Tag Archives: vat-free

VAT: Property – The Option To Tax

By   13 March 2019

Opting To Tax commercial property

Opting to tax provides a unique situation in the VAT world. It is the only example of where a supplier can choose to add VAT to a supply….. or not.

What is an option to tax?

The sale or letting of a property is, in most cases, exempt (VAT free) by default. However, it is possible to apply the option to tax (OTT) to commercial property. This has the result of turning an exempt supply into a taxable supply at the standard rate. It should be noted that an OTT made in respect of a residential property is disregarded and consequently, the supply of residential properties is always exempt.

Why opt?

Why would a supplier then deliberately choose to add VAT on a supply?

The only purpose of OTT is to enable the optor to recover or avoid input tax incurred in relation to the relevant land or property. The OTT is a decision solely for the property owner or landlord and the purchaser or tenant is not able to affect the OTT unless specific clauses are included in the lease or purchase contracts. Care should be taken to ensure that existing contracts permit the OTT to be taken.  Despite a lot of misleading commentary and confusion, it is worth bearing in mind that the recovery or avoidance of input tax is the sole reason to OTT.

Once made the OTT is usually irrevocable for a 20-year period (although there are circumstances where it may be revisited within six months of it being taken – see below).  There are specific rules for circumstances where the optor has previously made exempt supplies of the relevant land or property. In these cases, HMRC’s permission must usually be obtained before the option can be made.

What to consider

The important questions to be asked before a property transaction are:

  • Was VAT incurred on the purchase price?
  • Is the purchase with the benefit of an existing lease (will the tenant remain?) if so, it may be possible to treat the transaction as a VAT free TOGC (see below)
  • Is the property subject to the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS here)?
  • Is it intended to spend significant amounts on the property, eg; refurbishment?
  • What other costs will be incurred in respect of the property?
  • If renting the property out – will the lease granted be full tenant repairing?
  • Will the tenant or purchaser be in a position to recover any or all VAT charged on the rent/sale?

These are the basic questions to be addressed; further factors may need to be considered depending on the facts of a transaction.

Input tax recovery

Input tax relating to an exempt supply is usually irrecoverable. In fact, a business only making exempt supplies is unable to register for VAT. A guide to partial exemption here. So input tax incurred on, say; purchase, refurbishment, legal costs etc would be lost if a property was sold or rented on an exempt basis. In order to recover this tax, it must relate to a taxable supply. If an OTT is taken, the sale or rent of the property will be standard rated which represents a taxable supply. VAT on supply = input tax claim.

Two-part process

The OTT is a two-part process.

  • The first part is a decision of the business to take the OTT and it is prudent to minute this in Board meeting minutes or similar. Once the decision to OTT is taken VAT may be added to a sale price or rent and a valid tax invoice must be raised.
  • The second part is to formally notify HMRC. If the OTT is straightforward the form on which this is done is a VAT1614A. Here. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain HMRC’s permission in which case separate forms are required. HMRC guidance here – para 5.

There can be problems in cases where the OTT is taken, but not formally notified.


It is vital to ensure that an OTT is made at the correct time. Even one day late may affect the VAT treatment. Generally speaking, the OTT must be made before any use of the property, eg; sale or rent. Care should also be taken with deposits which can trigger a tax point before completion.


As mentioned above (and bears repeating) the benefit of taking the OTT is the ability to recover input tax which would otherwise fall to be irrecoverable. However, there are a number of potential disadvantages.

  • opting a commercial property may reduce its marketability. It is likely that entities which are unable to recover VAT would be less inclined to purchase or lease an opted property. These entities may be; partly exempt business, those not VAT registered, or charities/NFP organisations.
  • the payment of VAT by the purchaser may necessitate obtaining additional funding. This may create problems, especially if a VAT charge was not anticipated. Even though, via opting, the VAT charge is usually recoverable, it still has to be paid for up-front.
  • an OTT will increase the amount of SDLT payable when a property is sold. This is always an absolute cost.

Transfer of a Going Concern (TOGC)

I always say that advice should be taken in all property transactions and always in cases of a TOGC or a possible TOGC. This is doubly important where an opted building is being sold, because TOGC treatment only applies to a sale of property when specific tests are met. A TOGC is VAT free but any input tax incurred is recoverable, so this is usually a benefit for all parties.

