Tag Archives: vat-errors

VAT Land and Property – Why Opt To Tax?

By   5 October 2015

Opting to tax provides a unique situation in the VAT world. It is the sole example of where a supplier can choose to add VAT to a supply….. or not.

VAT free supplies

The sale or letting of a property is, in most cases, exempt by default. However it is possible to apply the option to tax (OTT) to commercial property. This has the result of turning an exempt supply into a taxable supply at the standard rate.  (It is not possible to OTT a residential property).

Why opt?

Why would a supplier then deliberately choose to add VAT on a supply?

The only purpose of OTT is to enable the optor to recover or avoid input tax incurred in relation to the relevant land or property. The OTT is a decision solely for the property owner or landlord and the purchaser or tenant is not able to affect the OTT unless specific clauses are included in the lease or purchase contracts. Care should be taken to ensure that existing contracts permit the OTT to be taken.  Despite a lot of misleading commentary and confusion, it is worth bearing in mind that the recovery or avoidance of input tax is the sole reason to OTT.

Once made the OTT is usually irrevocable for a 20 year period (although there are circumstances where it may be revisited within six months of it being taken).  There are specific rules for circumstances where the optor has previously made exempt supplies of the relevant land or property. In these cases H M Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC) permission must usually be obtained before the option can be made.

Two part process

The OTT is a two part process.

  • The first part is a decision of the business to take the OTT and it is prudent to minute this in Board meeting minutes or similar. Once the decision to OTT is taken VAT may be added to a sale price or rent and a valid tax invoice must be raised.
  • The second part is to formally notify HMRC (after obtaining permission if necessary).  The form on which this is done is a VAT1614A. Here

There can be problems in cases where the OTT is taken, but not formally notified.


The benefit of taking the OTT is the ability to reclaim input tax which would otherwise fall to be irrecoverable. However, one disadvantage is that opting the sale or rent of a property may reduce its marketability as it is likely that entities which are unable to recover VAT would be less inclined to purchase or lease an opted property.

Another is that the payment of VAT by the purchaser may necessitate obtaining additional funding. This may create problems, especially if a VAT charge was not anticipated. Even though, via opting, the VAT charge is usually recoverable, it still has to be funded up front.

Also, an OTT will increase the amount of SDLT payable when a property is sold. This is always an absolute cost.
Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC)

I always say that advice should be taken in all property transactions and also in cases of a Transfer of A business as a Going Concern (TOGC). This is doubly important where an opted building is being sold, because TOGC treatment only applies to a sale of property when specific tests are met.

Property transactions are high value and often complex. The cost of getting VAT wrong, or overlooking it can be very swingeing indeed. I have also seen deals being aborted over VAT issues.  For these reasons, please seek VAT advice at an early stage of negotiations.

More on our land and property services here

VAT Payment Problems – Q & As

By   29 September 2015

If you can’t pay your VAT bill, please do not put your head in the sand, the problem will not go away.  Here are some answers to the most commonly asked VAT payment problems.

Q: I have received a demand notice for payment of VAT. Why?

A: HMRC have not received payment of the VAT liability that is described in the demand notice. You should therefore pay the outstanding debt without delay so as to avoid further recovery action. HMRC take prompt action to recover debts.

Q: I am not able to pay the debt immediately because of a temporary cash-flow problem. What should I do?

A: You should make urgent contact with your bank or your financial adviser to explore means of overcoming these temporary financial difficulties.

Q: I have consulted the bank/financial adviser but they are unable to help. What else can I do?

A: Without further delay contact the Regional Debt Management Unit whose address appears on the demand notice. They may be able to help you by agreeing a brief period in which to pay the debt. They are usually helpful and will consider carefully all practical options for settlement. However, if these do not produce a solution or they do not receive a response to their request for payment, they may, like other creditors, take action to recover the money they are owed.

Q: What is the Default Surcharge?

A: Default Surcharge is a civil penalty to encourage businesses to submit their VAT returns and pay the tax due on time.

Q: When will a Default Surcharge be issued?

