Tag Archives: vat-free

VAT: New guidance on zero rating exports

By   4 April 2023

HMRC has published updated guidance on the evidence required to zero rate the export of goods. VAT Notice 703 sets out the following changes on the documentation which is required for proof of export:

  • Para 6.1 – For VAT zero rating purposes a business must produce official evidence or commercial evidence. Both types generally have equal weight but, if the commercial evidence is found to be lacking sufficient detail, a business will be expected to provide official evidence. An exporter must also provide supplementary evidence to show that a transaction has taken place, and that the transaction relates to the goods physically exported. If the evidence of export provided is found to be unsatisfactory, VAT zero rating will not be allowed and the supplier of the goods will be liable to account for the VAT at the appropriate UK rate.


  • Para 6.5 – What must be shown on export evidence (extract from the Notice)

“An accurate description of the exported goods and quantities are required, for example ‘2000 mobile phones (Make ABC and Model Number XYZ2000), value £50,000’.

If the evidence is found to be unsatisfactory you as the supplier will become liable for the VAT due.

If you’ve described goods inaccurately on an export declaration you may be liable for a customs penalty.

The rest of this paragraph has force of law.

The evidence you obtain as proof of export, whether official or commercial, or supporting must clearly identify:

    • the supplier
    • the consignor (where different from the supplier)
    • the customer
    • an accurate and full description of the goods including quantities
    • an accurate and consistent value of the good
    • the export destination, and
    • the mode of transport and route of the export movement

Vague descriptions of good, quantities or values are not acceptable. An accurate value must be shown and not excluded or replaced by a lower or higher amount”.

  • Paras 7.3 and 7.4 on merchandise in baggage and direct exports of personal goods in accompanied baggage have also be amended.


It is vitally important that exporters obtain the correct evidence that goods have physically left the UK and that all descriptions of the goods are accurate and satisfy HMRC requirements. There has been a significant amount of case law on export documentation (an example here) which illustrates that this is often an area of dispute.

A VAT Did you know?

By   28 March 2023

Embryos of animal species which are used for human food may be zero-rated but “anything below” the embryo stage is standard-rated.

VAT: Food for assistance dogs now zero rated

By   7 March 2023

VAT Quickie

Pet food is generally standard rated, however, food for “working dogs” is zero rated. Working dogs include animals such as; working sheep dogs, gun dogs and racing greyhounds. The definition in Public Notice 701/15 Animals And Animal Food has been amended at para 6.4 to now include assistance dogs from 28 February 2023.

Assistance dogs are trained to support disabled people and people with medical conditions in a variety of ways. From guide dogs to medical alert dogs, from autism dogs to hearing dogs.

NB: Although dog food held out as for sale for working dogs is zero rated, this excludes biscuit or meal – which remain standard rated regardless of use.


A VAT Did you know?

By   30 January 2023

Children’s clothing made from the skin of goats is zero rated, but only if not made from Yemen, Mongolian or Tibetan goats.

VAT: Freeports – what are they? Are they beneficial?

By   12 October 2021

Further to the background to Freeports here I consider the latest developments.

What are Freeports?

Freeports are a specific port where normal tax and customs rules do not apply. Imports can enter with simplified customs documentation and without paying tariffs. Businesses operating inside designated areas in and around the port can manufacture goods using the imports, before exporting again without paying the tariff on the original imported goods (however, a tariff may be payable on the finished product when it reaches its final destination).

Freeports are similar to Free zones, or “Enterprise Zones” which are designated areas subject to a broad array of special regulatory requirements, tax breaks and Government support. The difference is that a Freeport is designed to specifically encourage businesses that import, process and then re-export goods, rather than more general business support.


Goods brought into a Freeport are not subject to duties until they leave the port and enter the UK market. Additionally, if the goods are re-exported no duty is payable at all.

If raw materials are brought into a Freeport and processed into final goods before entering the UK market, duties will be paid on the final goods.


If a business chooses to use a Freeport to import or export goods, it will be able to:

  • get relief from duties and import taxes
  • use simplified declarations processes to reduce administrative burdens
  • choose which rate of Customs Duty to use if processing the goods changes their classification

If goods are purchased in the UK, a business will continue to pay duties and import taxes using the normal UK rates.

Where are they?

The eight new Freeports are located at East Midlands Airport, Felixstowe and Harwich, the Humber region, Liverpool City Region, Plymouth, the Solent, the Thames, and Teesside.

Authorisation needed to use a Freeport

A business can apply to use the Freeport customs special procedure (a single authorisation combined with easier declaration requirements) to import goods for:

  • processing and then export or for sale in the UK
  • storage and then export or for sale in the UK

Declaring goods entering the UK Freeport

A form C21 is used to declare goods entering the UK. This can be done before the goods arrive in the UK or when the goods have arrived in the UK.

Declaring goods exported

A business will normally need to submit an exit summary declaration when goods are exported from the UK. When an exit summary declaration is not needed, a business will need to give an onward export notification to HMRC.

