Tag Archives: VAT-input-tax

VAT Inspections …and how to survive them

By   5 January 2022

VAT Inspections

The first point to make is that inspections are usually quite standard and routine and generally there is nothing to worry about.  They are hardly enjoyable occasions, but with planning they can be made to go as smoothly as possible. As an inspector in my previous life, I am in a good position to look at the process from “both sides”.  If you are concerned that the inspection is not routine (for any reason) please contact us immediately.


Typically, the initial meeting will begin with an interview with the business owner (and/or adviser) to go through the basic facts.  The inspector will seek to understand the business and how it operates and will usually assess the answers with specific tests (further tests will be applied to the records).  After the interview the inspector(s) will examine the records and will usually have further queries on these. More often than not they will carry out; bank reconciliations, cash reconciliations, mark-up exercises, and often “references” which are the testing of transactions using information obtained from suppliers and customers.  There are many other exercises that may be carried out depending on the type of business.  Larger businesses have more regular inspections where one part of the business is looked at each meeting.  The largest businesses have more or less perpetual inspections (as one would expect).  The length of the inspection usually depends on:

  • Size of the business
  • Complexity of the business
  • Type of business (HMRC often target; cash businesses, the construction industry, property investment, partially exempt businesses, charities and NFP entities, cross-border transactions and financial services providers amongst others)
  • Compliance history
  • Associated/past businesses
  • Intelligence received
  • Errors found
  • Credibility of the business owner and records

The above measurements will also dictate how often a business is inspected.

More details on certain inspections/investigations here

The initial inspection may be followed by subsequent meetings if required, although HMRC state that they aim is to conclude matters at the time of the first meeting.

The inspection – how to prepare

  • Ensure that both the person who completes the VAT returns and the person who signs the VAT returns will be available for all of the day(s) selected
  • Arrange with your adviser, to be available to you and the inspector on the days of the inspection
  • Thoroughly review your VAT declarations and have ready, if relevant, any disclosures or other declarations you consider you need to make to HMRC at the start of the inspection (this should avoid penalties)
  • Have available all VAT returns and working papers for the last four years or the period since you were registered for VAT including:
    • Annual accounts
    • The VAT account and all related working papers
    • All books and accounts, cashbook, petty cashbook, sales and purchases day books
    • Sales and purchase invoices
    • All supporting documentation, eg; contracts, correspondence, etc.
    • Bank statements
    • VAT certificate and certificate of registration
    • Any other documentation relating to “taxable supplies”
  • Have available the full VAT correspondence files ensuring that they are fully up-to-date
  • Ensure you have full information on any; one-off, unusual or particularly high value transactions

The inspection – during the visit

  • Ask the inspector(s) to identify themselves by name on arrival (they carry identity cards)
  • Be polite, friendly and hospitable as far as possible
  • Make a desk or space available for them to work near to you – in this way you can oversee/overlook what they do
  • Only allow access to the files that form part of your “VAT Records”
  • Enable the VAT inspector, if they ask, to inspect your business premises (and have someone accompany them)
  • Be cautious with your answers to seemingly “innocent” questions and comments. If in doubt ask for time to check, or that the question be put in writing (never guess or provide an answer which you think HMRC want)
  • If something inconsistent is found (or suggested) ask for full details and take note of all of the documentation to which the query relates – this will enable you to provide necessary information to your adviser

The inspection – at the end of the visit

The inspector should:

  • Explain the main work they have done. For example which VAT accounting periods they reviewed
  • Explain any areas of concern they have, discuss them and seek to agree any future action that needs to be taken; and
  • Illustrate as fully as possible the size and reason for any adjustment to the VAT payable, and describe how the adjustment will be made

You should:

  • Obtain a summary of the inspection from HMRC (not always an easy task)
  • Ask the inspector to put all of HMRC’s concerns about your business to you in writing
  • Confirm with the inspector all time limits for providing additional information to HMRC

After the inspection

HMRC will write to you confirming:

  • Any issues identified
  • Further information required
  • Improvements required to record keeping
  • Any corrections required
  • Whether VAT has been over or under paid
  • Any penalties and interest which will be levied
  • Deadlines for payment.

On a final point: Never simply assume that the inspector is correct in his/her decision.  It always pays to seek advice and challenge the decision where possible.  Even if it is clear that an error has been made, mitigation may be possible.

