Tag Archives: vat-errors

New VAT Group rules

By   6 November 2019

Changes to VAT Group rules – an increased opportunity

From 1 November 2019 the rules for VAT grouping have changed.

What is a VAT group?

A VAT group allows two or more entities to account for VAT under a single registration number with one of the corporate bodies in the group acting as the representative member.

The group is registered in the name of that representative member, who is responsible, on behalf of all of the other members of the group, for completing VAT returns and paying and reclaiming VAT.

All supplies of goods and services made by any member of the group to a third party outside the group are treated as having been made by the representative member. Similarly, any supply of goods or services made by a third party outside the group to any member of the group is treated as having been made to the representative member.

Supplies of goods or services between group members are not subject to VAT and a single VAT return will be completed each period for the entire group, as opposed to separate businesses submitting individual returns.

The changes

Prior to 1 November, only bodies corporate were able to form a VAT group (mainly companies and LLPs). From the beginning of this month, VAT grouping is additionally available for all entities, including; partnerships, sole traders and trusts in certain cases.


Via existing legislation, grouping is permitted if the control tests are passed. Bodies corporate can form a VAT group if:

  • each is established or has a fixed establishment in the UK
  • they are under common control

(There are additional tests for certain ‘specified bodies’ set out in Notice 700/2 para 3.2)

‘Control’ has a specific meaning based on the definition of holding company and subsidiary in section 1159 of and Schedule 6 to the Companies Act 2006.

New changes to eligibility

Non-corporate entities such as individuals and partnerships can now join a VAT group if they meet all of the following conditions:

  • they are established, or have a fixed establishment in the UK
  • they can demonstrate that they control all of its body corporate subsidiaries in the group. The test will apply assuming the non-corporate entity would pass the test if it was a corporate body, eg; usually meaning 51% or more of share capital in the relevant company/companies
  • they can demonstrate that they are entitled to VAT register independently of any other business (the distinction here is that a body corporate may be included in a VAT group if it is not trading, nor intends to trade)

The current eligibility to group is set out at VAT Act 1994, Section 43A and has been updated with a new section 43AZA which includes the new changes.

VAT Group pros and cons

So, would it be beneficial to VAT group entities? I set out here the pros and cons for businesses.


  • only one VAT return per quarter – less administration
  • no VAT on supplies between VAT group members.
  • no need to invoice etc or recognise supplies on VAT returns
  • likely to improve partial exemption position if exempt supplies are made between group companies.
  • likely to improve input tax recovery if taxable supplies are made to partly exempt group companies
  • may provide useful planning opportunities/convenience at a later date.


  • all members of the group are jointly and severally liable for any VAT due
  • only one partial exemption de-minimis limit for group
  • obtaining all relevant data to complete one return may take time thus increasing the potential for missing filing deadlines
  • a new VAT number is issued
  • assessments can be issued to the representative member relating to earlier periods when it was not the representative member and even when it was not a member of the group at that time
  • the limit for voluntary disclosures of errors on past returns applies to the group as a whole (rather than each company having its own limit)
  • payments on account limits apply to the group as a whole.  This applies to a business whose VAT liability is more than £2million pa.  Please see HMRC Reference: Notice 700/60 details here
  • may detrimentally affect partial exemption position if a partly exempt company makes taxable supplies to a fully taxable group company


If you think that there is a potential advantage for you, or your clients’ business, in VAT grouping, please contact us to discuss the VAT position.

VAT: HMRC Requirement for security – The BPF Tanks Ltd case

By   1 November 2019

Latest from the courts

The BPF Tanks Ltd First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case considered whether the imposition of a Notice Of Requirement (NOR) to provide security in respect of VAT was appropriate.

What is a NOR?

If HMRC decide that a business’s past history presents a risk to the revenue, it may issue a NOR via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 11 para 4. Such a bond (or cash deposit) can cover a number of taxes, but if one is received for VAT it is as a result of HMRC believing that a business represents a risk of non-payment of its liability.