Disposing of goods which have been processed or repaired

When a business has finished processing or repairing goods, it must leave the Freeport and dispose of the goods by either:

  • re-exporting them outside the UK
  • declaring them to another customs procedure
  • transferring them to another Freeport Business Authorisation holder
  • destroying them – usually only possible under customs supervision
  • using other simplified disposal methods

VAT on supplies in the Freeport

A business will be able to zero rate supplies within a Freeport of:

  • goods declared to the Freeport
  • services carried out on goods declared to the Freeport

When a zero rated VAT invoice is issued, it must include the reference “Free zone”.

Zero rating of goods applies if:

  • they are declared to the Freeport
  • they are sold from one authorised Freeport business to another in the Freeport
  • both Freeport businesses are registered for VAT (unless they are exempt from registering for VAT and HMRC has approved this exemption)


The Government says that Freeports and free zones are intended to stimulate economic activity in their designated areas. Government backed economic studies have found the main advantage of Freeports is that they encourage imports by lowering duty and paperwork costs. Manufacturing businesses that are inside the Freeport can benefit from cheaper imported inputs in comparison to those outside the area. However, some commentators such as the UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) suggest that whilst some form of free zones could help with shaping export-oriented and place-based regional development programmes, it is important to ensure that trade is not simply diverted from elsewhere and that wider incentives are needed.


Considering that the European Parliament has called for Freeports to be scrapped across the EU because of tax evasion and money laundering and that they are where trade can be conducted untaxed, and ownership can be concealed it is likely that there will be a certain degree of evasion. This a result of the lack of scrutiny on imports and means that high-value items, eg; art, can be bought and easily stored in Freeports without the kind of checks and controls they would normally face.


Any business that regularly imports and/or exports goods should consider if a Freeport will benefit their business model. This is particularly relevant if work is carried out on imported goods.

VAT: Construction of a dwelling – zero-rated? The CMJ (Aberdeen) case

By   18 August 2021

Latest from the courts

The First-Tier tribunal (FTT) considered the case of CMJ (Aberdeen) Limited (CMJ) and whether the supply of building services in respect of the construction of a dwelling were correctly zero rated by the appellant. HMRC deemed that the construction services were standard rated on the basis that the works were not carried out in accordance with the terms of the relevant statutory planning consent.


HMRC’s view was that, although planning consent was in place at the time the construction services were supplied by the appellant, that planning consent permitted only the alteration or enlargement of a dwelling and did not allow for the construction of a dwelling. HMRC accept that the property was constructed as a new building, but that this was not permitted by the planning consent and so the construction was not carried out in accordance with it.

CMJ contended that statutory planning consent had been obtained for the construction via a combination of the planning consent and a construction building warrant which it had obtained from the relevant authority, and which allowed for the construction of a new building.


The zero rating for the construction of new dwellings is contained in The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 5, item 2

“The supply in the course of the construction of

(a)     a building designed as a dwelling…”

Note 2 to Group 5 of Schedule 8 to the VAT Act include the following:

“(2)  A building is designed as a dwelling or a number of dwellings where in relation to each dwelling the following conditions are satisfied…

…(d)   statutory planning consent has been granted in respect of that dwelling and its construction or conversion has been carried out in accordance with that consent.


The appeal was dismissed. It was judged that the building warrant did not comprise statutory planning consent for the purposes of note 2 (d) because:

  • Planning consent and building warrants operate under different statutory regimes.
  • Breach of planning consent is dealt with separately from a breach of the building warrant legislation, and each is dealt with by the specific statutory regime . If there is a breach of planning consent, it would not affect the validity of the building warrant, and vice versa.
  • The Building Standards Handbook states that the purpose of the building standards system is setting out the standards to be met when building work takes place. This is different from planning consent which is consent to allow the authority to permit development on a piece of land. They are distinct and separate regimes aimed at distinct and separate issues. While planning permission is about how the house will look, a building warrant is about whether it meets building standards.
  • Both planning permission and a building warrant is required. One is no substitute for the other.
  • It is possible to obtain retrospective planning consent, the judge did not believe it is possible to get a retrospective building warrant.

It was not possible to carry out works of construction in accordance with a valid statutory consent, since no such consent had been given for construction at the time that the building works were carried out.


The legislation covering building work is complex and there are many traps for the unwary. Even the seemingly straightforward matter of whether a new dwelling is constructed can produce difficulties, as in this case. We always counsel that proper VAT advice is sought in such circumstances.

VAT: Is the supply of football pitches an exempt right over land? The Netbusters case.

By   11 November 2020

Latest from the courts.

In the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Netbusters (UK) Limited the issue was whether the supply was the standard rated provision of sporting facilities, or an exempt right over land.


