Tag Archives: vat-errors

Inter-company charges: What is VATable?

By   1 November 2018

This seemingly straightforward area can throw up lots of VAT issues and touches on a number of complex areas. If we look at what is commonly called a “management charge” it is clear that such a charge can cover a lot of different circumstances.

Do I charge VAT on a management charge?

An easy yes or no question one would think, however, this being VAT, the answer is; it depends. Typically, management charges represent a charge by a holding company to its subsidiaries of; a share of overhead costs, the provision of actual management/advisory services or office facilities or similar (the list can obviously be quite extensive).

Consideration for a supply

The starting point is; is something (goods or services) supplied in return for the payment? If the answer is no, then no VAT will be due. However, this may impact on the ability to recover input tax in the hands of the entity making the charge. It is often the case that a management charge is used as a mechanism for transferring “value” from one company to another. If it is done in an arbitrary manner with no written agreement in place, and nothing identifiable is provided, and VAT is charged, HMRC may challenge the VAT treatment and any input recovery of the company making the payment.

Composite of separate supply?

This is a complex area of the tax and is perpetually the subject of a considerable amount of case law. This has been so since the early days of VAT and there appears no signs of disputes slowing down. I have written about such cases here here here here and here

“Usually” if a combination of goods or services are supplied it is considered as a single supply and is subject to the standard rate. However, case law insists that sometimes different supplies need to be divided and a different rate of VAT applied to each separate supply. This may be the case for instance, when an exempt supply of non-opted property (eg; a designated office with an exclusive right to occupy) is provided alongside standard rated advice.


What is important is not how a management charge is calculated, but what the supply actually is (if it is one). The calculation, whether based on a simple pro-rata amount between separate subsidiaries, or via a complex mechanism set out in a written agreement has no impact on the VAT treatment. As always in VAT, the basic question is: what is actually provided?

Can the VAT treatment of a supply change when recharged?

Simply put; yes/ For example, if the holding company pays insurance (VAT free) and charges it on as part of a composite supply, then VAT will be added to an original non-VAT bearing cost. It may also occur when staff are employed (no VAT on salaries paid) but the staff are supplied to a subsidiary company and VAT is added (but see below).


The provision of staff is usually a standard rated supply. However, there are two points to consider. One is joint contracts of employment which I look at below, the other is the actual definition of the provision of staff. Care must be taken when analysing what is being provided. The question here is; are staff being provided, or; is the supply the services that those staff carry out? This is relevant, say, if the services the staff carry out are exempt. There are a number of tests here, but the main issue is; which entity directs and manages the staff?


There can be different rules for directors compared to staff.

If a holding company provides a subsidiary company with a director to serve as such, the normal rules relating to supplies of staff apply and VAT applies.

However, there are different rules for common directors. An individual may act as a director of a number of companies. There may be an arrangement where a holding company pays the director’s fees and then recover appropriate proportions from subsidiaries. In such circumstances, the individual’s services are supplied by the individual to the companies of which (s)he a director. The services are supplied directly to the relevant businesses by the individual and not from one company to another. Therefore, there is no supply between the companies and so no VAT is due on the share of money recovered from each subsidiary.


Planning may be required if;

  • the subsidiary cannot reclaim all VAT charged to it as input tax
  • there are cashflow/timing disadvantages
  • there are management or administrative complexities

Specific planning

VAT grouping

If commercially acceptable, the holding company and subsidiary companies may form a VAT group. By doing so any charges made between VAT group members are disregarded and no VAT is chargeable on them.

There are pros and cons in forming a VAT group and a brief overview is provided here

A specific development in case law does mean care must be taken when considering input tax recovery in holdco, details here

Joint contracts of employment

If members of staff are employed via joint contracts or employment no VAT is applicable to any charges made between the two (or more) employers. In addition, where each of a number of associated companies employs its own staff, but one company (the paymaster) pays salaries behalf of the others who then pay their share of the costs to the paymaster the recovery of monies paid out by the paymaster is VAT free as it is treated as a disbursement.