Revoking an Option To Tax

  • The cooling off period – If an OTT has been made and the opter changes his/her mind within six months it can be revoked. This is as long as no tax has become chargeable on a supply of the land, that no TOGC has occurred, and the OTT has actually been notified to HMRC. There are additional considerations in certain cases, so these always need to be checked.
  • No interest has been held for more than six yearsAn OTT is revoked where the opter has not held an interest in the opted building for a continuous period of six years. The revocation is automatic, and no notification is required.
  • 20 years – It is possible to revoke an OTT which was made more than 20 years ago. Certain conditions must be met, and advice should be taken on how such a revocation affects future input tax recovery.


Property transactions are high value and often complex. The cost of getting VAT wrong or overlooking it can be very swingeing indeed. I have also seen deals being aborted over VAT issues.  of course, if you get it wrong there are penalties to pay too. For these reasons, please seek VAT advice at an early stage of negotiations.

More on our land and property services here

VAT: Place of supply of “erotic services”

By   19 February 2019

Latest from the courts

Readers of a nervous disposition may want to look away now.

In the case of Geelen C-568/17 (in French) the advocate General (AG) was asked for an opinion on the supply of what was coyly called webcam sessions.


The defendant in the main proceedings, Mr Geelen, was a VAT registered person in The Netherlands. He provided the services of the organisation and provision of interactive erotic sessions broadcast live over the Internet. The models were located in the Philippines and Mr Geelen provided them with the necessary hardware and software to transmit the sessions over the Internet. Customers contacted the models via a website after creating an account for this purpose. The sessions were broadcast live and were interactive, which meant that customers had the opportunity to communicate with the models and give them instructions. The services provided by the defendant were intended for the Dutch market. I set out the arrangements here, as I am sure that none of my readers will be aware of such things * polite cough *

This is interesting as an example of technology overtaking legislation which was enacted before such services could even be contemplated (well, by the people drafting the VAT legislation anyway).

The issue 

The issue was where was the place of supply of these services. If they were in The Netherlands, then Dutch VAT would apply, but if they were deemed to be outside the EU, no EU VAT would be payable. The tax authorities considered that such services were subject to VAT in The Netherlands and issued a tax assessment notice.


Generally, the rule is that for B2C services the place of supply (POS) is where the supplier belongs. However, there is an exception for cultural, artistic, and entertainment activities. These are taxed where performed (outside the EU in this case if the exception is applicable).


It was the AG’s opinion that, in the first place, there was no doubt that the services in question were entertaining…

However, he opined that the only way to provide cultural activities, entertainment, education, etc. was either to bring service users together at the actual place of service delivery, or to provide a service at the location of the users.

The technological development that has taken place since the relevant legislation was drafted has enabled services in which beneficiaries participate remotely, sometimes even actively, in a cultural, entertainment or other event, without necessarily doing so in real time. In a cultural reference: The “unity of action, time and place”, to refer to the categories of classical theatre, was thus upset.

In the AG’s opinion, these services were not intended to be covered by the exception. Consequently, these were not services “supplied where performed” and the general B2C rules applied, so the POS was The Netherlands and Dutch VAT was applicable.  It was concluded that performance does not take place where the models are based, or where the consumer was located, but where Mr Geelen brought together all elements of the supply.


The legislation must be interpreted as meaning that the services of organising and providing live interactive webcam sex do not constitute services for entertainment purposes within the meaning of the relevant provisions.

VAT: Yet more cases on food

By   11 February 2019

Latest from the courts

Like London buses, few cases on the VAT liability of food, then a veritable deluge (although I am unsure whether there can be a deluge of buses…).

Following Eat Ltd and my summary, two further food cases have been heard at First Tier Tribunal (FTT). These are on the subjects of juicing and brownies.


In The Core (Swindon) the issue was whether fruit and vegetable juices sold as meal replacements were beverages and therefore standard rated or whether they were not beverages and therefore zero-rated as food.


The appellant provides “juice cleanse programmes” (JCPs) which consist of fresh drinkable products made from juicing raw fruits and vegetables and are intended to replace normal meals. The relevant test was how the product was objectively “held out for sale” by the supplier.

