Tag Archives: vat-insurance

Tax points and VAT groups – The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd CoA case

By   11 April 2024

Latest from the courts

In the The Prudential Assurance Company Limited (Pru) Court of Appeal (CoA) case the issues were the “difficult” questions in respect of the relationship between the VAT grouping rules and the time of supply (tax point) legislation. Is VAT is applicable on a continuous supply of services where these services were supplied while the companies were VAT grouped, but invoices were issued after the supplier left the VAT group?


Pru was at the relevant time carrying on with-profits life and insurance business. Silverfleet Capital Limited (Silverfleet) provided Pru with investment management services. Under an agreement dated 30 August 2002, the consideration which Silverfleet received for its services comprised a management fee calculated by reference to the amount of investments made during the period in which services were provided and performance fees, payable in the event that the performance of certain funds exceeded a set benchmark rate of return.

When Silverfleet was rendering its investment management services, Pru was the representative member of a VAT group of which Silverfleet was also a member. However, in 2007 a management buy-out was effected, as a result of which Silverfleet ceased to be a member of Pru’s VAT group. It also ceased to provide management services to Pru.

During 2014 and 2015, the hurdle rate set under the 2002 agreement was passed. Silverfleet accordingly invoiced Prudential at various dates between 2015 and 2016 for fees totalling £9,330,805.92 (“the Performance Fees”) plus VAT at 20%.

The Issues

The CoA considered whether the Performance Fees are subject to VAT.

The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) decided the point in favour of Pru. However, HMRC succeeded in an appeal to the Upper Tribunal (UT). In a decision that decision, the UT concluded that VAT was chargeable on the Performance Fees.

In its decision, the FTT queried whether regulation 90 of the VAT Regulations went so far as to direct that Silverfleet’s services had not been provided within a VAT group and had been “supplied in the course or furtherance of a business that in the VAT group world was not being carried on”. Further, the FTT was “unable to see what feature distinguishes [Prudential’s] case from that of the taxpayer in [B J Rice & Associates v Customs and Excise Commissioners]”.

In contrast, the UT considered that, pursuant to regulation 90 of the VAT Regulations, Silverfleet’s services were to be treated as having been supplied when invoiced and, hence, at a time when Silverfleet and Prudential were no longer members of the same VAT group. That being so, section 43 of VATA 1994 was not, in the UT’s view, in point. The UT also considered that the FTT had erred in regarding itself as bound by B J Rice & Associates v Customs and Excise Commissioners [1996] STC 581 (“B J Rice”) to allow the appeal. Unlike Mr Rice, the UT said in its decision, Silverfleet “was not entirely outside the scope of VAT when the Services were rendered, but rather it was subject to a specific set of assumptions and disregards”.

Pru contended that Silverfleet should not be considered to have made the supply in the course or furtherance of any business carried on by it. The business will instead be assumed to have been carried on by Pru. This was important because if VAT was applicable to the services Pru would not be in a position to recover it (in full at least) due to partial exemption which represented a large VAT cost.

Unsurprisingly, HMRC considered that output tax was due because at the tax point, Silverfleet as no longer part of the VAT group. 


The VAT Act 1994, section 43 lays down the rules in respect of VAT groups, and The VAT Regulations 1995, regulation 90 makes provision with respect to the time at which continuous supplies of services are to be treated as supplied for VAT purposes.

Section 43 explains that any supply by one member of a VAT group to another is to be “disregarded” and that “any business carried on by a member of the group shall be treated as carried on by the representative member”. Does this mean that no VAT is chargeable on an intra-group supply regardless of whether the supplier has left the group by the time consideration for the supply is the subject of a VAT invoice and paid? Or is section 43 inapplicable in respect of continuous supplies insofar as the consideration is invoiced and received only after the supplier is no longer a member of the VAT group because regulation 90 provides for the services to be treated as supplied at the time of the invoice or payment?