Looking at disbursements is a whole article in itself, and in fact there is a helpful one here

But, briefly, if a charge qualifies as a disbursement, then the costs is passed on “in the same state” so if it is VAT free, the onward charge is also VAT free, as opposed to perhaps changing the VAT liability as set out above. It is important to understand the differences between a disbursement and a recharge as a VAT saving may be obtained.


The above considers management charges within the UK. There are different rules for making or receiving management charges to/from the EU and outside the EU. These charges are usually, but not always, VAT free and it is worth checking the VAT treatment before these are made/received.

There may be more planning for charities and NFP entities via cost sharing arrangements, but this is outside the scope of this article.

As may be seen, the answer to a simple question may be complex and the answer dependent upon the precise facts of the case. It is unusual to have two scenarios that precisely mirror each other, so each structure needs to be reviewed individually. Please contact us if you have any queries or would like more information on any of the above.

VAT – Land and property issues

By   4 October 2018


Supplies relating to property may be, or have been; 20%, 17.5%, 15.%, 10% 5%, zero-rated, exempt, or outside the scope of VAT – all impacting, in different ways, upon the VAT position of a supplier and customer. In addition, the law permits certain exempt supplies to be changed to 20% without the agreement of the customer. As soon as a taxpayer is provided with a choice, there is a chance of making the wrong one! Even very slight differences in circumstances may result in a different and potentially unexpected VAT outcome, and it is an unfortunate fact of business life that VAT cannot be ignored.

Why is VAT important?

The fact that the rules are complex, ever-changing, and the amounts involved in property transactions are usually high means that there is an increased risk of making errors. These often result in large penalties and interest payments plus unwanted attentions from the VAT man. Uncertainty regarding VAT may affect budgets and an unforeseen VAT bill (and additional SDLT) may risk the profitability of a venture.

Problem areas

Certain transactions tend to create more VAT issues than others. These include;

  • whether a property sale can qualify as a VAT free Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)
  • conversions of properties from commercial to residential use
  • whether to opt to a commercial property
  • the recovery of VAT charged on a property purchase
  • supplies between landlord and tenants
  • the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)
  • the anti-avoidance rules
  • apportionment of VAT rates
  • partial exemption
  • charity use
  • relevant residential use
  • the place of supply (POS) of services (which will be increasingly important after Brexit)
  • and even seemingly straightforward VAT registration

Additionally, the VAT treatment of building services throws up its own set of VAT complications.

VAT Planning

The usual adage is “right tax, right time”. This, more often than not, means considering the VAT treatment of a transaction well in advance of that transaction taking place. Unfortunately, with VAT there is usually very little planning that can be done after the event. For peace of mind a consultation with a VAT adviser can steer you through the complexities and, if there are issues, to minimise the impact of VAT on a project. Assistance of a VAT adviser is usually crucial if there are any disputes with VAT inspectors. Experience insists that this is an area which HMRC have raised significant revenue from penalties and interest where taxpayers get it wrong.

Don’t leave it to chance

For more information, please see our Land & Property services

The EU VAT GAP 2018

By   24 September 2018

VAT GAP Report 2018: EU Member States still losing almost €150 billion in revenues according to new figures.

What is the tax gap?

The VAT gap is the difference between the amount of VAT that should, in theory, be collected by EU authorities, against what is actually collected. The ‘VAT total theoretical liability’ (VTTL) represents the VAT that should be paid if all businesses complied with both the letter of the law and the EU bodies’ interpretation of the intention of the lawmakers (commonly referred to as the spirit of the law).

In nominal terms, the VAT Gap decreased by €10.5 billion to €147.1 billion in 2016, a drop to 12.3% of total VAT revenues compared to 13.2% the year before. The individual performance of the Member States still varies significantly.

The VAT Gap decreased in 22 Member States with Bulgaria, Latvia, Cyprus, and the Netherlands displaying strong performances, with a decrease in each case of more than 5% in VAT losses. However, the VAT Gap did increase in six Member States: Romania, Finland, the UK, Ireland, Estonia, and France.

VAT – No more compensation for delayed refunds?

By   7 September 2018

HMRC has announced its intention to do away with the 5% repayment supplement payable when it repays VAT late; it is not good news and I am quite cross.


What is the repayment supplement?

