Tag Archives: VAT-MTD

Making Tax Digital for VAT – extra revenue calculated

By   21 March 2022

HMRC has published research which evaluates the impact of the introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT.

The report sets out that an additional circa £185 million of tax has been collected, according to its data. This is compared to the original estimate which was that an additional amount of £115 million of VAT would be received by the department.

For businesses above the registration threshold, the estimated additional tax revenue due to MTD is an average of £57 per business. This represents a 0.9% increase from the average amount estimated had the businesses not used MTD. HMRC says that this research provides “strong evidence that Making Tax Digital is achieving its objective of reducing the tax gap by reducing the amount of errors made when filing tax returns”.

MTD background

MTD aims to reduce the tax gap by helping businesses pay the right amount of tax. The tax gap is the difference between the theoretical amount of tax that should be paid and the actual tax receipts. The difference is caused by several reasons including avoidance, evasion, and calculation errors or failure to take reasonable care when filing returns.

MTD is intended to tackle the part of the tax gap which is caused by error and failure to take reasonable care. Businesses are required to keep records in digital form and file their VAT returns using software that directly extracts information from these digital records. This should improve accuracy and remove opportunities to make certain types of mistakes in preparing and submitting tax returns, particularly arithmetical and transposition errors.


All is not sweetness and light though. HMRC has been slammed by The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee which published a report that said that MTD for VAT cost far more than was predicted in HMRC’s impact assessments. The Committee also criticised HMRC, saying it “inadequately considered the needs and concerns of smaller businesses” and that HMRC has neglected its duty to support small businesses through the implementation of the controversial measures, suggesting it “will make life even more difficult” for them. In addition, the Committee said it “remained unconvinced” of the government’s logic used to justify the speed and rigidity with which the programme was being introduced.

A VAT did you know?

By   27 November 2020

Bye bye old VAT returns.

HMRC has revealed that it will retire the existing VAT online filing system for VAT 100 forms from April 2021.

From that date, only the MTD method is possible and the original (the XML submission where a business logs into the HMRC portal) will be discontinued.