Tag Archives: VAT-law

VAT: Zero-rating for residential caravans

By   16 September 2024

HMRC have issued guidance in relation to The Value Added Tax (Caravans) Order 2024. This will come into force on 30 September 2024.

Since 2013 caravans that meet certain size criteria and are manufactured to meet BSI standard 3632 are considered to be residential caravans. Such residential caravans are the only caravans that qualify for zero rate VAT.

The BSI standard in place on 6 April 2013 was BS3632:2005. In 2015 when the BSI updated the standard, the updated reference to BS3632:2015 was added into the legislation. This standard was updated again in 2023, so the legislation needed to be updated in order to maintain the zero rate for residential caravans. The amended legislation provides for the continuation of the zero rate, which will also apply to caravans meeting any updated version of BS3632 published by the BSI in the future.


The Statutory Instrument amends The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 9, item 1, which applies zero-rating to caravans manufactured to any version of BS3632. The effect of this is to extend the zero-rate to caravans manufactured to the 2023 version of BS3632 and also to ensure that if the BSI updates BS3632 in future the zero rate is maintained.

It also makes a consequential amendment to item 1(b) of Group 9, to preserve the zero rate for second-hand caravans occupied before 6 April 2013.

Definition of a caravan

The term ‘caravan’ is not defined in the VAT legislation. In practice HMRC bases its interpretation on the definitions in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravans Sites Act 1968.

A caravan is a structure that:

  • is designed or adapted for human habitation
  • when assembled, is physically capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed or by being transported on a motor vehicle so designed or adapted)
  • is no more than:
    • 20 metres long (exclusive of any drawbar)
    • 6.8 metres wide
    • 3.05 metres high (measured internally from the floor at the lowest level to the ceiling at the highest level)

More information on the VAT liabilities if various caravans here.

VAT tertiary legislation – HMRC’s new guidance

By   13 May 2024

HMRC has published new a guide to all information about VAT that has ‘force of law’.

The manual contains all the tertiary legislation for VAT which HMRC has published – all in one place. Primary and secondary legislation is published on Legislation.gov.uk.

What is tertiary legislation?

Within primary and secondary legislation, government departments are sometimes granted the power to publish additional legally binding conditions or directions on a given topic. This information is known as ‘tertiary legislation’.

Tertiary legislation carries ‘force of law’. This means it has the same legal status as primary and secondary legislation. HMRC has an obligation to publish this information in accordance with the law.

The guidance covers:

(with links to the relevant legislation)



Oops! – Top Ten VAT howlers

By   2 November 2021

I am often asked what the most frequent VAT errors made by a business are. I usually reply along the lines of “a general poor understanding of VAT, considering the tax too late or just plain missing a VAT issue”.  While this is unquestionably true, a little further thought results in this top ten list of VAT horrors:

  1. Not considering that HMRC may be wrong. There is a general assumption that HMRC know what they are doing. While this is true in most cases, the complexity and fast moving nature of the tax can often catch an inspector out. Added to this is the fact that in most cases inspectors refer to HMRC guidance (which is HMRC’s interpretation of the law) rather to the legislation itself. Reference to the legislation isn’t always straightforward either, as often EC rather than UK domestic legislation is cited to support an analysis. The moral to the story is that tax is complicated for the regulator as well, and no business should feel fearful or reticent about challenging a HMRC decision.
  2. Missing a VAT issue altogether. A lot of errors are as a result of VAT not being considered at all. This is usually in relation to unusual or one-off transactions (particularly land and property or sales of businesses). Not recognising a VAT triggerpoint can result in an unexpected VAT bill, penalties and interest, plus a possible reduction of income of 20% or an added 20% in costs. Of course, one of the basic howlers is not registering at the correct time. Beware the late registration penalty, plus even more stringent penalties if HMRC consider that not registering has been done deliberately.
  3.  Not considering alternative structures. If VAT is looked at early enough, there is very often ways to avoid VAT representing a cost. Even if this is not possible, there may be ways of mitigating a VAT hit.
  4.  Assuming that all transactions with overseas customers are VAT free. There is no “one size fits all” treatment for cross border transactions. There are different rules for goods and services and a vast array of different rules for different services. The increase in trading via the internet has only added to the complexity in this area, and with new technology only likely to increase the rate of new types of supply it is crucial to consider the implications of tax; in the UK and elsewhere.
  5.  Leaving VAT planning to the last minute. VAT is time sensitive and it is not usually possible to plan retrospectively. Once an event has occurred it is normally too late to amend any transactions or structures. VAT shouldn’t wag the commercial dog, but failure to deal with it at the right time may be either a deal-breaker or a costly mistake.
  6.  Getting the option to tax wrong. Opting to tax is one area of VAT where a taxpayer has a choice. This affords the possibility of making the wrong choice, for whatever reasons. Not opting to tax when beneficial, or opting when it is detrimental can hugely impact on the profitability of a project. Not many businesses can carry the cost of, say, not being able to recover VAT on the purchase of a property, or not being able to recover input tax on a big refurbishment. Additionally, seeing expected income being reduced by 20% will usually wipe out any profit in a transaction.
  7.  Not realising a business is partly exempt. For a business, exemption is a VAT cost, not a relief. Apart from the complexity of partial exemption, a partly exempt business will not be permitted to reclaim all of the input tax it incurs and this represents an actual cost. In fact, a business which only makes exempt supplies will not be able to VAT register, so all input tax will be lost. There is a lot of planning that may be employed for partly exempt businesses and not taking advantage of this often creates additional VAT costs.
  8.  Relying on the partial exemption standard method to the business’ disadvantage. A partly exempt business has the opportunity to consider many methods to calculate irrecoverable input tax. The default method, the “standard method” often provides an unfair and costly result. I recommend that any partly exempt business obtains a review of its activities from a specialist. I have been able to save significant amounts for clients simply by agreeing an alternative partial exemption method with HMRC.
  9.  Not taking advantage of the available reliefs. There are a range of reliefs available, if one knows where to look. From Bad Debt Relief, Zero Rating (VAT nirvana!) and certain de minimis limits to charity reliefs and the Flat Rate Scheme, there are a number of easements and simplifications which could save a business money and reduce administrative and time costs.
  10.  Forgetting the impact of the Capital Goods Scheme (CGS). The range of costs covered by this scheme has been expanded recently. Broadly, VAT incurred on certain expenditure is required to be adjusted over a five or ten year period. Failure to recognise this could either result in assessments and penalties, or a position whereby input tax has been under-claimed. The CGS also “passes on” when a TOGC occurs, so extra caution is necessary in these cases.