Repayment supplement is a form of compensation paid in certain circumstances when HMRC does not authorise payment of a legitimate VAT claim within 30 days of receipt of the VAT Return.

If a business submits a repayment return and HMRC does not make the repayment within 30 days, it is required to add interest at 5% to the amount of the claim. A repayment claim arises when input tax is greater than output tax for a period. This may be due to many factors, such as; sales being VAT free, a large VAT bearing purchase or an adjustment to previous declarations. The 30 day period is paused for “the raising and answering of any reasonable inquiry relating to the requisite return or claim” by HMRC.

Additionally, HMRC may make an extra ex-gratia payment to make good any serious disadvantage suffered if a repayment is delayed to an exceptional extent, and the repayment supplement is less than the interest which might otherwise have been earned.

The proposal

In a consultation on draft legislation for Finance Bill 2018-19 the government has announced that it intends to replace the 5% supplement with payment of simple interest. This currently stands at 0.5% pa and therefore a substantially lower payment would be due to a taxpayer.


The relevant legislation covering the repayment supplement is contained in The VAT Act 1994 Section 79 


The entire point of the supplement is to focus HMRC’s mind on making the payment at the appropriate time, just as the default surcharge does for submitting a VAT return and paying VAT for a business. This is fair. To withdraw the repayment supplement does away with any incentive for HMRC to make repayments on time and this must represent an imbalance. To effectively withhold money from a business to which it is properly entitled is plain wrong. It can often significantly impact on cashflow and cause serious problems for a business.

It is quite often a fight to obtain a repayment supplement and in my personal experience HMRC do as much as possible to resist making these payments. It is no surprise that they are trying to wriggle out of their responsibility.

Let us hope that representations to HMRC against this plan are successful.

Right, I’m going to cool off…

VAT – Charity Fundraising Exemption

By   17 August 2018

Avoid adding VAT to fundraising income

There are very few VAT reliefs for charities (and it may be argued that an exemption is more than a burden than a relief) but there is an exemption for a charity which qualifies as undertaking a one-off fundraising event. The criteria are quite restrictive, and it is important that the correct treatment is applied. Furthermore, it may be in a charity’s interest to avoid the exemption if there is a lot of input tax attributable to the event, say; venue hire, entertainment, catering etc.

A qualifying event means that a charity (or its trading subsidiary) does not charge VAT on money paid for admittance to that event.

What is covered?

In order to be exempt, the event must be a one-off fundraising event which is “any event organised and promoted primarily to raise funds (monetary or otherwise) for a charity”. Consequently, we always advise clients to make it clear on tickets and advertising material (including online) that the event is for raiding funds and to use a statement; “all profits will be used to support the charitable aims of XYZ” or similar.

HMRC say that an event is an incident with an outcome or a result. This means that activities of a semi-regular or continuous nature, such as the operation of a shop or bar, cannot therefore be an event.

The following are examples of the kind of event which qualify:

  • ball, dinner dance, disco or barn dance
  • performance – concert, stage production and any other event which has a paying audience
  • showing of a film
  • fete, fair or festival
  • horticultural show
  • exhibition: art, history or science
  • bazaar, jumble sale, car boot sale, or good-as-new sale
  • sporting participation (including spectators): sponsored walk or swim
  • sporting performance
  • game of skill, contest or a quiz
  • participation in an endurance event
  • fireworks display
  • dinner, lunch or barbecue
  • an auction of bought in goods


Often there may be an auction of donated goods at a fundraising event. There is a specific and helpful relief for such sales. The sale of donated goods is zero rated which means any attributable input tax is recoverable. Consequently, if both exempt and zero rated supplies are made it is possible to apportion input tax to a charity’s benefit. Zero rating may also apply to sales such as: food (not catering) printed matter and children’s clothing

Limit to the number of events held

Eligible events are restricted to 15 events of the same kind in a charity’s financial year at any one location. The restriction prevents distortion of competition with other suppliers of similar events which do not benefit from the exemption. If a charity holds 16 or more events of the same kind at the same location during its financial year none of the events will qualify for exemption. However, the 15-event limit does not apply to fundraising events where the gross takings from all similar events, such as coffee mornings, are no more than £1,000 per week.