We can provide a pre-inspection review as well as attending inspections if required.  It is quite often the case that many HMRC enquiries may be nipped in the bud at the time of the inspection rather than becoming long drawn out sagas. We can also act as negotiator with HMRC and handle disputes on your behalf.

VAT: DIY housebuilders can make more than one claim – The Ellis case

By   18 October 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Andrew Ellis and Jane Bromley [2021] TC08277, the issue was whether a person constructing their own house can make more than one claim for VAT incurred.


The DIY Housebuilder’s Scheme enables a DIY housebuilder to recover VAT incurred on the construction of a house in which the constructor will live. Details here.

In this case, the specific issue was whether, despite the HMRC guidance notes on the scheme claim form explicitly stating that only one claim can be made, whether two claims may be submitted and paid by the respondent.

The appellant constructed a house over a period of five years (he was a jobbing builder and the work was generally only undertaken at weekends and holidays). To aid cash flow, an initial claim was made, followed by a second two years later.

The relevant legislation is The VAT Act 1994 section 35.


The appeal was allowed. The FTT found that HMRC’s rule that only one claim could be made under the DIY housebuilder’s scheme was ultra vires and that multiple claims should be permitted.

The judge stated that …there is no express indication that only one claim may be made. Like many provisions, section 35 VATA is drafted in the singular. Drafting in the singular is an established technique to assist in clarity and to enable the proposal to be dealt with succinctly.  As there is no express indication to the contrary in section 35 VATA, section 6 Interpretation Act 1978 applies to confirm that the reference to “a claim” in section 35 VATA must be read as including “claims”.


This is good news for claimants who often must wait a number of years for a house to be built and therefore carry the VAT cost until the end of the project.

This case presumably means that it is possible to make claims as the project progresses and there is no need to wait until completion.

We await comment on this case from HMRC, but it is hoped that clarification will be forthcoming on whether the result of this case will be accepted.

VAT: Are freemasons’ aims philosophical, philanthropic, or civic? The United Grand Lodge case

By   4 October 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) the issue was whether subscriptions paid by members of the freemasons are exempt via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 9, section 31, item 1(e) “Subscriptions to trade unions, professional and other public interest bodies” which exempts membership subscriptions paid to a non-profit making organisation which has objects which are of a political, religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or civic nature.


So, in this case, for the subscriptions to be exempt, freemasonry’s aims must be philosophical, philanthropic, or civic. UGLE submitted input tax claims on the basis that its subscription income was exempt and HMRC declined to make the repayments.

An organisation which has more than one main aim can still come within the exemption if those aims are all listed and described in the legislation. The fact that the organisation has other aims which are not set out in law does not mean that its services to members are not exempt provided that those other aims are not main aims. If, however, the organisation has a number of aims, all equally important, some of which are covered by the exemption, and some of which are not, then the services supplied by the organisation to its members are wholly outside the exemption.

The contentions

The respondents stated that the aims were not UGLE’s sole main aim or aims, and, even if they were, the aims were not in the public domain.

UGLE claimed that its sole main aim was philosophical in nature; or, in the alternative, the main aims, taken together, were of a philosophical, philanthropic, or civic nature and it did not have any other main aims.


The appeal was dismissed. The judge decided that the supplies made by UGLE in return for subscription payments were properly standard rated.

It was common ground that the motives of the members in joining the organisation are irrelevant.

It was accepted that since 2000 freemasonry has become more outward looking and since then has become more involved in charitable work among those, and for the benefit of those, who are not freemasons or their dependants. That said, the judge was not satisfied that the charitable works of individual freemasons, such as volunteering to give time to a local charity, were undertaken by them as freemasons rather than simply as public-spirited members of the community.

It was found that UGLE did have aims of a philosophical, philanthropic and civic nature (the promotion of all aspects of the practice of freemasonry and charity was central to UGLE’s activities). However, it was not accepted that these were UGLE’s main or primary aims. At least 48% of payments made by UGLE were to freemasons and their dependants and in the FTT’s judgment such support remained one of the main aims of freemasonry and thus of UGLE. The importance of providing support for freemasons and their dependants who are in need is a central tenet of freemasonry – The duty to help other freemasons is clearly set out in the objects of the four central masonic charities. The evidence showed that the provision of relief to freemasons and their dependants was the more important than donations to good causes unconnected with freemasonry.