Netbusters organised football and netball leagues and provided the playing facilities (artificial pitches for football and courts for netball). The hire of the facilities was for a defined period of time and no other party had the right to access the pitches during those times. The hire could be a block, or one-off booking. The appellant contended that the supplies were exempt via VAT Act 1994, Sch 9, Group 1 – “The grant of any interest in or right over land or of any licence to occupy land…”  However, item 1 Note (para m) excludes the “the grant of facilities for playing any sport or participating in any physical recreation” in which case they become standard rated. To add complexity, Note 16 overrides the exception for sporting facilities (so they are exempt) if the grant of the facilities is for:

“(a) a continuous period of use exceeding 24 hours; or

(b) a series of 10 or more periods, whether or not exceeding 24 hours in total, where the following conditions are satisfied—

(i) each period is in respect of the same activity carried on at the same place;

(ii) the interval between each period is not less than one day and not more than 14 days;

(iii) consideration is payable by reference to the whole series and is evidenced by written agreement;

(iv) the grantee has exclusive use of the facilities; and

(v) the grantee is a school, a club, an association or an organisation representing affiliated clubs or constituent associations.”

I have a simplified flowchart which may assist if you, or your clients, need to look at these types of supplies further.

Another issue was whether Netbusters’ league/tournament management services which were, in principle, available independently of pitch hire, but in practice rarely were provided in that way, were separate supplies or composite. There was a single price payable for both pitch hire and league management services.

The appellant contended that its supplies were exempt via VAT Act 1994, Sch 9, Group 1 or that Revenue and Customs Brief 8 (2014): sports leagues, is applicable which states “HMRC accepts that the decision of the FTT is applicable to all traders who operate in circumstances akin to Goals Soccer Centres plc. This includes traders who hire the pitches from third parties such as local authorities, schools and clubs…

HMRC argued that there was no intention to create a tenancy and the agreements between the parties did not provide for exclusive use of the premises, so the supplies fell to be standard rated.


The appeal was allowed; the supply was a singe exempt supply because the objective character of the supplies were properly categorised as the granting of interests in, rights over or licenses to occupy land. It was found to be significant Netbusters (or its customers) had the ability to exclude others from the pitches during the period of the matches.

It was therefore unnecessary to consider whether Netbusters’ supplies grants of facilities satisfy all the conditions set out in Note 16 (although the FTT were disinclined to do this anyway as a consequence of the way respondent prepared its case).


The issue of the nature sporting rights has a long and acrimonious history both in the UK and EU courts. Any business providing similar services are advised to review the VAT treatment applied.

Ten Questions every business should ask about VAT

By   14 October 2020

1. Am I sure that a VAT inspection would not find any errors?  

  • An inspection can result in significant assessments, penalties and interest, apart from a business becoming “known” to HMRC. Peace of mind is a valuable benefit for a business owner too!

 2. Am I sure that I am reclaiming as much VAT as possible?

  • We often find that businesses miss out on recovering input tax, this clearly results in an actual cost.

 3. Do I take full advantage all available VAT reliefs, customs exemptions and duty refund schemes? 

  • Failure to do so will create a tax cost and may be putting a business in a less competitive position.

4. Am I up to date on the indirect tax developments in my key markets?

  • Indirect tax changes rapidly, and so does the market place. Being unaware of changes that affect you may result in VAT being overpaid, or penalties being levied if you have underdeclared tax. It may also put you at a competitive disadvantage.

5. Have I considered the impact of tax rate changes on my pricing and margin, and have I taken the necessary measures?

  • Budgeting is affected by VAT.  Failure to consider indirect taxes may eat into profit.

6. Do I collect all the data about my customers and transactions that could be required by tax authorities?

  • As in many VAT circumstances, getting it wrong or missing something results in penalties.

7. Do I comply with all indirect tax requirements in the jurisdictions where I operate or where my customers belong?

  • VAT and GST does exist outside the UK and ignoring overseas indirect tax obligations may result in action being taken by foreign authorities which will prove to be very uncomfortable and expensive.  It is important to understand the rules for indirect tax in each country/area you trade. Don’t get caught out.

8. Do I have the tools to analyse my indirect tax flows and data?

  • Allocating sufficient technical and human resources to VAT is important.  Seeking professional advice at the appropriate time is also prudent.

9. Could changes in the way my business is structured or how transactions are organised improve my indirect tax position and/or reduce complexity?

  • Saving money and reducing tax complications must be near the top of every business’ wish list. Seeking professional advice on structuring a business or a transaction goes a long way to achieving this

10. Is my business using the right VAT scheme?

  • There are many special schemes that a business may use, from the Flat Rate Scheme to Margin Schemes. Most are optional, but some, like the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme are compulsory. Choose the wrong one, or being unaware of a beneficial scheme could cost.

It is important to constantly monitor a business’ VAT position.  The nature of trade changes, technology changes, case law changes and the VAT rules are constantly in a state of flux.  It is easy to assume that everything is alright because it has always been done that way, but there may be significant exposures and missed opportunities out there.  Things will also change once the terms of Brexit have been agreed (or not). We offer services from a basic healthcheck to a full technical review.  A review will let you rest easy in your bed if nothing else!