Clearly, the number of events needs to be monitored and planning will therefore be available should exemption be desired (or avoided as the relevant figures dictate).

What is a charity?

This seems to be a straightforward question in most cases, but can cause difficulties, so it is worthwhile looking at the VAT rules here.

Bodies have charitable status when they are:

  • registered, excepted or exempted from registration with the Charity Commission in England and Wales
  • registered by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) in Scotland
  • invited to register by The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland which are treated by HMRC as charitable.

Not all non-profit making organisations are charities. The term ‘charity’ has no precise definition in any law. Its scope has been determined by case law. It is therefore necessary to establish whether an organisation is a charity using the following guidelines:

  • charities are non-profit distributing bodies established to advance education, advance religion, relieve poverty, sickness or infirmity or carry out certain other activities beneficial to the community
  • in England and Wales charities must normally register with Charity Commission- some very small charities don’t need to register with Charity Commission, there are also some other special cases where particular bodies do not need to register, if there is uncertainty regarding a position see the Charity Commission website
  • in Scotland all charities must be registered with the OSCR – HMRC decides whether bodies in Northern Ireland are eligible.

Trading arm

It is worth noting that HMRC also accept that a body corporate which is wholly owned by a charity and whose profits are payable to a charity, will qualify and may therefore may apply the VAT exemption to fundraising events. This means that a charity’s own trading company can hold exempt fundraising events on behalf of the charity.

Further/alternative planning

If sales are not exempt as a fundraising event, there is a way to avoid VAT being chargeable on all income received. It is open to a charity to set a basic minimum charge which will be standard rated, and to invite those attending the event to supplement this with a voluntary donation.

The extra contributions will be outside the scope of VAT (not exempt) if all the following conditions are met:

  • it is clearly stated on all publicity material, including tickets, that anyone paying only the minimum charge will be admitted without further payment
  • the extra payment does not give any particular benefit (for example, admission to a better position in the stadium or auditorium)
  • the extent of further contributions is ultimately left to ticket holders to decide, even if the organiser indicates a desired level of donation
  • for film or theatre performances, concerts, sporting fixtures etc, the minimum charge is not less than the usual price of the particular seats at a normal commercial event of the same type
  • for dances, and similar functions, the minimum total sum upon which the organisers are liable to account for VAT is not less than their total costs incurred in arranging the event

It should be noted that any other donations collected at an event are also outside the scope of VAT.

Partial exemption

A charity must recognise the impact of making exempt supplies (as well as carrying out non-business activity). These undertakings will have an impact on the amount of input tax a charity is able to recover. Details here


We find that charities are often confused about the rules and consequently fail to take advantage of the VAT position. This also extends to school academies which are all charities. It is usually worthwhile for charities to carry out a VAT review of its activities as quite often VAT savings can be identified.

Small businesses/start ups: Should I register for VAT voluntarily?

By   6 July 2018

OK, so why would a business choose to VAT register when it need not? Let’s say its turnover is under the VAT registration limit of £85,000, isn’t it just best to avoid the VATman if at all possible?


This is not an article which considers whether a business MUST register, but rather it looks at whether it is a good idea to register on a voluntary basis if it is not compulsory. The first time a business would probably consider VAT planning.


As a general rule of thumb; if you sell to the public (B2C) then probably not.  If you sell to other VAT registered businesses (B2B) then it is more likely to be beneficial.

If you sell B2B to customers overseas it is almost certain that VAT registration would be a good thing, as it would if you supply zero rated goods or services in the UK.  This is because there is no output tax on sales, but full input tax recovery on costs; VAT nirvana!  A distinction must be made between zero rated supplies and exempt supplies.  If only exempt supplies are made, a business cannot register for VAT regardless of level of income.


Apart from the economic considerations, we have found that small businesses are sometimes put off  VAT registration by the added compliance costs and the potential penalties being in the VAT club can bring.  Weighed against this, there is a certain kudos or prestige for a business and it does convey a degree of seriousness of a business undertaking. It may also make life simpler (and reduce costs) if a business buys goods or services from other EC Member States.  We also come across situations where a customer will only deal with suppliers who are VAT registered.