A NOR is commonly issued in situations where a business and/or a previous business connected to the same individual(s) has failed to meet its VAT obligations, eg; submitting returns or not paying VAT due. If no action is taken by the business in respect of the NOR, HMRC will issue a penalty and prevent the business trading until the security is paid. Continuing to trade when HMRC have prevented this via the NOR rules is a criminal offence.

Amount of security

The amount of security is be based on the estimated VAT liability of six months plus any existing arrears from a previous business. If the new business is yet to submit any VAT returns, these estimates will be based on turnover levels in the previous business.


If a business continues to trade without settling the NOR matter, the penalty is £5,000 for every transaction carried without paying security.

Case background

The sole director of the appellant had also been a director of two previous companies in the same business. The first went into administration owing a significant amount of VAT. The second bought the assets of the first out of the administration but was wound up two years later, also owing HMRC a substantial amount of VAT. Because of the appellant’s compliance history, unsurprisingly, HMRC issued a NOR to the latest company.

The appellant essentially argued that HMRC had been ‘unreasonable’ in demanding the security and that no commissioners, properly directed, could have reached the decision to issue a NOR. He contended that it was unreasonable to require security when he had a time to pay (TTP) arrangement with HMRC and unreasonable to take into account the two previous companies.

NB: Unfortunately for the appellant, the TTP agreement was in respect of PAYE and not VAT, despite what the appellant understood.


The judge accepted that the appellant misunderstood the terms of the TTP but that misunderstanding did not mean that HMRC was unreasonable in reaching the conclusion to issue the NOR.

On the previous companies point; it was decided that it was not unreasonable for HMRC to take into account the two predecessor companies. This was because they;

  • were both run by the appellant
  • traded in the same industry
  • were run from the same address
  • traded in the same financial climate and
  • had the same customers

Consequently, there was sufficient links to the previous two companies to be taken into account and the history of them to be a relevant consideration when considering the risk presented by the appellant to the revenue.

For the above reasons the appeal was dismissed.


An obvious outcome and the judge didn’t really have any other option. It does underline that to ignore the mantra; right tax, right time is a recipe for disaster and can lead to HMRC ending a business. It is worth bearing this in mind if you have clients that may be “reluctant” to meet their VAT obligations.

If you, or a client receives a NOR, the options are to:

  • pay the security in full
  • negotiate a TTP arrangement
  • appeal against the NOR. (This is usually a very difficult route and there must be genuine grounds to contend that HMRC’s decision either contained an error of law or was so unreasonable that no Commissioner could have reached those decisions).
  • cease the business

Clearly, the best thing is to avoid one in the first place!

VAT: What’s a TOGC (and what’s not)? – The General Distribution Storage case

By   7 October 2019

Latest from the courts

A Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC) is an area of VAT which produces a lot of issues and is a subject which is returned to on a regular basis in the courts. The General Distribution Storage Ltd (GDSL) First Tier Tribunal (FTT) TC 07352 [2019] case provides a warning that getting it wrong can be costly.


The appellant owned the freehold of a commercial property. This property was rented to a third party. Subsequently, the property was sold with the benefit of the existing lease, to Hartlone Scaffolding Ltd (HSL). Output tax was charged and paid on the value of the sale as the property was subject to an option to tax. HSL also opted to tax before the date of completion. On the same day, HSL sold on the property to Foundry Investments Ltd (FIL) and again, VAT was charged and paid.

FIL made a claim for the input tax charged which caused a pre-credibility enquiry from HMRC. During the inspection, HMRC noted that, although GDSL had charged VAT, it had neither declared, nor paid the VAT to HMRC. An assessment was issued to recover this output tax.

The appellant claimed that no VAT was due because the sale of the tenanted building qualified as a VAT free TOGC, ie; it was not a taxable sale of an opted commercial property, but rather, it was the sale of a property letting business which was a going concern.