The appeal was dismissed and HMTC’s assessment was upheld. It was not possible to disregard the supply as intra-group and the tax point rules for the continuous supply of services meant that it was a taxable supply. The decision was not unanimous, with the decision by the judges being a 2:1 majority.


This was a close decision and highlights the necessity of considering the interaction between VAT groups and tax points and the implications of timings. The case makes interesting reading in full (well, for VAT people anyway!) for the technical discussions and the disagreement between the judges.

VAT registration HMRC update

By   20 February 2024

HMRC has updated VAT Notice 700/1 – Who should register for VAT. The publication explains when a business must register for VAT, and how to do it.

The changes are to para 2.7 – Specified Supplies which sets out what needs to be included during the application process when describing business activities.

Businesses affected

Those that supply; finance, insurance services, or investment gold to customers in countries outside the UK, or make supplies of insurance or finance services which are directly linked to the export of goods outside the UK.

Specified Supplies

These are supplies which would be exempt from VAT if they were made in the UK, but are treated as taxable if made outside the UK.

Benefit to business

A business making Specified Supplies may register for VAT on a voluntary basis and claim UK input tax incurred in making those supplies. We strongly recommend that all businesses in the above categories consider registering in the UK.

The amendment

If a business is registering because it makes Specified Supplies, it must ensure that it clearly states ‘SPECIFIED SUPPLIES’ in the free-text box when asked to describe the business activities during the application process. Failure to do this will likely cause delays and create additional HMRC queries.

VAT: Definition of insurance

By   5 September 2023

Further to my article on insurance and partial exemption, HMRC has published a new definition of what insurance means for VAT as a consequence of the CJEU United Biscuits (Pension Trustees) Ltd and another v HMRC [2020] STC 2169 case.

It is set out in para 2.2 of Public Notice 701/36

What insurance is

There is no statutory definition of insurance, although guidance can be gained from previous legal decisions in which the essential nature of insurance has been considered.

The Court of Justice of the European Union , in the case of United Biscuits (Pension Trustees) Ltd & Anor v R & C Commrs (Case C235-19) [2020], upheld the definition given in the case of Card Protection Plan Ltd v C & E Commrs (Case C-349/96) [1999] which concluded that:

“…the essentials of an insurance transaction are… that the insurer undertakes, in return for prior payment of a premium, to provide the insured, in the event of materialisation of the risk covered, with the service agreed when the contract was concluded”.

HMRC also accept that certain funeral plan contracts are insurance (and therefore exempt from VAT), even though they are not regulated as such under the FSMA insurance regulatory provisions.

Vehicle breakdown insurance is also seen as insurance even though providers are given a specific exclusion under the FSMA from the requirement to be authorised.

VAT: Insurance partial exemption

By   24 January 2023

HMRC has issued new guidance for the insurance sector. It will be relevant to those dealing with partial exemption for insurers, including business and HMRC when discussing how partial exemption applies in practice for an insurer.

The guidance is intended to help insurers agree a fair and reasonable partial exemption special method (PESM) with the minimum of cost and delay. It also helpfully sets out definitions of various insurance/reinsurance transactions and business structures.


Insurance businesses usually make a mixture of exempt and taxable supplies and may also provide specified services to customers located outside of the UK which incur a right to recover input tax.

When determining how to calculate the recoverable elements of input tax, the starting point is with the standard partial exemption method, as defined within The VAT Regulations 1995, regulation 101, but this will rarely be suitable for the insurance sector.

Many insurance businesses are complex organisations that provide many different services of differing liabilities to customers, often in different countries, using costs form suppliers around the world in different proportions. In addition, certain costs may have little relation to the value of the supplies for which they are incurred.

Therefore, most insurance businesses will need to apply to HMRC for approval to use a PESM.