The main issue

The key to registration is that, once registered, a business may recover the VAT it incurs on its expenditure (called input tax).  So let us look at some simple examples of existing businesses for comparison:


Example 1

A business sells office furniture to other VAT registered business (B2B).

It buys stock for 10,000 plus VAT of 2,000

It incurs VAT on overheads (rent, IT, telephones, light and heat etc) of 2,000 plus 400 VAT

It makes sales of 20,000.

If not registered, its profit is 20,000 less 12,000 less 2400 = 5600

If VAT registered, the customer can recover any VAT charged, so VAT is not a disincentive to him.

Sales 20,000 plus 4000 VAT (paid to HMRC)

Input tax claimed = 2400 (offset against payment to HMRC)

Result: the VAT is neutral and not a cost, so profit is 20,000 less 12,000 = 8000, a saving of 2400 as compared to the business not being registered.  The 2400 clearly equals the input tax recovered on expenditure.

Example 2

A “one-man band consultant” provides advice B2B and uses his home as his office.  All of his clients are able to recover any VAT charged.

He has very little overheads that bear VAT as most of his expenditure is VAT free (staff, train fares, use of home) so his input tax amounts to 100.

He must weigh up the cost (time/admin etc) of VAT registration against reclaiming the 100 of input tax.  In this case it would probably not be worthwhile VAT registering – although the Flat Rate Scheme may be attractive, please see article here

Example 3

A retailer sells adult clothes to the public from a shop. She pays VAT on the rent and on the purchase of stock as well as the usual overheads.  The total amount she pays is 20,000 with VAT of 4000.

Her sales total 50,000.

If not VAT registered her profit is 50,000 less 24,000 = 26,000

If VAT registered she will treat the value of sales as VAT inclusive, so of the 50,000 income 8333 represents VAT she must pay to HMRC.  She is able to offset her input tax of 4000.

This means that her profit if VAT registered is 50,000 less the VAT of 8333  = 41,667 less the net costs of 20,000 = 21,667.

Result: a loss of 4333 in profit.

As may be seen, if a business sells to the public it is nearly always disadvantageous to be voluntarily VAT registered. It may be possible to increase her prices by circa 20%, but for a lot of retailers, this is unrealistic.

Intending traders

If a business has not started trading, but is incurring input tax on costs, it is possible to VAT register even though it has not made any taxable supplies.  This is known by HMRC as an intending trader registration.  A business will need to provide evidence of the intention to trade and this is sometimes a stumbling block, especially in the area of land and property.  Choosing to register before trading may avoid losing input tax due to the time limits (very generally a business can go back six months for services and four years for goods on hand to recover the VAT).  Also cashflow will be improved if input tax is recovered as soon as possible.


Careful consideration should be given to the VAT status of a small or start-up business.  This may be particularly relevant to start-ups as they typically incur more costs as the business begins and the recovery of the VAT on these costs may be important. In most cases it is also possible to recover VAT incurred before the date of VAT registration.

This is a basic guide and there are many various situations that require further consideration of the benefits of voluntary VAT registration.  We would, of course, be pleased to help.

VAT – Top 10 Tips for small businesses and start ups

By   5 July 2018

VAT Basics

Small business and start ups have a lot of things to think about – VAT being just one. However, failure to consider VAT can lead to difficulties and penalties. So here are some pointers for new and/or growing bushiness:

  1. Plan ahead and know when to register for VAT
  2. Make contact with your advisers
  3. Monitor your turnover so that you know when you are approaching the VAT registration threshold
  4. Keep your records up-to-date and check accounting documents
  5. Speak to us if things go wrong or there’s something you don’t understand
  6. Deal with VAT enquiries or HMRC’s requests for information promptly
  7. Manage the VAT within your business cashflow
  8. Don’t worry if Customs make contact with you
  9. Right tax – right time
  10. If you are not happy with Customs’ behaviour or have received an unhelpful or incorrect ruling; challenge it.

The overall message is; talk to a professional at an early stage. Timing is very important for VAT and you usually only have one chance to get it right.

Finally, regarding the first point – it may benefit a business to VAT register before it is required to (a so-called voluntary registration). I shall look at that in more depth in my next article.