What needed to be considered was:

  1. How is the product marketed?
  2. Why it is consumed by the customer?
  3. What is the use to which it is put?

Case law

 Similar products were considered in Fluff, Ltd. Roger Skinner and Bioconcepts where the above tests were set out.


Judging the JCPs by reference to the above tests the Tribunal found that the purchasers of the JCPs purchase them as meal replacements. Customers do not purchase them as beverages (they drink water in addition to consuming the products). They do not therefore purchase them in order to increase their bodily fluid, or to slake their thirst, or to fortify themselves or to give pleasure. The products are deliberately made palatable, in order not to deter consumers from drinking them, and they are not unpleasant to drink, but they are not consumed for pleasure. Customers purchase and consume them as a meal replacement, not as a beverage. As a consequence, they were zero rated food.


In Pulsin’ Ltd the issue was whether a raw choc brownies was a cake (zero rated) or a biscuit (standard rated). So, shades of the infamous Jaffa Cake case.


The products in question were individually wrapped bars produced by cold compression of predominantly: dates, cashews, cacao, various syrups, concentrated grape juice and brown rice bran. All ingredients used are intended to be as natural, unprocessed, hypoallergenic and as nutritionally beneficial as possible.

Case law

The cases set out above were also referred to in this case, along with Kinnerton which I considered here although the judge dismissed HMRC’s contention that the decision in that case was helpful in this.


The judge formed the view that the products do show enough characteristics of cakes to be so categorised. Therefore, all variants of the raw choc brownies were properly classified as cakes and are therefore eligible to be zero rated.


What was interesting here was the judge’s comments on the current position regarding food and VAT.

“It is the Tribunal’s view that the current state of the law on the taxation of food items is not fit for purpose and will necessarily present apparently anomalous results as tastes and attitudes to eating change. The Tribunal fundamentally disagrees with HMRC’s guidance that the borderline between cake and confectionary presents few problems. The lines set and perceived by HMRC in the application of this out of date provision (as recognised by them in their anguished consideration of flapjacks and cereal bars) drives anomalous outcomes….”

And so say all of us…

The zero rating of food is complicated as the provision under VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 1 provide for a wide general description (qualifying for zero rating) subject to excepted items (which must therefore be standard rated) with exclusions and overriding items to those exceptions (which then requalify to be zero rated).

What VAT CAN’T you claim?

By   3 January 2019
The majority of input tax incurred by most VAT registered businesses may be recovered.  However, there is some input tax that may not be.  I thought it would be helpful if I pulled together all of these categories in one place:

Blocked VAT claims – an overview

  •  No supporting evidence

In most cases this evidence will be an invoice (or as the rules state “a proper tax invoice)” although it may be import, self-billing or other documentation in specific circumstances.  A claim is invalid without the correct paperwork.  HMRC may accept alternative evidence, however, they are not duty bound to do so (and rarely do).  So ensure that you always obtain and retain the correct documentation.

  • Incorrect supporting evidence

Usually this is an invalid invoice, or using a delivery note/statement/pro forma in place of a proper tax invoice. To support a claim an invoice must show all the information set out in the legislation.  HMRC are within their rights to disallow a claim if any of the details are missing.  A full guide is here

  •  Input tax relating to exempt supplies

Broadly speaking, if a business incurs VAT in respect of exempt supplies it cannot recover it.  If a business makes only exempt supplies it cannot even register for VAT.  There is a certain easement called de minimis which provide for recovery if the input tax is below certain prescribed limits. Input tax which relates to both exempt and taxable activities must be apportioned. More details of partial exemption may be found here

  •  Input tax relating to non-business activities

If a charity or NFP entity incurs input tax in connection with non-business activities this cannot be recovered and there is no de minimis relief.  Input tax which relates to both business and non-business activities must be apportioned. Business versus non-business apportionment must be carried out first and then any partial exemption calculation for the business element if appropriate. More details here 

  •  Time barred

If input tax is not reclaimed within four years of it being incurred, the capping provisions apply and any claim will be rejected by HMRC.

  •  VAT incurred on business entertainment

This is always irrecoverable unless the client or customer being entertained belongs overseas.  The input tax incurred on staff entertainment costs is however recoverable.