Civic aims

There was nothing in the evidence which indicates any civic aim. UGLE cannot be said to be an organisation that has aims pertaining to the citizen and the state. Indeed, freemasons are prohibited from discussing matters of religion and politics in lodges.

Consequently, as one of UGLE’s main aims could not be described as philosophical, philanthropic, or civic, its membership subscriptions were standard rated. Making payments to freemasons was more akin to self-insurance, rather than philanthropic in nature.

VAT: Partial Exemption -What Is It? What do I need to know?

By   21 July 2021

VAT Basics

As part of our guides to VAT basics, we take a brief look at partial exemption and how it affects a business.

The first point to make is that partial exemption is often complex and costly. In some cases it may be avoided by planning and in others it is a fact of life for a business which needs to be managed properly.


The VAT a business incurs on its expenditure is called input tax. For most businesses this is reclaimed from HMRC on VAT returns if it relates to standard rated or zero rated sales (referred to as “taxable supplies”) that that business makes. Exempt supplies are not to be confused with non-business income which are dealt with under a different regime.

However, a business which makes exempt sales may not be in a position to recover all of the input tax which it incurred. A business in this position is called partly exempt. Generally, any input tax which directly relates to exempt supplies is irrecoverable. In addition, an element of that business’ general overheads, e.g.; light, heat, telephone, computers, professional fees, etc are deemed to be in part attributable to exempt supplies and a calculation must be performed to establish the element which falls to be irrecoverable.

Input tax which falls within the overheads category must be apportioned according to a so called; partial exemption method. The “Standard Method” requires a comparison between the value of taxable and exempt supplies made by the business. The calculation is; the percentage of taxable supplies of all supplies multiplied by the input tax to be apportioned which gives the element of VAT input tax which may be recovered. Other partial exemption methods (so called Special Methods) are available by specific agreement with HMRC.  A flowchart which illustrates the Standard Method of apportionment is below.

partial exemption flowchart1

Which businesses are affected?

Any business which receives income from the following sources may be affected by partial exemption:

  • Property letting and sales – generally all types of supply of land*
  • Financial services
  • Insurance
  • Betting, gaming and lotteries
  • Education
  • Health and welfare
  • Sport, sports competitions and physical education
  • Cultural services

This list is not exhaustive.

* Most businesses which do not routinely make exempt supplies usually encounter exemption in the area of land and property and it is an easy trap to fall into not to consider VAT when involved in property transactions. This is one area where VAT planning may be of assistance as it is possible in most situations to deliberately choose to add VAT to an exempt supply to avoid a loss of input tax.  This is known as the option to tax, and it is considered in more detail here.

De Minimis relief

There is however relief available for a business in the form of de minimis limits. Broadly, if the total of the irrecoverable directly attributable (to exempt suppliers) and the element of overhead input tax which has been established using a partial exemption method falls to be de minimis, all of that input tax may be recovered in the normal way. The de minimis limit is currently £7,500 per annum of input tax and one half of all input tax for the year.

As a result, after using the partial exemption method, should the input tax fall below £7,500 (£625 per month) and 50% of all input tax for a year it is recoverable in full. This calculation is required every quarter (for businesses which render returns on a quarterly basis) with a review at the year end, called an annual adjustment carried out at the end of a business’ partial exemption year. The quarterly de minimis is consequently £1,875 of exempt input tax which represents spending of under £10,000 net; not a huge amount.

Should the de minimis limits be breached, all input tax relating to exempt supplies is irrecoverable.

The value for the de minimis limit has been in place for over 25 years (when it was increased by a huge £25 per month) and it is rather ridiculous that it has not been increased to reflect inflation.  This, coupled with the fact that the VAT rate has increased significantly means that the relief which was once very useful for a business has withered away to such an extent that partial exemption catches even very small businesses which I am sure goes against the original purpose of the relief.

In summary – for a business exemption is a burden not a relief.  It represents a real cost in terms of tax payable, time and other resources, in addition to uncertainty. We often find that this is an area which HMRC examine closely and one which benefits from proactive negotiation with HMRC.