New RCB 5 – VAT treatment of goods supplied on approval

By   25 June 2018

Goods supplied on approval


Goods supplied on approval is an arrangement under which items of durable nature are provided to a prospective customer for a pre-purchase trial. These items are returnable after a specified period in re-saleable condition if not accepted for purchase.

New publication

HMRC has announced via Revenue and Customs Brief 5 (2018) “RCB 5” changes to the way goods supplied on approval are treated for VAT purposes.

The broad thrust of RCB 5 is that, in HMRC’s opinion, taxpayers are using the rules for goods supplied on approval when this treatment is inappropriate.

The goods supplied on approval rules

Output tax is due at the end of the approval period. That is, tax is deferred until a time the goods are adopted (if they are). These rules are distinct from a supply of goods with a subsequent right to return them. In these cases the tax point is when title passes.

Sale on approval was considered by the Tribunal in the case of Littlewoods Organisation plc (VTD 14977). The Tribunal held that goods were supplied on approval where there is no contract of sale unless, and until, the recipient concerned adopted or was deemed to have adopted the goods. The judge in that case decided that Littlewoods did not supply goods on approval. This case appears to have triggered an HMRC initiative to look at the number of businesses which may be incorrectly deferring output tax by using these rules. It concluded that a lot fewer taxpayers were actually providing goods on approval than previously thought.


The basic tax point for a supply of goods in these situations is determined by the VAT Act 1994 section 6(2) (c) which applies in the case of goods on approval. It delays the basic tax point until the time when the goods are adopted by the customer or twelve months from the date they were originally despatched, whichever is the earlier

Section 6(2)

(2) … a supply of goods shall be treated as taking place –

(a) if the goods are to be removed, at the time of the removal;

(b) … ;

(c) if the goods (being sent or taken on approval or sale or return or similar terms) are removed before it is known whether a supply will take place, at the time it becomes certain that the supply has taken place or, if sooner, 12 months after the removal.

The guidance

HMRC has published the RCB to provide guidance on how businesses should review their transactions in order to establish whether they are using sale on approval treatment correctly.

Indicators of goods supplied on approval

Whether or not goods are supplied on approval will depend on the facts in each case and will require consideration of a number of indicators which will have to be carefully weighed against each other.  Relevant indicators include the following factors but they are not exhaustive.

  • The terms and conditions of trading, and all contractual terms applying.
  • The time when title in the goods passes to the buyer.
  • The time at which the buyer has the right to dispose of the goods as owner.
  • The view presented to the customer in marketing literature, order forms, delivery notes, statements etc.
  • The rights of the customer to return unwanted goods.
  • The terms of any supply of credit finance provided with the goods.
  • The time when payment for the goods is demanded.
  • The time when payment for the goods is received.
  • The time when the buyer assumes responsibility for the upkeep and insurance of the goods.
  • Anything the buyer does to signify his adoption of the goods.
  • The calculation of the minimum payment due for goods delivered.
  • The time when a sale is recognised in the financial accounts of the business.

(these indicators are not featured in RCB 5).


HMRC state that from 18 September 2018 all business must change their accounting systems and accurately apply the appropriate VAT treatment. However, no action will be taken for past inaccuracies and taxpayers will not be required to make any changes to records or declarations.

Delivery charges

In normal circumstances, the fee charged for delivery follows the VAT liability of the goods being supplied (it is a single supply of delivered goods). However, the RCB somewhat controversially, states that when goods are supplied on approval the delivery charge is not ancillary. HMRC conclude that as delivery occurs before the customer or the supplier know whether there will be a supply of goods, delivery is an aim in itself, represents a separate, independent supply and is not dependent upon the supply of goods. The purpose of the delivery service is to facilitate the customer inspecting the goods to decide whether or not they wish to purchase them. This is always a standard rated supply and consequently, output tax is due on this fee, whether or not the goods are adopted (and with a tax point prior to adoption or return). I expect that this analysis will be challenged at some point as it does not, in my mind, sit comfortably with previously decided case law.