Fair and reasonable

Partial exemption is the set of rules for determining recoverable input tax on costs which are used, or intended to be used, in making taxable supplies which carry a right of deduction. The first step is usually allocating costs which are directly attributable to taxable or exempt supplies. The balance (overhead input tax, or “the pot”) is required to be apportioned by either a standard method (The “standard method” requires a comparison between the value of taxable and exempt supplies made by the business) or a PESM.

A PESM needs be fair and reasonable, namely:

  • robust, in that it can cope with reasonably foreseeable changes in business
  • unambiguous, in that it can deal, definitively with all input tax likely to be incurred
  • operable, in that the business can apply it without undue difficulty
  • auditable, in that HMRC can check it without undue difficulty
  • fair, in that it reflects the economic use of costs in making taxable and exempt supplies

HMRC will only agree the use of a PESM if a business declares that it has taken reasonable steps to ensure the method is fair and reasonable. HMRC cannot confirm that a special method is fair and reasonable but will make enquiries based on an assessment of risk and will never knowingly approve an unfair or unreasonable special method.

Attribution of input tax

In the insurance sector, relatively few costs are either used wholly to make taxable or exempt supplies.

The VAT regulations (see above) require direct attribution to be carried out before cost allocation to sectors. However, direct attribution at this stage can cause difficulties where tax departments are unaware of how particular costs are used and have a large number of such costs to review.

It has therefore been agreed between HMRC and the Association of British Insurers that, whilst direct attribution must still take place, it need not always be the first step, and could, for some costs, follow the allocation stage. Methods could refer to direct attribution both pre- and post-allocation, so that costs are dealt with in the most appropriate way. The underlying principle is that the method must be both fair and reasonable.

Types of PESMs

The guidance gives the following examples of special methods:

  • sectors and sub-sectors
  • multi pot
  • time spent
  • headcount
  • values
  • number of transactions
  • floor space
  • cost accounting system
  • pro-rata
  • combinations of the above methods

with descriptions of each method.

VAT: Partial exemption de minimis relief

By   17 October 2022

VAT Basics

The VAT a business incurs on running costs is called input tax. For most businesses this is reclaimed on VAT returns from HMRC if it relates to standard rated, reduced rated, zero rated or certain outside the scope sales that a business makes.

However, a business which makes exempt sales may not be in a position to recover all of the input tax which it incurred. This is because input tax which relates to exempt supplies is generally irrecoverable.

This may affect any business which is involved in:

  • Property letting and sales – generally all types of supply of land
  • Financial services
  • Insurance
  • Betting, gaming and lotteries
  • Education
  • Health and welfare
  • Sport, sports competitions and physical education
  • Cultural services

(This list is not exhaustive)

A business in this position is called partly exempt. (If a business is fully exempt, it can neither VAT register nor recover any VAT at all). Input tax which directly relates to exempt supplies is irrecoverable. In addition, an element of that business’ general overheads, eg; light, heat, telephone, computers, professional fees, etc are deemed to be, in part, attributable to exempt supplies and a calculation must be performed to establish the element which falls to be irrecoverable. Such apportionment is called a partial exemption standard method. There are a number of alternative methods that may be used (so called “special methods”) but these must be agreed with HMRC.

De Minimis

There is, however, a relief available for a business in the form of de minimis limits. Broadly, if the total of the irrecoverable directly attributable (to exempt suppliers) and the element of overhead input tax which has been established using a partial exemption method falls below de minimis, all of that input tax may be recovered in the normal way.

The de minimis limit is currently £7,500 per annum of input tax. As a result, after carrying out the partial exemption method should the result fall below £7,500 and half of the total input tax for a year it is recoverable in full. This calculation is required on a quarterly basis (for businesses which render returns on a quarterly basis) with a review of the year, called an annual adjustment carried out at the end of a business’ partial exemption year. The quarterly

VAT: Exempt insurance intermediation. The Staysure case

By   8 June 2022

Latest from the courts

In the Staysure.Co.UK Limited First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case the issue was whether services of service of generating insurance leads for the appellant fell within the insurance exemption or whether the reverse charge (please see guide below) should be applied.