A: A business is in default if it sends in its VAT return and or the VAT due late. No surcharge is issued the first time a business is late but a warning (a Surcharge Liability Notice) is issued. Subsequent defaults within the following twelve months (the “surcharge period”) may result in a surcharge assessment. Each time that a default occurs the surcharge period will be extended. There is no liability to a surcharge if a nil or repayment return is submitted late, or the VAT due is paid on time but the return is submitted late (although a default is still recorded).

Q: How much is it?

A: The surcharge is calculated as a percentage of the VAT that is unpaid at the due date. If no return is submitted the amount of VAT due will be assessed and the surcharge based on that amount. The rate is set at 2 per cent for the first default following the Surcharge Liability Notice, and rises to 5 per cent, 10 per cent and 15 per cent for subsequent defaults within the surcharge period.  A surcharge assessment is not issued at the 2 per cent and 5 per cent rates if it is calculated at less than £200 but a default is still recorded and the surcharge period extended. At the 10 per cent and 15 per cent the surcharge will be the greater of the calculated amount or £30.

Q: What sort of assessments are sent out?

A: An assessment may be issued if a VAT return is not submitted by the due date. The amount may be based on previous returns. If a business does not submit its returns time after time, the assessment value will increase. An officer may also issue an assessment after a visit, if they have found errors in the amount of tax declared on previous returns.

Both types are included in the traders’ debt and are collected in the normal way if they are not paid promptly.


There are a number of schemes available which may help cashflow or possibly reduce the amount of VAT you pay.

Cash Accounting – where you only pay VAT to HMRC when you have received payment from your customer.
Annual Accounting – where you make set monthly payments and make one return a year with an adjusting payment.
Flat Rate Scheme – where you pay a set percentage of your turnover rather than calculating output tax less input tax.
Bad Debt Relief – where you are able to reclaim VAT relief on your bad debts.

Please contact us if VAT payments are proving a problem for your business.  Negotiation with HMRC is possible.

VAT – Intrastat; what is it? If you don’t know, you may be committing a criminal offence…

By   15 July 2015

Although often viewed as a necessary evil, Intrastat can be used by a business to obtain valuable information on markets in the EC. …Oh, and it may be quite useful to understand it to avoid getting a criminal record!  In this article I summarise the basics, provide useful links and look at the pros and cons of the regime.

So, what is Intrastat?

Intrastat is the name given to the system used for collecting statistics on the trade in goods between all 28 Member States of the EC. If certain conditions are met a business must, by law, submit monthly Intrastat Supplementary Declarations (SDs). Intrastat does not cover services, nor is it required for exports to recipients outside the EC.

The data collected under the Intrastat system forms a large part of overall UK trade statistics totals which in turn are an important part of the UK Balance of Payment account and an important indicator of the health of ‘UK plc’. This data is published at uktradeinfo and is used by a wide range of government and international organisations and is particularly useful in helping businesses gauge import penetration and establish new markets for their goods.

Intrastat responsibilities

If a VAT registered business trades with any of the other EC Member States, it will have a responsibility to report the trade to HMRC. How detailed that report is required to be depends on the value of its trade with other EC Member States for either purchases (arrivals) or sales (dispatches). If a business’ trade in goods falls below the Intrastat thresholds then EC Sales Lists may be required.

Reporting Thresholds for SDs

The limits are:

  • £1,500,000 for arrivals, and;
  • £250,000 for dispatches

In a calendar year.

Intrastat should not be confused with EC Sales Lists which are used to collect information on all sales from UK VAT registered businesses to business recipients in other EC Member States.  A guide to EC Sales Lists here

Classification of goods for Intrastat

Finding the right commodity code for goods is one of the most important aspects of Intrastat. An online classification tool, the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) is available to assist businesses find the right commodity code for its goods. Here

The ICN is a fully searchable facility which can be used by everyone from beginner to expert.

Value for SDs

Only the value of goods are included in SDs (plus any related freight or insurance charges where they form part of the invoice or contract price of the goods).