Businesses which consider themselves to be supplying goods on approval (usually mail order businesses) need to review their terms and manner of trading to identify whether that is indeed the case. Consideration must be given to the above indicators, the ruling in the Littlewoods case and the information in RCB 5. If what is being provided falls outside the definition of a supply on approval, the necessary changes are required in order to recognise a sale at an earlier time. Even if goods are supplied on approval, the VAT treatment of delivery charges need to be reconsidered and adjusted if need be. We can assist if required.

VAT: Construction industry – the new Reverse Charge

By   11 June 2018

Builders will soon be required to charge themselves VAT.

HMRC has published an important new draft Statutory Instrument (SI) for technical consultation with a draft explanatory memorandum and draft tax information and impact note. The new rules are likely to be introduced in the autumn.

This sets out more details of the intended Reverse Charge (RC) for construction services. The draft legislation will make supplies of standard or reduced rated construction services between construction or businesses subject to the domestic RC, which means that the recipient of the supply will be liable to account for VAT due, instead of the supplier.

What supplies does the intended legislation cover?

The RC will apply to, inter alia:

  • construction, alteration, repair, extension, demolition or dismantling of buildings or structures
  • work on; walls, roadworks, electronic communications apparatus, docks and harbours, railways, pipe-lines, reservoirs, water-mains, wells, sewers, or industrial plant
  • installation in any building or structure of systems of heating, lighting, air-conditioning, ventilation, power supply, drainage, sanitation, water supply or fire protection
  • internal cleaning of buildings and structures, so far as carried out in the course of their construction, alteration, repair, extension or restoration
  • painting or decorating the internal or external surfaces of any building or structure
  • services which form an integral part of the services described above, including site clearance, earthmoving, excavation, tunnelling and boring, laying of foundations, erection of scaffolding, site restoration, landscaping and the provision of roadways and other access works.

What is not covered?

These are some supplies which are not covered by the draft SI

  • drilling for, or extraction of, oil or natural gas
  • extraction of minerals and tunnelling or boring, or construction of underground works, for this purpose
  • manufacture of building or engineering components or equipment, materials, plant or machinery, or delivery of any of these things to site
  • manufacture of components for systems of heating, lighting, air-conditioning, ventilation, power supply, drainage, sanitation, water supply or fire protection, or delivery of any of these things to site
  • the professional work of architects or surveyors, or of consultants in building, engineering, interior or exterior decoration or in the laying-out of landscape
  • signwriting and erecting, installing and repairing signboards and advertisements
  • the installation of seating, blinds and shutters or the installation of security.

Please note that neither of the lists above are exhaustive.

Further details

The rules do not apply to supplies to the end user (consumer) eg; retailers and landlords, but rather to other construction businesses which then use them to make a further supply. There are no de minimis limits, but the RC will not apply to associated businesses.


Before these new rues come into effect, HMRC have asked for comments before 20 July 2018.

Why the new rules?

Briefly, the SI is intended to avoid Missing Trader Fraud (MTF). The rules avoids suppliers charging and being paid VAT, but failing to declare or pay this over to the government. HMRC has identified the building trade as an area where there has been considerable tax leakage in the past.


As a general rule, it is the supplier of goods or services who is required to account for VAT on those supplies. However, the VAT Act 1994, section 55A requires the recipient, not the supplier, to account for and pay tax on the supply of any goods and services which are of a description specified in an order made by the Treasury for that purpose.


It is prudent to check whether you, or your clients’ businesses will be affected by the intended SI. If so, plans need to be put in place; whether as a supplier or recipient, to ensure that VAT is not charged incorrectly (supplier) and the RC is applied correctly (recipient). It is likely that output tax incorrectly shown on an invoice will be due to HMRC, but will not be recoverable by the recipient and the omission of levying the RC will lead to penalties.

Please contact us if you have any queries or require further information.

VAT: How long do I have to keep records?

By   24 May 2018

Time limits for keeping records

Record keeping is a rather dry subject, but it is important not to destroy records which HMRC may later insist on seeing!

I have looked at what VAT records a business is required to keep here, but how long must they be kept for?

This is seemingly a straightforward question, but as is usual with VAT there are some ifs and buts.

The basic starting point

The usual answer is that VAT records must be kept for six years. However, there are circumstances where that limit is extended and also times when it may be reduced. Although the basic limit is six years, unless fraud is suspected, HMRC can only go back four years to issue assessments, penalties and interest.