Staysure is an FCA regulated insurance broker based in the UK which provided travel insurance for people aged 50 or over, home insurance, cover for holiday homes and motor vehicles. It received services from an associated company belonging in Gibraltar.

The services amounted to:

  • the provision of insurance leads online and offline
  • placing targeted advertising in the press, television and online
  • owning and operating the domain and related website: staysure.co.uk
  • providing insurance quotations via a bespoke quote engine which employed complex algorithms to produce a personalised price for each customer and resulted in an offer which was competitive from the customer’s perspective while also maximising profit for Staysure, the underwriter, and the service provider
  •  reporting on where prospective customers were falling out of the quotation and lead selection process, and in so doing demonstrate opportunities for further product development

If the services were not covered by the relevant exemption, they would be subject to a reverse charge via The Value Added Taxes Act 1994 section 8 by Staysure. As the recipient was not fully taxable, this would create an actual cost when the charge was applied. HMRC considered the service taxable and:

  • registered Staysure on the strength of the deemed self-supply
  • assessed for the input tax which was created by the reverse charge.

The assessment was circa £8 million, penalties of over £1 million plus interest. This was on the basis that HMRC concluded that the supply was taxable marketing rather than exempt intermediary services.


The court decided that the marketing and technology was used to find clients and introduce them to the insurer. The supplier was not supplying advertising, but qualified leads produced by that advertising. The quote engine was not merely technical assistance, but a sophisticated technology which assessed the conditions on which customers might be offered insurance. Consequently, these services were exempt as the supplies of an insurance intermediary (The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 2, item 4) and Staysure was not required to account for UK VAT under the reverse charge.

The appeal was allowed. The services were within the insurance exemption, essentially because they were linked to essential aspects of the work carried out by Staysure, namely the finding of prospective clients and their introduction to the insurer with a view to the conclusion of insurance contracts. 


This is another case on the application of the reverse charge. I looked at a previous case here

However, the judge helpfully summarised the following principles on insurance intermediation after considering previous case law.

  • whether a person is an insurance broker or an insurance agent depends on what they do. How they choose to describe themselves or their activities is not determinative
  • it is not necessary for a person to be carrying out all the functions of an insurance agent or broker for the exemption to be satisfied        
  • it is essential that the person has a relationship with both the insurer and the insured party, but this does not need to be a contractual relationship. The requirement that the person has a relationship with the insurer is satisfied where the person is the subcontractor of a broker, which in turn has a relationship with the insurer
  • where the person is a subcontractor of a broker, the exemption is satisfied:
    • where the relationship with the customer is indirect or where the subcontractor is one of a chain of persons bringing together an insurance company and a potential insured, but;
    • the subcontractor’s services must be linked to the essential aspects of the work of an insurance broker or agent, namely the finding of prospective clients and their introduction to the insurer with a view to the conclusion of insurance contracts


Care should always be taken when outsourcing/offshoring services or in fact, when any business restructuring takes place. The VAT impact of doing so could provide costly. In this case, the distinction between intermediary and marketing services was considered. It went in the taxpayer’s favour, but slightly different arrangements could have created a large VAT hit.


Reverse charge on services received from overseas
Normally, the supplier of a service is the person who must account to the tax authorities for any VAT due on the supply.  However, in certain situations, the position is reversed and it is the customer who must account for any VAT due.  This is known as the ‘Reverse Charge’ procedure.  Generally, the Reverse Charge must be applied to services which are received by a business in the UK VAT free from overseas. 
Accounting for VAT and recovery of input tax.
Where the Reverse Charge procedure applies, the recipient of the services must act as both the supplier and the recipient of the services.
Value of supply
The value of the deemed supply is to be taken to be the consideration in money for which the services were in fact supplied or, where the consideration did not consist or not wholly consist of money, such amount in money as is equivalent to that consideration.  The consideration payable to the overseas supplier for the services excludes UK VAT but includes any taxes levied abroad.
Time of supply.
The time of supply of such services is the date the supplies are paid for or, if the consideration is not in money, the last day of the VAT period in which the services are performed.
The outcome
The effect of the provisions is that the Reverse Charge has no net cost to the recipient if he can attribute the input tax to taxable supplies and can therefore reclaim it in full. If he cannot, the effect is to put him in the same position as if had received the supply from a UK supplier rather than from one outside the UK. Thus the charge aims to avoid cross border VAT rate shopping. It is not possible to attribute the input tax created directly to the deemed (taxable) supply. 

