Tag Archives: VAT-mobile-homes

VAT: Zero-rating for residential caravans

By   16 September 2024

HMRC have issued guidance in relation to The Value Added Tax (Caravans) Order 2024. This will come into force on 30 September 2024.

Since 2013 caravans that meet certain size criteria and are manufactured to meet BSI standard 3632 are considered to be residential caravans. Such residential caravans are the only caravans that qualify for zero rate VAT.

The BSI standard in place on 6 April 2013 was BS3632:2005. In 2015 when the BSI updated the standard, the updated reference to BS3632:2015 was added into the legislation. This standard was updated again in 2023, so the legislation needed to be updated in order to maintain the zero rate for residential caravans. The amended legislation provides for the continuation of the zero rate, which will also apply to caravans meeting any updated version of BS3632 published by the BSI in the future.


The Statutory Instrument amends The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 9, item 1, which applies zero-rating to caravans manufactured to any version of BS3632. The effect of this is to extend the zero-rate to caravans manufactured to the 2023 version of BS3632 and also to ensure that if the BSI updates BS3632 in future the zero rate is maintained.

It also makes a consequential amendment to item 1(b) of Group 9, to preserve the zero rate for second-hand caravans occupied before 6 April 2013.

Definition of a caravan

The term ‘caravan’ is not defined in the VAT legislation. In practice HMRC bases its interpretation on the definitions in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravans Sites Act 1968.

A caravan is a structure that:

  • is designed or adapted for human habitation
  • when assembled, is physically capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed or by being transported on a motor vehicle so designed or adapted)
  • is no more than:
    • 20 metres long (exclusive of any drawbar)
    • 6.8 metres wide
    • 3.05 metres high (measured internally from the floor at the lowest level to the ceiling at the highest level)

More information on the VAT liabilities if various caravans here.