Variations to the six year rule

Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS)

If a business is required to use the MOSS then its records must be retained for ten years (and they should be able to be sent to HMRC electronically if asked).

Capital Goods Scheme (CGS)

If a business has assets covered by the CGS, eg; certain property, computers, aircraft and ships then adjustments will be required up to a ten year period. Consequently, records will have to be retained for at least ten years in order to demonstrate that the scheme has been applied correctly.

Land and buildings 

In the case of land and buildings you might need to keep documents for 20 years. We advise that records are kept this long in any event as land and buildings tend to be high value and complex from a VAT perspective, However, it is necessary in connection with the option to tax as it is possible to revoke an option after 20 years.

Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)

This is more of a ‘who” rather than a what or a how long. When a business is sold as a going concern, in most circumstances the seller of the business will retain the business records. When this happens, the seller must make available to the buyer any information the buyer needs to comply with his VAT obligations. However, in cases where the buyer takes on the seller’s VAT registration number, the seller must transfer all of the VAT the records to the buyer unless there is an agreement with HMRC for the seller to retain the records. If necessary, HMRC may disclose to the buyer information it holds on the transferred business. HMRC do this to allow the buyer to meet his legal obligations. But HMRC will always consult the seller first, to ensure that it does not disclose confidential information.

How can a business cut the time limits for record keeping?

It is possible to write to HMRC and request a concession to the usual time limits. HMRC generally treat such a request sympathetically, but will not grant a concession automatically. If a concession is granted there is still a minimum allowance period of preservation which is in line with a business’ commercial practice. Examples of the recommended minimum periods of preservation for certain types of manual records are:

Type of record Minimum period of preservation
Sales or service dockets (mainly used by large organisations especially those involved mainly in retail trading e.g. mail order houses). No restriction
Copies of orders, delivery notes, dispatch notes, goods returned notes, invoices for expenses incurred by employees. 1 year
Production records, stock records (except those for second hand schemes), job cards, appointment books, diaries, business letters.  1 year
Import, export and delivery from warehouse documents. 3 years
Daybooks, ledgers, cashbooks, second hand scheme stock books.  3 years
Purchase invoices, copy sales invoices, credit notes, debit notes, authenticated receipts. 4 years
Daily gross takings records, records related to retail scheme calculations, catering estimates.  4 years
Bank statements and paying in books, management accounts, annual accounts. 5 years
Electronic Cash Registers (ECR) and Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) equipment 4 years
Any record containing the VAT account No concession 

Computer produced records

Records produced by a computer system do not necessarily conform to the patterns of manual systems. However, HMRC usually applies the time periods in the table above. This is as long as an inspector is able to determine the documentation necessary to provide a satisfactory audit trail. Where records are stored in an electronic form, a business must be able to ensure the records’ integrity, eg; that the data has not changed, and the legibility throughout the required storage period. If the integrity and legibility of the stored electronic records depends on a specific technology, then the original technology or an equivalent that provides backwards compatibility for the whole of the required storage period must also be retained. 

How to keep records

HMRC state that  VAT records may be kept on paper, electronically or as part of a software program (eg; bookkeeping software). All records must be accurate, complete and readable.

Other taxes

This article considers the record keeping deadline rules for VAT. Many records kept for VAT purposes will overlap with records for other taxes, and the detailed rules as well as the retention periods may differ.

Information on the record keeping requirements for other taxes is available in the following publications:

  • a Guide to Corporation Tax Self Assessment for Tax Practitioners and Inland Revenue staff
  • a general guide to Corporation Tax Self Assessment CTSA/BK4
  • a general guide to keeping records for your tax return

These are available on the HMRC website


If a business’ records are inadequate it may have to pay a record-keeping penalty. If at an inspection HMRC find that records have deliberately been destroyed your they will apply a penalty of £3,000 (this may be reduced to £1,500 if only some of your records are destroyed). In addition, there will be questions about why they have been destroyed.

Finally, it should be remembered for wrongdoing, there is no limitation period on debts to the Crown. You can always be pursued for tax and VAT with no time limit.

Please contact us if you have any queries, or if retaining aged records creates a problem.