VAT Glossary – Partial Exemption

By   9 July 2019

The VAT world of partial exemption can be complex with some arcane language used in guidance. Here is your “cut out and keep” guide: 

A general guide to partial exemption here.

VAT Glossary

Partial Exemption

Term Explanation
Allocation Some special methods have different sectors where the recoverable element of residual input tax is different. Allocation is the means by which residual input tax is distributed to specific sectors within a method.
Annual adjustment At the end of the tax year the partial exemption calculation is recalculated using annual figures.
Apportionment Residual input tax must be apportioned to reflect the extent to which the purchases on which it is incurred are used in making onward taxable supplies. The partial exemption method carries out this function.
De minimis tests Tests designed to allow recovery of minimal amounts of exempt input tax.
Direct attribution The identification of input tax on supplies that are wholly used, or to be wholly used in making taxable supplies or are wholly used or to be wholly used in making exempt supplies.
Exempt input tax Input tax incurred on purchases which are used or to be used in making exempt supplies. It comprises input tax directly attributable to exempt supplies and, after the partial exemption method has been applied, the exempt element of residual input tax identified by the partial exemption method.
Exempt supplies Supplies made by a business, which are listed in Schedule 9 of the VAT Act 1994. VAT incurred in making exempt supplies is non-recoverable, unless they are ‘specified’ supplies, subject to the de minimis test.
Input tax VAT incurred by a VAT registered person on goods and services purchased for the purposes of a business.
Longer period This is usually the tax year for annual adjustment purposes but may in certain circumstances be shorter than a tax year. It may also be longer in the case of a mid-year stagger change.
Foreign supplies Supplies made by a business which are made outside the UK but which would be taxable if they were made in the UK.
Residual input tax Input tax which is used, or to be used, to make both taxable and exempt supplies. It is apportioned between taxable and exempt supplies by the partial exemption method. Residual input tax is commonly referred to as ‘non-attributable input tax’ or ‘the pot’.
Special method Any partial exemption method, other than the standard method, used to identify the taxable element of input tax incurred. Special methods require prior approval from HMRC.
Specified supplies Supplies specified by Treasury Order which are not taxable supplies, but which carry the right to recover input tax incurred in making them.
Standard method This is the default partial exemption method. It is specified in law and is suitable for most smaller businesses.
Taxable input tax Input tax incurred on purchases of goods and services which are used or to be used in making taxable supplies and other supplies which carry the ‘right to deduct’.
Taxable supplies Supplies made by a business, which are either standard, reduced or zero-rated. Input tax incurred in making taxable supplies is deductible.
Tax year Every VAT registered business has a tax year. This usually ends at the end of March, April or May each year, depending on the business’s VAT return periods.
VAT Groups Two or more corporate bodies accounting for VAT under a single VAT registration number. One acts as representative member and any supplies between the members of the group are disregarded for VAT purposes.

Any business which receives income from the following sources may be affected by partial exemption:

  • Property letting and sales – potentially all types of supply of land
  • Financial services
  • Insurance
  • Betting, gaming and lotteries
  • Education
  • Health and welfare
  • Sport, sports competitions and physical education
  • Cultural services

This list is not exhaustive.

If your, or your client’s business is partially exempt I always recommend a review.