  •  Car purchase

In most cases the VAT incurred on the purchase of a car is blocked. The only exceptions are for when the car; is part of the stock in trade of a motor manufacturer or dealer, or is used primarily for the purposes of taxi hire; self-drive hire or driving instruction; or is used exclusively for a business purpose and is not made available for private use. This last category is notoriously difficult to prove to HMRC and the evidence to support this must be very good.

  •  Car leasing

If a business leases a car for business purposes it will normally be unable to recover 50% of the VAT charged.  The 50% block is to cover the private use of the car.

  •  A business using certain schemes

For instance, a business using the Flat rate Scheme cannot recover input tax except for certain large capital purchases, also there are certain blocks for recovery on TOMS users

  •  VAT charged in error

Even if you obtain an invoice purporting to show a VAT amount, this cannot be recovered if the VAT was charged in error; either completely inappropriately or at the wrong rate.  A business’ recourse is with the supplier and not HMRC.

  •  Goods and services not used for your business

Even if a business has an invoice addressed to it and the services or goods are paid for by the business, the input tax on the purchase is blocked if the supply is not for business use.  This may be because the purchase is for personal use, or by another business or for purposes not related to the business.

  • VAT paid on goods and services obtained before VAT registration

This is not input tax and therefore is not claimable.  However, there are exceptions for goods on hand at registration and which were purchased within four years of registration, and services received within six months of registration if certain conditions are met.

  •  VAT incurred by property developers

Input tax incurred on certain articles that are installed in buildings which are sold or leased at the zero rate is blocked.

  •  Second hand goods

Goods sold to you under one of the VAT second-hand schemes will not show a separate VAT charge and no input tax is recoverable on these goods.

  •  Transfer of a going concern (TOGC)

Assets of a business transferred to you as a going concern are not deemed to be a supply for VAT purposes and consequently, there is no VAT chargeable and therefore no input tax to recover.

  •  Disbursements

A business cannot reclaim VAT when it pays for goods or services to be supplied directly to its client. However, in this situation the VAT may be claimable by the client if they are VAT registered. For more on disbursements see here

  •  VAT incurred overseas

A business cannot reclaim VAT charged on goods or services that it has bought from suppliers in other EU States. Only UK VAT may be claimed on a UK VAT return. There is however, a mechanism available to claim this VAT back from the relevant authorities in those States. Details here. However, in most cases, supplies received from overseas suppliers are VAT free, so it is usually worth checking whether any VAT has been charged correctly.

Education – New funding rules impact on VAT

By   9 December 2018

The government has announced it will amend the VAT law from 1 August 2019 to ensure continuity of VAT treatment for English Higher Education (HE) providers under the Higher Education and Research Act 2017. The change in legislation applies to English HE providers who register with the Office for Students (OfS) in the Approved (fee cap) category.


VAT exemption currently applies to UK universities and their colleges, institutions conducted by higher education corporations (HECs) and other institutions that are designated as eligible to receive support from central funding.

There are changes to the way that HE providers are funded by the OfS from the start of the 2019 to 2020 academic year. These changes require an amendment to be made to the statutory definition of an eligible body in Note 1(c) of Group 6 of Schedule 9 to the VAT Act 1994.

Paragraph 4.1 of VAT Notice 701/30 (Education and Vocational training) explains that an eligible body includes ‘a school, university, sixth form college, tertiary college or further education (FE) college or other centrally funded higher or FE institution’ (defined as such under the Education Acts).

Revised VAT treatment

Note 1(c) to Group 6 of Schedule 9 to the VAT Act 1994 is being amended in respect of HE institutions in England (only).

The exemptions that relate to FE will be unaffected, although some providers of FE that also provide HE may register with the OfS in the Approved (fee cap) category.

Note 1(c) currently refers to bodies that fall within subsections 91(5)(b) and (c) of the Further and Higher Education Act (FHEA) 1992, but subsection 91(5)(c) of FHEA 1992 will no longer apply to England once the Higher Education and Research Act 2017 fully commences.

Sub-section 91(5)(b) of FHEA 1992 will be amended so that this only applies to institutions in Wales.