The value does not include:

  • Commission, legal and financial services
  • Insurance, freight and/or carriage (unless it is included with the cost of the goods)
  • Labour
  • Goods bought and sold within the EU but which do not actually enter or leave the UK
  • Maintenance costs
  • Repairs

Submission of SDs

This may be done online or offline (which is preferred for large amounts of data).

Online submission details here

Offline submissions are via pre-prepared Excel spreadsheets available here

Via an email attachment – the file must be converted into the message format Electronic Data Interchange for Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT). Details here

Deadlines for submission of SDs

Intrastat declarations must be submitted on a monthly basis. Complete and accurate declarations must be received by the 21st day of the month following the reference period to which they relate.

Now, the scary part.


It is perhaps surprising that if you fail to submit SDs by the due date, or send data that is inaccurate, a business will be committing a criminal offence (Statistics of Trade [C&E] Regulations 1992).

Penalties may be levied in cases where SDs are persistently late, missing, inaccurate or incomplete.

Although the penalty regime is a criminal one and could result in proceedings in a Magistrates Court, HMRC state that it normally prefers to “compound” alleged offences. This involves the offer of an administrative fine in lieu of Court proceedings. However, an administrative fine is only offered when, after receiving a Warning of Possible Criminal Proceedings letter, a business has brought its Intrastat declarations completely up to date. If any declarations remain outstanding Court proceedings will be instigated.

The plus side.

How to use Intrastat for your business

It is possible for a business to find out about; trade markets, competition, suppliers, customers and competitors using data collected via Intrastat.  Additionally, the information may be used to create a bespoke data table to suit a business’ specific needs. Information here

Intrastat pros and cons

Yes, businesses are being used as unpaid providers of trade information as well as unpaid collectors of tax.  It then does seem rather draconian that HMRC “coerce” businesses to provide information on pain of a criminal record. But the information is then there for a business trading within the EC to use for its commercial advantage.  It’s another chore on the VAT checklist I’m afraid.

What I’ve learned about VAT – The Top 10 lessons

By   13 March 2015

I know that anybody who has ever met me will find it difficult to believe (!) but I have been involved with VAT for over 20 years. So what are some of the things that I have learned in this time? Here are ten of the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far:

  1. Errors – If you get it wrong it can be very, very expensive.  Not only in terms of paying back tax, penalties and interest, but also the time and resources needed to deal with VAT issues. It can often have a profound impact on business transactions too. If VAT isn’t properly considered during negotiations or the contact stage it could be that a business suffers an unexpected 20% reduction of income or an added burden of irrecoverable input tax.
  2. HMRC Errors – HMRC sometimes get it wrong. One only has to look at case law to find that HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation and their introduction of new domestic legislation has resulted in unfair burdens on the taxpayer. Consequently, it is always worthwhile looking to challenge any “unhelpful” decisions by HMRC and indeed, past errors by the department often provide an opportunity to make retrospective claims for VAT plus interest.
  3. Complexity – VAT was introduced all those years ago as a “simple tax”. The fact is that VAT is now, and has always really been, extremely complex and ever-changing. It is likely that this complexity will increase. As a comparatively “young tax” it will continue to develop, be challenged, be abused, be open to conflicting interpretation and need to change as a result of technology, new products and trading patterns.
  4. Timing – More than any other tax, legal issue or accounting procedure timing is critical in VAT. Because VAT is a transaction based tax timing is crucial and there is rarely the opportunity to carry out retrospective planning. If a taxpayer is even “one day out” in certain circumstances it could add VAT to a hitherto VAT free transaction. Of course, filing or paying VAT late also results in surcharges. The best VAT motto is: Right tax, right time.
  5. Exemption – For a business exemption is a burden not a relief. It will, in nearly all cases, mean that any business which makes exempt supplies will suffer the burden of irrecoverable input tax. Added to this is the complexity of partial exemption calculations and often the rigmarole of agreeing a partial exemption method with HMRC.
  6. Doubt – Increasingly obtaining a ruling from HMRC is difficult. Changes to the way that HMRC approach requests for a determination or clearance means that a taxpayer who is eager to get the technicalities correct will just be referred to a published guidance. This is very unhelpful and uncertainty is a very dangerous thing in the VAT world.
  7. Compliance – The vast majority of businesses want, and try, to get it right. This is hardly an earth-shattering observation, but it is often not a view shared by HMRC – despite some published statements. It is reasonable that HMRC inspectors should challenge VAT treatments and establish whether declarations are credible, after all we as individual taxpayers have an interest that all VAT due is collected, but experience insists that sometimes it is difficult to dislodge an opinion formed by an inspector in cases where a business has actually accounted for VAT correctly.
  8. Charities – Charities have a hard time of it with VAT. It is an unfortunate fact that VAT wasn’t really designed for them, so they have to “fit in” with the VAT system. This means that, compared to most businesses, they have to deal with more complex issues and ultimately, in nearly all cases, VAT will represent a real cost to them, thus reducing the available funds for them to carry out their work. There are some reliefs for charities, but these are of limited value and are very specific.
  9. Planning – The objective of VAT planning is to legitimately defer payment to HMRC until the latest time possible. The converse of this of course, is to obtain any repayments of VAT due from HMRC as soon as possible. It is also important to avoid VAT representing an actual cost and taking advantage of any beneficial UK and EC legislation, determinations, guidance, case law and Business Briefs etc available. There are “off the shelf” – one size fits all schemes and also aggressive planning available BUT these should be approached with the utmost caution. I have often been called in to deal with the aftermath of such schemes and have seen the consequences of a business signing up to these products without a full understanding of their impact and the business’ relationship with HMRC.
  10. VAT Bubble – It is sometimes tempting to look at VAT in isolation. However, it is important to remember that VAT does not exist in a vacuum and that structures/planning may impact on other tax and/or commercial positions. I am fortunate to work with great direct tax people and it is important to us that our clients get a proper holistic advice.