VAT: Latest from the courts – Hastings Insurance Place Of Supply

By   22 February 2018

In the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case of Hastings Insurance the issue was where was the place of supply (POS) of services?

The POS rules determine under which VAT regime the supply is treated, whether the associated input tax may be recovered and how the services are reported. Consequently, determining the POS for any supply is vitally important because getting it wrong may not only mean that tax is overpaid in one country, but it is not declared in the appropriate country so that penalties and interest are levied. Getting it wrong also means that the input tax position is likely to be incorrect; meaning that VAT can be over or underclaimed.  The rules for the POS of services are notoriously complicated and even subtle differences in a business’ situation can produce a different VAT outcome.


Hastings is an insurance services company operating in the UK.  The appeal relates to whether the appellant was able to recover input tax it incurred in the UK which was attributable to supplies of; broking, underwriting support and claims handling services made to a Gibraltar based insurance underwriter (Advantage) which supplied motor insurance to UK customers through Hastings. In order to obtain credit for the relevant input tax, the supply to Advantage must have a POS outside the EU, eg: the recipient had a place of belonging in Gibraltar and not the UK. HMRC argued that Advantage belonged in the UK so that the input tax could not have been properly recoverable.  Consequently, the issue was where Advantage “belonged” for VAT purposes.

The POS rules set out where a person “belongs”.

A taxable person belongs:

  • where it has a business establishment, or;
  • if different, where it has a fixed establishment, or;
  • if it has both a business establishment and a fixed establishment (or several such establishments), where the establishment is located which is most directly concerned with the supply

Further details on this point are explained here


It was not disputed that Advantage had a business establishment in Gibraltar. The question was whether it also had a fixed establishment in the UK and, if so, whether the supplies of services were made to that fixed establishment rather than to its business establishment in Gibraltar. HMRC contended that Advantage had a fixed establishment in the UK which was “more directly concerned with the supply of insurance” such that the POS was the UK. This was on the basis that Advantage had human and technical resources in the UK which were actually used to provide its services to UK customers. Hastings obviously argued to the contrary; that Advantage had no UK fixed establishment and that services were supplied to, and by, Advantage in Gibraltar.


It may be helpful to look briefly at CJEU case law which considered what an establishment other than a business establishment is. It is: “characterised by a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of human and technical resources”, where looking at the location of the recipient of the supply, “to enable it to receive and use the services supplied to it for its own needs” or, where looking at the location of the supplier, “to enable it to provide the services which it supplies”. 


The FTT concluded that the input tax in dispute is recoverable because it was attributable to supplies made to Advantage on the basis that it belonged outside the EU (as interpreted in accordance with the relevant EU rules and case law). After a long and exhaustive analysis of the facts the summary was;

  • The appellant’s human and technical resources, through which it provided the services to Advantage, did not comprise a fixed establishment of Advantage in the UK, whether for the purposes of determining where Advantage made supplies of insurance or where the appellant made the supplies of its services.
  • Even if, contrary to the FTT’s view, those resources comprised a fixed establishment in the UK, there is no reason to depart from the location of Advantage’s business establishment in Gibraltar as the place of belonging/supply in the circumstances of this case.


If this case affects you or your clients it will be rewarding to consider the details of the arrangements which are helpfully set out fully in the decision. This was, in my opinion, a borderline case which could have been decided differently quiet easily.  A significant amount of the evidence produced was deemed inadmissible; which is an interesting adjunct to the main issue in itself. Whether HMRC take this matter further remains to be seen.  It is always worthwhile reviewing a business’ POS in depth and we are able to assist with this.

VAT and Insurance – The Riskstop case

By   12 October 2015

Latest from the courts

Generally, supplies of insurance and insurance broking are exempt from VAT. However, it is important to look at exactly what is being provided as there is no “blanket” exemption.

The latest First Tier Tribunal case of Riskstop Consulting Limited illustrates the precise tests that must be applied and met in order for exemption to apply.