VAT: Input tax recovery – whether a taxable supply. The Door Specialist case

By   9 June 2021

Latest from the courts

In the First Tier Tribunal case of The Door Specialist Limited (TDSL) the issue was whether an HMRC assessment for overclaimed input tax was correct.


The appellant recovered input tax on the import of goods (doors). The company did not sell the doors, but simply gave the goods (no consideration provided) to a separate company called Just Doors (JD).  It was JD who made the sales of the doors to third party customers.  TDSL and JD were under common ownership but no VAT group in place at the relevant time. TDSL was VAT registered as it made separate, unrelated taxable supplies of property rental


HMRC contended that as there was no onward taxable supply of the doors by TDSL, no input tax was recoverable per The VAT Act 1994 section 24 (1). TDSL relied on HMRC’s published guidance (Notices 700 and 700/7) in relation to gifts and proposed that it would be proper to assess for output tax on the “supply” to JD rather than denying the input tax claim.  


The issues may therefore be summarised as whether;

  • the relevant goods were used for the purpose of any economic activity by TDSL
  • the doors could be treated as business gifts as contended by the applicant such that the input tax was recoverable.

Further cases on economic activity/business here, here and here


It was decided that as there was no direct and immediate link between the purchase of the goods and any onward taxable supply in the course of business or economic activity by TDSL (as required by the outcome of the cases of BAA Ltd JDI International Leasing Ltd) the disallowance of the input tax was appropriate. The advancement of the business gifts contention did not assist the taxpayer as this was not an economic activity in itself. The appeal was therefore dismissed.


A clear example of not considering the VAT implications when carrying out transactions. This tax cost could have easily been avoided if TDSL had sold the doors to JD. As both parties were fully taxable, there would have been no VAT hit. Business gifts and promotional activities are also often a complex area of VAT and as one former colleague once remarked “If you have a marketing department you have a VAT issue”.

VAT due on the charging of electric vehicles

By   1 June 2021

As a result of enquiries from businesses and trade representatives, HMRC has announced that output tax is due on electric vehicle (EV) charging.

The use of EV charging points is becoming more common in public places. HMRC has clarified the rules in specific cases, and confirm:

Output tax

Supplies of EV charging through charging points in public places are charged at the standard rate of VAT. There is no exemption or relief .

NB: There is a reduced rate of VAT for supplies of small quantities of electricity, known as ‘de minimis’. However, the de minimis provision only applies if the supply of electricity is all of the following:

  • ongoing
  • to a person’s house or building
  • less than 1,000 kilowatt hours a month

Consequently, the de minimis provision does not apply to supplies of EV charging as this is done at charging points in public places, eg; car parks, petrol stations and on-street parking, and not to a person’s house or building.

Input tax

A business may recover the input tax incurred in charging its EVs if all of the following apply:

  • it is a sole proprietor
  • you charge your EV vehicle at home
  • the EV is used for business purposes (an apportionment must be made between business and private use)

If an employee charges an EV (which is used for business) at home (s)he cannot recover the input tax as the supply is made to the employee and not to the business.

If an employee charges an employer’s EV (for both business and private use) at the employer’s premises the employee will need to record the business and private mileage. Recovery of the full amount of VAT for the supply of electricity used to charge the EV is permitted (including the electricity for private use). However, output tax will be due on the charge on the amount for private use. Alternatively, a business may recover VAT on only the business element.

VAT: Domestic Reverse Charge for construction services from 1 March 2021

By   17 February 2021

A reminder

The twice delayed introduction of the Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) for the construction industry will be introduced from the first of next month and affected businesses need to have the necessary procedures in place – as it won’t be deferred again.!

Details of the scheme here and here.

Please contact us if you have any queries.

VAT – Apportionment issues: Complex and costly

By   16 February 2021

The dictionary definition of the verb to apportion is “to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution”. 

So why is apportionment important in the world of VAT and where would a business encounter the need to apportion? I thought that it might be useful to take an overall look at the subject as it is one of, if not the most, contentious areas of VAT. If affects both output tax declarations and input tax claims, so I have looked at these two areas separately. If an apportionment is inaccurate it will either result in paying too much tax, or risking penalties and additional attention from HMRC; both of which are to be avoided!

The overriding point in all these examples is that any apportionment must be “fair and reasonable”.