TOGC provisions

Normally the sale of the assets of a VAT registered business will be subject to VAT at the appropriate rate. A TOGC, however is the sale of a business including assets which must be treated as a matter of law, as “neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services” by virtue of meeting certain conditions (summarised below). It is always the seller who is responsible for applying the correct VAT treatment. Transfer Of a Going Concern treatment is not optional. A sale is either a TOGC or it isn’t. It is a rare situation in that the VAT treatment depends on; what the purchaser’s intentions are, what the seller is told, and what the purchaser actually does. All this being outside the seller’s control. Full details of TOGCs  here.

TOGC Conditions

The conditions for VAT free treatment of a TOGC:

  • The assets must be sold as a business, or part of a business, as a going concern
  • The assets must be used by the transferee in carrying on the same kind of business, whether or not as part of any existing business, as that carried on by the transferor in relation to that part (HMRC guidance uses the words “intend to use…” which, in some cases may provide additional comfort)
  • There must be no break in trading
  • Where the seller is a taxable person (VAT registered) the purchaser must be a taxable person already or immediately become, as a result of the transfer, a taxable person
  • Where only part of a business is sold it must be capable of separate operation
  • There must not be a series of immediately consecutive transfers

Where the transfer includes property which is standard-rated, either because the seller has opted to tax it or because it is a ‘new’ or uncompleted commercial building the purchaser must opt to tax the property and notify this to HMRC no later than the date of the supply.

Please note that the above list has been compiled for this article from; the legislation, HMRC guidance and case law. Specific advice must be sought.


It was decided that TOGC could not apply in these circumstances. The buyer, HSL, at the time of the sale, could not have intended to carry on the property letting business as it immediately sold on the freehold (at a profit) on the same day. As above, TOGC treatment does not apply if there is a “series of immediately consecutive transfers”. The appeal was consequently dismissed, and output tax was therefore properly due.


This appears to have been the only available conclusion. It illustrates the importance of considering VAT whenever a supply of property is made. It is unclear why VAT was initially charged and why this was not declared to HMRC (and it if was thought a TOGC, why the VAT position was not subsequently corrected by the issue of a VAT only credit note). This is a complex area of the tax and an easy issue to miss when there are a considerable number of other factors to consider when a business (or property) is sold. Extensive case law (example here and changes to HMRC policy here ) insists that there is often a dichotomy between a commercial interpretation of a going concern and HMRC’s view.

Contracts are important in most TOGC cases, so it really pays to review them from a VAT perspective.

I very strongly advise that specialist advice is obtained in cases where a business, or property is sold. Yes, I know I would say that!

VAT: Apportionment and best judgement – The Homsub case

By   3 October 2019

Latest from the courts

In the Homsub Ltd case the issue was the apportionment of values when a supply comprises goods at different VAT rates.

Further to the M & S case here is another First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case on the value of food and drink in meal deals. It also considered whether HMRC exercised ‘best judgement’ when it carried out an invigilation exercise to establish the percentage split between supplies subject to VAT and those which were not.


Homsub is a franchisee in respect of Subway products, essentially being hot and cold food, which can be consumed either on or off their premises.

HMRC had concerns that the correct amount of output tax was being declared on sales. Consequently, it carried out an invigilation exercise as follows: The invigilators recorded, in respect of each of the five outlets, each sale made and annotated it with whether it was eat in or take out. A record was also made as to whether the food was hot or cold. Those differences needed to be recorded because of the different VAT treatment in respect of hot food and cold food on the one hand and eat in and take out food on the other. All eat in food is taxable, while some takeaways are zero rated. Further information here.


Homsub complained that the methodology adopted by HMRC was flawed as it was not sufficiently refined to give rise to a reasonably reliable overall picture. It was argued that the exercise should have been undertaken by reference to transaction values, rather than the number of transactions. That is – HMRC should have looked at the value of supplies made which did attract VAT as compared to the value of supplies made which did not attract VAT.

The court identified that the true area of concern on the part of the respondents was that Subway sometimes had promotions called “Meal Deals” whereby several products would be bundled together for a single headline price.