In order to be bodies entitled to exempt their supplies, those English HE providers who are currently exempt by virtue of being HECs or designated institutions will in future need to be registered by the OfS in the Approved (fee cap) category.

All English HE providers who will become registered in the Approved (fee cap) category will also become entitled to exempt their supplies in future.

The overall impact of the change is to ensure that those HE providers that are currently eligible to receive central funding can continue to exempt their supplies of education.

institutions which currently fall within section 91 FHEA 1992 will have to show that they are registered with the Office for Students in order to exempt their services

HEMore details are available in VAT Information Sheet 08/18

See our education offering here

VAT: EC adopts short term fixes

By   5 December 2018

The European Council (EC) will adopt short-term fixes to the current VAT system.

The EC agreed three short legislative acts aimed at adjusting some of the EU’s VAT rules in order to fix four specific issues pending the introduction of a new VAT system. These relate to:

  • call-off stock. The text provides for a simplified and uniform treatment for call-off stock arrangements, where a vendor transfers stock to a warehouse at the disposal of a known acquirer in another member state
  • the VAT identification number. To benefit from a VAT free treatment for the intra-EU supply of goods, the identification number of the customer will become an additional condition
  • chain transactions. To enhance legal certainty in determining the VAT treatment of chain transactions, the texts establish uniform criteria
  • proof of intra-EU supply. A common framework is established for the documentary evidence required to claim a VAT exemption for intra-EU supplies

These adjustments are due to apply from 1 January 2020.

In parallel, discussions are ongoing on a definitive VAT system to replace the current ‘transitional’ VAT arrangements, applied since 1993. Pending introduction of the new system, the four short-term quick fixes are proposed.

EC clamp down on yacht and aircraft VAT abuse

By   8 November 2018

The European Commission (EC) has stepped up its agenda to tackle tax avoidance in the yacht and aircraft sectors by implementing infringement proceedings on tax breaks being applied in the pleasure craft industries of the Isle of Man. These provisions can generate major distortions of competition, as highlighted by last year’s ‘Paradise Papers’ leaks.

The EC has sent a formal notice to the UK in respect of the Isle of Man’s abusive VAT practices relating to sales and leasing of aircraft.


Input tax is only deductible when it relates to business use of an asset. The EC says that supplies of aircraft, including leasing services, intended expressly for private use, should not be effectively VAT free. The EC believes that the UK has not taken sufficient action against abusive VAT practices in the Isle of Man on supplies and leasing of aircraft. This perceived abuse is facilitated by UK national rules which do not comply with EU law.

Broadly, arrangements are made such that a (seemingly) artificial leasing businesses is put in place and through which individuals rent their own jets from themselves. The most high-profile example of this structure is one used by Lewis Hamilton for his private jet.

Features of such arrangements are said to be:

  • Users of the scheme recover 100% of import VAT when it appears that an adjustment should be made for the proportion of the amount of private use intended for the aircraft
  • VAT should be declared and paid to any European Member States whose airports are used for leisure flights.
  • The leasing businesses set up for jets usually appear to be a letterbox companies with no real economic purpose. Consequently, it is unlikely that such entities should be entitled to reclaim VAT from the Isle of Man.

It is understood that the Isle of Man government has called in the HMRC which will review of 231 tax refunds issued to private jet owners since 2011 valued at circa $1billion of VAT.

Representatives of the EC are due to visit the Isle of Man this month. Similar action is being taken against Italy in respect of the lease of yachts and excise duty rates for motor boats.

What happens next? 

The UK now has two months to respond to the arguments put forward by the EC regarding VAT on aircraft. If the UK authorities do not act within those two months, the EC will send a reasoned opinion. If the UK does not act within the next two months on the reasoned opinion the EC may bring the case before the Court of Justice of the EU.

Pierre Moscovici, the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Union, said: “It’s simply not fair that some individuals and companies can get away with not paying the correct amount of VAT on products like yachts and aircraft. Favourable tax treatment for private boats and aircraft is clearly at odds with our commonly agreed tax rules and heavily distorts competition in the maritime and aviation sectors. With this in mind, the Commission is taking action to clamp down on rules that try to circumvent EU law in these areas.”

For More Information

On the general infringements procedure, MEMO/12/12.

On the EU infringements procedure. 