So, you may ask: “How do I make sure that I avoid these VAT pitfalls?” – And you would be right to ask.

Of course, I would recommend that you engage a VAT specialist to help reduce the exposure to VAT costs!

VAT: The tax gap was £35bn in 2019/20

By   17 September 2021

HMRC has published details of the tax gap for 2019/20. This is the gap between the expected tax that should be paid to HMRC and what is actually paid. The headline was that the tax gap was 5.3%. which represents an estimated £35 billion.

Total tax liabilities for the year were £674 billion.

What is the tax gap?

The tax gap is the difference between the amount of tax that should, in theory, be paid to HMRC, and what is actually paid.

Why is it measured?

The tax gap provides tool for understanding the relative size and nature of non-compliance. This understanding can be applied in many different ways:

  • it provides a foundation for HMRC’s strategy – considering the tax gap helps the government to understand how non-compliance occurs and how it can be addressed
  • the analysis provides insight into which strategies are most effective at reducing the tax gap
  • it provides important information which helps HMRC understand its long-term performance
  • provides information to the public on tax compliance, creating greater transparency in the tax system.

Why is there a tax gap?

The tax gap arises for a number of reasons. Some taxpayers make simple errors in calculating the tax that they owe, despite their best efforts, while others don’t take enough care when they submit their returns. Legal interpretation, evasion, avoidance and criminal attacks on the tax system also result in a tax gap.


Around £3.7 billion of the gap is estimated to be due to error and £3 billion due to the hidden economy.

The tax gap for wealthy individuals fell from £1.6 billion in 2018/19 to £1.5 billion in 2019/20

£15.1 billion of the gap is attributed to small businesses and £6.1 billion is attributed to large businesses, with £5 billion attributed to medium-sized firms.

Taxpayers paid more than £633.4 billion in tax during 2019/20, an increase of more than £100 billion since 2015/16, when the total revenue paid was £532.5 billion.

The tax gap for Income Tax, National Insurance contributions and Capital Gains Tax is 3.5% in 2019 to 2020 at £12.6 billion which represents the largest share of the total tax gap by type of tax.


The VAT gap was estimated to be £12.3 billion in tax year 2019 to 2020. This equates to 8.4% of net VAT total theoretical liability.

The VAT gap has increased from 7.0% in tax year 2018 to 2019 to 8.4% in 2019 to 2020. Growth in VAT receipts (1.8%) was slower than the growth in the net VAT total theoretical liability (3.3%).


HMRC estimate that the causes of the tax gap are:

  • Failure to take reasonable care £6.7bn 19%
  • Legal interpretation £5.8bn 16%
  • Evasion £5.5bn 15%
  • Criminal attacks £5.2bn 15%
  • Non-payment £4bn 11%
  • Error £3.7bn 10%
  • Hidden economy £3bn 8%
  • Avoidance £1.5bn 4%


Tax gap by taxpayer groups:

  • Small businesses £15.1bn 43%
  • Large businesses £6.1bn 17%
  • Criminals £5.2bn 15%
  • Mid-sized businesses £5.0bn 14%
  • Individuals £2.6bn 7%
  • Wealthy £1.5bn 4%

The impact on the tax gap from the coronavirus lockdowns and economic downturn is likely to be first seen in the 2020/21 figures, which will be released next year. It will also be interesting to see how the fallout from Brexit is covered (if at all).