Homsub contended that a meal deal offer was available to customers whereby for the all in price of £3 a customer could purchase a sandwich (hot or cold) and a drink (which could be a fizzy drink or hot beverage upon which VAT would be due). If the meal deal involved hot food, then it would be subject to VAT.

HMRC’s issue was that because of the way in which the appellant’s till was set up, it treated £2.99 of each meal deal as attributable to the sandwich (VAT free if cold) and only 1p to the accompanying drink which, if subject to VAT, would mean that the VAT would be one fifth of one penny.


Homsub stated that it is entitled to run its business as it sees fit and to make such commercial decisions as best suit its business. The appellant said that it is entitled to sell loss leaders, as do many major retailers, or to sell stock at less than cost price if that somehow serves the best overall commercial interests of the business.

The court ruled that this was not a true loss leader situation. This was a transaction were goods are packaged together to be sold at a single price. What must be done is to look at the reality of the transaction when apportioning the part of the money paid by the customer between the various components within the package of goods sold. Consequently, Homsub needed to apportion the sales value in a different way. This would not necessarily be on the basis of the relevant retail prices. This is because accurate apportionment is difficult, especially as, as Homsub explained, that labour is by far the largest cost component within the cost of a sandwich and the overall meal deal package, that is; much more staff labour was devoted to preparing sandwiches than serving drinks.

If the case stopped there, there would be additional output tax for Homsub to pay. However…

Methodology and best judgement

The court decided that the assessment methodology adopted by HMRC was significantly flawed and potentially misleading. A simple count of transactions that did attract VAT and those which did not attract VAT might be capable of being appropriate in certain kinds of business, but not in this case. Further, a statistician or forensic accountant would be ‘alarmed to find that the methodology used by HMRC was considered to be either acceptable or such as to give rise to a reasonably reliable result’. In court, the representative of HMRC was forced to agree with this interpretation- which must have caused embarrassment. The court also said that it was not its function to go on to undertake any kind of assessment to ascertain what, if any, additional VAT might be due.


In the court’s judgement the methodology was flawed to such an extent that it would be wholly unreasonable, and unfair to the appellant, to base a best judgement assessment thereon. The appeal was therefore allowed.


Always have assessments of this sort reviewed. There is significant case law on ‘best judgement’ most salient being: Van Boeckel v C&E [1981] and Rahman v HMRC. Additionally, HMRC often make certain assumptions on assessments based on invigilation and mark up exercises. These can be challenged, as can the methodology. As examples, HMRC need to recognise, inter alia;

  • seasonal trade variations
  • discounts
  • customer preferences (in this case, Homsub explained that at some of its shops’ locations a lot of customers were students and preferred to take away rather than eating in)
  • representative periods
  • sales/special offers
  • the times invigilations were carried out (were they representative of all trade?)
  • the number of invigilations and ‘test meals’ – were they sufficient to establish a fair overall picture of the business?
  • own and staff use
  • business promotions
  • loss of goods (destroyed, waste, stolen etc)
  • gross/net
  • gifts to customers
  • alternative methods
  • HMRC staff experience etc

All of these and other situations can affect expected sale values.

I have further set out how HMRC operate in these situations here.

I have a success rate of over 90% in getting these types of assessments reduced or completely withdrawn. Please do not simply accept HMRC’s decision, nor the, increasingly, bullying stance they can adopt. Always challenge!

VAT: Extent of welfare exemption – The Lilias Graham Trust case

By   3 October 2019

Latest from the courts

Certain welfare services are exempt from VAT via VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 7, Item 9 – services which are directly connected with the care or protection of children. In the The Lilias Graham Trust (LGT) First Tier Tribunal case, the scope of the exemption was considered.


LGT, which has charitable status, operated residential assessment centres, which supported parents (many of whom had mental health issues) in learning how to care for their children.