We do not design, sell or advocate such schemes. Our view is that these and similar structures are, quite rightly, open to attack from the relevant authorities. They do not reflect well on those that put these structures in place nor those that benefit from them. Using a leasing scheme as such is not necessarily abusive. However, if one takes the other elements in the targeted schemes into consideration, such as the absence in motive of setting up those companies and the fact that those companies do not seem to have any substance, it is likely to lead to the action we see from the EC and its view that these schemes are abusive.

How Brexit will impact on these and similar situations remains to be seen.

VAT: Are sales from Student Union shops exempt?

By   5 November 2018

Latest from the courts

In the Upper Tribunal (UT) case of Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU) the issue was whether sales of certain goods from Student Union shops were exempt as being closely related to education. This case is a practical issue considering the exemption I set out recently here

The two issues before the UT were:

  • were the shops eligible bodies, and
  • were the sales closely related to education supplies?


The appeal by LSU was against a decision of the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) dismissing its appeal against HMRC’s decision to deny its claim for repayment of output tax in respect of sales of; stationery, art materials and other items from the shops which LSU operates on campus.


The legislation (where relevant to this case) is:

VAT Act 1994, Group 6, Item No 1, item 4

1 The provision by an eligible body of (a) education; …

4 The supply of any goods or services (other than examination services) which are closely related to a supply of a description falling within item 1 (the principal supply) by or to the eligible body making the principal supply…


Not surprisingly, the appeal was dismissed. because even if LSU was an eligible body (which the judge was doubtful about) the exemption only applied to an eligible body which itself provided education, which clearly LSU did not. Consequently, the supplies for which exemption was sought were not closely related to any principal supply. Further, the judge was not persuaded that even if the supplies were closely connected to education, that they were essential (as required) to education. Food, newspapers and household goods for eg, are “ends in themselves” and not ancillary to education; the education provided by the University would be just as good if the students did not buy these items from the LSU shops.


The appeal seems to have been a long-shot and predictably, it failed. Care must always be taken with the VAT treatment of goods and services closely connected to education. This is an area I am often asked for an opinion on by schools, academies, colleges and universities and there is not one single one-size fits all answer.

Our offering to education bodies here

Combined Nomenclature – 2019 version published

By   5 November 2018

The European Commission (EC) has published the latest version of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) applicable from 1 January 2019.

The CN forms the basis for the declaration of goods

  • at importation or exportation or
  • when subject to intra-Union trade statistics

This determines which rate of Customs Duty applies and how the goods are treated for statistical purposes. The CN is a vital working tool for business and the Member States’ Customs administrations.

The CN is updated every year and is published as a Commission Implementing Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The latest version is now available as Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1602 in EU Official Journal L 273 on 31 October 2018 and applies from 1 January 2019.

Businesses which import, and/or export need to be aware of any changes as they could affect the amount of Customs Duty payable. We recommend that such a business’s import/export agent or carrier should be contacted in the first instance.

VAT e-books to be reduced rated?

By   10 October 2018

The EC will put forward a proposal to permit EU Member States to introduce a reduced rate for the supply of e-books to bring them into line with traditional books (which, uniquely, are zero rated in the UK). Details of the latest court decision and reasoning here and an ECJ decision on the matter here

What are e-books for this proposal?

e-book is short for “electronic book.” It is a digital publication that can be read on a computer, e-reader, or other electronic device. e-books are available in several different file formats. There are many types of e-book formats, all of which support text, images, chapters, and page markers . An e-book may be a novel, magazine, newspaper, or other publication. However, the electronic versions of magazines and newspapers are often called “digital editions” to differentiate them from electronic books. It is likely that digital editions will be included in the proposed reduce rate proposal.


It is likely that the proposal will be adopted quite quickly once the formalities have been completed, so watch this space.

HMRC stance

Previous cases have underlined HMRC’s position that they view traditional physical books and online supplies as two different supplies, even if the content is similar, or even identical. It will be interesting to see how they react to the EC’s adoption of these proposals, especially in the current political environment.


If you, or your clients, supply e-books, it is important to monitor this position. Failure to respond to any changes may mean too much VAT being accounted for and an EU-wide commercial competitive disadvantage. We will report on the latest on e-books as soon as possible any final decisions are made.