhere.
  5.  Leaving VAT planning to the last minute. VAT is time sensitive and it is not usually possible to plan retrospectively. Once an event has occurred it is normally too late to amend any transactions or structures. VAT shouldn’t wag the commercial dog, but failure to deal with it at the right time may be either a deal-breaker or a costly mistake.
  6.  Getting the option to tax wrong. Opting to tax is one area of VAT where a taxpayer has a choice. This affords the possibility of making the wrong choice, for whatever reasons. Not opting to tax when beneficial, or opting when it is detrimental can hugely impact on the profitability of a project. Not many businesses can carry the cost of, say, not being able to recover VAT on the purchase of a property, or not being able to recover input tax on a big refurbishment. Additionally, seeing expected income being reduced by 20% will usually wipe out any profit in a transaction.
  7.  Not realising a business is partly exempt. For a business, exemption is a VAT cost, not a relief. Apart from the complexity of partial exemption, a partly exempt business will not be permitted to reclaim all of the input tax it incurs and this represents an actual cost. In fact, a business which only makes exempt supplies will not be able to VAT register, so all input tax will be lost. There is a lot of planning that may be employed for partly exempt businesses and not taking advantage of this often creates additional VAT costs.
  8.  Relying on the partial exemption standard method to the business’ disadvantage. A partly exempt business has the opportunity to consider many methods to calculate irrecoverable input tax. The default method, the “standard method” often provides an unfair and costly result. I recommend that any partly exempt business obtains a review of its activities from a specialist. I have been able to save significant amounts for clients simply by agreeing an alternative partial exemption method with HMRC.
  9.  Not taking advantage of the available reliefs. There are a range of reliefs available, if one knows where to look. From Bad Debt Relief, Zero Rating (VAT nirvana!) and certain de minimis limits to charity reliefs and the Flat Rate Scheme, there are a number of easements and simplifications which could save a business money and reduce administrative and time costs.
  10.  Forgetting the impact of the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS). The range of costs covered by this scheme has been expanded recently. Broadly, VAT incurred on certain expenditure is required to be adjusted over a five or ten year period. Failure to recognise this could either result in assessments and penalties, or a position whereby input tax has been under-claimed. The CGS also “passes on” when a TOGC occurs, so extra caution is necessary in these cases.

So, you may ask: “How do I make sure that I avoid these VAT pitfalls?” – And you would be right to ask.

Of course, I would recommend that you engage a VAT specialist to help reduce the exposure to VAT costs!