The following are examples of where a business needs to apportion the value of sales:

  • Retail sales

Retailers find it difficult to account for VAT in the normal way so they use what is known as a retail scheme. There are various schemes but they all provide a formula for calculating VAT on sales at the standard, reduced and zero rate. This is needed for shops that sell goods at different rates, eg; food, clothing and books alongside standard rated supplies.  As an example, in Apportionment Scheme 1 a business works out the value of its purchases for retail sale at different rates of VAT and applies those proportions to its sales.

  • Construction

A good example here is if a developer employs a contractor to construct a new building which contains retail units on the ground floor with flats above.  The construction of the commercial part is standard rated, but the building of the residential element is zero rated.  The contractor has to apportion his supply between the two VAT rates.  This apportionment could be made with reference to floorspace, costs, value or any other method which provides a fair and reasonable result.  The value of supplies relating to property is often high, so it is important that the apportionment is accurate and not open to challenge from HMRC.  I recommend that agreement on the method used is agreed with HMRC prior to the supply in order to avoid any subsequent issues.

  • Property letting

Let us assume that in the construction example above, when the construction is complete, the developer lets the whole building to a third party. He chooses to opt to tax the property in order to recover the attributable input tax.  The option has no effect on the residential element which will represent an exempt supply. Consequently, an apportionment must be made between the letting income in respect of the shops and flats.

  • Subscriptions

There has been a great deal of case law on whether subscriptions to certain organisations by which the subscriber obtains various benefits represent a single supply at a certain VAT rate, or separate supplies at different rates. A common example is zero rated printed matter with other exempt or standard rated supplies.

  • Take away

Most are familiar with the furore over the “pasty tax” and even with the U-turn, the provision of food/catering is often the subject of disputes over apportionment.  Broadly; the sale of cold food for take away is zero rated and hot food and eat in (catering) is standard rated.  There have been myriad cases on what’s hot and what’s not, what constitutes a premises (for eat in), and how food is “held out” for sale. The recent Subway dispute highlights the subtleties in this area. I have successfully claimed significant amounts of overpaid output tax based on this kind of apportionment and it is always worth reviewing a business’s position.  New products are arriving all the time and circumstances of a business can change.  A word of warning here; HMRC regularly mount covert observation exercises to record the proportion of customers eating in to those taking away.  They also carry out “test eats” so it is crucial that any method used to apportion sales is accurate and supportable.

  • Opticians

Opticians have a difficult time of it with VAT.  Examinations and advice services are exempt healthcare, but the sale of goods; spectacles and contact lenses, is standard rated.  Almost always a customer/patient pays a single amount which covers the services as well as the goods. Apportionment in these cases is very difficult and has been the subject of disagreement and tribunal cases for many years; some of which I have been involved in.  Not only is the sales value apportionment complex, but many opticians are partly exempt which causes additional difficulties. I recommend that all opticians review their VAT position.

Input tax recovery

  • Business/Non-Business (BNB)

If an entity is involved in both business and non-business activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods. It is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to non-business activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to BNB activities, that VAT which cannot be attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between BNB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  Therefore it is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc.

  • Partial exemption

Similarly to BNB if a business makes exempt supplies, eg; certain property letting, insurance and financial products, it cannot recover input tax attributable to those exempt supplies (unless the value is de minimis). Overhead input tax needs to be apportioned between taxable and exempt supplies.  The standard method of doing this is to apply the ratio of taxable versus exempt supply values to the overhead tax. However, there are many “special methods” available, but these have to be agreed with HMRC.  Partial exemption is often complex and always results in an actual VAT cost to a business, so it is always worthwhile to review the position regularly.  Exemption is not a relief to a business.

  • Attribution

In both BNB and partial exemption situations before considering overheads all VAT must, as far as possible, be attributed to either taxable or exempt and non-business activities. This in itself is a form of apportionment and it is often not clear how the supply received has been used by a business, that is; of which activity is it a cost component?

  • Business entertainment

At certain events staff may attend along with other guests who are not employed. The recovery of input tax in respect of staff entertainment is recoverable but (generally) entertaining non staff members is blocked. Therefore an apportionment of the VAT incurred on such entertainment is required.