On advisers – I will leave the last word to the famous Red Adair (younger readers – ask your parents) “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”

So there you have it – what I’ve learned about VAT in 10 lessons.  Make sure you are aware! (Or know a VAT consultant who is!).

 © Marcus Ward Consultancy Limited 2015

VAT Penalties: A Discussion Document by HMRC

By   11 February 2015

A discussion document is seeking views by 11 May about potential improvements to how HMRC applies penalties for failing to pay what is owed or to meet deadlines for returns or registration.

As HMRC designs a tax system for the modern, digital world, it wants to ensure that its approach to penalties also keeps up to date with both technology and behavioural science. HMRC is considering whether and how it should differentiate between those who deliberately and persistently fail to meet administrative deadlines or to pay what they should on time, and those who make occasional and genuine errors for which other responses might be more appropriate.

HMRC is looking for feedback from individuals and businesses. The purpose of the discussion is to seek views on the policy design and any suitable possible alternatives, before consulting later on a specific proposal for reform.

I look at the main points below and identify where changes to the penalty system are most likely to be made.

The document may be accessed here:



In terms of Indirect Tax there are two main areas which HMRC is focussing on:

VAT default surcharge – HMRC highlights two issues with the current VAT default surcharge regime. The first is the concern that while the absence of penalty for the initial offence in a 12 month period gives business the chance to get processes right, some customers simply ignore this warning.

The second concern is the issue of proportionality which fails to distinguish between payments that are one or two days late or many months late.

 Excise regulatory penalties – This also considers proportionality, noting that regulatory failures can lead to very large penalties, because the penalty is fixed as a percentage of the duty. The size of such penalties might be viewed as disproportionate.

The existing, long-standing default surcharge regime has always had issues with the principle of proportionality.  The regime has been challenged in the Courts –  notably in the Trinity Mirror Plc case (soon to be heard at the UT) where the earlier FTT allowed the appeal against a default surcharge on the grounds of proportionality.

If you would like assistance in making a representation please contact me.

The penalty regime….the dark side of VAT!

By   9 February 2015

I have made a lot of references to penalties in my other articles. So what are they, and how much could they cost if a business gets it wrong?