It was common ground that LGT’s services were as summarised in a letter from Glasgow City Council (where relevant):

  • LGT is an assessment centre providing assessment services on the parenting capacity of those referred to the service
  • The assessment services cover families where there is an uncertainty about whether the parent(s) can safely look after their children
  • LGT is simply acting as an observer watching the parent’s care for their own children and providing information in the form of advice
  • LGT is not providing any treatment in the form of medical care for any illness or injury
  • LGT’s recommendation following the assessment provides a recommendation to social workers around whether the parent(s) has sufficient capacity to keep their child safe and healthy
  • GCC viewed the residential accommodation as a fundamental part of the provision of the assessment services on the parenting capacity of those families which were referred to LGT.

Although the major part of LGT’s income came from the Local Authority fees, it is also subsidised to a degree by grants and donations.


In this case the odd position was that HMRC was arguing for exemption because, in learning how to care for their children, the services were “closely linked” to welfare services or “directly connected” to them as provided for by the Principal VAT Directive and the VAT Act in turn.

LGT contended that their supplies to a Local Authority (which could recover any VAT charged) were taxable as they did not fall within the welfare definition. LGT admitted that there was a causal relationship between the services provided and the care and protection of children, but the connection was too remote to be deemed to be a direct connection – There were several intervening factors and intermediaries between the service provided and the care and protection of children.

At issue was net input tax of circa £400,000 which would be recoverable by LGT if its supplies were taxable, but not if they were exempt. Guide to partial exemption here.


The court found that the essential purpose of the supplies made by LGT was to ensure that the child was better cared for and had optimal protection. That is precisely why the Local Authority employed LGT. Its supplies are both closely linked and directly connected with the protection of children as also to their care. Accordingly, the appellant made supplies of welfare services which are exempt from VAT. The fact that LGT provided its services to the Local Authority rather than the parents did not mean that its services should be taxable. Therefore, there was no output tax chargeable to the Local Authority and no input tax recovery by LGT on expenditure attributable to those exempt supplies.


In this case, HMRC originally ruled that the services were taxable and LGT were required to VAT register, it even issued a late registration penalty. HMRC clearly subsequently changed its view which put input tax which LGT had recovered at risk. There are often disputes on the extent of the exemption, and sometimes debates on whether a service is supplied, or simply staff providing their services. It is important to understand these sometimes subtle differences as getting it wrong can be costly, as LGT found out.

VAT: Domestic Reverse Charge for builders – introduction delayed

By   9 September 2019

As you were…

The UK Government has announced that it is to delay the introduction of the VAT Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) for construction businesses by a year after a coalition of trade bodies and organisations highlighted its potentially damaging consequences. Details of DRC here

The DRC was due to come into force from 1st October this year, but it has been announced via Revenue and Customs Brief 10 (2019): domestic reverse charge VAT for construction services – delay in implementation that it has been deferred for a year. The new implementation date will be 1 October 2020 unless there are further delays.

The move has been welcomed by all parties affected by the rules and HMRC said that it was committed to working closely with the sector to raise awareness and provide additional guidance to make sure all businesses will be ready for the new implementation date.

Invoices etc

HMRC have also recognised that some businesses have already put changes in place to anticipate the original introduction date and appreciate that it may not be possible to reverse these changes before 1 October 2019. Where “genuine errors” have occurred, HMRC has stated that it will take into account the late change in its implementation date.


The Chief Executive of the Federation of Master Builders said “I’m pleased that the government has made this sensible and pragmatic decision to delay reverse charge VAT until a time when it will have less of a negative impact on the tens of thousands of construction companies across the UK. To plough on with the October 2019 implementation could have been disastrous given that the changes were due to be made just before the UK is expected to leave the EU, quite possibly on ‘no-deal’ terms.” The situation hasn’t been helped by the poor communication and guidance produced by HMRC. Despite the best efforts of construction trade associations to communicate the changes to their members, it’s concerning that so few employers have even heard of reverse charge VAT.”

It has been stated by certain trade bodies that more than two-thirds of construction firms had not heard of the VAT changes and of those who had, around the same number had not prepared for them. My own experience backs this up and talking to other tax people and building businesses it is clear that this is not an issue which has been publicised widely and despite accountancy firms doing their best to bring it to the attention of relevant clients and contacts, many remain unaware.