Autumn Budget – date announced

By   13 September 2021

HM Treasury has announced that government spending plans will be set out at the Spending Review on 27 October 2021 alongside an Autumn Budget.

The Spending Review will set out the plan for how public spending will be carried out over the next three years.

VAT: New rules for Uncertain Tax Treatments

By   7 September 2021

The government have released draft legislation and guidance in respect of Uncertain Tax Treatments (UTT). In addition to VAT, this legislation also covers; corporation tax, income tax and PAYE.

Who is affected?

Large businesses with a:

  • turnover of more than £200 million per annum
  • balance sheet total over £2 billion


A business must notify HMRC in cases of UTT where the tax advantage of the treatment is £5 million or more in a twelve-month period.

Start date

The new rules will be introduced from 1 April 2022.


There are three triggers for notification:

  1. Provision made in the accounts

The amount relates to a transaction which a provision has been made in the accounts, in accordance with GAAP, to reflect the probability that a different tax treatment will be applied to the transaction

2. HMRC’s known interpretation of the law

Reliance was placed on an interpretation or application of the law that is different to HMRC’s known interpretation or application.

3. Substantial possibility amount would be found to be incorrect

It is reasonable to anticipate that, if a court were to consider the way in which the amount was arrived at, there is a substantial possibility that the treatment would be found to be incorrect.

Tax advantage

The definition of tax advantage for VAT is:

  • Less output tax is accounted for or is accounted for later, than would otherwise be the case
  • If there is an input tax claim which would otherwise not be obtained; a larger claim, or a claim earlier than would otherwise be the case
  • If input tax is recovered as a recipient of a supply before the supplier accounts for the output tax; the period between the time when the input tax is recovered or the time when the output tax is accounted for is greater than would otherwise be the case
  • The amount of non-deductible tax is less than it otherwise would be
  • An obligation to account for VAT is avoided


There are exemptions from notification. For VAT, exemption will apply where it is reasonable to conclude that HMRC is already aware of the information which would otherwise be required to be notified or in circumstances where a business has previously requested clearance and where HMRC agrees with the proposed treatment.


The penalty for failure to make a notification will be £5k initially, £25k for a second failure and £50k for a third failure within a three-year period. There will be an opportunity to advance a reasonable excuse argument to avoid a penalty.

VAT: Fraudster ordered to pay £37 million

By   5 August 2021

Latest from the courts

A high level fraudster who skipped his trial and fled to Dubai has been ordered to pay more than £37 million. Failure to do so will result in ten years in prison. He played a major role in this missing trader fraud (MTIC) which involves the theft of Value Added Tax from HMRC. He was part of a conspiracy to use a network of companies and a huge number of transactions to cover up the theft of VAT.

Adam Umerji, 43, was convicted in his absence of offences of conspiracy to cheat the government’s revenue and conspiracy to transfer criminal property, in a prosecution conducted by the CPS Specialist Fraud Division after a complex criminal investigation by HMRC.


Missing trader fraud (also called missing trader intra-community fraud or MTIC fraud) involves the theft of VAT from a government by fraudsters who exploit VAT rules, most commonly the EU rules which provide that the movement of goods between Member States is VAT free. There are different variations of the fraud but they generally involve a trader charging VAT on the sale of goods and absconding with the VAT (instead of paying the VAT to the government’s taxation authority). The term “missing trader” is used because the fraudster has gone missing with the VAT.

A common form of missing trader fraud is carousel fraud. In carousel fraud, VAT and goods are passed around between companies and jurisdictions.

VAT: Land and property exemptions

By   5 August 2021

Further to my article on VAT: Land and property simplification and HMRC’s call for evidence the ICAEW has reiterated its call for all VAT land and property exemptions to be abolished and recommends the removal of all VAT options.

ICAEW also concludes that following the UK’s departure from the EU the government is in the best position since the introduction of VAT to thoroughly review the structure of the tax.

ICAEW also suggests that all land and property transactions should subject to VAT at either the standard rate or reduced rate, other than those relating to domestic property which should remain zero rated. This approach would remove many of the complexities of the current regime, it concludes.


This is one area of the tax that is crying out for simplification and the case put forward by ICAEW has its merits. In my view, the Government should go further and review many complexities of the tax. As one example, the rules in respect of the sale of food products is ridiculously complex and produces odd and unexpected outcomes. Also, other exemptions would benefit from reconsideration, particularly financial services and insurance, but I suspect that the current government has a lot on its plate, much of it of its own making.