HMRC detail three categories of inaccuracy. These are significant, as each has its own range of penalty percentages. If an error is found to fall within a lower band, then a lower penalty rate will apply. Where the taxpayer has taken ‘reasonable care,’ even though an error has been made, then usually HMRC will not apply a penalty.

Penalty Categories 

–  An error, when reasonable care not taken: 30%;

–  An error which is deliberate, but not concealed: 70%;

–  An error, which is deliberate and concealed: 100%.

Unhelpfully, there is no definition of ‘reasonable care’. However, HMRC have said that they would not expect the same level of knowledge or expertise from a self-employed person, as from a large multi-national.  HMRC expect that, where an issue is unclear, advice is sought, and a record maintained of that advice. They also expect that, where an error is made, it is adjusted, and HMRC notified promptly. They have specifically stated that merely to adjust a return will not constitute a full disclosure of an error. Therefore a penalty may still be applicable.

The amount of the penalty is calculated by applying the appropriate penalty rate (above) to the ‘Potential Lost Revenue’ or PLR. This is essentially the additional amount of VAT due or payable, as a result of the inaccuracy, or the failure to notify an under-assessment. Special rules apply where there are a number of errors, and they fall into different penalty bands.

Defending a penalty

The percentage penalty may be reduced by a range of ‘defences:’

–  Telling; this includes admitting the document was inaccurate, or that there was an under-assessment, disclosing the inaccuracy in full, and explaining how and why the inaccuracies arose;

–  Helping; this includes giving reasonable help in quantifying the inaccuracy, giving positive assistance rather than passive acceptance, actively engaging in work required to quantify the inaccuracy, and volunteering any relevant information;

–  Giving Access; this includes providing documents, granting requests for information, allowing access to records and other documents.

Further, where there is an ‘unprompted disclosure’ of the error, HMRC have power to reduce the penalty further. This measure is designed to encourage businesses to have their VAT returns reviewed.

A disclosure is unprompted if it is made at a time when a person had no reason to believe that HMRC have discovered or are about to discover the inaccuracy. The disclosure will be treated as unprompted even if at the time it is made, the full extent of the error is not known, as long as fuller details are provided within a reasonable time.

HMRC have included a provision whereby a penalty can be suspended for up to two years. This will occur for a careless inaccuracy, not a deliberate inaccuracy. HMRC will consider suspension of a penalty where, given the imposition of certain conditions, the business will improve its accuracy. The aim is to improve future compliance, and encourage businesses which genuinely seek to fulfil their obligations.

Appealing a penalty

HMRC have an internal reconsideration procedure. A business should apply to this in the first instance. If the outcome is not satisfactory, the business can pursue an appeal to the Tribunal. A business can appeal whether a penalty is applicable, the amount of the penalty, a decision not to suspend a penalty, and the conditions for suspension.

The normal time limit for penalties to four years. Additionally, where there is deliberate action to evade VAT, a 20 year limit applies. In particular, this applies to a loss of VAT which arises as a result of a deliberate inaccuracy in a document submitted by that person.  These are just the penalties for making errors on VAT returns. HMRC have plenty more for anything from late registration to issuing the wrong paperwork.


In my view there is generally a very good chance of success in a business challenging a penalty.  Each case should at least be reviewed by an adviser, and experience insists that a robust defence often results in full or part mitigation.  We have a very good track record in appealing HMRC decisions and have taken cases right up to High Court.  However, most cases can be settled before they get to Tribunal, and indeed, the greatest chance of success is usually at the beginning of the process before HMRC become entrenched.