  • Business and private use of an asset

If a company owns, say, a yacht or a helicopter and uses it for a director’s own private use, but it is chartered to third parties when not being used (business use) an apportionment must be made between the two activities. The most usual way of doing this is on a time basis. Apportionment will also be required in the example of a business owning a holiday home used for both business and private purposes. Input tax relating to private (non-business) use is always blocked.

  • Motoring expenses

It is common for a staff member to use a car for both business and private purposes.  Input tax is only recoverable in respect of the business use so an apportionment is required.  This may be done by keeping detailed mileage records, or more simply by applying the Road Fuel Scale Charge which is a set figure per month which represents a disallowance for private use.

The above examples are not exhaustive but I hope they give a flavour to the subject.

If your business apportions, or should apportion, values for either income or expenditure I strongly recommend a review on the method.  There is often no “right answer” for an apportionment and I often find that HMRC impose unnecessarily harsh demands on a taxpayer.  Additionally, many business are unaware of alternatives or are resistant to challenging HMRC even when they have a good case.

VAT – Building your new home: How and what to claim

By   17 June 2020

Building your own home is becoming increasingly popular.  There are many things to think about, and budgeting is one of the most important. 

The recovery of VAT on the project has a huge impact on the budget and care must be taken to ensure that a claim is made properly and within the time limits.  You don’t have to be VAT registered to make a claim, this is done via a mechanism known as The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme.  It has specific rules which must be adhered to otherwise the claim will be rejected.

If you buy a new house from a property developer, you will not be charged VAT. This is because the sale of the house to you will be zero-rated. This allows the developer to reclaim the VAT paid on building materials from HMRC. However, if you build a house yourself, you will not be able to benefit from the zero-rating. The DIY Housebuilder’ Scheme puts you in a similar position to a person who buys a zero-rated house built by a property developer.

Who can make a claim?

You can apply for a VAT refund on building materials and services if you are:

  • building a new home in which you will live
  • converting a building into a home
  • building a non-profit communal residence, eg; a hospice
  • building a property for a charity


New homes

The house must:

  • be separate and self-contained eg; not an extension
  • be for you or your family to live or holiday in (not for sale when complete)
  • not be for business purposes (although you can use one room as a work from home office)
  • not be prevented from sale independently to another building by planning permission or similar eg; a granny annexe

A claim may also be made for garages built at the same time as the house and to be used with the house.

Contractors working on new residential buildings should zero rate their supplies to you, so you won’t pay any VAT on these.


The building being converted must usually be a non-residential building eg; a barn conversion. Also, residential buildings qualify if they haven’t been lived in for at least 10 years.

You may claim a refund for builders’ work on a conversion of non-residential building into home. These supplies will be charged at the reduced rate of 5% for conversion works.  If the standard rate of 20% s charged incorrectly, you will not be able to claim the standard rated amount. Care should be taken that the contractor understands the VAT rules for conversions as these can be complex.

Communal and charity buildings

You may get a VAT refund if the building is for one of the following purposes:

  • non-business – you can’t charge a fee for the use of the building
  • charitable, eg; a hospice
  • residential, eg; a children’s home

What can you claim on?

Building materials – You may claim a VAT refund for building materials that are incorporated into the building and can’t be removed without tools or damaging the building.

What doesn’t qualify

You cannot claim for:

  • building projects outside the UK
  • materials or services that don’t have any VAT, eg;  were zero-rated or exempt
  • professional or supervisory fees, eg; architects and surveyors
  • the hire of plant, tools and equipment, eg; generators, scaffolding and skips
  • building materials that aren’t permanently attached to or part of the building itself
  • some fitted furniture, electrical and gas appliances, carpets or garden ornaments
  • supplies for which you do not have a VAT invoice

Examples of items you can, and cannot claim for are listed below.

How to claim

To claim a VAT refund, send form 431NB or 431C to HMRC

Local Compliance National DIY Team
NE98 1ZZ

What you need to know

You must claim within three months of the building work being completed.

You will usually get the refund in 30 working days of sending the claim.

You must include the following with your claim:

  • bank details
  • planning permission
  • proof the building work is finished eg; a letter from your local authority
  • a full set of building plans
  • invoices – including tenders or estimations if the invoice isn’t itemised
  • bills and any credit notes

VAT invoices must be valid and show the correct rate of VAT or they will not be accepted in the claim.