Discussions over Brexit (obviously!) have been blamed for the situation, although there is no word about why HMRC waited until a month before the intended implication to decide to delay the DRC. A lot of work has been carried out on this matter, and changes to documentation, processing and systems have taken place which will need to be reversed before 1 October 2019. At least the delay will provide HMRC with a new chance to let affected parties know next time and gives them time to identify why so many building businesses were unaware of the reverse charge.

Whether the DRC IS introduced next year remains to be seen. To my mind, it does not deal with the major sources of tax leakage in the construction industry and, as usual, complaint business will play by the book and those that do not will find a way round the rules. To exclude labour only services appears to be a folly. Perhaps they will be amended before next year.

VAT EU Gap Report

By   5 September 2019

Mind the gap

EU countries lost €137 billion in VAT revenues in 2017 according to a study released by the EC on 5 September 2019. The VAT Gap has slightly reduced compared to previous years but remains very high.

This gap represents a loss of 11.2% of the total expected VAT revenue.

During 2017, collected VAT revenues increased at a faster rate of 4.1% than the 2.8% increase of VAT Total Tax Liability (VTTL). As a result, the overall VAT Gap in the EU Member States saw a decrease in absolute values of about EUR 8 billion or 11.2% in percentage terms.

Member States in the EU are losing billions of Euros in VAT revenues because of tax fraud and inadequate tax collection systems according to the latest report. The VAT Gap, which is the difference between expected VAT revenues and VAT actually collected, provides an estimate of revenue loss due to tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, but also due to bankruptcies, financial insolvencies or miscalculations.

In 2017, Member States’ VAT Gaps ranged from 0.6% in Cyprus, 0.7% in Luxembourg, and 1.5% in Sweden to 35.5% in Romania and 33.6% in Greece. Half of EU-28 MS recorded a Gap above 10.1%.

Overall, the VAT Gap as percentage of the VTTL decreased in 25 Member States, with the largest improvements noted in Malta, Poland, and Cyprus and increased in three – namely Greece, Latvia, and Germany.

The variations of VAT Gaps between the Member States reflect the existing differences in terms of; tax compliance, fraud, avoidance, bankruptcies, insolvencies and tax administration.  Other circumstances could also have an impact on the size of the VAT Gap such as economic developments and the quality of national statistics.

The UK

In the year 2017, in the UK the VTTL was £158421 millions of which £141590 millions was actually collected. This leaves a VAT gap for the UK of £16831 millions which represents 11% of the amount which is estimated was due to HMRC. About a mid-table performance compared to other Member States.

VAT: What are zero rated animal foodstuffs?

By   12 August 2019

Modelled by Lola. (R) Collar: models’ own

Latest from the courts

The First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Westland Horticulture Limited highlights the complexities of; the VAT treatment of food, animal foodstuffs, seeds, crops and how these are all held out for sale. One only has to consider the myriad VAT liabilities of seemingly similar products sold at, say, a garden centre, to realise that this is can be a VAT minefield.


  • Food for a budgerigar is standard rated, but pigeon grit is zero rated.
  • Peanuts and sunflower seeds are zero rated, unless advertised as wild bird food when they are standard rated
  • Food for a Labrador is standard rated, unless the dog is used as a gun dog when it is zero rated
  • Lavender seeds are zero rated. Daffodil bulbs are standard rated.

This is a very small list of examples where the VAT treatment of precisely the same product may change depending on use, and/or where a slight difference of the type of goods can have a surprising tax outcome.

A full guide to garden centre liabilities here

The case

HMRC state in Public Notice 701/38 para 5.3

Most grass seed is zero-rated because of the extensive use of grass as animal feed. This includes supplies to and by garden centres, local authorities and grass seed to be grown on set aside land.

But pre-germinated grass seed and turf are not used for the propagation of animal feed and are therefore standard-rated.”