Oops! – Top Ten VAT howlers

By   6 January 2015

I am often asked what the most frequent VAT errors made by a business are. I usually reply along the lines of “a general poor understanding of VAT, considering the tax too late or just plain missing a VAT issue”.  While this is unquestionably true, a little further thought results in this top ten list of VAT horrors:

  1. Not considering that HMRC may be wrong. There is a general assumption that HMRC know what they are doing. While this is true in most cases, the complexity and fast moving nature of the tax can often catch an inspector out. Added to this is the fact that in most cases inspectors refer to HMRC guidance (which is HMRC’s interpretation of the law) rather to the legislation itself. Reference to the legislation isn’t always straightforward either, as often EC rather than UK domestic legislation is cited to support an analysis. The moral to the story is that tax is complicated for the regulator as well, and no business should feel fearful or reticent about challenging a HMRC decision.
  2.  Missing a VAT issue altogether. A lot of errors are as a result of VAT not being considered at all. This is usually in relation to unusual or one-off transactions (particularly land and property or sales of businesses). Not recognising a VAT “triggerpoint” can result in an unexpected VAT bill, penalties and interest, plus a possible reduction of income of 20% or an added 20% in costs. Of course, one of the basic howlers is not registering at the correct time. Beware the late registration penalty, plus even more stringent penalties if HMRC consider that not registering has been done deliberately.
  3.  Not considering alternative structures. If VAT is looked at early enough, there is very often ways to avoid VAT representing a cost. Even if this is not possible, there may be ways of mitigating a VAT hit.
  4.  Assuming that all transactions with overseas customers are VAT free. There is no “one size fits all” treatment for cross border transactions. There are different rules for goods and services and a vast array of different rules for different services. The increase in trading via the internet has only added to the complexity in this area, and with new technology only likely to increase the rate of new types of supply it is crucial to consider the implications of tax; in the UK and elsewhere.
  5.  Leaving VAT planning to the last minute. VAT is time sensitive and it is not usually possible to plan retrospectively. Once an event has occurred it is normally too late to amend any transactions or structures. VAT shouldn’t wag the commercial dog, but failure to deal with it at the right time may be either a deal-breaker or a costly mistake.
  6.  Getting the option to tax wrong. Opting to tax is one area of VAT where a taxpayer has a choice. This affords the possibility of making the wrong choice, for whatever reasons. Not opting to tax when beneficial, or opting when it is detrimental can hugely impact on the profitability of a project. Not many businesses can carry the cost of, say, not being able to recover VAT on the purchase of a property, or not being able to recover input tax on a big refurbishment. Additionally, seeing expected income being reduced by 20% will usually wipe out any profit in a transaction.
  7.  Not realising a business is partly exempt. For a business, exemption is a VAT cost, not a relief. Apart from the complexity of partial exemption, a partly exempt business will not be permitted to reclaim all of the input tax it incurs and this represents an actual cost. In fact, a business which only makes exempt supplies will not be able to VAT register, so all input tax will be lost. There is a lot of planning that may be employed for partly exempt businesses and not taking advantage of this often creates additional VAT costs.
  8.  Relying on the partial exemption standard method to the business’ disadvantage. A partly exempt business has the opportunity to consider many methods to calculate irrecoverable input tax. The default method, the “standard method” often provides an unfair and costly result. I recommend that any partly exempt business obtains a review of its activities from a specialist. I have been able to save significant amounts for clients simply by agreeing an alternative partial exemption method with HMRC.
  9.  Not taking advantage of the available reliefs. There are a range of reliefs available, if one knows where to look. From Bad Debt Relief, Zero Rating (VAT nirvana!) and certain de minimis limits to charity reliefs and the Flat Rate Scheme, there are a number of easements and simplifications which could save a business money and reduce administrative and time costs.
  10.  Forgetting the impact of the Capital Goods Scheme. The range of costs covered by this scheme has been expanded recently. Broadly, VAT incurred on certain expenditure is required to be adjusted over a five or ten year period. Failure to recognise this could either result in assessments and penalties, or a position whereby input tax has been under-claimed. The CGS also “passes on” when a TOGC occurs, so extra caution is necessary in these cases.

So, you may ask: “How do I make sure that I avoid these VAT pitfalls?” – And you would be right to ask.

Of course, I would recommend that you engage a VAT specialist to help reduce the exposure to VAT costs!

Oops! Top Ten VAT howlers

By   8 May 2014

I am often asked what the most frequent VAT errors made by a business are. I usually reply along the lines of “a general poor understanding of VAT, considering the tax too late or just plain missing a VAT issue”.