HMRC usually examine every claim closely and often query them, so it pays to ensure that the claim is as accurate as possible first time.  We find a review by us before submission ensures the maximum amount is claimed and delays are avoided.

Payments made after completion of the house cannot be claimed, and only one claim can be made for the whole project, so cashflow may be an issue.

Examples of items that you can claim for

The items listed below are accepted as being ‘ordinarily’ incorporated in a building (or its site). This is not a complete list.

  • air conditioning
  • building materials that make up the fabric of the property eg; bricks, cement, tiles, timber, etc
  • burglar and fire alarms
  • curtain poles and rails
  • fireplaces and surrounds
  • fitted kitchen furniture, sinks, and work surfaces
  • flooring materials (other than carpets and carpet tiles)
  • some gas and electrical appliances when wired-in or plumbed-in
  • heating and ventilation systems including solar panels
  • light fittings – including chandeliers and outside lights
  • plumbing materials, including electric showers, ‘in line’ water softeners and sanitary ware
  • saunas
  • turf, plants, trees (to the extent that they are detailed on scheme approved by a Planning Permission) and fencing permanently erected around the boundary of the dwelling
  • TV aerials and satellite dishes

Examples of items that you cannot claim for

This is not a complete list.

  • Aga/range cookers (unless they are solid fuel, oil-fired or designed to heat space or water)
  • free-standing and integrated appliances such as: cookers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, microwaves, washing machines, dryers, coffee machines
  • audio equipment, built-in speakers, intelligent lighting systems, satellite boxes, Freeview boxes
  • consumables eg; sandpaper, white spirit
  • electrical components for garage doors and gates
  • bedroom furniture (unless they are basic wardrobes) bathroom furniture eg; vanity units and free-standing units
  • curtains and blinds
  • carpets and rugs
  • garden furniture and ornaments and sheds

Please contact us if you require assistance with a DIY Housebuild project.

VAT: Crowdfunding – What is taxable?

By   9 April 2020

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet on specifically designed platforms and is an alternative to traditional ways of raising finance. The model is usually based on three parties: the project initiator who proposes the idea or project to be funded, individuals or groups who support the idea, and a moderating organisation (the “platform”) that brings the parties together to launch the idea.

VAT Treatment

The VAT treatment of supplies that might potentially be made is no different to similar financing arrangements, for example; sponsorship, donations and investments made through more traditional routes. Whether a recipient of crowdfunding is liable to charge and pay VAT depends on the facts in each case.



  • where nothing is given in return for the funding, it will be treated as a donation and not liable to VAT – the position is the same where all that the funder receives is a bare acknowledgement, such as a mention in a programme or something similar

Goods and/or services

  • where the funder receives goods or services that have a real value associated with them, for example; clothing, tickets, DVDs, film viewings, output tax will be due


  • where the payment is for a combination of the two examples above, if it is clear that the donation element is optional then that part of the sponsorship can be treated as a non-taxable donation and the supply will be taxable. If a donation element cannot be carved out, it is likely that all of the payment will be considered as VATable


  • where the funding takes the form of an investment where the funder is entitled to a financial return such as; interest, dividends or profit share, any payment due to the funder is unlikely to be liable to output tax, The reason why most of these arrangements are outside the scope of VAT is that the provision of capital in a business venture is not seen as a supply for VAT purposes


  • if the arrangement is that the funder receives royalties based on a supply of intellectual property or some other similar benefit the payment is likely to be consideration for a taxable supply and output tax will be due

VAT registration 

If income from the sources above which are deemed to be subject to VAT exceeds the VAT registration limit (currently £85,000 in any twelve-month period) the person, in whichever legal identity, such as; individual, company, partnership, Trust etc will be liable to register for VAT. If income is below this limit, it will be possible, but not mandatory to VAT register. The benefits of voluntary registration here.

Input tax recovery

If VAT registered, any input tax incurred on costs relating to crowdfunding is usually recoverable (see here for exceptions). However, if the costs relate to donations or some types of investment then input tax claims are specifically blocked as they would relate to non-business activities.


There can be difficulties in establishing the tax liability of crowdfunding and in a broader sense “sponsorship” in general. However, experience insists that the biggest issue is initially identifying that there may be a VAT issue at all. If you, or your clients are involved in crowdfunding, or have sponsors, it would be prudent to review the VAT treatment of the activities.