Zero rating is available per VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 1, item 3: “…seeds or other means of propagation of plants comprised in animal feeding stuffs”

In Westland’s case, it sold a product called Aftercut Patch Fix, which, although was 90% grass seed, also contained sowing granules and an ingredient called Clinoptilolite which, apparently, neutralises the effects of excess salts and ammonia found in pet urine. The grass seed was of various varieties and is not in itself any different to “ordinary” grass seed sold without any additives.

Having a new puppy, I can verify the damage one small hound can do to lawns and this is a product I may will need to invest in. The product was held out (see below) to help fix damage to grass that, in my case, a small Lola (and larger Libby) can do.


Unsurprisingly, the judge ruled that the product was standard rated on the grounds (no pun intended) that it was clearly intended to be used on people’s gardens rather than to be planted to grow animal food. Therefore, the zero rating provided via PN 701/38 does not apply.

The Product was physically different to generic grass seed as it contained more than just seed. The product (as distinct from the seed within the product) is therefore not a similar product to generic grass seed for the purposes of fiscal neutrality.


A discrete issue you may think. However, the tax in this single case amounted to over half a million pounds. It illustrates how much care must be taken in establishing the correct liability of; food, animal foodstuff, pet food and ornamental versus edible plants, seeds, bulbs, shrubs and trees.

One of the salient tests is how the goods are “held out for sale” (held out)

Held out means the:

  • way a product is labelled, packaged, displayed, invoiced, advertised or promoted
  • heading under which the product is listed in a catalogue, web page or price list

In this case, the packaging and description on the appellant’s website was a major factor in the decision.

Manufacturers and retailers may need to review how their products are described, what the contents are and how they are displayed in-store. Even the location of the goods, how they are displayed, and the signage used may affect the VAT treatment (it doesn’t matter if I buy zero rated working dog food and feed it to my two who are never going to do a day’s work in their life….).

VAT: Land and property quiz – Answers

By   1 August 2019

The “fun” quiz.

The important thing to consider is what the purchaser does, or intends to do, with the land once purchased. This will dictate the input tax recovery position. So, can the input tax be recovered? Answers to quiz questions in the 26 July 2019 post below


On the purchased land the person constructs:

  1. a dwelling and supplies the house on a 25-year lease


The lease is 21 years or over, so it is zero rated. However, a lease under 21 years would be an exempt so no recovery. For more details

  1. an office and uses it for his own business supplying FS to a client in China


However, if the FS supply had been to the UK or another EU Member State, the supply would be exempt so no input tax recovery. This may change in the event of a No-Deal Brexit.

  1. a storage facility and a fully taxable company leases it to another company in the same partly exempt VAT group after opting to tax


Unlikely to be full input tax recovery as the VAT group is itself partly exempt. The Capital Goods Scheme (CGS) may apply.

  1. a block of ten flats with a gym and swimming pool which tenants are entitled to use. Grants 99 years leases on all flats


The supply is zero rated, notwithstanding there are additional (to usual residential dwellings) facilities.

  1. a dwelling but uses it for short term holiday lets of no more than a fortnight.


Holiday lets are standard rated, so the business would be taxable. The purchaser would need to VAT register, however.

  1. a warehouse which is sold on completion but without an option to tax being made before the sale


A ‘new” commercial building (one under three years old) is mandatorily standard rated, so no option to tax is required.

  1. the land is held with the intention of constructing dwellings at some time in the future, which could be over six years


As long as the intention remains, and can be evidenced, the input tax may be attributed to the future taxable, zero rated, supply.

  1. a factory which is not subjected to an option to tax but is leased to an US company


The place of supply (POS) is the UK as this is where the immovable property is located, regardless of the status of the client. Consequently, this is an exempt supply with no right to input tax recovery.

  1. a block of three flats which are rented for six months before freehold sale

No, or maybe, or yes

The initial supply is exempt, so the input tax is, preliminarily, attributed to the short term lets. However, a simplified form of the partial exemption de minimis limits may be used and, depending on the scale of the development, it is possible that some, or all, of the input tax may be recovered despite the initial exempt supplies.