While this is unquestionably true, a little further thought results in this top ten list of VAT horrors:

1 Not considering that HMRC may be wrong. There is a general assumption that HMRC know what they are doing. While this is true in most cases, the complexity and fast moving nature of the tax can often catch an inspector out. Added to this is the fact that in most cases inspectors refer to HMRC guidance (which is HMRC’s interpretation of the law) rather to the legislation itself. Reference to the legislation isn’t always straightforward either, as often EC rather than UK domestic legislation is cited to support an analysis. The moral to the story is that tax is complicated for the regulator as well, and no business should feel fearful or reticent about challenging a HMRC decision.

2 Missing a VAT issue altogether. A lot of errors are as a result of VAT not being considered at all. This is usually in relation to unusual or one-off transactions (particularly land and property or sales of businesses). Not recognising a VAT “triggerpoint” can result in an unexpected VAT bill, penalties and interest, plus a possible reduction of income of 20% or an added 20% in costs. Of course, one of the basic howlers is not registering at the correct time. Beware the late registration penalty, plus even more stringent penalties if HMRC consider that not registering has been done deliberately.

3 Not considering alternative structures. If VAT is looked at early enough, there is very often ways to avoid VAT representing a cost. Even if this is not possible, there may be ways of mitigating a VAT hit.

4 Assuming that all transactions with overseas customers are VAT free. There is no “one size fits all” treatment for cross border transactions. There are different rules for goods and services and a vast array of different rules for different services. The increase in trading via the internet has only added to the complexity in this area, and with new technology only likely to increase the rate of new types of supply it is crucial to consider the implications of tax; in the UK and elsewhere.

5 Leaving VAT planning to the last minute. VAT is time sensitive and it is not usually possible to plan retrospectively. Once an event has occurred it is normally too late to amend any transactions or structures. VAT shouldn’t wag the commercial dog, but failure to deal with it at the right time may be either a deal-breaker or a costly mistake.

6 Getting the option to tax wrong. Opting to tax is one area of VAT where a taxpayer has a choice. This affords the possibility of making the wrong choice, for whatever reasons. Not opting to tax when beneficial, or opting when it is detrimental can hugely impact on the profitability of a project. Not many businesses can carry the cost of, say, not being able to recover VAT on the purchase of a property, or not being able to recover input tax on a big refurbishment. Additionally, seeing expected income being reduced by 20% will usually wipe out any profit in a transaction.

Not realising a business is partly exempt. For a business, exemption is a VAT cost, not a relief. Apart from the complexity of partial exemption, a partly exempt business will not be permitted to reclaim all of the input tax it incurs and this represents an actual cost. In fact, a business which only makes exempt supplies will not be able to VAT register, so all input tax will be lost. There is a lot of planning that may be employed for partly exempt businesses and not taking advantage of this often creates additional VAT costs.

8 Relying on the partial exemption standard method to the business’ disadvantage. A partly exempt business has the opportunity to consider many methods to calculate irrecoverable input tax. The default method, the “standard method” often provides an unfair and costly result. I recommend that any partly exempt business obtains a review of its activities from a specialist. I have been able to save significant amounts for clients simply by agreeing an alternative partial exemption method with HMRC.

Not taking advantage of the available reliefs. There are a range of reliefs available, if one knows where to look. From Bad Debt Relief, Zero Rating (VAT nirvana!) and certain de minimis limits to charity reliefs and the Flat Rate Scheme, there are a number of easements and simplifications which could save a business money and reduce administrative and time costs.

10 Forgetting the impact of the Capital Goods Scheme. The range of costs covered by this scheme has been expanded recently. Broadly, VAT incurred on certain expenditure is required to be adjusted over a five or ten year period. Failure to recognise this could either result in assessments and penalties, or a position whereby input tax has been under-claimed.

So, you may ask: “How do I make sure that I avoid these VAT pitfalls?” – And you would be right to ask.

Of course, I would recommend that you engage a VAT specialist to help reduce the exposure to VAT costs!