Tag Archives: VAT-EV

VAT: Fuel and power HMRC update

By   10 January 2024

HMRC has updated its VAT Notice 701/19 from 5 January 2024.

Sections 2, 3 and 5 have been amended to include information about the VAT treatment of charging of electric vehicles (EVs) when using charging points.

VAT: Recovering input tax on the charging of EVs

By   24 April 2023

Following my last article on charging Electric Vehicles (EVs) I have been asked about the rules on recovering VAT incurred by a business on such costs.

The current rules are:

VAT incurred by businesses when charging EVs can be recovered on the business use of those vehicles, where they are charged at work or at public charging premises.

A business can also recover the VAT for charging EVs if it is a sole proprietor or a partner in a partnership business, and it charges the EV for business purposes at home.

A business must calculate how much of the cost of charging its EV is for business use and how much is for private use by keeping mileage records. The normal input tax rules then apply.

If an employee charges an EV (whether a company vehicle or not) at a public charging point, the supply of electricity is made to the company or employer. The business can recover the VAT on the cost of charging the electric vehicle, subject to the normal rules.

Again, the employer must keep detailed mileage records to calculate how much of the charging cost is used for business and private purposes.

However, where an employee charges an EV (whether a company vehicle or not) at home, the overall supply of electricity is made to the employee and not the employer. The employer is not entitled to recover the VAT on the cost of charging the electric vehicle.

NB: We understand that HMRC’s view on this may be soon be challenged.

Current developments

  • HMRC is currently reviewing the situation where an employee is reimbursed by the employer for the actual cost of electricity used in charging an electric vehicle for business purposes.
  • The Department is considering other simplification measures that may reduce administrative burdens in terms of accounting for VAT on private use.
  • The VAT rate applicable to public charging is 20%. We are aware that there could be a legal challenge to this and that the appropriate rate should be 5% (for all forms of EV charging). The reduced rate of VAT currently only applies to supplies of electricity to a person’s property which is less than 1,000 kilowatt-hours a month.

Hybrid cars are treated as either petrol or diesel cars for VAT purposes. The rules on input tax for petrol and diesel vehicles are here.


VAT: Charging EVs ruled to be goods not services

By   24 April 2023

Latest from the courts

In the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) it was ruled that electric vehicle charging via public charging points, was a supply of goods, regardless that some elements of the supply were services, ie; access technical support, reservation of a charging point, and a parking space while charging. The overriding supply was the provision of electricity which is classified as goods.

The full P. In W. case here.

It is unlikely that the UK authorities will form a different view.

Although in most cases there is unlikely to be a significant difference, although there could be issues with the time of supply (tax point).