  1. a sport hall by a school Academy which is leased to sporting charities and also used for its own educational purposes. No option to tax


It would be unlikely that an Academy would be able to recover all the input tax. Because it would make (exempt) business supplies, this would fall outside the VAT Act 1994, Section 33 rules, so there would be no input tax recovery in respect of those activities. There would be an apportionment and only the input tax referable to own use would be recoverable as those supplies of education would be non-business. If the Academy opted to tax the facilities (and was VAT registered), the input tax would be recoverable in full. No input tax referable to business use would be possible if the Academy was using VAT126 claims. VAT and Academies

  1. a manufacturing plant which a company rents to a connected (non-VAT grouped) party which makes and sells toys. The option is taken


As the connected party is fully taxable the anti-avoidance rules do not apply. If the connected party was not able to recover the VAT charged to it (say it made exempt supplies) the anti-avoidance legislation would kick in and the option would be disapplied, meaning that the input tax in the hands of the developer would not be recoverable.

  1. a car showroom and offices which a company uses for its own business of selling cars, providing finance and brokering insurance


There would be mixed use; car sales are taxable, finance and insurance are exempt, so some of the input tax would probably not be recoverable (dependent upon the de minimis limits). The development would be an overhead of the business. It is likely that the property would be an item covered by the CGS.

  1. a care home for the elderly which a company uses for that purpose


This likely be an exempt supply, so no input tax recovery on supplies which are properly VATable. There may be reliefs on construction costs, however.

  1. a small cabin office and the remaining land is used for a forestry business which will have no sales for ten years (when the trees are grown)


Although the intended taxable supplies are some way off, as long as the intention can be evidenced, the input tax may be recovered when incurred as it will relate to those intended taxable transactions. If the intention changes, this may impact the initial recovery. More information

  1. a residential block which is immediately transferred to an associated company (an arm’s length transaction) on completion. No tenants are in situ.


The transfer of the freehold triggers the zero rating. The associated company may then, if it chooses, make exempt supplies without a VAT cost. This type of planning can be very helpful.

So there we have it. How did you get on?  I would say that any score over eight is very good.

VAT: Land and property – A “fun” quiz

By   26 July 2019

VAT: Land and property

I am quite often asked the seemingly straightforward question: Can I recover VAT on this land purchase? So, by way of a little quiz, I look at why this can be a loaded question.


A person purchases bare land in the UK for £450,000 which is subjected to the option to tax. So, VAT of £90,000 is incurred. Your task, should you wish to accept it, is to say yes, no, or maybe to input tax recovery in the following situations (assume the purchaser is VAT registered).


On the purchased land the person constructs:

  1. a dwelling and supplies the house on a 25-year lease
  2. an office and uses it for his own business supplying FS to a client in China
  3. a storage facility and a fully taxable company leases it to another company in the same partly exempt VAT group after opting to tax
  4. a block of ten flats with a gym and swimming pool which tenants are entitled to use. Grants 99 years leases on all flats
  5. a dwelling but uses it for short term holiday lets of no more than a fortnight.
  6. a warehouse which is sold on completion but without an option to tax being made before the sale
  7. the land is held with the intention of constructing dwellings at some time in the future, which could be over six years
  8. a factory which is not subjected to an option to tax but is leased to an US company
  9. a block of three flats which are rented for six months before freehold sale
  10. a sport hall by a school Academy which is leased to sporting charities and also used for its own educational purposes. No option to tax
  11. a manufacturing plant which a company rents to a connected (non-VAT grouped) party which makes and sells toys. The option is taken
  12. a car showroom and offices which a company uses for its own business of selling cars, providing finance and brokering insurance
  13. a care home for the elderly which a company uses for that purpose
  14. a small cabin office and the remaining land is used for a forestry business which will have no sales for ten years (when the trees are grown)
  15. a residential block which is immediately transferred to an associated company (an arm’s length transaction) on completion. No tenants are in situ.

We are looking at recovery of input tax on the land purchase here, ignoring other (say; construction and professional) costs. That is another article in itself.

The questions have been simplified, usually, they tend to be rather more “involved”.

